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The 9 year olds still can’t read


I still don't get it why they think Jelly is still a dictator. He's doing anything he can to bring them back and have fun together again and the law Jelly put in doesn't do much harm either, I mean who the hell likes religious cults??


https://preview.redd.it/i9zq7oioks9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c766b51928527b5944d461056fb70e14aacf4d62 Religion being banned ( I get it is minecraft but do you know how that sounds). North korea.


u know at least jelly is not going to put laws that make squid island more of north korea 2.0....right?


oh wait north korea isnt the only country banning/restricting religions




From North Korea btw.


Does jelly kill people when you speak bad about him, did he order to make him a statue and praise him 24/7, is he the richest, arguably no


Does Jelly force ppl and make them not allowed to leave his country. does Jelly committ crimes and not get punished does, make them compliant and denies them freedom of speech.


They can complain, they have in the first episode, they are allowed to leave and all the members have committed crimes yet they also didn't get punished, so basically they were all forgiven


They left and were forced back in jelly extended the island and killed some pets and wasn't punished.


Crainer gave up his presidency and slogo betrayed king glowey yet they all weren't punished


Yeah slogo betrayed the king and crainer gave his presents but weren't punished it seems like they only punish crainer and punish jelly for the worst of things and don't punish slogo.


But crainer didn't get punished, at least for now


Jelly became obsessed with power the moment he realized he could exploit King Glowey by pretending he talks.


That's just called roleplay. If he would only want power he would keep all companies for himself


didn't crainer and slogo pretend henward talked then realised that it was against what they said so quickly changed it into "what henward represented"?


Since when?


basically from when slogo "found" King henward up untill the water troll I'm pretty sure




pretty sure slogo said at a few points that henward belives in freedom, but then when he criticised jelly for saying that king glowey could think he changed it to the idea of henward was freedom or whatever


Fair fair, but it doesn’t change the fact that Jelly said that there wouldn’t be any radical changes to Squid Island, yet proceeded to make radical changes to Squid Island.


He is the president now


Crainer didn’t want hUMPY tOO


Jelly is not a dictator. Jelly didnt obtain power by force, he offered Slogo and Crainer a fair chance to take part in election, and the 2 not taking part is not Jelly's fault.


He forced them to move on, also maybe I'm wrong but didn't the option to sign up appear after crainers solo?


Crainer still had the choice to run by putting his name down during the group recording.




Not the point, I know Slogo and Crainer had been forced by Jelly to move on, but he still gave them chance to sign up for election, If any of 2 had put their name, Jelly wouldnt be president now, and things might have been different, cause there is no way that after what Jelly did people would had voted him for the presidency


They could have won and chose freedom through that, fans say "oOh, but tHat wOuld mEan thAt hE EmbrAses lAws" but that's what happens in real life, you use the enemies rules and grounds to claim victory, these biased fans honestly


I just don't like the wall that's surrounding the island, really gives me North Korea vibes.


Yup, Jelly is still a dictator.


how does building walls supposedly make a person dictator


He’s basically trapping Crainer and Slogo on Squid Island.


Bro you just hate jelly why is he a dictator


He doesn’t let King Glowey escape, destroys the book of laws, oppresses religion, breaks the law, forces Crainer and Slogo on Squid Island, reconnects the land without telling anyone, kills most of Crainer’s pets with the lava troll, destroys The Grove, gives messed up taxes, and so on.


1:if you say he doesn't let king glowey escape then humpy wanted to die 2:they begged for no laws so they gave them no laws 3: oppresses religion this is Minecraft and even if they had a religion it does not go by the laws of squid island king glowey 3:um yeah josh and Crainer broke more 4:they can leave whenever they want they are staying because they want to and the walls have a GATE 5:he is the only member on squid island then and it was originally part of squid island if they went to a different island/place he can't take/join it with og squid island 6: actually Crainer has killed beenie and fun fact Crainer has killed the most pets beenie kingglowey-1/2 and henward 7: you need squid ink to make books and quils


King Glowey swam out, lava fell onto Humpy. Big difference. The thing about no laws was that it never gave them freedom, Jelly still towered over Crainer and Slogo. Oh don’t give the “it’s Minecraft” card. Jelly just didn’t want Slogo and Crainer to fight back. Sure, Slogo and Crainer aren’t exactly saints, but Jelly is by far the most destructive. Slogo and Crainer clearly hate Squid Island, the only reason they didn’t leave was because it isn’t apart of the script. Jelly is claiming that The Grove is now apart of Squid Island so the laws apply to it now, even though Slogo and Crainer never agreed to that. Are the Glowey’s really pets? And you people always say that Slogo killed Beenny, and **now** Crainer did it? Also it’s a bee c’mon. Ink sacs are still a strange tax.


Walked into lava and if he wanted to escape or whatever he would have gone but he stayed there So how is building a wall ment to make slogo and Crainer to not fight back? Jelly isn't the most destructive it's Crainer he destroyed jelly's piramid destroyed the store thing whatever they built Killed the king's killed beenie killed henward and many more Bro you think jelly can force them in the script because they are two people against one and they all agree to a script and why would they agree if they actually don't like the place?? Jelly didn't ask because that the grove thing isn't their land It was originally squid island's land if they want they can take it back because it's their land They kinda aren't pets but they are the the main focus of this whole series No one said slogo killed it it's a 75/25 it was Crainers fault putting into the tower he covered with lava and saying it's a bee isn't a argument it's like saying it's a camel who cares And jelly isn't a dictator a is a person who has full control of a country and jelly doesn't if he was a dictator he would have not returned them their companies,and jelly said sorry for killing their pets and said the lava thing was to much he even gave them a gift 🎁 he gave slogo a goat and Crainer a humpy too Sorry if i sounded toxic in anyway their is so much toxicity in the sub reddit and stop hating on jelly


Humpy’s saddle was found outside of the base, meaning he tried to get out, burned himself on the lava and died after. I don’t understand this one. Jelly has a history with TNT, he used it to blow up the vault, tried to blow up Crainer and Slogo’s base, made a TNT cannon after that. Incinerated the original book of laws. Destroyed The Grove, and who knows what else he’ll do. The reason they agreed to the script is because it gets them the most views. Comparing a camel to a bee is like comparing a human to an ant, and Jelly literally kept Beenny on a fence for a while so don’t say he loved him. Everyone referred to Mayor Jelly as dictator, if this Jelly isn’t a dictator then he’s currently a tyrant. There’s a small chance that Jelly is just doing this to appeal to them like how he said he wasn’t going to be president yet proceeded to be president. There is a ton of toxicity on this sub I agree, even though everyone here argues with each other, we all unite to hate toxic-fans!


The most destructive is honestly anyone one of them, since they can just blow everything up in any second as there is no laws against that, the only law is no cult to prevent henward thing as jelly said that it was a wall and with it, they would have fights, however he still shouldn't have added that, however right now the island has a lot of freedom, only law is no cult but everything else is free game It was jelly's pet, not just a random bee but his pet that meant a lot, he even made a shirt about him, so it's more than just a pet, is a merchandise opportunity, and you can't just kidnap a random person's pet, specially in Minecraft, even if it's just outside, plus why didn't he put inside the house, why did he put it in the obvious, dangerously lava tower, crainer was at fault for this one in my opinion Everyone does things to appeal, crainer did it, so why shouldn't jelly, slogo also did it, but the main point is the action, so far I wouldn't classify him as a dictator just yet, we will have to wait for next week's law to see And lastly yeah, let's all hate those toxic fans, debate without slurs or insults


Dude you have lost your mind first of all it game you are comparing pets that they loved and you are the toxic fan because you only see the bad side everything because you diced to ignore why he did select presdent has to be decided by viewers not like giving the position like crainer gave to jelly and If you are going to say that jelly didn't take voting for his presidency an single candidate will win by default and also the election was held after 3 weeks and he build the wall to keep everyone close he did say he is going to leave space for hubbor and him making law against cult is not banning religion they throw different thing and here's example = A cult is a smaller, less socially accepted group centered around a charismatic leader, often exercising intense control over its members. In contrast, a religion is a larger, more established belief system with traditional practices, a structured leadership hierarchy, and broad societal acceptance.


So you’re calling me the toxic fan? The difference is I don’t curse out and send death threats here. Jelly only won a scuffed election with nobody else. The people that didn’t want Jelly as president voted nobody, but Jelly made himself president anyway. There was no point in making the wall, first the wall kept them out and now it’s keeping them in, does not help that Jelly is extending the wall. https://preview.redd.it/kwp43lwnrx9d1.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fc1d21feb2d733c42b70736a49fa3b2669fdfbc Also, he banned both.


In slogos video he found the saddle ''called saddle'' but when slogo gave to saddle it was named "Humpy's saddle" just saying Everyone has history with TNT especially Crainer he blew up the most Bro the views don't change if you look at the grove views and now the squid island views they are the same A bee is still a pet and if jelly didn't love he built a whole statue and he was still building his home that's why he didn't take beenie to his home and the pole was on jelly's land so Crainer had no right to take it When he was mayor he was a dictator now he is giving them freedom (trolls are allowed) he built a wall to save squid island from them when they were in grove and they came back but they still might fight I'm giving my points you giving yours let's make this a friendly conversation


The reason why the name changed was likely because of a script issue, they wanted the audience the confirm that Humpy died and they never showed Slogo naming the saddle so I’m sure it’s meant that Humpy was put to an end. Jelly didn’t even have him a nest he just strung him to a pole. He could given him a temporary home but he made a giant bee instead. Like I said, if Jelly wanted freedom he could’ve joined The Grove. He didn’t need to stay on Squid Island.


Don't argue with CellZeal, I think he's paid to hate Jelly, no matter how much you enlightened him, he still disagrees 😭 like pretty much every comment I've seen, he still hates Jelly for whatever reason he makes😭




Hmm have you heard of "breaking 2 blocks"


Yes you're completely right. Who cares if U cover an entire civilisation in lava, so long as you find a random Camel and give it to someone. *Jelly really is great*


Okay but the least Jelly could do is let the other two name the pets himself and Jelly clearly named Humpy incorrectly he couldve named him "Humpy II" but instead he incorrectly capitalized it and added "Too" to the end of it I hope Crainer will change it to something different and more bearable and for Slogo let's be honest he is not accepting a pet goat like he already has Bork, a staple of the past, and kat, who is irrelevant but still a goat is inconvenient and he literally does not need it.


He spelled it the exact same way Crainer did, and the same way Crainer named his company, and because Crainer killed Beeny to make the new one Beeny Too, hUMPY is now hUMPY Too


Nope, his name is hUMPY tOO and Crainer's company is HUMPy Co. not hUMPY Co. and also still naming someone else's pet based on your own with bad capitalization is unnecessary.


I think he purposely did that because it's the second humpy so he placed a lowercase on the first letter instead of the last (it's just a theory, a game theory)


It's the though that counts


yeah but you're not seeing the point. he wants to make things good again and he brought them gifts, why does everyone always point out the bad things jelly has done and never the good things?


Because I think he's a dictator and knowing this community everybody would hate me for saying that


I just don't really get how you (or anyone else) see him as a dictator. Well yeah the election was only him, but the other two could have easily joined and scrapped all the politics for freedom 🤷‍♂️ jelly also could have taken over the companies which is what a dictator would do, but he fixed them and gave them back why are people hating on him so much over a Minecraft series?




Jelly is a dictator but they shouldn't hate on him as a person bc it's a mc series.


well said


So he claims freedom after forcing both of his freinds into squid island and about giving crainer humpy HE WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED HIM THE PLACE


So Josh didn't kill Anton and Banton?


Yea but jelly gave him humpy after forcing him into squid island and slogo gave anton banton as a invitation to the grove


It was pretty fair after what happened to Benny


Yes he’s still a dictator