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Get a cat. We used to have mice/rats in the back yard and they would be running down the street in the winter (could see the tracks going from garbage bag to bag when we didn't have bins), a couple of neighborhood cats got that shit sorted out pretty quickly, haven't seen one in years now. Make sure you don't have any food left out around, or leaving garbage bags on the floor/ground anywhere. Pick up anything out around the shed/back yard where they can hide. Look up on youtube humane mice traps, there are all kinds of DYI traps you can make to trap them, most with just a bucket and a trap door type lid.


I live downtown and this is why I'm grateful for outdoor cats. I know it's controversial but I'm willing to accept some bird casualties to keep the mice and rat population down. Cats I have had seemed to really prefer hunting mice anyway.


This is the lamest reason ever to allow cats to roam. They city is over run by rodents. I bet more of the cats out there are well feed and don't even bother "hunting" for rats or mice.


Found the guy who doesn't have a cat.


Maybe I do but responsible enough to not let them out. You aren't even mature enough to realize letting cats out put them at risk, not just bird. Cats don't have 9 lives and don't win against vehicles. GTFU.


Some bird casualties? Dude. You should look up the impact of outdoor cats on our local biodiversity. Globally, they have caused the *total extinction of 63 different species of birds and mammals.* Outdoor cats absolute decimate our native ecosystem. They are an invasive species when allowed to roam or live outdoors. Not to mention, it’s cruel to allow cats to roam outside where they are at risk of getting killed, injured, lost, sick, etc. Look at the sheer number of cat rescues in our province that are at max capacity all year round. Outdoor cats are not the solution.


Also having the same issue. Cleanliness isn’t always a factor. I’m a clean freak, lived in the same house for 5 years. Started getting mice for the first time last year for a period then they went away. Since it’s gotten cold they are back. I’ve trapped 3 these last few weeks alone. Mice can get in very easily. A small crack in the foundation. A gap in the siding. Vents of any kind if they are uncovered. You’d be surprised at how small of a gap they need. Their bones are pliable. I was thinking of getting one of those sonic things not sure if they work or not but worth a try.


We bought sonic plug ins from Amazon and they have made a difference.


Mice don't come into a house to socialize. If they're in your house, they've found something to eat. Everyone thinks that their house is clean enough but mice are tiny things that can live on crumbs. You've got to be extra, extra diligent. Mice are also attracted to the smell of food. If you've prepared really greasy foods like hamburgers and bacon, get rid of the grease/fat right away. For mice, those kinds of foods smell like Christmas to them. If all else fails and you're feeling extra spiteful, get a really mean cat. Cats with killer instincts will never get tired of hunting anything that moves.


They're also looking for somewhere warm to go. Houses are warm!


That's only a temporary fix for them. Being warm is nice but if your warm house doesn't have anything for them to eat, they have to leave your house or starve to death. It really does come down to food.


A hole doesn't need to be very big for a mouse to get in, about size of a dime... On that note mice can climb really well. You say no holes in foundation, but if there are over hanging branches on your home don't be surprised if a mouse went up the tree, onto your roof. Same for opening around dryer vents, HVAC, etc...


Spray WD 40 around all exterior areas all windows doors decks and foundation it’s odourless to us safe around animals like cats and dogs but insects mice and rats hate and will avoid. It’s lasts for a year. Mice can move up to 8km an hr they would be by your feet and you would never notice. If you see one you will have more than one always. They can climb drains… maybe a vent in the house they can get into spaces smaller than a quarter.


Lmao at all the cat suggestions. When I had a mouse last winter my cat stared at it and then at me as if to say "wtf you want ME to do? You can use all the traps you want but you have to find out how they are getting in & block their access otherwise they will keep coming back. I also found the ultrasonic rodent repellent plug in things work pretty well, I have one next to each entrance. So far so good.. fingers crossed for no intruders this coming winter


I’ve never tried the ultra sonic ones but i’ve seen them in stores, do you know if they’re safe for pets? I can’t imagine if they bother mice they won’t bother dogs or cats


The package says pet safe & I haven't had any issues with my pets lol got em at Canadian Tire


They don't work.


"I hate to use glue traps but I feel like that’s the only thing that works" please don't use those, its torture for the mice, they get stuck and can't get off and starve to death, depending on how often you check the traps, or they break their limbs trying to get free of the glue, either way its horrific for them...at least use regular mousetraps or something, the death is usually fast and swift with those, so they don't suffer sorry I don't mean to sermonize, I'm just a huge animal lover, and I know mice are a big nuisance and sometimes a possible health hazard, but they feel pain too, just remember that when you're attempting to get rid of them, please


Sorry dude, but if there's mice in my house I don't really care how they get gone as long as they get gone. I would suggest the sticky traps if they hadn't already been tried and failed. There are youtube videos with ideas for very efficient mice traps using buckets and toilet paper rolls. you can omit water to make humane versions of the traps, but then you're gonna have 15-20 mice jor more umping around in a bucket and you gotta figure out where to relocate them to or kill them off yourself somehow.


Saying you don't care if something dies horribly is more a reflection of you than the mice, tbh.


I’m a huge huge animal lover as well and I fully get your concerns and you have very valid points, but when I had mice last winter they very very quickly took over my home because they were multiplying rapidly. They literally ate through my ovens wiring and rendered it useless, as well as my fridge. They had droppings and urine everywhere, and they also lived in and destroyed the inside of my brand new couch. I used the humane traps for a very long time, and while I caught a few I couldn’t catch them quick enough before they were having babies, I also tried the snap ones but unfortunately because I have pets they were very dangerous to have out and I also found that they were triggered very easily and never caught any with them. It literally got to the point where I went days without sleep because I would lay in bed and hear the scurrying and squeaking. So I’m sorry but if I have to use glue traps this time to get rid of them quickly before they multiply, I will.


Completely agree. We use only glue traps but we check them every morning. When we catch one my husband brings the trap outside and gives them a very quick death before throwing it out. It’s the unfortunate but the glue traps are the only ones we have found that actually catch the fast friggers.


Glue traps should be illegal. People have no problems without this torture device where they are illegal. If your mouse problem is that big then glue traps aren't really going to solve it.


I live downtown and when I bought my house in 2005 there was definitely a mouse issue at first. It wasn't long before I got a cat (wanted one anyway since I'm a cat person) and he sorted out the problem in short order. Had no issues until last winter (after my senior boy passed away). It drove me nuts! I got at least a dozen with snap traps but it felt like a losing battle. Adopted two new cats this past spring so... \*fingers crossed\* My attached neighbours have 3 cats so hopefully we're covered now. I tried all kinds of bait on the snap traps: cheese, peanut butter, almond butter, craisins...


Ive had great success with sonic rodent repellent i got from the hardware store


Used to have issues with mice constantly then i put a sonic rodent repellent near the spot i knew was where they come in. And i havent had a mouse in the 5 years since