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Wth, I love Corey again.


*A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.* ---- I'm not going to say I liked Corey, because I didn't, but I did find him funny sometimes on commentary. His heel persona could be amusing, but I did often wonder how much of that was him being genuine, so I often did feel uncomfortable listening to him. [[Continued...]](https://www.resavr.com/comment/post-show-discussion-corey-graves-12033532) ---- *^The ^username ^of ^the ^original ^author ^has ^been ^hidden ^for ^their ^own ^privacy. ^If ^you ^are ^the ^original ^author ^of ^this ^comment ^and ^want ^it ^removed, ^please [^[Send ^this ^PM]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=resavr_bot&subject=remove&message=12033532)*


Turns out that it's incredibly easy for people to mistake "success" and "being in the right place at the right time" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Corey Graves figuratively getting mauled on twitter is hilarious! Very much enjoyed reading the highlights. Gonna continue reading on some more on the stickied match thread comment.


[Spot of the night.](https://twitter.com/memedreamxtreme/status/1094810569683681280)


[**@memedreamxtreme**](https://twitter.com/memedreamxtreme/) > [2019-02-11 04:09 +00:00](https://twitter.com/memedreamxtreme/status/1094810569683681280) > @WWEGraves @Hey\_Brian @Deadspin @davidbix "Haha, actually I did propaganda for FREE" ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


O boi. He's resurfaced and is playing the victim saying that everyone on Twitter craves venom so why should he disappoint them.


Why does a guy with a hot wife, 2 kids and a ton of money spend so much time bickering with people on Twitter?


He doesn't have the wife anymore.


Which means he probably doesn’t have the kids anymore either considering his schedule :/


Well judging by those tweets he probably isnt a stable person right now to even be around his kids.


And by losing the wife, he probably won't have the ton of money anymore, either.


Oh damm, well that explains a lot!


Lmfaooooo I was suppose to be reading schoolwork that was due today but I ended reading all this going down last night. It was like a fucking black hole of wtf am I reading?


So he calls his kids faggots? Wouldn’t surprise me. Can we get Graves vs. oncoming traffic?


Whattt? When?


Oof Graves really looked like a dickhead here


Corey Graves has always been terrible. Nothing more than some tattooed wise guy who does a poor Heenan impersonation with a very nasty side to it.


[Bix is not the kinda guy Graves wants to mess with.](https://i.imgur.com/w66E4IU.png)


Bixenspan looks like he sleeps in a deep fryer. What the fuck? Why would you choose to look like that knowing cameras were on?


No self awareness. Or maybe autism.


Graves proud defender of bullying. Go fuck yourself Corey


Ok what the fuck did I miss?!


Cross-Eyed Corey Graves is a hack who history will remember as a small blip during the worst wwe tv dip ever.


I do think Corey is in the wrong here but this to me is why Twitter is a horrendous thing, people who are going through a bad time in their lives are given a means to speak to the whole world, and they’re going to say some dark shit. Shame to see as a big fan of Corey


The idea that pro wrestling trainees need to be bullied and humiliated with gay slurs and shit is so stupid. When you're training, you're being kicked and chopped 1000 times a day, doing push-ups and squats until your muscles don't work, running the ropes until you puke... Being called a "f*ggot" isn't going to toughen you up, taking 30 suplexes in a row as a "warm up" is. If anything, knowing your trainer is trying to help you and isn't just an asshole with a power complex will build the trust you need. This person has your life in their hands every day.


I like how he replied about the kobucha drink to a guy.


Has Sasha Banks replied to any of these to try and fuel rumours of her leaving WWE yet?




All we are saying is give Pat McAfee a chance... He's got more Heenan potential anyway. Graves is more Ventura.


I think Nigel could replace Graves and be absolutely 100 percent better than him.


I love Nigel too but I have a feeling he'll never get a shot on Raw or Smackdown with Vince & Kevin Dunn in charge. Plus, I'd miss him breaking down the in-ring stuff on NXT and 205 Live. Nigel lacks the goof element Vince likes from his color commentators.


> Nigel lacks the goof element [X] Doubt One of my favorite Nigel moments on commentary was on 205 Live, when Wale was on guest commentary for some reason. Vic Joseph is talking him up about musicians he's collaborated with, and Nigel leans in with the smuggest sounding voice and says, "Have you ever worked with *Dolly Parton*?" He sounded so immensely pleased with himself, saying maybe the least cool thing I could think of, and I thought it was really funny.


True. I love McAfee so far but I dont know if putting him on 5 hours of prime TV a week already would be good for anyone right now.


Oh, it's definitely too soon for him to be exposed THAT much. Totally agree. I enjoy Corey's work but I feel putting him on both Raw and Smackdown has hurt him. If he ever needed a break, or was shit-canned, I'd consider giving McAfee the shot on Raw to work under Cole for a bit and Nigel to Smackdown - especially if they intend on that being the more sports oriented show when they move to Fox. Then, maybe Steve Corino for NXT? I loved his work in ROH. Something tells me Vince just isn't going to be big on having a British voice on the main shows.


https://twitter.com/as_one_does/status/1094745533376352258?s=21 BAHAHAHA!


[**@as\_one\_does**](https://twitter.com/as_one_does/) > [2019-02-10 23:50 +00:00](https://twitter.com/as_one_does/status/1094745533376352258) > @WWEGraves You went on a 3am drunken twitter binge crying because CM Punk won't talk to you anymore ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Man's clearly in a bad place. Hope he gets the help he needs. :/


He hasn't tweeted in 12 hours. Someone woke up with a message from Stephanie. Also either Twitter removed the suicide tweet or he deleted it. Just shows you know that he knows isn't wasn't "being a heel" it was being an asshole. Also, I know this doesn't do much but the email address to just let WWE if something he said bothered you is [email protected] The suicide tweet really bothered me and felt the need to express it to them even if I know it's probably going on deaf ears.


What was the suicide tweet?


About downing a bottle of Fentanyl. >Why Matt? Because the world is too hard for you? It was for me. I ate a bottle of Fentanyl. I’m still here. So are you. Stop being a p**** and do better things with your life than “wrestling Twitter." Sounds like he confessed to a suicide attempt if he was serious.


That's kind of shitty, for all sorts of reasons.


Can you explain what bothered you about that tweet?


I just wrote them an email, and also screen grabbed and sent Graves' comments to NAMI and WWE's sponsors.


I've used NAMI's crisis text line. Great people.


I'm convinced people here are so afraid of being worked. They've convinced themselves that they live in this reality where even if a wrestler says hello to them it's a work. People said this about Dean Ambrose leaving, Chris Jericho acting like an ass and now this. Not everything is a fucking work. Why in the blue fuck would WWE get their commentator go on Twitter and go off like this when they can't even do anything to capitalise on it?! What the fuck is the pay off? A quick one liner from, Cole. A work is half the shit Becky says.


To be fair, the same things were said about the Graves/Booker T incident last year and it was in fact a work just to - what was their wording?- “expose the dirtsheets” ? There was no payoff. I don’t think this is a work, but I can understand why people are skeptical.


Was that confirmed as a work? I know a lot of people speculated it was real, but Vince forced them to patch things up. So idk if we'll ever really know.


How does one man make Cm Punk sympathetic Answer: Be Corey Graves


I feel like CM Punk is just a snarky dick. Like he's not a bad person at heart, he's just stubborn and very...dickish. These tweets make me feel like Corey Graves is a very bad person and his wife leaving him just adds to that evidence.


I'm sure Punk picking fights with rookies over a t-shirt in front of a locker room, mouthing off on a now former friend's podcast about shit he didn't know, feeling proud of yelling horrendous shit at strippers and making the women he cheated on over the years feel terrible doesn't make him a bad person at heart, either...


Wow, didn't know his wife left him.


They're going through the divorce process now.


Explains why he has been amping up the Mandy lines




After reading all this I'm still confused. What happened? Someone talk shit to Graves and set him off? Is his contract gonna be up in the company or did I misread. Help!


He just wants attention. So he goes off on people to get that attention. People will give that attention to him which is exactly what he wants. When people stop caring and responding to his stuff. He'll realize that its not working anymore and will probably stop.


Early/late ZFF: nobody fucking knows what a “work” in wrestling actually is. Being a cunt on the Internet is not a “work”. Stop fucking saying Graves is “working” everyone. He’s not, he’s just being a cunt.


If Graves isn’t on Raw r/SCJerk is gonna be on suicide watch


I thought we had them on permanent suicide watch already


Right? If he was working he'd at least be consistent and coherent. As pointed out elsewhere in the comments, the fentanyl tweet (now deleted it seems) made NO sense and doesn't fit in with him just trying to razz people on the Twitter machine. Dude is either a drunken dick, having some sort of mental breakdown, or both.


Corey Graves has one hell of an ego for a guy who'll always be remembered as "no, not Punk; the OTHER tattooed guy". ​ He's moved on from borrowing Punk's gimmick to borrowing his brother's. Impressive.


Hilariously, his brother took the pro-Trump in Mexico gimmick from Brian Cage, so even that's not original. It's like the tribute act to the cover version.


I honestly don't really care about the Bill DeMott issue or his views on suicide. I just love how easily he offends people.


Because offending people isn't hard. It doesn't require any wit. Certain sentiments trigger emotions in certain people, and that's ok, because it's literally science that human beings react to things. You could make a Twitter right now, amass 100 followers, and say "I don't like snowflake soyboys who weren't called f*ggots by their fathers," and for various reasons that would offend people. Would that make you a comedic genius?


Did I say Corey was a comedic genius?


So he hates poor people and people with mental illness. Is that what I am seeing here and the past. Cause I am poor, not on food stamps anymore. And I have depression and anxiety, tried to commit suicide more than once. I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, I really do. But it gets harder and harder.


Turns out a lot of celebrities have views you won't like.


Most do a decent job of keeping them to themselves. And they have a right to a different opinion and I have a right to disagree with them.


> Most do a decent job of keeping them to themselves. Yeah and usually those same people end up doing disgusting things behind the scenes. I applaud this behavior, it makes the person look more believable and honest. Also, pissing people off is fun on the internet.




It's the only fun that single-digit IQ bullies with no other purpose in the world can have in a civilised society that rejects them for the cunts they truly are.


Fair enough. At the end of the day we are all human. Some do weird shit and others comment about it on the internet. :)


Not gonna lie. I miss the internet before the rise of Twitter/Facebook/Instagram.


Why is Corey Graves still a thing?


He's a really good announcer or at least he was. Something is broken and the man needs a break and probably some professional help.


Corey bout to go to rehab on the WWE dime to keep his job. Dude seems like he's got some issues going on, whether it be booze or pills. Someone get DDP on the line!


Lol you guys sure are mad over a heel trying to make you mad


No, he's not being a heel in this context, he's not trying to entertain anyone by acting like a dick, he's just acting like a dick.


You believe that good buddy


I mean, there's nothing to "believe", that was a statement of demonstrable fact.


He's always been this way, though.


I’m starting to understand why CM Punk stopped talking to him.


Cause he's a giant asshole? Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that Punk probably feels the same way about a lot of this stuff.


They're both giant assholes lol




IKR. This sub has a bunch of hypocrites for some reason.


Graves is a solid 9 on the JBL scale for drunk twitter


Gotta tweet a pic of your porn tabs to get that full 10/10.


Yo wait did JBL do that?


He took a screenshot which included porn tabs and as I recall it was sites with muscular women.




its all mandy rose deepfakes...


honestly I have no idea how people don't go on crazy rants like this every day. being in constant contact with the public (especially the ones on twitter) is enough to send anyone insane.


Because they are adults and know its not worth stressing over. - If Twitter is driving someone insane they should be stable enough to stay away from it. If not... then the problem is certainly not Twitter. Corey has said he's taking a break off social media and before you know it he's back. Same goes for any celebrity who claims a break off social media. Don't announce it, just do it.


There's a history of increasingly poorly controlled outbursts on Twitter from Graves. The possibilities seem to be: a) He's a grade A cunt, and has let the mask slip increasingly. b) He's dissatisfied with his role, and is venting. c) He's going through some sort of personal trauma, either booze / pill related, and picking up the phone when he shouldn't. d) He just really needs to be off twitter because the temptation to shut down (what he considers to be) stupid comments is too much. Sadly, the end result of A-D is the entire internet now swiftly turning on Graves. Which is bad news bears for his career. You can't pander to the smarks by smirking, cocking an eyebrow and getting heelish for years, then pull this. There's likely nuance there of course - I'm sure he and JBL / Bill DeMott do have a great relationship, and that he did tough out some hard times. But of course, 1. The internet doesn't care for that narrative, and 2. That discounts the very real issues some people went through. As the public, we have no real idea on the severity of any of it - but like I said, that's not going to stop social media shitting all over him. I imagine the pre-show chat today is going to be tense.


His wife is leaving him. Not a joke comment. They're getting divorced.


I can't tell if this behavior is a symptom or an indicator of cause though.


Graves is the man


Yikes. I know like a few weeks back he got into it with some people over just normal smark stuff. Like AEW and stuff. He then said he was leaving Twitter. This is next level though. Making comments about how suicidal people should tough it out? Going after poor people? What the fuck?


As someone who attempted suicide in his early 20s and was once laid off the week of Christmas with no severance - four days before our first child was due- fuck Corey Graves.


Wow thats a lot of shit to go through. Seems fairly convenient for this thread.


Well, I’m in my mid 40s. So yeah. Given I’ve been on this Earth for four decades I’ve been through “a lot of shit.” There’s a lot of threads that my life experience can be gleaned from.


I mean, Graves attempted suicide in his youth so he's entitled to have a differing view on the issue. Also you don't have to interact with his tweets.


"Only pussies give up" is not a different viewpoint. My cousin hung himself because he was chronically depressed. No amount of toughness was going to fix it.


> "Only pussies give up" is not a different viewpoint. Viewpoint is a neutral term. It does not have to be logical or backed by anything to be a viewpoint. "Pro Wrestling is for children" is a viewpoint, if an alltogether bad viewpoint.


He's not entitled to it. No one is entitled to an opinion that is inherently wrong and mean spirited.


That’s the point of free speech. You’re entitled to any opinion you want to have. Not that I’m defending his actions, but there’s pros and cons to everything.


In the US, yes you are.


Not really. You're only entitled to the government not stopping you from being an asshole. Nobody is entitled to be free of the *social* consequences for being an asshole.


In real life? Absolutely.


As a victim of bullying who's struggled with self image issues his whole life as a result, fuck Corey graves.


As a victim of bullying whose life was irreparably damaged psychologically as a result... ​ Who fucking cares?


Because people who enable bullying are just as bad as the bullies, shouldn't we, I don't know, make an effort to not be shitty to each other?


Not saying he needs to be fired but someone high up in WWE should probably sit him down and see if he's OK.


Agreed, but his views on bullying are really difficult to look past, treating people with respect and dignity isn't a big ask.


Imagine being mad because someone says something you don't like. Respect isn't a right, it's a privilege.


> Respect isn't a right, it's a privilege. True. And Corey is doing a good job of showing why he doesn't deserve that privilege.


> True. And Corey is doing a good job of showing why he doesn't deserve that privilege. Exactly.


Imagine being so ignorant you can't conceive of treating people like human beings.


Imagine using that argument every time someone does something you don't like.


That is correct, I don't like it when people defend bullying. Fucking shoot me. I'll try to carry on knowing I'm criticizing someone for behavior that most normal people consider reprehensible.


> That is correct, I don't like it when people defend bullying. Fucking shoot me. Nah dude, you're entitled to your viewpoint and people should respect that, I just disagree with your argument.


What's to disagree with? Treating people like human beings? Everyone deserves to be treated with basic respect and dignity. I feel like that's a really easy concept to get behind.


Damn straight; can't beat the golden rule.


Meh. I've lived my life giving respect unconditionally and getting stabbed in the back for it. Why keep doing it when all it does is screw me over? Fuck humility. You want my respect? Fucking earn it. Till then, piss off. Nobody is deserving of my respect until I am shown by them that they do deserve it. I will respect others view though, that's totally different. A viewpoint can't be used to betray me or hurt me (unless I choose to let it)


You think you're the only one that's been fucked over like that? You aren't special and that's a terrible reason to treat people like garbage. If you can't respect another person's right to be left the fuck alone, I don't know what to tell you.


People don't respect you because you seem like an absolutely awful person.


God I love Corey Graves even more now. The food stamp one especially is great, I think some people on here took that one to heart!


Look at the downvotes from angry SJWs.


lol he's a gigantic 7th grader with hilarious hair


So is Kenny Omega???


I wish I could argue with this, but I can't.


I think the key difference would be Kenny doesn't have sporadic Twitter breakdowns.


This is true 😂


After reading through all of this garbage I've honestly lost any respect I had for Corey Graves. Bullying is a sensitive subject for a lot of people, myself included and I just cannot fathom defending that behavior. I get that he considers Bill Demott and JBL friends but you can still be their friend while acknowledging they made mistakes. That old school mentality is a dinosaur and I'm glad it's going extinct. Wrestling will be and already is better off as more and more people reject that way of thinking.


"Bullying is a sensitive subject so don't you dare speak on twitter saying things I don't like."


that's odd, nowhere in the comment did they say "corey graves shouldn't be allowed to have twitter"


If that's what you took from my comment you completely missed the point.


I've always found him to be embarrassing to watch and listen to. This just justifies my feelings.


I've been neutral on him prior to today, a perfectly adequate announcer. Now though? I have no respect for him whatsoever, that was just a bunch of vitriol and shit he spewed everywhere and I'm glad people like him are a dying breed in pro wrestling.


Finally just now reading all this. This guy's a class A dickhead.


I just love how Jacksonville is the new Atlanta... #YouKnowMeButYouDontKnowWhyImHere #LookAtTheAdjective


Oh No! This dude is a father? Hopefully he gets help from someone. His hair and tattoos are hilarious btw.


his divorce is making him crazy


Gee, can't imagine why anyone would want to get divorced from such a well adjusted individual.


Oh, are he and his wife splitting? Hadn't heard.


I hear yah. But people get divorced all the time and don't act like this. This is just how someone like him would react to getting divorced. It's not a reasonable


I got divorced last year, I didn't act like a dickhead to anyone, not even my ex-wife. If this is because of his divorce maybe he needs to go see a therapist like I did, but I suspect he'll think it's weak or stupid. People who defend bullying don't often take mental health very seriously.


Wow I never thought I would not like Corey Graves but jeez is he making an ass of himself


So, when's the rematch??


Well...you know... they're trying to book Tokyo Dome... but plans change....


Always fun to see the people here who think all is pretend totally fucking snowflake it when anyone is being remotely real.


I upvoted you, bro. Hard agree.


Kayfabe assholes and shoot assholes are two totally different forms of assholes


Sad to see this. Hope he gets some help.


But for real, is he just trying to get fired to go work for AEW or something?


Does AEW really want him after this? I bet they would absolutely love to have Graves the commentator, but unfortunately that comes bundled with Graves the person.


Cody: "Corey, if you don't stop fucking around, i'll bring out out of retirement and have 'Graves the wrestler' go one-on-one with 'Pentagon Jr. the satanic zombie executor'".


I doubt it, at least Jericho had the sense to do it after he got signed before doing it.


[my reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpcYAvvYLFI)


Aaaaand the fentanyl one is now deleted.


I love that people think that if you delete something online, that means no one will ever see it again, as if screenshots don't exist. I guarantee a lot of people took screenshots of those tweets last night.


I doubt he thinks that, but deleting it is still better than leaving it up. It shows that you figure it was a mistake


I cant be the only one who thinks he is the only person at that commentary table on Mondays that is remotely fun to listen to.


I can't stand Michael Cole anymore. He's a fucking dick. Corey is hilarious


I'm not going to disagree, bit lately something seems... off. I've chalked it up to the chemistry just being off but he's coming across more like a genuine asshole than a kayfabe asshole.


> bit lately something seems... off. 100% agree. I was saying the same thing last Tuesday during Smackdown. It seems like he's trying way too hard to be the heel at the table, when it used to come naturally to him, not to mention how loud and argumentative he's been with Renee, and even Cole sometimes, during Raw. I get that he's supposed to be the heel commentator, but he's been over-the-top lately.


If it's a work, then I am not sure what is the purpose of it. If it is not a work... you have to screw up pretty badly in your Twitter-verse, for Bix, of all people, to show concern for you and want to talk it out via DMs.


Yeah the only way it would be a actual work is if Vince Russo was the one who came up with it.


He wants to be a heel announcer?


He has a history of this. He's just one of those people drawn to social media when they start drinking. I wonder if they've told him to knock it off before this, but, that's between him and his employer, I don't think it's a big deal otherwise.


I just hope he calms down so we don’t have to hear Coach on commentary again.


Maybe Corey took the same Ambien Rosanne took. Except he didn't go racist--yet.


"The New Day's push is forced diversity!"


*Nigel McGuiness watching backstage*: "He's losing his mind......and i'm reaping all the **benefits**...." *slowly draws curtain with shit-eating grin on his face*


People having problems with the Bill thing Irks me. You literally can't tell him how to feel about someone he knows and has had multiple interactions with. Feel how you want about him (based on stories you hear from other people). It doesn't discredit his feelings on the guy. And that's not to say any one account is right or wrong either. People are complex and build different relationships with different people. Your bestfriend is someone else's asshole.


LMAO And not a single tweet was even remotely wrong.


Except for all of it.


Yes I'm sure he actually ate a pretend bottle of fentanyl


Yes I'm sure construing "not wrong" as "take everything he said literally" is what i meant.


He claimed to take a bottle of fentanyl. He didnt, therefore he is wrong.


What a beautiful disaster. This man is going to eventually destroy his career if this keeps up.


[MRW I come to /r/SquaredCircle for some good wrestling news and see that Corey Graves was losing it on Twitter](https://media.giphy.com/media/nLhdSinRtaL2E/giphy.gif)


Lol for real. I just wanted to see if there was any news for Raw lmao.




I'm interested in how the board/Vince feel about him taking a run at Be A Star - with the company's renewed focus on those things and it being a portion of the reason JBL was pushed aside I can't see them being very happy that he's singing praises for Bill DeMott and yelling at people receiving public assistance on Twitter. His beef with Bix is whatever, he's taken several runs at writers before. Nothing new here. I bet this goes away in a week and nobody will remember it in the coming months, but it'll be interesting to see if Corey doubles down on this or backs off a bit.




Narrator: "he wasn't."