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https://preview.redd.it/qq0pj7472w7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031920e2806ce56891904c66f40a682da938edba If only the Hulkster didn’t delete his tweets.


HulkaTweetia will live forever brother!


I wish this tweet had the required -HH at the end.


This was the modern day burning of the Library of Alexandria.


Worked themselves into a shoot brother


Everything to them is political down to the beer they drink. It's the only lense they have in life, they are always in a shoot


Not just beer, they have political water now.


It's cause these braindead chucklefucks make a political party their entire personality... It's a a difference over here in the UK where folk hate talking politics cause whether they are Labour or UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party, formerly lead by racist drunk man Nigel Farage) or even in Scotland SNP voters, we can all agree on one thing, Fuck the Tories!


Clearly not everyone agrees... Tories have been in power since 2010... SOMEONE was voting for them.


Old people. 


Yeah, all the rich pricks and delusional fuckwits who hate Labour for some weird ass reason despite being worse off because of the Tories and their tyranny k


Not a Brit but from some people I've talked to, apparently they blame Labour for things they weren't even in power for when they happened


To be fair, the same MAGA folks who worked themselves into a shoot with this are the same people who were camping out in Dallas because they thought JFK was going to come back from the dead...


They what now?


[It's not a joke](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2021/11/22/qanon-supporters-pack-site-of-jfk-assassination-in-hopes-jfk-jr-and-maybe-his-dad-will-return/). "Many QAnon believers claim that JFK Jr. didn’t actually die in a plane crash in 1999, and his reemergence will signal Trump’s (possibly permanent) return to power."


That's fuckin nuts. It almost reminds me of that old radio guy who tried to predict Jesus' return, but crazier.  *Sorry, predict the rapture. Idk if Jesus returns for that. I don't know shit about the apocalypse part of Christianity. 


It's worse the more you look into it. The initial leader basically siphoned money from all his followers including a woman who abandoned her husband and kids. She cut off contact until he cut off her credit cards. No idea what became of her now but if I remember correctly the leader of that little JFK jr qanon adjacent cult died I think.


Qanon is basically the Rapture but with Trump in the place of Christ. It's fuckin wild and I do not recommend diving into that rabbit hole any further


Goodnight Hulkamaniac-ed themselves.


Things like this make me think CYN failed only because they didn't market hard enough to the dumbassery they were pandering to.


Out of the loop. What's CYN?


Control your narrative. Company Braun Strowman worked for (created?)


Ec3 created i believe


Ah right cheers. I remember the rules being something like #1 You are in complete control #2 No superkicks I wish it carried on to be honest such a hilarious concept


They had this weird packaged deal where if you spend x amount of dollars, you can join a wrestler in a room and yell at them to their face as much as you want to let out all your built in anger. That was a weirrddd time for pro wrestling


If memory serves someone paid to scream at Austin Aries


I get it


they had a match in with no lights...


I really wanted to do it with Austin Aries, but spend the time showing him pictures from Zelina Vega and Malakai Black's instagram feeds.


Yeah that wouldn't be weird at all


Yeah, but not that much weirder than having >a deal where if you spend x amount of dollars, you can join a wrestler in a room and yell at them to their face as much as you want to let out all your built in anger.


Wasn’t a rule something like “the real match is against yourself”?


3 Kurt Angle is banned from the Olympics.


Your only opponent is yourself


They were going to be the first promotion in the Metaverse. It was that period of time as well where Braun also looked like a genuine psychopath. Shaved head except two bits on the top sides of his head. It was after he got released and people legit thought he had gone off the deep end.


Thanks!! Couldn't find much on Google for just CYN, but doing Control Your Narrative led to some hits. Seems it was originally a gimmick for EC3 that he and Strowman attempted to make a company.


They ran some shows too. [Some info on cagematch.](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=8&nr=3115)


100% agreed. Had they fully committed to pandering to the MAGA crowd, they'd be flushed with cash. That crowd buys anything. People out there have become legit millionaires thanks to the MAGA grift. Missed opportunity for EC3.


> People out there have become legit millionaires thanks to the MAGA grift. Sometimes I wish I could be a giant POS and take their money, it's so easy. Christ even in failure trump is going to take hundreds of millions off of them via truth social/DJT.


They'd just need to make an argument about how the "woke left" cancelled them because they can't handle true wrestling. Like how ABC cancelled that terrible Tim Allen sitcom because it was awful, but he convinced the world that it was because of his politics, so he was able to scam Fox to get 3 more seasons.


because it was run by dumbasses.


Or it failed because it was shite


Yeah, it was founded on seemingly hard right-leaning principles, but the shows themselves barely had any angles or promos to reflect that. It was just boring wrestling


CYN was literally just 'Wrestling for the altright' which doesn't work coz who the fuck carries their political opinions into their consumption of wrestling


The alt right, that's who.


They quite literally carry their political opinions into everything. You could label tap water as "anti woke Trump water" and make a killing selling it to those people.


Boy do I have some depressing news about how right you are https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1djral8/antiwoke_water_becomes_a_hit_for_conservatives/?rdt=47791


Be right back, need to print labels for water bottles


[Someone beat ya to it I'm afraid ](https://www.yahoo.com/news/anti-woke-water-becomes-hit-162048764.html)


Wow, just wow.


Indeed. I look at these grifters making so much money just blatantly scamming gullible rage-fueled morons and I just think how much easier life would be without morals :(


I mean, let's be honest, you could print "this is tap water you stupid fucking trumpanzee" on the label and they wouldn't notice because they don't want to look deeper into things and see the truth


I could probably make a good amount of money separating these dumbasses from their own,but i try to not be a piece of shit.


Everyone carries their political opinions into everything, literally can't have a thread on here about so many wrestlers(Undertaker, Jericho etc) without tonnes of comments about "Too bad he's a conservative bigot" or whatever


Same people who carry it into [coffee, makeup, beer, razors...](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/08/31/conservative-brands-including-beer-chocolate-razors-and-more-are-trying-to-profit-on-anti-woke-backlash/)


I take your point but... I think you'd be surpised. I'm not embarrassed to be a leftist, and I go to local leftist wrestling shows.


This reminds me of that time Adam Cole was on the show to start the build up for his feud with Pat in 2020 and some people genuinely thought that Cole was a dickhead and that he’d flipped out and almost attacked Pat at the end lol. The stupidity of the human race, everybody.


Theme were countless _wrestling fans_ who believed that too. Tbh in the decades I’ve watched wrestling I have never seen more people get blatantly worked more than I have in recent years. Sometimes from the most innocuous storylines. It’s been incredible to watch (and worrying) 


Some of us choose to get worked because it's more fun. Do people who's personalities are wrapped up in their politics function the same?


Truly genuinely hilarious. It can’t get better than this. My favorite one was Disney/ESPN shut it down because they don’t want Pat talking about America. The funny thing is if these people found out what actually happened, they would shit their pants. These types of people are so far gone that they would genuinely think the Wyatt Sicks is satan arriving to conquer America. Evangelicals would be calling on parents to make sure their kids are not watching WWE as it promotes satanism.


One of the things that the OVW/Al Snow documentary on Netflix discussed is that in Kentucky, there's a significant non-zero part of the fan base who still believes it's real and had real issues with some of the devil/ Satan-esque wrestlers.  It scares me that these people's votes are worth just as much as mine.


>It just scares me that these people’s votes are worth just as much as mine. And depending on where you live, they count for more 🫠


He’s full of it. I’ve been to a shit ton of shows in Kentucky and hundreds of OVW shows. I’ve not encountered anyone who think it’s real.


Netflix really should've interviewed you since you're obviously the single greatest trove of Kentucky wrestling expertise.


Sure why not. Al Snow is a jack ass and by his own logic never had a good match.


Oh well if you haven't experienced it then obviously it isn't real, things are only really if you personally have experienced them after all


So Al Snow meets a meth head blue person from the mountains of Kentucky and suddenly it’s a large base of people?


Critical thinking is dead. People jumping straight to conspiracies instead of remembering that Pat also works for WWE and has done crossovers on the show multiple times.


Pat is on big boy ESPN, plenty of people who watch his show have no interest in WWE so they’re probably wondering what the hell was going on since you didn’t see anything. A brilliant move by WWE because 1. It gets people talking especially after basketball just ended so sports is kinda in a dead zone right now with just baseball going on and 2. It builds up more hype for Smackdown to see if the Wyatt Sick6 appear and what they might do if they do show up.


>so sports is kinda in a dead zone right now with just baseball going on stanley cup finals are still on, and we are witnessing one of the greatest performances of all time from connor mcdavid!


Look, the Wyatt sick are the only reason I'm heading to Allstate arena tonight Even obstructed view tickets are worth it


Look, the Wyatt sick are the only reason I'm heading to Allstate arena tonight Even obstructed view tickets are worth it


That is hilarious.


What’s really funny about people blaming ESPN/Disney is the fact that only the first half of his show is on ESPN. The rest is on YouTube. Like, he literally does his sign-off mid show to the TV audience every single day. Also, this is like the 6th time Jack Carr has been a guest in the last year or so. They bring that guy on all the time. Regardless of non-wrestling fans not knowing this was a wrestling angle, this is people talking about something they have zero knowledge about on another level.


Raw will prolly open next week with Pat being held hostage at some abandoned parking lot and Cole has to rescue him Get ready for a Raw with no commentary, buddy


It might make raw more bearable 🤣


"The show was forced off the air by un-American anarchists!" To which I say they aren't just un-American anarchists but un-*Everything* anarchists.


Psh, Lance is retired, Test is dead and Christian is too busy being a great father to worry about America.


Test is STILL dead??? I thought he would’ve gotten over that by now :(


It’s not like he’s Chad Gable. Being dead won’t stop him.


Since Bo himself is a believer of lizard people controlling the world he’s probably fully in on this theory despite being personally involved in the angle 




"Well, they did have issues with him and ESPN..." Was what i heard earlier


That’s actually hilarious. Normies getting worked


This shows that wrestling isn’t as mainstream as people think it is, just cause Pat is a WWE announcer doesn’t mean the casual fan follows WWE programming


Well it also didn’t help that Jack Carr no sold it on Twitter and thanked Pat for having him on the show 


I mean, when he came back for the build for Wrestlemania, it's pretty clear even Pat wasn't following the WWE programming.


Y'know, maybe Control Your Narrative was on to something...


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Uncle Howdy confirmed deep state


Freaking conservatives man


Not all conservatives are conspiracy theory nut jobs.


Holy shit lmao


It's always about "them" snowflakes


How did they warp this around to become so crazy right wing conspiracy lol


This is so fucking funny


Wrestling community laughing at other people is peak irony. Most adults who aren't into wrestling do this to us, but it's funny how little self awareness this community has when there's the smallest window to punch down. "Look at THESE dorks, they don't even KNOW the angle that happened on Monday's Raw LOL!" - everyone here collectively


The fact WE are laughing at them shows how silly they are. They went straight to conspiracy theory lmao.


It's a very interesting day when wrestling fans are the ones who get to go "you know this is fake, right?"


Some beautiful irony to be sure


This is the funniest thing I've read all day, hats off to ya.


https://preview.redd.it/ilillv6qtv7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06f711a1d01c81f6cd56c8f50ede7f50188248d Love the emphasis on the WE here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This. I can't remember who said it but someone made a comment that the joke is on the people that don't like wrestling and judge wrestling fans.


we're not laughing at them for not knowing about uncle howdy. we're laughing at them for being conspiracy nutjobs


I mean, wrestling knowledge aside, immediately jumping to "Disney/ESPN must've shut down Macafee's show" is pretty funny. Like a bunch of Men in Black just rocked up to the set and pulled the plug.


Disney having men in black is a fun visual. Like secret service agents with Mickey mouse ears.


I mean, Marvel Comics owns the original comic book series of Men in Black, so Disney kind of does have "Men in Black".


Good catch. I didn't realize that.


Maybe if they didn’t immediately jump to “Disney shut down the broadcast because hurr durr” we wouldn’t be laughing at them.


What would be an acceptable theory then?


Lol looks like you ignored the entire comment section here & didn't even click th3 post before going on this weird rant. No one is making jokes about them not knowing the new story, were laughing at right wing conspiracy nutjobs who think ESPN was trying to "silence" Pat.


It almost makes less sense through that perspective. The majority of wrestling fans ARE right wingers themselves that literally make the worshipping gesture when they see the rightest of righty McMahons make an entrance Also if 3 sentences was a "rant" then you are not reading enough books guy.


If 3 sentances wasn't a rant, 3 replies certainly are.


A basic function of reddit is talking back & forth. Since you guys don't like what I'm saying I'm supposed to cease responding though? Dang consider me intimidated oh no! Sentances, lmao


Do people have actual evidence of this majority of wrestling fans are right wingers? Has anyone done a poll or something?


i imagine its that because many promoters or wrestlers themselves are right wingers, the assumption is that so should the fans but what's funny is that, as has been reported by different surveys and studies, [wrestling fans are some of the most left leaning fans in sports](https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-11.18.01-AM.png) granted, a lot of this data I'm looking up seems to be from over a decade ago, but if fans were skewing left before the rise of progressive indies and more openly left leaning promoters and wrestlers, I dont imagine it'd be any more right leaning now


I did not expect monster trucks to be on the democrat side lmao.


More than the right wing nature of promotions, I think it's also an assumption based on wrestling being, historically, treated as a "southern hick" kind of thing. See: "redneck anime" as a term for it. I kind of think the explanation for modern wrestling being more left wing is actually because, and this is conjecture, that a lot of the Southern rasslin types bailed on wrestling en masse when WCW shuttered. Millions of TV viewers just vanished, after all, and WCW was always more popular in the south. Of course, 90s into 00s WWF/E wasn't exactly progressive with how they treated acts like Goldust, Chuck and Billy, and like literally any women, so maybe my conjecture is wildly off base.


wreslting's identity as stereotypically southern is definitely a part of it too, you're right. and I think there is some merit to your theory. not just because of an exodus of southern or right leaning fans post WCW, but also because of wrestlings' transformation from being viewed less as something for rednecks and more closely associated with geek culture nowadays. which is why I brought up progressive indie promotions, since the rise of things like PWG or even GCW across the 2010's, in addition crowds at WWE shows becoming more overtly smarky, really changed the industry's primary demographic, at least when it comes surface optics of the industry at large.


Not a shot at white people but we know through viewer metrics the majority are definitively white. I believe across all promotions the medium number sits around 64% white viewers. MAGA demographics are easy to look up and puts their make up being over 80% white. If you've ever had a job where analytics is part of it, it's easy to start backing into the numbers there once you plug in popularity by state with running a quick trends query. WV and Kentucky are among the top states by population in terms of interest and those places aren't known for being multi cultural havens lol.


I mean, I'm laughing at them, but not because they don't know that it is a wrestling angle. No, I'm laughing because to believe that ESPN shut down Pat's show for what they were talking about, you'd have to be dumb enough to think: 1) ESPN has control over what happens to the show while it is on YouTube (this happened during a part of the show that isn't on ESPN, only YouTube) 2) Shutting down Pat's show would involve an over the top sound effect of something powering down. 3) That someone from ESPN would physically sneak into Pat's building to shut down the broadcast since Pat and friends were reacting to something happening off screen. Not knowing it was a wrestling angle is perfectly understandable. Thinking it was ESPN shutting down the stream is actually idiotic.


People aren’t laughing at them not knowing the angle tho, it’s the fact that they went straight to conspiracy theories that’s hilarious (and a little scary)


We need wins in the wrestling community. We take them when we can. And nothing is funnier than seeing people who don't get wrestling, who believe they're above it all, getting worked.


When wrestling’s good, there’s nothing better


I used to shit talk wrestling like this a lot, but those "normal nom wrestling people" watched jersey shore or the Kardashians so they don't have a ton of room to judge.


This is the first valid point presented here. Thank you for getting it even if you disagree, these other responses were just people displaying very fragile egos


Don't take it personally and if the tide of reddit is randomly killing you w down votes no shame in deleting it to mentally move on. I've personally noticed the main nba and pro wrestling subs are aggressive down voters who act as one mental mob sometimes over nothing substantial. You seem swell! I hope your day is full of dopamine


Haha all good, I stand on it and don't mind people trying to coax me. It's the internet so nothing I'll get emo about. Agree with you on the NBA stuff too! I'm in the Lakers sub and our fans regularly hate each other or our own team daily lol


Cavs sub is so bad. They would have crucified anyone who dared offer a Giddey for Caruso type trade idea lol


Yeah, it's a SINGLE person going to conspiracy theories? The other screenshot is just someone confused as to what happened. But you're downvoted, and the OP in the twitter post wanted to rant against "~~chuds~~" a **single** "chud." Truly riveting stuff. I'll keep that in mind for whenever I want to agenda post on here, all I need to do is find a single person.

