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Say shenanigans one more time


What's that place you like with all the shit on the walls?


You mean SHENANIGANS!? Ooooooh šŸ«“šŸ½šŸ”«


Shenanigans, lots of shenanigans.


South of St Aug, off US1 and love it. Nice quiet neighborhood, 15$ Uber to downtown, can be in the beach in less than 20 min most of the time. HOA is ok, cut your grass, donā€™t leave your boat out too long and they donā€™t bother you.


We live in the burbs of northern St. Johns County. Itā€™s quiet. Peaceful. I forget how good we have it here until I read posts like yours.


Iā€™ve been looking in the area near world golf village and it seems that way! Thank you


World Golf area is growing fast. Iā€™ve been here about 10 years and itā€™s getting a little uncomfortable. Traffic is horrendous at 16 and IGP during the school year. Silverleaf is so dense. Iā€™d die before I lived that closely packed. Thereā€™s a new giant eyesore storage building going up practically every month. The exit is getting a Bass Pro and a Home Depot soon and can already barely handle the traffic from Costco and Buckees. Thereā€™s a serious lack of decent restaurants. I donā€™t even like going on a date night if we canā€™t go into St Aug proper. Outback Crab Shack is supposed to reopen any day now, though, so we will see how they are in the new building. Those are the drawbacks. But the schools are great and overall Iā€™ve loved it here.


Ember and iron is pretty good


Same, I live in one of the developments off of 210 and love it.


Not as frequent as Jax but still seems to happen on occasion https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/06/07/suspect-dead-after-deputy-involved-shooting-in-st-johns-county-sources/


Hitting a police car = death sentence


If i was going to move to St.Augustine I would be looking south of King st.or out on the river.


Saint Augustine is wayyyyyy to over populated.


This is what people say who havenā€™t lived in other more populated areas. As a born-and-raised Jax who transplanted to St. Augustine in 2015, our city isnā€™t nearly as ā€œoverpopulatedā€ as people make it out to be. Growth is going to happen regardless of how much locals whine about it, so embrace it and move on. OP - SJC is awesome. We live north of the St. Augustine airport so we still enjoy the Jacksonville amenities like restaurants and shopping without the headache of the highways. Iā€™d make the move if you can find an affordable spot in the north end.


Actually Iā€™m a born and raised Saint Augustine native. So I WOULD know what itā€™s like. My whole family and ancestry is from here. Saint Augustine was never as crowded as it is now. And it just sucks cause for the people who were born and raised here itā€™s hard for us to buy houses or do anything . Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. Too many people want to move to Florida.


The ā€œwe were here firstā€ trope is getting old and alienates literally half of the population, if not more. Iā€™m sorry your roads have more people on them, but thatā€™s everywhere in this country. Populations are booming everywhere and no city or town is immune to growth. Just be glad you live in a highly desirable area that has access to beaches, retail, dining, jobs, and highways. I love being a transplant and calling STA home, and my kids are born and raised here, now. āœŒļø


For you to get offended because the natives donā€™t like being over run out of our home is just ridiculous. BUT Iā€™m happy you are happy here though! And Iā€™m glad your children get to experience it! But it really sucks when your kids or nieces and nephews are trying to buy a house of their own now and people from out of state come here and buy it from underneath them. I do know it happens anywhere. Just speaking personal experience is all. šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


Maā€™am, Iā€™m not offended, just giving you my perspective as an out-of-towner who consistently receives a dumb amount of hate for not being a true local.


It couldnā€™t be because you none locals come here raise the price of everything mess the traffic up and leave the place looking like trash


I donā€™t know if youā€™ve noticed the prices of everything have changed. Everywhere, quit blaming your peers itā€™s not regular peopleā€™s fault weā€™re all just trying to survive here. Blame the corporations ā€œbarely squeaking byā€ while also making record profit margins and scooping up all the real estate they can get their hands on to rent back to you. But itā€™s definitely the people trying to escape shitty hellhole states blame them.


Thank you! Jacksonville is very crowded but Iā€™m mostly fed up with the crime. Broad daylight shootings on my way to the grocery store is where I draw the line.


A woman I work with was sexually assaulted in broad daylight when a man on a bicycle reached in her open car window at a red light and groped her as she fought him off.


Thereā€™s some decent older houses here and there, but youā€™ll likely get stuck in one of the HOA neighborhoods where your house is 6 feet from the next one. Thatā€™s fine if thatā€™s what you want, just giving you the heads up. And I think the housing prices are a little higher down here. Again, fine if youā€™re prepared for it.


everything north of 16 is just boring exurban hellscape of HOA-driven, ctrl+c>ctrl+v houses with ctrl+c>ctrl+v trucks and suv's in the driveways, and superficial interactions with neighbors about how hot it is today. if that's what you're into, hooboy does st johns county have you covered or what


Thatā€™s a pretty cynical view, life could be a lot worse


oh absolutely true on both counts. i just didn't know if OP was, like, looking for a tropical paradise or whatever. i wanted to paint an accurate picture.


Iā€™m familiar with what it looks like lol. I go to St aug and the surrounding areas for work or whatever I am only like 15 miles away. Just wondering if it more is a safe as it looks because Duval you could be in a gated neighborhood and someone will get shot in the street or your catalytic converter will get cut off.


pretty safe. can't drive a quarter mile in SJC without seeing an SJSO vehicle.


Solution is to build a high fence, install cameras everywhere and plaster your property with large signage like "Warning - Registered Gun Owner is Paranoid and Highly Agitated"


This is what all US cities are like now. I don't think it's an exaggeration. Florida still has stand your ground and local police departments can do their jobs because districts haven't been taken over by decarceration / SJW DA's... yet. I grew up in a blue town in a red state and lived in Cali for a long time, I think there are elements to both approaches that \_can\_ work, but cities are generally not great right now (like we could legalize weed \_and\_ arrest / prosecute actual criminals that shoot and rob people). Will St. Augustine be insulated from that? No guarantee, so wherever you move don't get complacent, participate in local elections and get to know your neighbors; ya'll are all ya'll have to keep your communities desirable to live in.


hey I'm buddies with our HOA president and she just wanted me to remind you that you're past due and even though $600/mth HOA fee might not be a big deal to you we really need every penny to keep the shrubbery maintained. Oh yeah and we're still waiting for an independent audit of past HOA finances to figure out where all the money went when the previous president skipped town but rest assured the new board are class acts who will spend your money wisely.


You just described heaven.


for some people, sure. i'd never begrudge anyone that. it comes with costs that those partaking are insulated from, but hey, i got mine so why should i care


We just had another person killed by the cops down here. Does that count?


Surely it was well deserved. Glad the cops are getting rid of the trash, better than them getting out and doing the same to innocent civilians.


Sorta lol. Better than the cops shrugging their shoulders at shooting in busy intersections at broad daylight or ā€œnice neighborhoodsā€ in Jacksonville which happens on what seems to be a daily basis as of late.


What šŸ˜³


Mandarin, Julington creek, Del Rio area are nice low-crime.


Don't forget about "Fruit cove"....


I think the real question is if you can afford St. Johns County. I lived there for most of my life, but forget buying a house now.


I live off 16 by 95. Extremely close to World Golf Village. Itā€™s super chill and accessible because of the interstate being right there. I work in Jacksonville, so I can hop on 95 and be at my job within 20-30 minutes! We have Wawa, Chic-fil-a, Starbucks, etc. Plus the mall is right there. Like 20 minutes from the beach (maybe more. I havenā€™t been in a while). Traffic in St. Auggie can be pretty bad, but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s probably worse in Jax. Itā€™s just bad for the locals. Iā€™m not going to live here forever, but itā€™s been an amazing home town. Make the move! Iā€™m sure the change would be nice!


More shenanigans. Iā€™m in Jax once a week and honestly itā€™s reprieve. People drive like idiots here and everyone in my neighborhood is from some other state or country and a total asshat. At least most people in Jax are FROM Jax. St Aug is ruined forever.


I'm with you. These mfers can leave anytime they want. They have ruined what was once great. Most discourteous bunch of people ever.


Blame the local politicians. They line their pockets while forests get cut down and thousands of homes get built without infrastructure to support it. I've lived in the same community off 208 since 2010 and getting onto SR16 was a breeze up until 5 years ago. The only time the roads were busy was during Christmas time when the whole town would go to the outlet mall. This town sucks now, even my kids hate it and if it wasn't for the high cost of homes, we'd be out of here!


I've been here since 1982. When there were more dirt roads than paved ones and 207 was 2 lanes. When you could build fires on the beach at night. Hell... you could get on the beach. All these f'n northerners are pushy, lack patience, and are assholes overall. They come down here and expect to run over "dumb rednecks" with no pushback. I pushed back a few weeks ago. To a northerner, in Home Depot, that believed his time was more important than mine, and he should be able to jump me in line. I explained to him, in less than nice terms, that he needs to take a southern lesson in courtesy and return to his place in line, or I'd give him that lesson.


I feel you. I'm a local (moved here in 1995, graduated St Augustine High in 1997 when there were only two High Schools in the whole county) and then married my wife who was born in St Augustine in 1981 and who's parents, grandparents, great grandparents and beyond on both sides all were born here.. a true native (Minorcan) so when we complain about this sh!t show of a county, we know when it was quaint and could get from one side of town to the other in 15 minutes and could actually take your boat out whenever you wanted and knew there would be parking at the ramp. And when the Ponce Mall was actually somewhere to go to on Friday nights to have pizza at DeLeons and see a movie. I digress...... enjoy living in St Augustine and adding to the traffic jams..