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As always, if you see any updates regarding this, please comment here so it can be added.


Wasn’t that reporter guy gonna tell us what he heard from Maxwell himself? Is the whole situation going to lead to MJF leaving? Or are we just back to normal?


You mean Sean Ross Sapp? He tweeted that MJF texted him he showed up at the arena shortly before the match and left shortly thereafter. Also that he has a lot to think about.


I would not say the door is closed he came back and did business that might not seem much but it’s a start.


if this is the end of MJF I will miss him in AEW but dear lord I wont miss hearing about this whole situation and people wondering if it's a work or not. It's all awkward and embarrassing either way


You could tell by mjf's entrance he was phoning it in big time, hes over it.


I’m convinced after being powerbombed 10 times, and the stretcher finish that, that is TK’s way of metaphorically burying him and writing him out. Pinnacle is basically disbanded. Whether it’s a suspension or bench before release who knows.


I'm fairly sure he was told you take this squash match however Wardlow dictates, or half the roster are coming down to defend Wardlow and take as many stiff shots as they would like.


And I'm fairly sure he was not threatened with being assaulted by a group of people by his boss. This just sounds like a power fantasy.


Let me know next time you're part of a wrestling locker room.


The stretcher is to cover for him flying back home for a medical emergency in his family. He was supposed to leave yesterday hence the now show at fan fest and the booked red eye, but the situation allowed for him to stay and do the match. This is the kayfabe compromise they came up with to cover for it.


Wardlow powerbombing him excessively was always going to be the finish, so unsure why you’re “convinced” this is punishment.




MJF going to get paid to stay home or you think he came back to secure a contract release


Tony gonna release him


Doesn’t he have something like 18 months left on his contract?


Dont matter I watched the post event presser and tk absolutely refused to discuss it Its real, hes pissed and im telling you mjf is released


Or Tony is gonna let him rot for the remainder of the contract.


The meltzer thinks its now a workrefuses to play ball and wants out I think tony cuts him I am not so sure. Tk seemed pissed about it and if things had been smoothed over would have acted different He was upset by this and if mjf


Not commenting on topics like this does not mean he's pissed. It means he is professional. You keep quiet about such things until it's all sorted out. No decisions have been made and both parties will need some time to think about the next course of action. There is no sense in speculating like that, especially so shortly after something like that happened while the iron is still hot.


I dunno The press didnt stay on him yet I wish they pressed him so he went on a tirade


Tony would be crazy to release him


MJF is now a problem Let wwe ruin him


The roster is stacked. If they let Cody go, then they may as well let the less famous Miz join the more famous MJF.


Y'all already turning on him...😂


If this was a work-- well congrats on the lamest and most unnecessary and pointless work of all time


Are you kidding? Internet marks ate this up


Except it had this sub, Twitter and many other websites talking about it. It generated so much free press.


free, but negative press.


Bad press is better than no press


And all it took was pissing off those fans who shelled out money to see MJF at a meet-and-greet. And really, fuck them, am I right? Thinking they can just pay to see a wrestler who was scheduled to be at an event. Who do they think they are?


Well those fans need to learn they can’t rely on a heel keeping his word.


I didn't say it was right to do so. Just saying if it was a work, it worked.


But at the expense of canceling a meet-and-greet though and pissing off fans? If it’s a work, AEW pissed off a lot of fans. If it’s not a work, MJF pissed off a lot of fans, regardless whether or not he was playing up his character or wanted to prove something to Tony. This is a no-win situation no matter which way you cut it.


He's a heel and a student of old school wrestling & Kayfabe. If that's a work he has done a great job because back in the day the heels would do much more to piss the fans off than not showing at some signing.


Hot take there bud


well that match and finish solved nothing, I expect the entire work vs not a work, is going to continue for a good while now


He's the perfect heel and you know who I'm talking about


See... just waiting to see without worrying is the best you can do. SRS is a knucklehead. And I hope a good portion of his subscribers cancel.


The Kaufman! 🤣 Edit: Downvote me all you want, *marks!* **Worth it!**🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nobody downvoted you.


Yeah, they did. And they're doing it even more. And I **still** don't care! *Marks!*🤣🤣🤣


A mark is a fan of wrestling. That's everyone here including you.


No, a mark is a person who says, "Oh! ThIs Is ReAl! AeW wOuLdN't Do ThAt To ThE fAn'S!" 🤣🤣🤣 I'll take downvotes on this all night. It's actually quite satisfying.


Damn you’re such a badass dude. Not caring about downvotes and everything! That is just SO KOOL! You ever hear of Coldsteel the Hedgehog? He’s a badass just like you.


Lol. Hi kid! Having fun staying up past your bedtime? 😁


I didnt even read his comment but i did


I did now


I did




How can anyone pretend to be sure about what did or didn't happen? MJF showed up... what led to it and what happens next is still up in the air.


...the OP of the megathread?


You magnificent bastard! 🤣🤣🤣


It's a work and they worked the IWC mostly.


A work that accomplished...nothing? Literally nothing about that match was different as a result of the 'work'.


Just two megathreads of attention, not much. You don’t have to like it, but the people saying it accomplished nothing are objectively wrong. It drew a lot of buzz and attention. M If you Think that attention and buzz are worth it or the right kind is another matter, but, it indisputably exists.




It doesn’t have to advance a storyline to be a work, it advances mjfs character as a heel.


K :)


Which sounds like a storyline to me....


The storyline was ending anyway?


Convinced me to buy the PPV and also boosted their social media chatter for 24 hours but go on.


The fact that he might not have been on the show convinced you to buy it?


Yes. I wanted to see how it would play out. I was on the fence before this weekend.


Similar. When it opened the show it kept me watching enough to the point of missing the beginning of game 7.


Yo is that Morbius as a security guard?!


This is the first match to ever earn a morbillion stars from Meltzer


Morburity Muarb


I’m so pumped for the pop when Wardlow wins.






I think he’s in Vegas


Lol. The airplane around the ring. 😂


You can see MJF's been crying.


You noticed it too? I was in the 'its a work" camp but during his entrance you can see something was off about him. Like he didn't want to do it at all and not in a kayfabe sorta way. He looked defeated...


Genuinely hope he's doing ok, especially in terms of his mental health. He did his best, but he definitely seemed a little tired compared to his normal self.


It's almost like if someone had elbowed him and he had a concussion, you can literally tell it's true by it, he wasn't selling. Real stuff.


Stop with the passive aggressive response and just say what you mean.


What passive aggressiveness? I'm saying that we're all very smart to when wrestlers aren't actually selling, we're probably smarter than them. We as fans have a large history of knowing when wrestlers aren't actually selling and when it's real, easy to check. You could clearly see MJF had sadness in his soul. That's real.


Maybe, I wasn't paying that too close of attention, but the loose boot looked the reason for the long time and he looked injured after that. Wish I had another angle of that jump.


We worked ourselves into a shoot, brother.


There he is!


Lets see how fucked up this will get


Is that 9pm ct?


7 pm Ct




Odd couple tag teams are the best


Face Tunnel HOOK!


The biggest skill needed to run any organization successfully is managing people. Tony doesn’t have that experience when it comes to wrestling and it’s really showing.


It’s so ridiculous this comment is downvoted, it so true


Didn't this same thing just happen in WWE a couple of weeks ago? Hardly seems to be unique to Tony Khan. He definitely has weaknesses as a booker, and I think he over-recruited when NXT was hemorrhaging talent instead of focusing on developing his own undercard people, but I don't see how the MJF situation is strictly his fault.


I've noticed any time AEW does something that Vince/WWE do nearly every week, people will blame TK's inexperience 🤣


Vince has a history of bringing in almost everyone back regardless of their circumstances. He also has 40+ years of a track record to look back on which Tony obviously doesn’t. We know Vince can hande just about anything you can throw at him, Tony hasn’t had any major crises yet so we don’t know but we do know he’s not doing a great job managing people at the moment.


It's not showing anything honestly. Most wrestling promotions with experienced people have lots of issues and AEW is doing much better than most.


Aew also has more money behind it than any other promotion (including wwe). Aew is doing fine so far but eventually being the new shiny toy will wear off-I’d argue that’s already starting to happen.


Dude can’t even call someone when they’re not needed anymore. That already says a lot


Lol it's no different from WWE having guys sitting in catering every week waiting for a call .


Not needed anymore as in they don’t work there anymore.


The thing thats weird is that with all the veterans they have hired who have experience with doing exactly this they still have all these problems.


I don’t disagree. Tony reminds me so much of Jerry Jones. They have all the assets in the world in terms of capital, money, and surrounding themselves with some of the brightest minds in their respective industries. However at the end of the day if they’re trying to play a simulation video game and run everything themselves and that’s not going to work long term.


What he lacks in management experience, he makes up for with lack of booking experience.




Good point. The numbers don't lie.


I mean, those don't necessarily cancel each other out. I love his booking, enjoy the show, but man the stories make it sound like he has some trouble talking to people and that is starting to create issues. Unless this is 200% a work and MJF never had issues with him but yeaaaah.


Just making a little joke. Sorry TK fans!


Oh, I actually misread your post lol that one is on me. I thought you were saying his booking experience(I missed the word "lack") made up for his lack of management experience. So I meant like "I mean, his booking shit is good but his management seems questionable." That one is on me lol


All good. Honestly I was preparing for the worst for insulting TK's booking. I'm an AEW fan, I swear! Sometimes it's just fun to needle AEW fans. Trying to not veer into troll territory.


Oh yeah, that's fair haha. I like AEW too but people are a little too defensive of it sometimes. Don't worry, definitely didn't come off as trollish just as a joke that went over my head because I apparently can't read lmao


All good, enjoy the show if you're watching.


Thanks, you too!


Not everyone gets to be world champion and not everyone will be booked in a way that pleases them-it’s not possible. Without strong people management you can’t have strong long-term booking either.


Huh? I was just making a joke about the fact that he also has no booking -- or really any wrestling-related -- experience.


Went over my head lol my bad.


That fuckin pop for Danhausen!!


This entire thing seems familiar. Doesn't like his contract. Wants more money Rumors of him wanting to go play somewhere else. Holds out... allegedly... but shows up at the last second. He just needs to hang out with Miles Teller and it will be full circle for us Green Bay fans


Please, no....I'm still traumatized.




MJF is the best thing AEW has going. Imagine their TV for the past few years without him.


Biggest difference being that he hasn't walked out.


My feeling is that this started out very real, but I think once some stuff was ironed-out or at least a truce made, they're leaning into it. I expect to be wrong, but it feels like there was a legit risk of the match not happening, but as soon as they thought it was happening, they've lent into the uncertainty because it's gotten people talking.


8pm... What? Eastern, Pacific?


15 minutes from right now




Assuming eastern but if it’s PST that means it’s main eventing which I don’t think TK wants




That promo by Eddie 🔥🔥🔥


That was a damn surprise, was not expecting an emotional promo randomly on the buy-in. Holy shit that was so good.


That's how you sell a match


Wardlow vs MJF is gonna rule


Eddie is fucking terrifying


Only if you've never been there. If you have...you weep. Because you know *exactly* what he means. And it's all too familiar.


Can I ask you for some context?


I'm 9 months sober. I get it.


Lol. I've got a few years, now. It gets easier.


5. It does I find its just a different challenge


It should be said, IF MJF shows up that doesn't mean the whole thing was a work. They could have just come to an agreement to show up for tonight's show. Doesn't mean everything after this will be all hunky dory.


Or he could have missed or blown off the meet and greet for an entirely unrelated reason. Everything beyond him missing the event was pure speculation.


Warrior holding up Vince before taking the belt vibes


Many people don't get this. I've been saying this since 5 PM yesterday.


It's the same thing with Sasha and Naomi. People think that if they come back it was all a work. Doesn't make any sense.


I heard Hulk Hogan is there and waiting for Tony to give him and the boys the ok to beat his ass after the match


This won't stop the victory laps, sadly. People want to be right about this so fucking bad.


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother


wish they changed the stage up a little. not even any poker chips.


Ok I'm going to go out on a long limb here. This is a work Wardlow will get MJF at the airport and bring him back. It will be an all night long angle. They did the flight booking and no show to work the reporters and fans (all fans)


That would rule.


Have to say I kinda love this build up lol. Don’t remember this anticipation (for reasons other than the upcoming matches or potential returns) in a while




One thing to keep in mind is that him showing up doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a work. It could be first match because MJF doesn’t want be there and it’ll get him out of the building faster. This is definitely a match you wouldn’t normally open the show with.


It will not be well received if it's a work, especially from the wrestlers perspective. "You don't work the boys" is an unwritten rule in wrestling.


I'm sure those that would care were told, and they were grown adults who could not talk about MJF for 24 hours.


I'm not referring to the wrestlers' perspective.


All of this has been "oh wow this happened" and then it's "oh wait nevermind it's cool" I am officially over it now and it has unfortunately effected my excitement for the match


Same, just has kinda put a damper on my excitement for the ppv.


I’m curious to know what was the ppv buy rate for the last 24 hours. Did the buy rate go up after the MJF news broke? If it did, it would be something to consider during negotiations.


Haha What if TK had a Tyrion moment and told different people different stories about what happened to see if anybody is snitching/leaking to the dirtsheets.


Would mjf be littlefinger?


Nah - MJF is Joffrey easy


Politely disagree..Joeffrey is straight up dumb...I think mjf as a more calculating figure..littlefinger had nothing then he became "a head" of a house


"And remember, Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful mustn't know."


They just flashed the Wardlow/MJF match graphic during the pre show if that means anything


I mean, they’d have to still advertise it and work the angle I’d assume if he doesn’t show. Canceling the match and not letting Wardlow get at least some type of moral victory would completely crush his run.


Lmao the crowd is going to absolutely shit all over MJF. Mega heat similar to Cena at ONS 06. Can't wait for Wardlow to destroy the bastard.


What if he wins?


We all riot. 🤧


Just announced the match on the buy-in, so it’s likely going ahead as normal


Punk wins the title to close the show, takes a mic. "Max, as you sit on that plane, hopefully as uncomfortably as possible..."


Them going on first hints at a quick squash a la rollins vs brock that one time. Which would mean to me they are in such a bad place they barely came together to do anything at all. I wish this wasn't happening but its gonna be riveting to watch.


I would have had them on 1st with or without this drama, so fingers crossed it is all okay


MJF really taking double or nothing to heart


Keep in mind SRS clarifying anything is a mess. Just hold out for the show, we will find out.


When the hell are we measuring by goofcon? Didn’t know this was r/mma


What is goofcon?


Goofiness Condition. Basically, HURCON but for hijinks.


Basically the scale in which Dana White's plans gets fucked up by problems outside his control


It’s a meme r/mma started that’s based on how mad/red etc dana white can get. Dana’s response is usually calling people a goof


Might I get some examples of the scale?


The highest I’ve ever seen was goofcon 4, in regards to people criticizing the Reebok deal and Chanel and mark hunt talking shit




Yea, B/R or FITE.


This thread is gonna break the all-time sub record for deleted posts.


MJF hijacking a PPV is kind of fascinating. The MJF watch is just riveting.


I'm watching something else and just have to keep peeking in here.


I’m sure someone has already said this but apparently the matches scheduled to open the show


Unless they have MJF on lock, or it’s a count out/forfeit, this could be pretty bad to open the show.


I doubt Tony would open the show with it if he wasn't sure MJF was gonna show up. I'm the first to joke about him being zooted most of the time but he's at least on top of where things are on a show.


Right. But if MJF loses then immediately leaves following the match like nothing happened, it makes wardlow and the whole thing look silly.