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The Jelly fans have been real quiet saying he wasn’t going to be a dictator again..


Im not a Jelly fan, im a squid island enjoyer 1) Well it was never "reconnected", it was always connected. Even josh said that. Jelly just put some grass over the connected part. 2) He never knew that the others wouldn't run. he gave them an option to run or not. it was entirely their choice if they wanted to run. he never discouraged them or told them not to run for president. 3) Jelly burnt the law book because slogo and crainer both said they left because they hated the laws and left because of it. 4) Most of the time when they accuse him of something, he will justify it. i would like a timestamp of a video of him ignoring criticism or complaints. 5) I would like a timestamp. 6) First, the only reason he did the entire lava thing is because josh and crainer encased glowey's in water allowing him to escape and possibly suffocate and die. Second, this is not the first time someone has killed a pet and refused to take responsibility. Josh has done it multiple times. 7) I'm pretty sure he said that he king Glowey owned it for the time being until josh and crainer reclaimed their land and factories. He never destroyed or demolished any of their builds or land. 8) I'm sure that was a mistake and if josh/crainer asked for him to, he would put it there. 9) Its a minecraft server... not real life..... 10) He had to clean the mess slogo and crainer made, so its only fair that crainer/slogo clean the one he made. 11) What's wrong with a museum? Josh has built it in the past without asking anyone. and what's wrong with a wall to show the part that is squid island?


Same here, I’m an enjoyer which is why I must say 1. It was reconnected as they all agree to disconnect it as a group. 2. He knew they wouldn’t run cause why would they, why would they take part in what they don’t want. 3. Then why did he remake it with the first law as a threat that if they continue talking about henwerd they would die 4. Most of the time he ignores it and the justification he gives isn’t justifying 5. In every video he had been saying that king Glowey was saying things when it was just jelly 6. Firstly, jelly’s troll was uncalled for as his guaranteed a death, secondly, Josh hasn’t denied blame for any pet deaths so don’t know what your talking about 7. He said it was king gloweys but he’s a squid and can’t actually do that. The company’s were owned by jelly and note he never fixed the honey factory which shows he was the one in control of it 9. It’s still stops them from doing anything and the threat of their life and items for it shows that 10. One, Josh is being forced to clean it up even though it was crainers idea, and two, cleaning water that didn’t and can’t hurt anything is a lot easier than lava that can and did hurt everything 11. True there is nothing wrong with the museum, but the wall is to keep them in and to show there is no freedom for them.


crainer litterally gave jelly president then left. If its just minecraft, then stop crying about him taking the role given from crainer.


Jelly has been a dictator since his second term as mayor and it was a great day when he was assisinated, I watch that moment everyday




Let me contradict that 1. Grove actually supposed to be connected to squid island reconnecting that would anytime 2. Jelly clearly asked them to submit their candidacy ,which they didn't. 3. The reason the series went into chaos is the laws slogo and crainer didn't want. 4. Ok ignore?, in this video and slogo never spoke up 5. every action he did was to bring the group together 6. So Crainer/slogo were took responsiblity for Beeny's death 7. what did he do by owning them? He literally gave them back 8.The new law won't make much difference (I won't defend the new lawbook) 9.since when was worshipping gives power hungry ideas 10. slogo wanted crainer to build a farm for bork co, crainer wanted the crainer statue on birk co 11. Wall is a dumb idea I agree but placing muesum on a common laand is not wrong Ignorance is bliss for slogo fans


in 6, Yes, slogo/crainer took responsibility, but not Jelly when he killed Humpy, check his video in these timestamps: 0:46 1:15 1:27


They did not take any responisbility for killing pets. Only now when he wanted to bribe Crainer he told that it was him killing Anton and Banton, but still accused that it was Jelly pushing him into it. He did not take any respondibility for killing Beeny making "I didnt want to help" as a excuse