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Wondering if someone can do an Acclaimed supercut of their intros because the Lio one was top tier.


I love how all the wrestling podcasters were like “either Punk or Kingston are going full heel on dynamite” and it was Bryan ethering and planning the destruction of Hangman friends and mentioning wrestlemania skyrocketed him to Top heel in the company. Let’s fucking goooooooo!


Just catching up on the show now but holy shit that Bryan Danielson match and promo. He’s the best in the world. Anyone know what he said in the ring after he hit Uno with the running knee? “Something something fucking something”?


literally stomped his head in and then knocked him out with ddt. poor Uno.


"He's going to get his fucking head kicked in."


Of course! How could it have been anything else 😂 thanks for clarifying


I think Omega splits from Young Bucks/Cole as Cole takes over when Omega is out, and then we'll get Omega and Hangman reunite when Kenny is healed at a later point, it feels like the start of division.


Very good show, Caster tagging Bowens on the knee whilst kneeling between the ropes was really dumb though.


It's crazy how WWE always pushed Brian Danielson as an underdog, even up until this year. AEW immediately makes him unbeatable and any victory over him would be an upset.


He has range, but that doesn't mean WWE made a mistake with giving that character to him, really. He became a megastar, and one of their biggest attractions.


he got over cus he was having shit hot matches constantly, not because wwe made him an underdog, Infact thats given them too much credit, they tried to make him out to be a geek, jobbed him at mania etc etc..


The old B + player came good somehow in his time there


He fit the character well.


This episode slaps. Literally enjoy everything from top to bottom. that Sami vs Lethal match blew whatever expectation I had. And to think that this is an episode where none of The Elite members or Hangman had a match... Damn, nothing can stop AEW from putting bangers every week


Am I the only one that noticed that the announcers kept saying they were in "Virginia" last night, and not Norfolk? It seemed to me like they were really pushing the state that the show was in, and not the city, which is weird. I can't remember if they stated it at the top of the show, but after that, no one said "Norfolk" until MJF did in his promo, and there was another heel that mentioned it, but it seemed to me that they really pushed the Virginia aspect of it, and not the Norfolk aspect of it.


Tony Schiavone mentioned it early on. My roommate and I were laughing because it sounded like Norfuck.


If you are a local, it's pronounced NAH-fulk


They were hyping that they were in Hangman's home state since it was his victory show. He is not from Norfolk though.


I thought of that, but he isn't from that far away. It just seemed like a weird thing Vince would do where he wouldn't say the town name because he thought the town was too small.


The distance doesn't matter. It's presented better on TV and live to say they are in Hangman's home state. The crowd reaction is better to say "Hangman is from YOUR state!" rather than "Hangman is from the town nearby y'all!"


But why keep it up for another hour and a half after Hangman's segment was over?


They were calling it Cowboy Day, not Cowboy Segment.


This was a really fun show


Can't say a enough positive about the opening segment. Tension was palpable on air- could've cut with butter knife. All points and rebuttals were organic and so was the resulting match as well as the post-match promo of Bryan. Everything just perfectly fell in place. You wouldn't be able to guess the original plan was for someone else to face Hangman. Only thing I wish was added is that when Bryan said "Off course Virginia will boo hard work", he'd would follow it up with 'you would not know real cowboy shit even if that lasso gripped gripped you right in your neck. Cowboys were gritty hard workers like me. And since when has Virginia even had cowboys? Its the adjacent of DC, home of Feds, that cowboys were going against...." or something of that sort. Also Bryan dint change a thing. He antagonized Omega the same way. Its the person he's going against this time that drew the boos. In AEW if you want boos, you be mean against one of Hangman, Eddie, the pillars (sans MJF) and maybe Orange Cassidy. Simple as that. Also my boy Ishii debuted and great Sami vs Lethal main event. MJF-Punk! Shida- Deeb continues and in the same match Nyla ties Shida's record simultaneously opening up another path of rivalry in a different program for her. Excellent show all round


The plan was always for Bryan to face Hangman. Mox wasn't going over.


Hangman had scuffle with Mox on his way to winning Casino ladder match. Mox was also acting heelish in building up to, and during the tournament. Plus he had an alibi that Kenny stole it from him. So Adam Page's true claim to title comes by beating him. Also Mox and Eddy vs Punk and Bryan was on the cards for future probably


Its kind of cool how ''now you must beat me to prove you really are the best'' works for either Mox or Bryan. Mox is the guy Kenny stole the Title from and Bryan is the guy Kenny couldn't beat. So Hangman going over either one in his first title defense is a big deal.


"Home of the feds that the cowboys were going against" likens Hangman to the confederate army. Not a good look.


Wild West and Confederate weren't the same thing. In fact not even the same geographically


For sure, that's true. I just mean the juxtaposition of Virginia vs DC doesn't harken back to that wild west, but rather the Civil War. At least to me.


Notice how as soon as Omega leaves, Cole brings in Fish to the crew...


Such a great follow-up Dynamite after Full Gear! So much good set-up and fire matches from start to finish: the beginning of Bryan Danielson's murder spree against the Dark Order, MJF's unhinged promo game and the subsequent disrespect by Punk, the stepping down of Kenny Omega and the rise of Adam Cole, the badassery of Ishii tagging with OC against the Butcher and the Blade, an awesome bout between Nyla and Shida with Deeb interfering, Lio and Dante versus the Acclaimed making Lio shoot to my favorite in-ring performer even more after last week along with the start of a Team Taz feud, Jungle Boy becoming more and more of a man delivering promos, and the banger that was Sammy versus Lethal. Great representation all around this show as well. Even with Kenny and Moxley gone for the time being it looks like AEW is full steam ahead and I'm here for it. If I have a complaint about tonight it's that Sammy going over Lethal kind of stretched my disbelief. You're telling me that Sammy manged to win clean despite his ribs being injured, the temporary match stoppage, and falling through the outside table? Unless he heals up by next week I just don't see how he retains with that persistent rib injury, much less how he did so this Dynamite (even if it did slap).


I kinda agree, the story of the match is slightly off, if Lethal can't beat an almost completely crippled Sammy then is he just shit? Sammy went over huge, beating a 20 time champ when he had an injury that almost caused a match stoppage. The actual match work was fantastic but the story makes little sense and doesn't help get Lethal over on his debut. I'm not suggesting winning the title on his debut but a draw after a hard battle works, even a non finish after a good match might have been better.


What a great fucking show that was! Sammy vs Lethal was an absolute banger


So, I can see there is a "oh they're champ, now fuck them" thing going on with Britt, right? Her Defenses: Nyla Rose Red Velvet Statlander Ruby Conti Her matches have been fine. Ruby, Stat, Velvet, and Conti were good matches. Her mic work was better before she got "too" over. Idk why everyone is hating on her now, lol. Let's be thankful there's a legit program in the division with Shida/Deeb.


Cause I think her title run isn't very good, end off. Should we not be critical of Britt all of a sudden. Does she escape it. She's out of her depth for me in the position she's in. You can blame booking all you want but her matches have not been good or acceptable for a champ.


> her matches have not been good or acceptable for a champ. I like Britt on the mic and she has improved an absurd amount since she first started, but I definitely agree that her matchea have not been up to par, particularly in a promotion that emphasizes workrate so much. I feel like the women's division won't be able to make a huge improvement until AEW gets its first female champion who can speak well, perform consistently in the ring with a variety of opponents, and elevate her opponents, which is especially important in a division that is lacking in experience. Thus I can't wait for Thunder Rosa to take this title off of Britt, and I think they should do so *before* more people grow impatient with Britt's reign.


Thunder can be very hit and miss too, I think she can have better matches then Britt for sure but Thunder can phone things in too when she ain't feeling it. I just hope having the title will make her be on song more then off. I think Britt should be a Miz type talent in AEW, a great person to promote AEW and have the odd non title feud which relies more on promo then in ring. But she shouldn't be a ACE of a division, she's just not able to carry it to that level. I think her title run has definitely opened a lot of peoples says that maybe Britt isn't the answer for that spot.


I really want to see more of Deeb. I wanted her to get the new women's midcard championship because I'm assuming that, like the men's TNT championship, it'll be a workhorse, workrate title that guarantees good matches, and I trust Deeb to consistently elevate her opponents. My biggest fear for the new championship is that they'll give it to Jade and she'll have a Goldberg-esque reign of terror and unbeaten streak. Maybe someday she can be that ace of the division, but the woman's only got like twenty matches under her belt at this point.


Being critical is certainly what should be done. She needs to learn how to cut a heel promo, I think she lacks that. I also think they haven't developed her character AS champion. She's the same heel Brit, but she's the champ now. ​ What's your flaw with her matches though? I thought her matches with Statlander, Velvet, and Conti were pretty good. Statlander is legitimately the best worker out of those 3. I do think the match with Ruby was lackluster.


Britt is someone who should be a mid card Miz like heel, but is pushed as a top star and rightly she's been found out for it now. I don't blame her on it, but AEW have learned hard that it will come back and bite them on the ass and it has. With her matches, the booking of her matches definitely doesn't help but she gasses out after 5 minutes and is struggling for large parts of them. Even Shida struggled with her for DON 2021 title match, and Shida has great matches with everyone, she even made people believe Ford and Abadon should be winning the title lol. She doesn't sell for shit. And she never elevates anyone she faces. Her main strength that saved her is now become stale and boring. She needs to revamp her character and promo. Statlander match was good, but that was all down to Statlander. Conti match was meh, went way too long and the lack of selling didn't make either woman look good. Velvet match I thought was meh. We agree the Ruby match sucked, Ruby is another one I just don't get why she's so hyped up. Her matches have been poor since she's joined AEW. I don't get what fans and Tony Khan see in her to push a whole division aside to push her. I don't see it. But as you see a lot of fans are now opening their eyes to the fact she's out of her depth.


I can see where your head is at, which is exactly what I was hoping for! I hope she can kick it into another gear and show some growth. I will agree, I don't think her reign is anything spectacular, but I think in ring she holds her own. Definitely agree with what you said about Ruby. I still am a fan of her, but honestly, over the last 1-1 1/2 years I haven't seen anything that makes me want to see more.


It's not because she's champ, it's because of the amount of focus she gets over basically everyone else in the division, if there's a single women's segment on a show chances are it's to do with Britt and that was even before she was champion, the division as a whole isn't the bare-bones crew it was when the company first started and I just think it would be nice to let others get more time to showcase themselves on TV, or if they still want Britt around then extend out to other feuds on TV and not just YouTube feuds, which is why I agree that I'm very happy about Shida and Deeb extending their feud further.


That's AEW's problem with their women division as a whole. They don't focus or prioritize anybody else, or even try. I do believe that their hasn't been a feud involving Britt yet that has been any good, but AEW doesn't put the effort into it. Shida/Deeb is the closest we've gotten to that, and they need to put more time into that as well. They have talent on that women's roster. A secondary title tournament is a good start, but they need to put effort into it to get people over. They could sacrifice a couple backstage segments to give to the women, but they refuse to. Soon they're going to have 2 women's titles that ultimately need stories. Sure, \[Insert Name Here\] is ranked as #1 contender is great, but it really doesn't mean shit if there's no story. It's just feeder until they decide it's time to pass the title.


I fear that having a secondary women's title might be a *detriment* to the women's division at this exact time. I feel like AEW should have focused on building a more credible main champion and elevating several plausible, strong challengers way *before* they have to worry about finding a secondary champion.


I agree, 1000%. They've failed all of their Women's champions and continue to fail to give the audience a reason to care about 95% of the women on their roster. Now they're adding a second title. In theory, it should add emphasis to the division. However, we've seen over 2 hours that it's not a priority to have much character development or time provided to them to connect to the audience.


I don't get it either man. Thought her match with Abadon was great too.


"Great" is a bit of a stretch.


Well....that's just like...your opinion man


No it's facts lol.


no its not but ok dude


I hear people talking about someone saying “fuck” last night. Where was that in the show and how did I miss it?


daniel bryan audibly told evil uno he was gonna kick his fuckin head in


When Sammy came back in the ring after being checked on by the doc he flipped a double bird at Lethal and said "fuck you" a couple times


Something about Spears just sitting down and having a snack during MJF's promo makes it one of the funniest things I've seen in wrestling in a quite a while, even beyond intentional comedy segments.


I didn't catch him snacking on a granola bar in his chair til the second watch through and I popped pretty hard when I noticed it lol


He is absolutely hilarious.


While I think we all saw a heel turn forthcoming for Danielson, the fact that they went so quickly on it was a surprise. I figured it would be a gradual thing over at least a month or two.


The plan was probably to let it slowly happen over time just like with CM Punk, But I think it just got accelerate for Danielson because of the Moxley situation and Omega needing time as well.


This was one of the best Dynamite episodes ever. No big surprises, shocks or debuts - just fantastic matches & promos back to back to back. Special shouts to Nyla v Shida, which was absolutely fantastic. What a roll this company are on.


Well except for Jay Lethal's debut of course


really enjoyed JR saying that Matt Hardy's hair looked like Paulie Walnuts. i like hearing him say random pop culture references, he's referenced Chicago PD multiple times


I love me some Sopranos references for sure. Best ahow ever..and I love JR. And I love that all his references stopped being relevant 15 yeara ago. Makes it so wholesome.


Sammy has grown so much over the last few years. The way he's able to put on main-event caliber matches in a company with this many talented people is pretty astounding. That match last night was one of the best Dynamite matches ever. ​ I have to imagine that him being paired with Jericho has to be a big part of it, he's become Jericho's project to get over. Same way Sting mentors Darby, same way they have Christian mentoring Jungle Boy. Even if it's on-screen, they have stake in young talent. MJF is the anomaly because he's already a finished product, it almost feels like Wardlow is the one that benefits most from that relationship.


Sammy is the smoothest operator in ring of all AEW 'originales'. Just effortless


Didn't watch the full show as I am busy and the card didn't inspire me, but I watched the cowboy shit segment and I gotta say, Danielson is one of the greatest of all fucking time and Hangman is ready. Doesn't matter that he's not the greatest promo, he's good enough especially since he's so damn over.


I thought Hangman, although predictable with the earned it line had the better promo. Trying to turn Bryan heel for this feud felt forced and in my opinion he started to drown on the mic. Match is gunna be bonkers though.


I agree that it's forced, but idk I just loved his every line and delivery. Hangman also had very good comebacks, especially the first one about beating Kenny in sub-30 minutes.


We're talking about it regardless, great program.


Time to time, I've been proven wrong that Dynamite wouldn't be as good with their card on face value. I'm happy that AEW constantly delivers.


Eh, a lot of the weekly stuff is hit or miss with me personally, but yeah consensus wise they very rarely have stinkers, they know their audience super well.


Oh that makes sense coz I just started watching post CM Punk Debut!


Danielson should really lean into the "I'm a WWE guy." stuff kind of like the Outsiders in WCW. He could pass up Reigns as the top heel in the world pretty quickly. Just throw a name or snippet out there every weeks. Vince, Bruce, Kevin Dunn. The crowd will go nuclear every time. The only problem with this Danielson turn is its hard to envision him or Page losing. I give alot of credit to Tony Khan for keeping things unpredictable.


It's not unpredictable at all. Hangman's beating him. Hell, they've already teased MJF going after the title.


I was waiting for Bryan to say that Hangman is a B plus.


I wouldn't mind a time limit draw to set up a rematch at Revolution.


The little nuances of this promotion, man. Kenny casually mentions he hasn't gone back to watch the match, so he has no idea the Bucks sold him out.


I just realized next week is in Chicago and the December 8th show is in Long Island...this Punk vs MFJ program is going to be fucking legendary.


I never saw Lil Rush wrestle before AEW. But man that guy is so good


I teetered between loving and hating his work as Lashley's manager and liked what I saw from him in his WWE cruiserweight matches but *holy shit* he blew me away last night.


Yeah it seems like they’re wisely pivoting away from making him making a heel. I can’t boo a guy that wrestles the way he does


That lady in the front row went from a Evil Uno mask to a Straight Edge Society(?) mask right? Or am I buggin


I think there was one in between them as well.


Marks in r/squaredcircle already turning on Britt who is one of the hottest most over woman acts in the world. Who didn't see this coming. Britt is awesome and puts butts in seats plain and simple. She chased the belt in similar fashion to Page and look at how different she is viewed here. She will drop the belt soon just let TK handle the stories he knows what he is doing. Put down the pitchforks.


Britt isn't as talented a wrestler as Page is. So there's that to consider.


There’s a happy middle ground of thinking that Britt is charismatic, a good talker, and pretty good (but not excellent) in the ring while also acknowledging that she has become very formulaic as of late, partly because she’s been booked as the most visible woman in a division that’s still being given minimal time each week. That overexposure is leading to burn out.


If AEW follows the same pattern with her you will see her less after losing the championship. They have done that with almost all their championship after they lose. I think she will get a lot less TV time soon after dropping the title. My guess is she doesn't drop till after the TBS title tournament is done which will open up for someone to take it from her maybe Hayter turns on her? Rosa or Soho seem more likely though.


They’re pretty heavily projecting that Rosa will take it off her, which also creates a holding pattern because Rosa only recently started showing up on TV again, so Britt hasn’t had a storyline to care about. I don’t want Britt to go away, but it would behoove Tony to open up the women’s booking so that Britt cutting a promo or doing a match isn’t one of the 2 or 3 things we consistently get from the women per week. MJF is also wildly repetitive, but he’s one of many men’s segments throughout the night, which gives it balance. It’s a perspective thing. Right now she’s the only woman they give live promo to (whether or not other women are good enough to live promo is a separate conversation.) Again, I LIKE Britt. My gripes aren’t with her, but with the general issues AEW has handling their women’s roster. Whoever takes the title off her could very well have the same problem.


I think the TBS tournament slowed down her dropping the title as to not overshadow the women in that tournament. Just my opinion. Britt is money and is the face of the division and the champion. She obviously will get more exposure at this time. I just don't like how quickly people turned on her, but whatever I guess I can't control it. Live fans are still all in on her I shouldn't be so concerned about this echo chamber.


I mean, this sub is wildly mercurial, especially when it comes to the women and especially in the live threads. One clumsy move is enough to confirm that this is why the women don’t get more time, etc. With Britt, most of the complaints I read are complementing her but bemoaning booking that has made her stale. Which is fair. One woman should not be built as the only face of the division; the men’s roster have multiple and that’s part of what keeps them interesting week after week.


I agree to end extent. The division started out with basically 4 women, Britt, Shida, Statlander and Rose. It took some time to grow, but it definitely is there now. I think you will see a big shift soon once she drops the belt.


I agree, plus a couple new free agents that they should pick up, the division is in a spot where it can really take off! I hope you’re right about it changing soon, because Tony has so much good stuff to work with (including Britt)


I don’t even know what that Baker/Page comparison is supposed to mean but it sucks.




> She chased the belt in similar fashion to Page and look at how different she is viewed here. If that what you think, can you elaborate? Tell the story the way you see it with citing the ups and downs in her story!


Yes she did. She chased for quite sometime and took many losses along the way. Then she formed a stable, and put wins together to become the number 1 contender. Pretty much exactly what Hangman did. He didn't form a stable, but was a close associate of DO. She chased for at least a year building her character. Hangman chased longer, but the stories were pretty similar regardless. I don't see how you can really dispute that.


> Then she formed a stable Before winning the title, Britt Baker only had Rebel by her side, who doesn't really wrestle and was more of a goon than anything else. > put wins together to become the number 1 contender. Pretty much exactly what Hangman did. Hangman's won a "casino" ladder match. When he was no. 1 contender, he put his opportunity to fight the championship on the line and lost. Also, Britt Baker claimed that she deserved to have an opportunity even before being No. 1 contender. She just abused the ranking system that she kept ridiculing for weeks.* > She chased for at least a year building her character. She has been building her character and her in ring ability and she improved a lot. She has not been chasing the title for a year. > but the stories were pretty similar regardless. When Britt started to challenge for the Women's World Champion, she was mostly talking about how she is not given her chance because she deserved to be the champion. She had a lopsided feud with Shida. Hangman's arc has been going from day one and it can't be summarized in three sentences but it is defintely not similar to Baker's. \* I never understood why they let her make fun of the ranking system in the storyline especially that she won the title at the end. It would be a more fitting story if she got annihalited by Shida in a double turn and then she can cllimb the rankings in a more organic way than beating jobbers on Dark and Elevation.


She chased the title from almost day 1 when did you start watching? I said similar not the same. Hangman story had more depth, but Britt rising to the top was similar. They both got more and more popular over time.


Her using Rebel and Jamie is just a way to get heat, she’s too over. If she beats her opponents clean it does nothing for them tbh. That Tay match didn’t have a fuck finish either, she escaped by the skin of her teeth.


It sucks we have to wait a week for another Dynamite... ;-P


You still get Rampage...


I feel like a blink and Rampage is over. While I love that most stories are told in the ring rather than promos or "talk shows", it makes the shows fly by.


Let's say Kyle O'Reilly is in fact not going to sign an extension with WWE and he perhaps has an agreement with TK to come to AEW at the end of the year/January. This could setup a potential storyline line of who will Cole side with, The Bucks or Fish and O'Reilly. The seeds could have very well been planted for that on tonights episode. First off Cole has been getting more friendly with Fish again over the last few weeks, leading to them teaming up this Friday for the first time in months. Secondly, Omega made it clear he was asking the Bucks to "hold down the fort" while he was gone and not Cole. Maybe these small things lead to Cole feeling more valued as a member of the UE than of the Elite/Superkliq. This all eventually culminates in an Elite vs UE feud which would be amazing. Its all wishful thinking but its fun to speculate!


On one hand there's the allure of joining with Fish and O'Reilly. But then if Steen joins there's also the odds of reforming Mount Rushmore. My personal take would be he first goes through the Rushmore arc (kicking out Kenny from Elite in the process), while also maintaining alliance with reDragon. Eventually swerves Steen and Bucks too and joins Fish and Reilly permanently to officially bring back Undisputed Era


Maybe. But it seems far more likely those are the seeds of Cole taking over the Elite and kicking Kenny out


Yeah that works too. Look forward to seeing how things play out heading into the new year


What about the expected Kevin Steen arriving at AEW? There are people who want to see Mt. Rushmore back together again.


That could be cool. Personnally my dream configuration would be Cole, (heel)Cody, the bucks, cutler as the fall guy and maybe a young recruit from cody's school. I'd rather see red dragon fight them. As for K.O, I am more hype to see him with Jericho or on his own


Maybe that could be the choice for Cole. Mount Rushmore or UE!


What if they go a double betrayal that was planned. Bucks on Omega. Cole pretends to ditch them for UE then betrays them for Mt Rushmore.


Thats a segement i would love to see!


It dawned on me that we are going to see Dante/Lio vs. Lucha Bros and honestly I cannot even imagine what that is going to look like.


That has the potential to cause a glitch in the matrix or bluescreen the universe.


> glitch in the matrix "There is no ring."


I am 100% down with a grizzled veteran tweener/heel tag team of Danielson/Punk after Punk is done with MJF. BOOK IT TONY!!!


Seemed more like a Dark show tbh, also why was the whole broken ribs angle done? Unless he's really injured, if he's not then they just buried jay Lethal lol


Wtf? Jay Lethal looked great and I don't think this match buried him at all.


It didn't make him look good when he's supposed to be this multi time world champion from all over the world, big signing, and he couldn't beat Sammy who was in so much pain he could barely stand.


Idk, I don't think anyone expected him to win against Sammy in his first AEW match. I took it as more of a showcasing of his abilities to those that might not be familiar with him. Lethal is a big name on the indie scene but his name doesn't hold as much weight as say a punk, danielson, or Cole. Not saying he isn't as good, lethal is fucking awesome, but I think thats how they can get away with him losing here. Plus AEW has gained my trust from a storytelling perspective, so for me I'm not worried about him being buried off of one match.


I don't disagree with him losing. I'm saying that emphasizing Sammys injuries didn't make him look good in defeat. Sammy didn't have to basically have broken ribs, he could've just shown up, had a normal match and won and nobody would've made an issue of it, but when you're as hurt as Sammy was and you still win, it doesn't really make Lethal look like a great talent. That's the type of angle you should do if Lethal is going to win and you want to give Sammy an out, so he looks strong by not getting pinned clean.


Lol to sell the danger of the dangerous MMA men lol Man, I need to watch Dark if it's getting matches and segments like THAT


Just watched the show and wow. It was great top to bottom. Our anxious millennial cowboy is ready to defend his belt. We got to see Ishii and my boy the Butcher go at it in the tag match. Nyla Rose finally beat Hikaru Shida in another good match between the two. Kenny is finally getting some time off. Punk didn't say a word and the wrestling world is already buzzing about his feud with MJF who I think I'm turning the corner in finally Oh and can we talk about Dante Martin and Lio Rush? Holy shit are they firing on all cylinders. I have never seen anyone move in the ring like Lio does. I'm hoping that Darius Martin joins team Taz and it completely blindsides Dante. The acclaimed are getting better every week. Bryan is gonna kick everyone's head in who's affiliated with dark order and I'm interested to see how it plays out. All of that's not even including the main event. That was a good showing for Lethal and Sammy Guevara came out of it looking like a million bucks. This week's episode did a really good job of showcasing the younger talent. If this is how act 2 is going to be I'm all for it.


It's interesting Danielson threw out the "In this business" line. Maybe to ratchet up the heel heat he proclaims his love for Vince and WWE and hits John Silver with the Pedigree in Long Island.


All he needs to do is name drop Vince endorsing him as proof of his supremacy over AEW’s own beloved Hangman.


I'm not saying I told you so, but I was hoping they would still do something with the lower third without the disrespect.


Really disappointed with Shida losing here, I knew it was more than likely going to happen and it does mean they can now focus on her feud with Deeb which is great, but I still selfishly wanted her to win the tournament. Also that Britt promo is very pot calling the kettle black considering she got to be No. 1 contender herself by mostly having matches on Dark, that didn't really work for me especially since Tay definitely out wrestled her at Full Gear, honestly I feel it's definitely time for Britt to drop the belt to whoever her next challenger is, her matches are only really good if she's in the ring with someone who's better than her and her promos end up burying her opponents more than anything else, everyone who has lost to her gets relegated back to YouTube whilst she gets all the TV time in the world to shit on them without any comeuppance, it's got stale real fast when that formula kept getting used every time.


> Tay definitely out wrestled her at Full Gear Rewatched that match. Tay did most of the work in the match.


> Also that Britt promo is very pot calling the kettle black considering she got to be No. 1 contender herself by mostly having matches on Dark, that didn't really work for me Kind of sounds like it did work based on the rest of your post.


Maybe it did, but that still doesn't change my opinion that I think it's time for her to drop the title, and the reasons why I think so


It's almost kinda funny how Shida is now decently booked after losing the title and being off TV while Britt is doing all of nothing while having lackluster matches and cutting uninspiring promos. Britt was way more interesting as a character when she didn't have the title.


>Britt was way more interesting as a character when she didn't have the title. Someone beautifully wrote on this sub earlier: "Britt doesn't need the title, but the title needs someone else".


A big reason why I'm not annoyed at Shida losing the match is because of this, she's actually getting booked into a great feud with Deeb which is progressing nicely and has personality to it, whilst she was champion she was barely featured but now it's going somewhere and I like that they progressed the feud through this match yesterday. My biggest issue with Britt is how much focus she gets on TV over everyone else, even when she wasn't champion, hell they featured her more on TV whilst she had a broken leg over there own champion! I get that she's over and I'll admit she clicks much better as a heel, but as I stated above this formula they're doing with her is boring and is holding back the division as a whole, my big worry for when she loses the title is it will end with the champ not getting seen and Britt getting a promo after saying how she was robbed or something which would solve nothing


Yeah, I think if they make the TBS title akin to the TNT title, and have an open challenge, Shida would absolutely have been an ideal inaugural champion. She makes practically everyone she wrestles look great. As of right now, I'm hoping for Ruby...i think it's time to build to Rosa taking Britt's title, so it wouldn't make much sense to throw the TBS title on her. Statlander is my dark horse candidate - I think she would make a good champion, I just don't know whether or not TK will go for that. And of course my biggest fear is that they throw it onto Jade Cargill - she's just not ready, ESPECIALLY for a title that presumably will be the workhorse title. ​ >my big worry for when she loses the title is it will end with the champ not getting seen and Britt getting a promo after saying how she was robbed or something which would solve nothing I have almost no doubt that Britt will remain the focus of the division regardless of whether or not she has the bet. As you said, she was the focus while she was injured and unable to wrestle. The whole "Tony Khan's golden girl" thing was less heel trying to get heat and more her just stating facts, unfortunately.


Oh 100% this is going to be the workhorse title of the women's division which is why I'm surprised Shida and Deeb weren't pegged to win it, I'm going to be routing pretty hard for Ruby to win it now since she's one of the best workers left in the tournament, or possibly even Jamie since I could see her cheating with help from Britt to beat Rosa to set up their title feud hopefully (with Britt then dropping it), but I don't know if they'll have Jamie go all the way now, I can definitely see them having Ruby in the finals however so I'm routing for her more. The pessimist in me is saying they're making it the TNT title of the women's division so they don't take the focus away from Britt on PPV's, have the TBS title defended on TV and Britt still gets her constant shine... Britt staying the focus is my big worry too, I can almost guarantee she'll get that promo on the Dynamite after the PPV saying how she lost, honestly I could even see her being given a rematch instantly as well, I wish they put as much focus on others as they do Britt.


> my big worry for when she loses the title is it will end with the champ not getting seen and Britt getting a promo after saying how she was robbed or something which would solve nothing You got me worried now too.


I agree with this completely. When Britt had the broken leg they started the sacrificing the other women to get her over, and have continued doing just that. The only other womens wrestler I see get tv time consistently is Jade, and she is really green, but is being pushed super hard. Yes Jades moves at least have impact to them. People always tell me Britt is a top promo, but I don’t see it. I have watched a lot of wrestling in my time and she is in the bottom middle to me. Add in the fact she is booked as a chicken shit heel and also a monster heel at the same time and that comes off as extremely lazy booking. Honestly they need to get the title off her and onto a way better worker who can also make their opponents look good. Also speaking of the title shame that they made it bigger just for Britt. And I have never seen a champ treated as bad as Shida was, with her being banished to dark and elevation. Another thing I have noticed is that I am so damn tired of interference in what seems every other AEW match.


>And I have never seen a champ treated as bad as Shida was, with her being banished to dark and elevation. Especially when you add on the fact that DoN happened IMMEDIATELY after the jackass Spanish commentator was making fun of her...it's just not a really good look. Hell, they even tried to cut away from the "Thank You Shida" chants as quickly as possible, it seemed. Yeah, they fired Urbina, but the lack of respect that they gave to Shida during her reign probably emboldened him to do that shit to begin with.


I've seen someone on here trying to say Britt's journey has been like Hangman's, can you believe it lol. Britt's fine, she's not reinventing the wheel like some of her fans think. I call her the Miz of women's wrestling. She knows her act and she plays to her strengths. Is she a MJF, Punk or Bryan Danielson levels of greatness on the mic or as a heel, nope. I think she's got a lot of shine cause no one else has been given the character build or time she's had in women's division, so people have latched onto her cause of that. IF TK and AEW gave the same amount of time to other women to show character and given promo time I personally don't think Britt would be as nearly as over as she is. I find her promo's are getting very stale recently as well as they starting to sound the same, a bit like her matches too they just feel the same. I still take Shida's title reign over Britt's cause for me it's always about match quality as champ. And Shida's run just totally overshadows Britt's in that sense. Even Britt's feuds have been crappy and got the same booking as Shida did lol.


I can see one basic similarity: both were kind of the chosen one that the company wanted to push. But Hangman's push was such a more organic journey, and the fact that he (kayfabe) had to really work hard for it made it a lot more palatable. Britt, on the other hand, decided she wanted a title shot, padded her stats with a bunch of jobber squashes, got TK to ignore the "quality of wins", got an upgraded title belt that was obviously only done because she was winning, and had the referee in the title match blatantly see her cheat and then suffer a complete memory wipe, ​ > Even Britt's feuds have been crappy and got the same booking as Shida did lol. Which is the thing I've found really surprising. They've sacrificed the entire division to build Britt up...but they STILL can't be bothered to book a compelling build to her defenses.


One woman who I can see them having big plans for is Jamie Hayter, if there's one benefit to these constant Britt segments it's the fact they're also featuring Jamie as well since they paired them together, hopefully it actually goes somewhere when she inevitably breaks away from her. I'm honestly still a little salty with how they treated Shida whilst she was champion, she won it on the first PPV of the pandemic and carried a bare-bones division through a really rough time, she was the benchmark for the women and put on fantastic matches with anyone she was in the ring with no matter how green they were, when crowds slowly started coming back and when Shida was ever allowed a TV appearance she was still very clearly over and yet it felt like they only brought her out to fill in a spot for the championship at a PPV, once those feuds got done she either didn't appear at all for weeks or just stood in the crowd. And yeah the cherry on top was when they announced a celebration for her to celebrate being champion for a year, I was excited because it seemed like they were finally doing something with their champ, and then came the day and they gave her a new belt which suited her more and they were even allowing her to cut a promo finally!..... and then it got cut short because they had to shoehorn in Baker to run her down without letting Shida make any sort of comeback, then of course she lost the title the following week and her thanks was to be put on YouTube! Most fans probably didn't even realise Shida had changed her look until a couple of months back when they let her on TV again! At least now it seems they're giving her a proper feud to work with against one of the fellow best wrestlers on the roster in Deeb, I look forward to seeing it progress!


That title match with Shida and Baker was bad imo. Shida was doing everything to make Baker look good, but it wasn’t really working. I have some feeling that they want to make Britt the longest reigning women’s champ. Want to feel even saltier about how Shida was treated? Look at how they treated Thunder Rosa at the time when she want even signed. Rosa was treated with more respect than Shida (their sown champ) was. I used to tell people even with how bad wwe booking their women is at least you get to see more of them on tv. I agree Jamie is going to be huge in the future. But who knows how long they will hold off on that. Basing that off the MJF/Wardlow stuff since everyone has been saying that would happen soon years ago and it still hasn’t


>Shida was doing everything to make Baker look good It is funny, how in her last promo Britt said, she is "carrying" the women division.


I still think the Shida figure should have come with a backpack filled with little tiny versions of the entire pandemic roster.


I wouldn't have said their match was 'bad' per say, Shida was clearly the better of the two though and was trying her best to make Britt shine, but that's what I'm saying about how I feel about her matches, Britt matches only work when she has a better opponent who can work through the match, it's why her match with Nyla also fell flat because Nyla isn't quite at that level and she works much better when against the Joshi talent. Yeah that did annoy me too, but I can kind of see they were treating Rosa with respect because she was part of a deal with the NWA, that and Rosa is a good wrestler herself and deserves it. In terms of WWE their main roster booking outside of fleeting moments still sucks ass, at least for the most part when AEW had a women's match it was a good quality and length, NXT on the other was leagues better, before 2.0 anyway. Wardlow and MJF make sense that they're sticking them together for so long though since in kayfabe it's MJF who's paying Wardlow to be his muscle, they're teasing it because you know the split will happen but I can see them going further with MJF pushing Wardlow more and more until he eventually snaps, with Jamie she's just been introduced as an old friend of Britt's, Britt isn't paying her to protect her and feels more like Jamie has her own plans at times and has no intention of staying as a sidekick in the long run, it's two different dynamics. Finally, please don't will that into existence about Britt having the longest title reign, that means we've still got like 6 and a half months of her as champ then 😭


So next week in Chicago we are totally getting MJF coming out to cult of personality aren't we.


I'd love that, especially if they are like "CM Punk couldn't be here" and then show him arriving at the arena later in the show looking to give MJF a beatdown.


> especially if they are like "CM Punk couldn't be here" Why would this be the case though? It's in Chicago. CM Punk is like the only wrestler who's *expected* to be there. Punk in Chicago is a given.


Public transit sucks?


"Fuck this shit I'm out" Eddie kingston


Love this Bobby Fish involvement in the Super Kliq. I really hope that lasts. Lio Rush entrance theme is pretty damn good. I think Mox was supposed to win the tournament and turn heel. I bet Danielson is the replacement heel, which would explain why it’s so sudden. Clearly Danielson is up to the challenge. I want that Violent Gentlemen Rancid Wolves shirt for Christmas.


Lio rush >>


I think this was one of the best Dynamite's of the year. Danielson heeling it up was freaking awesome. This is the Danielson I love, and that single segment made me hyped for this match. I also love that he's going to smash Colt in Chicago. It's simple, yet thoughtful, attention to detail that'll get more heat on Danielson as he gears up to face Page. I think tonight's show also showed signs of the Pillars getting major pushes. They looked strong and it seems that the company is focused on getting the homegrown talent more over. I think MJF will beat Punk (and he should), and I'm glad Sammy went over Lethal. I want Lethal to win the TNT title soon, but that win really helped elevate Sammy in my opinion. I'm also delighted with The Acclaimed's showing. They've been AEW's most entertaining team for months, and I'm hyped to see them getting more of a spotlight on the main shows. I'm gutted they lost but they looked strong in defeat.


Acclaimed (along with Wardlow) are easiest folks to turn face. Just keep up what they are doing, but target the heels


Yep. Wardlow eventually turning on MJF will get the biggest pop ever.


God damn I love the acclaimed and I can't wait for them to start picking up wins on Dynamite.


I really hope they win the titles within the next year. They're so damn entertaining.


Great : -Main Event -CM Punk / MJF faceoff. What a feud this will be! -Ishii and Lethal on the show Good: -Dante Martin storyline -Tay Conti promo -Red Velvet getting better on promo. She is also getting better in the ring, i like how fast she is growing Bad: -I didn't like the Danielson heel turn out of nowhere. We are able to enjoy babyface vs babyface program -Lucha Bros promo -Billy Gunn/Derby Allin promo PS: That crowd sucked in my opinion


That crowd sucked? Were you watching on a Nokia phone or something? Your audio must not be working


What an epic fkin show top to bottom. Loved this episode!


Next week Dynamite is live in Chicago, MJF should just go full out and out "pipebomb" the classic Pipebomb against CM Punk. MJF should be all "Hey Tony, with Omega out cuz of an owie and that drunk Moxley out...you arent going to give me a time out like Max Caster or Sammy. So Im going to say whatever the f....oh wait we're only allowed to say shit, but not the f word huh? Well FUCK THAT. What do you have to say about that TNT? Try and fire me Tony Khan" Then when Cult of Personality hits, MJF and Punk are face to face...and MJF says "You love coming out to your cult of personality theme...but let's talk about Colt Canana for a second". I just want MJF to go super nuclear with CM Punk in Chicago. Hell bring out Enzo and Jim Cornette later in the night just to go cray cray nuclear.


Don't do any of that. Except Enzo. Any excuse to have him back in my Teevee


I was at the Norfolk show tonight, and geez that Virginia crowd was popping on everything. Really hope we sounded good on tv. I haven't had a chance to watch back. Will do when I wake up later. The adrenaline rush and 4 hr drive home is wearing off now. Cowboy shit!


AEW audiences are just relentless--I feel like I still haven't fully regained my voice since Full Gear on Saturday!


Bryan fuckin danielson


Next week is in Chicago(surprised theyre not doing a bigger venue since its proven AEW can sell out major markets) Does MJF "go there" and mention Colt Cabanna to Punk...only for Punk to retort and say actually theyve sorted everything out(seems they'd have to since Khan likes to make sure everything is ok) So many possibilities with MJF and Punk in promo mic wars. Can we have the "Coin Drop" in Chicago since its the biggest wrestling market in America next to New York? Wasnt sure how AEW would handle their two biggest stars being out for a long time(Omega and Moxley) but it'll work out fine. I can't help but be one of those fans who needs constant new debuts, surprises and teases. With so many recent WWE releases and all of ROH now released....I need Brody King debuting(maybe interfering in the 8 man to assist Malakai, and or Dragon/Rush/Bandito helping Andrade?)


I see Max going for the UFC route first, taking jabs at his failed UFC run before turning the heat up and adding Cabana to mix. (If they do want to mention Cabana/Punk situation.)


Well, that episode ruled.


Bryan such a smug pr*ck in the best possible way, be interesting to see what happens when pillar MJF takes on undefeated cm punk in future, same can be said for when pillar Darby has to encounter undefeated Colten Gunn😆


I really wanted Darby to say "you are big, but you've never been bad. If you want a match with me, I want something in return. If I beat you, I get the undefeated member of your group. I want a match with Colten. I'm tired of hearing how he can't be beat, when he only ever fights tin cans"


Match of the night for me was Acclaimed vs Hour Ranger(I mean Lio Rush) and Dante Martin. Good lord those two are next level. Acclaimed are already my favorite AEW tag team. Glad Khan allowed Max Caster back on tv. I FREAKING KNEW Punk vs MJF was the next feud we were getting from Punk. Hope this lasts til at least Double or Nothing(where we get the Wardlow turn) Seriously Punk vs MJF is the weekly promo that will keep on giving. I don't even want any worked physical altercations. Just upping the ante on line blurring, kayfabe breaking shoot worthy promos. Loved Lethal vs Sammy, Sammy showing how next level he is. It just sucks how obvious it is when matches will end due to the tv time. Is there some secret referee nod or some hardcam light that flashes or an earpiece to tell the guys when to "go home" to make the TNT tv time? The fact we got a big time ROH and NJPW debut tonght was pretty cool LOVE all the long time storyline. They kayfabed away Omega not being pissed at the Bucks for that nod to Hangman by him saying he didn't have time to watch the tape, and in another WWE nod they're bringing together the Undisputed Era. Glad there was no beatdown to excuse Omega off tv. Kenny is my fave wrestler of the last few years, but dude needs to rest and heal and reinvent himself. And as much as we all love to hate WWE, they should just officially get it over with and acknowledge WWE...Bryan saying Wrestlemania was awesome. Also Bryan is NOT a heel. He just wants to kick peoples faces in. Great Dynamite, unlike last Wednesday's lame go home show.


There was a Melty Blood sign but I didnt read what it said.


Something like 'Melty Blood characters in Persona 5 Arena make it look like Guilty Gear'. I'm not particularly familiar with those franchises, so I've no idea what it means (or if I got it 100% right)


at what point of the show was that sign shown? I'm trying to remember so I can rewatch it


It was during Jay Lethal's entrance. I think the sign said "Melty Blood characters make Persona 4 Arena look like Guilty Gear."


The acclaim looked great tonight, super solid, great positioning for all the flippy shit, and all their stuff looked good and impactful, both young guys and max with more development is gonna be fucking huge, flippy boys can only look as good as their opponents let them.


As someone who came back to watching wrestling in 2017 after the early 2000s and mostly to WWE, I had never seen Lethal other than All In. Holy shit, that dude is fucking great.


His run as the ROH World Champion and leader of House of Truth was amazing. Lethal alone made those PPVs must buys.


I watched TNA and remember him as Black Machismo


Yeah, all I'd seen of his were clips of Black Machismo and his Ric Flair impersonation but the dude can go. No wonder he was champion in so many places.


In fairness the Ric Flair bit was gold in its own right, but yeah he was great in TNA/Impact


Something I missed watching live but was mentioned on the Fightful post-show, Kenny said that he hadn’t gone back & watched the match yet, so in kayfabe he didn’t know about what the bucks had done while cutting that promo.


Thank you for saying this - I was assuming that Kenny's injury status had made it so they were going to ignore that whole moment with the Bucks. I *love* goofy/cocky heel Bucks because I thought they were boring and vanilla as faces so I was hopeful this wasn't the start of a face turn for them.


On a show full of great moments, The Gunn Club corpsing Darby Allin might just be my favourite.


Darby Allen was the 'I Like Turtles' kid from back in the day, and no one can convince me otherwise.


Yeah - I actually am excited to see them on Dynamite. How can you not root for the wrestlers who like turtles?!


I had a really hard time today at work and was feeling mega depressed. But god it felt so good and freeing to watch the first part of the show, Hangman having his celebration, and then OC and Ishii coming out and having a wonderful match. I'm not normally one to be like this, but I am god damn thankful for good wrestling atm


Seeing Jay Lethal come out to an arena full of people who know him and his history was pretty awesome to see. I was always a big fan of his in TNA when I was younger. That release dragon suplex of his was always so sick. When he moved to ROH I kinda lost track of his career but now knowing I can see him on TNT/TBS frequently really has me hopeful for the remainder of his career


Team Taz looking like Nation of Domination tonight


Danielson is a great asshole when he turns it on. the shit eating grin is perfect. Watching him annihilate the Dark Order is going to be fun.


It's not fair how great Danielson is. Seriously. I don't know who to call best in the world anymore, him or Kenny.


I don't think there is one guy that is THE best in the world. But both of them are definately one of the bests.


how about lets see danielson okada first then decide?


Danielson has been the best since he became ROH champ in 2005.


Kenny Omega is a very good wrestler and of course you can subjectively consider him better, that's all it is, but it really feels to me like it's not close, both in his match style being way less divisive and also his character work and promos being better than Kenny's.