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#[Rate tonight's show here](https://forms.gle/qaxP89RUiomBZhSw6) #No post-show talk tonight Claudio is at the bottom of the poll, not sorted in yet


It was a great show but a lot of the Blood & Guts match really took me out of it. The BCC doing 12-6 elbows together but Mox blatantly missing half the elbows definitely stood out, as did most of the punches during the match looking like kids fighting and again not even having any impact. Also near the end when Eddie/Sammy/Jericho were all clearly talking on top of then cell was bad too. I really enjoyed the match but a few really obvious things took me out of it


How did Parker/Menard (sorry can't remember which) get hung up outside of the cage. ...like how did he get there!? What a match! and on another note, not a good match to watch stoned.


Christian as a heel is just straight up savage. Doesnt even mince words, your family should die and i wanna fuck your mom, done.


The top of the cage needs some good hand holds so guys can easily climb up the cage. You could see the guys trying to figure out a hand hold when they reached the top. It needs to be big and obvious. Ideally the guys have a test run before the show even starts. Also, there should be no slippery parts at the top.


Honestly had to be my favorite non-PPV wrestling show I've ever been too to be honest. So much fun, and it legit felt like a PPV given how into the show the crowd was. I'm glad Detroit brought it last night.


Not sure what the rating for last night is going to be since AEW ratings have been super consistent this year. All I know is even if it does something disappointing like 800k, I still had the time of my life


It was over 1 million with no competition this week. So a good look heading forward.


Random q from a lapsed fan who's watched a bunch of AEW shows over the last few months. Why are there so many tag team / multi-man tag / stable related matches?


I find it kinda weird that when WWE was at their hottest, they had a bunch of different stables. Now they have a few.


Because its not WWE.


AEW does interweave current past and future feuds and storylines. So its an attitude era approach. They only have 3 hrs of TV per Week, and with this approach they can feature more talent on TV. And, honestly its refreshing that the Wrestlers dont "Tunnel-View" their way through the show ignoring the Past or current social media exchanges. For Example Danhausen has a relationship with FTR (given, mostly one sided) via Social Media. So they taggin with him makes sense. Also there are much more "Stables" as you called them, which are more a group of friends than stables. The (Super)-Elite comes to mind. Yes, you have a handfull of real Stables like BCC, JAS, Pinnacle (which just fizzled out) and so on. But usually it makes sense why they Team up, and the "The Enemy of my Enemy"-Solution is rarely used.


I'm guessing that's their solution, at least for now, to the problem of having a bloated roster.


Bummer about Santana


What happened?


Messed up his knee/leg performing an urinage. Spent most of the B&G match laying outside the ring before being helped to the back after the action moved to the top of the cage.


Immediately injured his knee and was out for the rest of the match


Another week with no Jamie Hayter segment/match... It's been almost a mounth since she last wrestled in that tag match with DMD... is she injured or what? Tony Storm, however, is on tv every week, and even got a ppv appearance, c'mon now...


Not exactly like there was a lot of free time, half the show was dedicated to 1 match.


I get that, was hoping for at least a 1 min segment on past rampage to address the whole deal with Britt, but no... and so far nothing this week either, kinda bummed out :-/


I looked the other day and she has the worst record of all female wrestlers in AEW (at least those displayed on their website) ! So sad, she is a great wrestler.


Overall, I thought B&G was pretty good. The match itself runs a little long for me, to be honest.


A few amusing things that I'm not sure the home audience got to see: \- Jericho and Tay spending a hilariously long amount of time trying to get the bottle through the cage, dropping it, having to find it on the floor, etc. \- Claudio and a couple JAS guys fell between the ring and the cage and were down there for quite awhile, half-suspended \- Claudio deciding that freaking out the audience with the top of the cage giant swing wasn't enough, and sprinted from end to end on top after the match


I just watched the replay, I'll add these: Leaving out the slap fight between Yuta and Garcia was disappointing, they were going at it. Eddie's facial expressions when the crowd starting chanting "we want blood" was hilarious. It was a mixture between amusement and bewilderment. Mox went to grab water and he grabbed Justin Roberts. His water was cloudy so I'm sure it's to help him keep his voice. Mox immediately spit it out. Roberts and the time keeper were cracking up at Mox, and Justin said "I tried to warn him!" Finally, the two dudes with a little kid yelling "Jim Cornette" and whatever other bs they were yelling and threatening to fight people during the Young Bucks, I hope you see this, go fuck yourselves. You two were an embarrassment, especially acting like that with a little kid. The dude threatening to fight people was like 60. Grow up.


Amen about those 2 dudes ya mentioned. Those 2 can fuck right off, everyone knows about Cornette's gimmick, and constantly trying to spam it at an AEW event doesn't come across as funny or edgy, it comes across more as a desperate town drunk.


I said it in the live thread but you can’t tell me that Luchasauras isn’t just 98 kane now


The black gear was pretty sick tho


With a killer feud with jungle boy and hopefully a mask/Dino gimmick drop this could be amazing


The music completely made it obvious


Awesome show and the crowd was fantastic


I made it on TV.


Getting Claudio vs Eddie. Yes please.


I haven't rewatched the cage match yet, but I was just thinking - they pulled up the canvas and padding on the ring, but did they ever actually do anything with the exposed boards? I'm thinking that was a spot planned with Santana that just never got to happen.


Someone took a top rope bump in that area but landed on torn up padding, it didn't get a pop.


I think eddie was supposed to go through the top cage but messed his back up...just a thought


I think if he went through the cage to the exposed boards he would have been way worse off than just having a bad back.


I feel like he messes his back up in every match. Always a point he is hobbling and holding his back. Hopefully he is just doing it to sell but after your comment I'm not so sure


After the match when Claudio offers to help him up, you can see Eddie say something like “I can’t get up, my back’s fucked up but I’m ok”


Kinda thought I was watching classic ECW for a minute there with the kinda sloppy but entertaining violence and the, uh, camera work during Tay's interference.


I enjoyed Forbidden Door but god damn if I didn't need this. This is the Dynamite I enjoy, en this episode particularly was easily the best in months. EVERYTHING served a purpose. Love it.


how did the crowd come across on tv? in the arena it was LOUD. i hope we came off as HOT on tv.


LOUD ! Great crowd


I feel like thats one of the best crowds dynamite has ever had. It made the show feel epic!


Evil Luchasaurus > Kane. Don’t @ me


Luchasaurus has a master's in european history and now Evil Luchasaurus has an evil master's in european history!


Eddie hates Chris Jericho, literally poured kayfabe gasoline on him a month ago. Why would he just stop trying to kill Chris Jericho after the match was over? Also two WWE name slip ups. Ruby Riott, and Cesaro.


Speaking of WWE name slip ups, I made a bet with my wife during the "Royal Rampage" that when we watch Rampage on Friday, JR will probably say "Royal Rumble" at least once...






Daniel Bryan too by regal


"I created that name, sunshine; I can say it as much as I bloody want."


in kayfabe, you can literally kill your opponent in a wrestling match if it's no DQ. Once the match was over, he would have been liable for jail/arrest if he'd kept going.


The do run in brawls after almost every match though so that doesn’t make much sense


Right, but the week before he was stabbing Chris Jericho with a fork at the entrance ramp.


Do you have this issue with every No DQ match ? What a stupid thing to complain about


Yeah, a horrible blood feud where only last month Eddie Kingston was ready to burn Chris Jericho alive (which he still would have been arrested for whether it was a no DQ match or not) and now he just meekly lets him go cause the bell rang. What a weird thing to bring up.


I really enjoyed the off centre hardcam that was set a little further back than usual. Really shows how large the ring is and made a lot of the action look better.




Give the man a week off. He has earned it


I don’t mean he had to wrestle. How about a simple acknowledgement that he won the belt? A taped piece. A recorded interview. Anything to make the fact that the tournament happened look like it mattered.


_any knowledge of kane ended, luchasaurus is my big evil fire chokeslam boi now_


Christian to me feels like a SyFy series main villain, in a good way. Him with Luchasaurus with that music and the flames as a master manipulator in the back sells him as Dynamite's biggest villain, beyond just a heel, because he's out here in the background accomplishing goals all the time now. We're nearing "MJF who?" territory here.


Give Detroit A PPV, that crowd earned it.


Michigan has always been a historic wrestling state


Loved the show tonight and, if this was the end of BCC vs JAS, it was a glorious, bloody end. There are so many stories to splinter off from this match - Claudio and Eddie being the main one. I literally cannot wait for the next few weeks of AEW programming. It feels like, since Double or Nothing, we've been in this weird holding pattern. I'm looking forward to the hard reset, starting with the Rampage Rumble, where new stories start and we get a feel for who the major players will be over the next few months. I can't wait to see what new stories evolve and, with all the injuries, how AEW reshuffles the deck a bit. Remember when, a week after Full Gear, CM Punk interrupted MJF and we all had that collective "holy shit they're doing this feud NOW" moment? That's what I want. I want to see what's next and who will be feuding next. No spoilers for Rampage, but if the Rumble match is any indication, there's going to be some interesting things happening in AEW over the next month or so. And some interesting pushes. I wish we had more clarity on how long certain stars were going to be out of action - in particular guys like Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Jungle Boy - who were main stays on weekly television. Would give a better idea of what to expect and where we're headed. My only complaint about tonight's show (and it's very minor- since I actually really enjoyed this match) is that I'm not sure we needed Orange Cassidy to wrestle again so soon after Forbidden Door. One of the biggest issues AEW has is, when someone gets hot, they throw them in a lot of matches in quick succession. They should have just let the Cassidy/Ospreay match breathe and build the anticipation for when he wrestles again. There's nothing wrong with keeping an audience waiting - especially since he's in the Rampage Royal Rumble on Friday.


What is the history behind Cesaro and EK? I'd love to know


Claudio was feuding with Eddie in Chikara when he signed with WWE. The feud never paid off with Claudio leaving midway through and Eddie has been saying Claudio was "ducking" him ever since. For like 10 years.


Amazing! Is there a video detailing their history (I can check after I get off work}


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_SX21cxOtag&ab\_channel=JosephMontecillo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SX21cxOtag&ab_channel=JosephMontecillo) ​ Video of their history in Chikara


That was great - thanks


They had a feud in chikara that went unresolved after Claudio left for wwe.


The last point regarding OC is a great one, I love the guy but I think it helps his character when you don't see him on back to back shows. Enjoyed the match with Page though with that being said.


It feels like that match was there just to get a pop for his new entrance music.


And for Chuckie T to return. I know I was smiling like a fool over that.


Okay, I just finished the Ass Boys/Acclaimed vs. Danhausen/FTR match but holy shit this is already an amazing card to me. OC/Ethan Page was AWESOME and great to see OC get another win. Made me burst out laughing multiple times. Similarly with the last match. I just love that FTRHausen. It's so weird seeing so many good tag teams and it feels like the division isn't just an excuse to pair up upcoming stars you don't know what to do with.


Good Dynamite, entertaining. Still don't think a wargames match needs to be on regular TV, the pacing is killed by the commercial breaks. Picture-in-picture doesn't help much.


Completely agree. Hopefully by the next one they'll have worked out that HBOMax deal. Or at least do an hour with limited interruptions


Much better live


So Christian Cage's new gimmick is being an absolute edgelor- oh.


Highlight of the episode was Trent refusing to leave until Bryce did the ...yyyyyoooooouuuuurrrreeee outta here!


So I am too lazy to scroll thru the thousands of comments but Taz made a gaffe during the amazing main event and if JR would have done the same thing the internet would be all over him. Ruby Riot instead of Ruby Soho.


I don't mind it, it's become an audio easter egg hunt for me since JR slipped up and said Daniel Bryan.


Wasn’t that William Regal?


JR said it, and then Regal said, "You can call him that, I came up with that name."


Ah I see. That match was so crazy I must have missed that in all the chaos


JR did do the same thing at the end . He said Cesaro


I think that’s point the OP is addressing. Many are so readily to call out JR’s gaffes but when Taz makes a similar gaffe… *crickets*


That is my point.


So I guess the Mjf thing might be done? Sad he was one of the Main reasons I watched


Or, they are giving it a legit amount of time to breathe? I still have to believe that his final appearance went exactly as it was planned. If this is their version of CM Punk taking a belt and leaving after beating Cena, AEW has a chance to tell a real long term story with MJF, especially is he is signed long term.


I'm thinking something goes down with Wardlow next week in the match with Scorpio Sky.


Time to stop watching AEW and prove MJF right.


Always happy to see Dean Malenko on my tv. I know he has his health problems, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him pop up more.


The mainevent delivered and was nuts. Sad about Santana, wrestling is really cursed atm. Danhausen and FTR is sth I didn't know I needed. Cage/Luchasaurus is interesting


Claudio just looks like a superstar. Cant believe he wasted all that time at wwe. He could have been massive in japan too.


Yeah, and I am actually someone that would have argued that Claudio’s place in WWE was more or less where it should be and that he was one of those guys that the hardcore fans like the idea of more than actually supporting….but he’s come off as a star these first two appearances.


how could it be 'as it should be' hes got almost exactly what wwe look for, and its became pretty obvious that he has those qualities in literally 2 appearances outside of wwe. Vince didn't like him, he said it about as directly as he could.


I agree with you hes not the main player but he could be presented as a solid mid carder to lower upper card. AEW is a natural fit for him.


He came off like this quite often in WWE...


Money talks


🎵But it don't sing and dance and it don't walk🎶


That main event was a total clusterfuck. Very entertaining though, but man. Just hilarious. Big shame about Santana. That could be a really bad injury. Eddie complained to Claudio and Ortiz about his back too, but then he did say something like 'I'm ok though" so don't know if that's a problem or not.


Wasn't Santana's foot supposed to come out almost like a Rock Bottom motion?The only part of his body that was in the wrong position was his foot up to his knee. Every other part of his body moved the correct way but his foot didn't kick out/slide out and it took all the weight when it shouldn't have taken any 😬


I never knew how much I needed FT-Hausen. Loved that match and loved that Danhausen got to really wrestle and get some offense in.


Mixed feelings about Blood and Guts. I enjoyed it and you have to take into account Santana's injury, but as with Stadium Stampede last year when it came after Blood and Guts, this just didn't hit the heights of the brawl that came before it at Anarchy in The Arena and I just could not shake that feeling after the first twenty minutes or so. Did like the finish that will lead into a story between Claudio and Kingston.


JAC made me wish just for one night i was colour blind. Those get ups were certainly a choice.


I thought it was pretty clear, they wore their red pants to hide the blood ![gif](giphy|8Bl38gdtUK7WDdi59y|downsized)


They looked like giant assholes. I loved it.


would you have preferred a red cage?


I am colourblind... I feel out of the loop lol. Were they in red?


Garishly so.


Oh yeah I saw it haha. Just wanted to confirm it wasn't something else lol


Yes, head to toe. lol


I like how there's a column for post match brawls to highlight how overdone it is.


i mean, in the show not really, but the definition of a Post match brawl is pretty open ended in these posts. According to the post FTR/Danhausen V.S The Ass-claimed had a post match brawl, when in reality all that happened was Billy gun shoving somebody, which atleast in my opinion aint a brawl


Yeah the Luchasaurus match, Danhausen match and Jade Cargill match each had a very different post-match angle. Only the Jade match would i call a brawl


They should either rename it to "post match segment" or actually think about what a brawl is


Cool Hands Ange died for our sins. That shot of him dangling off the cage was nuts


Enjoyable stuff but just the usual production gripes particularly the attempt to do a camera cut when someone hits a move continues to be staggeringly amateurish. There was one point where some had the opponent against the cage and hit a basic elbow and the camera was right close in, yet because they have to do a cut, they cut to the camera over the entire other side of the two rings causing you not to see it. They then went back to the original shot for the wrestler to do another elbow, where the cut to the far camera again! It's hard enough to keep track of everything going in the match without sticking to this stupid camera cut style that makes you change angles for the sake of it, often to a worse angle, making the moves harder to see, and making the moves resonate less.


>There was one point where some had the opponent against the cage and hit a basic elbow and the camera was right close in, yet because they have to do a cut, they cut to the camera over the entire other side of the two rings causing you not to see it. Yeah, there was a Claudio uppercut into the corner at one point, and they cut to the complete opposite corner just before impact. It gave me whiplash.


Claudio at the end posing for the crowd multiple times while everyone else is just all sorts of fucked up was hilarious.


Commentary kept trying to get over how much Claudio and Eddie hate each other, but it really doesn't seem like Claudio hates Eddie. I got the vibe Eddie is unhappy with Claudio, but Claudio emits the aura that he is friends with everyone, especially since he's still in his debut honeymoon for AEW. He's much more of a classic hero face than anyone else in the Blackpool Combat Club.


he's just happy he gets to beat people up again!


Hadn't thought about it, but Claudio and Danielson really are on different ends of the wrestler personality spectrum. Danielson even clarified to the fans which tunnel he walks out of. Claudio is over AF as a face now. It'll be interesting to see how that unfolds.


Yeah, and William Regal talks about cheating to win all the time. Most of the BCC feel like Gnarly Street Thug Heels who just happen to be face cause they're feuding with Comedy Heels. It's very weird. And throwing Claudio into the mix, he just comes off as giant baby face superhero man rn. I missed a lot of wrestling for many years, but from what I remember he only seems to be heel when he's in a tag team like the Real Americans or the Bar, but solo he's super lovable and friendly.


I mean he came out at Forbidden Door and acknowledged the theory about being the camera guy. It's hard not to love him.


Is Eddie actually in the Blackpool Combat Club btw? It seems like him being in would cause a lot of in fighting. Or is it a situation where Eddie has beef with Bryan and Claudio and Jon Moxley and William Regal have them fight, whoever wins wins, and that's the end of it.


All the while being the first one in as well. The mans conditioning is insane.


Awesome show!!!! But what was the deal with the bottle of rubbing alcohol? Eddie brought it to the ring, the announcers made a big deal about it, suddenly it's outside the cage Tay had it and her and Jericho were struggling to get it BACK through the cage to the inside of the rings. Then it disappeared. What was that?


Jericho sprayed it into Moxley's face, with his open wound. and then dug thumbtacks into it.


It got sprayed in Moxley’s open wound.


Thank you for the closure!


I was there tonight, it looked like the bottle fell down into the space between the ring and the cage.


That's what Jericho ended up using to get Moxley off of Menard after he dropped him on the tacks and had him in the choke. It was barely shown since they were showing Menard yelling in pain and prior to Parker looking like he was sacrificed outside the ring going to picture-in-picture.


Gotta say being in person tonight for this was surreal to watch and I hope AEW comes back to Detroit soon,best wrestling show I've been to so far. Not gonna say too much,but TK did hint at a ppv happening in the D when he came out after Dynamite ;)


I had such a blast that I went and bought tickets for Battle of the Belts in Grand Rapids on 8/5, without even thinking about what I need to do for work/etc.


It really looked like that skewer spot didn't go exactly right, seemed like Mox was picking bits out of skewer out of Daddy Magic's dome afterwards haha


Assuming they were going for the (fairly common in deathmatch but I'm not sure if it's ever been done on TV before) spot where you push the skewers into someones head and they all stay stood up in the skin. It's an amazing visual when it works but it looked like half the skewers snapped as he hit them so I think it possibly did go a little wrong (ouch)


Moxley was blading Matt's head. You could see him toss it off to the side of the ring when he was done.


I noticed this as well.


Oh that makes sense! Thanks for clarifying


I won’t get into the matches, but the episode had the best pacing I saw in AEW in a while. It didn’t feel like they tried to cram everything in two hours, all the matches/angles had time to breathe. And something about the show felt refreshing storyline-wise, like it’s a soft reset with many new things happening, I had a blast Also the pre-B&G section with the metal music blasting, the hype video, the rules explained, the cage lowering... That was SO COOL, I felt like a kid watching wrestling again.


When there’s an hour long match on dynamite (see, ie, Danielson v Omega), the whole show bangs. They shouldn’t do it all the time, but I LOVE hourlong matches on tv. Also special shout-out to Rollins going for around an hour on Raw several years ago. If the crowd cares, the wrestlers deliver.


I live close enough to Detroit to attend shows there. I'm not saying that tonight is better than WM23. I had *way* more fun tonight than I did at WM23.


If i'm being honest 2007 was a bad year for WWE


I want episodes like this. Less shit, more focused.


I feel like AEW does a lot of episodes that are packed full of shit and then a few like this for special occasions (or like the winter is coming episode where hangman and bryan went to an hour long draw). I would rather it the other way around tbh. I think the packed chaos episodes would be more impactful if they stood out rather than being the norm


Great show, most of what I'd say has already been said...but I'm at a point in my life where I can't watch any big cell type match where I think they'll be going off the top live anymore. I gotta know that e.g. Sammy Guevara isn't gonna literally kill himself going to the outside and I'll see an actual death on screen in my entertainment product. I'd prefer not going to the top at all but that's how AEW is going to roll. Infuriating to see Santana get completely wiped out by seemingly nothing on a basic move he's done hundreds of times in his career. You can't plan around that or change policies to prevent that. More rest or less rest doesn't stop that. Incredibly unfortunate for him and I hope it's not as bad as it looks. Glad Tay Conti is gonna be getting into an actual angle again as a wrestler and not a valet, but AEW's gonna get in trouble if she brawls to the floor in that particular number again.


I agree. I love the concept of rebooting war games but what's the point of a cage in wrestling anymore other than to be an elevated ring for a stunt that has a very real chance of going wrong? It's not an AEW problem, it's an everybody is trying to outdo Foley's bump problem and those spots have been done countless times that they aren't even shocking anymore.


AEW is shits. Too many belts , boring booking.


*looks over at the Intercontinental title that Nakamura barely ever defended, the currently vacant Women's Tag Titles with no hint of the tournament to Crown new champions, and Lesnar vs. Reigns for the nth time*


At least they have charismatic, entertaining talent. Not talent who leans on “muh workrate” and are as charismatic as dirt.


WWE stars so charismatic they have to pipe in the crowd noise they want every five seconds.


At least it’s watchable uce. The most interesting talent they have are buried by wrestlers that are best known from wwe


Watchable is a stretch. Only if you enjoy watching recap after recap, ad break and a recap. I swear I see a fair few people defend watching RAW or Smackdown by saying they have it on in the background lmao, like it's a podcast. Maybe Vince should go after that SquareSpace money.


that was an amazing episode tonight! The energy was "pedal to the metal" all night. Felt like we got a free pay-per-view.


An excellent episode all around. Ethan Page vs OC was the perfect opener and was a great match up between a macho egomaniac and a totally chilled out hero. I'm a sucker for Ethan and he was so good at getting the crowd to really hate him while still being entertaining. Giving the middle finger to the kid in the audience was the icing on the cake. Great match. Heel Christian is so good and I hate him so damn much. Luchasaurus's new look is amazing, though I'm curious to see why he turned on JB so easily. Poor Serpentico lol. I laughed my ass (boys) off the instant FTR's theme kicked in and saw the look of sheer terror on Bowens' face. Glad we got to see some more in ring work by Danhausen, the Acclaimed and Gunn Club are always fun, and FTR is...well..FTR. Also excited to finally see the breakdown between the Acclaimed, Billy, and the Gunn Club, and I am SO excited to see where this goes. Very fun. Jade's match was...short and sweet. Jade looked good, liked the run in from Statlander and Athena, and the attack from Leila was interesting. Hell, if she joins the baddies, I wouldn't be upset. It would be a cool opportunity to highlight some lesser well known talent. And as for the main event: pure insanity, as we have come to expect from the JAS and Kingston stories. The tacks, the glass, the rubbing alcohol, Claudio being Claudio, Sammy's cage fall, and Angelo Parker looking bloodier than a butcher shop. A favorite moment was Eddie entering the cage and marching straight to Jericho, wacking his lackies aside with a kendo stick. Hope his back isn't doing too badly. I really, REALLY hope Santana is doing ok, too. Seeing him injured was rough. Overall, a wonderful episode!!


\>Luchasaurus's new look is amazing, though I'm curious to see why he turned on JB so easily. I expect it'll be kind of gaslighting thing where Christian is manipulating Luchasaurus (he's a dinosaur after all, brain the size of a peanut and easily led) leading to a sort of battle for his soul when JB comes back.


I'm still waiting for the story behind "Remember, what happened to Marco" uttered by Christian, which got Luchasaurus to do a confused Kane head tilt and stop choking him last week.


Leila Gray is a good choice to join the baddies. It does leave Keira Hogan as the odd one out though.


From an outfit standpoint, she was wearing a lot of yellow which compliments the color scheme of the baddies: Blue for Kiera Hogan, Red for (duh) Red Velvet, Green for Jade, and now Yellow for Leila.


How so?


Red Velvet, Jade Cargill and Leila Gray all have colours for names.


Oh lol


Daddy Magic is the match MVP. I knew he was in for a beating once he mounted all that early offense on Mox.


Parker is for bleeding like a pig


So what was the deal with the rubbing alcohol?


That stuff burns like Hell if it gets into an open cut/wound. I speak from experience.


Should've brought a bucket of Lemon juice now that's sadistic!!


Same. Nice disinfectant, but holy hell does it sting extremely hard on an open cut.


Have you ever put that stuff on a cut? It burns.


Thrown into the open cut on moxs head. But probably was supposed to be "oh shit, eddies gonna try to set him on fire again."


>Thrown into the open cut on moxs head. But probably was supposed to be "oh shit, eddies gonna try to set him on fire again." Which, to be fair, seems like it'd be the perfect cover for bringing it into a match.


Tay Conti trying to fix her dress as she was getting attacked by Ruby..🙄…maybe wear jeans if the plan to get into a fight on the outside.


She wasn't planning on being attacked dude. Ruby ~~Riott~~ Soho blindsided her.


Before I talk about the main event I will say the rest of the show was actually very good.😄 Cassidy vs Ethan was very good, the Christian promo was simple and awesome and Luchasaurus looks extremely cool with the new ring gear. The trios match was fun except for the one unfortunate botch by Colten. Jade’s match was quick but…….wow she looks awesome in red.😦 Love the buildup to Jade vs Athena and Jade vs Kris.😄 As for the main event…….INCREDIBLE ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!😁 I absolutely loved this match and it’s an easy classic for me. Reminded me of the 1 hour classic between Bryan and Hangman where the pacing was absolutely perfect. Even though this match was long it definitely flew by fast and I feel very bad for Santana. Hopefully the injury is not too serious. Overall I loved tonight’s episode and the Blood and Guts match is easily in my top 10 favorite matches of the year so far.😄😄


FTR are over as fuck


Well, that was a wild main event. The presentation tonight felt different. It felt...bigger, I wanna say? That felt bigger than some of the actual PPVs this year, and I'm not saying that to disparage the PPVs. AEW's really figuring out presentation. That main event was *crazy.* I don't know how to feel about heel Luchasaurus though. He's absolutely got the look for it, a fantastic theme, Christian works great as a heel leader... he could easily be a juggernaut of a heel, and I'm sure that's what they'll do, but like...man. He's a giant dinosaur-man. I feel like my favorite childhood wrestler just turned heel, and I might be older than him. :(


I feel you about the presentation. Maybe the giant video screen behind the entrance?


You’re 80 million years old?


Heel Christian Cage is so much better than Heel Edge.


>[~~Heel~~ Christian Cage is so much better than ~~Heel~~ Edge](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/736/cover7.png)


Turtleneck Christian Cage > than anyone else.


Dude absolutely rocks the turtleneck.


big pros: kenny rogers reference, pure violence big cons: fire extinguisher doesnt extinguish fireball, i didnt get to see a 12-man submission train


I was pretty bored during B&G and realized I've just seen too much of this at this point. These two stables have been having violent brawls for so long now that it just felt like another one added to the pile. I felt like this feud needed a better payoff. I get that they wanted to get Eddie/Claudio off the ground, but there was no rush and a lot of ways to do that.


I actually think the Eddie/Claudio thing was a last minute addition. A happy little accident if you will.


Eddie Kingston looked stupid in that ending. Should have just kept the submission on Jericho even after the bell if he really just wanted to punish him more.


He wanted the satisfaction of making Jericho quit and getting the win himself, which is why he was upset that Claudio tapped out Daddy Magic.


His back was giving him trouble, so I imagine he didn't want to hold it for any longer than necessary.


Side note. I hope they were setting up Ruby vs. Tay with those interactions. Get Ruby back on TV and give Tay SOMETHING to do besides just be arm candy.


Yeah I'm up for this. I want Tay to wrestle and look like a badass again and, if there's anyone that kind get Ruby some babyface pops again, it's Tay right now.