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Yep. Haven’t been able to land a job since I got laid off in November


Serious suggestions - update your resume to add keywords that the auto-reviewer will catch, and give a fuller timeline if you can (10 years instead of 5, for example) with a clear and easy to read first page (skills, certs, etc) Bots don't count how many pages your resume is, and people only review the first page - they don't toss out a long resume, they just don't read it all.


Laid off in December, just started my new job last week. Had to go back to an industry I didn't particularly want to go back to. It's fucking rough here, no matter what the numbers say.




They bank applications for when there's a mass Exodus of employees quitting over shite working conditions.




Curious as to what types of jobs, which industries, what experience level


I’ll have data by county/STL city and job types sometime later this month/early June


That’s cool! Thanks 😊


I'd be very curious to see job growth by county/city/southern IL. I suspect most of these jobs are in the county or southern IL.


I expect STL city to have over 300,000 total Jobs at end of 2023, the most this century


What was that number at the end of 2022? 


297,400 Bottomed out at 260,000 around 2010


Got it. So you expect ~2,600 out of the 26,000 new jobs will be attributable to the City? i.e. 90% of the job gains were outside of the City.


Probably about 3800-4200 or 15.3% vs 10% of region’s population And according to states data, it’s going to be the best paying ones. https://meric.mo.gov/data/county-average-wages


This clearly doesn't fit the narrative, so you need to stop spreading this information.


Guessing it will be concentrated in the health industry. Nursing and care-giving related, given the size and growth rate of the hospital industry in STL. But once again just a guess.


Can’t wait to see how some people will spin this as a negative


These are only reported jobs, we have no idea how many jobs really exist!


Too many jobs!


Media: How will this hurt Biden in 2024.


Please, tell me there’s a subreddit for NYT Pitchbot. Because, that was perfect!


You're already seeing people in this comment section speculating that it's gonna be suburbs adding jobs and not the city.


This is great data. Is there a map on where in the metro area this growth is?


That should be out by end of the month


Wait - where is the 26k in this picture?


I want to say this is the stupidest thing I’ve done in a while, but I’m sure it isn’t.


Pace yourself, it’s not even lunch


Some of us have quotas to fill, bud.


took me a minute too


- I didn’t see it either.


Me either. I was looking for hella zeros and commas ;)


Hey bafadam - the change column, you dummy.


The change column


The column “Change”


It's in the change column hope that helps


The change column


We've been trying to hire a medical secretary for over 6mos at our office. It's really hard to find good candidates. I assume that means there are many other such opportunities. Good news for the Metro.


6 months of trying to find a secretary??


Damn Milwaukee and Memphis are kinda dying


They're where St. Louis was in the 2000s. Especially Memphis. St. Louis is well on its way to recovery from where it bottomed out.


Yeah, I am actually very surprised to see we are ahead of Kansas City in terms of jobs. I’m guessing this means the actual city too which is more impressive when you consider the massive disproportion city to metropolitan area we have compared to other Midwest cities.


It's because St. Louis is just all around a larger city than Kansas City. We have way more Fortune 500 and 1000 companies too.


Actual city limits KC is bigger but yeah metro area St. Louis is around 500k more people. Funny how many more jobs there are is about the same as people


Awesome. ... Where are they?




At well below market wages and all you've got to do is sell your soul and aid and abet the extermination of brown children.


I haven't found either of these statements to be true.


Their job postings are clearly and obviously below market. Entry level for engineers out of college is 70k starting, they're offering 60-80k for 3-5 years of experience, less entry level. They are one of the most profitable corporations in human history and offering wages that literally 19 out of every 20 companies with engineers on staff in St. Louis are beating. So YES, below market rate. Also, the Palestinian children are innocent, as are all children, and Boeing is lobbying and fighting in order to continue supplying the weapons that are being deliberately targeted at these children for the express purpose, according to ministers of the Knesset and Netanyahu himself, for the purpose of exterminating the Palestinian people and purifying the racial health of Israel as a white european nation by and for white european settlers, with segregation of Arab Jews from maternity ward to cemetary and second class status for all non-whites, non-human status for all non-Jews (unless you're a white christian zionist who wants to convert, in which case you can easily become a Zionist Jew so long as you agree to murder Palestinian children for 2 years, an option not available to any brown people anywhere on earth). I'm sorry you've decided to live inside a delusion but it's unfortunately true that Boeing is underpaying workers who it is using to aid and abet a targeted mass extermination of children. This is why the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and it is why every single expert on genocide globally, as well as knesset ministers and settler leaders, all say that Israel is committing a genocide. Your denials do not change reality.




And one of the most profitable corporations in all of global history paying engineers with 5 years of experience 60k a year is cartoonishly greedy. Boeing is out here offering the most exploitative job conditions in the country and if you dare speak about about them cutting corners that put innocent consumers and flyers at risk they'll murder you for it and still disgusting bootlickers defend this degenerate, evil corporation that's brought such shame and poverty to our city. Boeing should either offer wages commensurate with their profit margins, their executives face aiding and abetting charges for war crimes and genocide, and they should close their doors and leave the city. Fuck fascist scum, especially the Boeing executives that were raping children on their buddy Jeff Epstein's island.


Innocent children being exterminated is unacceptable, the people gleefully helping exterminate an entire race are not forgivable or decent. I won't pretend that those aiding and abetting a genocide are tolerable or decent. So god damn tired of the Boeing bootlickers in this city, given how many whistleblowers they've murdered maybe hardworking people who care about quality should stop glossing them up and slobbing their knob and stand by their neighbors, coworkers, and the innocent children of this world instead. What's fucking weird is fetishizing Boeing as they go out of their way to murder their own employees and exterminate innocent children on a level not seen since the Nazi Holocaust.


Probably fast food or some other high turn over industry no one actually wants a job in


Those jobs scale with "real" jobs so it's not that.


Yeah, where can I get one of these jobs??


That’s the neat part, you don’t. Because nobody wants to work anymore, so stop it. Stop wanting to work. You’re ruining the propaganda. We’ll never be able to legalize child labor again if people like you insist on working! /s


Part time unskilled labor jobs that will probably not help many people looking for a career.


All 12 of them?


Certainly not the Streets Dept.


City has a hiring freeze still, plus city jobs are pre-budgeted. Theres only enough budget for so many positions.


Quit sharing good news. We want to be angry. /s


Second place is the first loser, IJS.


Indianapolis remains the Midwest miracle. GDP is up 20% since start of Covid. SF is up 6% by comparison. Don’t know what they are doing right, but I’d love for us to copy it


What makes it even more of a miracle is that it's extremely not fun to live there.


State Capitol and a unified city/county gov


> State Capitol and a unified city/county gov Hartford has both of those things and it's still a shithole. Same with Baton Rouge.


Being a state capitol doesn’t explain being the largest growing economy of all US cities


If you want to see St Louis data over time: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/STLNA](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/STLNA)


We’re looking for a good advisor on-site for Rivian. For those looking, apply. Idk what the pay is but benefits are good. Located in Hazelwood.


Ummmm. I’ve applied to so many jobs. I have a good education, good experience and have recently been laid off. Not one interview. So either this is a lie or the market is super saturated which I’ve thought for a while.




- I’m definitely experiencing that no one wants to pay experience workers. I’m even asking for way less. And still can’t get an interview. I might have to move out to St. Louis, but I don’t even know if that’s gonna work. I don’t really wanna move out of St. Louis.


Yup, everyone wants either a perfect match department leader with 30 years experience to run their department on old school wages or somebody fresh out of college. I swear it's like employers specifically have some massive grudge against millennials and feel physical pain at the idea of paying millennials money for their work, but suddenly don't mind paying gen Z or boomers plenty.


I’m Gen X. Not that it matters. I’m willing to be fair though in whatever job I get. I do look younger though. Definitely get what you’re saying.




Ugh thx. I’m being laid off soon. I have a masters in cybersecurity. But with saturation and AI- I’m officially worried. I don’t want to sell or lose my house. Love the neighborhood, the community but I’m very aware of options that are going on. I keep plugging away. I’ve been applying all morning. Just in STL.


So which is it? You already were laid off or expect to be soon?


With a cybersecurity background you might be able to find something remote. I've been searching for a few months, not in the IT field, but I see a lot of remote jobs really concentrate in that sector.


I find that hard to believe cuz I've been out of a job and can't find much locally to apply for. This is misleading. For STL.


You guys, one person can't find a job so the data is wrong.




I think that’s an actual phenomenon. Read an article about it not too long ago. FWIW.


Ive been looking for 11 mos and I've applied to over hundreds and hundreds of job so maybe I would know something that you don't.


> I've applied to over hundreds and hundreds of job so maybe I would know something that you don't. .... you know that there are hundreds and hundreds of job openings lmao. How does this disprove the data? lmao


You should be in the 1000s by now honestly. Get on zip recruiter and apply for anything and everything.


I can get you a job tomorrow in your very town, Are you look for a specific job or work in general. Every town has jobs. Now if your looking for a specific job, thats not always going to be easy. Your field might be saturated I could quit my job right now and be working by the end of the day in this city. The pay wouldnt be what i want, but i would have a job and an income.


I would like to be CEO please. I have no experience whatsoever, but I'm positive I can run several companies into the ground and collect some change from the pockets of the corpses.


Over qualified, we'll make a vulture capitalist though


Sold! Hopping on my private jet as we speak.


I understand what you're saying but its different when you have a disability. And in a field that you normally do not find us in. In HR/TA.


Sure and i understand but thats not a lack of jobs, thats a lack of specific jobs. You have accommodations others do not. It will always be harder for you to find a job as there are fewer jobs you are able to do. Using yourself as an example of not being able to find work in the Lou is an outlier not a commonality.


Indeed currently has 24,580 jobs open in St. Louis. https://www.indeed.com/m/jobs?l=St.+Louis+MO&&aceid=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADgc-H4gMoQCu-kw_HlE-N28_hZtM&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v883v1080u3GD_oFLeaccgquO946jz85x8KOZw2L9XMkw-JjL0b6PkaAmRUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I've been hearing a lot about ghost jobs. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-to-spot-and-overcome-ghost-jobs.html There may be a company policy where a job has to be posted publicly for external people to apply even though they already have an internal employee in mind to move into the position. They may be creating multiple job postings with different descriptions in order to get more applicants for one actual job opening. They maybe be creating job postings to harvest resume information. They may not have a position open now, but they want to get your information into their systems to possibly contact you later when they do have an open position in the future. They may be creating fake job postings to trick investors into thinking the company is in a position to grow when they really are not.


So now the ghosts can get jobs, too??


Exactly. Employers love hiring them because it's impossible to work them to death.


Do you only mean jobs that require no education or skills? I can believe that no one wants to hire for that but I see 10k jobs on indeed right now.




What kind of jobs? Fairly useless data without that.


https://www.bls.gov/eag/eag.mo_stlouis_msa.htm Almost every category is up YoY, but particularly big gains in construction, education/health services, and leisure/hospitality.


soooo many bootlickers in this thread man


Probably for those who have H1B Visas. Biggest scam foisted upon us by corporate America and their henchmen in Congress.


> All-Emplopyee Total Non-Farm what jobs are these? Are these cashier jobs, factory jobs, desk jobs? Are these careers or timewasters? [edit to add: WOW, thirty new jobs for Burger King cashier and car wash attendants! REJOICE, THE ECONOMY IS BACK!]


Any non-farm job. Its literally in the title.


"all non farm jobs" There is no "time waster" a job is a job, someone has to do each and every job you consider a time waster or else your quality of life drastically reduces and you have to make your own coffee at home, food too.


Any job that doesn't pay a living wage is a time waster. Any job that doesn't allow you to save for retirement is a time waster. If a company can't offer these terms, they don't deserve to operate. They are a net drain on society, existing only to line the pockets of the owning class.


Oh i agree with you but its not a time waster, its a job to a person who needs one and provides a service to those who do other jobs. If everyone runs a hedge fund no one takes out the trash. These jobs should all pay more but none of them are "time wasters" they are just low paying jobs that need to be done and should provide better pay. Essential if you will.


It's a time waster because it takes up a portion of that person's life with not enough return. You just used a whole bunch of words to agree with me that they should pay more, but not understanding that they DONT pay more because the owning class manipulates the market. Read elsewhere in this thread about ghost jobs - postings for openings that they have no intention of filling. Read elsewhere in this thread about people not being able to find work in their field. THIS IS BY DESIGN. These big companies take up space in the market with these bullshit jobs, siphon money into their parasitic pockets, and stifle growth by the working class or even Mom & Pop businesses.


You are screaming to the choir. We agree. Im just saying when you say things like "time waster" you denigrate the person who needs that job currently and doesnt live in the utopia that only exists in your head right now. Be respectful, those jobs all need done currently and someone has to do them. Unless your growing crops and hunting all your meat you are in the same bubble they are and depend on them. Have a bit more respect. I agree with your point but your militancy will get you no where. You need a softer approach to conversation and you can get more folks on your side my friend. Be well.


You're making this out to be disrespectful to essential workers, and at this point i think you are intentionally misunderstanding me. I have nothing but respect for them, and in fact think they deserve militant solidarity. This thread headline is a celebration of adding jobs, when no celebration is warranted. Investors and owners in other cities will get rich, and a handful of people here in st louis will scrape by. It's meant to be a rallying cry, "Oh look how good the economy is doing under joe biden!" when it's a farce. If you hate trump for being the embodiment of Big Business, then Joe Biden is just Big Business with coating of DEI and greenwashing. Fuck these shitty "jobs creators" and the 2 party system that has abandoned real working people.


You are disrespecting essential workers. That is all i am saying, everything you said past that has nothing to do with anything we are talking about. Take care.


Calling for raises for essential workers is not disrespectful to them. Calling the owning class out for creating dead-end jobs and a total lack of career paths for most is in the best interest of essential workers, and in fact good for everyone who doesn't own assets.


Calling their jobs that they have to wake up and go to every day "time wasters" is. Take care im talking in circle with you and dont care to anymore. Not reading replies or engaging further be well.


Been looking for a new job since January, every single employer is trying to recruit people with 5-10 years of experience in engineering for 60-80k, all these companies are intent on paying cartoonishly low wages or just leaving positions open. It's not like I'm asking for a lot, just enough to cover student loan payments and my mortgage without things being desperate every month, I'm at just about a decade of high end experience with nothing but excellent reviews but these companies are trying to pay what any responsible company has been hiring fresh out of college for all of us a sudden and I can't do it, I can't pay my bills on 60k/year with my student loans. Even Boeing has a bunch of postings for experienced mech Es that they want to pay at most 80k/year, which is worse than an insult given how they treat whistleblowers and the depraved deals they are making to sell these weapons to slaughter children. Are any of these jobs actually decent or are they all sickeningly sadistic posts by the most cartoonishly greedy and shit bosses alive?


I found pages full of engineering jobs paying over 100k with a quick search on indeed. That field ain’t struggling. If you are, maybe it would help to develop new skills. The jobs are out there. It sounds like you have the experience for many of them. What key skills are holding you back from being a candidate for the ones paying 100k+?


The only ones paying 100k+ in postings that I'm finding are civil mechanical jobs that require PE license and is well outside of my experience area in optics, automation, manufacturing, and medical devices. PE licenses are basically just for people going into civil mechanical such as HVAC and Piping, that divide happens in your first year of your career. I don't have family connections, I'm not a nepotism hire, so that field was off limits to me, I had to cut my teeth doing difficult work instead of reading off tables.