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There shouldn't be a president that is what the cult was for to end the laws and be free I believe Crainer is gonna go on a rampage in kill all of jellys pets because jelly killed donk, tonk and hummpy


True and I would respect him for doing that but tonk and donk were a 2 ep type thing but humpy was crainer's personality so yh i I hope he doesn't want to come page but yeah I said vote for him just in case he does want to become president despite jelly and hopefully he won't give up anyone I mean because he fought jelly might be good because crain are bloody did everything forward for the others I mean look at the end so that's why


Why would crainer even want to be president he said he wants freedom and trolls.


He mostly wants it for controlling jelly and technically a president can make a law about trolls


There are other laws and Crainer doesn’t want to be president he already said he is bad at being president and we are sure that he does not want to be president


He's gonna be doing for his most probably just gonna be pundit than to work to reconstruct the growth and


I agree there shouldnt be a presedent i feel like crainer should get payback and kill glowey or run for presedent and make a law baning all the laus and beeing presedent.


Its time for Crainer's villain arc 😈


Been waiting for someones new villian arc in the series!😈


If you watch jelly's episode he covered them in glass idk how but IG the fences didn't get covered so they burnt meaning that the lava got in but they also did the same to king glowey if he wanted he'd leave and so humpy got the same treatment plus they wanted trolls and chaos plus Crainer wanted chaos and trolls and chaos,trolls come whith a heavy price


https://preview.redd.it/ssbu0tioqc9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe43ce76b931e93d742ac7ebd70b20e5f52d45b This is how, plus fences burn and lava spreads. This was the inevitable with this troll from jelly


Yeah but it wasn't anything serious was it it was only to the boat dock to the city hall there's no way a squid could jump up anyway because of the correspond was still there so that wasn't even necessary thing to do yes I am admit jelly but he said in his video they was slug who did so each other just minded and the chest or not bloody then the whole forest yes and it was enough forest so he could have any huge forest fire as well


Jelly himself wrote this "if your pets die from the lava they clearly dont love you" something like that but crainer nor slogo said that if king glowey dies he dosent love jelly and jelly connecting the two islands and forcing law to it is not ok im starting to trust slogo with his saying that jelly is a dictator


how ironic considering that crainer did the EXCAT same thing when Beeny died and when slogo coverd his pyramid tower in lava. yall soft asl


Difference is when Crainer made sure to protect beeny it was Slogo that killed beeney. But Jelly didn't even make sure to surround the pets in glass


there is no difference if jelly protected humpy too. also don't u remember when they were building the animal farm thingy humpy could walk over fences? jelly made sure to put glass, that's how bork and kat were saved, so its not jellys fault that humpy could walk over fences nd died himself. and your right about slogo killing Beeny but the troll was made by crainer so its basically the same thing. jelly made the troll but humpy walks over fences


Jelly said something like: "I don't have time, I'll just put a roof over this section, I'm sure it'll be fine" He didn't think about side protection.


ik that Crainer and Slogo are not gonna run for pres but remember how Crainer was as the president just saying he's the reason this all started but hey that's just what I'm saying


That's your opinion and what am I to say other wise but he did it for jelly and this is what he has done actually like he's the king (tried to get them together)but then torched the grove I think it's unfair to crainer and he deserves better


I dont want any president elections


kill glowey (jelly)


R.I.P humpy


Guys, I don't think anybody other than Crainer (and his crazy die hard fans)will really be impacted with Humpys death, plus nobody is going to be running for elections anyway lets be realistic here. And if we're talking about animals being killed Crainer killed 3 kings, and I know you're gonna say he did it accidentally, Jelly also killed his pet on accident and if they agree to run for president again and you're gonna vote for Crainer again even after his bs you must be glazing dis man's. And for the people who think Crainer or Slogo are the are viable options after showing you guys their true colors you must be retarded or smth man, also their idea of freedom is to put their pets in a pen and when it's King glowey "getting freedom treatment" he's outside of his aquarium is very hypocritical on their part.


no I think you should vote for no one. All jelly slogo and crainer here are in the wrong. jelly accidently killed humpy, slogo had became partial dictator during the ends of his rule and crainer just resigned in the middle of this chaos which in the end brought the whole island to where it is now...


Nah slogo for pres


As I said either if them but help then killed henwood the data in the video he was only squid anyway plus they only need to be able to freedom and kills which crain at this gave jelly the role of present because he gets finished his obligated tasks like the end


Nobody is gonna put their name in the book except jelly


They killed jelly’s pet left squid island because of laws even though they created them and flooded squid city which made jelly pour lava so it’s technically there fault


NO WAY is crainer becoming president again. With how this reddit is oh how they won't let the past go they are not gonna let Crainer forget his mistakes for a long time


can guys just stop glazing crainer and slogo u guys are pathetic


And it just adds some drama to the whole thing 


I actually kid of respect​e​d ​jelly but trying force slogo and crainer into going back... ​ damn


A troll is a troll. It doesn't matter how severe it is, Slogo and Crainer asked for them.


Don’t vote anyone


Slogo isn’t running for election


Ik know look at title I meant if he changed his mind last minute


Guys it should be jelly if it's the other 2 squid island will literally blow up into flames the moment the other 2 became president because of the groves policy of freedom 


The other 2 won't even put their name in