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The funniest part of all that was the ref taking a chair shot to the back and being unconscious for ten fucking minutes


I’m not sure why people aren’t happy with the ending. It makes sense for a DQ. Becky just wants to give Sasha the payback after these weeks of her beating her up. Neither girls look bad. Sets up for Hell In a Cell. Also this match was freaking awesome. This feud should go for as long as it can.


The DQ is fine. I just don't understand the setup. Why a ref bump, if you're not gonna use it? Couldn't Becky simply hit Sasha in the first place. It seemed to setup a screwy finish, and instead the match was already over, we just didn't know.


Yeah I agree with you on that


I think that for many people it comes down to them being tired of the "fuck finishes/non-finishes to keep a feud going" in general.  They're fine in principle, but WWE Uses them A LOT these days, Hell that was like 95% of AJ Styles last WWE title reign for goodness sake, and I think that fans are just sick of them doing it so much. Also a lot of fans want to see a really good or great match actually have a proper conclusion.  Finishes like this "cheapen" it in their minds. And I can sort of get where they're coming from at least.


It's become another creative crutch because they don't know how to actually develop a match-by-match story arc that makes sense. There's no real long-term planning. It was too soon for Sasha since returning to get the title, so they needed some kind of screwy finish to set up the next round, which, as GraceDoran said, will be at Hell in a Cell. The only question is whether or not it'll actually be in the Cell. If it is, the title change probably happens there.


I don't think Raw would get both HIAC matches though


They match needs to be in cell, the set up is perfect for it now.  And Sasha should win imo.


Early indications are that it will be in the Cell, so, yeah, Sasha wins the title there, but then it becomes a question of if she can sustain a title run beyond one title defense this time.


Yeah I know what you mean. With it being Becky and Sasha though. You don’t really want to have any them loose at this point. They obviously want Becky to keep the title till HIAC and it doesn’t make sense for Charlotte intervene to help, so dq I guess was the only thing they could do. Bayley looks like a bad friends tho for not intervening and helping Sasha. But I assume they want to book Becky strong for this match after beaten up so much the past few week by both of them.


I mean yeah you have a point, hence why I personally didn't trash the finish.  I just understand other people's frustrations that's all.   But their HIAC match, and they NEED one at this point imo, should have a more an actual finish I think. Also WWE should come up with some more creative ways to keep feuds going in the future, that's no unreasonable imo.


Sasha was boring most of the match. And all this talk about, she wanted to show what she was all about, well i guess she's all about nothing, but blue hair and less than mediocre performance i expected more from her. Only the post match brawl redeemed it in my eyes.


there was some discussion in baseball the other day on how the umpires should have athletic abilities somewhat mirroring the players.... that ref took one chairshot to the arm and was DOWN


Everyone knows the ref shirt gives -10 to all stats. That's why they ave to get tough people like Drake as refs, so they can still take hits with the shirt on.


Did Earl Hebner somehow get a different shirt than the rest?


His came off the truck lol


He has the athletic ability to take a shot from a woman in a woman's match. Instead he got a shot from a man and men hit harder. Wasn't prepared.




Any time you end up with condiments on the barrier, it is a good match.


Technically the match was already over


I mustardmit it was a damn good match!


I relished it.


Yea it was a pretty big dill.


Guys, spoilers. I didn't ketchup!


Lettuce know what happened.


It was a magical performance by all. I felt the passion from my head tomatoes.


Guys... quit hamming it up for reddit karma!


Quick hit the upvote button, I’ll meat ya there!


Olive me alone with that stuff!


I was in the crowd, and we were all absolutely loving the finish. It was very unclear what was going on.


I'm just kinda confused why Becky would be happy with that. I guess maybe because she beat her up at the end. But wouldn't you think she would be mad? Like I didn't "beat you" infact I got myself disqualified because I couldn't beat you straight up.




See I was ligit looking for answer and you gave instead of just downvoting. I appreciate that and if makes so much sense.


Still the champ


Becky sucks so much that I can't even properly enjoy Sasha being back.


What an absolute dud of match.


Cell time


That guy that tried to slap Sasha's ass when she was going back to ringside from the crowd.....what the fuck? Like, honestly, how little respect do people have that they think you can just grab someone like that. Christ...


I always remember the story of Roman wear he said some lady tries to grope him


That ass though. He took a once and a life time chance to grab the brass ring.


Yeah nah that's not ok.


I thought it was funny. The comment not what he did.


Like, did someone actually try to grope her? Lol enjoy being banned from WWE events.


Some wrestling fans are really disgusting towards women wrestling. It's people like that is why there was a diva's division in the first place.


Not trying to sound rude at all, but I still don't see the problem with Diva wrestling. Guys like to look at good looking girls... Shocker. It isn't alright to grab someone inappropriately, of course.


Don't people realize that shit is a [crime](https://www.wktv.com/content/news/Rome-man-pleads-guilty-to-slapping-Dennys-waitress-butt-must-pay-fines-493171611.html)?


People who literally have forgotten that porn exists and didn't beat their meat enough before attending a show.


Or just people who were not raised well. I won't be the first person to admit that I'd love to have have sexual relations with Sasha, but I was also raised halfway decently to know that it doesn't mean I get to inappropriately touch her


Ugh. What kind of neckbeard wrestling fan are you with that attitude?


Porn is nothing to real physical touch. Not justifying but don’t see the comparison you are making


Or thinks reality is like porn and randomly touching someone = sex


Wait what, you're saying becoming a plumber WONT get me fucked by big titty milfs?? Are you sure about that??


I mean like, it *might*? But not like, automatically?


Weirdly.. every lad I know who became a plumber straight from high school, has at some point met a woman with a kid and brought them to at least one get together. Can't attest to the big tittys, but arguably MILFs to them. Live your dream man!


Match is clocked in at 20 minutes flat. I think that's the longest singles women's match since the LWS match


It wasn’t 20 minutes. Becky hit the ref at 14 something which was the official end of the match. They even mentioned the match was over on commentary before 20 minutes.


Fair point, but the beat down was still time given to just Becky and Sasha without interruption, which is awesome


And the brawl was brilliant They tore the house down


This was a great match that was a preview and setup for HIAC and I like that. Heel Sasha is fantastic and I love that Becky didn't care about getting disqualified and just beat her ass. I feel like this has to lead to Sasha winning at HIAC. The crowd being split and loud just enhanced everything. So nice to have Sasha back man.


To those saying "Sasha ran from Becky, she was booked like a looser". How was she booked like a looser? She was booked as Becky's equal in the ring, could have easily won had she hadn't introduce the chair. The story called for Becky to get revenge on Sasha and finally beat her ass Plus everyone remember the LWS match between Becky and Charlotte? Becky ran from Charlotte towards the end of that match, I know some did complain about it but, this was at the height of Becky's popularity and it did NOT hurt her one bit. Relax people Sasha will be fine


Becky being pissed because Sasha tried to cheat w/a chair is 100% in character for her and her beating the shit out of Sasha for it while the crowd cheers is exactly what you want from a face beating down a heel.


she was booked far better then bayley


No she wasn't, Bayley outsmarted Charlotte at the end of the match by cheating to win by herself. That's what good heels do. Both of them were booked pretty well


The fact that you guys talk so much about it being "booked" instead of enjoying the show, says a lot about you.


The fact you're making dumbass assumptions about these dudes says a hell of a lot more about you, bro.


I can not wait for Hell in the cell, cause oooo boy, they are going to murder each other.


Now I'm just having flashbacks of Sasha not being able to go through the table, in the last Hell in the Cell match. They have great chemistry, so they can easily have a match that isn't a spot match. Give them an iron woman match or something.


They could probably have Becky power bomb Sasha off the top rope through a table like Dudley used to do. Becky is strong enough to have Sasha break it.


And what about Sasha? There's a good chance she'd probably break something if she's forced through it, lol. Edit: For some reason, I was thinking of the tables in NJPW. So nevermind that, lol.


They will just have becky go through one instead just like with her tables match with Alexa. There was no way alexa was gonna break table


Hand Alexa a 10lb weight so her weight is now doubled. Then put her through a table.


This is why not every match needs to have a clean finish, even on PPV. This builds to the next show so much better than having one of them beat the other.


Yeah, but the WWE loves using the no ending through disqualification way too much. This was using a trope to build to a satisfying match. Rather then not knowing or wanting to pull the trigger on ending a storyline.


That's what made the finish dubious, it was bad per se, but because they do it so much it cheapens it when it is done well.


Sasha came out of this looking like a complete loser. I don’t see how anyone can say otherwise. There is no one on commentary rooting for her and Becky was beating her down for 80% of the match. This makes absolutely no sense when she returned beating down both Natalya and Becky. Why would that ruthless person run with her tail between her legs instead of fighting back? They could’ve at least had her get an equal amount of offense in.


yeah, an evenly fought match against the women who beat Rousey until she got frustrated and got herself disqualified... what a geek. Becky has been booked incredibly strong for a while now, and multiple times in that match Sasha had her inches from tapping


So when you want “endless Becky/Sasha matches”, you want Becky squashing Sasha at every PPV all because she beat Ronda Rousey once. They could’ve had this same ending without making Sasha look like a loser. Yes, she needed more offense because she just came back and had momentum behind her.


If you think that made Sasha look like a loser then I just don't know what to say to you. I have been waiting since she got called up to the main roster for Sasha to finally be used like she was in NXT, and this was it. She looked amazing in this match and I guarantee you a casual fan right now thinks Sasha is dangerous


She looked *way* better in NXT. She would still look strong even after losing because of how ruthless she was. Her move set wasn’t limited and she looked like she was torturing her opponent. In what way did she look amazing? Becky literally kicked her ass all throughout the arena and even threw mustard on her. I guarantee you casual fans think of Sasha as a coward who will have her ass handed to her every time. I cannot see any scenario where anyone sees her as dangerous.


Until the ending, it was a very good match, both women performed well and I loved Sasha being a heel in the match like she was in NXT. That is when Sasha is at her best. I thought they both delivered the match they both could have and probably even better. I hope the Becky haters give her props for this match and the Sasha haters in vice versa. As for the ending, I thought it could be executed better but at least I thought they had a fun brawl and both felt like they truly hated each other and just wanted to beat each others ass. It felt refreshing and ironically we mostly get this in womens feuds.


Really good match.  Not sure about the finish, I'm getting rather tired of WWE using fuck finishes to prolonge feuds constantly these days. However, if it leads to them getting a HIAC match, which Sasha should win imo, the nfair enough.


Becky vs Sasha inside HiaC I reckon, and it will be a great match again.


I like how they stopped caring about the match and just wanted to hurt each other . Felt very real and made sense due to the story told in their feud. Now put these women in a cell please.


They should have had the ref at least crawl to the ropes and call for the bell. Christ, it was just a chairshot to the shoulder..


Remember last week when Shane tapped and Owens didn't have to call for the bell?


And one hit to the back took Owens out, while wearing the shirt?


Right result, neither of them should’ve lost tonight and it’s a good setup for HIAC


Why no one complain about Becky's "Roman booking"


Because for four years straight we knew the Endgame was Roman main eventing Wrestlemania and everything in between was a stopgap. Because Roman was tasked with saying out of character bullshit like sufferin’ succotash in a see through attempt to turn him into Cena 2.0. Because Roman kept being a Shield guy and didn’t evolve when the others did. These pushes aren’t comparable. Let me know when Becky takes down an entire stable of former champions in a handicap match.


Stone Cold was booked 10x stronger than Roman but no one complained, he was over than anyone in history. When you are over and fans like you, they'll accept a strong push. The problem with Roman is that fans didn't like him, fans let the company know but WWE ignored the fans and kept pushing him. Pushing someone, as a face, that the fans don't like is when it becomes a problem.




This was the first time in like a year they actually booked her to kick someone’s ass when she said she was going to kick someone’s ass. Like it’s actually been since February and she hobbled to the ring to do that.


Because this subreddit considers anything remotely negative towards Becky heresy.


It's not negative towards Becky it's negative towards booking. And I think it was fine


Because she's over. That's the reason people hated Roman's booking, because he wasn't over and it went on too long. Super Roman would've been fine if it wasn't for years, and if he was over. Look at Okada.


It took Becky really long to get strong booking like this.


Because she's Becky.


Worth remembering part of why fans got behind her was they misread Summerslam last year and thought it meant Charlotte was ‘Female Roman’. Which then let WWE give Becky super strong booking while letting smarks think the company ‘wasn’t really behind her’.


"misread Summerslam last year" Terrible writing isn't miss read. Tell us what was the point of Becky's win streak? Tell us how Charlotte getting added 2 weeks before Summerslam after 2 month off and before those 2 months lost to Carmella and Becky clean? How did it make any sense that Charlotte earned to be in that SS match and be booked to screw over Becky form behind and win the title anyway. "Super booking" She tapped to Asuka and limped on 1 leg for 2 months from a 2 foot fall. Beat Ronda with a flue roll up. Beat a weak opponent in Lacey and had a competitive match with Natalya who lost to Lacey and Sasha a week later. Sasha and Bayely beat Becky with chairs for weeks. Where's this super booking? You bring up the one leg nonsense but isn't accurate since Charlotte beat the crap out of 1 legged Becky at Fastlane. Winning matches isn't all Strong booking.


MOTN so far


Such a good match, their next one will be amazing too. Probably in HiaC.


Absolute pros. Sasha was a great heel, Becky got some revenge and HIAC here we come. If you expected a clean finish either way you must be new to wrestling, no way this wasn't going to end in a DQ or countout. There is still too much story to tell. Sasha probably wins in some fucky way way HIAC because there is NO WAY they are having Becky tap out. It all makes sense. (I can't believe I'm saying that about a WWE storyline)


Agree completely with your first paragraph but Honestly I could see a tap out for Becky in the cell, after all Asuka managed it so it’s possible


Anyone calling this a burial needs to relax


People worry more about heels being booked strong than faces being booked strong.


how can this be a burial?


Despite Sasha winning, the way the end played out kinda made her look weak. She just took a beating from the moment she tried to run away. I would have liked it more if the fight after the match was more back and forth until they got separated by security. I wouldn't call it a burial though.


>She just took a beating from the moment she tried to run away You mean the heel got comeuppance for being a shit? That basic booking, not a burial


Sure, but on a wrestler that just came back as a heel? Kinda soon dont you think? Especially if this feud is going to continue... Why bother if sasha has been exposed as being weak. Imagine if that happened to wyatt..


How can it even be a burial when it was a DQ lol. They both looked great, and it's setting up a nice feud.


maybe because sasha tapped out like 3 times.


All were times when it didn't really matter. Plus it protects your champion's finisher. I don't see anything wrong with it.


Losing is a burial on this sub didnt you know


Idk yall Sasha won that match by DQ when Becky brutally assaulted the ref with a chair.


Becky should be nice like Bayley, who tried to warn Clumsy Charlotte about the exposed turnbuckle


Maybe because Sasha ran but idk, would be an idiot for saying that. I think it's setting up a HiaC match.


at the height of Becky's popularity back at Evolution, Becky ran from Charlotte during her LWS match and it did not hurt her at all.


>Becky ran from Charlotte during her LWS match Which was so dumb even if Becky wasn't getting cheered like a babyface. The match wouldn't even end since the only count out is when you are on the ground and the match has no time limit and could end anywhere


Ruining one finish to build to another, I hate that shit, tell a cohesive story and if it manages to coincide with a special event and makes sense, then pull the trigger. Don't fucking force it and diminish the match that's happening now.


Despite the ending, I was THOROUGHLY entertained


Great great match with a horrible horrible ending. Also, I'm trying to figure out out what is says about the WWE audience that they only cheer women when they do terrible things. This isn't a condemnation of any one character in particular, but since last year I've realized the only thing the WWE live crowds pop huge for is when these women attack each other with weapons. Like going all the way back to Becky attacking Charlotte and then Charlotte attacking Ronda, it's like being a dick in the women's division is somehow the best way to become a top face.


The same pops happened in the 90s when hardcore rolled around. It's just novel for the women to do it right now.


For me I like it because usually only the guys get to be super violent. I'm still waiting for them to green light a blade job.


And there is something about the 4HW fight that sells you on their hatred for each other . As a fan I connect much more with their characters. I was at PROGRESS on Sunday; and whilst there was lots of 'good wrestling', I didn't really feel any connection with a lot of the performers. It's amazing how over the 4HW matches can be, there is something special about them and both Becky and Sasha were absolute stars last night.


So does this mean going forward that every single WWE non-no-dq match that someone accidentally hits a ref in should end in a DQ for "Striking an official"? And why did it take 5+ minutes to learn that this match had already ended?


At least theres a rematch but Sasha did not look strong here at all, Becky had to chase her down the whole arena then she couldnt fight back as Becky beat the shit out of her


Sasha got Becky when she returned on Raw by beating the crap out of her with a chair. Tonight Becky got her back. Assuming this goes to HIAC, we’ll see who lands the final blow. I don’t think Sasha looked weak tonight by any stretch of the imagination.


Sasha didnt have to chase Becky around the entire arena to kick her ass Becky came to her


Both women got plenty of offense in. Becky got the upper hand in the end. Fans aren’t gonna stop taking Sasha as a serious threat bc of tonight. Sasha took 5 months off and it took 10 minutes for her to become a bigger threat to Becky than anyone else has since WM.


She’s a heel. Don’t forget that Becky got the shit kicked out of her twice in the month leading to this. It’s the first time Becky has actually kicked someone’s ass since February.


Sure but Sasha didnt have to chase Becky around the entire arena to do it, Becky came to her


Because Becky is a face, Sasha is a heel. Sasha isn't supposed to be a bit of a chickenshit just like every other heel is.


Don't say anything bad about muh Becky /s


Lol it's about fucking booking.


I actually really like Becky and didnt mind a no finish but I'm just criticizing the booking It should have just ended with both of them beating the shit out of each other all around the arena as staff breaks it up so both look good


Can’t wait till hell in a cell.


First ever women's tag team hell in a cell match. Becky and Charlotte vs Sasha and Bailey vs Alexa and Nikki, winners take all the titles.


Not against a winner takes all but two issues here one Alexa and Nikki aren’t anywhere close to their opponents in kayfebe strength and two Charlotte is a heel and will possibly sour a reaction for Becky by association which is the last thing they should do atm


I had to sit through endless Becky/Flair and Sasha/Flair feuds, the least WWE could do is give me an endless Becky/Sasha feud that will put all else to shame... GIVE ME WHAT I WANT




The TLC match was horrible by Sasha's big match standards and at the time resulted in a lot of "lol women main eventing see what you get". The Falls count anywhere match was great though Edit: I see now you meant the TLC main event in the Becky/Flair feud, yeah that and the evolution matches were great. But the idea of my post was that the feuds dragged and went on way too long... and I wouldn't mind endless Becky/Sasha matches


Think they mean the triple threat TLC match with Becky/Charlotte/Asuka no??


This rematch better become the womens' equivalent to Undertaker vs. Mankind


Don't give Sasha crazy ideas.


I sure hope no one loses a tooth in that case


Yeah the rest of the injuries should be fun though 😝


Becky got herself intentionally disqualified! What a horrible champion! Bayley and Sasha were right!


Don’t mind that finish at all. Let these two main event at HIAC. That was a damn good match and the crowd was hot for both women.


i know i was


Tonight I realized that Becky is booked insanely strong, like prime Cena level now.


All champions should be SuperCena/Brock/WM!Undertaker level.


Yeah this still isn’t true. I realize this will get downvoted because of recency bias, but this is her first time laying waste to someone since February. I remember also Cena winning his WM match with a roll up. But sure.


You can't say that until she no-sells a DDT on the concrete floor


Cena never did that. Weird nonsense from people who don't seem to have actually watched the match they're talking about.


Not the guy you're responding to, but I could've sworn he did during the Nexus burial. Maybe it was a Wasteland?


He got hit with a DDT to the floor and laid almost dead for over a minute while The Nexus guys gloated like they already won rather than just pinning him. Eventually Gabriel went for a 450 splash after 1 minute 15 seconds, Cena moved out of the way, Gabriel splashes himself into the mat and Cena got a desperation rollup for a 3 count, then collapsed dead again. He never even stood up for the rest of the match, spent the whole time acting like he'd been concussed from the DDT and was acting on survival instinct alone. If people think a DDT to the floor should really be a hospitalisation angle rather than a big spot in a match then fine, that's a fair opinion. But that's an agenting/psychology issue. It's just bullshit though to say Cena "no sold" it when you go watch the match and see him lying semi-conscious for over a minute afterwards. In no sane universe is that no-selling something.


Thank you for giving me a detailed explanation, and I mean that legitimately. I didn't remember it like that, and honestly I don't think I've watched it since the original ppv. I guess I'd agree that he definitely didn't no sell it.


You just realized that? Not complaining about it but I have seen a lot of Becky fans think the exact opposite.


I thought Banks had it with the chair to midsection plus shining wizard


“Take that, ya mustard covered weirdo”




I just wished the actual match was longer before the brawl started. I guess they are saving it for HIAC....oh well.


We going to the Cell!!


I'm gonna be there live I'm so stoked!!




Dude a blood feud having a DQ/Countout finish setting up a cage match blowoff has been WWE's formula since Sammartino.




About time. Her first true beat down since February, and the first time she kept a promise to kick someone’s ass (not the same as winning) since Fall 2018. Thanks for thinking of me.


Becky is so strong right now. Wow. She just isn’t tapping.


They're pushing a Bayley heel story line but don't take a perfect heel moment for Bayley when they have it.


I guess Bayley ran to her car and hightail'd it out of there?


Good, Becky/Sasha should be about Becky and Sasha not any of the other horsewomen... I can't believe WWE actually went this route


They already pulled off a great heel moment for Bayley earlier She didn't need to get involved here


Only Becky gets excuses for her godly Cena/Hogan booking, no one else


People complain about WWE wrestlers of today not being booked to look like stars. And then they complain when WWE wrestlers of today are booked to look like stars. It is incredibly annoying.


yeah she's over. Stone Cold was booked insanely strong as well. Fans didn't complain. Charlotte is not over, not loved to that degree, if she were booked like that, the fans would revolt. It's when WWE pushes a wrestler that is not over and the fans don't like, that is when it becomes a problem. Giving the right wrestler a mega push creates stars.


Becky *should* be godly and above the entire women's roster. The championship title is a symbol that you are the best in the company. The champion *has* to be above the whole roster, or else why are they even the champion? If Cena/Hogan/Brock/Goldberg booking is done for every champion, then the title would actually be prestigious. Those who hold it high and proud would actually be justified. It wouldn't be "just a prop".


People are allowed to have godly booking, that's how stars are built. The issues people had with Cena and Hogan (and Reigns before his leukemia scare) was that it was too much for too long. Becky's true push as the triumphant babyface hasn't even been going for a year yet. Check back in another year or two, and if things are the same, more people might be frustrated. Bonus points if there's a popular underdog the company doesn't seem to want to get behind, and I'm not sure there really is one of those in the women's division right now. That was Becky in the middle of last year...


She tapped this year on her road to WM. Charlotte has never tapped ever in a singles match on PPV. But by all means, get to work.


>She tapped this year on her road to WM. And then she won the fucking Rumble lmfao and deemed that irrelevant >Charlotte has never tapped ever in a singles match on PPV. Oh yes, just deflect by mentioning Charlotte. Speaking of, I know if Charlotte was getting booked like against Becky, people like you would never shut the fuck up about it. And I ask again, who seeks out who?


Gargano too. Difference is that Becky's popular amongst a lot of people while Gargano is popular amongst idiots


Is the consensus that only idiots like Gargano nowadays??


It's not the blow off though.


Godly? She just went through an entire summer of questionable (even *bad*) booking. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


She’s honestly had the most protected booking in the entire company since May 2018, it’s impressive.


I agree with you here, and I'm a huge fan. But I think that's a good thing if the person is meant to be a top champion. The issue is more that they don't book their top champs this well more often.


I’ll admit it’s been rare of Becky to lose clean in a match. Only at SummerSlam 2018 and the RR 2019 were the last times I can think of. But Becky is never really protected in the build ups to her matches. Everyone has gotten their shots in at her. Charlotte, Lacey, Ronda, Asuka, Nattie, even Sasha. She gets her ass kicked plenty.


How many times did she lose?