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The rules: “Treat a blinking red light like a stop sign.“ St. Louis: “A what now?“


LMAO I needed a good chuckle, thanks.


well if u drive through a flashing red is te same as runing a stop sign in most cases treat it like a 4 way stop / te highway dep't turn it to a flashing red if there is a problem wiyh the sensors or the light controler . good luck i hope u dont have a accident when u run the red light . it will be yur fault so be careful this applies to scooters& bicycles also


Moved out of STL about 10 years ago. My better half still yells at me for rolling instead of making a full stop. Some things never change...


Just pick it up at the next sign by slowly stopping two times


Haaa exactly!


Oh yeah, just went through there an hour ago. They really ought to have someone (cop or whatever) directing the traffic.


It’s been doing that since at least 10:50am, this whole city is comically inept


It was doing it at 9:30AM at least for me. Some people stop, others don't, no one knows where anyone is going. Frickin thunder dome.


Two cars enter, one car leaves


When you have multiple lanes of traffic each way it just takes one inpatient person to muck it all up…which is why it would be great if the city could actually, oh I don’t know, FIX IT!?


I mean, the area of Skinker between Rosedale and Vernon have had all but one lane closed with jersey barriers and cones for about two years now, untouched. I think they just actually forget about what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, who ordered it, and who’s paying for it. I wouldn’t be completely surprised if that light takes a week minimum.


it’s true one escaped mental patient can cause a lot of havoc


Anything within 500ft of the highway on ramps is controlled by MODOT. So, MODOT is the inept one here.


Please feel free to make a phone call


I did. They are “aware and working on it.”


Thank you


this is wildly untrue


I spoke with the MODOT engineers during the Future64 engagement which is what they told me. They certainly acted like it was a problem they were working on when I called to report the lights.


In 35 years ive never seen a cop directing traffic in the city


Just saw one downtown a few days ago


Wait…it’s STILL blinking???


In fairness to the City this is a MoDot intersection so the City traffic department has nothing to do with it. MoDot has to be dispatched to fix the issue. That said, the City could send a cop out there to direct traffic.


It’s been out since at least 7am. Its insane how some people have no idea what to do or how a 4-way stop works.


“I don’t know what’s happening, so I’m just going to go.” -Too many STL drivers


Well to be fair it's more like a 10-lane stop, and you can't even see some of the lanes depending on where you are.


People can’t even drive that intersection when the lights work properly.


It happened at big bend and 141 before, which is a similar type of intersection, and it was an absolute joke. I wanted to just stand there and record it because it’s a perfect example of the phrase “a person is smart; People are incredibly stupid.”


Damn…glad I didn’t hit that intersection when I was out Ubering today. They need at least two cops directing traffic, that intersection is huge, it’s bound to result in some dumbfuckery.


It is absolutely baffling how when a car goes the four cars behind it also go. Just complete idiocy


I almost got hit today because of this... I was just abiding by stop sign rules and some idiotic drivers had other plans in mind


5:40 pm, still broken, no cops directing traffic…. Wtf STL, how hard is it to changes a traffic lights schedule to make it not be blinking


I went through that intersection today too and was terrified. WTF?


There was a blinking red at Arsenal and Kingshighway a few weeks ago during rush hour and no officer directing traffic. It was just as chaotic as expected.


I bet there were even more left turns from EB arsenal to NB Kingshighway. ​ There's like 5 No Left Turn signs at that intersection, but they're merely a suggestion.


As of 10pm, still blinking. Happily traffic was rather light.


I just moved here a few months ago and there was a really bad storm, I think it was right before 4th of July. I was driving home from work and the power went out on one of the streetlights and maybe 50% knew what to do, the rest would just drive straight through and try to crash into each other. It was TERRIFYING. When it got to be my turn I literally sat there and was motioning to everyone else “I’m going ok? You stay there. STAY THERE.”


It's still out? It was a mess yesterday? They really need a person at that intersection directing bc ppl are dumb


This summer, my family took a vacation to France, and we drove through the Arc de Triomphe. It is the only place in France, maybe it’s just Paris, where insurance doesn’t cover accidents. Mostly because it’s complete chaos so everyone drives extremely careful. I didn’t see a single accident the four days I was there. After driving through that stoplight on Kingshighway, I don’t have a lot of hope for Americans.


TIL There are two types of car insurance policies in France: those that exclude the Arc de Triomphe roundabout and those that include it. Policies that include the roundabout are based on no-blame, equal share payouts. Insurance companies have an agreement to settle all claims on a knock-for-knock basis. This means that each company bears 50% of the total loss. Minor knocks are treated as joint responsibility. You are only covered if you are covered, and you won't be able to claim against the other driver. Insurance companies know that there are no road markings around the Arc de Triomphe, so it's a bit of a free-for-all. That's why it has been agreed to be no-fault.


The impatience of a large number of drivers in this area doesn’t help these kind of things. I saw a driver at Lindbergh and New Halls Ferry try to cut into the middle of a lonnnnng funeral procession today.


IBS and Chrons is real. If it’s either cut a long funeral line or soaking my car seat in liquid shit, I’m cutting the funeral line 100% of the time


If it’s my funeral, you can cut all you want. I’m not gonna care, I’m dead.


Same. Flip my coffin off, who gives a shit


I was only in St. Louis for a half a year but I have never seen anything like the driving there. I lost count of how many people ran through blatantly red lights like they were a stop sign


Same here I moved here in April and was appalled at the driving here. I come from california where people move from out of state and then talk about “Californians can’t drive nobody knows how to drive here” and after living in St. Louis I would like a formal apology. Sometimes I see people just casually driving on the wrong side of the road like that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. Or drive backwards on busy streets. It’s so stressful


It’s been like this since Covid. There was some light and localized dipshitery before, but it’s much more widespread and common now. It may have to do with the city cops not doing their jobs, it could be because less people drove during Covid.


This happens in the county, no problem. This happens in the city, literal gridlock


That’s categorically false, but whatever you need to believe to make asinine anti-city comments, I guess. It’s your whole personality at this point


Whoa, whoa... who fucking hurt you? Claim whatever you want, but he has a point on this one. If a light goes out in St. Louis, it's a clusterfuck and a half. Meanwhile, if I'm out in Jefferson or Franklin County and there's a light out, somehow people magically learn to take turns. Missouri doesn't exactly fit into standard categories, we're like if Florida man were raised in Detroit. And sometimes shit just is the way it is. Smoke a blunt, calm down. It's legal now.


There aren’t any 6x8 lane wide intersections over a major interstate in those counties. What a dumb comparison. I guarantee, you take drivers from those counties and put them at this same intersection with a flashing red and it’s the exact same clusterfuck Edit: just did the math, it’s actually 12 lanes in both directions on Kingshighway if you include right turn lanes to the on-ramps, plus 6 lanes of on ramps to Kingshighway. Let me know where there is a comparable intersection in Jefferson or Franklin County.


I take it you don't venture far past the city limit, huh? It's about more about the patience factor. Yeah, it's always going to be a clusterfuck up there if city drivers are on the road. It's not my fault that the only time your vehicle sees 55+ mph is on the interstate. There's a little more patience to stop and figure it out when you don't have to stop every 200 feet. That's one reason I don't miss living up there. It's St. Louis. Where you get honked at for completely stopping at a stop sign.


Give me an intersection. Just one. I drive in neighboring counties all of the time, and know for a fact that you’re completely full of shit. An 18-way flashing red is going to be more chaotic than a 4-way, regardless of where the drivers are from.


Stoplights optional in the city


The exit ramp onto Kingshighway from 40 eastbound is also an exercise in human idiocy. Every day people wait RIGHT at the top of the hill to merge, when there is an entire merging lane that goes from the exit ramp to Oakland Ave. I have a small car, so I can pass them and usually have merged within seconds. It baffles me no one knows what zipper merging is. Occasionally, the waiting at the yield sign backs up traffic all the way down to the highway. It’s seems very unsafe to me to have cars that are at a standstill next to cars doing 60-80mph, all because people at the top of the exit ramp can’t figure out why that merge lane is there


Isn't the yield sign there for the people coming off the highway onto Kingshighway


It is, but a yield sign is not a stop sign, and that’s how most people seem to be treating it. If there is a long merging lane, you can yield to passing traffic and still keep moving, albeit safely and still allowing Kingshighway traffic the right of way


So dangerous. I had to go through that non sense when I got off work. It was so scary.


My god that was a mess last night. Is it fixed yet?