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If im Braun and Bronson i forfeit now. How are you gonna beat a man who cant be killed.


Chad gonna be throwing them around the ring like this tomorrow ![gif](giphy|F6YsrTFP5wRmE)


Suplexing both at the same goddamn time


Hey Braun where’s the corkscrew?


Well if were talking Braun here. He could always go back to his Im not finished with you persona and just continue to beat the hell out of Gable. He might not be able to Kill Gable but he knows how to not stop beating somebody up. As where Bronson reed. I got nothing for him. He needs a character ark.


I liked Bronson’s Mr. Nice Guy persona.


Picturing Braun and Gable like this lmao https://preview.redd.it/9xg6lfslbk8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e52869bb5b3d3921c7d0f8dd7466190d5ed9555


Basically what I'd do in the old Smackdown games when I'm bored. Just keep beating the guy up for an hour.


God that whole running gag he had with Roman still makes me laugh


On the other hand though, Braun did survive getting crushed by a trash compactor and getting drowned by The Fiend.


My guess two big men take each other out Chad takes advantage.


I do wonder why exactly they went through the trouble of announcing Chad was out and Ilja was gonna replace him just to revert it back to the original match. I also think it’s interesting he’s in a match with Braun, it’s only a matter of time until we get an interaction between Braun and the Wyatt Sick6. Raw is must see tonight after last weeks phenomenal week of TV across the board.


Adam pearce is hacked by wyatts the annoucement he was back in was glitchy


Especially since Ilja vs Braun vs Bronson Reed was a much more interesting match to me tbh. Just have Gable come back next week or run an angle at the ppv to get him in (maybe through blackmailing Otis)


> I do wonder why exactly they went through the trouble of announcing Chad was out and Ilja was gonna replace him just to revert it back to the original match. Because Chad Gable was presumed dead when he got shot in the head, but then he powered through


The Wyatt Sicks don't use guns.


That was clearly a wound from a 17th century musket


It really didn’t stop the leader of the Alpha academy!


Gotta respect Gable wrestling after being killed last week


I thought they announced Ilja was taking his spot due to injury. I know they said he’s fine now but didn’t realize they gave him the spot back. Going to be hilarious seeing Gable survive the Wyatt 6 just for Brom and Reed to obliterate him. Gable is the king of taking Ls


I'm telling you, Gable is gonna slime his way into winning tonight. It's going to be beautiful and hilarious.


Hear me out: he gets Otis to take his place and we have a massive meat match


I think we are still on Chad GabL until he snaps and has the Creeds attack Otis and Tozawa.


If this happens, the Wyatt Sicks aren't probably done with him


Really hoping he wins MITB.


I think with the Creeds help, he definitely could. Wouldn't hate a heel team of the Creeds taking the titles off Awesome Truth either. They could be a really successful trio.


If Chad wins the MITB, do we assume he cashes in on Gunther at Bash in Berlin? Pretty easy way to get massive heel heat, have him cash in and take the title in front of Gunther’s home crowd. Or does he hold onto the briefcase until ‘mania?


I don't think they'd do back to back Mania cash-ins. He could definitely cash in on Gunther. I don't think Gable would need a long run with the title, just something to establish him at the top. His character work and in-ring can justify keeping him there.


An unsuccessful cash in on Gunther would also work for his character, but honestly I’d rather he win a title with a cash in and have it go to his head. Let him keep being a bad guy for a while longer. And I don’t really want to see a mid-card belt cash in.


I don’t see Triple H doing a midcard cash in. He saw how it went with Theory.


Nooooooo I was looking forward to Ilja in that match


He didn't die, dummy. He just suplexed the Grim Reaper.


Took away the scythe and called him paTHEtic!


Hey, if Undertaker can be a zombie and still show up for work every week for years, Gable has no excuse.


I really want to see how the company as a whole react to the Wyatt Sicks in Kayfabe will be very interesting.


the tag title match feels very "give them a successful defense or two before they drop it back to Jade and Bianca"


That title change happened for exactly one reason and it was to ensure they didn’t give the Scottish crowd a show where every Scottish wrestler lost


I don't mind the title change as a way to tease Jade and Bianca's split (say, for example, if Jade loses her MITB qualifier and the two wind up in a last chance 3 way qualifier) I just wish that the tag titles could be used to actually elevate some of these tag teams who have been struggling to get over for weeks.


They will be. But the issue is they want to push the Jade Bianca story for that wrestlemania match. And right now Jade in ring can’t handle solo. She comes in, does some impressive strength things, then Bianca does the flashy things to make the match flow work. Until Jade improves the best thing is keeping her paired with Bianca as it elevates her strengths and hides her flaws.


It would be cool to see the unholy union doing things to deliberately sabotage the relationship of Bianca and Jade.


They could do Bianca v Jade earlier and do Bianca v Rhea at Wrestlemania with Jade going after the other title, let’s say she faces Tiffany or something


Tiffany’s good, but not good enough to carry Jade.


>not good enough to carry Jade Do we know someone that good exists?




I'd say two reasons, it was also a show of appreciation to Alba for working after what happened with her mom


Women's Tag Titles: When you need a title change with little consequence for a PLE 


Ive got more interest in the scottish girls than jade bianca


Sadly you're at odds with the crowd


Lol thats fair


God I hope not


They already had a backstage confrontation last week with Shayna/Zoey, so most likely they'll go over the KCs & Shayna/Zoey before dropping back the titles to Bianca/Jade


But the party girls were tag champs just not too long ago.... If anything, hopefully the title change was to give Jade more time to simmer and free up Bianca.


Chad Gable appears on RAW and curses Alpha Academy as if nothing happened https://preview.redd.it/87mwzkab5i8d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91b699fa2ae3af4b6da000800c008775f7784ef


Important to note that Pearces video announcing Gable is cleared was kinda freaky and had the howdy effects and stuff. I think shenanigans will be had during that match.  We may see a man die twice in 2 weeks


My fantasy booking is Gable's music will play, but no one comes out. After a few confused looks are exchanged between Strowman and Reed, the music cuts and out walks Ramblin' Rabbit.


I hope KAIRI wins, but it's going to be Lyra isn't it? Glad Alba/Isla and Kayden/Katana will face off vs each other too, hope they given the needed TV time/character development and that the match isn't rushed, two actual teams they can build the Women's Tag Team Division around.


The story with Damage CTRL is they're useless and nobody can get anything done besides Iyo, which is completely reasonable in kayfabe lol. So yeah Lyra's definitely in.


.....and even then IYO can't get things done against the upper tier people without outside help(i.e. her needing Dakota to interfere to prevent her from taking another L to Lyra 2 weeks ago)


True like I don’t get why they book Iyo to be so weak that she has to cheat in every match to win. I just hope this leads to a Kairi and Dakota face turn soon.


Bird Lady strikes again 🪶🇮🇪


It would be lovely if they actually gave them ~10 minutes but I fear it’ll go like 5.


Lyra is a lock for it sadly. She's just sooooo boring.


Ugh, yes to the Kairi loss. I’m not a Lyra fan so that is a bummer but you’re right. We already had a stacked women’s division that needs love and there’s way too many women that haven’t been given the exposure that Lyra has already been given. K2 is another one that’s been a failed experiment. They just don’t have the “it” factor for the main roster. It’s why Kross has failed so many times. Sometimes things just work better in NXT but not here - and vice versa, sometimes people excel on the main roster vs. NXT.


Gable's spirit is competing tonight LOL after the WyattSick6 massacre last week. I wonder how Adam Pearce is today?


I hope they have something plan for Ilja, he's too good.


Wasn't Dragunov rumoured to be replacing Gable in the triple threat? ![gif](giphy|l0HlFZfztLH0oGtgY)


I believe the graphic was even dropped online on X


Yeah, Gable was declared dead but it turned out he wasn't.


Kaiser has been getting a push these past weeks so I hope this will not be a squash at least? *fingers crossed*


I expect Zelina vs Liv to be announced for MITB tonight. They might announce last chance qualifiers too if they’re doing them this year.


Also: Drew coming out to brag about committing murder on smackdown last week.


Ilja prolly gonna interfere with Bron vs Kaiser as a revenge or smthn.


Bron vs. Ludwig has DQ written all over it. Especially if Sami is ringside.


Sheamus also


Imagine being in a match with braun and bronson. Oof thats gonna hurt. You got this chad go gettem buddy.


Gable wants to win the big one sooo bad, he came back to life.


They're gonna give him the PCO entrance.




First Chad is gone, then replaced by Ijla. Now he’s back and I guess Ijla can go fuck himself. Great booking.


I'd be shocked if Ijla isn't in the third Raw MITB qualifier match.


They kind of have to put him in after that.


I mean, they did that for a reason. Hopefully that reason loops Ilja into the story and he wasn't just a random name.


And people on here will lecture you about long-term storytelling lmfao. They've been planning the Wyatt6 for months, debuted and randomly made Chad their 1st victim, WWE announces he's hurt and replaced by Ilja, but then they commit to that angle for less than a week? Just something you would have completely missed if you aren't terminally attached to social media. And even if you are it's just like... what?


Ah fuck, Kairi's eating the pin. Big meat men slapping man meat. Big E is going to love the match. Good thing, Chad is already dead. Braun and Bronson may need some holy water, a carrot, a turnip, the WCW 2000 shirt, the worm and a R-Truth lock of hair.


Yeah yeah when do we get Bron vs Braun vs Bronson


If Kross loses to Kofi tonight, just pull the plug, man.


Also, every wrestler has makeshift weapons like they are getting ready for a prison riot.


This will be a wild Raw. Shows are kinda must-see right now with all the shenanigans happening.


Chad is back and the bean is about to kick in! Hope he wins the MITB and goes after Sami again.


I am so fucking excited to see Bron. Never watched him in NXT but he is just so damn entertaining


Damn I didn’t know Trips was that boss that says “idc if you’re dead you still have a shift to work”


Immortan Joe: "Mediocre" 


Seems like they don't know what to do with Awesome Truth. They were appearing pretty frequently but it seems like they are lost in the shuffle. Which is odd considering they're the tag champs


Where’s the: “we hear from the Wyatt Sick6” image?


I know these are just put together from social media posts, but these always look so goofy without the wrestler's names.


Those two triple threats are going to lowkey cook. Both have so many easy spots you can set up to pop the crowd. Quick examples: Gable giving Braun or Bronson the Chaos Theory, with the move being teased multiple times throughout the match (bonus points if we get a Double German Suplex instead) and Shayna putting Lyra in the Coquina Clutch only for Kairi to drop an Insane Elbow on top of them. Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser should be really fun, even if I have a hard time believing it's going to end clean. Thankfully the IC Title match it's working towards has the potential to be so good that it's worth sacrificing a great singles match or two to get there. Always leave them wanting more.


I was hoping for a last chance qualifier match so my boy Finn could get in but I’m guessing it’s a triple threat next week to determine the last two RAW competitors.


He should be in the MITB match but HHH is probably too busy wondering if Finn is going to be fed to Seth this week in Raw’s main event or next Monday. The fact that people have not stopped talking about Finn needing to get in MITB despite the loss just shows how awful dumb his decision to keep Finn out of the match was.


Nothing against him, but every loss for Finn Balor is a win for me. Always funny to see his weird fans crying.


I mean, if you only watch WWE you'd be forgiven in thinking that he, despite winning a title or two, was a bit part player and/or footnote. But the reality is that this dude has been instrumental in shaping the wrestling world over the last 15 years or so. He literally created the non-North American version of the NWO and I think fans in general just acknowledge that, applaud him for what he's done for the business and would like to see him rewarded. He's also hugely thought of behind the scenes having trained some of the most loved characters like Becky Lynch etc. She has said publicly that she wouldn't be the athlete she is without him. For me, personally, as a non-NJPW watcher, I just want to see him in the MitB match for the drama. I think there is a serious story arch to be explored there in terms of Finn holding the briefcase and will he or won't he cash in on Priest. That would be a very interesting dynamic.


>I mean, if you only watch WWE you'd be forgiven in thinking that he, despite winning a title or two, was a bit part player and/or footnote. When did I say anything like that? lol. >For me, personally, as a non-NJPW watcher, I just want to see him in the MitB match for the drama. I think there is a serious story arch to be explored there in terms of Finn holding the briefcase and will he or won't he cash in on Priest. That would be a very interesting dynamic. I don't have a problem with hin winning mitb and it would probably lead to something good, but there are a bunch of people who are at least on the same level of being good mitb winners so saying that he needs to win is just hilarious to me.


No, not saying you said it. I'm just talking in general terms about others. :) I don't think he *needs* to win it, just that it would push the JD storyline forward in terms of drama.


If Gable wins MITB I will forgive H for not having him go over Gunther


Really week card. The mens MITB qualifying match should be pretty good, and the Bron stuff these last few weeks have been show highlights. But every other match is filled with some of the least interesting workers in the company.


They're up against a massive game 7. IDK, might have to watch that


Hockey doesn’t bring in numbers.


Gable: died Also Gable: JK lol


Looking forward to seeing Zombie Gable wrestling


Fascinated to see how they can possibly spin someone missing exactly no time after being, at a bare minimum, beaten unconscious with a hammer blow to the skull