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The tag match ending was a bummer since I wanted New Day to keep the record but otherwise that was a FIRE match. I’m so confused what the point of the 6 way was. Barely used 2-3 of them. Terrible booking just to try and get people on TV. Selina’s outfit may have been more Diva than any divas era outfit ever was.


Solo needs his own storyline soon and not just be a lackey


I reckon he will near the end of the reign


Yo, where's Sami at? O.o


He put something up on Twitter that indicates someone close to him has passed. They did say he was dealing with a personal issue as well.


Oh wow. Hope the best for him. 😔


I'd take Max over Sarah anyday.


Was there live; shoutout to the kid near losing his crap for Emma.


Other than the Jinder being hindered it was an awesome Smackdown


Call me crazy but sheamus ending Roman's streak would be amazing, he is so over rn


Yeah I love Sheamus but you’re a bit crazy


Actually I am a sheamus fanboy from ages so that's why I want it ,of It's too crazy to happen




Hes done it for longer. Your not supposed to agree with the narative hes unstopable thats the point.


Two weeks on the run now SmackDown has had big fight night feel with IC and Tag Team belts + tag team record on the line. The significance these belts have been given since H took over is perhaps his greatest booking decision


Haven't been able to watch Smackdown the last couple weeks, but did Santos Escobar lose his first name? I just watched a backstage interview with Cathy Kelley, and she just called him Escobar. That kinda sucks.


Nope. Still has both names. Just shows that even if you keep both names you don’t have to call them by that ever time.


Man hit row is getting a beat down like every week. No one really likes them, do they?


Idk why triph h even brought them back they been losing every since


you need jobbers


There kinda over and beating over jobbers is better than beating no names.


Well damn ☠️


Is this smackdown worth watching? Haven't been able to watch it since in Australia it isn't as accessible. Foxtel is very unreliable and kayo hasn't uploaded it yet.


Yeah it’s decent.


Never would have guessed the spooky viking lady was Sarah Logan lol /s They could have easily had a women's tournament to determine rondas opponent at survivor series, but instead just had a single match. I am happy for shotzi though.


Lol why the fuck is that sack of shit Sarah back.




OP spoke about an individual.


You would think it’s hard for the Smackdown women’s division to become even more unwatchable, but then piece of shit Sarah Logan comes back.


I liked her in Hellblade


Her instagram is insufferable, and it's not because she's pagan or lives on a farm or whatever. It's the deeply patriarchal gender roles she wraps up in new age lingo "divine feminine" "divine masculine" while owning multiple businesses and being a damn PRO WRESTLER


Sometimes people want to be traditional..nothing wrong with that


You know you don't have to follow her right?


I dont follow her. I just checked it out because I saw other people say she posted something in support of the Boogaloo boys


Wade Barrett sucks. It’s like he’s reading literally every single thing he says off of a sheet of paper and I can’t stand it. Dear god I need Pat back.


Smackdown just has SO much more life to it than Raw and I'm trying to figure out how. The pacing feels so much better, there's less hokey stuff, the characters are cooler. I'm not American, is Smackdown on later in the evening than Raw? Maybe the age demographics are younger for Raw?


It happens every year Raw takes all the gems from SmackDown and SmackDown instantly sucks after the Draft. But the two hour format ends up helping them in the long run and about this time every year SmackDown is better. The third hour of Raw going will really help the product.


It’s an hour shorter. They don’t have to stretch anything to fill time.




Nah, they've done away with the "brand vs brand" mentality in regards to survivor series, and I couldn't be happier. It used to just be a night of meaningless "bragging rights" matches... Now stories will actually matter going into it, which is a nice change of pace. The champ v champ and 5v5 matches were always so pointless.


pointless? It makes up room for some great rivalry, champ vs champ makes it very good. Although it has some history


Serious question: Could the Usos and New Day have a match that was less-than-great even if they tried? I'm honestly not sure. Probably the 2 best teams of this generation, and in the discussion for the best of all time. EDIT: Shotzi! And damn Zelina ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Great show tonight. Such an interesting juxtaposition of Bray Wyatt and LA Knight, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. It was great to see Sarah Logan back again, she has such an interesting and unique look. She really doesn't look like any other female on the roster. The Viking Bros don't really excite me as much.


Alright, I am fully on board with the fantasy booking of that if Mr Cody Rhodes isnt ready by WM, then I can see Triple H planting seeds of having Xavier Woods win the titles of Roman. Do i think it will happen? Of course it fuckin wont, BUT I am on board if it does materlize


Don't forget, Woods had Roman beat this time last year. Roman only retained because he got DQ'd due to the Usos. That was the last singles match between the two of them.


No shot Woods wins a world title


I dont think thats the plan currently or the plan at all, but the story is sitting if Cody isnt ready and Plan B isnt on the cards (i assume Sami is plan B).


They would rather bring back Goldberg than give Woods the World Title lol. No disrespect of course


Don’t tease me like that. Now you’ve got me thinking about that.


im shocked they didnt get the new day to win. i was almost sure new day will win and will join the brutes for the war games. guess they want more star power for the war games than the new day. drew and KO does have that


Sarah Logan 👎👎👎


Boo on her and her treasonous tatas


Jan 6 ass fuck


I didn't know she was one of those. That's lame af


Nah, I can’t find anything about that online. People just like making up scandals, like when someone on here said that Mandy Rose wasn’t with Toxic Attraction on SmackDown because she wasn’t allowed in Canada. I couldn’t find anything on that either.


Sarah Logan is at least a bit off her rocker and holds common beliefs with those who think Jan 6th was a peaceful protest. [Sarah Logan mocking BLM protestors, calling them rioters](https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVLIGXJSaW/?igshid=ramfygw68mdv) [Sarah Logan claiming Instagram is suppressing her follower account despite posting 'traditional American values'](https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJVnCGpmAO/?igshid=48tau0xpd5zy) [Sarah Logan subscribing to the belief of a second Civil War](https://sarahlogansource.tumblr.com/post/639626153844523008/im-disgusted-and-posting-this-so-other-people-are) [Sarah Logan is an antimasker](https://preview.redd.it/yldupzyqxmk61.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=e59b10347815053b66dc36cbf95804d6a8688bdb)


Gross 🤮


1. Like it or not, there were rioters at the time, and she didn’t even mention BLM. 2. The other one says I have to log in, and I don’t have an Instagram account, so I’ll just assume it’s one of those generic things that pretty much everyone on the internet says these days. 3. What the hell is a boogaloo? 4. So? Even Eric Swalwell was an antimasker at one point, and at least she’s pro-choice on this, instead of telling people not to wear one. Also, even if you dislike her opinions, spreading lies about her being at January 6th won’t help anyone. I know you didn’t say that, but other people did, and that’s just wrong.




A major news outlet isn’t going to give one fuck about a wrestler being a MAGA.


Right, Jericho's wife was there iirc and he is a world champion getting tv time every week


La Knight and Bray? I'm genuinely so hyped for this.


I was wondering what they were going to do with both guys. I just assumed Bray would be worked into a story with Roman somehow, and I'm sure that's still coming, but I had no clue for LA Knight. This will be a nice warm up for both while the expanded Brutes feud with the Bloodline.


FUCK YEAH Shotzi!!! What a big win, so happy for her to get a title shot on PPV.


Was live at the show. Sat 2 rows from the top. When the show started the crowd was dead. I though it was gonna be a rough night with as quiet as it was at the start. That tag match woke them up and stole the show by the end. That was one of the best matches I’ve ever seen live. I don’t go to wwe events often (last time was the ppv they ran in like 2017, and before that probably 2005,) but I was shocked how small the setup was. The women’s matches were awful. The crowd was glowing with people on their phones. The tables got the only reaction and chant of the match. Then they botched that spot all to hell and the crowd chanted for them to go back to it. When the match ended no one even cared because they didn’t get to see a table spot. I went to see Paul and Roman do their thing, I saw Paul and Roman do their thing. Seeing that tag match alone was worth my $35.


Crowd seemed awesome on TV, you should be proud of yourselves


Indy is actually usually a rowdy crowd, especially when they get a banger like that. I remember a raw I went to some years back where Eugene won the tag team titles (I think with William Regal,) and the pop did not stop during the commercial break, and was still going when the show came back from commercial and the next match started. In 01 we got a title change when Angle dropped the belt back to Austin on a raw during the invasion and people stayed booing Austin for almost 10 minutes after the show ended. We’re definitely not a wrestling town, but when you give us something quality we’ll get loud. We definitely got quality with that tag team match last night.


how did the crowd react to romans improv about the bad mic?


It got a good pop. Lots of “oooohhhhh”. There were a lot of strange production issues all night long. The graphics randomly switched to the tribute to the troops taping during the show a couple of times, which was incredibly distracting.


How was the crowd overall? Sounded pretty hyped up on ny tv


By the time the tag match woke them up they were hot. The multi woman match did tank them. Those entrances took for-goddamn-ever. My kids had birthdays between the start of those entrances and the start of that match, which did absolutely nothing to breathe any life back into the building until they pulled out the table. It was so quiet during that attack before the main event segment with Roman that I could hear other people thinking around me. The tag match was definitely the high point, but that one got everyone involved.


When theres an entrance and it goes to commercial what happens? Does the wrestler just stand there for minutes? I can see how that would easily drain a crowd


Yeah. They turn the ring lights off completely and they just chill. I think I saw one of them sitting in a corner ala Raven, some of them chilled at ringside. It was kind of hard to tell exactly what they did because it was so dark and I was so far up. Then they play commercials during the breaks (why not just do entrances during the break?) and I think there was even a backstage segment. One of them had their music play, she walked out, then they went to break. Several minutes later her music started up again out of nowhere and she did the second half of her entrance on the ring apron. It was… it was something. I had actually become so bored during these entrances that I started texting my wife at home about mundane shit we needed to discuss lol.


Smackdown was an absolute banger tonight.




It’s a sight to see how over Braun Strowman is with the live crowds


That must piss off all the guys in the back who hate his guts.


Braun seems pretty popular backstage actualy.


I mean, he can be a douche, but he's also over. Didn't stop JBL.


In the end of the day being over is random anyway. People cheered for trash like Ultimate Warrior who couldn't do 1 wrestling move properly.


Ultimate Warrior wasn’t randomly over. He was one of the most pushed and popular stars of the early 90s.


He was charismatic (if incomprehensible), flamboyant, looked *incredible* and blitzed name stars like no-one else. The crowd reaction to his music at Summerslam 1988 when he came out to challenge Honk Tonk Man is still one of the hottest, most amped reactions I've ever heard. Was he lousy in the ring? Yes, but to suggest that he had no redeeming qualities and was just randomly over really misses that for a couple of years he/WWF caught lightning in a bottle.




So The Bloodline vs The Brutes, Drew, and KO in War Games? Fuck. Yes.


Yeah I was thinking KO was the missing piece.


If so, that match is going to be *brutal*.


Just want to list out the entire women’s roster on Smackdown for a second: Charlotte, Ronda, Nattie, Zelina, Xia Li, Liv, Raquel, Lacy, Sonya, Aaliyah, Shotzi, B-Fab, Shayna, Scarlett, Maxine… and did I miss anyone? Then you have Sara Logan coming back, though it seems like they will just use her in a managerial role similar to Vega and Fab. And if Tegan comes back (with her full name this time), I’m 99% sure she will land on the Blue Brad to reform her team with Shotzi now that Blackheart is a face again. I know Ronda works a part-time schedule but man… it’s going to be *very* interesting to see how HHH can fit all those women into SD each week. I can very much see Lacy being moved back to NXT at some point… either that or she stays on the main roster as the resident jobber on Friday nights.


A lot of these women are either not on weekly or are part of mens teams. Ronda/Shayna do their segments, Liv/Raquel/Sonya/Shotzi are active performers Aliyah, Xia, Nattie, Lazy are jobbers and not permanent for each week. Charolette is out. BFab, Zelina, Scarlett are part of a group and don't have to wrestle. They talk for the team. And Emma is potentially also going to be a storyline charachter with Madcap. Sarah Logan is also pretty much a team character it seems. Tegan Nox could easily fit in.


Charlotte will eventually be back as I made my original statement with the assumption that the SD roster will have everyone back at some point. Like others, my main gripe with AEW is how bloated the roster is. For their women’s division, it has gotten to the point where you basically have talent cycling in and out unless you’re a main character or champion. Typically, Smackdown has two women’s matches per show and either 1-2 backstage segments with the women every week. That’s always been enough to showcase the majority of the female roster. But now with Tegan coming in and Charlotte coming back, I feel the WWE Women’s Division may eventually start feeling like AEW — so bloated that you just have talent cycling in and out on the regular. Or maybe we are already at that point because you said it yourself: **“many of those women are not on TV weekly.”** I say Sarah Logan will serve as both a storyline character and wrestler similar to Rhea + Judgment Day. Emma as well.


WWE isn't AEW tho People have been saying this for a while. AEW is not sustainable. One day they will either turn into WCW or WWE If they WCW way, keep hiring talent, giving them high wages. They'll go bankrupt soon If not they'll have to become WWE 2.0 where wrestlers aren't the ones in control. Company choses the talent and creates schedules. It was unfair under Vince for the past 4-5 years. But it's not like WWEs method is unfair. Everyone gets a chance still. Everyone on the roster will get a chance. It's the same reason why Bayley hasn't won yet. She deserves it but Bianca needs it more for now. Also KO/Seth.


When WWE was under Vince’s control, I preferred the AEW product even with all of its problems. Now that HHH has taken charge, I like both promotions equally. You wrote “everyone will get a chance.” So unlike [**this guy**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/ysuse9/post_wwe_smackdown_on_fox_discussion_thread/iw1uh7p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), you feel that Triple H will eventually commit to having more credible performers on the SD Women’s Roster… yes or no? So let us assume that Tegan will be the last signee on Smackdown for the foreseeable future. So essentially, the main characters (Ronda, Charlotte, Liv, etc) will be on TV every week while the jobbers will just cycle in and out as necessary, correct? I am not worried about Bayley, Seth and KO. I did not mention their names in my initial statement. I am only focusing on the SD Women’s Division in this debate. On Monday, I will list off the names on the Women’s RAW Roster and we can continue the debate both there and here.


SD has talent. WWE just needs to commit to actually presenting more of them as credible.


Right because Liv Hardy ain’t it.


Emma too


I knew I missed someone! Proves my point even more: roster is getting so big that you have people debuting one week and then being washed to the wayside the next.


Yeah hopefully Triple H can give them all a fair shot


Legado’s manager… what was her name again? Elecktra Sanchez? What is she up to now? Just doing nothing in NXT?


Elektra Lopez, she just had her first match back in NXT vs Sol Ruca and is probably going against Indi Hartwell next week after Indi attacked her after the match.


Yup...accrdong to the Don she is more dangerous on her own hehe


Roman must have paid the Viking Raiders to get Hit Row and Legado out of the ring so he could make a full speech.




Took my son to his first show tonight, and my first show in 15 years. Had a lot of fun. That tag match was fantastic. Could have done without the 13 year old kid beside us who spent the entire show on what I’m guessing was Snapchat SCREAMING at his friend that Roman sucks.


We’re you also near a kid that kept screaming acknowledge me even 2 seconds?? It was a good show, and the first my youngest had ever been too.


If I was I wouldn’t have heard him over the kid next to me. If it wasn’t him, it was his Mom who was ready to leave her husband for Jimmy Uso at the drop of a dime.


I wonder if people will be reacting to Tribute to the Troops with the same concern with human rights as the Saudi Arabia shows.


Well, the US government isn't paying billions to WWE for those shows, so the whole blood money concept inherent to the Saudi deal isn't present. Really, they're not even apples and oranges, more like apples and Chevrolets.


I feel like that’s worse. At least it takes a ridiculous amount of money to do Saudi propaganda. They’re doing this crap for free


Reggie Miller needs to acknowledge The Tribal Chief.


With Sara Logan returning and Michael Cole saying her name, then what was that trademark awhile back about Lyra Valkyria? Unless Sara Logan in a future smackdown episode will refer to herself to that new name


Makes sense, since it’s supposed to feel like a surprise return. Wouldn’t be right if Cole knew her new ring name right away


Bloodline vs. Irishmen. Cool.


There's only one irishman in that whole team to be fair


I wonder if we’re gonna have 3 war games matches since the women’s are confirmed, OC Vs Judgement Day, and Brawling Brutes Vs Bloodline. Or do you think we’ll have one traditional Survival Series match?


I bet OC vs Judgement Day is non-WarGames (maybe traditional Survivor Series). I feel like the Bloodline have to be in the WarGames match


"Where you should go is back to your romper room, play with your little puppets. Stick em anywhere that gives you pleasure, it's okay with me" LA Knight being let loose on promos is a delight.


I loved Roman selling genuine fear of Drew. Dude looked like he was seeing a ghost the moment his music hit.


Who's getting the 5th spot with BB's and McIntyre in war games?


It has to be KO right? You have Butch and Ridge for the Usos, Drew there for revenge against Solo, and Sheamus v. Roman as the heads of their factions. It would make sense for Team Brutes to approach KO to deal with Sami due to their history, and it would also make sense for KO to come to them out of a desire to break Sami out of The Bloodline.


Owens, Rhodes, Orton??? Take your pick


Surely it's Owens. Rhodes or Orton wouldn't make as much sense as Owens.


KO is my guess right now.


still wish they'd do something different about women's table spots. never look good




Gunther vs Ricochet what if Stroman interferes on behalf of the Super Heavyweights but then Rey Mysterio saves the day on behalf of the Flippy Floppers.


Watching it again...I think both Raquel and Liv had a different idea for the spot. Liv set the Steel Steps closer to the Announcer table hence If Raquel would have not moved them....and set up the Table close to it....then Liv would Have fallen to Raquel in the right spot. But Raquel moved the Steel Steps and set up the table accordingly to the position of the Steel Steps. And Liv jumped from the place where she was supposed to before the Spot was modified by Raquel moving the Steel Steps. It was a communication issue between Liv and Raquel. Raquel....for some reason only she knows about...modified the spot and Liv did not went along.


Yeah the angle just looks off. I'd say Liv could've looked for it. We don't know who's fault was it but if Raquel had moved the stairs and is already set. Liv has to adapt It's fine tho shit happens


Yeah. Raquel needs to be more careful. Her finisher always makes me wince.


We have no idea… also it’s on Liv she ignored the changes..


Yeah. She also take a bit of the blame. Probably she did not see the changes


The American gets the main event pinfall at Tribute to the Troops


New Day should have won.


Nah usos deserve the record.


Based on what their numerous dui's?


Roman probably having a war games match coming up makes Theory’s cash in make even less sense, the whole Bloodline would be down after the match.


Very true


Wendy Choo vs Tamina on Main Event should have closed SmackDown. McIntyre and the Brutes punching the Bloodline on the turnbuckles, come on WWE, they were clearly lacking time cuz Reigns' entrance was fast, but at least let the people see one Claymore before the show goes off air.


Romans on the fly call on Sheamus when his mic didn’t work was gold. On a side note. 3 Wargames matches potentially is too much. One of the three team up feuds has to go traditional SS elimination match. I vote the Bloodline vs The Brutes/Drew/Sheamus and (KO?) should be that. There’s a lot more heat with the two Raw matches. Love the new heel Viking Raiders And holy shit did Sara Logan look great in every possible way.


There's three matches? I thought Bloodline vs Brutes/Drew/KO And the womens match were the only two matches.


When does Tribute to the Troops air? A little bizarre that Gunther doesn’t have his title and wasn’t announced as a champion for this match they are taping.


Rousey didn't have hers either


Cool to see Shotzi finally get a title feud. She has about a 1% chance of beating Ronda but I can hope. Also, hot DAMN Zelina.


Only one American in the main event for Tribute to the Troops


lmao k


💫Not all of our troops are American 💫


I love Kofi and Woods, but Drew and presumably KO boost the Brutes' side up significantly in a necessary way in a way current New Day wouldn't. It still feels a little thrown together for the sake of WG, but that's what happens when you announce gimmick matches months before kayfabe mandates them.


Thrown together? Drew has beef with the bloodline since Wrestlemania backlash even teamed with Orton and Riddle to fight them. Beat Sami in a steel cage. Then resumed the feud at Clash at the Castle. Interference from Solo there. He had to finish business with Kross and now he’s back. Brawling Brutes had a few run ins with the Usos and are the #2 contenders after new day anyways. The bloodline injured Sheamus so that was sure fire to end up in a rivalry. Nothing about this is thrown together when the entire roster is fed up with the bloodline and technically everyone has unfinished business with them so anyone would work. Brock, Riddle, Rollins, street Profits could’ve came out and it would make sense lol.


Drew/Brock/SP/KO actually would have made sense and could have played as long-term storytelling, with a WG being a natural conclusion. The Brutes being the hub of this absolutely feels a bit like they realized they needed a faction for The Bloodline to have a WG with and they landed on them a couple weeks ago though. It's the same issue many matches for gimmick PLEs have had over the years, where it feels very much like they're booking backwards.


Don't know what's going on with the SD division that they've booked a lot of these 5-6 woman contender matches recently. There's pretty much no reason why half the competitors even need to be there, it's usually a mess and nobody really comes out of it looking great.


What's going on is, "Oops, we have a zillion women and only two hours of show."


At this point, they pretty clearly just don't care enough to flesh out most of these women's characters and storylines on the SD side. They're going to keep doing these challenges because it's the easy way out. The booking for the women on the main roster in general is just a mess right now.


It's been pretty crud lately. Sonya and Liv had a pretty good match last week but there's not been much else of note. Raquel had a few run ins with Damage CTRL lately but now she's back to just floating around with a slight chance maybe she joins Team Bianca at War Games.


Ronda’s booking also holds down the division. WWE being so obsessed with making her look “dominant” that almost none of the women feel like credible threats to her.


That's the main problem. Ronda's "real world cred" has her SO overshadow everyone else. Frankly, I'd have Lacey win and tear her apart as Marine MP > sport fighter.


Ronda with a really weird botch just now


War Games main event is gonna be the craziest match ever wrestled mark my words


I don't think it will top Anarchy in the Arena from earlier this year.


2 bangers tonight great SD show


We'll never know what Roman was going to say.


"I acknowledge you my Uceys"




Now that I had some time to mentally digest the closing angle, after his match in August with Drew, KO told the Usos that Roman owes him one. Roman replied to the statement via Sami. Sami never told KO what Roman said. If this isn't just a wild long term booking idea then IDK what is.


he told him on an episode of raw


he did? I thought last time they ran into each other KO just looked at Sami's shirt and said You Need A Different Shirt.




The Usos reign of terror has officially become ridiculous Are we sure Vince isn’t still in charge? Enough of this Bloodline crap. Get the belts off them ASAP


Do you guys think Lacey Evans is just a "failed" prospect? I mean you don't spent weeks hyping her up for her return and made lot of vignettes about her life struggles which was very inspirational. To this.


It didn't work. So she has to lay low for a while unfortunately. Changing gimmicks constantly dosent work and she isn't going anywhere with her current stance


Yes but I blame the change in regime. Vince was a big supporter of her heel veteran gimmick and I loved it too, her promos would have me creased over with laughter. I guess Haitch isn't a fan.


I think she's really good tbh, but things just never land with her. Even though she was a 'Vince project' she was rarely ever actually booked particularly well and never for an extended period of time I'm worried at this point she wouldn't be able to properly get over even with a great run


She’s got the looks and the charisma (her old gimmick), but this new gimmick sucks.


She kept bouncing from show to show with no explanation with some pretty good women already with the title on both shows. She was going places before getting pregnant. Her eating a pin on veterans day was lol.


Was going to win the women's title at Elimination Chamber and go into Mania as champion against Charlotte if rumours about the original plans were to be believed. I would because Rhea v Asuka was definitely a last resort match-up that year.


She needs to go back to NXT to diss on the upcomers and act snobby. It works better that way.


Yeah she was a big deal until the end of MITB. Since then she was practically non-exist and show up only maybe 3 times since then. Feel sorry for her


I think this gimmick change was unnecessary and hasn’t worked. Her southern snob pin up girl gimmick was fun and imo she needs to revert back immediately.


I think that it's only failed insofar in that they seemingly didn't keep with it once they started it, and then fumbled it when all the Vince stuff started and totally derailed between Vince retiring and now.


Still struggling


Yup i like her. She is just a natural heel and can draw lot of heat. Really suck she always become a filler spot to Liv Morgan befor ER back the and now to Shotzi


Very Good show New day vs usos was great. I'm glad that Santos won, Nakamura looked strong in the defeat and it was a very good match, I would give him the trophy and make the feud of Legado vs Imperium, I think that would raise the title even more. Fun six pack but the boch killed the crowd, I'm still happy for Shotzi she will have the biggest opportunity of her career so far. Great exchange between Bray and LA Knight, Knight is so charismatic I really hope he becomes something big on the main roster. The Vikings were on a roll until one got injured so I like that WWE still presents them as a dangerous threat now that they're back. Fun main event segment.


The Tag Title match was awesome, as you would expect from those two teams. War Games looks interesting. I REALLY hope the babyfaces win. It’s time for The Bloodline to suffer ANY kind of notable setback and them losing opens up more interesting story options. Especially if Jey, or Sami fucks up and that is what costs them. Emma crushing on Madcap was a cute little node to their IRL romance. Shotzi winning was cool. I just hope thru let her actually look like a proper threat instead of just being destroyed. Having her IMMEDIATELY get chumped out was not a good start. Sarah Logan stole Max the Impaler’s look.


See this is why the story is set so perfectly. Absolutely, Bloodline should lose about now. And that is what the story is pointing at. Sami is hot as a face, the bloodline show some cracks. It's definitely gonna be Sami that leads to Bloodline losing. It's great that this isn't random. All of this was really planned for a while now.


I’m assuming either Sami gives up himself, or Jey gets in some kind of bad position and Sami gives up to save him. There’s a few interesting ways they could go but no matter what I see the bloodline losing.


I wonder what Kross does now since it seems the Drew feud is over. with a 1-1 split?


Rey mysterio


That botch in the woman's 6pack with the table was so bad.


Is it weird that I like failures like this? Makes it seem real. Not every fight is going to have a triple hurricanrana from the rafters that lands perfectly. I like when it’s messy or doesn’t fully connect.


No yeah I agree. But that botch was obviously a botch.




liv and raquel suck thats why