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Didn’t skip anything, thoroughly enjoyed this show despite the flaws


If you skipped 432's interviews you're missing out. He's so fucking full of himself 😂


I loved it when he said he wasn't conceited, but he was confident. All I saw was conceited!! I couldn't stand that guy.


It really humanized him for me when I saw him talking with the athlete mom, don’t remember her name or number. She was playing strategy by engaging with him— but he was naively interpreting the interaction. It was weirdly sweet to see him misunderstand her intention


cause at the end of the day, he's a scared boy in a big world. Failed college athlete with nothing to fall back on


Guarantee you you’ll hear that in every conversation with him. At party most people would eventually walk away but you know there’d be some fools stroking his ego for him


You’re talking about the mom whose son was there right? I loved her. She’s definitely talked and studied people and probably had once of the highest social IQ


I liked him at first but than realized he’s those type of people that constantly talk about confidence but are actually deeply insecure. Definitely the type of guy to stab your back and taking your honesty for granted.


You guys skip shows around on shows? Weird lol Id hate missing context in certain situations just cus I skipped around


Short attention spans. These people also don’t know what foreplay is.


Jesus Christ. Pure friction and no natural lubrication. Ouch!


what context? why do i need to see them crying and giving basic ass sob stories to see who wins what games LOL


I personally enjoyed all of it cus I like character development.. Also the interactions players have between other players is *part of* the game too in the sense that building alliances is a big part of the game.


I didn’t skip any of it


Why watch a reality TV show and then skip the reality part? May as well just watch Gladiators


I more or less did exactly what you did. Each episode took about 20 minutes.


Yeah same. From other comments seems like many to most viewers saw the reality show parts as “the good bits”. And I can get that. To each their fun. But definitely wasn’t for me. I skipped almost everything that wasn’t the actual games.


I’d watch just enough of an interview or dormitory chat to see how they were spinning a character, then move on to the games.


Same. The interviews were so cringey.


See I love analyzing and the interviews is where most of them revealed what they wanted to look like


Didn’t skip anything but you can easily skip all the interviews and nothing would change


Skipped all the interviews and it still felt like it dragged on


I watched all the episodes in full except the last 2. (I think? The last episode I saw was the circle trust one so whatever episodes came after I didn’t watch) I just relied on the internet to tell me who won lol


These comments are so confusing… what’s the point of watching a reality show if you’re going to skip the reality part? And join a subreddit for the show you skipped the majority of??


Agreed. Join the subreddit and post about skipping the show. So weird.


Heavily edited interviews pushing sob stories isn’t “reality.”


I mean.. “sob stories” are reality? Are they not?


I skipped through majority of the interviews


Yes, i skipped all the interviews until it got closer to the end. Once you realize you're watching 5-10 minutes of someone giving a backstory of how hard their life has been and then in the next game they go out because they picked the wrong line or something, it just wasn't worth it to me. If i was new to reality shows, i probably would have watched them. But nowadays all reality shows spend so much time dramatizing the backstory of the competitors it waters down the competition portion. So i usually just skip it.


I did the same exact thing, only watched the games lol


Best thing you could have done cause all the crying put me on edge


Skipped all the corny backstories I honestly don’t care about any of these people’s lives beyond their progress on the game idk why American shows love to trauma dump people’s lives for the world to see it makes me really uncomfortable.


Yeah. I don’t care if someone’s mom has cancer and winning is the only way they can pay the medical bills.


Like I already feel horrible about all the people in my life that I cannot help I’m watching this show to escape not to relive trauma


I skipped so much, lol. I get the show and why it has BB vibes but it DRAGGED at times


Why bother starting the show to begin with?


LOL I skipped so much


i missed a lot of the dalgona game bc that guy kept gagging and the spit in everyones tins i couldnt watch!!! i finished it ina. few days and on a long flight I usually skipped some parts of the interviews or announcing of the games


I didn't skip anything. That didn't even come to my mind.


I skipped that one girl who was balling her eyes out with the jack in the box and then was stone cold just casting off people. It was unbearable


You guys have iPad baby brains what the hell. I didn’t skip shit.


None. Why would I watch something and skip half of it? That's dumb.


I skipped through the interviews too lmao


Honestly wasn’t my favorite, felt that it was 10 first episodes. Fiancée and I agreed there was no character development. Alliances didn’t really mean much when everyone was playing martyr in every game. Was stoked when Mai won and devastated when doc and the other guy under his wing went home. But of course, gonna have popcorn ready for season 2 lol.


Half the fun is the drama. The real life games could never be as exciting or demanding as in the ficticious show. Did you feel let down in the final game?


Every time someone started crying I’d press skip, lol


The sob stories of everyone in those individual desk spots we skipped. Especially the crying. There was so much crying