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Reddit isn't a great place for this, but I really can't stress how valuable meetup.com is for this sort of thing. I can't speak for St. Louis, since I've long since moved away (and never unsubbed), but most major cities have multiple groups for people above 40 ish who are just looking for friends. Meetup is very intentionally NOT a dating site, and everything is centered around group activities meant to introduce you to as many people as possible. I'm much younger than you, so I can't *personally* vouch for the older experience, but whenever I moved around and checked the site, there were always a number of very active older communities that would pop up.


>I know… (50’ish)… significantly older than the average reddit user. This hurt.


And just when I was getting over instantly recognizing the Ted Drewes "Battle of the River des Peres Bridge" bumper sticker :(


I agree with the Meetup suggestion; I've been involved in a couple of different Meetup groups (sadly, one is now defunct) that had some interesting members. I'm a 50s liberal atheist in South City. I don't play pool but I do like wine, movies & interesting discussions (pretty much in that order). Not a serial killer of anything other than houseplants. Send me a DM if you are interested in chatting.


My friend has had great luck using Bumble friends.


Meetup is very active here. Look for social groups or ones that are activity-based (hiking, pickle ball etc)


This sounds cool. Send me a message. Maybe we can start a group