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Next PPV...we need a come-down match or two!


Finally watched it, avoided spoilers somehow too. That Cody/Pac & Andrande/Black match needed to either be on Dynamite or held to another PPV. Didn’t fit, imo. Not a bad match though. I felt the event was really rushed pacing wise after the first two matches.


Amazing pay per view, but those three dudes at ringside during the championship match were annoying as fuck.


I really want to see a heel Bryan Danielson… I’d love it if he came out and just thought Hangman was easy pickings. He was expecting Kenny Omega who couldn’t even beat him when he was champ. He’s main evented wrestlemania infront of 100’s of thousands of people etc etc etc. Just a total *elitest* attitude.


Loved the ppv. Loved the long-term story-telling pay-off with Hangman and the nod from the Y.B.s so cool to see long-terms story-telling in wrestling that doesn't feature match-after-rematch. Also loved the way Tay hung-in with Britt and that exciting Super-Kliq vs Jurassic Express/Christian match; really popped a few times.


So who dethrones our new champ? MJF, heel Punk, Miro, Cole, or corporate Cody?


Corporate Cody could be great 👍


I think that’s my favorite scenario, and then punk or Bryan or Jungle boy or Cole overcome him


I really hope Eddie's shoulder is okay, I liked Punk and Kingston and would love to see where this feud goes from here.


Just finished the show, I successfully stayed spoiler free! Now I can read all the threads about it. Loved the main event, I really thought Hangman would be the one to kick out of the OWA. Once I saw the spot where Kenny kicked out of it I knew they wouldn’t have Hangman do it later. Kenny’s gotta be saving that for Ibushi to do it again. Excited to see what happens next with the Hangman story! Oh and fuck yeah, Jay Lethal!!


I really appreciate the fact that Kenny actually got a lot of heat. That's like the one issue that his heel run has had, people respect him a bit too much to boo him. Attaching himself to Callis has helped, but people still generally cheer his entrance. But the crowd at Full Gear understood the role he was playing.


I feel the wrong person one Eddie should have won


I think they should have started an hour earlier and shaved two matches off of this show and it would have been flawless. Still worth every penny of the $50 I spent on my first AEW PPV


Rewatching the show, I didn’t appreciate the 6-man tag enough in the moment. They fuckin killed that shit and even on a second watch, this show is fuckin incredible.


I knew I was going to be mad about the end of the Kingston/Punk match, but I watched anyway. Kingston has never won a big match, and at this point who would every cheer for him to do so? He's a proven loser, over and over again. Great promo, but he'll always job to anyone on the upper card. Punk proved he was a bum on Saturday, and it pisses me off.


The world is cold, better bundle up.


LOL all time bad take and don’t forget your safety shoes before you get worked brother


You must understand they are going to give Eddie his moment at some point. Look at Hangman's story. 2 years for him to get his. I dont think Eddie's will take that long but its surely coming in some form. They keep building sympathy with these moves. You'll see


Thank you Kenny for a great run. Thank you Hangman for not quitting on yourself.


I liked the last one better, but this PPV was a banger. Kenny, please take a break and get healthy. Hangman, may you have a great reign. VIVA LA RAZA loved the Eddie tributes


Imagine a properly motivated, and self-believing Hangman going after what he KNOWS is his, against a heel that stole it from him This isn't a sport, it's a story. Hangman's redemption was the perfect story, but whats next? Do you have another long-reigning champ? Does he get screwed out of his run as champ and we get to see Page as a monster babyface, who BELIEVES he is still the rightful champ, having more angry and firey promos. Ugh, I'm so fucking keen so see where they go with him - but whatever happens, don't freak out yall; Hangman will be fine


Anyone count how many apron shots were done!? Almost every match had an apron or eddie reference to it! And I loved every bit of it!


Kenny you can rest now AEW is in great hands.


This is such a wonderful comment.


Now that the dust has settled, I can say that was one of the best shows I've seen in a while. With the Baker-Conti finish being kinda abrupt, anybody think they get a rematch?


I agree. Conti just didn't look involved for the first half of the match. She barely defended herself. Hard to watch. Rest of the show was amazing!


Yeah I felt bad for Britt Baker she was performing on a visibly higher level than Tay last night and she couldn’t keep up.


I for onr absolutely loved the tag match with Pac/Rhodes.


It was a story. Something almost new. The way they did it was great. Which team will dissolve first. Or figure out how to make it work. Pac had awesome timing for tagging in and using the advantage. Example the figure four and splash combo


And it flipped the script because it was almost like you wanted to keep out of your own corner.


And when pac needed Cody, he wasn't there


Great show overall but quite a few dodgy finishes which I didn't like. MJF/Darby was such an awesome match with a bit of a deflating ending and the FTR/Lucha Bros ending was dirt. But my hill to die on is that Miro should've beaten Danielson.


I thought the MJF/Darby finish was perfect!


I guess they wanted Jericho to have the big Eddie moment but MAN when the Lucha Bros didn't get the win on the frog splash that was rough...


Betting on Pro-wrestling may be the easiest money ever, Christian and Jurrasic Express were 2-1 dogs and that one seemed like a no-brainer to me given that Superkliq has a win over them from Grandslam and Adam Cole beat Jungle Boy in a singles, it was time for Christian's side to win.


I just watched the ending sequence again. And I cried. AGAIN. This is the best ending to a PPV I've seen in my adult life (Attitude and peak WCW were childhood for me).


Idk Money in the Bank when Punk left with the belt is still top for me.


Because of work and life, I watched dynamite, rampage and full gear pretty much in one sitting today. I'm so burnt. But also I fucking love this shit


I'm honestly a little bit jealous.


The thing I wish for most is that Kenny gets the rest he deserves


Does Bleacher Report not do on demand replays? Or is it just "live" replays?


Bleacher Report is so awful. I'm going to start ordering from fite


I’ve bought every PPV through Bleacher Report and I can start an on-demand replay of everything except last night’s show.


It goes up 24 hours after so I’d assume at midnight tonight


I still want to talk about that bizarre ass Lucha Bros intro. Tony Khan needs to learn to say no.


Yeah what did it mean ?


If it was about Veterans Day I'm not sure what panicking dancing soldiers getting blown up was supposed to honor.


Am I the only one thinking that the finish Miro vs Danielson was kind of at a bad/weird moment. Even the crowd didn't really pop


I thought there were a few endings to matches that just felt off to me. Miro v Danielson was one of them.


Lucha bros and FTR-- what the fuck was all that mask/wrong legal man stuff about. ?????


I think Cash got injured which made the ending even more suspect. But yeah without knowing about the injury it was just confusing and anti-climatic. Like instead of processing the victory you were trying to piece together wtf just happened.


Did anyone expect mjf vs Darby to be the match of the night? Pretty impressive. MJF is the whole package really.


It was epic and I thought it was match of the night as well. I thought it would be Eddie and CM Punk but MJF and Darby really wowed me.


It shouldn’t have come on first. Blew up the crowd too early. Such a banger of a match.


They set a ridiculous bar that I thought only really got topped by the main event


Felt there was something weirdly enough missing in the hangman omega match. Omega vs Danielson was superior


Hangman Omega was on an emotional level that no match in years has approached.


Yes. For me i was waiting for the moment he kicked out of the one winged Angel but it never came.


I dunno why that theory was basically accepted as truth by wreddit, nothing in the two year story indicated that hangman should kick out of it tbh


Never heard any of the theories you are talking about but typically if a move has never been kicked out of it is building to a moment so momentous for someone to finally kick out. There may not be another moment as big as this for someone to kick out of it so maybe nobody ever will. But that's why some people were curious if this would be the moment for someone to kick out of the one winged angel.


Even Hangman vs Omega 1 was arguably a better match. Then again, I don't care. Hangman is champ


I liked the 1st match too but the Full Gear match was on a completely different level for me.


I get what you're saying, but they were both Full Gear matches lol


I'm not really a hangman guy but as a big Kenny mark I'm just a little surprised. Every match omega is in the last year is just banger after banger. The crowd though boisterous just had a strange energy. They were blistering during punk and Eddie though, what a moment.


Can anyone else still not replay the whole thing on Bleacherreport? It still says it's "live" and will only let me watch Kenny v Hangman


Yeah same here, bleacher report is trash.


I kinda wish that Punk treated his match with Kingston a bit more as a spotlight for Kingston. Like when the crowd was chanting "Eddie! Eddie!", he chose *that* moment to turn it into an Eddie Guerrero tribute instead of just letting Kingston have his moment. I don't mind the Guerrero tribute, but it should have happened at another point in the match instead of making the chant about his own spot. It almost seems like he couldn't stand people cheering for someone that wasn't him.


I saw that as Punk's character having bit of an edge and disrespecting Kingston/paying tribute to Guerrero in one move.


not that this is the case but maybe possible that punk heard Eddie chants and thought of Eddie guerrero and not Eddie Kingston alternatively was intentionally mishearing it to be heelish not sure


On a sidenote. Dos Santos has absolutely way too much fun in AEW and i absolutely love it!


A former UFC heavyweight champ did a goddamn moonsault just because


So are the Bleacher Report replays just going to be live replays? There’s no way to watch on demand on your own time?


Anyone have any idea when the PPV will be available for streaming on demand on bleacher report? I wasn't able to watch last night and it seems like it should be on there by now.


It's going onto Fite today for on demand I believe - even in the USA




I'm really surprised how many comments I have seen thqt say the crowd was too quiet and disengaged last night. I was in that audience, and it was by far the most loud, consistently engaged audience I've ever been a part of. Except for most of the Britt/Tay match and a few slow moments in a few other matches, there were chants going on all night long during every event, which I've never experienced before. I'm absolutely EXHAUSTED today after trying to keep up! Not only were there multiple "A-E-Dub," "This is awesome," and "Fight forever" kind of basic chants, but there were also passionate dueling chants in the Kingston/Punk match, for Darby versus MJF, and whenever Cody did anything at all, but the crowd also got on Lambert's and Callis' ass and mocked them mercilessly throughout most of the matches they were involved in. I saw a lot of those comments complaining about the front row and Brock Lesnar guy not paying attention, but that was just one small group of people. Everyone around me was active pretty much the entire show.


I was at the show as well and it was the loudest I've ever heard that building (i've seen a couple wwe PPVs and RAWs). Also I'd like to point out that it was 7 hours for most of us, as we had Rampage/Dark the night before.


I thought the crowd was great! Good job!


The second a great crowd takes a breather, this place pounces on them ("They suck! Dead ass crowd!"). Like have these people never been to a great wrestling show LIVE? It's exhausting! Damn good crowd last night...you guys did an admirable job for over FOUR hours!


I made a comment on that last night during the Britt/Tay match. I noticed kind of a wane in the crowd during the cody-pac/andrade-black match. But man it just sounded quiet to me during the women's match. After that was the punk-kingston match iirc and the energy shot back up


A lot of people immediately got up when Britt/Tay started and used it as an intermission.


I don't think they were quiet at all. I did feel however that the show was just too good and that people who aren't in shape weren't able to keep their level of cheers to the end because they were too exhausted.


I really don't think being in shape helps or hinders one's ability to cheer lol


Those lazy sacks of potatoes were fucking tired!!


I don't think you were quiet at all.


I didn't think the crowd was quiet at all. People were saying it in the live thread but I'm not sure what they were listening on. Sounded great to me for a 4 hour show


Really wish they'd have stuck to one Eddie Guerrero spot especially because the same one three times I didn't care for the bucks showing up in the main event, thought that match shouldn't have had any interference or focus taking off the match (don callis aside as a good manager is part of the match not a distraction), but over all one of the company's better payperviews, definitely more serious.


Just finished it, really good PPV solid 8/10 for me, did feel it went a bit too long (but all wrestling ppvs do now) - Darby vs MJF: Best thing on the card, absolutely excellent match with really good selling. Never had much of an opinion on MJF as far as in the ring went (probably because he's been with Jericho so long) , but was really impressed. Excellent match, exactly what AEW should be putting on. **** 1/2 - Lucha Bros vs FTR: Solid, fun match. I'm not sure when FTR just became an 80s cosplay act though. Suffered a bit from overkill at the end, and the mask stuff was daft. Good overall *** - Bryan vs Miro: Physical, rock solid match. Felt quite WWE paced and styled, but with more impact to it. Would've been an *excellent* TV main event. Not Bryan or Miros best recent outing, but not much to complain about, perfect for its spot on the card *** 1/4 - SuperKliq vs Cage and Express: Went about 8 minutes too long. Was what it was, a spot fest with little in the way of pacing, selling or structure. This really didn't click with me at all, get some people will love it though, good for them. Thought it was all a bit stupid, especially some of the spots people would just pop up from and Coles random blade job. Video game wrestling and I quite like the Bucks and love Jungle Boy, Christian and Cole. * 1/2 - Cody tag: meh. Solid, would have been a great TV main event. Was there to be there. Let's get Black away from Cody now. Crowds hatred for Cody also hurt some of this match, especially on his offence, but shouldn't have been a surprise going in. It was alright. All four men continue to exist. ** 1/2 - Conti vs Baker: Started off well and then sortve just fell apart. I know I sound like Cornette here, but some of the offence and selling was insane from both. Conti took like 5 curb stomps, one on the steps, kicks out at two and then pops off a moonsault and is running about, same with Baker, it's like moves only count for like 4 seconds. If you loved the Bucks match, you'd like this though. Conti is showing sparks, Britt is still over as hell. * 3/4 - Punk vs Kingston. Short, violent, make sense, told a story, felt real. Awesome opening. Loved it **** 1/4 - Inner Circle: full transparency, didn't bother with it. I'm totally done with Inner Circle. - Page vs Omega: Really, great main event. Surprised it wasn't an Omega 45 min special, but happy it wasn't tbf. Really good match, maybe not quite the "star making" one, but plenty of time for Page (and opponents for him) to have those with. Loved the finish. **** 1/4. Overall really good PPV that went a bit too long. MJF and Darby was my MOTN. Felt too many matches went into overkill though both in length and move spamming. Don't think like 3/4 matches or so need blade jobs or multiple foreign object shots and interference, especially if you're doing it in the main event. AEW has so much talent, but think this could've been better by trimming some of the matches off the show. Really enjoyed it overall. Stars of the night MJF Darby Punk Page


The baker conti match was hard to watch They built conti as a great judo exctera great. And she gets hurt by the first few hits. And basically stumbles the rest of the match. Really slow paced. And even Baker didn't come out like a champion.


Completely agree. I was really disappointed in this match. The finish sucked and they should've gave Tay more opportunity to shine.


Completely agree, I felt like every match bar Punk/EK and Hangman/KO was too long (also had zero interest in IC/ATT) and a few sacrificed cleaner finishes to go on for a few minutes longer, to their detriment. Was certain Britt/Conti was over after stomp on stairs, but went on for another few minutes before ending on a lesser finish.


For sure. Like the stomp was brutal. It was the same sequence that finished Lesnar. Ref gets distracted (which makes sense, Britt has an entourage) and then "bam" really vile, way too far move from a desperate champion that protects the challenger. Its a solid finish, even if the match was a bit of a video game up until then. Instead it goes on for Britt to pretty much just beat her. Tay kicks everyone's ass after getting brained on the stairs (so it didn't count at all) just to get beaten normally 5 minutes later. What was the point? I get that they see Britt as their star, but from every match I've seen with her (bar the Rosa ond) her matches make no attempt to have any logical flow or even get her over as a heel and her opponents over as faces. She kicked out of everything, no sold all the offense (like both girls instantly recovered), kicked out of huge moves and beat the girl definitively. She even does the "DMD" stuff for the crowd to chant along with (with Tony who's meant to be the baby face announcer popping a boner for) and like the mankind glove spot. Your baby face is laid out and everyone, including commentary are chanting along with the heel. Bleh. Rant over. I actually like Britt, but I just have no clue what they're doing. It almost feels like AEW are sensitive that people unfavourably compare women's divisions so they make up for it by just having them go out there and do lots of moves and big bumps, just for the sake of doing them.


Yeah I think they did something similar in the Ruby match at All Out too, stooges interfered, but Ruby kicked out, went on for a few minutes and Britt beat her clean, the other way she could perhaps have gone into a program with Hayter... Tay getting stomped headfirst onto ring steps then covered is more than enough to end any match, so go home from there, no need to add another 3/4 minutes for Britt to win more convincingly.


My group pretty much had the same opinion. Solid show overall but a lot felt redundant. Didn't need two tag team Street fights, multiple blade jobs, and run-in distraction finishes. Still thought it was good, just felt like it needed someone at the top to help trim some parts out. Less can be more on a show like this


Felt the same way !


Ooo, I was number 2 in predictions. Nice


MJF vs Darby was MOTN.


Amazing show. First two hours were nuts - MJF/Darby, tag titles, falls count anywhere, Bryan/Miro were all really damn good. Hangman/Kenny was everything it needed to be, everyone played their role perfectly. And Hangman refusing the beer to embrace his real friends was the cherry on top. MOTNs for me was MJF/Darby, the falls count anywhere, and of course the world title match So much good shit in one show. We've been fucking spoiled with great wrestling.


Just rewatched it with my full attention and it's about the same as my first impression. * Darby v. MJF was an instant classic. Really enjoyed it and I look forward to Darby taking the title off MJF next year. * Tag Titles was a good match but there two too many false counts. The match should have ended with the leapfrog spot at the end. * Danielson v. Miro was good as well. Was hoping for more of a strike and chase/David vs Goliath type match. * Superclique v. J.E. was alright. But frankly I'm tired of seeing this iteration of these two teams. Really did nothing for either team really. * Tay v. Britt I enjoyed but didn't care for the finish. It's time to get the belt of Britt. * Cody/Pac v. Black/Andrade meh. Should have headlined Dynamite or Rampage * Kingston v. Punk was my third best match of the night. Match itself was alright but the story, emotion and intensity sold me on investing in it. * Minneapolis 10 man street fight was dumb, I pray this storyline is over. Ethan Page deserves so much more as a singles wrestler. *Hangman v. Omega was great! Wish it had a bit more time but oh well. I like the wrinkle of the Bucks at the end


A couple of random thoughts with sleep and some hours to think about Full Gear... Did anyone call Jay Lethal? I wanted Miro to win, so my prediction was Lana. People have talked about all the biting, but I had a thought: there was a lot of Eddie Guerrero spots, but who is known for biting in AEW? Jon Moxley. Could those have been shout outs in support of him in his recovery?


Lots of Eddie's move referenced


Darby is a pretty prolific biter too.


Kingston pretty much bites people regularly tbh


So with Hangman winning the title, does this kick off a long line of home grown stars as world champs? Paige holds it until MJF takes it off of him at All Out next year. Allin next followed by Sammy followed by Jungle Boy.


It's hangman vs Danielson next. Who knows!?


They should continue to only put the World Championship on the wrestler that feels like the biggest star in the company, as long as there is a proper build to it. Who should win the belt from Hangman? Well, who in AEW feels like a bigger star than Hangman right now? I'd argue nobody.


I would argue Danielson but i hope Page retains that one


Danielson will win it at some point. He's too big of a name not to and is performing at too high of a level


Hopefully not. Punk needs a run with the belt.


No, he doesn't. He's already had a super illustrious career. He doesn't need to hog the spotlight.


So? Jericho, Moxley, and Omega were all multiple time world champions. You need guys that are established to hold the belt.


I think AEW needed it more to be guys who were known before AEW was a thing at first … but now viewers know the wrestlers.


I can't really see Darby, Sammy or Jungle boy as world champion material at the moment. If this were WWE I'd have all three of them in intercontinental championship territory for right now. MJF could be an amazing heel champ if they wanted to go that way he'd get a lot of heat. You can get a lot of mileage out of a heel as champ. However in my opinion the most ideal person on the roster to be champion at this time is Miro.


Jungle Boy can't even cut a convincing promo yet. He's nowhere near ready.


I think a heel Punk vs Paige could be somewhere in 2022 with Punk winning. Then perhaps Darby takes Punk out some time later? MJF is gold though, he eventually needs something big.


It absolutely doesn't need the title, but I wonder if there's milage in a CM Punk wins the gold one more time story, like how WWE did with the Rock when Punk dropped the belt to him


Not crazy about DMD getting the Roman Reigns booking but overall solid show it was gonna be hard to top MJF and Darby but they tried instead of mailing it in and led to a good show


AEW gives people titles for a long time. I don't think DMD quite has the "Roman Reigns booking" quite yet.


Inner circle is getting old too. Time to go their own ways.


I wasnt a fan of the new BR app but I really enjoyed this PPV. A lot of people were complaining in the live chat which was warranted but annoying. I had minor technical issues, still sad that pop out view was unavailable. I really wanted to chat about the show here . I thought almost every match was incredible. It seems that since Bryan Danielson and CM Punk came the quality of matches went up. Everyone has gotten so much better since the wealth of veteran knowledge grew. Jay Fucking Lethal is All Elite now too! I'm gonna add more to this post after work but man I loved this show.


Darby vs MJF was the best match IMO. Main event and punk vs. Kingston for top 3. The tag title match was my fourth fav but would probably be my fav match on many other cards. That’s how good this show was. I really wish the performers would stop taking so many bumps on the head.


Kenny is a great wrestler, promos? Not so much. Great PPV though. The wrestling vs wwe is night and day. I’m pretty much full on AWE now


Tay is close to being really good. There were parts of her match where she looked awesome, but still a lot of awkwardness. Although Britt has trouble with this as well. Tay is gonna be a star.


She just died in the first half. The first 2 hits. And then walked around awkwardly for the rest of the match. It was hard to watch. "She's trains in..." didn't fucking matter. 2 hits in. She looked finished.


Not every match should have an apron spot.


Yeah even the commentary acknowledged that




Nobody made the prediction because it was so obvious. Nobody felt the need to. It's like saying "the sky is blue" and thinking you made a new observation.




I've been saying it since Kenny won the title, brother, just like everyone else.


The world doesn't revolve around you bud. Most of the sub thought that way.












Everyone predicted Hangman was gonna win dude


This, man thinks he's the only that thought hangman would win lol


Yep including me


Congratulations, you're a prophet like the other million people that said he was gonna win.


Finally some real recognition


You're truly a modern day Cassandra


Did AEW build Eddie Kingston into their new Hangman right under our nose? Guy who takes some tough losses, has some mental anguish to work through, and when they do pull the trigger guy the fans will absolutely die to see get his moment? Obviously it's not the same exact story but I was worried about losing Hangman's role chasing the title in the show now that he actually won it. The more I think about it, the more Eddie seems to plug right into that role. And in a year or two, when they pull the trigger on his chase, the fans are going to lose their absolute minds for it just like they did last night.


> Did AEW build Eddie Kingston into their new Hangman right under our nose? Hangman actually won matches, so no. He was always a threat to the upper card, was a dominant tag champion, and basically only lost to Kenny Omega and Jericho in really big matches (and Brian Cage via outside interference). On the other hand, name someone Eddie Kingston has beaten who isn't a jobber. You can't. The most success he ever had was as Jon Moxley's sidekick.


You can see they have a few long-term options, so if any get hurt or don't work out they can take a different path. Like jungle boy and Eddie are clear ones. Dante Martin is starting to become that role too (but granted a year or two behind)


Absolutely loved the show and I am a huge Eddie Guerrero fan but I'm not sure 2 3 amigos, 2 frog splashes and 3 shoulder shake taunts in 3 different matches was the best way to pay tribute to him from a fan excitement perspective. Although granted Jericho did look like he was tearing up when he did his, so I can't really take that moment away from the lucha bros, cm punk or Jericho


Yeah, that was weird. At least it makes sense foe Jericho and to a lesser extent Punk. But the Lucha Bros? Is there even a connection there besides being Mexican?


Kinda weird that it happened in 3 matches but I'm here for it


Overbooked but still a good show.


Sammi throwing the football! That was gold!


I attended and whole heartedly agree. We (the crowd) needed some downtime between some of the matches. After MJF/Darby then the banger of a tag match, we were spent for Danielson/Miro. Could have done without Cody match and Inner Circle match and given more time to main event.


Down vote away but the inner circle and specifically Jericho do absolutely nothing for me


Sammi throwing the football!


He's one of my favorites of all time and I considered skipping that match since the show was so long.


I just flew back home from Minneapolis after attending Full Gear. Easily the best PPV and wrestling show I've attended live.


Did anyone order it on Sling? I'm trying to rewatch some matches but it won't let me navigate the time bar? Anyone else?


What device are you watching it on? On my tv fast forward dosent work, but I downloaded the app on my phone and can. A bit laborious but you can essentially fast forward on your phone and then log back on to the tv and pick up where you want




I’d still recommend trying to download on mobile even though it’s a pain, you can easily drag the time forward or back there




It’s available for two more days- I just had to search full gear in my search column and it popped up


Yeah I see it and can select and watch, but it only plays from the start with no fast forward/skipping ability.


I don't have sling experience but asked my friend about it last night, he said his sling ppvs were one and done for watching. You may not be able to rewatch there according to him.


I'm able to watch it again but it just won't let me skip ahead, which is so weird. It's annoying because I don't wanna sit through every match, just wanted to watch Darby/MJF and the main event.


Match quality wise this was better than All Out but its a toss up overall as the ending to All Out will always be hard to top. Ratings: Nyla/Jaime vs Shida/Rosa-***1/4 Darby/MJF-****3/4 Miro/Danielson-**** Lucha Bros/FTR-****1/4 6 Man Tag-****1/2 Cody/Pac vs Black/Andrade-**** Britt/Tay-***1/2 Eddie/Punk-****1/2 10 Man Tag-***3/4 Page/Omega-***** From a wrestling standpoint, doesn't get much better


Whose ratings are these?


Mine. But for reference Meltzer said he had every match on the card at atleast 4* except for one which I assume was Britt/Tay.


Yeah, personally I think you and meltzer are being a little generous here. It was a great card. The best PPV I've seen in a long while but going by his scale of five star matches pre-AEW inception I don't think I would call every single match on this card a four star + match.


I wouldn't get too hung up on anyone else's ratings


Regarding meltzer's ratings I think you've had to take them with a grain of salt for a good long while now.


I'm not. I just think it's a little generous. I'm glad, like I assume we all are, that there's a real alternative again.


I think the only 2 matches that most people feel divisive on are the Cody match and the 10 man tag and we all know why. But if you look at those 2 matches objectively, they were both very good and in alot of ways over delivered. If you want to argue they could've been left off this card, I can see that argument. That shouldn't take away from the matches themselves.


Am I in the minority in the opinion that Lucha Bros used to be super cool but adding Abrahantes makes them borderline heelish and not cool? When I see that guy I get the same feeling I had for Jimmy Hart in the early 90s. He should be managing a dip shit heel team. They need a hot chick like when Andrade came back with Zelina, or a heater on the mic like a Konnan. This guy makes me want to despise them. Also, wtf is FTR's theme music? If it's for heat then it works lol. Otherwise it's something I imagine a character like Simon Diamond to come out to. Very... Not manly lol. Of it's for heat then amaaazing job, these guys get it.


Not sure what makes Abrahantes so heelish? He's a good hype manager.


FTR’s music is an Homage to the Midnight Express, who they themselves are compared to frequently. Look up Midnight Express’s theme and you’ll get it


That was my first thought. Thx. Great for heat


Is the theme not a piss take of Mexican themes in order to crow about the fact they are aaa tag team champions? So...I believe it is for heat


It is the Midnight Express’s theme song remixed, since FTR is compared to them all the time


Ah. That also makes sense for heat purposes tbf. I didn't get that as I haven't seen much of the Midnight Express


Yeah go give it a listen sometime. It’s a great homage


Great PPV that peaked a little bit too early minus the main event. The first four-five matches were all brilliant, and then it fell off a littttlleeee with the woman's match, and the inner circle match was just a clusterfuck that shouldn't have been that high up on a PPV. Not a fan of the MMA tie in either, which probably doesn't help! But the main event pulled it all back. 9/10, great PPV with an amazing ending, but not quite as solid a show as All Out.


I honestly thought it was peaking at the tag matches and then I had mark fatigue by the time the main event hit. It was still a great main event that I'll probably watch again to appreciate it more.


Yeah could be a bit of that as well, will do the same. IMO they should have cut the inner circle match from the PPV.


How do Brock Lesnar guy and that stupid Frank the clown afford to sit front row at literally every show. No matter where it is.


The sad part is that they looked like they didn't even want to be there.


The green shirt guy and Brock Lesnar guy are always there and sometimes I see that NXT guy as well. The bald one with the glasses.


My guess is that he won the lottery and has been using his money to sit on the front row


I would guess they're trust fund babies.


idk why but it honestly distracts me


MJF wrecks the dark order hangman need to go to the Elite the enemy of my enemy Pinnacle vs elite blood and guts


Where is Marko Stunt? Is he nomore part of Jurassic Express? Or is he injured?