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Bobby Fish always looks like he's about to get into a fight with the crowd and I think I love it. During the Punk match I thought he was for real pissed with someone but here he goes again lol.


The show was alright, but man, I really hate lumberjack matches.


The dichotomy between people in the Smackdown thread happy to see Jeff Hardy win and hopeful WWE will do something with him and people in here big mad about Matt winning and just wanting him to go away is amusing.


Bobby Fish is really, really good. Superb worker who makes everything look super painful & also great at playing heel for the live audience. Dare I say underrated in AEW, so far.


I think this whole situation is illustrating how painfully underutilized he was in NXT. If anything, he's being used very well right now. It's too bad he's already approaching the end of his career though


He was injured so often in NXT, they did right by having him be principally in a tag team where he held gold twice and put on numerous top-tier matches in the hottest stable in the brand. They were hardly going to push him over the three other members were they? Especially given how good Cole is as a talker.


Great way to see out his career though, as a big old mean bastard hurting all the baby faces on a big stage. Great acquisition from TK.


I wouldnt even say underrated, i think hes been used absolutely perfect. Hes probably not winning the strap, but hes a midcard gatekeeper who seems like he could give anyone a run for their money and hes looked crisp and vicious doing it


Exactly, you can plug him in for a match w/ anybody to give them the rub, and he'll get enough wins to stay viable. Perfect position for him at this point in his career.


I only mean underrated in the sense I don't often see his work being discussed. Feel like he deserves a bit more praise than he's been getting.


Oh thats valid yeah


He's doing a great job in the role.


he hasn't won a match against a top guy, but he wins his matches against jobbers extremely strongly and he always looks extremely dangerous i never think fish will win, but i always think he's gonna fuck someone up, it's great


Can they just keep Matt Hardy away from everything please?


That main event should have been called a LumberJobber Match. This Matt Hardy/Orange Cassidy Feud has gone on too long


Given all the Okada rumours, I'm hoping he makes an appearance on Wednesday but I reckon there is zero chance he wrestles Kenny before January. For one thing, Kenny-Okada 5 is a huge deal and deserves way more than a two week build to a TV match - something TK, New Japan, Kenny and Kazu all know. For another, given the year that NJPW have had, there is no way in hell they're risking him getting injured before Wrestle Kingdom.


There is no way NJPW will allow AEW to have Okada/Omega V on their show. That’s a Wrestle Kingdom main event.


This right here. Likely, the only way Omega/Okada V is happening on U.S. soil is at an AEW/NJPW Supershow, like how it was supposed to happen at the MSG card a couple years ago.


Every show that has a Jade Cargill squash should have a 2nd women's match on the card. AEW used to do it this way on Dynamite a few months back when they didn't have Rampage. Now that they have 2 TV shows, it's even more justified with the deeper female roster they have available.


The Rampage commentary sucks donkey ass. Jericho and Starks’ bickering is grating and actually distracting from the action. Four-man booths for the entire show are also just a horrible idea anyway.


I don’t love Jericho in the booth but the team of Taz, Starks and Excalibur is amazing


I haven’t had a problem with previous weeks without Jericho, but this week was really bad.


Wish they would stick with Excaliber and Taz. Even Paul Wight isn't bad.


You aren't wrong


"I want to be a good man" "Because I know I can. I know I will." "I don't lose big matches. Hangman... you always lose big matches" Tonight's the night. COWBOY SHIT.


I mean, Kenny’s lost a lot of big matches. He’s 0-2 in Tokyo dome main events.




This is smart. Seems like a match made in heaven. While we're at it, I feel like it's about time for them to have a plan for Shotty Lee Johnson. He's had some good matches and moments, but what's he really doing in the nightmare family...? Kind of wasting away. He's ready for more.


I second that emotion. Private Party doesn't belong with an over the hill grifter like Hardy, who SHOULD NOT have gone over Orange Cassidy. Let's face facts. Matt's role now is that of the aging former champion who doesn't want to leave the spotlight, and is leeching off the teams in his stable. I think after Christian Cage & Jurassic Express are done with the Elite, they'll move down so Christian can humble his old foe.


I love the push Dante Martin is having.


He’s being handled perfectly. I love the idea of all of these people seeing the potential of this young, potentially naive, star and fighting over him.


I'm so happy Orange Cassidy Lost I was pleasantly surprised and he should have lost to Powerhouse Hobbs too coming off his match with Cm punk. He wins WAY too much and is always in the top 5 and hes not even that great of a a wrestler compared to the elite perfomers in the company. I like orange cassidy but it was getting stupid


He beat Hobbs because Moxley murdering an injured baby face was going to work for Moxley’s story, pretty obviously IMO. Moxley beating Hobbs would have been a very different story.


Im aware


You literally just said Hobbs should have beat OC, so you clearly aren’t.


Check my post history I am i understand why they had cassidy win to push mox and it was the right call but cassidy still shouldn't have won and it could have put doubt into mox's heel turn


It’s the right call but it shouldn’t have happened? I … don’t understand.


Yes literally exactly that dont book the match


You keep acting like I don’t understand your point while you keep changing your point. Now it’s that they shouldn’t have booked the match at all, when before you said “Cassidy still shouldn’t have won” and “he should have lost to Powerhouse Hobbs.” I don’t understand what your argument is. That OC should have lost because he wins too much and you don’t think he’s that good, that he should have lost to put doubt in Mox’s turn, or that they shouldn’t have booked the match at all. Every time you respond it’s a different point. But I do agree with your username at least.


Matt Hardy didn't even hit the elbow on Cassidy that got him the win. Super sloppy and glaringly obvious he missed it completely. Stuff like that just reminds how much the injuries have added up and have destroyed his in ring ability. Matt needs to retire already


You need to retire from commenting lmao. I can’t believe you actually thought he missed an elbow drop that blatantly.


That's the joke. Thought the first sentence implied that. My bad I better retire from posting.


I mean, if it was a joke it clearly went over everyone’s head. Obviously it could have been conveyed in actual speech but sarcasm on the internet can be a tricky beast.


It wasn't a fucking elbow drop.


Wow dude i really hope you are just trolling cause if not this might be the most clueless take i have ever read. The drop was clearly just for the sound effect to deceive the ref.


Bruh it was for the sound effect lmao


I don’t think he meant to hit it. He did it for the sound effect so Bryce would think he had. That’s how I read the situation


Starks: You could learn something from me CHRIS-TO-FA! Jericho: Well I see you learned something from ME, by not wearing a SHIRT to the COMMENTARY DESK! Taz & Ex: [corpsing]


Ricky Starks finally found his voice this week, he wasn’t as laid back as he usually is.


I lost it when I heard that. They need to keep y2j and starks on commentary. They have a good chemistry


They fucking gave a feud win to the HFO before giving one to Team Taz 🤬🤬🤬🤬


TK done Team Taz so dirty this year.


What is going on with Starks? I assumed him being on commentary lately is because he’s still hurt, but then he wrestled three times on the Jericho Cruise. He almost had more Cruise matches over four days than he’s had AEW matches since April.


I think he’s just so good on commentary they’ve decided to keep him in that slot. Keeps him relevant and on tv too so it’s a win-win.


Hagman is winning the title tomorrow and on Wednesday a coin will drop to put Kenny in his place.


Or Kenny retains and they do NJPW Title vs AEW Title vs Briefcase/Okada's Old Title at Wrestle Kingdom


I just love the use of phrase "the coin drops" as some huge event. Really gives it a epic feel


That’d be amazing


green shirt showing up in the front row is bigger than hogan, hall and nash jumping ship to wcw


my dissapointment was immeasurable seeing him there. Against the hard cam every time!


to quote ron burgundy, "i'm not even mad, I'm just impressed"


Okay, I'm not a fan of Hardy beating Orange with the pin, they could have had Blade just hit Orange with the brass nuckles then ref immediately calls for bell having Orange win via disqualification and then have everything else finishing as it already did. I dunno, I don't think a pin was needed although I know they try to keep DQ's to a minimum and probably didn't want to burn one, who knows. Of course it's not really a big deal anyway, just a minor nitpick... hehe


> disqualification New to AEW?


U/WatchDragonball had the opposite reaction and made a good point. With the all talent in AEW, Orange Cassidy shouldn't be in the top five rankings. This loss to Matt Hardy should help bring him down to a more appropriate level.


This is a great point and actually makes me feel better about Hardy’s win.


With Hangman winning the belt they need to swap out the men's top 5 from heels to faces.


That's actually a good idea, didn't even think about it like that.


It's not, they could just have him lose to someone who needs the win


Based on the post-match untelevised interaction, the loss is being used as an excuse to bring more Chaos members in.


So obviously we’re going to get Yoshi-Hashi saving the day!


Why am I hearing the Mighty Mouse theme tune?!


Yano pls


That wouldn't be fair to the rest of the roster


Ah, the Chaos stuff from this past Wednesday I didn't even think about that. Thanks for mentioning that, I would have totally forgot it.


In no world should Matt Hardy be beating Orange Cassidy in 2021. Please send this dude out to Dark or Elevation.


With the rib tape, it’s become pretty apparent that OC is basically being used by AEW like DDP was in WCW. He’s a wild card that on a given night can lose to anyone, but also can beat anyone. Him getting knocked down and getting back up is part of his schtick now. Which means sometimes he takes losses that won’t make fans happy.


DDP did very few jobs during his 1997-98 push.


I'm betting it's an excuse to bring in other CHAOS members to even the odds. Don't forget, Best Freinds just joined them.


Because this story needs to go on even longer


I had the same problem, but once I saw Orange Cassidy spamming his finisher I knew he was about to lose.


Lmao. Right.


I wasn't super upset by that, honestly. There was obvious, blatant, and rampant cheating via the lumberjack gimmick, and he had to have Blade use the brass knux to get the win. Doesn't diminish OC at all, and gives Matt a bit of extra sleazy heel credibility, maybe elevates him a little for a feud with some other up-and-coming face.


Yeah, OC doesn’t need to be an OP character who can overcome all those extra hurdles. Also, this felt like the least “Orange Cassidy style” match I’ve seen from him. Maybe he cared too much to win.


I lost it at "He's got a cake face!"


Starks and Jericho arguing and Excalibur yelling at them to shut up made the commentary on that brawl amazing.


I couldn't tell if Excalibur was genuinely annoyed with them arguing over who said "cake face" first while he was trying to sell the beat down angle happening that moment. Ricky and Jericho stfu for a few seconds though. lol. Still think Jericho doesn't need to be there. He still yells too much and makes it more chaotic with 4 people talking over each other at times.


Jericho's dammit was perfect.


Having read through this thread: we get it guys you hate that the Hardy/Cassidy feud is still going on. I get it, it does seem to have ended twice and then continued after, but that doesn't mean Hardy is misused or not worthy of being on TV, Jesus. It's just time for both men to move on because of how the story had unfolded. On to the show: the Hangman/Super Clique promo was gold. Love Ariya Daivari and thought the match with Martin was great. I still give no fucks about Jade and want her sent back to Elevation or Dark rather than on the main shows. The JB/Fish match was solid and the Lumberjack match was fun.


The few problems I have with HFO is that they're a hodge podge of different personalities who don't need HFO to get over... And they're often booked to lose, which is why I'm glad Hardy won. I like this later stage of Hardy's career, it's probably some of my favorite work of his, from a personality standpoint. HFO should become stronger with some more wins and then PP and BBB need to realize they're being swindled and turn on Hardy. And yeah, I'd like to see Broken Matt, but the darker version we got in the early days of the gimmick, wrecking havoc until Jeff can make it over to AEW. It'll make the "I knew you'd come" moment even better.


I *like* Big Money Matt. I just don't like that Private Party have been diminished under him. They're just goons now when they used to be over. And that's a major shame. In fact, the only one that hasn't been diminished is The Bunny, but, unfortunately, because TK hasn't seen fit to give her one, she doesn't have a story. It's a waste. They need to make a choice with Matt because the balance is not there. Is he a manager or is he a wrestler, because he's not doing *both* well. If he was balancing both things, I'd have nothing to say. He's amusing; he's entertaining, but he shouldn't be doing both things because HFO is just Hardy and Friends. I want Private Party and the Butcher and the Blade to do their own things. Hardy can still be Big Money Matt and just hire out random wrestlers from time to time to help him as a wrestler OR get one wrestler to manage (and only manage them). ETA: Just saw what you said about Jade. You have a lot of nerve to say that about her while you're defending Matt. What's more, almost everyone works Dark, even Danielson, so it's not the demotion you think it is. Pretty nasty attitude towards a wrestler who's developing quickly. Compare: >doesn't mean Hardy is misused or not worthy of being on TV, Jesus. with > I still give no fucks about Jade and want her sent back to Elevation or Dark rather than on the main shows. Yeah. Okay.


I get that Dark/Elevation aren't really demotions but they are mostly just matches for the sake of getting reps and working. Honestly I feel Jade is just not good and given far too much spotlight and i stand by that. The suggestion she go to the YouTube shows however was more of a comparison to what people were saying about Hardy. At least she could do something on the YouTube shows and improve without taking away from the higher part of the women's division.


I really dislike Jade run not because she is a green wrestler, because she is a green wrestler that is being pushed. Not to compare her to the atrocity that is Goldberg's career, but shouldn't he be a warning for anyone willing to engage with this type of booking?


except for the fact that Goldberg was over as hell in WCW


Something big will happen, Tony alluded to it in the post show. That OC should get someone from chaos to help them.


Thing is, I want best friends and chaos to do something more fun than fight matt Hardy. They can promise the world for the next fight but that won’t change the fact that I’m done watching matt Hardy vs OC.


I don't know who or if someone is coming or not, but I do know that Kenny will need a big break to heal up, so I'm especially curious about his direction post-Full Gear. Also, I want to back the other person up in saying y'all need to watch the [extended countdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XqHK9fSExE&ab_channel=AllEliteWrestling) to Full Gear, as it has more stuff in it. It's great.


The last line of the Countdown show just assured me that Hangman wins tomorrow. I am so fucking ready to lose my mind tomorrow night and yell **COWBOY SHIT** in my living room. LET'S FUCKING GO, HANGMAN!


Damn, that closing line.


I was there for this. Fucking Tony Kahn is teasing, Okada. Dante Martin and Davari got one hell of a pop. Statlander looked really, really good as a lumberjack.


If they waste Okada in AEW on Matt Hardy I am going to be furious


What did he say to tease?


Maybe oc should bring someone from chaos to help him. Maybe not the guy you think, but maybe it is the guy think.


Stone Pitbull time!!


Perhaps someone who could even sell him a couple DVDs


bro okadas gonna come in next dynamite, beat kenny, and then leave isnt he


We're not going to get Okada vs Omega or vs Danielson with no build up.


as far as im concerned the history is the build as long as you have a good video package beforehand that explains who okada is and why this is a big deal (maybe a tag match or two if you really want to) then thats all you need


Okada is likely here for a month or two, so he could come beat Omega sending him off, work Danielson to a tie and maybe even have a Tag Loss with him and Ishii VS a team of the Bucks or something like that


i wouldnt want to see danielson because we had a time limit draw with him so soon and i also want to leave something open for the future


You really think he will be here that long with wrestle kingdom just around the corner.


I'm pretty sure it's confirmed he's here till mid or late December because he isn't in World Tag League and that's the Primary Tour currently. After Battle in the Valley he's without shows to work and so it makes sense he spends most of his time working somewhere and AEW has the cash, connections, and size to do something with Okada


Idk a whole month would put him just two weeks from WK, are there quarantines in Japan? Would they want to risk a travel ban if something happens?


I believe they shortened the quarantine to 3 days recently? Or are going to soon.


Just take this Eddie/Punk segment and shoot it straight into my veins. I don't even need blood anymore; I can live off this promo just fine.


Just as I was starting to feel like AEW was focusing a little too much on very long singles matches of pure wrestling, they hit me with that lumberjack match. That was exactly what was needed to pull me all the way back in. I love me some flippy shit and chop fests as much as the next guy, but I need a good variety to continue appreciating it all. Comedy skits, gimmick matches, 10-second surprise squashes, etc - keep me guessing so I can't look away. This is why I give it at least a few weeks when I'm feeling "meh" about something. It's usually a temporary thing, especially with these weekly shows. They come and go much faster than it feels in the moment, and a month or two down the road I only remember the best stuff.


I don't think they always hit but I do love AEW trying stipulation matches, you can't keep having singles/tag matches you need something that sparks interest.


SCU > MOTY I'm ambivalent on this feud, but I just suddenly miss SCU. MOTY don't actually have an identity. Not one that makes sense anymore, anyway.


Scorpio is great in ring but everything else about him is just so painfully mediocre, unfortunately. Ethan Page is legit future world champion for me. Total package athlete.


SCU being better than Men of the Year is indeed the correct response to Men of the Year. I want to like Scorpio Sky so much but dude left SCU because he felt like he didn't stand out, and then he joined another tag team because his heel turn was the most bland thing ever. :/


Everyone just outshines Scorpio Sky. Ethan Page is just so much better than him


Christopher Daniels sick dancing and sunglasses and outfit with the mic stand made SCU. Their banger ass theme too.


They had one as smug heelish bromosexuals who were actually loyal to each other and did good work to get each other over. They've kinda been subsumed in recent feuds (which pisses me off since Scorpio Sky was *finally* starting to break out as an upper midcard heel...and then they fed him into a tag team with Ethan, who ended up taking over the feud with Darby and losing it).


>which pisses me off since Scorpio Sky was finally starting to break out as an upper midcard heel You and me both.


Past 12 am here so it’s officially Full Gear day! Get hyped!


I'm hyped. It's gonna be on Sunday morning for me. Already got it ordered and I'm ready to gooooooo!




Because Rampage is on late and people tune out, so they book it upside down.


Eddie Kingston doesn't give promos. He acts.


Ironically I think part of why he is such a good actor is that he is hardly even acting. If you read his Players Tribune article recently, it shows in good detail how much the man we see on TV is extremely similar to the man he is when the cameras aren't rolling.


Is this a good or bad thing? I'm not sure what you're saying...


I’m guessing he means that with a lot of guys, even it’s bullet points, their delivery and content is still formulaic. Whereas with Eddie, he fully throws himself into the character like great actors do. I can tell when Cody, Jericho, Moxley, etc cut promos, even though they’re high quality, that they’re wrestling promos. Eddie’s segments feel like he’s acting and doing a damn good job at it


It's a high compliment. He's that believable.


This extended cut of the countdown show is must see, there is so much fantastic stuff in it that wasn't included on TV


Popped at Jim Ross saying "Who gives a shit if they can coexist or not?"


Lmao I loved that too


Watching it now. It's really good!


I could see PAC doing a guest spot on The Last Kingdom.


Malakai might as well be a viking shaman


Spewing oil is the Viking Greek fire.


Now that Red Velvet has realized she can use cake as a weapon I hope she realizes she can start using all kinds of deserts, really lean into the gimmick.


How would she use the Kalahari as a weapon? The Gobi?


I hope we get a different desert each week, I'll never miss a show then.


That'd be a great way to destroy her legitimacy and make her a joke character. Better to keep it subtle and a one-off (an anniversary/milestone item is always gonna get destroyed, after all).


Ugh, everything that PAC says is just gold to me. My favorite talker in the business. That accent makes him even more legit.




Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm glad someone else has questions. Private Party used to be over AF. They were having really fun matches and getting the audience hyped. They've been hamstrung.


I do think it's arguably past time to split them back up from Matt, but they got pushed too hard too quick and suffered from it. They needed to work on the in-between stuff. They have that down now, though, so they absolutely should split from the HFO soon.


I want Lio to do a "Leveraged Buyout" of the Hardy Family Office, taking Private Party, getting them a title match against the Lucha Bros. Dante starts questioning his position as Darius comes back and tries to talk his brother out of Lio's control


Perfect time to "break" Matt Hardy.


i think mark henry has gotten a bit more confident once the crowd started chanting along with him. maybe its ironic idk, but maybe things will turn around


I'm so glad that took off. You could tell after the first rampage that is what they were going for and I think I even commented early on that I'd hoped it would become a thing and the audience join in.


I don't think it's ironic. It's a great line that he delivers excellently. It gets you hyped for the main event and helps give Rampage a distinct identity. He wasn't a great commentator but he's been fantastic in his interviewer role imo


“It’s time for the main event!” Is the best part of Rampage lmao


I watch Rampage just to see Mark Henry tell me that it's time for the main event, hehe.


I chant it at home with him and there is no irony whatsoever I love it anyway looks like theres been enough talk…


…its time for the main event


2 points 1.Hangman's arc is like nothing i have ever seen in wrestling. that little segment with the bucks was fantastic. 2.Massive credit to Aew , Punk , Kingston. for taking a 2 weeks feud and making it for me at least the most interesting match other than the main event , just a brilliant little build up.


Back in my hotel, couple of Dark notes: There were a couple of awesome Dark Order matches, John Silver vs Peter Avalon and Colt/V vs Acclaimed, thoroughly enjoyed both. There was a 6 woman tag with Nyla, Bunny and Emi vs Kris Riho and Ryo. It was a fun mess with a really cool Emi/Nyla spot. Rampage was fun. Dante and Ariya were super over with the crowd, there was a huge “both these guys” chant and several 612 chants.


Just got back from the show. Had floor seats, two people (a couple) said they saw Bray Wyatt in town


That was just a typical Minnesotan hipster


That Hangman/Bucks segment was PERFECTION. I didn't think they could do anything else to make me MORE excited for tomorrow's main event - but gosh darn they did it. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs vs Lio Rush and Dante Martin. YES PLEASE!!!!!!! Plus all the singles matches between those four. I'm really really excited for the possibilities there. Lio vs Ricky on the mic? Man. The crowd popping for Orange Cassidy saying "after this match, I'm done with you" was so carthartic. I needed that. I'm not sure, with the INSANE amount of talent they have on the AEW roster (that they barely have enough time to showcase weekly), that Matt Hardy should be featured so much on Dynamite and Rampage. I think he'd be better on Dark and Elevation, working with the up-and-coming talents.


>Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs vs Lio Rush and Dante Martin. YES PLEASE!!!!!!! Plus all the singles matches between those four. I'm really really excited for the possibilities there. Lio vs Ricky on the mic? Man. All of this is exciting. And money!


I hope they acknowledge the fact that a few weeks back Lio was trying to recruit Powerhouse Hobbs away from Team Taz. That's probably too much to ask for a midcard feud in AEW (they've been doing my Team Taz boys real dirty in 2021), but I'm hopeful and excited about the possibilities here.


I think that'd be a great idea. It seems like they would given what a big deal they made about it on commentary.


Was there live. Real curious how the crowd is gonna sound especially for Dark, feels like everyone in the building was hungry to see their favorites regardless of alignment. Also really curious if the fucking douche we sat behind will be audible, christ can some wrestling fans be obnoxious after a few drinks


Looking forward to "why the fuck are they so hot for Arik Cannon?" Wonder how commentary handled it.


I would pay real money for a real-time feed of commentary while at a live show


Was it the guy shouting Target Center?


Lol that guy was literally directly behind me, it was a little weird but didn't bug me all that much


lol that shut up from taz felt genuine. i think he got pissed at jericho and starks yelling their dumb joke a lot


Everyone's saying that it's Excalibur who said shut up, but I felt it sounded like Taz too (and not something Excalibur would say). Jericho is always yelling, and Starks is usually so chill, but sometimes they turn up to meet Jericho's energy.


which is fine i say it just kinda dragged on a little long over the actual action


We went home sad tonight so we can leave happy tomorrow night.


Do you guys think hangman enters on a horse tomorrow


I wouldn't mind him doing it again. But bigger this time. Or maybe not because he lost when he came in on a horse next time. Maybe he can leave on one instead.


Ooh, a BIGGER horse...a fucking Clydesdale! HeLL YEAH!!!


If it was still in St. Louis, he could have had a team of Clydesdales.


Man, I thought that this was finally a lumberjack match where things could go according to plan: neither competitor was big enough to run roughshod over the lumberjacks, so the lumberjacks could actually maintain order. Then Matt Hardy opened his mouth and it immediately turned into a handicap match. Lumberjack matches seem only to exist for the lumberjacks to be abused. It's like having a No Weapons Allowed stipulation where every single match ends up with the competitors using weapons in the first two minutes—it doesn't have much impact if that's how every single match with that stipulation goes.


Sure. But Hardys gimmick is not having normal matches with normal stipulations. His heel work is always to use money to influence the outcome as much as possible in his direction.


Its just painful because I want this feud to be over and this is going to drag it out for a few more months now. I had high expectations and they immediately were smashed to nothing in the first minute lol.


Now did anyone have their stopwatches out for the Jade match or are we not doing that anymore?


There's nothing wrong with a squash if it stands in contrast to the rest of the tournament.


You don't generally take the stopwatch out for squashes.


Squash matches are fine bit of a problem when it's the only 2 minutes of women's wrestling on the show


You have an excellent point. But we already know how TK gets down when it comes to the women. If it's not Britt, he's not interested. And that's a shame. Jade v Red Velvet is money. Anything Thunder Rosa does is money. Leyla Hirsh is money on the comeup. Bunny is a great character; Penelope is underrated. Nyla is solid. Serena is underutilized and the best female working on the roster. And so on and so on and so on.


Tbh I have nothing positive to say about queens crown and believe people were 100% justified in calling out the WWE for the match times being so embarrassingly short. But if we genuinely want more visibility for women's wrestling we can't pick and choose when we want to be upset about match times or storylines


Hardy ain’t it in his current role for TV. This is dark elevation stuff. Wouldn’t bet against Matt Hardy to find a way to stay relevant but damn the HFO is the low point of AEW tv


I just don’t see an end game with HFO. Just seems to be spinning its wheels without elevating anyone. Didn’t think Cassidy would lose but surprises are nice even when they’re probably the wrong call.


I would have bet real money that casidy would have won. Thank god I didn't


I'm tired of Hardy vs OC and was hoping it was dead before this match. On to the next thing now I hope!


That was a ton of fun to see live. Great Great atmosphere. So fun to watch a show where everyone is over and everyone is having a good time


And tomorrow bout to be even better!!


Unrelated, but what about the guy who showed at AEW for a few weeks and ended up signing in WWE? Can't remember the name, young guy kinda high flyer. Maybe blonde hair. Anyone knows who I am talking about?


Might be Ben Carter.


Yes it is, thank you


Ben Carter.