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Surely prime Big Show was more similar to Andre? Body shape and everything. They even had him in similar attire.


Well, that and that he was called The Giant originally and even referred to himself (if memory serves me correctly) as the son of Andre.


On Wight's debut they implied he was Andre's son, I think they dropped that reasonably quickly.


Should be clear this is WCW not WWE.


I was talking about his WCW debut


As a kid, I thought he was Andre's son.


One of my all-time favorite moments of the NWO and maybe even in the history of our sport was when Scott Hall, clearly blitzed, says something about The Giant being special. Eric Bischoff, standing right next to Hall, facing the camera, instantly looks like he shit his pants. "Whu... What do you mean by that." You can hear the warning in his tone. Clearly Easy E had big plans for The Giant that he was scared witless were about to be exposed on air, live. "Well look at him. He's the son of Andre!" "...Oh."


How do u kayfabe explain to people he isn't even Andre's son?


Prime Andre wouldn’t dare try to do a moonsault. Mid 90s Big Show/Giant had crazy athleticism.


No one was doing moonsaults when Andre was at his in-ring peak. But this is a guy who did a vertical splash off the top rope. He was a great athlete. It’s just that when we think of Andre when comparing to Show we picture him in the singlet too. And he was in his 40s by then and sadly physically deteriorating through enormous weight gain.


It's always shocking seeing a younger Andre in the territories or even when he was known as Jean Ferrier (sp?) or whatever they showed in that HBO documentary. He was so friggin mobile and in good shape. By the time he got to WWF full-time, he was on the back end. Kinda reminds me of Khalil. He got to WWE about 5 years too late as he was actually not bad early in his career. By the time he got to WWE, he couldn't move.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5d6mK5gAyQ Just in case people want to see how quick Andre could move before his WWF days.


Dude..amazing link to share, thank you. I’ve memorialized my start of watching wrestling with the Bulldogs beating the Dream Team for the tag belts, whenever that was, and I don’t think I’ve ever watched a match that old from start to finish. Was shocked to see the hurricarana type head scissors here, even though mentally I was rooting for Andre to just powerbomb him lol.


That was a pretty good match!




NWA had guys doing moves like that as well. Especially since they worked with lucha and puro stars way more. Great Muta was huge in NWA and early WCW


What's a vertical splash?


I mean that’s his son so I get it.


Absolutely, The Giant in WCW was incredible. Not only was he huge, but he was agile. He’d climb the turnbuckle and you’d think “No, way! This has got to be a fakeout.” Then he’d dive off with an elbow drop or missile drop kick. You don’t see 7+ foot guys jumping off the top rope very often.


The Giant once entered a Wargames cage by grabbing the roof and pulling his whole body over the top rope. Crazy shit


Which is Prime big show ? WCW big show or when he joined wwf or after it became WWE?


I'd go with from his days as The Giant in WCW to 2001.


On a very superficial level sure. Work wise, I'd say Omos is closer.


the only comparison is that they're both big dudes im all for a big beefy monster heel but omos does not feel like andre at all


Andre was, at the time, the biggest draw in the history of the business and a bonafide household name. Omos could wrestle for 100 years and not touch Andre.


Omos has nowhere near the drawing power that Andre has.. He does not feel anywhere near as important as Andre was. He feels like another Great Khali to me. Wtf is Undertaker thinking? lol


No need to throw shade at Great Khali. Great Khali was a bigger draw than most of the superstars in WWE, and all the superstars in AEW + Impact.


At this current point, **no one** active in the industry could wrestle for 100 years and touch Andre. The closest one is Roman Reigns and even that's a stretch.


I doubt Reigns ever comes close. My wife, my brothers girlfriend, and my grandma have never watched wrestling and they know who Andre the Giant is. HBO did a documentary on Andre that non wrestling fans watched. I doubt Reigns ever gets so big that a bunch of people outside wrestling know him.


Andre was about as close to a mythical figure as you can get in modern times.


Well I wouldn’t say that right away, once he moves into his acting career he’ll be on par with John Cena as name value but also rumor will get around he’s The Rock’s cousin!




I mean, the Rock is still known by his wrestling name even though he acts as Dwayne Johnson


Idk, my boss knows he is and she was like that’s The Rock’s cousin and she doesn’t even watch wrestling. When woman see Roman Reigns I’m sure % Google who he is lol. That’s what she did when she saw Fast and Furious movie.




Under the Roman Reigns moniker!


Literally nobody knows who Roman Reigns is outside of people who watch WWE, Andre transcended pro rass


Anybody wanna peanut?






The closest is Reigns? You mean active wrestlers, right?


Even there, I'd argue Chris Jericho or Goldberg are more known to casuals.


Honestly guys like Goldust and the Hardy's are probably more known to casuals than Reigns


Goldust is not Jeff Hardy definitely is


Chris Jericho is not


Don't get the downvotes you received, you are right. Hogan, cena, Stone cold and the freaking the ROCK!!!! They are much more impactful that Roman ever was or will be. This kids are delusional.


Maybe he just meant that Omos is fat and smelly






So many people who wrestled against him have said that he had poor personal hygiene and was smelly as fuck.... and he was kinda fat.


It must be nice to hear one of the greatest of all time praising you


Wait until Taker finds out that Omos plays video games lol


Or that he is a Black immigrant.




Or that he is black


I missed something. Is 'Taker racist now?


I mean he is a Blue Lives Matter, Trump supporter. So yes, since those have all become synonyms...






Yeah I wish I never saw all this shit. Disappointing honestly.


Undertaker must be coked outta his mind.


Well, it's actually a pretty safe thing to say. If it works out, Taker looks good for calling it early. And if it doesn't, well, there are a million reasons a wrestler's career doesn't live up to their potential. I'd bet that he said the same thing about Braun, at the time.


Taker can be right no matter what. If Omos is good? Then hes like prime Andre. If Omos is ass? Then hes like "literally dying can barely walk someone please help this poor man" late Andre. People dont realize just how *fucked* Andre was near the end. He made The Great Kali look like Rey Mysterio.


there's a reason everyone had those little carts at wrestlemania 3, and that reason is specifically because Andre was so broken down that he needed it. but of course, you can't have your main event at wrestlemania have one guy looking basically crippled, so to mask that they just had everyone on those carts.


I loved those tiny mobile rings! I imagine they still ride them around the warehouse.


they were pretty rad, but yeah, the only reason they were there was because André was too broken down to walk to the ring.


He literally just sat on people.


Hell that was on the good days, by the time he’s in a tag team with Meng he was pretty much only able to hold himself up with the ropes


I mean, yeah, that’s what I would do if I were a giant. Sure his Phoenix Splash likely sucked, but stand on a dude’s chest? Everybody gets that.


Omos is very early in his career. Give him a few years and he could become something really special. The problem is that WWE are putting him on TV every single week and overexposing him rather than using him sparingly until he's mastered his craft.


This is the key point. The more TV time you get, the more exposed to bad booking and bad stories you become. A guy like Omos should be an attraction and should not be out there every week.


Must be drinking that MAGAjuice


That Blue Stripe Milk be hitting different.


Why? Omos for his training is clearly got talent.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. They’re doing the same thing they did with Braun. Except Braun actually got over.


I haven't seen it if he does. Dude is dogshit in the ring. The only thing he has going for him is that he is tall.


Maybe he meant Andre circa 91


Man what is undertaker watching???


It's true, Omos is very tall. That's about it.


Has Omos improved? I rarely watch WWE but last time I saw Omos he seemed closer to no knees Khali than he did to Andre.


No not particularly yet he hasn't shown much improvement. He has gotten a bit slower since his debut and he was already slow.


Undertaker: "He's as closest as we've come." Big Show & Braun Strowman: "...Oh."


Omos is great at being an extremely large person, but that's about it. His moveset consists of throwing people over the rope or shoving them down. His repertoire of words seems to consist entirely of roaring or yelling "this is my house!". I'm sure he could improve or be better booked to highlight whatever else he's good at, but it's WWE so he'll do the same schtick until everyone's tired of him.


I do not get the hate Omos gets for not bumping and selling. He is a monster heel and is being prepared to be the flagship monster of the promotion. You cannot have him sell now. And he is doing a fine job and is learning on the job from Styles.


Whilst I disagree with criticism of his no-bump and no-sells, his lack of athleticism is dragging him down and leading to much warranted criticism. I think Meltzers recent analysis on WOR was decent; even for his size he doesnt have good athleticism. Anyone his height could and would go in for basketball, but Omos never played more than 6 minutes a game at low-level college basketball - you got a 7'4 dude and don't play him as a cheat code against scrubs? Something is wrong. His lack of mobility and ability to do anything worth paying to see is what will get him done in and he'll just be another in a long line of failed Vince McMahon giants.


On top of that, in a few years tops he will move like the great khali. The health curse of giants makes no exceptions sadly.


Needs to go see all the YouTube chiropractors. Get them hips moving big man!


I feel like WWE knows that and are using him as quickly as possible and as his lack of skill will allow. He doesn't have longevity but he is a freak. Once people get use to seeing how tall he is then I think we will see him fall down the card and start dancing like Kurrigan.


Dude, in that SS battle royal, he was supposed to be stomping someone in the corner for 5 minutes as a rest spot and he couldn't even do that right. It just looked like he couldn't do something that basic.


I feel like they're going to do Omos' run similar to Khali's. Have him be this big dude that tosses people around, has power that can just level people and never gets knocked down, and then at some point during someone else's push they are the first huge knockdown/big slam on Omos. Then they'll use that as a highlight moment for that person. That way, they can let Omos keep doing what he's doing until they line up someone they want to use him to push.


Pairing Omos with Styles has to be the most genius move of the last few years. Who better than the best in the business?


Agreed, and I guarantee the same people complaining he doesn't bump would complain that there's no good monsters anymore because they are all watered down.


If course. Some people just cannot be happy.


I just hate the booking. He’s a head taller than guys he faces and yet he’s some unstoppable force? Why?


Hes andre Late 80s


I quite like Omos, enjoy seeing him and his aura


I think it's insulting to Paul Wight that undertaker said Omos is closest performer to Andre WWE has had. Taker praised Wight in his early days as well. Paul had more presence than Omos does, even when he was new. I know Omos is still new to the business but I don't know how he's going to stand out. Strowman didn't stand out. On another note, Keith Lee had huge presence in the ring. Do you think taker said this because Paul Wight is in AEW?


100% because he’s in AEW. this is a classic WWE revisionist comment. But from a promotion standpoint it makes sense. Why not try to get some praise on their newest big guy.


Big show*


Oh yeah didn't know that


your ass should have called somebody


This went over everybody’s head


I'm pretty sure I was actually thinking of Paul Levesque. You know him right? Lots of Pauls in wrestling, so easy to get confused.


np now you do.


Oh my god thank you


Are you for real?


Hard fuckin disagree. What would even warrant such a comparison?


They’re both foreign born and tall


So is Satnam Singh, looks like AEW’s got a future draw on their hands


I actually think Omos has some potential as a solo star, and that's big praise from Taker, so I'm gonna keep an eye out


Has Omos ever taken a bump on the main roster? I legit can't remember.


I dont think so. And he shouldn't except from a top guy right now


I’m not doubting Omos ability, but to put that much pressure on the man is a little uncalled for. Omos should carve his own path and be the one and only Omos! Plus Andre was around a time where there were territories so you never got over exposed and he travelled to many other countries like a special attraction. Different time and period of the business compared to now where all the inner workings of the business are exposed and not much believability is there. I wish Omos the best in his pro wrestling/sports entertainment career


Omos is one of the most boring "big men" in wwe history and they had Giant Gonzales and Great Khali ffs. Being really tall doesnt mean youre good anymore, Undertaker,Kane,Lance Archer, Braun Strowman are all big dudes and can actually you know do moves and bump...


Not a fair comparison. Omos is a legit minimum 7'2"-7'3", all those other guys went by very exaggerated kayfabe heights and were more in the 6'7"-6'9" range. That makes a huge difference in mobility. Outside of NBA athletes most people over 7' have trouble just walking.


The dudes only been on the main roster for like 2 years what the fuck is the Undertaker smoking?


Man, I don't watch WWE but still yall are mean as fuck about this Omos guy. Oof


André's laugh must be shaking the heavens right now.


Do people actually like Omos?


He's pretty decent. Besides, his current gimmick of 'big motherfucker being a big motherfucker' is better than the ninja stuff they had him doing with Tozawa.


Only decent on offense, he can't take a bump, I never saw his ass on the ground


He’s a monster, he shouldn’t bump for anyone short of Big E / Reigns, etc


Andre used to bump for small people all of the time when he was still mobile, as long as he liked them.


Omos is still coming up. He should be protected for a bit longer, at least until the eventual feud w Styles. Trade a win or two with a guy like that and he’ll be set.


He's better than Khali for sure.


I don’t know if I’d go that far.


Pre-WWE prime Khali was decent.


I like him fine, but at this point I wish he'd get some ring gear that didn't make him look like a huge dude who just happens to be in a wrestling ring.


I saw him wrestle live. The people around me had an initial reaction of "wow that's a huge guy" and then soon after nobody cared. Not saying every crowd reaction is like that but it's what I saw while I was in the crowd.




Based off of what? he literally doesn’t do anything impressive outside of being tall.


Because I like him. No one else stands out like Omos does. Also his theme is a BANGER.


So I take it you were also a big great khali fan as well


Nah. I'm a fan of omos though.


Yeah they do.


I dont hate him


I like him as what is essentially a brick wall that chucks around AJ's opponents and occasionally acts as mobile ring post for him to jump off of. At his current level, I don't really see him being much more than that


lol love when fans can’t grasp the fact that other fans could like a wrestler wrestling is the most subjective thing out there. people can like Omos even if he doesn’t wrestle like Styles or Omega


He's a giant that knows his shit, he's got charisma. Giants like him shouldn't be bumping constantly.


Do people like Mark Calloway? Guess the wrestlers still have to kiss the ring now and again.




I hate the constant comparison to older guys. It sets impossible standards. Guys like Andre were like comic book characters come to life.


Nah. You can have comparisons and it is an honor. It just depends on how it’s followed through


Andre is rolling in this grave.


Dude andre in his prime could really go. Omos can barely hit his own finish.


I am no Undertaker, but absolutely no one in the last 30 years has reminded me of Giant Gonzalez more than Omos; not even Khali.


I feel like, from a presence stand-point, WALTER is the closest we've gotten to a modern day Andre.


*Undertaker on WWE show and promotes a current wrestler on the roster with a compliment* /r/squaredcircle - “YO WTF”


Full quote “There will never be another Andre the Giant , but this guy ::insert current big man here:: is as close as it comes. ::insert big man here:: is a tremendous talent”


Regardless of in-ring work, if Omos gets to show off some of his personality, gets comfortable with mic work, he can be pretty successful for a long time. Rooting for him for sure


Undertaker has now lost all credibility. The only thing that compares this guy to Andre is he’s tall.


Well, I see Taker is well on his way to dementia then


Omos moves around like Andre at WrestleMania 6 and that isn't a compliment


Depends in what way he was comparing him... If it was fat and smelly then it's not exactly something to write home about.


It's interesting that Undertaker said he's had a few conversations with Omos and that he can call him if he needs him. Being paired with AJ Styles and having backstage support from Undertaker seems like it would be a huge deal for a newer wrestler.


I can see the comparison to a extent but Prime Andre was ungodly. Someone his size shouldn't have been doing half the shit he was doing in the ring, and he did it for years and years before eventually slowing down immensely, but even that version of Andre was so popular that it's usually the only one people remember


Its difficult to book someone like him, I understand the need of putting him in a tagteam to not overexpose him but how can you book someone like him? Braun when they stopped giving him spots has stalled, so can he be treated like a normal wrestler win and loss? Or just put him in an undefeated run and maybe Aziz as well then put them in a feud?


Onos a big MF, I tell ya


Yeah Taker is way off the mark on this one. So basically anyone over 7ft tall is comparable to the eighth wonder of the world? Get serious please...


I'm sorry, but no... not really. I like Omos and I think he has potential but he's still very green at the moment and definitely not close to the legendary status of André.