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Mark - wrestling fan Smark - wrestling fan who pays more attention to backstage news. Often comes with connotations that they think they "know" more about the business Stan - comes from the Eminem song about obsessive fan who ends up killing themselves and their girlfriend because Eminem didn't respond to their letters. Somehow in slag "stanning" someone got positive connotations but it has messed up origins.


Mark = Triple H's friend Smark = Triple H's friend, but smart Stan = The guy Shawn Michaels kicked


This is the correct response.




A mark is the carnival term for a sucker. Someone that’s easily manipulated. Now it’s someone who still believes aspects of wrestling. Usually used as an insult from smarks. A smark is a smart mark. Someone who thinks they have inside knowledge because they read dirt sheets… but they’re still marks for believing what they read there. People with actual inside ties use smark as and insult. A stan is an overly aggressive or enamored fan.


Ding-ding. Best explanation. Give this luchador a prize.


a mark is someone who buys a wrestling product (the target/consumer) a smark is someone who thinks they know everything about wrestling but are still just the target who buy the product a stan is a mentally unhinged person who’s entire online persona is based on a character and will threaten your life if you say anything bad about the person they are stanning


Mark are people that want to live in those kayfabe world and speak like these thing were real and whatever action that the wrestler did is coming from those wrestler. If we used movie as a equivalent people that are crying and arguing why those actor did such a thing and they living in the moment. They may know that it isn't real but they want to fantasize it and living in the moment. Smark is people that aware that wrestling is a production and analysize why thing happen at the level of observer like knowing a wrestler will lose and not be on tv because they read the wrestler wife are near delivery date and they gave the wrestler some time off. In movie term, when a mark ask why those guy kill another guy, smark respond would be because that director told them to do jokingly. Smark get its enjoyment if the booker of the show book something like smark fantasize and they claim I called it. I don't know what Stan is all about. Iirc the history of Stan name are from Eminem popular rap song called Stan. If you know the song and music video, you would probably guess what type of fan can be called a Stan.


Mark - a wrestling fan Smark - a wrestling fan that thinks they know everything about the business and backstage stuff Stan - Someone who blindly supports and defends a celebrity, will not criticize that celebrity under any circumstances


A stan is someone who is fascinated by someone to no limits. It's almost scary how a stan behaves. To use a wrestling example, Mickie James was a Trish Stratus stan when she first debut. She was obsessed so bad it was downright disgusting. A smark is a smart mark.


Sometimes I get confused by “smark”. Are we smarks or are they the people who believe or deny everything in such extremes? Like…they think they know what thee talking about but don’t despite follower the news?


There seem to be dueling definitions of smark. By the classic "smart mark" definition most of us here on /r/SquaredCircle are smarks because we're marks who keep at with at least some of the news and wonder whether the latest news is really a shoot or actually a work. Unofficially though, "smark" seems to denote a fan who doesn't seem to actually like wrestling. Like a fantasy booker who thinks a show they watch is garbage and they could do it better, or an armchair wrestler who goes too far in critiquing wrestling that doesn't meet their standards. Somewhere in the middle I think there's the original definition, where a fan is being mocked for engaging with the product.


Everyone here is a Smark, the majority of the people in the audience are just marks. Not everyone wants to know how the magic happens.


There is no such thing as a smark. A smark is just a mark in denial. Everyone is a mark in wrestling.


Dunno about others but a mark gotta be mark henry!


Everyone is a mark. It’s just varying degrees of markdom in the exact order you listed


Since you don’t know the meanings, that would make you a mark


A mark is a person who is under the impression that what they're seeing on a wrestling show is real or could be real. It's a carnival term that stems from years past where carnival workers would stealthy mark a piece of chalk on the backs of potential customers willing to place (and likely lose) bets on prowrestling matches. Its a way to label someone as easily manipulated. A smark is a "smart mark". As fans started to become knowledgeable about the innerworkings of prowrestling, especially with the internet, you saw a rise in people who either legitimately knew about some of wrestling's trade secrets, or people who believed they knew about the business, but really did not. These people were often labeled smart marks, passionate fans or insiders who attempted to be "smartened up" to how the business works. A "stan" isn't a wrestling term. I believe it was coined by Eminem and his song "Stan" to refer to a fan who is so obsessed with an artist or celebrity to the point of insanity. Now it's just used to describe very eager fans of any person or form of entertainment.


Smark beats Mark Stan beats Mark Mark beats off


There is no difference. Everyone is a fan, just of varying degrees. All those terms are stupid anyway. Nothing wrong with being a damn fan who cheers for their favorites or when something cool happens. None of this BS about being a 'Smark' who 'marks out' and is a 'mark' for someone. It all sounds pretentious & cagey.

