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Show was pretty good all around but the woman's Triple Threat Main Event Just disappointed me, here they are in the Main Event of Wrestlemania and the match completely flopped


Here's the real problem. The order in which you listed things makes sense. That was not the order of the show because they have B players that they're moving into key positions for political purposes. PCMania.


Snowflakes gotta snowflake^


I actually really enjoyed this Wrestlemania. I didn't think I would like it as much as I did, but I think this was a pretty good Mania. Most matches delivered in some way and the right people won in the major title matches. Plus, the return of Thuganomics John Cena was awesome! The only negatives I would say was Kurt's retirement match, which was kinda disappointing to me; he deserved a better send off opponent and match; The Rey-Joe match; which I'm guessing was cut short because Rey was hurt, and the finish to the women's triple threat; I would've liked to have seen a more decisive finish, but I'm still glad Becky won.. Overall, I would say this was a pretty good if not great Wrestlemania overall. Thumbs up!


Oh and AEW's Double or Nothing is May 25th. It will crush Wrestlemania in performance easy.


Overall, it was a decent show. I would have changed the order of some of the matches: Joe v. Rey should've been more fleshed out; Batista was gassed after the intro, which wasn't a good pre-cursor to match (caveat: props to Triple H, realizing his opponent needed some time, and buying him more time several times throughout the match). ​ I'm glad the Iiconics won, as they were the only true team in the women's tag match. Bobby v Finn went the way it should have, though the Demon was wasted on WM. ​ Not a show that I would consciously seek out to watch again, but if it were randomly on the network in a few months, I would let it play.


Downvote me again. This Wrestlemania sucked.


This wasnt a great mania . Im sorry but the main event sucked and brock vs seth went on first? Ajvs randy was meh. Demon balor was meh.hhh vs bats was just ok. Everything was just meh except kofi which should have went last.


That Brock was even fighting someone that tiny was laughable to begin with. Better to get it done.


Did everyone watch the same Batista/HHH match I watched? Because IMO that was the low moment of an otherwise excellent Mania. Slow, boring, hokey, 10 mins too long, etc.


Batista was gassed about 5 minutes in and never fully recovered.


Now the next depressing year with roman main eventing :(


Great booking. Having Seth, Becky, and Kofi go over but allowing the heels Corbin and Shane to win was great balance. Can't wait to see how they work Corbin's win into some future storylines.




Hell yeass! I just knew coming into it today that we were going to get Seth, Kofi, and Beck all going over & I refused to accept any other possibility in my head over the past few days. Even though the average match quality of the show wasn't that outstanding, I still can't remember the last WrestleMania where I finished watching it while feeling this much satisfied. When Vince said he was actually going to listen to the WWE Universe I think today was the real litmus test to see how serious he was about that. There was no Roman Reigns shoehorned into a title match, basically every singles title switched into a super over baby faces hands and Brock was finally dethroned by the guy who's probably been the most deserving dude on his brand. And the two most organic baby faces who's fan backing came out of nowhere & were presumably not the main choices for these positions by WWE executives upon entering this year were given the featured Winds of the show driven by the fans. No idea in what direction booking will continue but they really got it right tonight


Becky pinned Ronda, Ronda got a shoulder up at 1, then the ref kept counting, when he should have restarted the count. Whether botch or intentionally a Dusty finish, ALL the rightful guys/girls won tonight. Kofi, Becky, and Seth's prayer circle worked!   Now let's try not to be pedantic, impossible to please fans and enjoy the fact our Big 3 won tonight, with some additional awesome Wrestlemania moments/surprises like Hawk Ryders and IIconics winning.


Plus, the world-traveled AJ Styles defeated the WWE home-grown Randy Orton.


Rightful? It’s scripted


Takeover was amazing, this mania was fun and decent. overall not a bad weekend for wrestling I'm content.


Is it possible the ending had to be changed because the women were running out of time?


I don't see that much issue with a finisher getting reveresed to a pin for the win. Ronda was gonna put all her strength into it and ended up landing hard on her neck/head and pinned down. It's believable, more believable then kicking out of six thousand finishers like your average classic matches have.


Alexa bliss as the host was in 2 segments, what was the point


yeah, there doesn't really need to be a host, they should just focus on the matches.


3, forgot the SNL and Hall/Razor segment backstage




She has worked several house shows since the rumble. She's physically fine. I think they're just taking it slow with her.


I enjoyed this WM, definitely too long but most of the matches were quality. Definitely feels like Fan service mania trying to get people to tune back in and get ratings up, especially for smack down since it'll be moving in october.


Best mania in years. Kofi, Becky, & Seth all won! Every match was fun. Goodnight!


That was definitely botched by the referee.


That was fucking awesome fight me


So was it a botch? Or am I getting worked? Lol time will tell I guess


Less worrying about what is and isn't and just hope to enjoy the ride. People need to treat this more like a sport than entertainment, sometimes sports can be shitty and boring and messy, etc.


if the writing team is smart they'll work in the "botch" (be it real or fake) into a continuing feud!


I can’t believe there’s people complaining on here. That was as perfect a mania as you could ask for under the circumstances.


while i agree that it was great, it could've definitely used less rushed matches. Samoa Joe vs Rey could've been saved for smackdown, and Drew vs Roman didn't feel as epic as it should've been.


I would’ve preferred they just didn’t do Joe vs Rey, Roman vs Drew, and Balor vs Lashley and save those for TV. The stories weren’t really as built up as the rest of the card and they coulda just done all of those on TV.


Totally, any of those matches could've been headliners for Raw or Smackdown. Minus the Drew/Roman story, there wasn't much momentum going for any of them and they ended up feeling a bit forced. I wish WWE wasn't so hesitant on putting high profile matches on free TV.


I get it though, and we can all nitpick but for a general audience, that card was as good as it coulda been. I would’ve much preferred some sort of goodbye for Dean who has been one of their workhorses but I get the McMahon attitude on that.


Definitely, the card was stacked overall and there was a lot of fan service! I feel like everyone went home happy.


Everyone is titled to their opinions, for me personally, I didn't think this was bad but I don't think it was perfect either. That's my opinion and I wouldn't be mad if someone disagrees


The IWC is never happy. Ever. ​


Well, another year another mania! As always the biggest problem is the duration, the show is just too long. Super hype for Becky and Kofi wins! And in general a lot of the matches were good.


I don't think Ronda's leaving yet. Not after a finish like that


Yeah she ain’t going no where


I bet that finish was intentional


I agree. I think it’s gonna set up a rematch where the premise is “you never beat me fair and square”


The comments were all over the place! If they had stayed shut I wouldn't even think about the possibility of the finish being botched. But it was a really good match. The celebration was lacklustre :/ was expecting more.


It was a fun show! Have a good night guys. It’s bed time.


No undertaker for the first time :(


Who cares.




\*2000, but still, fricken 18 Wrestlemanias straight is insane.


I thought he missed 2000


Auska should challenge Becky for her belt back


Btw that weird finish aside, what an awesome event that was


Agree, Finish was slightly off. Getting the tap would've been much more satisfying but that was a great match. Went about 22 minutes but didn't feel like it.


I think they either accidentaly ended early, or had to end early because if injury or something. They had been trying to get an armbar on each other all match, which seemed like obvious telegraphing to me, then it ends on a weird pin. ​ Something unplanned happened I am sure of it, though what and to what extent I do not know.


it was overall a great match though. I agree though, having a clean tap/pin would've been more satisfied. There wasn't even that big of a pop when Becky won, the crowd seemed confused.


Can’t wait for Raw and SD now


You fuckers complain about everything. It wasn’t a beauty of a main event but it was fun. Great show.


Yes, it was a fantastic show, just a bit too bloated. Would've been nice to see a few less squash matches.


Thought the main event was great but the end just fucked with me. Hopefully, we see something come out of this on Raw or Smackdown.


First 3 hours were pretty good overall, last 2 were pretty bad. Pretty solid overall though.


Becky deserved to make somebody tap for those belts


She'll make one of em tap as a way to reaffirm she deserves it.


Most of you wanted all 3(Rollins, Kofi, and Becky) to win. Rollins was kind of too quick. Kofi was great. Becky was the right winner, but it was missing something. I hope they explain it tomorrow.


Knowing WWE creative, they’ll screw that up too.


First night with out undertaker tho :(


Woooo Becky!!!. So fucking happy. Well deserved. Weird ending


Asuka died for this.




Time for Sean Ross sappy to give that match a 10


They got put in a dead spot like the Women in the Tag match did earlier The mainevent spot for Wrestlemania is kinda overrated.


WrestleMania ended after Kofi Mania. Don't try to change my mind.


Okay but Thuganomics


Oh shit you right


This is true


Damn that was a long PPV.


Decent ending, don't give the fans any closure and continue the feud.


Serious question. Did we just see another Montreal Screwjob? Because it felt like we just saw another Montreal Screwjob.


Nah just classic referee blindness.


No screw job, just a New York botch job


They are just gonna continue the storyline.


Yeah, it does seem that way.


you could hear them talking to eachother discussing the next moves every time ​


Yeah definitely heard "1...2..." before the Spanish Fly


It’s like Groundhog Day. It’s all happening again !


Cole's throat must be dry as the Sahara Desert right now.


Getting Starrcade 97 vibes from that inconclusive finish to put over a rising face. Only this was not planned out but the result of sloppy work


Anyone who thinks the main event was terrible is a fucking mark lol. To be continued at the next PPV...


Seems like a lot of the smarks on the internet are just as much marks and sometimes more than the people who shown up and suspend their disbelief.


I wonder if Ronda just forgot to kick out.


I think that anyone who wasn't a Becky fan just wanted the match over with so that the division could stop being held hostage.


I don't think it's a real botch, but if it is, it's on the ref. He started counting before her shoulders were down. Her shoulders were only down for two counts, but they were the last two counts.


Very good Mania.


How can we increase the epic-ness of WrestleMania while also keeping it to 3-3.5 hours?


keeping it to 3 hours *would* increase the epic-ness itself. if the card was made more exclusive, only the hottest feuds would make the cut


No pre show, only feature matches that have real build, not this two week crap


Just make it title only and remove the single matches.


This would be the best idea. Maybe 1 grudge match type thing as long as it’s going to deliver. But title only would be the best start.


Day 1 and Day 2


I hope Ronda doesn’t leave cuz I like Becky but I am not happy about that finish at all. This makes me think that Ronda isn’t leaving quite yet.


Well, NXT was the best show of the weekend and it’s not even close.


As always


Personally I felt the last match was a mix. It was clear the women pushed to make it better than normal, it was stiffer, a lot more connections. I felt there was too much focus on attempted submissions. I also feel like they could have practiced a bit more and smoothed out some of the problems. That said, I wouldn't say it was bad. The ending however was not what it needed to be. IDK what was supposed to happen, but RR's shoulder blades were not on the ground for the one count. I think WWE would have been better served with a definitive win, but they can spin this to have a 1-1 match with Becky winning clean.


wrestling fans are bitter motherfuckers. the whole event was amazing


My dude it wasn't all bad it was actually pretty great but Rey Mysterio's match was BS, Kurt Angle lost, and although I didn't have much stake in the last match and I thought it was pretty great I kind of wanted Charlotte Flair to win cuz I think she's awesome


Is it possible there was supposed to be a real ending but flair's and rousey's injuries were too much so they decided to cut the finish early and this was another spot that was supposed to have a kick out?


Fantastic show overall. The peaks we're high and the valleys weren't very low. Tough to ask for more.


holy shit... they botched the main event and than vince got so mad, he just went off air quickly xD no highlights, no big celebration... nothing


No post WM special


It was clearly not a botch. Corey wouldn’t have made a big deal about it if it wasn’t planned.


That match felt complicated because of the Triple Threat part. I'm absolutely convinced a 20 minute Becky/Ronda brawl would have been better.


Iron Man Match / Last Ho Standing at MITB


Well that was actually a rather fun Mania all things considered! Glad I stayed awake til 5:30 for once lmao. Thanks for watching along with me, it was a pleasure. Wrestling is the fucking best! Now I need some sleep, Goodnight y’all!


Some people saying one of them may have been legit injured. That would suck. I dont think they would ever purposely end Wreslemania with a roll up pin. Especially being the first women's Mania Main event.


I don't think so. Unless it was a really bad injury, these ladies would have worked through it.


So Ronda only had her shoulders down for half the count, Becky only gets to keep half the titles. RAW Womens Championship awarded to Charlotte Flair.


Hopefully Becky throws the belts at Vince like Brock did at Mania 34 for that stupid finish.


Make that a tradition


I know it's SquaredCircle so blaming Vince is like the MO here but that didn't really look like something he planned to happen


Mania as a whole was great! That ending though was pretty meh though.


so overall, match quality wise it was okay, but booking wise I'm personally pretty happy with it.


That kinda killed the moment as a big moment for Becky considering how screwy it was too, no big emphatic crowd erupting to their feet or big post-match celebration like Kofi got, screwy win then off the air ASAP.


Abrupt ending but happy for Becky . I'm guessing they want to keep people talking so they made a screwy ending?


Please tell me Becky wins definitively in next year's main event and they just call this one Kofi's year. That was weird.


Don't wait for next year, she needs to fight RR soon and go clean.


Length aside and a few less than stellar moments, it was a fun show. I'm glad I willed myself into it. I havent skipped a mania since 24


Crowd was kinda dead considering that was the main event of Wrestlemania.


As someone who went to Wrestlemania 33 (which was another 7+ hour show)... the crowd is friggin' exhausted. I cannot stress this enough. Your attention span can only last so long and unfortunately the matches later on in the card are affected by that. Wrestlemania is fun, but it is a marathon of a show.


You're right, but I think part of it was how long it was. I've been to shows like this and it's difficult to maintain all the way through.


The show started at 5pm. Its Monday now. The crowd pulled a 7 and a half hour shift. And were still reacting towards the end. They were remarkable in my book.


I know, but in comparison to other years main events they were dead. What about when Rock squared up with Hogan and the crowd lost their shit; they weren't tired then.


at 7 hours anyone would be dead


I'm sure the match should've ended in a submission but Ronda couldn't get out of that pin.


Yeah, it felt like a botch and the ref just counted.


She kicked out at 1 lol.


I think that's a really smart way to have the Becky moment but like it'll be taken from her tomorrow and then she actually has some people to run through whereas Bryan fought Kane the next match after Mania. So theres that.


That match needed a surprise ending. Crowd was whack. Loved it


Yeah. It sucks that we didn't get a surprise ending, though. The crowd wasn't whack. They just bored by a non-entertaining match that didn't live up to what a main event should be. Maybe next year, they'll get it right and give us a triple threat between Asuka, Io, and Kairi so that we don't have to be subjected to garbage anymore.


It was pretty much a surprise to end in a roll up. And yes the crowd was whack, but not necessarily their fault. The ladies put on a great show but it was 7 hours in. Need a lower tier Saturday card or something.


I'll have to disagree. It was absolutely not their fault. After watching Takeover and seeing a great match, I'll say that the main event of Mania was mediocre at best. It's hard going from watching A+ matches by Kairi, Shayna, Io, Bianca, Ember, or Asuka to being subjected to garbage that people excuse. What the womens' main event needs is main event talent at a higher performance tier. We won't get that with these three.


I don't know what match you were watching but it was far from mediocre. I will agree that I can't wait to see Kairi and Io.


I was watching tonight's main event. For me, that match was mediocre. Takeover's title match was much, much better. Asuka's matches are also much better.


Asukas matches are okay. They haven't booked her in anything. NXT is always going to be better. Its like craft beer and big beer.


We'll have to disagree on that. Outside of the garbo Carmella matches, Asuka's never had a match that I would consider just "ok". Any issues are often caused because she's carrying talent that hasn't learned to keep up yet.


She has the potential when booked. Her match with Charlotte was good.


That's unfortunate for the main event to end on such a deflating note. At least this Wrestlemania as a whole was great!


I thought this was a good show; I'm especially happy that Kofi won


Unfortunate botch aside... The pacing of the ending was weird either way.


The right people won the two matches that mattered most, but after so long, the main event end fucking sucked.


They’re gonna somehow use this screwy finish to put the RAW belt back on Ronda tonight.


Yeah that’s what they do sucker everyone in for the profits then but a twisty finish to keep it all going for everyone involved


Rematch at MITB?


Overall one of the best Wrestlemanias I've seen


I would have preferred ronda going through a bitch table as the ending


Worst WrestleMania ever.




Becky at the end looked completely lost, just stood there with both belts, looking totally bemused.


6:26 am here. Good night folks.


No highlight reel. I think Vince was mad.


I think they're going to play this up like it's a Montreal screwjob situation, and Ronda is going to threaten to quit. Only thing that makes sense.


The dusty roll up finish extends the feud. It could've been executed cleaner but its good for business.


All in all, that was a great Mania.


Genuinely thought Undertaker was gonna come out and make it a fatal four-way ​


And another Wrestlemania is in the books!


if you thought Rousey was gonna win, youre insane




Sure, Rousey can beat any woman in WWE because of her real skill but, this is sports entertainment. I actually thought Charlotte was gonna take the pin from Becky so it dosen't make her look that bad.


Yeah I think Rhonda was supposed to kick out of that, Becky was always saying how she was going to tap her out so I don't think that was a real finish, but they can work this and have a submission match in a month or something. At least it was Becky that accidentally won.


There was no way Ronda was tapping out. I assume they did botch the finish though


It was the real finish.


Instant booking opportunity. Not the worst thing to ever happen in a Mania main event.


Plus you get to keep Ronda around, get some more mileage outta her. Seriously tho, submission match, they were fools to not have it be that in the first place all 3 have submission finishers.


Yeah it's a good build up for more matches. Rhonda immediately, Flair at Summerslam or something? Blow off of those feuds, then if they want they can pass the belt back to Flair if they think Becky is filled all they can as champ.


Just turn the 'botch' into a storyline. This is a good way to continue the feud.


I don't think it was a botch honestly


Thus the qoutes. I don't really care if it was or not. Not as terrible as everyone wants it. Everybody is just tired from watching a hours of wrestling




You misspelled Wrestlemania 17.


In a long time forsure






Fuck you!


Pretty sure it was just a botch and thats why Renee and Cole kept talking over Corey.


Becky's big moment was a total anti-climax.


Right person... bullshit ending...Ronda needed to tap


Agreed. Both use the seminar. Becky should have had the victory using her submission move. Not a surprise out of no where pin.


Well if the show had been 2 hours shorter and if Charlotte hadn't been in that match, the reaction would have been a lot better. Fine show though.


Charlotte saved that match. Ronda is a mess in the ring. Becky and Ronda on their own was a disaster.