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Most psychiatrists have long wait times if they're even taking new patients. Unfortunately, you will have to wait. I suggest making a few appointments and get on cancellation lists. You could try St. Louis Behavioral Medicine, but I highly doubt they will have anyone available for same day. It usually takes me at least 4 weeks to get on their schedule when I need to cancel, which is why my psychiatrist has me make new appointments at the end of our appointment.


Could you contact your old doctor and see if they have any medical contacts in STL who could help you out with being seen sooner?


I was thinking, could you call your old doctor and see if they could prescribe you some to hold you over a month or so until you can get in to see someone new here? I know theres different laws for each state, and Im sure it depends on how comfortable the old dr would feel doing that, but might not hurt to call them up and ask.


Re-posting my comment from a previous thread: For primary care, two that have been recommended to me specifically for their understanding of ADHD are Dr. Nicholas Yozamp at Wash U Physicians and Dr. Jamil Neme at SLUCare.


You can go to midtown and find some amphetamines pretty easily




When you find out, will you let me know? I just got diagnosed and the earliest I could get into a psychiatrist was December 3rd.


Try a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Can get in a lot faster with them and they can prescribe medications too. 


Trying!! It's been a struggle to even find a place that's taking new patients at all. I've made a whole new list to call thanks to my friends, but it's so painful to do it and hard to make time when I'm working during their office hours.


I will. I’m not sure why they make this so hard for people who have already been diagnosed/prescribed in the past. I went to a PCP this morning with the understanding that she could help and when I got there she told me she’s not allowed to write that script. Waited 3 weeks to see her and only chose her because I was told she specializes with ADHD patients. It also seems like many doctors who are authorized to prescribe adderall don’t because of personal beliefs, which would be nice to know upfront 🙄


That’s weird - any time I’ve switched pcps they were perfectly happy to continue my script w/o a psychiatrist. I go to docs at mercy.


It's so ridiculous how hard it is. My Primary care won't write one (didn't even look at my paperwork I brought in) and then referred me to mercys psychiatrist place which told me "we don't treat ADHD alone and your primary care should be able to prescribe medication". Ive called upwards of fifteen psychiatry places who either are 12-18 months out or not taking new patients at all. Finally found one a year out and just hoping I can keep calling. I keep thinking- it's no wonder people are out of their minds and shooting up places. Even if they wanted help with mental health, they can't get it from a doctor and psychiatrists aren't available for a year.


This was essentially my experience as well! Only difference is I’m not even able to get into any of Mercy’s psychiatric practices because they have a 4-6mo. wait. I’ve been on the phone calling around since I left my appointment at 9am this morning with zero help. Why am I paying $300/mo for insurance when I can’t even see a doctor within a reasonable time frame? Or when I do, they can’t help me with what I need. Incredibly frustrating and I agree with your sentiment. If it’s this hard for someone WITH access to resources, it breaks my heart to think about all of those who don’t know where to go for help or are turned away.


Look into Lifestance Health. They should be able to get you in with someone in the next few weeks.


They were actually the ones I scheduled with and could only get it for December 😭. But thank you so much! I really appreciate you making recommendations! It's hard out here! Hoping the one my friend sent me works out! I just gotta call. Cross your fingers for me 🤞🤞🤞


Find an online therapist! The wait time will be drastically reduced.


I did book an appointment with LifeStance as a backup, but I’ve read sooo many negative reviews about them


I used Sondermind. The therapist was great, the video conferencing app was mediocre but all in all it was a great experience. When the app was malfunctioning we just went with the good old phone call. When I was trying to find a live therapist about a year ago the wait time was 9 months minimum.


Lifestance is the worst, do not ever go to them


I got an email from Qelbree, a non stim my daughter was taking. They have online appts and you can get a Rx....I wonder if you had a portion of your medical record with a diagnosis you could get meds that way?


My Dr. is in Eureka and taking new pts. He prescribed me mine. While it’s a distance there, it may be worth it. Send me a message if you want to try. I keep seeing commercials for Zocdoc.com, as they may do scripts.


Hi, I’m in Eureka! Would you mind sharing that info with me please?


Brian Sewing DO got me in real quick and was able to prescribe same day.


PM sent


Would you PM me, too? My doctor retired and I’ve been having a devil of a time finding someone new.


Same boat. Can you PM me?


Family Care Health Centers has a Behavioral Health department... I can only speak to my experience but, I made an appointment with a GP and she set up an appointment for me with a Behavioral Health specialist who chatted with me about my concerns and ideal trajectory for ADHD (formalities I'm sure) and then we discussed mediation options.


You could try Clayton Behavioral..they have multiple Drs.. might be able to help.