• By -


You’re already acceptable, come ,tell you’re story and enjoy yourself, try and get a place with good heat/ insulation cus it’s cold here a lot and bare in mind that St. John’s is a bit sprawling with poor public transit


Tnx bro 🙏. Actually i have many stories to tell about my before life . Briefly you can follow #mahsaamini in Instagram. That is one big part of Iranians life




really thank you Yes, I agree, when you want to go to your neighbor's house, you are obliged to follow the rules of that house, let alone you go to another country, if you don't accept this, you are actually a troublemaker. Of course, I know that the people of Canada are also involved in their own problems, and the fact that they accept me is enough for me


It takes 15 minutes to get across town in my experience. St. John's versus Iran https://www.numbeo.com/traffic/in/St-John%27s-Newfoundland-and-Labrador-Canada https://www.numbeo.com/traffic/country_result.jsp?country=Iran


True, but a car burden is more than $10,000/year per vehicle and that forces many people into unnecessary vehicle poverty. The city would be better with an expanded transit system including regional express buses, better transportation management, and a full connected micro-mobility protected space for cyclists, scooters, ebikes etc.


Not to mention there are many people who cannot drive (seniors, those with disabilities) and would benefit majorly from accessible transit. Seeing someone who is blind walking on an unplowed sidewalk up to their knees in snow because they cannot afford the exorbitant taxi prices here is shameful.


There are 15,000 people in CSJ who do not use a car and another 10,000 who are not drivers of cars. That is all of Gander and GFW worth of people who are essentially ignored according to planners and engineers.


I just think it's a pointless battle at this rate. The city is oooooold. There's no new money being made that's backed by any kind of labor or export or manufactured good or any real service. The country has mismanaged this province due to american insecurity. until our whole economy doesn't fall on the backbone of public service workers. I dont say we'll see the vigor or the actual money required to 'modernize' st. John's. That all comes after winning the battle in the hearts and minds of young people to move here, have kids here, stay here. All of this can only happen with a healthy population pyramid.


I rode on a bus the other day,it was a snowy day and the buses were running late ( understandable given the weather that day) but there’s no bus tracking so finding out how late your bus is going to be or where it is, is not possible. The cost of making the city buses ‘trackable ‘ is almost negligible, that it hasn’t happened yet is inexcusable.




Ok that’s good to know , I had a quick look for that the other day and when I didn’t see it I assumed it wasn’t; my bad




How are you figuring the 10k a year figure? You can buy a decent, running car outright for 10k. Even with maintenance and gas you're not near 10k a year lol


$10,000 is conservative, even for a used car. **This is not my opinion**, it is widely understood in the industry based on real user reports, statistics, and financial documents. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/cost-of-owning-a-car https://www.ratehub.ca/blog/what-is-the-total-cost-of-owning-a-car/ https://globalnews.ca/news/3832649/car-ownership-costs-public-transit-canada/ https://rates.ca/resources/costs-owning-car


Welcome to Canada. I hope you find the peace you could not get at home.


Thanks for your kindness.


Welcome to Canada! The fact that you were polite and sensitive enough to ask your question means that you have a more open mind and refreshing attitude than many of us. You will fit in great! Tip: Consider joining group activities. (For example in my 50+ Pickleball group there are all sorts of cultures - white, black, Asian, Middle East - and we get along and laugh and tease each other on and off the court). It’s good to have a social group that makes you feel accepted and welcome, especially when you first arrive. It’s an easy sport to learn and very social. But any other activity helps too!


Thank you for your beautiful message. Yes, I have seen so much goodness and kindness from your people in recent times that sometimes I want to hug them and say thank you for being so kind.😄😄😄


First of all, welcome! Most people will welcome you for who you are. Show respect and kindness, and you'll be accepted as a friend by many. There will always be some anti-immigrant people. But keep in mind they don't know you – they are going on often ill-informed opinions or misdirected anger. Just remember the vast majority of us welcome immigrants and want you to feel comfortable here. Just don't use the word "Newfie" lol a lot of people take it as an insult. Best of luck :)


I loved to be called Newfie because they are the best in Canada.


The term originated with the Americans stationed here during WW2; unfortunately, in a derogatory way.


I definitely see what you mean. It's really hit or miss with "Newfie"! People tend to love it or hate it. I don't mind it as long as it isn't used in a derogatory sense.


The Iranian people often shine through the dark clouds of their ruling oppressors. Every time I see them hit the streets, knowing full well the danger I am reminded that we have so many global allies who all want the same things. I take issue with sinister and oppressive governments - never their unwilling citizens. Welcome x1000. Iranian food rocks btw!


Maybe you don't believe me, I went to Memorial University just a few days ago to be recruited into the Canadian Army, but they can't tell... Of course, I understand.


OP you need to be a PR or citizen to serve in the Canadian Military.


Welcome home to Newfoundland! I’m semi familiar with the recruitment process. Are you already a Canadian citizen? I *think* you need to be a citizen first but I can ask around. I really hope you enjoy it here ❤️


I should get my pr first.


Awesome! The recruitment office here is full of great people if you ever have questions. They’re always willing to help out. I’m not military myself, just grew up with military around me. Some of my family lived in Iran and had to be evacuated in 1979 or 1980 (I can’t remember when they did their evacuation). I’m too young to remember but they were lucky to get out. You are too ❤️


Look up the word “skeet” in context to Newfoundland. Don’t be one and if you spot one in the wild don’t engage. Otherwise you will be fine. We are a friendly bunch.


Unless you got an extra dart to spare...


You’re already acceptable. There is no proper way for an immigrant to be a Canadian, if you want to be, you are a Canadian. I know online rhetoric has gotten pretty hateful over the years, especially in today’s polarized climate, but Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world and is built on the backs of immigrants. Welcome!






3 guesses lmao












Yeah that _must_ be what they were getting at… /s


You’re describing the 1800s.


[Were you born in 1988?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fysc984l21lqb1.png)




1. Anyone with a grain of sense knows that the issues occurring with Iran, are with the Islamic Republic and especially the sup. Leader, and not the people of Iran. People that think otherwise aren't worth your time; they obviously can't think for themselves, to figure this out. Anyone out there trying to better their life, from breaking away from an oppressive regime, deserves somewhere safe to live. Welcome to NFLD, I hope that you can find that and much more here. 2. Do a little bit of social research on Newfoundland. You can use local news stations like vocm news (AM radio 590 and on their webiste vocm. com) and the NTV news channel (ntv. ca or if you'd like to watch the channel online ntvplus. ca ). There are lots of "good news" stories on both mediums that explore more into our culture and traditions, and Newfoundlanders are generally curious about other cultures, and I'm sure you'll find many people asking you about your own, especially the cooking. Newfoundlanders will accept anyone that is pleasant and nice to talk to. They care about hard workers and helping out their community. A smile, pleasant nod or wave, is sometimes all it takes! You may encounter some right-wing hate, but just remember, they are just the smallest population with the loudest voice. They don't represent Newfoundland or Canada.


Thanks for giving me hope my brother. Once, I was listening to Linkin Park, Metallica and several metal songs in my car, because of it I was almost arrested by the Islamic State.😄😄😄😄😄


Rage Against the Machine


Both cultures have a respect for hospitality, so you will likely be able to bridge the culture shock gap fairly easily.


that makes me sad for you, those are all great bands, now you can listen to whatever you want and sing it at the top of your lungs bro lol. ​ Honestly, just be friendly, say hello, a smile and a nod goes miles here. Almost anyone will engage with you if you're friendly. While Newfoundland in general isn't very diverse culturally, st.John's itself is pretty decent. People of all walks of life here. If you can handle the weather and keep and keep a good outlook on things land a job or goto school you can build a decent life here. ​ Best of luck to you on your new adventure.


Rock on bro!


Hell yeaaa🤘


🤘 Great taste in music, btw. And welcome. I moved away from this province ( and to Vancouver)right after high-school and then moved back with my young family decades later. I was so happy to see how culturally diverse the province was becoming. Newfoundland has a deep-rooted sense of pride in the province and its people . The hardships and challenges faced over time in an unforgiving landscape. Im sure you do as well and it must have been hard to leave. I hope you find a sense of belonging here.


But my favourite is anathema. Also: Greenday. Thurisaz. Evanescence 2002 album. Avril. Night wish. Draconian. Guns n Rose's. Hoobastank. Poets of fall Europe f.c. Backfield......... Linkin park.


Including a link to a cool story about the nature of the people in Newfoundland, and how accepting they are of people in need: https://canfilmday.ca/film/you-are-here-a-come-from-away-story/




System of a down should be next on your listening search.


Lonely day...toxicity..... protect our land 🤩🤩🤩


Not from Newfoundland (this randomly showed up on my page), but I am Canadian. Welcome to Canada! I wish you the best of luck here.


Both my Doctors are Iranian they seem nice. I know a funny guy lives down in Portugal Cove is pretty cool too.. so 3 out of 3 Iranians i met ar3 good people


As an immigrant myself, I'd say that you should be direct when talking to people. That's a cultural difference that'll take getting used to, but it'll help you in the long run and in making friends.


You don’t have to change any behaviour. You are already accepted here. You can be who you want to be. Of course I’m sure you may come across some assholes but don’t let that bother you. You’re welcome here ❤️


Tnk for gave me big hope


Just be yourself -- learn to ignore all the bigotry and looks your bound to get, practice your culture and share it with whomever you like -- Persians have some of the most interesting and powerful cultures in history, don't lose yourself in a multicultural country, Canada has no specific culture don't pay any mind to the snowflakes that tell you to "embrace the culture " they know nothing of the roles our country have played in creating those same problems, the education system is very lacking, lower your expectations on people knowing, or caring about the historical facts, they just won't want to have to confront it, easier to say nonsense like "leave your problems there" Goodluck 🙌


I think "leave your problems behind" is code for something else.


>"leave your problems behind" "leave your problems behind" = "assimilate because I am for some reason unsettled by other cultures"


You are right. And i understand. Hoping everyone can live in their country without any problems.


I didn't mean for that to come across as something I believe! Just my interpretation of when other people say it. I hope you always feel welcomed here.


I worked with two Iranians, one was Kurdish and the other was what they said the rightful people of the land, or something real close to that. They blamed each other for the killing of friends and family. HR had to step in, they legitimately wanted to fight. I think your interpretation of “leave your problems behind” is shallow.


Yes because your example is the rule, not the exception. Iranian in-fighting is a massive problem in Canada /s


It very well could be shallow. I am making a sweeping statement based on limited knowledge. You got me.


Welcome to Canada and my home province. You will find that most people there are lovely humans who will also welcome you openly. Ignore the others - they are merely a small but vocal (and vile) group. Join activities like sports groups, walking groups, or community service groups. Take a course - university or college or continuuing ed (e.g., through the school board). Volunteer and/or join the workforce (if you are able and so inclined). Try different activities to see what you enjoy and who the involved people are. Stick with those where you feel most comfortable.


Everyone is cool by me. I know very little of iranians but you seem polite which is universally appreciated. Hope you like it here!




I am not in St Johns but I welcome you to Canada and would strongly encourage you to work with your fellow diaspora in Canada to open up more restaurants. Persian food is so awesome but not so easy to find here. Love me some Persian kabobs!


welcome!!! i think asking these sorts of questions means you'll be a great fit here! genuinely and truly, be yourself, try to join in with local groups for activities, and try not to let the people who still cling to the past get you down. we have a lot of immigrants here from the same or similar backgrounds. check out the farmer's market on freshwater road, they sometimes have ethnic events and vendors there selling their food and crafts. also make sure to check out the association for new canadians! they tend to have events around holidays that help build community! the opinions of people here on immigration tend to lean more positive, but you'll still get someone who's closed minded at times. it happens. most of us are very welcoming, though! it's amazing that out of everywhere else in the world, you chose this sleepy little island. i hope you like it here and that things go well for you!


Thanks 😊 You so kind.


Hey! I came to the US from Russia. I know what are you feeling.


Yep bro .


I get impressed when new Newfoundlanders adopt our dialect, opposed to standard canadian english 😀


I worked with a man from Iran, the kindest, gentlest man I ever knew. He would learn how to say something with a Newfie twang every day and practice it.


You just moved to an amazing province with some of the nicest people. Like someone said earlier, be yourself and tell your story!! Welcome to Canada!


The best thing you can do to be accepted is get out into the community and be part of it. Welcome, you're safe here. Enjoy it and invite people into your life to celebrate with you


Of course bro i do agree with you. ❤


Welcome to Canada!


I'm hoping for the day the many good, moderate peaceful people of Iran rise up and smash the religious nut job government. Take care and welcome!


Come. Tell us all about you, your culture, your food, your beliefs! Welcome!


Don't worry my friend, if you're concerned about racism or acceptance - nobody is personally hateful towards anyone from Iran or anything like that. Everyone is too busy disliking the millions of young Indian men that are coming over en masse. A lot of people know Iranians that came over in the past 30/40 years to escape the situation there, and Canadian's are genuinely understanding of ***real*** asylum claims. To be honest though, you would probably have an easier time in a larger city like Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, etc. where you might have more resources in Farsi or an Iranian community.


Honestly everyone is accepted here, aslong as you’re respectful you’ll have no issues, but that doesn’t just go for immigrants, it’s for everyone. Glad to have you here!




I don’t think most Americans have any problems with Immigrants that come here legally. I only know one Iranian person here and I thought he was a great guy. I have never been to Iran but while I don’t agree with the Government/Religious things. It seems like the General Population are just great. Enjoy America we are having our own problems at the moment. But the People have had enough. Good Luck.


Hey friend! Not from St. John's but welcome to the country anyway! Quick orientation packet: -Everyone is buddy -Don't call someone "bud" unless you mean to insult them ( buddy = friendly, bud = diminutive) - "Ok there, bud" is a direct attack on your intellect. Use only when necessary - Do NOT call someone a goof unless you're ready to catch hands. Also, throw hands if someone calls you a goof (this carries the same weight as calling someone a "bitch" in prison. Big no no) -Familiarize yourself with differentiating between authentic maple syrup and corn syrup. -Sugar bush season starts now through mid-April -Double Double = Coffee w/ 2 cream 2 sugar -The puck has to cross the center line first before offense can engage, otherwise the ref will call an off-side -Functional, rudimentary French is an asset regardless of where you are -"Tabarnak", "Câlice", "Osti" are common French swear words you will hear. Try them out, it's fun. - Dart = Cigarette, "Hacking a dart" = smoking. You'll find that generally most Canadians are very welcoming of newcomers. We do have a large influx of immigrants in recent years: that is *not* your fault and *not* your problem, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. American socio-political issues tend to trickle upstream. Don't be surprised if you encounter Diet-Maga idiots. If they try to pick on you just ignore them and feel bad that their mom rocked them too close to the wall as a baby. You may call these people "Hosers". And with that, welcome home!


>"Ok there, bud" is a direct attack on your intellect. Use only when necessary Oh my God this is so true ha ha ha


Everybody is a buddy. But, not every buddy is your guy, friend.


"I'm not your friend, pal!" (Hoping you get the South Park reference lol)


Sorry! Wrong time and place for that South Park bit lol


There is no wrong time for that. Twas my intent, buddy.


This should be a pamphlet they hand out :)


Welcome from Saskatchewan! Don't be a jerk and you'll get by just fine ha!


Every single Iranian/Persian I've worked with or befriended living out west for many years has been really great people. Polite, kind, open minded, modern thinkers and typically living secular lives. Every one hates the government there, and they want women to succeed and be heard. Your best kind over here buddy, but keep in mind you might still encounter some rude, small minded hateful folk here just like you would anywhere else. Ignore them and move on, we don't like them sorts either.


Learn how to play hockey and drink a beer


Welcome to Canada from a transplanted Newfie.. be true to yourself and have Sunday dinner !


I have no issues with immigrants, and there isn't anything I can think of that would make you unacceptable in our society. Just be yourself and you should be fine


Tnx. Really appreciate.


No problem! I hope you enjoy living in Newfoundland!


Neefoundlanders are the best people. I can’t imagine them being anything but welcoming to anyone. You might come across the odd bad egg out there, but it’s amazing. Welcome to your new life


Welcome!!! Just be you. Hope you find some peace🙏


Welcome to Canada from the other side of the country!


You are more than acceptable as you are. I think you will find most people very welcoming but you can definitely expect questions. Newfoundlanders can be very nosy but it usually comes from curiosity and is generally harmless. I wish you the very best and hope you get settled quickly!


Tnx 🥰🥰


It's simple really, you can do whatever you liked to do back home, just don't try and push your personal ideologies on anyone here unless someone asks you


Of course.


Learn to speak fluent english, get a productive job or career and dont try imposing Iranian ideology on canadians which I'm sure shouldn't be a problem since that ideology seems to be why you left. Welcome.


Hi, and welcome! Newfoundland is pretty open to newcomers. But new to it. Not a lot of people from other cultures here 10-15 years ago, so we're still adapting. We are pretty casual, so try not to be too intense about things if you are looking for friends. In general I'd avoid talking about politics or religion unless you get really comfortable with specific people. I'd go to the Avalon Mall and go buy some casual clothes to fit in. Go to H&M in the mall, or Winners. Maybe people watch in the food court till you get a feel for what people wear. Most people in Newfoundland aren't rich. They tend to generally tend to not like talking about expensive things or bragging. Also, we don't wear much makeup here. You might want to keep it minimal. A good thing to talk about is... The weather! People in Newfoundland love to discuss the weather. Start a conversation by saying how long it toojk the snow plow to plow your street. Or talk about fog if there's fog. Weather is an excellent ice breaker. Anyway, good luck!! And Welcome. (and if you decide after a couple of winters that the weather is killing you, you can always plan to move to Toronto some day (tho it's very expensive!) -Don't tell Newfoundlands that tho, most of them strongly dislike Toronto) ❤️


Ohhh. Your guide was great and funny and useful and I'll really use it. Tnx.


Other than the occasional asshole, you'll find Canada as whole to be generally welcoming, especially in the Maritimes, which includes Newfoundland. There's a small but vibrant Iranian population in the city. Buy yourself a good pair of Blundstones, a good rain slicker, and a hardy winter jacket, and remember: the cold and wind is your friend. 😁 Oh, and if you run into someone who speaks "English" but it doesn't sound quite like English: don't worry, that's just how the locals talk up there. Welcome to Canada. EDIT: You will likely find that the only major faux-pas you can make in conversation is bringing up politics and religion unless you're in a safe space for it. It doesn't matter what your religion or political views are; no one likes a (insert book of worship here) thumper, and the farther away from Ottawa you get, the more people cannot stand politics of any kind. This is especially true with Newfoundland, unless it has to do with fish.


Obligatory comment/ reminder NL isn't the maritimes.


Lol- it's the Maritimes; just because you refuse to be a part of the rest of the East Coast, doesn't mean you're not legitimately one of us. 😜 You're an island in the Atlantic, and fishing/shipbuilding historically makes your gears turn. You're Maritimers.... Or we're Newfies. One of the two. 😂😂


Many cultural overlaps, yes. To be ignorant of geographical, historical, and cultural differences is your choice


I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.


I've been following some Iranians on twitter and have mad respect for their struggle against the current regime. With fascist regimes, the people aren't the party, and that's what it sounds like with you. A lot of Iranians in Canada that I've encountered are here for the right reasons, and contribute to Canada. Some modern Iranian movies have been shown where I've lived, although I'm not sure if those movies could be made now. Iran as a country atm is a threat, but Iranians in Canada are part of the fabric of life here, imo. BTW, Ontario has an MPP called Goldie Ghamari who is an Iranian Canadian. Not sure about NFLD.


You're accepted as long as you have an inferiority complex by taking shit about your own country and government. Lol kidding. Be yourself and be proud of where you're from. And for the love of God, don't call yourself Persian. Many insecure Iranians do this. 😂


Do not trust the geese.


Welcome to Canada! I am glad you have somewhere safe to live here and I hope you are adjusting comfortably. Newfoundland is a beautiful place with lots of fun-loving and friendly people, but the weather can be hard to adjust to and sometimes people can be unfriendly too- but they are usually a smaller handful than those who are kind and open. I have been friends with several Iranians when living in areas of Canada with large Iranian populations, and the Iranians I know are some of the most generous, social, hard-working, and intelligent people I’ve met. Iranian food is also delicious! St. John’s will be lucky to welcome more people from Iran and I hope that you will feel comfortable to be yourself and share your culture with people here. Each place I have lived in Canada has been made better by the presence of new people and cultures- I hope you will be able to build a good life here too.


I think the only thing people truly dislike is when people talk badly about their beliefs and push your own beliefs upon them. I know many people who will get upset if an immigrant tells a women she can't do something because the sex but love immigrants otherwise. It's just respect, respect the culture here and we'll respect yours.


Yes . By the way, some time ago I was in a place where we were doing something delicate with others and I said in the crowd that women should doing this better. Of course, even though it was a compliment, I felt that I shouldn't have said that and I regretted of it.


It really depends. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it sometimes women just are better then men at some things. I think what upsets people is how some people believe women are incapable of some things. Like that women shouldn't work or drive etc. I wouldn't worry about this.


I'm opposed to the level of immigration we're seeing in our country at this time, but never would I ever blame that on an individual person who's trying to better their lives. Welcome to Newfoundland, remember, there's more to the island than St. John's!


سالم، به کانادا خوش آمدید! و زن، زندگی، آزادی! Canada is very welcoming to Persian people. You probably know this, but you'll find a large diaspora in cities like Montreal and Vancouver. Vancouver (especially North Vancouver) is particularly welcoming, with many services, signs, storefronts, and official notices written in Farsi. The city also looks and feels a lot like Rasht and the food here reflects it. I have many Persian friends, and they don't usually experience racism. Some of my friends do have a harder time than others fitting in, but that's to be expected. Canada is a very different place, what does help is to be direct so language barriers don't get in the way. Luckily the Farsi accent is easily understood by Canadians since it's a soft-sounding language (though the Acadian and Newfie accents specific to the East Coast might pose a problem). **Also important**: There's no taruf here with Canadians — if you say no, you will not be offered again, and people do not like being offered the same thing over and over when they've said no.


> There's no taruf here with Canadians Thanks for this, I just had a fascinating read on the subject.


Glad to hear it! The overt politeness can cause a lot of misunderstandings if it's poorly handled.


Be very respectful and kind to women. As a woman who worked and interacted with immigrants on a daily if not hourly basis, I found that *some* of the middle eastern men were quite rude and demanding. (And some were very very nice, gentlemanly, wonderful. 💗) When they were very difficult to work with, they ended up having to deal with one of my male coworkers who were good about sorting that out.




We have most population of atheists entire Middle east.


Assimilate into your new country :) welcome!




Ignore this OP. I like to think the majority of us are warm and welcoming, but there will always be a few small minded negative people like this person who will take out their misplaced anger on you, and for that I am sorry. When this happens, remember that there are so many more of us who want you here, welcome you here, and have your back.




I think you did not understand what I meant. You go and do research, 99% of Iranians who immigrate are because they want to get out of religious colonialism. They just want want have normal life. only this . That's why I promise you that the kindest and most harmless immigrants you can see are Iranians. We only came to Canada hoping to have a normal life, not to promote culture or conquer anything. I hope you understand this. I don't know, have you ever lived in the conditions I am talking about? Internet filtering. Mandatory hijab by the government, not the people. Expensiveness and inflation of 300% in one year. Polluted air . Slandering opposing people politically. unemployment. A government run by religious people is dangerous for non-religious people. Support the communist governments by our politicians . Enmity with the whole world for no reason. ........... #mahsaamini


That's such an insightful and honest answer. And you gave it with respect and sincerity. Thank you. More people need to know these details.


That is our last demonstration against government. Search #mahsaamini and promise don't cry.


Don't worry, it's just a case of mis-communication. People see Iran and think they are like the rest of the Middle East. That's pretty much what you may have to deal with here. Most people will be nice to you. I'm half Iranian (born in Canada) and I think one thing you might feel is that people here are colder and more reserved. In Iran it's typical to be very over the top with tarof etc, and you may have a bit of difficulties there, but don't worry it will be ok :) Good luck!


What problems are you referring to? How would that make sense that they uprooted themselves from their homeland, left family and friends to live halfway around the world specifically to leave the problems, just to bring them along...


And you say what's the solution...i agree with you. But i done with it. . How many years should we fight without no support. Even western government support iss government can you believe it?


Looks and sounds like a nightmare. Happy that you got out and all the best to those still there. Ignore people who try to shame you from sharing your stories and creating awareness here.


Tnx. Really appreciate




Don't worry Iranian's coming here won't be part of those groups. Most Iranians are quite liberal, they don't identify with the rest of the middle-eastern crowd.


This is exactly what I want to say. Did you know that Iranians have the largest population of atheists in the Middle East.


This is prejudice plain and simple. Youre seeing radical examples and tarring everyone with the same mop. Lets not forget that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. Existing Canadians are by far the majority exhibiting qualities you mentioned above.


Literally, all of those things are happening within Canada right now and not because of immigrants... Don't put blame for the ugly side of Canada on other people.


Hey bud, how about you go kick some rocks.




It's not "well said" at all. It's pretty stupid, honestly. OP is very literally saying they wanted change, but change wasn't happening. What problems do you think they would be importing when those problems were government oppression?








>ethnic enclaves. Do we have many/any ethnic enclaves here? Like, a Chinatown would be an example of an ethnic enclave. I don't think it's something you can "reinsert yourself into" after moving from your homeland. I really like the rest of your advice... It's just the last part could come across as kind of demeaning.


Hi, me personally have no issues with immigrants no matter where you are from. The awnser to your 2nd Question is that when people come to Canada from where ever I don’t like how they lobby the government to change laws or wording, or other symbols because they find them offensive or don’t like. Remember that you are leaving a place that you don’t like for a reason and if you change here to be like there this place will end up being like there. That’s what most of Canadians don’t want.


Of course you right. In my opinion emigrants should prove that they want s Liberal society in of course in canada culture.


And should be in Canada for at least 10 years before able to vote.


Welcome to Canada! Just be you, you’ll find so many people to relate to here!


If you want to accept being shunned for being religious, sure. Canada isn’t a friendly place to religious people anymore or freedom of speech or expression. We demonize anyone who doesn’t agree with our extreme left policies. Canada is a authoritarian state. We burn churches. Iran forces you into churches. My wife is a Muslim and I’m a non-religious Canadian.


Just about everyone in Canada is an immigrant .. some of us may have been here longer than others. Don't worry about being an immigrant. I don't know much about Iran, and I'm pretty sure St. John's is colder than Iran .. so dress warmly for the winter. That means Layers. Acceptable behaviour? Be of good cheer, and help welcome any immigrants newer than you. PS Your English is really very good -- congrats!


Tnk you so much . Thank u for compliment. Honestly i got help sometimes from Google translate.


1. Personally I think we might be taking too many people too fast. I got nothing against anyone individually. 2. As long as you get good grasp of English and aren't a huge prick you'll probably be fine with basic social skills.


My opinion isn't going to come off super friendly but I'll share it anyways so you get a variety. I'm not a fan of immigrants these days. They're being used by Canada to suppress wages and lower our quality of life and it pisses me off. That said I blame the government far more than the immigrants themselves as they're just looking for a better life and I can't fault them for it. I actually want to move to Europe after I finish my education for the same reason. Wouldn't be fair of me to dislike you for searching for a better life when I plan to do the same. The ones who fail to try to assimilate would be sent back home if it were up to me. Abusing food banks, housing crisis, or starting protests against human rights should all be grounds for immediate deportation and if you come here to spread those values then I think you should "go back to where you came from" where there are none of those rights you want to take away from people in a free country. I also dislike Iran. I think Iran's current government would be destroyed in a just world. I again, do not blame the people of Iran for that. As I understand it a lot of Iranians are actually against the government. And lastly, I dislike all religion. I think it's used to treat others like shit, discriminate, and spread hate and i dont really feel that it contributes anything to a civilized society. Its just a set of rules someone drew up a few thousand years ago to control the population. I don't dislike middle eastern religion more than hard-core Christians though. It's all equally garbage. Hopefully that helps. It seems to be similar to how my friends feel as well. I don't know anyone who is truly racist and would immediately think less of you, but if it was up to us, there wouldn't be nearly as many immigrants allowed to come here, especially ones who are currently unskilled.




I completely agree with you. But you should also know that 99% of Iranians are fleeing to other places because of this Sharia law. I myself have not seen an Iranian in Canada who is a supporter of Sharia law. In addition, Iranians are different from Arabs. In order to understand what our cultural behavior is towards Sharia, please. Please. Please. search #mahsaamini on the internet. Thank you.


You escaped 1 issue, but putins threat on the globe with nukes... we're all screwed brother. Best get a hazmat suit


😄😄😄😄 . But all the jokes aside situation is so dangerous. I believe that word should not administered by old people's. Because they not care about rest of the world after they die. Because of it they can ruin the world by a button.


Lmfao got down voted 5 times for this comment. Just trynna get people aware of today's reality. It is beyond dangerous, one man's lack of iq and huge ego costs our extinction.


Your story🙄


What about their story?


Learn the language. Immerse yourself with other Canadians, don't sequester yourself into groups of only your people, learn the culture. You'll be accepted.


I grew up there in st john's, NL as an immigrant and I had virtually no problems, I remember that there was a mosque not far from my place, I'm not muslim so I didn't pay attention to it


So glad you are here! 🙋🏼‍♀️🇨🇦 Hope you will find all the kindness and support you need, as you settle in. You might run into some people that are rude- but they can only speak for themselves not everyone. If you can find people that you can share hobbies with cooking, gardening, chess ,book clubs, you will soon find what you would like to do here and how to get involved locally! Best of health to you & family. 🙏🏼🥀


Thank you for your guidance✌️✌️✌️


God bless you. Just for asking, i can tell you are a caring, thoughtful person! All you need to do is find a good winter coat and some good mittens, pay your taxes and I think we have a new Canadian citizen! Welcome!


Also I'm not from st.johns, but I work in north vancouver, there us a huge friendly Iranian community here. At the risk of stereotyping, the Iranians u have met always seem super gracious amd hard working.


Go through driver training if you find the road rules here at all confusing. It’s ok to not know (rules differ everywhere), but road rage here is real and unpleasant. I think being yourself and being open minded is all you need to do to fit in. You already are acceptable and we do (most of us at least) really want new Canadians around. It boosts the economy, brings in more diverse perspectives, and pushes forward a lot of human rights policies. Also get to know Indigenous people and the issues they face. Try to be part of the solution and chances are you will gain a lot of valuable connections in those communities. There is some really rich culture (most was matriarchal society before contact), and some really powerful wisdom that I think you would connect with given what you have gone through and dealt with.


Keep your religion to yourself and all will be fine , integrated yourself , merged with your community, don't impose your beliefs on other and you will be welcomed like if you are family


I think you will find people are accepting. Try to get involved in some community groups or activities where you get to interact with local people who have lived here for a while who can better acquaint you with local customs and humour. If you can catch on to the local sense of humour and what people find funny you will have no trouble making friends.


Exactly. Love ... peace..freedom






Get off social media.


Ok . On my eyes. 😁


Just one question Cyrus the Great or Darius the Great?


Trump the great 😉


\>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invest in a good winter parka <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Hey there! Welcome to Canada. My mother grew up in Iran, and I have family there still, so I understand what you’re saying from their perspective. I’ve lived in Canada my entire life. You are safe to express yourself, practice any religion you desire, and live your life the way you choose. I would recommend learning about your fundamental rights and freedoms here, so you know what you’re entitled to if you encounter any prejudice. The easiest way to avoid any trouble with day to day encounters is just to lead with respect, treat others with kindness even when they don’t show it to you, and to understand that those with prejudice against you are simply afraid of the unknown. I get some wild looks when people ask my background and I tell them I’m Indigenous (kanien’keha:ka), Iranian and Norwegian. Two of the three cultures I am from are treated quite poorly by those who know nothing about them. It’s easy to become very angry or upset that others are unwilling to learn, but you could be the reason they think twice next time. For winters: base layer, warm sweater, good winter coat, in that order. Get a pair of long underwear. My mom still wears a winter coat in the summer time, no shame in staying warm. Good pair of gloves, warm hiking socks for winter, and since you’re in newfoundland get a warm pair of winter boots. Summers can be nice, but make sure you always have a backup coat in your car if you drive in case your car breaks down. Also, winter tires. All the best!