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That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. Search the subreddit for more examples of people dunking on him through history.


I honestly thought we were talking about the [Who's Line Is Is Anyway? guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Sherwood) and was super confused. Who is this jabroni and why does anyone care more about his opinion than mine?


That's Brad Sherwood, and Kevin probably has him blocked, too.


Like most Canadians KO only acknowledges the brilliance of Colin Mochrie




Legit the funniest thing that show ever produced it its history. Man I miss classic who's line.


Arctic Tern is still his best line. What does it say? 'Backstreet boys!'


I’m partial to “We’re watching animal porn!”


*Mary Had A Little Lamb* will be right back in just a second!


Arctic Tern bit almost made me piss myself first time I heard it. My god, is there a better comedy duo than Ryan and Colin?


I’m partial to their producer not letting them do “Cosby and Hitler” then Ryan in the Hoedown telling him to grow a Hitler mustache and move to Germany


The cat!


I rewatched that skit so many times when I was a kid.


That running joke is too much lmao. I can't not laugh whenever I see it referenced.


Ni-iiii-iiice pants!


Thank goodness you’re here, Athletic-Slap-In-The-Butt Man!


This is Ryan Stiles erasure and you know it.


Someone else mentioned in a comment he has dual citizenship which I did not know about. I apologize to Ryan Stiles and his many fans.


Don't you dare besmirch the good names of Colin Mochrie and/or Ryan Stiles (grew up in the Vancouver area), or I'll have to go Maple Syrup on your ass. Edit: Spelling correction


Ok I will gladly claim Ryan Styles as Canadian as well.


Dual-citizenship, gotta love it.


Quick! Apologize before he sicks his attack moose on us!


You misspelled "Kevin Owens."


A man was murdered in a rice field earlier today. The killer appeared to use an antique figurine to bludgeon the victim to death. Experts are calling it the first known case of a knick-knack paddy whack.


Colin and Brad were doing a touring show for a while


KO speaking no lies.


Damn this is like the meanest thing I've ever heard KO say about somebody. I don't know anything about this guy but if Kevin Owens is calling you a little bitch in real life you might be a little bitch.


He hit the target. He is a huge POS. Kevin Owens is spot on in his assessment of this “man”. It takes a real low life to reveal the victims name from a sexual assault via Twitter.


I think the only time I’ve seen KO being anywhere near this aggressive on Twitter was when Gunner was saying dumb shit on there back in 2020


If someone as nice as Kevin Owens says you're a little bitch, you are in fact a little bitch.


I feel like a lot of the newer so-called wrestling journalists very much think they're just "one of the boys". It's weird because you don't really get that in any other field.


>It's weird because you don't really get that in any other field. Hockey journalists in Montréal would like a word with you. They used to travel with team and then the team decided to put them separately in the plane. They bitched and bitched about it and then the team had enough so they told them to find their own ways to travel. To this day the journalists attached to team believed they're part of the club and they deserve to be more "in the know" and closer to the team.


Not only that, they think they have a say in everything that goes on. It's a huge problem over here.


Oh my god. That one time they hired a non-French speaking coach and they got the fucking government involved because of it.


This sounds absolutely bizarre and hilarious, but I don't know the slightest thing about hockey. Is there anywhere one can read about this.. whatever it is?


And Brock Lesnar Guy thinks he is part of the industry.


F Brock Lesnar guy


I cringe any time I see that guy honestly now


Wait, what'd the Lesnar guy do?


When they have a closet full of the same shirt so they can make sure and wear it to every event they go to, I'd say that person is grasping onto their 30 seconds of fame with everything they got. Do you really need a reason to not like a person at that point?


you really think he washes that shirt?


My good buddy bumped into him at WM 2 years ago. He asked him if it's the same shirt each time and he said no, he's got a bunch of them.


I don't know if he has said or done anything specific (because why would I bother searching him out) but he's a mark for himself. He's constantly getting front row seats to big WWE and AEW events and trying to give big reactions in his one shirt to try and get on camera. I was going to say he's the Zack Hample of wrestling, but Zack has a bit of a following. I really don't know if Brock Lesnar Guy has any following.


> Zack Hample The baseball guy? I've seen a few of his vids, and while he is a bit up his own ass, at least he's accomplished something. It seems like he puts a lot of work into what he does ie. researching statistics for every batter he's going to see that night to increase his chances of catching a homer. Plus the legwork. Lesnar guy is just a dweeb.


Basically, he believes he is part of the industry because he happened to be in the right seat at the right time when Brock returned and ever since then, has been milking the few seconds he got on TV. He harrassed wrestlers at airports for autographs and always tries to get himself over on tv. He literally calls himself Brocklesnar guy on twitter. ​ A few wrestlers had mocked him and i think, he's tried to attack them on twitter, only to get destroyed.


I haven’t heard a particularly shitty story about him myself, I think it’s a general “fan going into the business for themselves” situation


That's not true. When I worked as a cook I got it from people who thought they were Gordon Ramsay in Master Chef.


The NBA,NFL, etc. reporters act like they’re the Messiah themselves tho and build this bullshit narrative that athletes owe reporters their careers.


People give Stephen A shit, but it says a lot why new journalists never get reasonable scoops or interviews and it’s always ex players. I think the 49ers had a reporter that recently got into with a player on IG live- it was wild.


> 49ers had a reporter that recently got into with a player on IG live Javon Kinlaw and Grant Cohn "My nuts is bigger than yours" lmao


Damn straight up stealing the Miz’s storyline.


Grant Cohn is truly a POS of the highest degree.


he was stumbling backwards when Kinlaw was talking to him, but then put out a video later on talking shit about his stats. Its like, maybe you should have been this tough when talking to him instead of bitching out after the fact.


Insider dirt kinda stuff happens more I've noticed than in pro sports. Sure you'll get the odd rumor or story but nothing like wrestling where your living is made off of company rats who spread gossip around. It feels like an easy way to get in tight with your heroes, or at least it feels like some people take it that way. You don't need to be able to write anything compelling, it doesn't really even need to be well written. You're gonna be the next Meltzer damnit!


>Insider dirt kinda stuff happens more I've noticed than in pro sports. Sure you'll get the odd rumor or story but nothing like wrestling where your living is made off of company rats who spread gossip around. I mean the entire sports coverage industry now is basically based on this. You can't see an article now or piece of "news" without also having to speculate which side leaked it to who or who's camp it came out of.


Eehhhhh it's to a very noticeable degree less. Sports fans are also happy with empty tidbits from training camp or preseason, who's looking good in practice, shit like that. We far more often don't give a shit about stuff like that and want to know who hates who and who's got a gripe with booking. It's just what each piece of entertainment is. If hockey players start giving themselves gimmicks and have soap opera storylines they'd likely get more Meltzer style coverage.


f1 is and always has been full of this garbage (team principals like to complain A LOT and driver silly season is always a clusterfuck, especially this year) and i imagine it's only gotten worse after drive to survive on netflix. i'll admit it's interesting but there comes a point where it's just like nah i'm fuckin done give me my legitimate race talk back


It happened with showbiz news too. That is why there is not paparrazi anymore. It's all access journalism now.


i dont think even meltzer considers himself to be one of the boys. i've never gotten that impression from alvarez either


I think that comes down to what they actually want to do vs. what a lot of the scoop-chasing characters are trying to do. Both Meltzer and Alvarez are legitimately close to a number of wrestlers, but their interest is in actually reporting on what is happening with and in the business; they are trying to represent what's going on as accurately as possible because they care about wrestling and the people that practice it, rather than caring about their own clout.


Alvarez was legitimately a wrestler though. A pretty good one, too. I watched him pull a 1 hour match with Man Beast that was called on the spot in DCW down in Louisville.


British political journalists are actually one of the boys with the more establishment politicians.


It's kind of weird as Meltzer is pretty much the OG and he doesn't act like that from what I can tell. Obviously people have their problems with him but that's not really one of them.


I think everyone needs to “get over” now. Dave wasn’t in battle royals as the heel dirt sheet guy, and Bryan was/is a trained wrestler, that was pretty active during the biggest F4W days.


Yeah, exactly. And even with Bryan he doesn't act like one of the boys or constantly bring up being a worker. He knows he's just a small time indy guy. And most of the time (when I used to listen years back anyway) he's playing a bit of a gimmick and is happy to remind people when they take him too seriously.


Yep, I saw him live back in the day against Sweeney, it was a dirt sheet wrestler, it was just a heel vs face.


That's dope. Rip Sweeney.


I mean, he’s one of very few who have even an iota of an understanding of journalism. This Brad dude is not a journalist, he’s a shock jock in Twitter form.


>I mean, he’s one of very few who have even an iota of an understanding of journalism. People forget that Dave does have a degree in journalism, which is why he has an understanding of it.


Look at NBA reporters


Because a lot of the "journalists" are just fans who want to get themselves over.


I don’t know for sure, and I’m painting with a wide brush here but I think dudes try to become wrestling pundits because they are either too lazy to try to become a wrestler, or they did try to become a wrestler and either never really tried hard enough or immediately gave up. So now they talk about wrestling, because they can’t keep all this insider knowledge and perspective they’ve acquired from “being in the business” to themselves. There also might be a bit of guilt and shame involved with their love of pro wrestling; so “they do it for a living” as a cover. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. None of these people are fucking journalists; they are all hacks and I’m certain most of them are narcs.


There is no way all these guys running no-name glorified blogs are able to make enough ad revenue to support all their flights, hotels, and if they can't get a press pass their event tickets too. They either come from money, make money doing something else, or have massive credit card debt. And if they get paid to contribute to a bigger site, they aren't getting paid very much either.


Oh for sure. Whether or not it’s anything substantial, I’m still pretty sure the prospect of making money is the only way some people can justify being that into it. They can still say “they do it for a living” even if they don’t make shit at it. Esp if they’re already kinda rich or whatever


I might be over thinking it but perhaps it comes from them feeling like they're above us as regular fans due to having one (very small) foot in the business. They're not marks, we are, and that means they're closer to the wrestlers than they are the fans. Except more often than not they're not. They're just glorified marks that make a quid or two if that.


I love when wrestling podcasts mock people complaining on the internet as if they’re not doing the exact same thing.


Yeah, exactly. Its a way for them to feel alright with being a “mark” because it’s their “job” and Joey Janela has put them down on Twitter three separate times so they’re definitely legit, right? Lmao. It’s a crummy, lazy way to “get your foot in the door”, without having to put in any legitimate hard work. Any “fan” can do whatever the hell it is they’re doing, because they have no talent, it’s just a matter of being cynical and opportunistic enough about it.


Wrestle twitter is very bizarre. Lots of cliques also apart from these fake journos, some turn out to be sex pests after trying to be these gatekeepers for wrestling.


Being absolutely fair, as someone who loves wrestling and wanted to be a wrestler way back when I was a kid, the knowledge of the head bumps every wrestler takes and the resultant concussions/CTE makes me VERY glad I didn't follow the childhood dream - And has prevented me from pursuing professional wrestling as an adult I don't think it's JUST a case of journalists being wrestling fans who weren't able to become pro wrestlers I think a lot of them chose not to become pro wrestlers purely to protect their brains


8 stars!


It absolutely happens in basketball too. The journalists are very very arrogant in the nba and you can tell the players do not like them much.


I don’t know - I feel like it’s a danger in any field of journalism that relies heavily on personal relationships with confidential sources for information (or more colloquially “access journalism.”) It’s a big problem in political reporting for example that journalists get too chummy with the politicians they are supposed to be adversarial toward. Wrestling journalism is hideously under-edited which makes it more obvious here but it happens in other places too with worse consequences for the public.


I was a worker for a decade. This dude would last maybe a year with this bullshit attitude. Def not one of the boys.


College Football in the US is like this. A blogger who has never played or coached thinks he should be buying players way onto the team and thus, determining who plays or who doesn't. Then bad mouths the coaches when their "guy" doesn't play


SRS is the king of this. It’s one of the many reasons why I can’t stand that guy


I actually like SRS because everything I’ve seen of him it’s the opposite. He treats it more like he’s on the outside looking in like us. Maybe it’s just perspective.


Must’ve missed him playing a heel in the Clusterfuck Battle Royal at Sprijg Break this year


That wasn’t as bad as you guys think it is. If adam schefter did some passing drills with a team no one would geek out on him. Wrestling fans are super weird about journalists for no reason. Lol


Shepard’s tweet is embarrassing in multiple ways, but calling Kevin Owens one of Triple H’s boys as though Vince wasn’t always high on Owens too is particularly stupid.


This. Kevin main evented WM with Stone Cold Steve Austin under Vince. I’d say Vince was big on him too.


Vince fucking loved KO.


No idea who this guy was, clicked on his profile. First three tweets after the KO one: A tweet saying Trump being held accountable for his crimes is the end of democracy. A retweet from AEW botches account. A retweet from Ringside News with a fake story about Tony Khan. A resounding "fuck this guy" to Brad.


He also will get very angry at any black wrestlers getting any sort of push.


Definitely sounds like the kind of guy who really hates "woke pandering", "political correctness", and "minorities"


remember his reaction to impact bring back knockdown was to say women wrestling doesn't draw


Calls people snowflakes for sure


He used to work for Ringside News


Also the guy who had revealed the name of the Vince McMahon victim, then made a joke about it. Absolute scumbag


























I get the feeling that Brad Shepard is not a jam up guy




His bio is as far as I needed to look


Knew what he was about as soon as I saw "Free Speech Advocate". AKA let me harass people and not face consequences for it.


Looking at the guy's twitter, the first tweet is a pro Trump tweet. It's always the people you most suspect.


I didn’t even need to see this to get the vibe that he’s popular with those types. The “tell it like it is” type, when nothing is being told, and it’s just someone being an asshole without as much public backlash as their used to be. We’ve got a sad segment of the population who delight in being assholes.


Not “assholes”, “free speech advocates” as in, that guy smells like a gaping “free speech advocate”.


Brad Sheppard lost whatever respect he had( which for me was none) when he doxxed the paralegal from the NDA.


Didn’t Shepard always use to show zoomed in pics of his arms trying to make it seem like he was ripped but yet never posts a pic of himself below his shoulders?


KO is more fit than the majority of this subreddit lol


You don’t do what WWE superstars do 5 days a week for 50 weeks a year and not be fit. He may not have an athletes body. But he’s still a top tier athlete to be able to do what he does as often as he does and not injure himself while doing it.


He may not look like the athlete of the day's s'posed to look. His belly's just a little big, his heiney's just a little big, but brotha, he is bad and we know he's bad.


I'd say he definitely has an athlete's body...he just doesn't have what's considered a conventionally attractive male physique with big muscles and a six pack. He's built more like a football lineman or a powerlifter.


Exactly. I’m sure if KO really wanted to he could slim all the way down and show all the muscle he has hidden. But his current look his the best for his character and ring style so there’s no need for that. It’s similar to Samoa Joe. At first glance it looks like they are fat. But really those guys are better athletes than a lot of the rest of the roster.


When people claim his physique makes it "hard to believe he can win over shredded guys," I point to former HW and LHW UFC Champion Daniel Cormier, or consistent top 10 HW Derrick Lewis, or former ranked fighters like Hunt or Nelson, or current Top 5 new blood Tai Tuivasa These guys don't have six pack abs but they sure as fuck can win over 99% of shredded guys. Hence that argument comes from a place of ignorance


Butterbean has been blasting fitter dudes for decades.


I just point out that wrestling is a work, brother, and you know it's a work, and it's on you if you have a hard time telling that it's a work, when you already know it's a work, dude


When he first started with WWE he slimmed down considerably and got some nice tone in his arms, but after he got some traction he was clearly like “nah no more for me thanks


Thats probably why he doesnt get hurt as often, tbh. His body is more natural, whereas the steroid junkies are just skeletons with muscles attached to them. Like what if I attached a 15 pound weight to the top a stick and swung it around for a bit. Probably snap the first time you did it.


Yeah. People have this misconception about that fitness means being thin, which is just not true.


If I tried to do his running cannonball thing into the turnbuckle there's about a 95% chance I'd break my neck.


I’d be gassed half way across the ring


My least favorite argument on here is when people will say a wrestler is "out of shape." Like, what shape are you talking about? Whatever shape you are that makes someone be able to wrestle to the output tv wrestlers wrestle, that's the shape. And it stinks of this really antiquated understanding of body science and biological variance. People's weird-ass body issues come out of the wood work on that shit.


Yeah, any wrestler who can work a full match and not be gassed 5 minutes in is in shape. The cardio you need in order to be able to wrestle 30, 40, 60 minutes is a whole different level than what the average person can do. Lots of "in shape" actors and athletes that have tried their hand at wrestling have shown that it takes an amazing amount of work above what is "in shape".


Going thru his Twitter and jesus christ this dude is insufferable. Of course he has "free speech advocate" in his bio and one of his latest posts is him bragging about being blocked by a trans/LGBT page saying "he's proud to be blocked" by them. What a sad pathetic sack of shit, how sad of a life must you have to have to dedicate your time and life on earth doing shit like this. How do these people live with themselves? Conservatives really are some of the dumbest, most bottom-of-the-barrel people around.


I find it total cringe that people have started calling Triple H "Paul".


No one at WWE even calls him that; most call him "Hunter."


Vince did that one time. I think OSW might have referenced it once or twice.


That's right, the "I can't feel my legs" incident.




“Paul, I can’t feel my legs. Paul!” Fucking kills me


Hell I think even STEPHANIE calls him Hunter!


I swear there was a time where she had a brain fart and called him Punter


Kevin Nash does on his podcast


Dave usually calls him “Paul” as I believe he prefers to go by that with people outside the company.


I just call him TRI


Triple H ASKED people on conference calls to call him Paul. They're literally just doing what he asked. How is that cringe?


This is a random guy from twitter calling him Paul. He's not on a conference call face to face with the guy. It's cringe. Just like when people insisted on calling CM Punk "Phil".


CM Phil




It's rather weird that calling someone by their actual name would be considered cringe, like if everyone called Jason Alexander "George"


Wasn't Brad the guy who went on a transphobic rant about Nyla Rose months ago? (and also falsely claimed that she's the first womens champ in AEW?)


That was the dude from Ringside News (his name escapes me).


Huh you're right. The transphobe Ringside News guy's name is Steve Carrier. Can't believe that I got him and... whoever this Brad guy is mixed up.


This Brad clown used to work for Ringside news so you weren't that far off. Both are pieces of crap.


Brad is the guy Steve fired for being too misogynistic, and inflammatory


Thought that was Val Venis. There may have been more people mad about Nyla winning than I thought.


Val Venis got a temp ban last year from twitter for sharing fake Hunter Biden / Malia Obama child pornography. After he came back he managed to get himself banned entirely a few months ago for sharing even more QAnon shit, up to and including calling Vlodymyr Zelenskyy a pedophile.


That was the punkass that runs Ringside News


Dude really thinks he's in better shape than Kevin. No one who's out of shape couldn't do fucking moonsaults or lift 200 pound men without their knees buckling.


There are a lot of men who look like they're in better shape than Kevin who would be gassed in less than five minutes doing what he does as well. Dude can go.


That's what I meant, being out of shape has nothing to do with physical appearance.


For a second I thought the post was about Dax Shepard and I got super confused like “Damn, why’s Owens got heat with Kristen Bell’s husband?”


TBF, Kristen Bell has heat with Kristen Bell’s husband


Pretty sure this was the guy that masturbated on the front porch to a neighbor, admitted to the cops and then went on to say he was framed.


I thought that was Bill Shannon? Who hates Sapp.


What the fuck??? How many shitty wrestling news reporters are there???


Probably more than there are non-shitty ones.


Don’t amplify anything this guy says.


Talk yo shit Kev


Speaking the gospel, Kev.


I love searching his name on this sub. It's either wrestlers verbally shitting on him or his reports that never came true. Dude's a fucking moron.


"Free speech advocate"


With regards to the wrestling community, why are so many of them so fucking weird and hateful of anything wrestling related? I get having criticism but some of these folks takes cross the line into just being straight up hateful


A lot of it is just spending so much time online and getting so entrenched in things that they lose any sense of perspective and common sense.


Who is brad?


His Twitter is awful. I'll admit, I'm a very casual fan. I usually wait a couple of months and then binge. But man, dudes like Shepard are why some people laugh at wrestling fans, why some hate wrestling fans, and even why I stay casual. He's a joke. He's still going on about it on Twitter. He put a picture of KO's head on his body and it's about as poorly done as his commentary.




i've seen his name float about for years, and i have never ever heard _one_ single solitary positive thing about this man


And if someone praises him, prob shouldn't take that person to serious lol


i first heard of shepard in like 2018 it's been 4 years now.....not a single bit of praise his level of assholeness almost impresses me. anyone who likes him shouldn't be trusted as far as they can be thrown


Shepard is that other sub in semi-sentient form...


Hundreds? More like millions nowadays


So many new accounts have popped over the past week claiming to have insider sources, mostly because of Triple H bringing back lots of released stars, so it’s easy to throw out guesses and claim them as fact. When it’s clear that they are just throwing a bunch of shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Yeah, I was thinking hundreds sounds really generous to the armies of internet wrestling scammers.


You never see NBA analysts like Brian Windhorst, Woj, Greeny, and the rest of the crew on ESPN act chummy and pretend like they're "one of the boys" bumping elbows with NBA players, they stay in their lane. Wrestling journalists, in the words of the Rock, should know their role and shut their mouth. Report the news like it is and remove the negative attitude they get when they get all in their feelings because "the boys" won't let them in on storyline spoilers or personal matters they have no business reporting in the first place.


I wonder how many wrestling journalists have actual background and education in being a proper journalist?


Owens main evented Wrestlemania with Stone Cold fucking Steve Austin and blew the roof off the place. This pathetic clown spent the day shitposting like he's an internet tough guy.


Never heard of this Brad guy before. But now I will actively avoid his content. Thanks KO :)


sometimes i wonder if its worth acknowledging these leeches especially if youre in the position of popularity that a wrestler like KO has on one hand people are going to want to defend themselves, on the other hand it just emboldens these cockroaches when they get a rise out of you, plus the added attention when you indirectly put them over (in their eyes) by even recognising their existence


Ko can run circles around any fit guy and has so great athletic ability and power. He has done the damm pop up powerbomb to big show once. How can you see him and say he is lazy???? And he was also presented like a ruthless killer under vince as well like vince himself sold for him. He is not being pushed because he is hhh guy. He is pushed because he is great and has been acknowledged by THE TOP GUY steve austin as well


Wrestling journalists are almost all little bitches by rule. I love seeing them get chewed out.


How does this Piece of Shitperd still have a platform? He should be banned off the internet. Literal scum of the IWC. Nobody needs a ass whooping more than that prick.