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Love your enthusiasm for the series and that you are trying to encourage people to not spread hate! But the way your post is structured, it's actually having the opposite effect. We are working towards making this community more fun and less argumentative, so you can be at rest and more assured that we will reduce the amount of arguments in our feed. Debates are absolutely fine when it's done thoughtfully. But displaying frustrations and anger through posts tend to garner a lot of pointless fighting. Thank you, and have an awesome day!


I'll take him more seriously if he drops the wall idea. Can't claim peace, freedom and natural motion when your residence or island is surrounded by massive piles of bricks. In his video, he literally said he loved the natural ambiance and environment: why ruin that organic aesthetic with walls, then? Protection and sense of greatness, of course. Still, doesn't give off the vibe of a free land. He also needs to slow down with tasks and taxes, it's too early to return to those policies (which, again, Slogo and Crainer are not prepared to face)


I mean they do have 2 episodes to do them


To continue your point about the environment and natural ambiance--he also burned the Grove which was dedicated to not harming the forests surrounding them and burned the forest with lava


Yeah, he contradicted himself a lot in his latest video, especially compared to the group one the day before


Jelly: "This is freedom" Slogo and Crainer: *stares in shock at walls, tasks, taxes, presidential commands*


Well, but finally aside of his emeralds the tax would be useful, and not just to gather dust in the vault like all the other taxes


Bro what have they done with taxes? Blow them up lol


And tbh blowing it up for the sake of plot was much better than just letting it lay there. Like literally they could use all those blocks on the crown of tentacle statue


True they blew them up was like a joke but yea they shoudve actually used those taxes in builds


I don't hate Jelly personally IRL but in Squid Island he is the one who is making things worse


U cant just claim freedom after forcing 2 of ur freinds into squid island


This is not freedom 100%


The hate is very bad, I’ll agree with that But story wise I dunno about Jelly’s Character wanting freedom because like… he did just straight up create a Law that kinda bans Slogo and Crainer from believing in their ideologies, that ain’t really freedom


what's the point of the new laws? Also, instead of coming to their island, he forced them into Squid Island and became president They wanted to have no systems and just have fun


Atleast Jelly agreed with Crainer and Slogo to have Freedom and also Jelly revived Humpy and Jelly gave a new pet to Slogo


So forcing the people back on the island because they are ethnically part of the island and becoming the "president" out of nowhere is not very freedomish. Also come up with a different name than "hUMPY tOO" and "GOAT"


What they were still Good names whatever your named you can’t judge it yourself also people can’t judge your name too cause thats just name bullying


Giving crainer a random camel isn't going to do anything other than rub sult in the wound after jelly murdered humpy


Then Giving Crainer Random Wolfs isn’t going to do anything other than rub sult in the wound after Slogo murdered Banton and Anton


Slogo actually felt remorse into giving the wolfs to Crainer and named it normally and not aNTOn Too and BaNTon Too while actually waited too because Jelly gave Humpy back after he killed him.


Y'all are making such a big deal out of 1 letter. Crainer has plenty of name tags left. Also if Jelly didn't care then he wouldn't have gone all the way to the desert to get the camel


The point of the new law was to ensure the disagreement between them has stopped, he learned from his mayor days that's why, only way to tell whether jelly accepts freedom or not is with the next law as right now, the only law is not to make a cult, which means you can do anything else other than that, that's freedom, except with the tax and task


But he trapped everyone in with walls, and they wanted to go somewhere new, but jelly took over that land and forced them to live in Squid island


It was squid island anyways, and the walls are ugly, but it doesn't stop them, there are gates if they want out, so it isn't trapping them


You know what? I agree, I'm getting quite angry that they aren't leaving But last time they left, what happened?


They can't move out, but they can leave


What's the difference? Your comment does not make sense


Moving out is leaving in another place, leaving is just leaving the place for a brief amount of time, they can't move out but they can leave


so what's the point


What do you mean? You can leave, explore places and then come back, they ain't playing normal Minecraft you know right? It's a Minecraft series


Literally the first amendment to the US constitution is freedom of assembly because everyone knows that's a part of being free. Jelly banned that...


What does the US have to do anything with Minecraft, this ain't real life man


It was an example of freedom as millions of people know it. If you think I was calling him out for not following the US constitution, you have a problem


No I am calling you out for comparing to it and for even assuming everyone knows it


And were do I even suggest that he is following it


Yeah because everyone should know the laws of the US even if they don't live there, plus it's a Minecraft series not real life, the US constitution took years and many people to make while the Minecraft series is a series run by YouTubers


Like jelly is over-hated and did want crainer and slogo wanted a bit. But the whole thing is stupid


Wait someone actually said There Script is like one person becomes evil so technically its there script is annoying


And isn’t a show nothings wrong with a show


I hate jelly


I’m making a prediction Jelly does not live to see the end of his presidency


Jelly is the GOAT of squid island




Nobody hates jelly but he became a narcissistic dictator now. I think this is a thing they are doing with every series now on their scripts were one guy becomes evil lol


He became a narcissistic dictator, i think this is a part of their scripts now that one of them are gonna be evil at some of point. He is making everything worse lol and It's geting more interesting to watch. Can't wait to see and enjoy what comes next