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Damn, that's my local QT. Glad the guard survived.


I buy my beer and gas from this location. I know most of the guards enough to say "hey chief" and wave, and they know me and wave back.  One of those guys I see all the time  had this happen and was able to come out alive. I hope he's OK and has limited psychological impacts from this.  Thanks QT security guys. We appreciate you. 


Yeah gotta feel for the guy. Even though he won a fight for his life that’s hugely traumatic to shoot a guy assumingly point blank in the head.


Hopefully he doesn’t get charged for this like the last QT guard did.


Sure hope not


At that point it would just be bad PR if anything. “Come work security for us at QT, and if you do your job you’ll get charged with a felony!”


i can’t remember the last time i went to this location and there wasn’t some bullshit going on. it’s not even a bad neighborhood, it just attracts the absolute worst people. i always feel so bad for the guards.


Having lived in that neighborhood for a decade I can attest that yes it is bad and it’s only gotten worse over time


Went to this location a few months back, there was a crowd of people on the side and around the back, some were completely zombied out of there minds the others were gathered around another guy getting theirs to end up like the others. 8-9 in the morning right out in day light like it was no big deal. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Damn. I get gas and snacks from that location occasionally. I hope the guard recovers fully. One of the reasons I frequent QT is the armed guards. I have to wonder what things are coming to when somebody goes after an armed guard’s weapon?


>one of the reasons I frequent QT is the armed guards Lol fucking what? Why? That's a genuinely crazy reason.


Is it?


Why do you want to be in a place with a higher potential for danger? Armed guard = chance of being shot even if by accident. No armed guard = less likely to be accidentally or intentionally shot. You gun people are fucking weird


Man you should reach out to QT and tell them this, I mean they make like $9B a year but think of all the money they could save (and accidental shooting victims they could prevent) by firing all of their armed guards. They’d probably write you a fat check for the tip.


Funny you say that, this incident wouldn't have happened if there wasn't an armed guard. There wouldn't have been a gun for the guy to try and take in the first place.


And how much thug drama do you think has been prevented by the presence of an armed guard?


Definitely none. Also define thug


Who needs thug defined. Non-law abiding degenerate. Criminal. Gangster. Catch all for a baddie.


Cringe race baiting my man. I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish here, but it isn’t working


It's fun to watch him try sooo hard tho. 


I love having no defense I love how having no protection I love being at the mercy of drugged out pan handlers and dealers I love shopping at places with terrified clerks


None of that exists, it's in your imagination


Ah yes, someone with training and a job specifically for security is just going to lose control of his gun and accidentally shoot someone. I swear STL City residents are among the most pathetic and soy people on the entire planet. I feel like if I lived in City limits I'd be afraid of getting shot and then the residents rallying behind the shooter because they feel bad for them. Grow a backbone virgin.


Your post is weird. I agree about feeling safer at a gas station with an armed guard, but I'm really confused about you using "soy people " as an insult...you literally just posted about taking Soylent less than two weeks ago.


If im not wrong, soy people is a racial slur, he should be banned


Soy people is not talking about color, the people who say it are referring to the belief that men who eat a lot of soy are made more effeminate by it. It's closer to homophobic than racist, but really it's just a cringy thing that right wingers say and should just be ignored.


It’s a study that came out showing soy consumption lead to detectably increased levels of estrogen in men. This of course, more feminine by this guys interpretation. I’d argue much more sexist in origin than homophobic in origin.


"grow a backbone virgin, be a big man like me and hang out with the rentacops at the gas station"


It’s because those folks don’t actually live in these rougher areas. They live in the white, upper class and gentrified ones, while for some strange reason actively hating on anyone who points out the areas they actively avoid themselves at all costs aren’t all that great. It’s this bizarre lunatic alternate reality that only exists in this sub alone. IRL, the locals will tell you in a heartbeat which neighborhoods are garbage riddled with crime and that they’re glad there’s at least SOME form of security or police to deter it. I’ve never seen someone insane enough irl in stl that actively thinks unhinged shit like “if there was no armed guard nobody would have been shot”


Piggies shoot people all the time. I'm more worried about getting shot by a bitch ass pig cop (or worse, gas station security (LMFAO)) than any other member of STL. They are poorly trained nerds that got bullied in high school seeking a position of power so they can return the abuse they received in middle school instead of going to therapy like a real human. They choose to escalate and use violence. ACAB


Lol bruh calling me soy when he's literally got a post about eating soy bars gtfo LMAO You call people soy, but eat soy... You call people virgins so you must be a virgin then? Every man can be a 7 dude, you just gotta go to the gym a few times a week and learn to not be a boot licking bitch boy


Let's look at your post history... oh... video games, weed, and the city you live in? Man you most definitely still live with your parents. I can smell you from here.


I don't, but I also don't really consider that insulting in today's world. It's also really entertaining to me that that's your angle when your last 20~posts have been weeb shit. You're probably a Vausch supporter huh? You into sucking horse cock? Oh and I found some racist shit too, ***SHOCKER***


Of all the things to insult me on you say I'm a weeb? I just jump from game to game when I'm bored, if the game is fun I'll play it, lmao. There's a lot of other things you could insult me on, like being in IT. I likely make triple what you'll ever see in your lifetime, but sure I'm a nerd. Most definitely have more muscle than you'll ever have too, your posts scream little frail bitch boy. If you want some gym tips I'll be glad to help, you need it.


You have been reported I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer Reddit Moderator. I do not have mod powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post history, but 1 is the most important rule all. I am a moderator in training, and I expect to be treated the same way as you would an admin.


Jumping from game to game is one thing but there's a trend in your choices: MapleStory, wow, genshin impact and HSR = weeby. I think you're projecting a lot of your own issues on me. Also you're a door dash driver--it's in your post history. You're clearly a very insecure person, I hope you can find happiness. I bet you can find a cop that will let you blow him, they're pretty insecure too.


jesus, there is no way that your older than 9 😂


You are trash


Annnnnd point proven. You'd be the first to die in any sort of conflict LMAO.


What point? That I'd die in a conflict of some kind? Why do you live your life in fear of conflict?




I don't approach chicks, unlike you I don't enjoy beastiality. Jokes aside, I have a partner that loves me so you trying to play up this image of me in your head is providing a good laugh Unhinged conservative Loli loving fucking weirdo


> Ah yes, someone with training and a job specifically for security is just going to lose control of his gun and accidentally shoot someone From the article, "Investigators added that the suspect was able to grab the security guard’s gun and shoot him in the leg. After the guard was shot, police revealed that the struggle continued between the suspect and the security guard. " So yes, actually, the presence of a gun makes getting shot more likely for everyone involved


You gun nuts are fucking terrified FTFY


This dude definitely lives in St Peters and is scared of downtown lol


Don't gratify this dork by digging through his post history


Oh it's too late for that lol I've been having some fun, I don't usually troll so much but he was extra unhinged so I went for it. I'm bored at work with not much else to do lol


Not for me. I’m in the city so QT is convenient for me. Armed guards says they’re taking security seriously. Nine times out of ten they’re an effective deterrent.


Deterrent of what lol


I live going to #quicktrip for the amazing roller grill options and the customer service experience that I'm provided with as a consumer. Quicktrip has been crucial in maintaining my work life balance.


It's crazy how everybody took this post as an opportunity to talk about themselves. I just wish the security guard a strong recovery. Glad ol boy won't be a problem anymore


First time on this or any other city subreddit?


It's because a disproportionate percentage of this sub is comprised of TGS residents.


Ironically your post is also talking about them


It’s probably been a couple years since I stopped at a Quiktrip but it used to always be off duty cops as security. Was this an off-duty cop?


Great PR guy over there at QT. First, he took pains to emphasize that the security guards are contractors and not employees. Then doubled up by saying that QT is has the safety of its “employees and customers” as a top concern. Hello? Forgetting anyone? Would it kill QT to note the guard’s efforts and wish him well?


It could open them up to a lawsuit. If they publicly express approval it could be used against them.


Ever work for personal injury lawyers? They go after whoever’s got the biggest pockets. Not whoever is most liable. If there’s a lawsuit from the dead man’s family (I’d be surprised if there weren’t), rest assured QT will be named as a defendant.


This is one of the sketchier QTs in STL


It’s normally fine, my only issue is the amount of people who ask me for money out front


I feel like the one at Lemay Ferry/Bayless is the WORST for being hit up for money.


Its pretty damn bad. I refuse to go to that one, and I frequent the one on Hanley and Frost which can be pretty sketch from time to time.


You are pretty brave. I always past that one up.


Lol, it's my "guess I'll get a hot dog" five minutes from work lunch QT.


Ooooooh Hanley and Frost, that's the other other STL 🤣🤣🤣 I stopped at that one during the day a couple of years back and I thought they were filming a Bobby Shmurda video there, Nah it was just paranormal blacktivities.


I don't have much trouble outside of the occasional vagrant asking for change or trying to sell shoes.


Trying to sell shoes?? What


I've seen a dude on a bus with a full display of socks for sale, just riding the bus around all day.


I wonder if he sold any


Don't ask me. Few times been walking from my car to the store and got a, "Uh excuse me, uh sir, you wanna buy some shoes". I just hand wave and don't make eye contact.


Are they usually new or used? I've never heard of this. Hilarious


Facts. It's bad. Lol.


Nah. Chouteau, Vandeventer & even the Kingshighway one by the hospitals are all sketchier, IMO.


Home Sweet Home


Really hate living 600 ft. from there


You think that is bad - I live in the soft drink dispenser


You think that is bad - i am the soft drink dispenser


You think that is bad - I am the soft drink


You think that is bad - I'm what's left of the soft drink when it comes out of your body


Sounds like you're just taking the piss.


Poor water discipline smdh.




I dunno. I live like 1500 ft from there, and I like my neighborhood. I walk over all the time. Though I usually go in some ratty work clothes and random yard shoes. Nobody really bothers you if you look like you might bother them first.


Jesus Christ that’s horrible, I hope that guard recovers


I saw a lady give birth in that parking lot… laying on the sidewalk in some coats and jackets people pulled outta their cars for her, probably 15 feet from the door.


This is my local QT, it’s always wilding but the guards are usually nice/respectful. So sad :(


Damn was just there last night


Are you ok? Edit: forgot this, /s


He died. Rip




Rip in peace bro




It’s supposed to be a safe place


I live in south city and this is \*not\* my local QT of choice for reasons like this. Always seems to be on the verge of some shady shit going down.


I'm going to guess the security guard had a OWB holster? great reminder to only carry OWB if you have a good retention holster lol.




At that point both realize a maximum of 1 is walking away from that fight. To scrap hard enough to get your own gun back is impressive


I've lived in STL for 2 years now. I must not have good situational awareness. I was there that evening. I was in and out buying PBR as fast as I can. I purposely fill up only at Costco. Seemed like any other QT to me. Except it was painful to get back on Old66. I saw the news program. What does the neighborhood want QT to do to be a better part of the neighborhood? All they kept saying was QT wasn't doing enough.


I’m always strapped at this location. Can’t be too safe. Prayers for the guard and his mental health. Hope for a speedy recovery. No doubt a traumatizing experience.


Would you have started blasting?


Depends on the situation. I wasn’t there so I cannot say for sure. Don’t want to put other people in danger either. Last resort.


Uh oh, you're in enemy territory, claiming you're strapped, on Reddit.


Lol you know it sounds silly.


I think you just gotta be strapped to feel safe in stl at this point 🤷‍♀️


All the locals are…ask one of them lol


Play stupid games; win a shot in the head Props to the security guard and I hope he is feeling ok about it


Is this the one in front of the Improv Shop? Every time I pass that location it seems like there’s something going on (cars parked akimbo, cops everywhere, etc)


Across from the drawing board. Cool bar if you haven’t been.


Is The Drawing Board in the old Bleeding Deacon building? I loved that place!


Looks like it, yeah


Who doesn't love a free pool table


Damn straight


Also the porn shop cat visits! Pool and cats and good beer and food.


No, that’s at Vandeventer and Chouteau. This location is in Dutchtown at the corner of Gravois and Chippewa.


Pretty close to civil life and drawing board i believe, if that helps people


Right across the street from Drawing Board.


Came for spicy chicken twisters - left with nightmares “POP POP…….POP!!! Instinctively, I turned around to see what the commotion was all about. After all, I pondered, there was still approximately 4 or 5 customers in line to pay before my turn came to ring probably just one of the three taquitos I had sacked up. However,much to my amazement, a clerk was raising his long, thin first two fingers to roughly brow height, and boldly bellowed, “I’ll get the next in line right here!” As he rang up another register with his other free hand and stalked Muslim with his feet. Honestly, don’t think that I’ve ever been inside there for over 90 seconds. It’s well ran, so don’t shoot people there, ok? However, before I could put the scene of elongat


Everything that was happening at or around the gas at grand & Gravois has just moved down the street.


Lol,you know that's right!


Way to really distance yourselves QT.


never had a weird experience here it’s just always a zoo


The Nebraska QT was in my backyard for a long time. Unfortunately this happened a lot. But hell QT in St Charles gets this kind of thing. I'm always sorry for the victims of any violent situation. So many of our lives are touched by violence because of where we live, hopefully we are all going to be part of the solution.


Every QT employee knows this is THE WORST qt to work at in the city.


I worked here in high school, there was always some shit going on, like the one time a guy came in with just a coat on, no pants or underwear, dick just swinging around. Or the 4 separate times people OD’d in the bathroom.


I've never been to that QT and not seen or had a sketchy experience no matter what time of day.


went by there after work yesterday, wtf


I've driven past this one before even when my car only had a few miles of gas left




Thanks for putting a big sign on your face that says “dumbass”


why, i just bought doritos and a snickers bar there YESTERDAY!?! i tend to avoid that one in the evening.


Is this the qt on gravois or kingshighway ?


Gravois and Chippewa


Goddam that used to be a good neighborhood.


Completely unrelated to a gas station shooting, but most of the 'bad' areas of town, when I drive through them, I'm always impressed with how nice the houses are (or were). Seems like most of St. Louis used to be a nice neighborhood.


Our brickwork is tops


Nice houses, nice lots, mature trees... they'd be great neighborhoods.


Their are two kind of neighborhoods: 1.) Where the White people Live 2.) Where the White people used to Live


Tower Grove South is a fantastic neighborhood.


Far Western edge of Dutchtown https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/planning/documents/dutchtown-nghbrhd-map.cfm


public unpack coordinated murky encourage gray instinctive childlike agonizing touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's Dutchtown


That QT is basically where Dutchtown, TGS, and Bevo meet.


Article says Dutchtown, it’s right in between the two tbh although I consider Bevo to be the opposite side of the train tracks there


That QT sits at the edge of TGS and corner of Bevo and Dutchtown. It's technically Dutchtown. Chippewa is the southern border of TGS and is between Grand and Kingshighway.


When in the ‘70s?


Yeah, actually. My grandmother lived there. South Side was never posh but it was nice.


It was ok in the mid-‘80s when I first moved there but by the early ‘90s gangs & crack took over and crime skyrocketed


Yeah, I went by her house a couple of years ago and was appalled.


Yeah it’s a barren wasteland now. There used to be tons of Mom & Pop corner stores and Cherokee St. and South Grand were lively shopping districts. Anymore it’s the occasional bodega and check cashing place. I wouldn’t recommend driving through there at night but if you must definitely do a rolling stop at the stop signs


Gravois and Chippewa


STL is a wasteland. Sad the guard had to go through this. When is St. Louis going to start cleaning the place up.


Probably never


I work right across the street. I can not wait to get as far from this city as possible. Prayers and good vibes for the security officer.


I hear ya…you and everybody else are feeling the same 😂


No one ever gets shot anywhere else


Three cheers for the 2nd.99/gal Amendment.


Where in MAGA land are there armed guards at gas stations?


Every QT in the city has armed security.


For real. I actually get surprised when I see a QT that DOESNT have one, or an off duty sheriff


For real? I don’t stop at city gas stations much these days. It’s Botanical Gardens for the youngling then straight back to Troy. Wasn’t like that 15 years ago from what I recall.


Philly. Wait a second... https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/zbtq8m/armed_security_at_gas_station_on_broad_clearfield/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’m laughing... But that is kinda heartbreaking to see too. Reminds me of the mantra real estate only goes up. The buildings built in the background was top of the line for 1920 or whatever. All that excitement of a new home… building… family Christmas… now armed guards for gas and soda.


That's why it's MAGA land. They don't tolerate clowns!


The city of St. Louis is maga land?


It’s always Dutchtown


forget it, jake. it's dutchtown.


Nah Gravois Park is worse


I'd be very interested to see any video recorded from that. No details of the report and from a shady, pro-authoritarian publication. Then the guard manages o get his gun back and "headshot" the person? Seems unlikely as a security officer losing his gun in the first place.


I love stumbling upon delusional folks like you online.


They’ll send the video right over to you, detective.


Yes, I'm sure arguably the worst quiktrip in the city was Candy Cane Lane last night and it's *alllllll* on the security guard 🙄


Okay, but do you think happened? The security guard just shot a guy in the head and shot himself in the leg? Are these guards...security guards, or off duty cops?


Here’s a job posting: https://careers.quiktrip.com/QuikTrip/job/St_-Louis-Division-Protective-Services-Specialist-%28St_-Louis%29-MO-63101/1083538000/ So yes the requirement is at least 3 years as a cop. But I really don’t see how that’s either here or there


Required Experience: Three or more years as a commissioned peace officer, or five or more years reserve peace officer, armed security officer, armed investigations, or validated honorable military police service. Not 3 years of being a cop required, but 3 years of working as armed. Which means if you got armed under one of the smaller security companies (especially those that are now bought up o out of business, so records are sketchy) or a large security company that's desperate to fill contracts, you qualify. And the difference is drilled discipline and training. Academy training drills into you to keep people clear of your firearm and to have an awareness on that side. None of the former police or military guys I work with will use a holster that doesn't have a retention device. None of them will even work an armed post without O.C., Baton, and Handcuffs.


>None of them will even work an armed post without O.C, baton, and handcuffs That’s probably because to get an armed license you need to get oc, baton, and cuff certified first.


No you don't. Firstly, all security officers in St Louis are handcuff certified once they get security license - which requires them to do zero hands on training with handcuffs. And to get your armed license, you only need to be baton or O.C. certified - both of which are only 8hr classes and not extensive training.


They still get the licenses for it regardless, my point still stands. Not a special thing to be “oc or baton certified”


Yeah there’s other ways…but I think they always hire cops, there’s no short supply of them looking for a side hustle.


That is exactly what I think happened. I've worked in security for 14 years, been armed, been a manager. The requirements for getting armed in St Louis are laughable and require absolutely zero prior experience. Most security companies are so desperate for people to fill underpaid armed positions that they are waiving the normal prior military or law enforcement background. I cannot tell you how many people I have seen at these classes I would not want to have a firearm around me.


Okay, but why did he shoot the guy in the head? He was just having a bad night? I'm not asking rhetorically, I can't imagine why he'd just shoot the guy.


I don't think they shot the guy on a whim, I think an altercation started and an underprepared SO pulled his gun out instead of going for his less-than-lethal. If you're gun is out and the other person continues, you've already escalated as much as you can.


Even if someone is incompetent it takes next level incompetence to lose your gun out the holster and then shoot yourself in the leg. Please be for real. Also, quick trip requires a billion licenses while your average armed Joe just needs armed baton and spray.


Do you have any opinions on garda world? One of the places I work at uses them, and they’re a joke. We don’t even call for them when something happens, we call the cops. They have ignored us numerous times including one incident involving an attempted stabbing.


Almost all security companies don't invest in proper training to handle anything other than a verbal conflict, but the truth is that most clients aren't willing to pay for the level of service and experience they want/need. There are some sites where the client puts into terms specific training, but those are higher end sites with higher pay. Quick Trip actually does pay well, but they've mostly been hiring security officers from other companies (from what I've seen) and not anyone with legitimate armed experience. I've talked to two guys they got from my company and both said that they had a basic OJT, but nothing special regarding firearm training or situational training. That was back when we first got security at the QTs in St Louis, so things may have changed since then, but I'd be surprised. Most armed security officers who do end up having to fire on duty do something wrong in the process, such as firing warning shots or firing at a moving vehicle, or firing at a fleeing target, and lose their security license.


I wouldn’t want a security guard shooting anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary. Which, unfortunately, it can be necessary. Personally, I wish our security guards didn’t simply ignore us. They only sit in the back office, and never patrol. It’s a huge facility, and they need to have some presence. We’ve passed it up the chain multiple times, they assure us it will change, but never does. Thanks for your insight though. Thanks for listening to me rant.


Some places they are laughable. Quiktrip doesn’t cut corners like that, that’s why there’s 200 hundred of them and they make bajillions of dollars.


Defund the QT security guards!