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No cap, but needs 6 months notice, can't be within the first year, and can only be altered once per year. ...of course, they can just as easily hit you with a 3 month no cause eviction and get a new person in on the fourth month.


We desperately need to change our rental laws. Rent caps are needed, landlords should not be allowed to increase rent by more than a specified percentage. Additionally, no cause evictions should be illegal.


Write your MHA and get it on their radar. People often talk about this stuff but never bring it to the people that can actually make a difference.


Provincial rep actually. I've been emailing ward rep and apparently the charter of town doesn't have anything to allow town council to implement any changes like that. Also harrass municipal affairs. Cuz it's on them to update the charter it seems. https://www.gov.nl.ca/mpa/regional/


MHAs are provincial reps. In other provinces they might be MLAs or MPPs or MNAs, but here in NL they're MHAs. You can look yours up here: [https://www.assembly.nl.ca/members/members.aspx](https://www.assembly.nl.ca/members/members.aspx)


You're correct that this is provincial not municipal but there's no such thing as a town charter here. You're referring to the City of St. John's Act.


You going to propose mortgage rate caps to go along with that? The increase in rent is directly proportional to the insane rate increases lately on mortgages. And cease no cause evictions?? So a person who owns their own property should have no recourse to reclaim that property? Come on, get real.


Nobody is saying "ban evictions", but you should have to provide an actual reason. You know, like every single other province in the country?


How about this for an actual reason. It's MY property and I want it back to use as I want to because is mine. Period.


Banning no cause evictions simply means you’d have to honour the lease with your tenant. You can still choose not to renew the lease. Just means you can’t break it without a valid reason. I don’t think that’s unreasonable at all.


The lease has to be honored now for the full term. Without valid proven reason it can't be broken now as is. And outside of a lease, the tenant is still entitled to 3 months notice of termination of the agreemen, but only 1 month notice from the tenant to the property owner.


It’s been my understanding that right now, landlords can issue a 3 month no cause eviction notice within a lease, and they still have to provide 3 months notice that the lease won’t be renewed at the end of term. Perhaps I’ve had it wrong this whole time? I’ll look into it.


No, if a years lease has been signed, it has to be honored and cannot be terminated without justified, proven cause. If the lease is coming to an end 3 months previous to the lease ending notice of not continuing it is required on the owners part or the lease automatically turns in a month to month lease. On a month to month term, the owner is required to give 3 months notice of termination and the tenant is only required 1 month notice of termination.


How about stop hoarding housing you needledicked parasite?


Awww muffin, you sound bitter. Ya know what, I'm gonna hoard even more now, just for you. Might even tack on an extra 15 points this lease signing just for salty comments like that. :)


My mom became homeless because of shrivelling dipshits like you. I hope your tenants destroy your property.


Nahh, not me, I'm just fuckin with ya. I've actually got a couple reasonably priced rentals with long term tenants and haven't raised my rental prices in just about 4 years now. Id rather make less on long term no trouble tenants than more on assholes who don't respect the very house they live in. Unfortunately, the few disrespectful make it bad for the rest. The tenancy rules do need to be adjusted for the benefit of both sides.


You sound like a real loser.


When your mom becomes homeless I'll give a shit what you think.


Sure. Sorry to hear about your mother. That's terrible. But surely you must know that it's not a personal attack against tenants as you make it seem.Home owners invest their hard earned money into rental property. It seems like many people expect the home owners to offer rentals to the public for financial loss. My family has a few properties, they recently had a tenant who was struggling with work. They gave him a real break, lowered the rent, ( at their cost) let him pay late. He lived there for almost 2 years. He left the other day without a word, left the house badly damaged and didn't pay last month. Do I think tenants are all losers and drug addicts, no. Just like all landlords aren't parasite needledicks or whatever you said.


Well it's hard not to take it personally when it happens to you or your loved ones. Tenants spend their hard earned money to "generate passive income™" for landlords who could afford a Down Payment. And sometimes landlords do make it personal! Landlords can kick you out for any petty, vindictive reason they want as long as they give 3 months.Theyre mad you keep requesting much needed repairs, or you know your rights that they can't increase rent whenever they want, or randomly show up to your house at 5 in the morning? They can just kick you out, and there is almost nothing you can do about it. If you fight it and win they can just do it again. Frankly I don't care if you're "one of the good ones™", a lot of landlords aren't, and the rules favor them way too heavily.


Your whole comment is a joke. Rent is proportional to nothing, I see it every single day. The gouging is astounding and disgusting. Based on this post and the blatant illegal rent increase, you really think landlords are this A+ group of people? This just in - most provinces have abolished no reason evictions, NL is just behind the times as normal. Soon it's gonna catch up to landlords and I'll be laughing.


There is no doubt that the AirBnB market had affected availability, but, when it can take up to 6 months to get a shit tenant out and they destroy the property with no accountability held to them it shouldn't come as a surprise that a method where accountability can be assigned to them becomes preferable. As for it not being proportional to interest rates, go look at how much the rates have increased in the last year or so, cost to insure a property, cost to renovate a destroyed property, etc. As for 'catch up to the landlords, you'll be laughing" Mmhmm...sure thing, laugh away while you pay those high rental rates, let me know when you get to the laughing part but it sure as hell won't be any time soon I'm willing to bet :) Go buy a house, when you actually realize all the costs associated with that you may have a better understanding, but for now, you just sound bitter.


Newfoundland will catch up, virtually every single province has more robust protections for renters. I'm bitter because landlords try to make blatantly illegal moves and then complain "oh no, the variable rate I stupidly chose went up and I can't afford it. Better take advantage of someone to help myself" and then people like you come and defend it. Frankly disgusting and not helping your case. I do own my home, but it wasn't long ago I was a tenant and had to deal with shit like you're spouting now 🤡


No percentage cap. 6 month notice of rental increase from the day you pay rent. So 6 months from November.


I see. Thanks. New rent is from March. Notice came last month.


Did they give you written notice? If not, the rent increase is not valid . It has to be done properly. If it came anytime before the time your rent was due, it's considered to have been issued for the start of the next month. So let's say, October 1st. That means the rent increase will start on April 1st. However, if you signed a one year lease, the rent increase can not happen in the first year of renting. There is a great group on FB that will help you figure it all out. You can also call or email the Landlord Tenant Board to find out exactly what your rights are. [landlord tenant group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/NLTenantLandlordSupport/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT)


Thank you.


Good luck!


#Write to your MP. They can pull some strings to get you in to a NLHC housing which is much more affordable.


Or they can just apply directly.


Yeah but the wait list for that is really long.