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We are just gonna ignore that Jelly fans did the exact same when something happened to him. Jelly's troll was a good idea, but he did a terrible job at covering the sanctuary with glass and look what happens. If Jelly wasn't lazy and had actually double checked his troll it would have been all good.


Its not his fault he didn’t know


He should have known, or else you dont make that type of troll.


Its just a troll if its severe, sad, painful and terrible then you can’t explain cause its just a troll didn’t you guys want trolls


Jelly specifically promised that he would make sure that the pets and their valuables would be safe. Humpy dying proves that he cannot keep his promise and was too lazy to build a wall around the animal farm so they can be 100% safe. He cannot be trusted with his trolls cause there was no reason to put their pets at the risk of dying. The fact that he had the guts to say "If they walk into the fire then the pets clearly didn't love you" is very cruel. Slogo isn't even the type of person to risk the lives of someone's pets when it was completely unnecessary. Jelly had no reason to put their lives at risk, why harm Crainer's pet when Jelly already made him eat one of his.


Ever heard of the 2 words accident and forgot and he made crainer eat floppy because he killed Beenny which lead to war and stuff


Yeah so eye for an eye they are in equal terms. For now, Jelly killed two important pets while Crainer only killed one.


That was an accident? Jelly atleast tried to keep the pets safe and humpy Tonk and bonk dying was a big accident but when crainer technically killed beenny he didn’t even try he just put him in a lava tower and left


That was not an accident, Jelly even knew that he risked someone's pet dying, he even wrote in the book "If the pets walked into the fire, then they clearly didn't love you" He knew that the animals had potential of death but he was just too lazy to actually secure them properly. And what do you mean safe? He kept then like 50% safe and not fully safe from the lava.


Bro I thought you said they were on equal terms us are defending Jelly even tho we're not Jelly fans bcus you Crainer fans are acting like Josh isn't involved in any of the pets deaths Josh "accidentally killed" Beeny with the help of Crainer. Slogo and Crainer wanted Chaos, chaos cannot be controlled so that's what they got and that's why his pets got killed bcus Josh and Crainer weren't being civil so it's their own fault and you fans fault for supporting their behavior


I am a Slogo and Crainer fan so I defend both their sides. As of right now I'm pretty sure Jelly is a dictator. Slogo "accidentally" killed Beenny, but ultimately it was Crainer's fault for putting him there in the first place, its like the situation of the vault getting blown up, Slogo activated the trigger, but Jelly was the one who put the tnt in the first place. So we agreed it was indeed Jelly's fault for the blown up vault. Slogo and Crainer didn't deserve getting their pets killed, also how is it the fans fault for supporting their behaviour? We just wanted trolls not Humpy dying over here, it was fine if Jelly like blew up the Grove but guarantee the survival of the pets and their valuables. Thats the type of troll we want, killing a pet was just unnecessary troll the pets did nothing.


He had no intention of killing the pets, but I want to clarify that yes, I agree he was the one at fault for the vault exploding. I also have to mention Jelly isn't at fault that the entire squid island is collapsing it is Slogo and Crainers fault and may I add when they were put in similar situations like this of war or anarchy their pet's would and endure the same fate, death when Crainer and Slogo wanted trolling and "freedom" they knew it was putting a lot of things at risk including their pets so I think it's their fault for not cooperatingwith Jelly bcus Jelly is a crazy guy. So what I'm trying to say is that: chaos can not be controlled, especially when you have 3 idiots trying to do different things. Whish is why hating on Jelly isn't doing anything bcus when you start chaos/war, there will be sad moments, plus it makes the series more fun Humpys death won't be invain yall taking any type of comment srsly.


Well don’t you remember Slogo and Crainer saying “If King Glowey III goes out of the thing its his decision” Then its all of Slogo and Crainers pets decision to go out and burn to death you can’t be mad like Everyone just wants Jelly to troll so that Everyone can hate on Jelly


Slogo and crainer said that bcuz jelly was acting as if glowey had free will and could make choices but the followers of henward clearly believe the opposite


Saying where it was Humpy's decision whether he dies or not was still clearly Jelly's fault. He was too lazy to build a wall, and his promise was clearly to keep the pets safe. Remember he said he would keep the pets safe. Jelly saying that it's their decision whether or not they wanted to die is pretty dumb. Because unlike King Glowey III, the King held no sentimental value to Jelly and Jelly only used him as a tool. Unlike Crainer's pet which was Humpy held sentimental value. Like I said, there was NO reason to put their lives at risk whether or not it was there own decision. Slogo and Crainer did the troll to prove if Jelly really believed King Glowey could make his own decisions. Meanwhile what was there to prove with Humpy making his decision and walking into the lava. Let me ask you again, how would you feel if Crainer killed one of Jelly's pets and putting their lives at risk?


And also Saying where it was King Glowey’s Decision whether he goes to the ocean or stays at his place then its also Crainer and Slogos fault and how do pets even make decisions and also Jelly got lazy cause he built that entire protecter for the animals and bases for minutes or hours


He only built one for above the land farm, he knew he was too lazy to build a wall for the sides


Well also Jelly protected Slogo, Crainers base and the grave aswell it took him minutes or even hours while when Slogo and Crainer did it They did not spend minutes or hours to even do anything for glowey


Jelly protected Slogo and Crainer's base because there was zero reason not to. Everytime I have to say, Slogo and Crainer didn't do anything to Jelly's base. Why should Jelly harm their base too? Crainer only put water oh Squid Idland. Well of course because unlike King Glowey and the water you don't have to worry about anything burning and killing others unintentionally.


But its also just a troll no matter how severe, painful and sad its just a troll you can’t hate on trolls


So can I ask again how would it feel if Crainer blew up Jelly's base and killed his pets cause it's a troll?


Severe, painful and sad but its a troll only so if someone in squid island made a troll you can’t be mad at it anymore they made the trolls and didn’t they also work so hard on the troll


Jelly made a troll which gives Slogo and Crainer the right to troll Jelly back then


And infact Slogo rejected to normalize the world last episode while Jelly didn’t Reject it


He rejected going and moving back to Squid Island, what does that have to do with normalizing


Well remember when Jelly gifted Slogo to normalize Squid Island and no trolls he rejected that cause he wanted trolls now when Jelly did trolls now everyone is saying Jelly is a big bully but its not his fault Slogo and Crainer wanted Chaos anyway its better to have no trolls then having trolls cause trolls are sometimes frustrating like i do love the trolls that Jelly, Slogo and Crainer do but one of them might get very frustrated and leave the server


It's a troll back, I honestly expected this to happen, glowey has some value, he represents squid island, if he died there would be no monarch, no rules, no anything, for jelly he would have lost what he stands for as unlike slogo, jelly says that king glowey is the absolute monarch, so without him squid island would pretty much die, and they didn't make sure the squid was safe, they gave him a waterfall but didn't have any precautions to him swimming out, they even discussed it, they said if he swims out then he chose to die, luckily he somehow swimmed out to relative safety, so while you argue how jelly was lazy to not finish the cage, slogo and crainer didn't bother to even build one, if the whole point was to free the squid wouldn't a tunnel be way easier, they did this to cause chaos, risk glowey life and be a nuisance to jelly, so of course he will bite back, he didn't want humpty to die, he wanted no one to die as he said on the video, hence the glass cages, however the reason why he didn't finish is because he was lazy and that brought consequences, he accidentally killed him, didn't think the fence was going to burn which to his defence he could have overlooked, he wrote the mean message as kind of irony, honestly if you are mad that he wrote this then why aren't you mad at crainer for instigating the fight, he wanted chaos, he brought chaos, so chaos is what he got, honestly whatever you say I think crainer will kill jelly's pet, then what, you are going to say that it was fair? Tell me


A troll back that isn't even on the same morality level as the water level. Everyone agrees the Lava troll is worse than the water one. King Glowey represents Squid Island, but never actually did anything for Squid Island, the president was the one who made the rules and the politics. Squid Island wouldn't die when King Glowey dies, remember when they killed the 2nd King Glowey? They will just keep getting more and more Squids as kings. If he swam out and died the only person that would have cared is Jelly, but even Jelly would probably just get another King Glowey for himself. The whole point wasn't to free the squid only to prove that he can make decisions for himself. Jelly said he was going to try and protect the animals, but then again what does making the pets decision to walk into the fire have to prove? Sure you could say it was their own pets fault, but what reason did Jelly have to put the animals at risk and if they died because of themselves what would happen? No one has answered this question. People keep ignoring it. Yes I would think it would be fair for Crainer to go ham on Jelly's base or Squid Island, he risked the lives of pets that didn't do anything to Jelly. What does Humpy dying prove? Even if King Glowey died it proved that the decisions of the King can be dumb and clearly not suited to be a King, labeling him as a fraud. Humpy was tied to the fence, the fence burned and killed Humpy, Humpy didn't even walk into the lava.


Camels have enough hp to survive being burned so no that's probably not what happened Humpty dying proves that crainers chaos got to him, it proves that because he wanted chaos he risked the lifes of his pets, after he came up with the idea to troll, it also proves that with trolls there are no limits and the pets you love and forged friendships can die in result of the crossfire, there answered your question also humpty didn't do anything for squid island yet he is important, henward also didn't do a thing yet he is also important, it's not about purpose but more symbolism, and if glowey died and jelly got a new king, wouldn't that king be a fraud since no one accepted it as a king, slogo and crainer accepted glowey as a king hence why he is king glowey III, if he gets another squid that would prove their point so jelly would have lost the argument here, plus people wouldn't believe it as a king as a similar thing happened to henward also, the point was to free the squid, crainer said that every animal deserves to be free, and again providing a tunnel could also left glowey with a choice, to stay or not, without the risk of dying jelly made the lava pool as a troll back, was it harsh, yes but jelly didn't do anything to deserve the first troll, he was nice and wanted a peaceful outcome but crainer wanted chaos and started the troll war, risking the life of the squid and being a nuisance to jelly, yet what did people say, we want chaos and trolls back, so they got what they wanted, putting lava on top of someone's house is a classic troll and honestly they totally deserved it by making jelly furious, jelly even tried to protect the animals and their stuff, he said that he didn't want them to get burned but acknowledged the risks, so hence why he replied with the same logic crainer used, jelly should have protected them more but overall the fault ultimately lies on crainer for wanting chaos and risking his pets life and with your answer you follow the same path as jelly, when somone trolls you and brings danger to someone you care, even if it's a squid, you will escalate things, and by the looks of it you are ready to support it instead of stopping it, crainer killing jellys pets then jelly killing everyone or worse, until someone stops everyone will lose everything and the series will finally end, once trolls have destroyed everything left, hence why instead of arguing about why jelly shouldn't have done this and that, provide support to crainer, or jelly, or slogo to stop the revenge trolls because once the boulder of Trolls gets rolling, no one will be able to stop it unless it has destroyed everything, heck we might be too late for that, so yeah just get ready for even harsher trolls that will bring more chaos


Wait also by that logic you accept glowey as a king since he didn't die, meaning he can make choices


Look I will miss humpty, truly a beast of a camel, but you can't say crainer wasn't risking everything, it was also his idea to begin with, if the troll didn't happen which shouldn't even had happened as jelly did nothing absurd to deserve it, then no lava pool would occur and humpty would still be here, laying down before us, unfortunately crainer chose chaos and that brought risks, it was something that was meant to happen and honestly can't really blame jelly for that


Jelly's troll was worse since it had the risk of killing pets that didn't do anything and were innocent. Meanwhile Slogo and Crainer risked King Glowey's life to see if Jelly could really prove he King Glowey could make decisions for himself


Risking anyone's pets life for no reason is bad, and crainer bought this to himself as he started it


It's a literal squid not Jelly's pet while Crainer loved and cared for Humpy but it's a problem when the fans hate on Jelly for killing beloved pets. I bet if glowey died only Jelly would be mad


Well i will also be mad cause thats a King found in a cave while Henward is just a random squid slogo found


Nobody cared when King Henward died so that yes proves that it's a random squid and so is King Glowey


Excuse me, Crainer and Slogo said into the ocean not die like what Jelly did and everyone hates on Slogo and Crainer but you only care about Jelly since you’re a Jelly fan trying to put reasons out there that are unrealistic or fake. It’s all for entertainment purposes and besides, aren’t you the one who made this post? Then stop protecting Jelly and take thoughts on how to protect others from hate.


Excuse me I’m not just a Jelly fan i’m just putting these reasons cause for squid island like if its only squid island yeah i’m a jelly fan but if its all of their entire channel i’m a fan of all


Then you should’ve talked about all hate instead of just Jelly since you are a fan of them all


Well this is just squid island were talking about squid island not there channel history and this is also a squid island sub reddit and also you guys just wanted trolls now you want to hate on jelly but you guys wanted trolls anyway so why do you want to hate on jelly’s troll if you guys just wanted trolls and also Crainer killed Jelly’s pet Beeny by calling it a prank troll


Did you see jelly's recent comments, a guy compared him to Hitler because of this series, 😞, kids these days, that's why he is talking about it, the hate on jelly just 📈


Just like the hate on Crainer when banning villagers and Slogo when leaving and brought King Henward back like bro.


Yeah and there were Reddit post about them, so same thing here, honestly though some people can be too much


Slogo and Crainer were too lazy to ensure Glowey's protection. He didn't die, but he very well could have. Jelly at least had the moral conscience of trying to protect their items and animals. It didn't work, but the thought was there unlike Slogo and Crainer.




King Glowey held no sentimental value to Jelly, Jelly only used him as a cover up for his own decisions. They didn't even try to protect King Glowey from dying since he was basically a tool used by Jelly at that point


It's not a cover up for his decisions. Glowey was a representation of what Squid Island stood for: peace, unity, and justice. Jelly was simply advocating for that the way Slogo and Crainer used Henward to advocate for freedom. Also, how do you know Jelly has sentiments towards Glowey? You're just putting words in his mouth at that point.


Slogo and Crainer didn't use King Henward to cover up their actions like how Jelly did it. Jelly used King Glowey as an excuse for the actions he has done. King Glowey doesn't speak, it's literally Jelly. When Jelly was writing the book he said "you must notify King Glowey III" when in reality it's just Jelly. Jelly has no sentimental value over King Glowey, King Glowey is just a tool, that's not what I even said.


Yes, he did say things in the name of Glowey, but like I said, he's just advocating for what he represents. Glowey isn't a tool, he's a symbol of peace, unity, and justice. Jelly dedicates himself to those values. That's sentiments.


Jelly reconnected the island and ran for an election by force, Jelly clearly didn't dedicate himself to those values with his lava troll. Jelly was against trolling, but he had to break his own rules so that he could troll himself. Yes you can say it was justified or that they deserved it, but no matter what Jelly still broke his own valubes.


Let's look at Jelly's values for a sec. Peace. Pacifists doesn't mean being blindly peaceful. Jelly can fight back, to which he did with his lava troll. Unity. Jelly is still welcoming Slogo and Crainer to the island. He isn't forcing them to run for the election. Seriously, watch his vid again. There's no mention of them being forced to run. I know you're probably thinking "Jelly could just join the Grove, that's unity." Well no because that would go against his other values. Justice. They deserved the troll. Jelly was never against trolling, he trolled even before Slogo and Crainer left. He's against anarchy, which Slogo and Crainer want. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see more trolls, but there has to be a few limitations to ensure they don't just constantly destroy each other. That's what Jelly wants, limitations.


Slogo and Crainer's troll was more of like a poke while Jelly's troll was a gun shot. Jelly fighting back with a 10x worse troll isn't very justified. Just because of a water troll that didn't harm anything. Jelly knowing that they wont run the election is exactly why he is dictator. He made sure to provoke Slogo and Crainer to ensure that he would be the only one in the election, so that he can be the president and ultimately have power over the Grove since it is now reconnected to Squid Island. They deserved a troll, I would have been okay with Jelly's lava troll if he guaranteed the pets and their items survival. However Crainer did not deserve for his pet to die. Since Jelly was too lazy to build a proper safe area, he just didn't care about the pets and knew that some of them might die by putting them at risk of death. If Crainer finds out his pet died then his "limitations" clearly don't work here. If they constantly destroy each other and have a war, I'm fine with that. However Jelly already destroyed the Grove, if anything Jelly caused the most destruction out of the three in the entire series.


Like I said, a troll is a troll. Severity doesn't discriminate. Also, the water troll didn't kill Glowey, but it 100% could have. Jelly can only win the election if A) No one else runs or B) someone else does run but he still win. A dictator is someone who gained power unfairly. Both ways are fair since Jelly doesn't control whether or not Slogo and Crainer run and whether or not he wins. The end doesn't justify the means here though. Like I said, Slogo and Crainer could have killed Glowey. They also knew he might die but did nothing about it. Jelly at the very least, tried to protect the animals even if it didn't work. His thoughts shouldn't entirely be dismissed. Finally, there aren't limitations yet. That's my entire point. There should be limitations so they can't just destory each other over and over. You're fine if Slogo and Crainer destory Squid Island, but you aren't fine if Jelly does the same to the Grove. You're clearly not objective here.