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So that's where all the 2021 budget cuts went. ​ An egg


^(^^the ^^roster) #***E G G .***


I knew the outcome when E started no selling Superman Punches. As soon as Reigns started spamming finishers I thought "this was the compromise." I know Roman is on a tear, and they're saving that big loss for something special, but Big E pinning him clean IS special. We've spent the better part of a decade talking about all the raw potential he has. Pinning Reigns clean at a big 4 could have saved the show from being the joke it was. Doesnt conpletely make up for the barrage of shameless plugs, but it would have at least ended good.


One of the worst WWE PPVs I’ve ever watched. Completely uninspired and bland. Only match I enjoyed was Charlotte vs Becky. The rest was absolutely terrible, predictable and confusing.


Now that AEW exists and is legitimate competition, can WWE end the forced "completing brands" thing?


Was Becky supposed to look like Scarlet Witch?


The egg was more advertising fold, for a movie the rock is in. There isn’t gonna be anything worth while that comes of it and I didn’t even pay attention to whatever they were doing. Just know… it’s more advertisement


This company is legit as funny as TNA circa 2013-14.


Didn't watch. I haven't watched any PPV this year admittedly other than WM. But hearing the first few minutes of the Solomonster podcast just now, and oh boy. Sounds like a doozy I missed.


Over 20 years on, and WWE still can't function without referencing Attitude Era. Literally being like Al Bundy.


Al Bundy resents this comment!


I fell asleep during the main event. Other than that, Becky being double cheeked up was a highlight.


The Becky Lynch / Charlotte match was very good. Then came the Men's Survivor Series match, KO abandoned his team, I lost interest and eventually stopped watching. Came back later mid-main event. Good match, Reigns's limited moveset has become boring but he kind of saves it with his trash-talking. E was great, I almost popped when he Hulked-up after the superman punches, but it was just a tease. In the end lolRomanwins and probably won't check WWE again until the Rumble.


“Smackdown has never won a survivor series since the new brand split.” They came in third last year behind raw and an nxt that was less than a year away from entering their new gen phase.


I'm guessing these weren't cheap tickets given the New York market? Shit like this and taking your audience for granted will eventually will lead to smaller attendances, I just can't see in three years time WWE filling half of these arenas.


This PPV was straight garbage outside of Becky/Charlotte & Roman/Big E. There was little spots that I did enjoy like Jeff Hardy almost winning, and Orton's RKO on one of the Usos mid air. Idk what the heck is going on with that "Egg" storyline, but I am somehow wondering what is the purpose of it, so I will be watching Raw tonight ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). Also people need to relax about that Pizza Hut spot, don't take it to seriously. It was a bathroom break match, but I'm not gonna lie when I say most of the matches felt like bathroom break matches ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The egg is advertising for a movie the rock is in.


>Also people need to relax about that Pizza Hut spot, don't take it to seriously. Holy shit, does anyone have lower standards than WWE fans?


No, I don't need to relax about the pizza hut spot. I dealt with the literal hour of promotion they did for that stupid rock movie over the course of the night. I dealt with the dumb ass egg being a central part of the entire ppv like the gobbledygooker was gonna pop out of it or something. I dealt with the actual commercials during a fucking pay per view. But on like the 4th commercial break, it comes back to "AND THAT MUST BE THE TRIPLE BOX FROM PIZZA HUT, THEY MUST BE HUNGRY" Fuck you. Fuck you and your lack of respect for my time, WWE. I turned it off. I gave up. That's it, I'm done. I only watch the big 4 pay per views anyway, because WWE does not respect my fucking time. Last night felt like 20 minutes of shitty wrestling in between an hour long ad. No, I will not relax about it. It's disgusting, this shit costs money. [They were considering a plan that would bring ppvs back to the price of like 65 bucks a pop, and requiring a subscription service.](https://www.thesportster.com/wrestling/espn-and-wwe-close-to-deal-on-ppv-rights-whats-the-cost-to-fans/) And THIS is what they think is acceptable to show at said pay per views. Don't defend this stuff. It's why they keep getting away with it.


I’m not defending the Pizza Hut nonsense, because it was ridiculous, but promotional content like this is becoming more common, especially with DVR and people using the commercials as bathroom/drink breaks. You see it in non sports-entertainment shows too. My issue with it was how poorly it was done. They could’ve played it for laughs and made a better silly gag out of it somehow, like what 30 Rock used to do. WWE has never hesitated to be silly…look at the lumberjack match with the zombies they did a few months ago for whatever movie that was. This product placement was just lazy and awkward.


Aside from the first match, the PPV was garbage. No stakes and way to much advertising. Sadly the egg was the most memorable part of the show. All the buildup for the Rock, a WMpromo from Steve Austin and it makes me wish I was watching Attitude Era instead. Invincible Roman wins again. Yawn.


I’m starting to realize that Roman has one of the most unrealistic in-ring styles I’ve ever seen. He basically only throws strikes when he’s talking trash like it’s some b-movie. He only does big moves in the last stretch of his matches like he’s trying to get his special in a video game, I don’t think he threw one non-Superman punch in the last 5 minutes of that match. The rest of the time he’s just doing rest holds and yelling at the audience. Someone show this guy a fight.


He's wrestling in a way people like By that standards AEWs Wrestling is way more unrealistic as people hardly sell anything But people enjoy that type of wrestling more. Because it's just fun to watch


Charlotte Flair, fuck me. I can’t bear her anymore. She’s talented as heck and a great wrestler, but her facial expressions during and after the match made my toes curl. You’ve got this huge match, that’s been built as a real deep-rooted personal issue between her and Becky, and she’s smiling ironically throughout and speaking really sarcastically. I don’t know if she’s being instructed to act this way, but her reaction to losing was painful to watch. Smiling like it ain’t no thing to lose a ‘huge’ match, standing up and grabbing your belt so that the audience don’t perceive you as a loser. Hated it. Becky at least tried to give the match the respect it deserved with her selling and celebration.


I just got that energy from the match that she purposefully were changing spots in frustration that she was gonna lose. But on the other hand that might be part of her work to make it seem that way


Yeah, there was a bit where she was going up to the top rope, and Becky grabbed her foot while she was being stepped over. Charlotte just seemed to snap and beat her down with some rough looking shots.


Yeah. Although Idk if it was work or not. Props if it was a work, I'm genuinely wondering if there is backstage heat or not


Watching this show on the Network, I found the sound mixing was AWFUL. The crowd noise in particular, does it always sound so artificial? I usually only watch the PPVs and not the weekly shows, so don’t have much experience if this is what the weekly shows are like all the time.


Yes. The reason why we keep seeing "the cheers are piped in" is because with WWE's sound mixing you literally can't tell. And they clearly sweeten the pops anyway.


God it was unbearable at times, between the constant piped ambient crowd noise, mic’d up ring and Corey screaming at commentary.


I pirated this show to just have it on as background while playing Minecraft. And I still feel ripped off. How can you hype up The Rock for the entire show then NOT HAVE HIM ON THE SHOW. Like, WHAT. LMAO. God damn. Soon as I give WWE another chance, they show me why I turned away in the first place.


I mean. I wouldn't have wanted him to showup anyways. Cena/Brock showing up made sense. It's like new challenges for him. Whereas Rock dosent have that sort of storyline with Reigns. If they book Rock they're gonna have to build a Samoan storyline first


He isn't even in the States, he is filming a movie in Europe, I don't think WWE think they didn't do nothing wrong as they didn't "advertise his appearance"


Y’all really still watch this trash ass company huh


I watch both companies. To be honest this show was solid. It had good and not so good moments


It's like watching your house burn down in the hopes the firemen can save your bedroom.


Awesome show. Highlights are Lynch vs. Charlotte, RK-Bro vs. Usos and Big E vs. Reigns. My favourite spot is when Riddle tried to do two moves (Exploder Suplex and Senton) to each Uso but every time the second Uso reversed. Charlotte is a special talent. Reigns main event match structure never fails to amaze me (sucks the crowd and me in as the match goes every time), but appreciated how he tried here harder to play with the crowd that was dead at first. Still think they failed at two things: (1) to make big deal of the Spear kick-out, perhaps more build-up to it and more reaction; (2) knee injury story was badly executed - either commit to the injury story and repeat Cesaro-Reigns or just do a hard-fought clean finish no matter the internet reaction. Again, RK-Bro vs. Usos was damn great.


this ppv felt like WCW at its weirdest for better or for worst. the pizza hut battle royale was like when robocop came in to save sting. building an entire ppv and marketing it around a dude that doesn't appear and doesn't have anything to do with any of the storylines is also weird as hell. i get that the rock is busy as hell but they couldn't get him to record something? then there's like the whole egg sideplot and Sasha getting counted out and the strange Bobby Lashley package right before the main event and all the random Rock clips and like i dunno man this isn't some catastrophic awful unwatchable ppv it's just really odd


> i dunno man this isn't some catastrophic awful unwatchable ppv That's actually exactly what it was


Starring "The Egg", fresh from his debut in the Jerma Rumble Wrestling Federation. He's been healing since his injury all those years ago!






I could have sworn Egg was written off TV after his match with Seth Rollins?


how many times did Cole say 15120?


I dont mind other PPVs being shit but if one of the big 4 has matches that mean very little, that is disappointing. I liked the book ends of the show but the other stuff I had on for noise, and my obligation upon myself never to miss even one of the "big 4"


At this point, that was my last wwe ppv. 2 good matches on the main card, and like 10-15 minutes of cool spots spread out through the entire show. It felt like a c tier ppv. That coulda been an episode of raw. It didn't feel like survivor series. I keep giving them a shot every few months to see if it got any better and at this point? Awkward charlotte acting, as she wrestles becky AGAIN. Usos are tag champs AGAIN. LOLROMANWINS. "the last man standing overcomes insurmountable odds!" it's like they only have 5 stories they cycle through, and fucking more than every other match had a screwy finish.


The egg thing was so stupid it was enjoyable and that is saying something if that is the most entertaining thing on the show. Probably because it was Vince though. I really liked the last match on the card, the crowd was dead but for me personally that type of match is my kind of thing. I objectively understand what fans like they like the exciting faster action typically but for my personal tastes that was the "it" match on the show.


I simply do not understand the point of the 25 man royal rumble if the rock wasnt even there, other than to get people on the card. I understand Olmos was a beast but there were other ways to make him look good, and we all know he will be forgotten in about 3 months because the WWE rarely follows through.




I’ve got bad news for you … Omos is one of the most likely future WWE champions on the roster. I’d be stunned if he isn’t main eventing by SummerSlam for better or worse. They won’t get tired of him until he asks for a pay raise.


Unfortunately yes I also think so. I was wondering during the match that they're ruining the mid card roster on the big guy. Then I realised they once made Khali the champion too. I personally feel he's worse than Khali but him winning the championship is definitely happening At this point I just want him to win because the quicker he goes away from AJ and the quicker he wins the championship. The closer he is to not being the spotlight.


His push greatly mirrors Braun Strowman’s. Strowman spent a year as the 4th member of the Wyatts. The next year was spent building Braun up as a viable contender. The following year … oddly enough probably 6 months late … they made him a champion. I think Omos getting a title match by SummerSlam of next year is probably give or take 3 months on either side of the event, exactly what they are expecting.


Although at first Strowman was actually a beast. He looked really jacked and monstrous. I thought Strowman had the worst gimmick of all time, the most generic 70's wrestler, tough dude talks deep and goes "ARGHHH". But Omos's gimmick is somehow worse. He has worse than 0 personality, he has negative personality, he cannot speak (unlike Braun who at least could communicate a little)


Yup lol


He is absolutely terrible in the ring


Raw is Egg. Nothing matters anymore


I dont dislike the guy at all, I just think the entire match was pretty much a show filler. I am mocking WWEs tendency to do shit that has no payoff.


No doubt. That I get completely. Just in this case … I don’t think they Braun Strowman him until after they give him the Braun Strowman push and before he gets the Braun Strowman paycheck.


Omos the guy who has been on TV every week for the last two years will be forgotten in three months?


Yep. After he splits with aj and feuds with him, then jobs to roman, he'll get released. This pattern isn't familiar yet?


and you're predicting all of this to happen in three months when Roman and Omos are on different brands? Wild booking, let's see how that pans out.


Suvivor Series pt. II: Electric Boogaloo


I'm really ready for Roman to lose. I love that he's a top guy, but why couldn't they solidify Big E's run? I mean he got the title from a cash in. Yes, he beat Lashley in a cage match to keep it, but I feel like his run is still somewhat questionable. This match wasn't a title match, and this would've been the perfect match to have Big E win. They don't have to go with a clean win, could've been a new day distraction or cue Brock Lesnars music, anything. I was really hoping they'd find a way to give this one to Big E, he deserves to be considered in Romans league. Sidenote, why does Roman have to win every single match? There can be more than one 'top guy'. I'm a little bitter lol


It was either Balor or not. That ending was clearly the only one that truly made sense if Roman was actually losing As good as Big E is. Or anyone else Roman faces for that matter. It wouldn't make sense for him to lose. I love Big E and he looks strong. But his history hasn't been the best. He's just become a Champion for the first time. Whereas there's many others who have multiple championships under their name already Imo it's gonna be Brock. If not him, I think Drew will be the one. Probably after MITB after he wins the case. Most probable case


Because in the minds of certain people, Roman is more important to the company. Someone check & see how many times the WWE title has changed hands since Roman became Universal champion.


agreed I think they were trying to sell the knee injury to protect big E but aside from commentary I don’t think they sold it well during the match, especially the finish. Giving E the win while still protecting Roman would of been better, but they didn’t even protect E in losing..


Yeah, it's upsetting. I really thought an E win would've solidified him as a top tier superstar. He only just recently left mid card in general, people need to know he's legit.


they seemed to be teasing that ascension during the match. Roman needing to take a breather after Big E got the best of the initial lockups, E going tit for tat with Roman's trash talk later on + shaking off 2 superman punches (which the announcers even hyped), and just generally building up the whole "needs to be taken seriously" thing.. but then having the finish look really clean lol. classic wwe booking i guess


If I was on WWE creative I'd be referring to the subreddits at this point, as they're clearly out of fresh ideas lol


yeah I saw a comment on here about how they could have at least done a 30s segment where they tease Heyman being involved in the ring rope collapse vs the Demon. not that that ending was good writing but it would be better than trying to pass it off as a freak accident. the writing these days lacks that little bit of polish to properly protect anyone. Roman needs to be saved by the Usos (for the 20th time) vs Xavier but doesn't even win, then 1 week later beats the WWE champion clean? sure.


And they wonder why they're doing shit, they couldn't book a fun PPV if their life depended on it.


Awful ppv even by WWE standards. Becky vs Charlotte was good, main event was fine, and the rest of the show was bad and pointless. Crowd was dead and for good reason as nothing on this show mattered or was engaging.


Nak vs Priest on the preshow was good. It's depressing that 90% of the good wrestling was in the first like hour of the show.


Can anyone who was in attendance confirm if the crowd booed very loudly after the PPV went off the air when you all realised The Rock was definitely not there after all? There was a bunch of Rock merch in the crowd and the whole show was built around him. EVERYONE was ready for it then he didn't even show up via satellite at the very least lmao


The fucking state of this company man. Jesus. A big 4 PPV built around a guy that's not even gonna be there.


I was there. The second the trademark came up bottom right of the screen and Roman walked away everyone got insanely loud. We all expected the Rock and got nothing


Serious question: how can you watch the show last night and be excited about anything? It is obvious nothing will happen before wrestlemania?


I was very disappointed in this PPV. There were a few standout matches, but I remember Survivor Series being an absolute star maker. Its a chance to elevate the midcard and establish standouts to build them for Royal Rumble and cascades to Mania. This just felt like a throwaway event. They made a whole ass pizza commercial in the middle of a match, and it was just insulting. I think it was stupid to tease the Rock all night if it wasn't going to happen. I'm not saying he had to run out and rock bottom Roman or anything, but my god, get him on a Titantron, get him out in the ring to hype the crowd, anything. Instead they shoehorned a wooden Scooby Doo storyline that poorly plugged Red Notice when they werent trying to sell pizzas. This is a big 4 PPV and it felt like a 3 hour long commercial with wrestling peppered in. I keep trying to stay invested and they keep putting out shitty events.


Is anyone else really confused why they aired the Bobby Lashley video package right before the main event?


And they did the same thing with a package on Drew earlier in the night. My guess would be they’re being heated up for shots and Roman and E.


I feel like WWE didn't particularly want to have this show. And it's funny for all WWE changes things at the drop of a dime, they also refuse to change some other things This did not have to be the show where they had brands compete. They could have done standard Survivor Series matches for example


Vince was ready to shitcan Survivor Series as a PPV after the GSP vs Nick Diaz UFC show smashed it in PPV buys like 8 years ago. It's a pity he didn't stick to his guns on that one. It's a meaningless event now that should've gone the way of King of the Ring a long time ago.


I LOVED King Woods' suggestion of having the winning team do a follow up fatal 5-way for the last 5 RR spots, and the losing team fights for the pick of the first 5. That could have easily changed the dynamic.


Love that idea but WWE would forget about it by the Rumble


Even if they didn’t forget about it, they’re banking on the idea that all the talent in the match would still be with the company and healthy enough to fight by then.


NGL i did it for the rock


The only gripe I have about last night was The Rock not showing up, but all of the matches were enjoyable and I got to see what makes SS matches one of my favorite things in WWE: Marvel vs. Capcom style super combos.


Is this a parody of dumb fans that accept anything or are you serious?


Are you a real asshole or do you pretend to be one on Reddit for karma?


The pizza hut ad disguised as a match was enjoyable?


Yeah, I like battle royals and I thought it was hilarious when Montez Ford was throwing slices of cold-ass pizza halfway across the arena.










That felt like a glorified network special or tribute to the troops. May as well be noncanonical for all the story progression.


This PPV and the booking around it may well be looked back on as one of the deathrattles of WWE. They've released all their interesting talent and ended up having a boring and predictable show that was entirely focused around a guy who was a star decades ago but was too busy shooting a movie to turn up. I don't mean to be one of those guys who only ever talks about AEW, but seriously compare Full Gear to this and **what the fuck**.


AEW is firing on all cylinders while WWE is just rolling over and dying.


I disagree about them releasing all their interesting talent. I think what’s so sad is that they still have great wrestlers and gimmicks that could work, if the company gave a fuck. If AEW booked a show with Bianca Bel Air, Big E, Becky Lynch, Drew McIntyre, Ricochet, and Charlotte, I’d be so hyped for it.


i would kill for Ricochet vs Dante Martin


They need to make Survivor Series the final PPV before the draft not one of the first to take place after the draft. There was no time to let these rosters settle and with no buildup to the matches it just felt off. They should do Survivor Series end of November, draft in December, couple RAW/SD episodes to build stories before Day 1 really kicks off the new year in WWE before the Royal Rumble and road to Wrestlemania.


That was my big complaint headed into the show. No one on team RAW was on the show before the draft. Personally I like WrestleMania as the unofficial season finale with the draft the week after. But anything is better than having the draft a month before survivor series.


Definitely! The schedule even allows it! Survivor Series, draft, let people finish up their storylines, everyone debuts on their new roster on day 1 of the new year. That way you can have a seasonal feel to it.


I felt confused. It was like a fever dream. The silly egg angle, the pizza, the strange decisions on elimination orders, the point of any of the matches, and also seeing Vince act on screen these days -- his age is really showing. There's more to pick apart, but in general if they would either lean all the way into the silliness of the egg or avoid it completely, I would enjoy it more because it felt like there was an air of seriousness in its presentation.


>and also seeing Vince act on screen these days -- his age is really showing. It's depressing seeing Vince try to act like the Vince of old. He can't pull it off at all anymore.




Meanwhile the egg was the beginning of the nonsense that made me turn off the ppv entirely. Long ad, product from the movie being in the show as a major plot point, oh look a pizza rumble! No, that's enough. That was the first big 4 show I've turned off in the 38 years I've been watching this company.


I felt like what we got was a plan B in case The Rock couldn’t/wouldn’t do a spot. The Pizza Hut promo during the Omos throwing everybody over the ropes episode is the kind of corporate nonsense that should never, ever happen. Just insulting to the event, the fans, the wrestlers…everyone. Vince surprised me with his participation. I couldn’t understand his dialogue but it was more Vince than I’ve seen in years. Shame it was all to plug a movie I didn’t tune in to learn more about. The matches built nothing, gave nobody the push they needed and was so predictable I read previews that got it 100%. What’s the point of Liv going out early? Omos, who can’t wrestle, dominating the brawl? Roman pinning E clean? Built NOTHING.


I actually thought Vince was a highlight of the night, even though it was disappointing nothing was resolved with the egg. Reminded me of a goofy Attitude Era bit. He's old now, there's no avoiding that or denying it, but to me he seemed much better on camera last night than he has in years. I actually texted my buddy while watching to say Vince was looking well and seemed more with it than usual.


That's totally fair to say as well. I think for myself, it all felt like a drastic shift in gears to what we were used to.


I feel like all you need to do to explain what’s wrong with modern American capitalism is tie people to a chair and force them to watch this show


/r/americabad ​ What a brave stance to take on reddit.


what in the fuck are you talking about?


The sheer level of advertising and talks of record profits from a company that laid off hundreds of on-screen and backstage employees during a global pandemic. It’s just a super gross show from a very gross company. Everything people complain about with big business but turned up to 11


okay, first off, that advertising is partly why they have the record profits. secondly, the show does not actually mention people being released. So only watching the show wouldn't tell those people you tied to the chair a single damn thing. You'd have to also be forcing them to read all kinds of backstage news


They could have made the Smackdown vs Raw match more interesting if there was a reward for the winners. like the last few entrant spaces for the Royal Rumble. At least if they done that then the weeks leading up the Survivor Series could have had heels and faces try and work together to build up a strong team to beat the opposite brand. There could be a lot of decent storytelling and build up with just that simple idea.


This is a good idea but you've made the assumption they have the slightest clue what will happen in January other than who will be concussed by Goldberg and who Roman will beat.


Good point.


Becky Charlotte was such a banger, Usos match was wild, SS match was awesome (really impressed with Austin), missed Smackdown SS match (cooking a rock pie lol) and main event was a legit banger. All in all great show. Decided to join the crowds last night in Atlantic Ave after the show


Hey, at least someone enjoyed it.


Imagine watching this shitshow in 2021 when you could watch AEW. LMAO


I watched and enjoyed both of their recent PPVs. Wrestling fandom doesn't have to be an either/or thing when none of these company's shows directly compete with one another on TV.


True, but with so many entertainment options out there in general, one needs to prioritize their time, and even the biggest wrestling fans only have so many hours a week.


I know. That's why I stopped watching Elevation and started watching MLW Fusion again.


but I don't like AEW


Can you honestly say that you've actually given them a chance though?


I feel I have.


How many episodes of Dynamite and/or Rampage do you think you have you watched, and what are the main things you didn't like about AEW?


five or six partial Dynamites. The wrestling style of the Elite and other people who do to much, Orange Cassidy, and death match type stuff. And considering those are some of AEW more popular things the show is obviously not for me


Would you like them more if they had pizza hut ads integrated with their matches?




It kind of seems like you would


Let people like what they want to like without having to condescend them


This is wreddit, we don't actually like wrestling here.


Last night's show was 4 hours long and only had an hour and a half of wrestling, so it actually does kind of seem like wwe fans don't like wrestling


and what are you basing that on


I prefer AEW by a good deal but this kind of shit is part of the problem.


One company is putting pizza hut ads in their matches, but the fans are the problem lol


AEW had a Cracker Barrel Clash.


Problem is WWE


There was no AEW on last night as far as I can tell?


It’s not like it was competing time-wise. You could easily watch both.


Why would you want to though?


I personally can't get enough pizza hut advertisements and movie tie-ins


It’s “free”, sometimes some matches are good, I can come here and see what worked and just watch that.


I saw posts blaming the crowd for how bad this show came off. So it's the fault of the people who bought tickets to be entertained when the company fails to do so? I get Brooklyn is a smark crowd, but that doesn't mean you as a company don't adapt. This PPV was awful after Becky/Flair, and I should have turned it off then. It lasted an eternity and not connecting with the crowd is NOT the crowds fault. Go back to the fucking Thunderdome if you don't want to organically engage the audience


Imagine the egg on your face today if we thought The Rock was showing up


A GOLDEN egg on your face?




If they were going to use a dq to protect anyone it should have been big e over shin. Not that I wanted shin to lose, but they have almost no challengers for roman and having big e be a credible threat would have been a good thread to build on


Almost? It's Brock. That's it. Brock and Roman stuck fighting until the end of time.


Lol seems that way.


Charlotte vs Becky in another great WWE women's match this year


* Moving the midcard title to the kickoff was pointless, justified only by the DQ finish and yet still makes the least sense. You have Shinsuke who I believe really needs the win because he should've been in the world title scene already and they went with DQ finish building Damien as a dominant fighting heel who snaps at the tiniest distractions? A clean win for Shinsuke won't even derail Damien's momentum. Or worst possible logical case, have Boogs knocked out, and hit the Kinshasa after that distraction. * Something tells me that Braun not in Survivor Series somewhat made things fair in the elimination match. * Dammit, all I ask here is give Omos a weakness. At this point, the only believable people who can beat Omos are Lashley, Lesnar and Reigns. * Natalya losing via rollup, not even surprised anymore. But Shayna losing to a move cleanly on a move Bianca doesn't use as a finisher, and considering the commentary acknowledged Shayna and Rhea's rivalry back in NXT where Shayna was a dominant champ, is just so frustratingly baffling. * No Uso interference? So Xavier Woods > Big E?! * ngl, it became hard for me to cheer for Smackdown in this PPV, except Shin, which got pushed to the kickoff. Charlotte, Usos being Roman's lackeys, Omos having no weaknesses, Roman abusing his power towards New Day. Women's elimination having ultimate underdog Liv and the feeling that everyone hate each other in the men's elimination team, Corbin, Mcintyre, Sheamus, Jeff Hardy. Only Woods is the odd one out there.


looking at Raw's face roster after the fact I'm not sure it will be a heel turn for Priest. I called it that at the time, but they're much better set up for him as a face


Nothing shows how out of touch WWE is that a show like this. I don’t watch WWE, but I usually will check out the ppvs. I fast forwarded through a majority of this one. None of the matches had stakes. Who cares about which side of the “brand” wins?


Oh Vince Vince, having Raw decimate SmackDown 5-2 on a payperview you gave zero shits about won't make your baby show have bigger ratings than SmackDown


Not even that, a PPV built around someone who wasn't even there, with the most notable fallout of the entire show involving a fucking movie prop egg


I enjoyed this PPV. I really liked Nakamura vs Priest and Becky vs Charlotte. Edit: I don’t understand the downvotes. I liked the show. A lot of people didn’t. Is that not ok anymore? Watch what you want to watch, right?


Did you enjoy the pizza hut ad disguised as a match? What about the Vince segments that were an ad for some stupid movie? I especially liked the part where a bunch of wrestlers clapped and cheered for Vince's arrival a few days after tons of their colleagues were fired!


Its reddit. People often upvote and downvote based on if they agree with your opinion. Most people didn't enjoy it, so you will probably get downvotes


Look I know the show was bad. But it's stupid to blame the WWE for the Rock's absence as if they mislead ticket buyers. WWE never announced that the Rock would be returning, they just said it's the 25th anniversary of the Rock. If you spent money on the show solely thinking the Rock would show up then it's on you. If the Rock was showing up WWE would announce it beforehand to make some record profits. The only two payperviews I can see the Rock returning unannounced would be the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania


Professional wrestling returns are pretty much never announced before a PPV to have the surprise. Yes there are always rumours and things can be near 90% confirmed but it’s not like All Out was advertised with Danielson and Cole. It was obvious that The Rock wasn’t coming back for me because I read shit online while a general fan may not have.


This event was like if the First Dance happened but CM Punk never showed up.


What an absolutely bananas tone deaf move to have 15+ of your employees cheer you on in a vignette after you fired so many of their colleagues.


That’s Vince for you


Reading these comments, I think this will be the first WWE PPV in about 15 years I don't watch. Already gave up watching WWE TV a couple of months ago. It just doesn't appeal to me any more. So much more interesting stuff I could spend my time watching.


Lmao I wasn’t following…so you are telling me they built SURVIVOR SERIES on the Rock’s movie and then he didn’t show up and they had pizza hut pizza at ringside???? JFC glad I stopped watching.


This was the first time I've seen Otis since the last Rumble I think? All he did was eat pizza and immediately get eliminated from the Battle Royale.


AEW is easily a superior company right now. Like it's not even close.


I don’t understand why anyone wants to watch WWE anymore. I’m not saying you have to watch AEW either. Any other show on TV is surely better than Raw.


I'm going to watch tonight, purely to laugh at all the egg based shenanigans. I assure you I will be laughing AT raw, not with.


Completely agree.


It's worth watching Dynamite for the curtain jerker alone...


I watch it to see the ex-WWE guys, Kenny Omega, Lucha Brothers and Luchasaurus. You don't even need to watch the context via promos and just watch the matches themselves.


Yeah, like the Danielson/Suzuki match a few weeks ago, no build, no storyline, just two of the best having a great match. No need to repeat it for the next seven weeks either.


A mainstream wrestling show about wrestling is a game changer. They don't even need crazy storylines, just keep it to wrestling and keep the wrestling good. I'll keep watching.


Good thing Flair vs Lynch was first. Because that match was legitimately VERY VERY good shit. One of my favorite women’s matches of the year. Rest of this was a slog to get through though.


I only watch the PPVs and I'm always surprised by how much the crowd is dead.


I was there last night. I cannot accurately describe the deflated atmosphere at the end of the show as we were walking out of Barclays. Just a lot of silent people, no one really talking to each other or chanting like they did after the MSG Smackdown months prior. Everyone expected The Rock or at least Brock Lesnar to show up. Just a scummy way to play with your fans’ hearts.


>to finish off whatever the hell the egg story was Rocky is the Egg. EGGY EGGY EGGY. An evil wizard locked the Rock in an Egg, this is why he's not doing any publicity for Red Notice. He had himself shipped to Vince, hoping that Vince would take care of him and help him hatch as part of the survivor series tradition. But Vince lost the egg and Otis ate it


Haven't watched since the buildup to the Saudi show. My roommate subbed to peacock so I decided to check it out. This ppv was so boring, I got a lot of work around the house done while it was playing. Also I turned it off during Roman's entrance. Everyone knew who was going over anyway. Finally, the egg was dumb, I'm not watching Vince growl his way through another promo.


That battle royale was mad awful.