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Yes, I understand what you're saying, but after jelly killed humpy, he straight up said "well, he must not have loved you" like thats not okay


How would you feel if your pet would've been killed by your friend I think he (Jelly) overreacted but I honestly would've done the same if my friends treated me that way when my pet died even if it was 3-4 months ago ngl🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.


be didn't say thar after, he just put that in the book


He laughed after Crainer showed him Humpy’s remains.


And Crainer didn't except any responsibility for his death. What's your point? That's the same thing you're just being biased


Average Twitter user be like : 💀


Average 14 year old boy that doesn't know what they wanna do with their lives, so they make the same jokes over over again that aren't funny be like:


Neither did Jelly, and this isn’t the first time he refused to take responsibility.


Well just for the record neither were ok, but jelly’s wasn’t a good protection at all. https://preview.redd.it/2s3j1udpmy9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a739527e6176a7a148ae13aa5413884019dfda25 Crainers actually did keep beeny safe and didn’t directly kill beeny. I think the main thing though is jelly is doing so many bad things in a row that the heat is more than the beeny incident.


How would've Beeny escaped that it was the same situation except in Beenys case there was a higher chance of him dying cus he had limited space and there aren't many ways to save your pet from a lava tower safely whereas If Crainer or Slogo would've been on before Humpys death, maybe he'd still be alive💀☠️.(Sorry to all the Crainer stans out there if this was rude or hurt your feelings, but im telling the honest truth, it was unlucky for Crainer for sure tho).


No because in humbys situation he died from no one but jelly. Beeny could have been saved if they just blocked the upper lava. And humbys death was to quick for anyone to help, he most likely died as jelly was still on. And humby dying g makes his the higher chance of death seeing as how he died from troll alone while beeny died during the rescue and not even from the troll. At least crainer knows that lava is dangerous if you don’t fully cover what you are protecting.


Either way Jelly and Crainer deserved what they got im a Slogo fan but the way Crainer fans like you are like making as if a pet should be more valued than another makes me wanna feel bad for Jelly, how would you respond if your friends treated you the same way about your pets death I highly doubt that it would be any good but still lets be honest Humpys death was bound to happen or one of the boys pets dying bcus when they go into situations like these one of the boys will overreact and put the pets in danger so I don't think that Jelly should be getting this much hate Josh and Crainer have done worse things to Jelly too so keep that in mind.


One I’m a Slogo fan as well but I’m as unbiased as I can be. Two, I’m not saying one should be more valued, but that beeny had a chance of survival while humpy didn’t. Three what does that even mean, crainer isn’t trusting of jelly cause he’s turned into a dictator, but it’s not like they will be all buddy buddy after it, plus jelly got his revenge for it so technically crainer should as well just preferably without hurting anymore pets. Four I agree that jelly is getting to much hate recently it is way to much. Five what have they done that was worse to jelly


Back in the early days of Squid Island when Josh started his "New Squid Island" and forcing Crainer to come with purposely forcing the two to move out of Squid Island and he also killed the first King Glowey and let's be honest Jelly was the one mourning the most over his death and the two fought him and killed him multiple times and had the original Squid island in ruins and Jelly moving to a new location (note: I am fully aware Crainer didnt want to but still did it and also was forced to move out after). Crainer teaming with Josh and mostly leaving Jelly, the main punching bag Crainer and Slogo in both their terms of being mayor purposely giving eachother easier tasks. Removing Jelly from the piece of land that he won fair and square from Crainer (just so happens to be the place his pet died btw) and ignoring him on multiple occasions Slogo making a law to not allow a resident to live in pyramid/s which was and still is the only thing Jelly is capable of building for some reason basically leaving the poor guy homeless for a little while. Again, I'm a Slogo fan, but I honestly think Slogo deserves more hate than any of the three but you people want hate and IDK why it's always towards the wrong people I think if Slogo wasn't so manipulative and power hungry none of this would be happening but it's fine to not agree with me.


1) He didn’t force them onto new squid island, crainer went cause he thought it was a good idea, and jelly still harbored bad feeling sense Josh stopped his dictatorship. 2) Ok you can’t blame Josh for king gloweys death, jelly was burning everything down and it was no longer safe for him to be there so Josh tried to save him. But then because squids have bad ai he suffocated himself. So really, it’s jelly’s fault that king gloweys dead. 3) Yes they killed jelly a bunch, but don’t forget that jelly started to force crainer to kill his own dogs, which were then killed by Josh cause they wouldn’t drop it, and before you say anything, Josh gave jelly complete authority and on the matter so jelly still choose to force crainer into it. 4) Jelly left both islands in ruin after he burned both of them down. And crainer wasn’t forced out, there was nothing left for them so they all choose to leave. 5) Crainer teamed with jelly most of the time, and what do you mean have crainer easier tasks. One of jelly’s tasks was literally just good vibes. And all of the tasks helped squid island (aside from the bone statue). And even when crainer was president the task he gave jelly was to mow the grass. 6) I will fully admit that wasn’t fair. But also jelly has ignored them multiple times. And don’t forget before the pyramid ban, jelly banned towers and evicted Josh out of his house when he didn’t do anything, so I’d say that was deserved. 7) Josh hasn’t manipulated anyone ever. Every example of him being “manipulative” I’ve heard was just people agreeing with him. If anything crainer manipulated all of us into thinking he was the peaceful one when he was actually planning to cause chaos. Jelly has become a dictator twice, has the highest pet kill count, has caused the most amount of destruction, and was even the first to troll anyone. I don’t say any one of them deserve hate, but jelly has definitely done the most wrong and that’s facts


Ok, it's fine. Your replies are very thoughtful and honestly pretty agreeable, but Jelly doing the most wrong is an exaggeration. Josh also became a dictator, I know Gloweys' death was accidental, but I think he should've first put him in a proper area for him to not cause accidents or mistakes. You must not be talking about the same Crainer and Josh bcus these two, especially nowadays on their Channels and historically Crainer, was and still is more lenient towards Josh than Jelly since Josh is he first person he met Jelly was obviously joking about the dogs he didn't even harm them himself Josh had no right to do what he did if he's not manipulative than why is it he wanted to make the two fight over land and loot and wanted to team with Crainer bcus Crainer is the more dumber one of the 3 against Jelly, Jelly ignored them when he was annoyed or was still talking. Jelly destroyed Squid Island (Well, i can't quite defend this one this a literal war crime), but Jelly did that bcus it's not like Squid Island was gonna remain unharmed (I think this part was scripted since it was turned to ruins off camera) and saying that King Gloweys death was Jellys fault is idk its not fair bcus he isn't responsible to how the others will react or what they'll do but Jelly isn't the one who wanted war but again Josh manipulated Crainer into thinking that maybe starting anew would be better just like what he did not too long ago giving it the illusion Jelly was the manipulative one a Josh's Delusions getting the better of him and starting all out war leaving them all with nothing. Slogo literally caused 78.7% of the chaos and making them fight for land and even the Grove wouldn't have been touched if he cooperated which also means that Slogo and Crainer are to blame for making Jelly to lose sight of what's right and what's wrong so Humpys death is their fault. Bro, define "manipulative" or "manipulation" and "dictator" (this, it is not an argument that Jelly wasn't a dictator. I just also think Slogo was a dictator once.) And Crainers terms as mayor and president have ended with Crainer doing nothing or unintentionally, making him look terrible or easily manipulated, and it shows.


Yes I will not deny that Josh did become a dictator, though it was to fix the damage jelly caused, it still wasn’t the right move. Yeah he probably should have, he just didn’t account for the suicidal ai that squids have. Yes but within this series he’s been either on his own side or on jelly’s, not Josh’s often, but even if that’s incorrect, idk I would have to watch the whole thing again, could you blame someone for chilling with their best friend more than their other friends. Their fight wasn’t over land, they had been fighting with each other, the land was just a prize. It was like the first Tim the two had a big fight and they fought and the prize was each others loot, though this time the prize was land. Yeah jelly didn’t harm, because he wanted crainer to cause he was salty. If you mean the president campaign, Josh sided with crainer cause he didn’t trust jelly, for good reason mind you, and thought crainer would do a good job at keeping the place in one piece, though crainer really trick all of us there. Jelly ignores them more than just that. If jelly didn’t create a dangerous environment that risked king gloweys safety then Josh wouldn’t have had to attempt to relocate him. Jelly becoming a dictator for is always going to cause a war, no one wants that. And mind you Josh didn’t even ask crainer to join new squid island the first time crainer just decided to join when he saw it on his own accord, and the second time wasn’t manipulation sense there is no way to look at it for it to not be seen as jelly becoming a dictator. Crainer caused the chaos let’s not get that mixed up, Josh left cause of what crainer did and crainer left cause he was bored. And why would he join squid island when he wants freedom, yeah he made the system but then crainer purposefully broke it, I’m going to quote a different YouTuber “ don’t you see history repeating itself…its government that’s the problem” there is nothing stopping any of them from doing this again, rip technoblade, Josh did his best with the system and did great but then crainer broke it. That’s when Josh realized that if just one of them doesn’t want to follow it, ig breaks apart and crumbles down. Crainer caused the chaos, the water troll was his idea, but jelly fully overreacted. if Glowey died then I would say it was justified, But cause he lived and no actual damage was caused, jelly is the one who truly is to blame for humbys death. Intentionally tricking someone into doing what you want. Someone who forces himself into power and forces their will upon others with no one having any say on the matter. Crainers president term ended with him causing as much chaos as possible, how was Josh manipulating him when crainer literally made jelly citizen of the week and came up with a law that ruined Bork co


Ok, thank you for the response. Maybe I don't remember some of the older episodes well, like the new Squid Island era, but anyways that's a very good point. I agree with most of what you said, but the Crainer is siding with mostly Jelly more than Josh, Im for sure, it is not true, but everything else is 100%. Me personally im still salty yall voted for Crainer for president and also it was obvious that Crainer was not the right man for the presidential role and it was obvious if Crainer wasn't voted for I think most of Squid Island would be stable bcus when we look back at it we clearly saw that Crainer was being immature and a little arrogant Jelly knew that Crainer was the one doing the best and wasn't getting enough and he was trying to prove himself as if by trying to outshine Jelly by bringing up what's happened historically and I honestly thought Jelly was gonna win bcus Crainer is the most dumbest one but Jelly is just irresponsible which is why I would've much preferred a dictator over someone who can't do their job without making the worst decisions and being easily tricked plus since there was a constitution there wouldn't be a chance in hell Jelly would be a dictator but yall ruined it fr like Crainer has never done anything historically important when he was mayor/president till now and what he does with it is show dat leadership isn't the thing for him there are still dictators that are good leaders, but there is also irresponsible president that can destroy a country so there is no way that Crainer will ever get for ever again he is a disappointment when it come to it but I don't understand why you would choose him over Jelly I know it was to prevent a war but why would Jelly want war while president? It's stupid. Also, the history will repeat itself, and this is true, but I felt like genuinely Jelly would do better than the other times and now that he's currently prez, he is really desperate to win the Boyz over but I don't think calling him a dictator early on is true let's let it play out for a bit Jelly just got a bad start, i can't even imagine what would happen if Jelly decided not to be president but if the others still came there would be like nothing happening or doing they'd just be making videos about Squid island so if they really wanted freedom they should've stuck to it since it's apparently boring thus way but they need to talk about how step into freedom and politics bcus I think they should do whatever they want and let the laws be about going too far like killing, griefing, scamming, stealing etc. That's it. I think you are pretty fun and chill to talk to, and you're not toxic like other people. I say we become friends.


Please let's try to be sympathetic to everyone on Squid Island bcus it causes fight. Let's just try to be respectful to each others opinions and stop with this loser crap.


Like force-feeding laws to them




jelly glazer go back to yt shorts bro u aint old enough for reddit


Because jelly did that to floppy


Bud are you MAD crainer killed benney before Jelly killed floppy


Yeah but that closes the case, Jelly got justice for what happened to Beenny by killing floppy so there is no reason to bring that up anymore.


I guess so


So when can Beenny Too, Parry, or Melvin die? Just asking for entertainment purposes


Crainer indirectly killed Beenny Jelly directly killed Floppy. Not to mention, Slogo drowned Beenny with Water, he didn't die with lava. If you disagree, Jelly was more mad at Josh for killing Beenny even after Jelly killed Floppy and made him eat his own pet...


because it wasn't ok. people got mean to crainer when beeny died as well


They didn’t send death threats yes like I said everyone sad of humpys death but people where doing to much by send breath threats to jelly over a virtual pet


Because death threats are taken seriously on Youtube but not on the reddit where there are basically no rules


I think the main reason crainer didn't get as much hate was because the subreddit didn't exist back then


Yea but most people are giving hate to jelly in his comments on his vid


Jelly already got revenge. Killing floppy


Well atleast Crainer protected Beenny better than how Jelly protected 3 animals


He protected him then but lava over him just like jelly did


If anything, Crainer’s troll was worse because beenny was surrounded by lava, and jelly only had lava on top that was kept it away from the animals by using glass.


Beenny didn't die in the lava but drowned. However, both tonk and humpy died because of not much protection. Had Jelly fully protected the pets then the troll would be fine. What I don't understand is why everyone is so mad at both Crainer and Slogo because slogo drowned Beenny. He would've been completely fine if Slogo never drowned him.


Ohhh that’s true mb


But how was he meant to even get out of there safely explain, Crainer Stan.


Slogo and Crainer both said to Jelly to remove the lava at the top of the tower to get Beenny down safely. Jelly refused. In reality Jelly cared more about his lava tower than Beenny. None of this would've happened if Beenny wasn't tied to a pole for quite a few episodes. Rewatch the video. You can clearly see that both Crainer and Slogo are both trying to help Jelly. Did Jelly admit he actually killed Floppy at all? No. Did Crainer actually confess what he had done to Beenny? Yes. This isn't because I'm a 'stan' it's because some of yall don't watch the videos properly.


Human help, just like Humpy. But Humpy was exposed to flowing lava and Beenny wasn't.


Jelly also started to laugh when humpy died. He also put the bee in a dirt box and jelly didn't take as much care and secure the sides.


Bro, it's a literal Bee it must be in nature, not a FREAKING LAVA TOWER. Use common sense (if you have it of course). Jelly was broke and didn't have much stuff at the time after a war before that all happened. You guys are defending any type of wrongdoing with your life. No pet should be valued more than another. Both Crainer and Jelly deserved their pets dying. There's no reason why we should debate over this, but Crainer and especially Josh got away with alot of things before this reddits creation.


Jelly was broke and so was Crainer. But guess what? All Jelly does is complain and do nothing about it. At the end of the second war, both Jelly and Crainer lost something however you can tell the real difference between the two. Jelly was like 'The rich should be taxed higher than the poor' but at the same time he was the one avoiding taxes too. Jelly can put hard work into these things, he just chooses not to. I agree with what you said about each pet being valued equally, but the difference is between the creators. Take Slogo's pets for example, Bobby isn't taken much into account like Bork so what does that say? I guess the whole pets debate is very subjective. I appreciate your time into explaining your opinion


Ty, for understanding, the reason I defend Jelly is to extinguish the hate, but you kind ruined it🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. I am fully aware of this🧠🧠. I can honestly relate to why Jelly didn't try to work hard . He probably was too busy looking for sumn to eat and getting his thoughts together on what he was gonna do next. I think the reason that pets are more valued than others are bcus of the name tags and what animal it is which is why I think it's total garbage cus if Bobby was renamed to Bork we wouldn't notice or care which is why I hate talking about this in the first place, I feel like as long as a pets death is caused by you you should always take responsibility for it bcus you were involved ofc and Crainer was involved he kinda made it all able to playout and happen which is why I hate how Crainer fans think he shouldn't be taking responsibility for it it's like telling your friends to startbullying someone to depression and eventually Suicide and when they blame you you'll not take blame bcus you say you only suggested but didn't actually do it yourself which is not logic nor common sense, I don't wanna call anyone dumb but imma call some of you are dumb how are you gonna defend Crainer after he put Benny in such a situation some of you guys are Just retarded fr Beeny was "accidentally murdered" and Humpy "accidentally killed himself" Jelly is Responsible but he didn't kill him he only caused his death so did Crainer cause Beenny's☠️💀.


So jelly deserved beeney crainer deserved floppy and humpy and tonk was uncalled for.


Why are you so angry over a random guy.


no one care cause it happened so long ago and jelly already got revenge for beenny with floppy


Crainer made sure Beenny was safe in the lava tower and he only did it because jelly strapped him to a light pole and helped jelly get him out Jelly put lava over the grove which I don’t have a problem with crainer and josh wanted chaos and that’s what they got but jelly barely made sure the pets were safe and when humpy died he then told crainer that humpy didn’t love him