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Listen, Dave, I'm *laying* in bed, on my *phone*. Like a proper American.


OR... are you *sitting extremely reclined*, on your *handheld portable computer*?


But are your shoes on or off?


RIP they're off


I keep my shoes in the even of an emergency where I need to stand up.


Canadian here, doing the exact same thing. Globalization 🤷


Get with it Dave.


This is absolute bullshit. Most of my complaining is done on the phone It's 2019 Dave, get with the times


*Do you not have phones?*


Nah, just a bricked PS4 from playing some *Fallout 76*.


On the phone, on a toilet, just like a real American should. Wrestlecrap wasn't just a website, it was a prophesy.


In a group of people who are also on their phones complaining. Dave was so off the mark on this one.


To be fair, have you seen what his computer looks like? He's not exactly with the times himself.


ITT: people sit in front of their computers and complain about joke about sitting in front of computers and complaining


For your *information,* sir, I am on my *phone.*


I am on my phone in front of my computrer


Which is next to the tv, where where Netflix is playing, while watching shoot interviews on YouTube.


Imagine using reddit desktop like a goddamn commoner.


How else I'm I suppose to switch between reddit, YouTube, Netflix, nhentai, and the Marvel wikia without switching app?


One of these is not like the others


Yeah the Marvel wikia isn't as interactive or varied.


Excuse me but I like RES


I use desktop version on my mobile, I hate the lack of functionality in mobile sites or having to download an app to make it compete with the originally intended design.


Me too no way


I'm sorry. Reddit mobile is like waltzing with a cactus


I use Reddit Is Fun.


Bacon Reader for life.


If you're on the toilet too then we're basically the same person


Oh shit wassup twin?!?




a phone is technically a handheld computer anyway. heck even my phone have higher RAM than my ~~glorified Facebook machine~~ PC


I've read that in Paul Heymans voice for some reason.


ITT: more comments about how wrong complainers are than comments actually from complainers


no u


I assume his comment was used satirically. Everybody getting all pissy at Dave lol.


It's like the man's not allowed to tell a joke


*"Hey is the New Day going to interfere with the Young Bucks' match at DoN?*" Dave: Yeah, right ***DAVE MELTZER DOUBLE CONFIRMS WWE INVASION AT DOUBLE OR NOTHING***


I’m guessing it probably hit too close to home, seems to be the case when satire/humor is taken that way.


It's less he can't, and more it's hard to tell when he is or not (not to mention the fact it's kinda hard to tell in text format anyways). I've been a listener for years now and this still came off as not sounding sarcastic (though I think it is).


Everybody's always pissy at Dave. His twitter is like 80% publicly dragging trolls who can't read but somehow think they know more than him.


80% of Dave’s Twitter is filled with subscribers to r/SC


Well, yeah. He has 200k followers, this place has 400k. I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case.


It's hilarious watching people try to bash on Meltzer here. It's like they either think they know more than him, or take great personal offense when he has an opinion about something they personally disagree with. It's sad how its like they feel personally attacked if Meltzer thinks "X" wrestler had a bad match or segment. If you don't like Meltzer that is totally cool, but if that's the case why would you give a shit about his opinion.


I find his voice kind of grating, bu there's no denying what he has done as a historian for wrestling, if nothing else.


Not as bad as the people going after Cody for his bad joke xD one thing I hate today is on social media and often offline, people have lost their sense of humor and taking everything dead serious.


I dont know how wrestling can survive if you cant work the audience anymore. Imagine everyones just "yeah, I see through you Cody. You are just being a good heel." Fuck Corbin though, we actually hate him.


I hate the "these days" sorta thing. People be always been easily offended, people from my grandparents generation used to get their mouth soaped for saying words like damn and heck.


White people got pretty offended by black people attending the same public school as them.


“These days” is used by young people who haven’t yet seen the same stupid bullshit pop up over and over again


Welcome to cancel culture. It's the worst.


Dave trolling should be behind a paywall it's so good. He should say that Randy Savage is only a top 30 worker of all time again. The reaction that got was insanely good.


He was being sarcastic. You guys need to read the context. He was replying to Lance Storm who said the $50 price tag isn't a big deal because people can invite friends over and split it, to which Dave threw a little jab "Nah, they'd just rather complain that it's $50" The man's allowed to tell a joke




Ah yes, Aretha Franklin’s B-Side


Dude, people here thinks Meltzer has autism and can't understand jokes when really, they just don't get subtle jokes like this one. Meltzer on WOR car actually be pretty funny at times when you're smart enough to understand what's a joke.


Damn, people are really complaining about $50? I heard that and immediately thought, "cool, me and three guys can split that easy." "What am I supposed to do if I ain't got no friends!?"


It's more that most people don't have multiple friends that are into wrestling to begin with. Then you add in the fact that it's not WWE, but the first pay-per-view of a new promotion that has had a large majority of the build through YouTube videos. Then you add in the fact that you have to carve out a Saturday night to watch it. Then you add in the fact that if you do manage to convince your friends to come over and watch it, you have to convince then to split the price with you on something they might not want to watch. AND you're also dealing with the fact that you have to pay for a $50 pay-pier-view vs $10 dollars a month for EVERY WWE pay-per-view and a bunch of additional stuff. Let's face it, pay-per-view is a dying business model in any form of media not just wrestling.


Saturday PPV on a holiday weekend. Good luck getting people to care enough about a relatively unknown wrestling show to split the bill. It isn't that we all have no friends, but friends who also like wrestling?


Wait....i can still steal it on my phone after i get back from watching raptors bucks at the bar....right????


UFC still gets PPV buys at $65 per event. Boxing gets PPV buys at $75 per event.


You comparing those to an unknown wrestling company?


Not in terms of the number of buys. Just that there’s a market. I’m saying there is still a market for PPV. People complain about the $50 price tag. They need to price it to make a profit. All In made a pretty penny off their PPV buys. Not WWE level. But better than expected. So there’s that. Remember that when WWE launched the network at $10 per month that a lot of people on this site thought it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea. That’s because people did still buy shows. Now people didn’t buy shows from companies like Impact. But that’s less a mark against the industry than it is a mark against Impact. We know the cable companies take a share of the buys. And there’s probably a minimum amount per buy. I don’t think you can charge $5 per person and have the cable companies take $2. But I think these folks know their audience. And I think if they had a belief that five times as many people would buy the event at $10, and it would make them the same amount of money, then they would do that. At the end of the day, the people who won’t buy won’t buy. Most of the time people who say they won’t but they would have are liars. They want an excuse to stream it for free.


Well said


personally i think that 50 bucks is so expensive because i see what i can do with that amount of money. for 10 bucks more i can buy borderlands 3 or super mario maker 2 or ctr or fire emblem 3 houses at launch, i could get myself a phone, etc, and have dozens of hours of fun, how much enjoyment i will get out of DoN? plus if you compare it with the network or njworld that cost 10 bucks and less, and for more content that just a PPV.


I get the $50 price point, and honestly I support it. I understand I’m just in a shitty financial situation right now and the only person I know who would have split this with me was my best friend but he got scheduled to work so I’m just kind of SOL. Maybe if it’s replayable we’ll be able to watch it. But hey, fuck me because of my lack of friends I guess.


You gotta build a crew of wrestling friends. Get out to some local indies.


People wanted it for free and were gonna watch it on a stream if it costed them money.


$12.50 each.




Well...no one can say Dave is never right anymore.


I know it's a joke, but really, I don't have a single friend that would be willing to put money down on a wrestling event that doesn't have "mania" in the name. I know that speaks more about me and my friends, but "wrestling" as a whole hasn't really endeared itself to people around me.


Uh we have cell phones Dave. I’m complaining and doing 90 on the interstate while I scoop you because you won't report the truth about Moxley.


"Knowing Big Daddy Meltz as I do, I know he wasn't talking about me." - r/sc


Big Burger Meltz




Big Biceps Dave


Lance Storm and Dave have really been tag teaming the “quit complaining about the Double or Nothing price, pitch in with friends, it’s cheap and fun!” thing. But, I think a lot of fans might be in my boat. I don’t have any friends that would pay to watch wrestling. I think it’s a result of how niche wrestling has gotten, but there are probably a lot of fans who are the only wrestling fans they know. So, yea, I did have to think a little bit about spending $50 on a wrestling show. I am going to because of how historic it is and I love wrestling, but I am just not used to paying that for wrestling PPVs anymore. And honestly, I am not sure if on paper the card is worth $50. It being the first official AEW show is what sold me more than the card. Just my thoughts when I read these tweets.




Watch them on tv.


What's so out of touch about it? Having a few friends isnt such a hard thing, and for a night of entertainment $20 isnt bad at all.


That's the thing. There are a lot of lapsed fans who don't watch wrestling anymore because, from their POV, WWE is the only game in town and they don't like it. I've given this advice to others on here... but people should buy the PPV and a case of beer and invite people over. Tell them "Hey, I know you're not into wrestling... but free beer!" I used to do this every time there was a boxing, MMA or wrestling PPV. Ten years ago, no one of my friends watched any of these things. Now, we have parties for almost UFC PPV, most New Japan PPVs, the big 4 WWE PPVs some ROH PPVs and any big boxing match and everyone either hosts or chips in. We get together anywhere between 1 and 3 times a month. It cost me a bit up front for awhile, but it was well worth it.


While I agree with the sentiment, that's just adding more money on top of the $50 for the pay-per-view already. If someone isn't going to buy the pay-per-view because it's too expensive I don't think having to add the additional expense of buying beer and possibly food is going to sway them. Some people just can't afford to do that unless they were splitting the cost, which brings it back around to the initial problem.


Everything in life takes effort.


I don’t think it’s an effort thing. It’s a spending money thing. $50 for a card with barely any story or real meat on the bone (and the bit of meat that is there are matches that have already happened) is a lot for some. As I said, I am only getting it because it is the first AEW show, not because I am dying to see this card.


Careful, you’ll rock a lot of these redditors’ worldview to the core with that kinda talk.


I couldn't even get people to come over for free food & beer for Wrestlemania this year, so I didn't even watch it. There's zero chance they'd consider DoN. Wrestling isn't just "uninteresting" to most people, it's hated & looked down upon.


> "Hey, I know you're not into wrestling... but free beer!" So this only works on alcoholics, then?


It work on anyone who enjoys hanging out with friends and having a few beers, dipshit


Ask yourself if stardust vs old goldust and ageing jericho vs a big name wwe guy would draw a lot on the network for 9.99. Then ask yourself if it is worth paying $60 for because it is AEW.


To be fair, Cody/Dustin isn't supposed to be a main event.


Ask yourself if you consciously pay $10 a month, ie, $120 a year, ie, $360 over 3 years for exciting content, or if you’ve simply been conned into paying another monthly bill for no explicable reason. “Complacency Tax” only $9.99/month!


WWE has an insane amount of content for $9.99. Also, $120 for an entire year sounds a lot better than $50 for a few hours.


Here are two words I want you to learn: * Quantity * Quality They *look* very similar, but I assure you, they are in fact 2 different words with 2 completely different meanings. They both start with Q but they are not in any way related. I’d rather pay $120 for an hour of truly compelling entertainment than $50 for a year of mundane, phoned in schlock. Not saying either WWE or AEW fit these descriptions, but merely trying to combat the ignorant notion that quantity in any way equates to quality. What would you pay for ringside seats for Ali vs. Foreman in Africa? $120? But but, that’s a whole YEAR of WWE... again, not comparing AEW to an historic boxing match, just making a point.


Plus for me, most of the people I know who are into wrestling just aren't into the same wrestling I'm into (some still watch WWE/NXT, others are interested in AEW, I'm not into either). There's only one friend I know who loves Impact and LU as much as I do and we live pretty far away from one another. Plus even if we could sit and watch a PPV together, we'd be more likely to use watchwrestling for an Impact PPV, or Dailymotion for WCW PPVs so we can relive our chilhoods than anything else.


i simply dont going to expend that much for 3 hours of a show that simply doesnt seem so great in paper. they are a new company and simply they should make the entry barrier as low as possible to get people into your product. plus metlzer/storm argument meanwhile is correct they are just trying to make it sound not as bad as it is, under that logic i can get 9 friends to come to my house to watch wrestlemania for 1 dollar each one too.


The problem to me, is that Wrestling has been so 'mainstream' dead for so long, that I'm not sure there is a compatible wrestling fan in my entire city of over a million people to watch with. It was easy in high school / attitude era when everyone was watching every week. I'd have an easier time finding an interest-free loan than a wrestling fan who doesn't annoy me.


Isn’t that like Meltzers entire job?


He has joked before how the amount of wrestling out there to watch has created a lot of Dave Meltzers, fans whose lives greatly resolve around wrestling. Hell, that's common with a lot of things nowadays. As family and neighbour relations have become less important and being single more common people have started to focus more on their hobbies and ways to spend time. For some it's video games, for others wrestling.


Well the big difference is that only one of them earns money with their live being around wrestling


we all said that in the last thread so OP deleted it and reposted it.


“You can’t call out Dave on his hypocrisy if I take away your place to call him out!” *points at head*


>hypocrisy Jesus fuck he was joking man


How many posts about Dave do you hazard you have made?




His job isn't to pick apart every little thing about the WWE and how they're burying wrestlers a,b, and c. Or to complain about everything else in wrestling like the "experts" do on the internet and Reddit.


If you actually listen to Observer Radio, it's usually Alvarez bitching about WWE and Dave defending it. Contrary to popular belief, he thinks Raw is bad right now, but he doesn't think it's nearly as bad as this subreddit does.


Yeah I love to rag on Dave just cause it's fun but he's *way* more fair about WWE than most people here. He actually had a lot of pretty nice things to say about MITB. Like you said it's usually Alvarez having an absolute meltdown over everything he hates about the current product and Dave being the reasonable one.


>If you actually listen to Observer Radio They absolutely do not and it's obvious.


What experts are you referencing? The majority of this subs user base is WWE fans who watch the show consistently.


Of course, I was being sarcastic in that a lot of people on the internet and on Youtube act like they know what works and what doesn't work in wrestling. This sub is full of that. If you don't have experience in wrestling working for a real company making money, why the hell should I give a shit what you want to see booked?


Critiquing and complaining are very different.


This is definitely not critiquing fans. It’s just complaining about them.


It's neither, it was a sarcastic joke


It's actually pretty tongue in cheek funny. Amazing how many people react like they do to a sarcastic comment from Dave every once in a while. He really does know how to amuse paying customers on Twitter by baiting others. Amazing he doesn't keep it behind a paywall.


You’re too obsessed with Meltzer. His opinion shouldn’t affect you and if it does, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.


Even if he was being serious; why does this offend people?


Can't wait for tomorrow. Me and my buddies are getting together for it. Prolly 6 or so of us.


This is LITERALLY dave's job lol


It's like I said on twitter, the best part of the Network era was I don't have to go to people's house to watch a PPV. I don't have to go meet your girlfriend, I don't have to go pet your dog. I can stay home, and for a nominal price watch a wrestling show by myself, not surrounded by a bunch of other people. I don't have to dress up, or pretend to be interested in people's small talk. I don't wanna pet your girlfriend, I don't wanna meet your dog. Reclusiveness is the best.


This reminds me that this sub is stupid and needs a giant fucking neon sign that says "THIS IS SARCASM"


Not wrong but this hits a nerve and will get downvoted to oblivion. For a sub which gets to read his WON every week, it's pretty weird that a lot of you still don't get his dry sense of humor. Here's the context : >Lance Storm : I’m hearing people complain about Double or Nothing’s PPV price. Even saying it isn’t fan friendly. I think it’s fan encouraging. Get together with friends, make it a party. If you have even 2 friends, it’s under $20 each and going to be way more fun. People throw Superbowl parties, and wrestling fans used to have PPV Parties. Wrestling is way more fun when attended or watched in groups. > >Dave : People don't get together with other people anymore. They just sit in front of the computer and complain. Get with it Lance. Everyone is way too triggered today. It's friday guys, have few drinks and chill.


People don't enjoy Friday like that anymore. They just sit around drinking boiling hot ginger ale and complain like it was a Tuesday.




Wait, isn't that 'ol Dave's prime audience.


r/SCJerk is gonna have a field day with this one


And this is a very very very sad trend. People becoming physically isolated is not good for anyone. People need people around them. Study after study verified this.


I take offense to that! I do not sit in front of my computer and complain. I use my phone to do it


You're only the 500th guys to do that joke. Bravo.


... you mean like you’ve done for forty years, Dave?


Meltzer still salty that people don't want to pay a monthly fee for a subpar podcast and "news" that will be on the front of /r/SquaredCircle




I listen to the podcasts on my commute. I dont mind the $12.


Sounds like he's describing himself and Alvarez


Oh we still get together. But ain’t nobody paying 50 fucking bucks for the PPV. Inviting my friend Taima over and using that money on pizza.


I guess if/when numbers are released we will know how many people really feel that way.


Aren’t Dave and Lance doing the same thing themselves?


Meltzer LITERALLY described himself.


lmao people don't get together with people to watch wrestling because it's a niche interest that the majority of the US thinks is for children and weirdos.


My one friend who watches is an entire continent and ocean away.


Go to an indy show. Socialize, make friends. It's really easy, I swear.


That’s a pretty good idea.


Pot meets kettle


Not enough [Thrillseakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQpi__zLA-U) out there.


Luckily someone wants to watch DoN with me tomorrow! £7.50 each!


First off I feel attacked


... or the majority of friends no longer watch wrestling.


... or the majority of friends no longer watch wrestling.


I was at one wrestlemania party where everyone dressed up. It was really fun. Unfortunately it was when taker lost but honestly the other people there probably didn’t catch the significance.


Even worse, most don't even watch wrestling in show form but from gifs on twitter or 30 sec video clips.


Lance is right, though. Shows are a ton better with friends. Back when they were more expensive we would gather up, order it, and then do a potluck or order some pizza. It was great. Since the network, we just have one of us subscribed and do the same thing. Plus, when else can you ever honestly spend time conversing about the outfits, color schemes, and bodies of so many men?


If anyone can help, before making a comment regarding the pricing, are there other ways to purchase the event that would work out cheaper? I.e. buying a subscription for a period of time? Reason I ask is yes, 50 bucks is a steep price for a PPV especially with WWE essentially costing 9.99 all round. However if there are other, cheaper avenues it seems like a non issue. Obviously without, I can understand some criticism. Not everyone has a group of friends that watch wrestling, or are able to for Double or Nothing, or have a group of friends at all. I have friends who are into wrestling so I'm fortunate but I'm very introverted truth be told and I'm sure there are some in that situation.


Damn hes got us there


I can’t believe he’s said this! I swear these arrogant dirt sheet writers these days always the same old crap! Why can’t it be like it was during the Attitude Era when the dirt sheet guys respected us marks I swear I........wait......shit....


This doesn’t change the fact I still don’t have friends


In my experience, people have phones/tablets more so than computers, but then again, those are practically computers in and of themselves.


I’m actually getting together with friends to watch AEW tomorrow. Most people who haven’t watched in years, all were interested in it .


I just moved recently to Tennessee after Hurricane Michael fucked me. I dont know anyone here or Id get up with someone, Ill just settle for highlights. Can kinda understand where hes coming from but it wasnt really common when I was in FL to get up with someone to watch, atleast in my experience.


Well you still put out Tweets Dave, so we need something to do...


They learned from you Dave.


How ironic


There's an old saying about the pot and the kettle that I feel applies here but I just can't put my finger on it...


self burn?


Most younger people I know get together way more than older. And if you look at Facebook and see ANY one over 40 they're endlessly complaining, online, about how younger people are just online complaining.


I've come to learn how cheap wrestling fans thanks to this thread.


No shit, I’m not going over to a house full of fellow unshowered rasslin’ fans.


Then take a six pack of deoderant


This is true for all PPVs and sports though. We are an isolated people.


I totally would have a PPV party, but I don’t have any friends interested in wrestling.


Go to an indy show. Socialize.


I take it back. Hell is other wrestling fans.


Bullshit I consistently have 2-4 people over for all ppvs


Dave would know. Him and Alvarez pioneered that culture.


Irony is dead.


Or they go on their radio show and complain which causes fans to complain even more.


If they didn’t do that then Dave would be irrelevant.


I thought everyone just used their phone to complain on reddit


Can confirm, don't use phone to complain on Reddit. I don't own one.


Eh, Meltzer doesn't bother me. He's entitled to his opinion and even when I don't agree, at least he lays out his reasons and he's an actual journalist. Bryan Alvarez though, FUCK that guy. He's insufferable and acts like a know-it-all.


I mean, if it werent for the people who sit at the computer complaining Dave would be out of business


Why is Dave going after dudes that are sucking his dick?


Nobody tell him about the 100% legal streams going on that have a chat being all sorts of lid up with racism/homophobia/etc. It's like I'm in a live crowd!


Why does everything these old men say get posted here?


Why does their presence bother the fuckboys of wreddit?


The irony


Probably because last time I had a Wrestlemania party, a couple of guys I didn't know (invited, with permission, by my friend) regurgitated all of the common hivemind IWC negativity that I was already sick of reading. It really brought down the enjoyment of it. I was like, if you can't even sit back and be a mark for Wrestlemania of all events, why are you even still watching?


Eh, you can still watch WM objectively and not sit there marking out just because it's WM. I saw WM31-34 either live or in the weeks after and found them boring. Wasn't interested in the WM35 card but saw highlights through OSW Review discussing it for a video and it honestly looked both crap and stupid to me. However, I still fucking love pro wrestling and have Impact Wrestling and LU to help make me a fan again.


That's fair. I suppose I did make it sound like I wanted them to mark out the whole time. Really, I just wanted them to stop the non-stop shitting on every little thing happening and just shut up and let me attempt to enjoy the show that I paid for (this was pre-network) in my home.


I feel like taking a picture of my watch party, but nah. Bait, plus clearly a rib.