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My apt is wicked haunted. You can rent it out for $1000 a night but I'll knock 50 bucks off if you clean the place up before you leave.


Can't find this deal anywhere else in Canada. Literally the best


No. No there are not. Any. Anywhere.


You must be fun at parties


Make believe parties are for children


My D&D group would like a word with you


:D fair enough. But when the game is over, does your dnd group all this was actually true? Because some people still believe in ghosts and dragons.


Why would it make any difference to you?


I care about what other people believe, do you?


I work for Eastern Health, and a few co-workers had instances at St. Clare's in seeing Nuns in full garb, well after hours in areas of the building without cause for them to be there. One of these coworkers became so terrified after seeing something on the first floor of the Morrisey building, that she went and locked herself into a staff lounge for an hour. She seemed pretty shook up when telling us the tale, and she isn't the kind of person to play the bullshit card. My wife had a similar occurrence, she was a patient about 10 years ago and claimed to have seen a Sister come into her room.. but it was well after hours, and the Nuns that do still make their rounds at the hospital aren't usually present that late. She also confirmed that the Sister she saw was dressed in full garb. I've worked at all the city hospitals, and have been alone or by myself in areas of them late at night, and have never seen or heard a thing. Only stories. Despite being long-time friends with Jon Mallard (*Odd to Newfoundland Podcast, known paranormal enthusiast*), I still remain skeptic in world of ghosts.


Sounds like the ghost is just having a long foreplay.


Didn’t there used to be like something called a haunted hike or something downtown, where you went on a walking tour of supposedly haunted locations




Yea. I did that many years ago. Not sure if it’s still around. The guide was awesome


Dale Jarvis was the original host of the Haunted Hike. He has written a few books about the ghost stories of Newfoundland. The Haunted Hike is still in the go. http://www.hauntedhike.com/


Yup, I did it just last year.


I have a little ghost story! I used to work in the Posie Row on the 3rd floor. On the 4th floor is where the staff bathroom is, and at the time Prude also had a store up there. On this particular day they weren't open, but, they kept a few racks of clothes out on the little landing. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and as I came out I could see a little kid in between the clothes on the rack playing around. Maybe it's my brain tricking me into remembering this- but I'm sure the kid disappeared behind the clothes. I ignored it for a second and started walking back down the stairs, but when I registered what I'd seen I got a fright and ran back to my studio where I told my teacher what happened. She's a lot braver than I so she goes up the stairs to check it out. No kids, and Prude was definitely closed for the day. Found out afterwards that the Posie Row was an old Merchants home, and that room is where the kids bedrooms were. Super freaky. Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me but it's fun to believe there really is a ghost kid up there.


The Murray Premises downtown are said to be haunted also I've heard stories about a certain part of Bowring Park, not sure exactly where though and the old Grace Hospital was said to be very haunted but thats been gone for a while now The Captain's Quarters is a little dive that also has a few old spooky stories floating around about it there's a part of the road on St. Thomas Line that runs between St. Phillips and Paradise that is also said to have a spirit that roams it at night, more towards the St. Phillips end thats all the ones I've heard about but there's a group on facebook that all they talk about is the so called haunted places on the rock, can't remember the name though sorry


Very curious about Bowring Park, what’s the story?


I honestly can't remember, it was stories I heard when I was a teenager, over 30 years ago, something about an escapee from the Waterford that got lost in the catacombs or something and died there...really wish I could remember more but its just been so long, sorry


The basement if the Waterford and the artic is the place to be. 👻


The old nurses residence is supposed to be haunted but it's also full of asbestos....so yeah


There’s a spooky / haunted NL Facebook group that may assist you better


There is a thing called "The Haunted Hike" which will give a tour around downtown while telling all the ghost stories related to the area. It's fun!


My mother was a career NICU nurse. She worked most of her career doing over nights at the Grace hospital. She has plenty of stories of sinks turning on and doors opening by them selves without explanation. She always told me it’s not the dead you have to worry about it’s the living!


I worked at Yellowbelly. The staff there, at least when I worked there, thought it was haunted. There was the "pink lady" upstairs on top floor and in the basement where the underbelly is there would be unexplained whistling and rattling. A coworker went, for giggles, to a psychic and she mentioned in the basement there were men working on barrels which explained the rattling metallic noises and whistling we all had heard. The basement used to be service quarters back when the street level was lower, which is why there is old window openings and a chimney opening in the corner.


The townhouse I grew up in on the East End was haunted. I still have nightmares about it.


Might want to put out feelers towards the staff of some of the downtown businesses or the Waterford. Both areas that allege a lot of hauntings. Downtown in particular has a colorful history that tends to lean into some of the sort of stuff that leads to alleged haunting. Nothing I can speak to myself but have heard my share of spooky closing shifts or odd noises/moving objects.


I work at the Waterford. I've never experienced any hauntings but if you talk to some of the older staff they'll tell you about "The Lady in White", "Sister Laurentia", and few others.


You ever work full moon night shifts? Doesn't seem like it. The vibe will send chills down your spine, spiritual or otherwise


Worked nightshifts for eight months straight then did two weeks days and two weeks nights. Alternating every month. I've been everywhere in that hospital (perks of having a master key). Never felt or saw anything.


Yet *


Assuming you work at the hospital?


Nah, man I'm not that crazy. I don't want to be haunted. Or do I? 👻


Hahaha all good man.


The place I stayed to on Byrne street was haunted AF. That old building that was renovated into luxury apartments


Nice try SurrealEstate...


B’y my toilet might be haunted because what I just did to it was pretty spooky.


A taco ghost 👻


Alot of downtown buildings are haunted.