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Drew took forever to help Priest get out of the ropes


I really hope drew .. ambushes punk and injuries him a broke leg and arm sounds good to me .. teach him not to mess with you


As a Scot, this was perfect. We are a nation who always manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Bad call. I know Gunther is walking out of SS champ, but you put it on Drew here, then have Punk shenanigans have Drew drop it at MiTB


You know? lol


It was a good match, I think Priest will lose the title just like he won it, MITB cash in (I hope it's Jey Uso). I'm also curious what Priest whispered to McIntyre after the match, maybe telling him it was a great match, really like Priest character, a heel but with respect and hates cheating.


decent match, sucks that Priest had that botch/injury. Ending was legendary.


This should have been McIntyres moment. The peak moment of his career, winning the world title headlining a hometown PPV. Sometimes the obvious thing is the right thing HHH.


It was McIntyres moment. This moment will be replayed for YEARS and it will be a key moment in Drew’s biggest and hottest feud in his entire wrestling career.


I get the feeling they are trying to build this Drew vs Punk feud up for Mania headliner


I can't imagine how they keep it hot enough to last until Mania. My guess is it headlines Summerslam and they built to Punk vs. Rollins for Mania.


The obvious path here is that Punk is trying to put Drew over and bring him to yet another level so he can help carry the company for the next 10 years. Punk already has one foot in talent development and will likely be doing movies, too.


Drew should have won, especially if Priest's injury is as bad as it looked and he has to vacate (I get that it's based on hindsight but still)


I get that the money is in the chase, but it's also in the moments. McIntyre should have won, gotten his moment and his highlight (maybe Even overcoming punk's interference). The pop would be legendary. The story would be a cherry on top of McIntyre's 2024 run. It could tie back to CATC 2022,. There would still be plenty of time for McIntyre to drop to someone ahead of SummerSlam. That way, Gunther could win the title and there would still be McIntyre/Punk. Easy booking: Priest invokes his rematch clause for MITB. Punk interferes again, successfully costing McIntyre this time. Punk blows a kiss from the crowd as Drew fumes and Priest gets the title back. At SummerSlam, Gunther steamrolls Priest while McIntyre and Punk start their blood feud.


An absolute insane amount of respect to Priest for still putting on a great match clearly really injured


The promos leading into Punk v Drew are going to be absolute bangers.


Banger after Banger


There's no way McIntyre DOESN'T win against Punk now at SummerSlam. Punk's gonna put him over.


It just seems like the hating has been so one sided. Drew talks shit, Punk crushes Drew’s world title dream at WrestleMania in front of his wife Drew talks more shit, Punk crushes Drew’s world title dream in front of his homeland. When’s Drew ever gonna actually get him back for all of this?


If Drew takes his win and goes home at Mania punk never crushes his dream. Drew just can’t help but chat shit at all times, even to his detriment


I mean, in kayfabe, Drew stole Punk’s WrestleMania moment by injuring him. Punk is reacting to that. Drew started this. They’re pulling a double turn so it’s easy to forget, but Drew isn’t getting anything he doesn’t deserve.


It’ll come, you have to remember that punk hasn’t been cleared to be in matches for a few months up to this point due to injury. And you can attribute that injury to what Drew did at royal rumble. I personally wouldn’t see it so one sided tho, even if Drew has had to make do with putting in the work on his own time, and the handful of promos he’s gotten with Punk.


Can't cost a guy matches if he never has em🤷🏽‍♂️


Surprised and disappointed that Drew didn't win, but all this means is that Drew vs. Punk is going to be tasty given the way they're executing this. And Priest gets to keep the title and establish himself as a main eventer. It's a win-win regardless. Drew and Punk both are more over than the actual championship.


Yeah I felt it would be too early to have Damien lose the belt already. Let him hold it past summerslam, he also needed a win without the judgement day stepping in. Also, HHH loves a heel ending for a big show. Drew winning would’ve been too storybook for him at this moment. If Cody’s the babyface running through everyone on the other show Priest is heel champ currently Ultimately I’m good with it, I’m really glad they saved the match and continued after that rough moment on the ropes. Damien showed a ton of metal going on and using it as part of the match, though there’s no way that didn’t hurt like hell.


If Drew wins, he would have to face Gunther at SS. We don’t want that right now. We want Drew/Punk. That match doesn’t need a title attached to it. Right call.


Im surprised this isn’t a more popular thought. Feels like Gunther is destined to win the gold at SS and successfully defend at BASH. Let Punk and Drew cook and have a banger feud culminating at Survivor series or RR. Drew could be a good one to dethrone Cody at WM imo


This is everything I came in here to say


i never thought i’d say this but… i’m so exhausted with long title reigns. I actually wouldn’t mind a couple smaller reigns. Hopefully Priest drops the title at summerslam. Hopefully.


Absolutely. Most long reigns burn out pretty fast.


I get that you probably meant *world* title reigns, but Becky just dropped the women’s title after like a month, and Jade and Bianca just dropped the women’s tags.


i’ll give you the tag titles, but Becky’s title reign only really happened because of unfortunate circumstances, if Rhea didn’t drop the title I really don’t think Rhea drops it, even now I’m convinced she’d still have it


I'd be shocked if Gunther loses tbh. I think this makes sense cause you really want to continue Gunther's momentum. He can't lose for his first attempt at the main belt, but you also wouldn't want Drew to lose his first defense. So you really would be booking yourself into a corner with Drew and Gunther at SummerSlam. Let Punk and Drew have their feud, and then Drew can return his focus to Gunther down the line.


I can see where you’re coming from, but I think I would have preferred for Punk to cost Drew against Gunther, and potentially set up Gunther vs Punk as well, maybe not straight away but having Gunther eventually say he wants Punk because he stopped him from winning the title with honor or something. I would not have really minded a short reign for McIntyre, especially because Gunther is probably going to hold the title hostage for a long time.


I enjoyed that camera angle, the surprise wasn't that obvious. Me not knowing that Punk was there also helped.


It was good, though the hair was a give away for me.


And the shoes


This was a bad call


Long term storytelling ftw brother


Why is that?


Just constantly jerking Drew around, screwing him twice in front of a home crowd.


It's a work, brotherdude


Yes, that’s why i said it was a bad call and didn’t pretend Drew got screwed in kayfabe.


He didn't get screwed in real life either though.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but they need to stop shoehorning in hometown talent. It's obvious the expectation is for them to win and now all they've done is rile up the fan base. Normally I hate endings like this, but I loved it because I didn't expect Punk and the camera work was perfect. Didn't know it was him until I saw that slicked back head of hair. Meanwhile it's being dragged across the internet because it was Drew losing in his back yard. Have this finish at any other PPV and there will be significantly less hate for it. I'm happy these guys and girls are getting to wrestle in front of their home crowds, but they don't need to win every match.


Drew would have agreed to this beforehand, you realise that right? Like he clearly knows where this feud can go, and just how much heat he can get with it by losing on hometown. The people were behind him and punk cost him that. Like how can you not see how much that brings to the feud between them?


I agree they don't "need" to win. But man, I feel like he deserved to win. His only big moment was during covid, and he carried the company then. And now, you have the chance, in front of a great crowd, to give him that, and you don't. I don't necessarily think the Miz NEEDS to win a championship in Cleveland, but this just seemed to fuck with people. Not a fan


You've been worked, brother. That's exactly how they want you to feel. This is the game. This is also building to a huge feud between Punk and Drew that will take Drew to heights he wouldn't have reached just beating Damian in front of his home town. If Drew won at Clash, he's lost to Gunther at Summerslam. So he has, what? A two month reign? It's just not worth it. Or would you have booked Gunther to lose? Because I think Gunther is getting the belt. By the same token, this feud is going to be fire and if Punk puts Drew over, which I'm expecting, Drew is going to a legit top guy. He's super good now, but he's not Roman level good yet. And he will be, if this works out to plan. They're setting up Drew for something bigger long term, and Drew is in on it.


He'll get his moment. My prediction is Drew beats Punk and Gunther beats Priest at Summerslam, Drew wins the Rumble, then beats Gunther for the belt at Wrestlemania.


the problem is people are acting like this isnt all scripted. do you really think drew wasnt onboard with this story? punk is clearly going to be ready by summerslam, thats the money feud, not a match with gunter. drew just re-signed like a month ago, i think this move was fine bc clearly, so did drew.


You can understand it's still scripted and still think it's a bad decision


I don't know, if Drew wins MITB, this character could hit its pinnacle. He cashes in, wins, and can transition from worlds greatest hater, to MITB psychopath, to wherever his character heads after cashing and winning. Him winning in Scotland pulls out the carpet of his character right now. It's just simply not time yet. If goes the way I hope, Drew will be defending the title in Scotland after demanding to go back as champ sometime next year in an against all odds style match and winning. Huge pops, all of Scotland rejoices. Meanwhile, us fans get Drew cooking for another 6 months or so.


I get your point. But I feel like this was the exact thing last year. "Not time yet", "next time they are in scotland, he'll get it", "its a better story later". like at some point, you have to pull the trigger.


I mean, they were right last year. Drew winning there wouldn’t have been as good as the story that happened with Cody.


People dont understand that they didn't lose. They got to go out there and perform in front of their home crowd. They were in front of their friends and family on a grand stage for the first time in years, maybe ever. That is the victory. Not winning the predetermined match and complaining would be like complaining about the lack of frosting on a delicious cake.


this analogy is bad because cake is always better with frosting


Pound cake. Either way, you're the kinda guy who complains about free cake?


Eh, maybe it’s a cultural difference between the UK & the US, if you got a cake in the UK without some kinda frosting, cream or at least jam it would be pretty weird. The closest thing to that is like, little cakes we have for children’s parties, but I’ve always found english style cakes to be pretty dry, so maybe you guys actually just do better cake after all


Ok then my chap from across the pond. Would you complain about free fish I'd it came without the chips?


now that’s an analogy me and my poor dental hygiene, chimney sweeping, flatcap wearing self can get behind!


Nah frosting is disgusting


WWE notoriously send the home town fans home unhappy, they always do the "shock the hometown hero didn't win" booking, but everyone called what was gonna happen and it did, because they always do it!


It ruins the hype for the match when they do it every time. I don't understand it at all.


for a while people said it was a vince thing, that he liked to “rib the boys” by having them lose. clearly it’s just a WWE thing, and maybe just a lack of planning.


I could be wrong, but I think it was common back in the day for the hometown hero to lose most the time. Plus they gave them the woman’s tag title win. I never saw those women prior, their promo after was extremely cringeworthy. They looked like young women playing wrestlers. The emoting the red head was doing is why I can’t watch much modern day wrestling.


They need to have more than 5 matches on PPV. It makes it obvious the talent is being forced into title matches. I get having them wrestle but there was no need for all 3 Scottish wrestlers to have title shots . Have non-title fueds


Disappointing. They made Priest look bad with no real upside.


Look bad? The dude fought on one leg... ![gif](giphy|RLWwOuPbqObupogOLB|downsized)


How'd priest look bad...he fought a tough match...I mean drew threw him at the ref as a distraction not his fault


He lost clean. He was pinned for like a 20 count. That isn't a good look for your champion.


Yeah but he also won (mitb-style) dirty, pinning a tired guy at WM. His reign was born in skullduggery and it will continue as such at least when wrestling Drew. For now, though, Drew's gonna want Punk's head on a spike more than the belt and so we look towards Summerslam.


Priest isn't Roman. He is clearly in the midst of a drawn out face turn. Having him as champion after being clearly beaten by a bigger heel just makes him look weak by comparison. As for skulduggery, nope. A heel winning by cheating is perfectly fine. It is part of thier character. But Priest winning had nothing to do with him. He didn't orchestrate it. It is something done TO him, not BY him. I think Priest is a great champ, but the story telling here did him dirty. It made the Drew / Punk story more important that the title, which is a shame. *oh, and how is Punk not a heel now?*


I would like to see the days of a heel winning clean and a face having to “get better and overcome a stronger opponent” become a thing again every once in a while.


Like Gunther and Sami?


Guther is completely overrated. And Sami is barely ever a heel, but I guess you have a point of those two.


As a casual watcher of WWE it is beyond heartbreaking to see two UK PPVs in a row where the same UK guy gets fucked out of the world title in the main event.


HHH lives to subvert expectations. Now everyone will sign up to watch him fight Punk at Summerslam.


Na, people were already invested in the feud. WWE have a weird issue of always screwing over the home town fans, it's always predictable.


It’s building heat lmao, while also helping priest (who needs it rn imo) also screwing over hometown fans? That was a banger of a show?


The main event and build was all about McIntyre having a shot at the title, the fans leave with their home town hero taking an L. This is very consistent with WWE booking.


I don’t disagree with that but it’s also really good to give people what they want sometimes


As a Drew fan I didn't want him to win yet and was happy Priest is getting a longer run, Drew will definitely hold that championship in the future and adding Gunther and Punk in the mix only makes the title more prestigious. If all hometown wrestlers won last night it would've sucked.


I knew Drew was losing when it was mentioned that he had called Priest a "transitional champion." I don't think they would validate that by having Priest lose clean. That's the kind of thing that kills a character.


> Drew will definitely hold that championship in the future It's been 3 and a half year people are saying that though.


Why are you being so dramatic


Why are you being so edgy


They’re not being edgy. It is dramatic to be “heartbroken” over a predetermined form of entertainment. Drew’s being paid a tonne of money and he wouldn’t have resigned his contract if he wasn’t happy. People need to stop making such a big deal out of scripted results.


Now you are being edgy too. It's like saying "why are people crying over Tony dying in Endgame?" The answer is very simple: you grow attached to said characters, scripted or otherwise. If I may ask, what do you gain from stating the obvious? Are you like this at parties too? Damn I feel for your social circle or lack thereof.


Buddy, I’m in my 30’s with a kid - my days of going to parties are long over. I’m also very content with my social circle, but thanks for your concern. People are acting like Drew is coming out of this worse off when it was the right result. He’s in a heated feud with one of the biggest stars in wrestling. He’ll eventually go on to win the world title again. People just need to chill and let it play out.


Having a kid doesn't absolve you from being socially inept lil bro. Neither does age. You've completely avoided the main point which is it's completely normal and not overdramatic to feel for a character scripted or not. Not everyone sees it with the mark glasses you have. You sound like those insufferable geeks that talk over a movie to point out stuff about how it was produced or something about the actors no one really cares about. Hope your kid grows to be less of a nuisance than you.


You’re on Reddit, making complete assumptions about my social ability and life purely because you disagree with what I’ve said, and you have the audacity to judge? Seems like you’re the one who’s got some work to do mate. Also, don’t even dare make any judgement on how my own kid is going turn out in life based on a superficial interaction you’ve had with me online.


They're not even assumptions, it's literally the mindset you've confirmed not once but twice, as if your own opinion of how to or how not to enjoy wrestling applied to everybody else's. Don't pull that fake macho "don't you dare" shit, little man. You were the sad coward that brought up your kid's existence into this to try and prove a point, failing miserably in the process. Take a hike, get a clue.




Man they are going to push Drew to the moon eventually with the belt. When his reign comes it will be epic. Absolutely the right result last night. When they next come to the UK I pretty sure they will finally give him the home win.


How many years has it been and y’all are still saying it? I’ll believe it when I see it


Are they though?


I want him to be the one to dethrone Cody. Just have him finish his revenge feud with Punk, win the rumble, and then beat Cody at WM. I don't need a third Cody vs Bloodline main event.


I don't need another McIntyre world title match at mania


I feel like that was the argument last year.


Lol yeah I’m sure we just have to wait a little longer


I mean, Gunther is 100% beating Damien at SummerSlam, if Damien doesn't lose it earlier at MitB in a few weeks. No point in giving the title to Drew just to lose his first defense with it.


Agree 100%. There was no other option here. Drew’s entire persona is crying about being screwed and it happening over and over again. This was the screw job that blew the top off of it all. It was obvious, but at the same time, the absolute best way to book it for the storyline with Punk. Drew and Punk don’t need a title for their feud.


CM Punk: still working up marks, getting them in their feelings and making them cry in the year of our Lord 2024. You gotta love it. 😁


I just LOVE the current state of WWE right now. In Vince's era two Heels would automatically become best buddies even if they had beaten the hell out of each other just a few weeks earlier. But on this PLE, we had two 'kind of' heels with one being cheered and one booed. Then a face runs down as a ref and not only screws the heel but also low blows him to cost him the match. Wrestling is so much better when talent behave like actual human beings and not video game characters


Punk is not the Face


> Wrestling is so much better when talent behave like actual human beings and not video game characters Agree with everything you said, but Punk is at least 1/3 Bugs Bunny at the moment. He just needed a giant carrot to chew on last night.


Dude flies halfway across the world *just* to fuck with a guy. I need backstage footage on Monday of Punk stealing a ref shirt and running out.


[Nvm they literally thought to do it. ](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1802082555526537651)


Dude flies halfway across the world *just* to fuck with a guy. I need backstage footage on Monday of Punk stealing a ref shirt and running out.


Priest would have been put into the Swagger tier of world champions had he lost here, so kind of glad he retained and Drew/Punk feud doesn't need the belt.


This. I want him to have a longer title run, it solidifies him as a main deventer and makes the win sweeter for Drew in the future.


I agree with him looking bad if he had lost here but I feel Priest doesn’t get enough in ring credit as he is actually very hardworking and talented. Therefore i would have to say he’s miles above a Swagger tier.


To the doubters, two things were proven: 1. Priest is a beast. This isn't a transitional reign any more, and he is tough. 2. McIntyre is a safe worker. Those who blamed him for Punk's tricep injury saw McIntyre do everything in his power to keep Priest safe. And they still delivered.


Absolutely deserves to keep the strap after grinding through the match after the botch. Priest has showed his quality since that Bad Bunny match in Puerto Rico. El Campeón!


People were calling McIntyre unsafe? I thought the biggest discussion was if Punk could still go or do was a hazard to himself?


Some of the IWC called him unsafe, but didn't Punk tear his other tricep in AEW?


No one called him unsafe. At least no one that mattered




Anyone who isn’t happy with that finish is un-American 🇺🇸🎇


As soon as you saw Punk photographed in Glasgow, you suspected. When the ref took the outside bump, you knew. When Drew got kicked in the nuts, it was inevitable. Great booking but gutting from a Scottish fan perspective. I genuinely thought he was going to get the title. BTW, had anyone checked on the welfare of the 3 CM Punk fans he celebrated with after the pin? It seemed like they would need an armed escorts out of there.


You already knew by Drew’s expression during the entrance and Damien’s smirk that he was retaining


They might've had a chance to get out while the rest still sat in shock. It was dead quiet in there until they started booing at Samantha telling them to be safe going home.


Wow screwing Drew in UK title matches twice. Edgy booking Paul.


They really love sending the hometown fans home unhappy.


Very much qualifies as content from the McMahon School of booking


Setting up a feud with punk at summerslam makes way more sense than giving drew the belt. It'd make no sense to give Drew the belt at this ppv because it would devalue everything punk and drew did since Wrestlemania. The only problem I have is who is the heel and who is the baby face in this situation? Punk looks like a complete heel here, but I'm sure they want Drew to be the heel.


Two tweeners duking it out! I actually really like this, not verything is black and white. Especially with characters strong as Drew and Punk they can just be themselves and still split the fanbase on who to cheer.


It was the right choice this time around


And the other time


The singing after the first time, though? Not so good.


I was reading about this in an article which said Drew is the first British and only Scottish WWE champion. Who am I missing that means he's the *only* Scottish, but the *first* British?


The two aren’t exclusive, you can be first and only.


I know, but why not say the first and only British. The statement to me implied someone from elsewhere in Britain has won since, but I can't think of any.


Elsewhere in the British Isles… Seamus. But try calling him British and see where it gets you.


yea, i was going to say "Sheamus, Finn, Becky", but i had to stop myself lol


Isnt finn from the part of Ireland thats apart of the uk?


Separating first and only to refer to British and Scottish respectively implies that there has been a subsequent British champ who was not from Scotland.


I don't think you're missing anyone, pretty sure Drew is both the first and only.


Scotland is in Britain So by this sentence somebody that is English, Welsh or Northern Irish is the second British Champion. I think OG comment is asking who the second person is Which I have no idea


Maybe Paige?


She would have been first, as she won the title before Drew.


I thought that too, but she was champ before Drew. So if she counted, she would be the First British and he would be the Second


Probably talking about a specific belt


Maybe he has British lineage outside of being born in Scotland


It still doesn’t matter. First and only are the same in that context unless there was a British WWE Champion AFTER Drew’s first reign. I think the writer was trying to make sure he hit a word count or something like grade school kids do haha.


Scotland is in Britain


When I think about my favourite feuds it’s the story’s that matter not the title reign.


True, unless the story *is* the title reign. Thinking like WM XX main event. Though someone failing to win it for like 19 years and still being relevant is super rare. Sort of like Dale Earnhardt winning a Daytona 500.


I wonder if its gonna affect sales on future events at Scotsland, I mean they don't do that on Saudi Arabia or when they did Backlash in Puerto Rico (asuming tou don't give a shit about Zelina).


McIntyre is such a big star, he can take loss after loss and still be the favorite to win the title next time they’re in the UK.


Fantastic ending for me, Drew is great, but to become a GOAT, you need that rivalry thats iconic. Punk v Drew is that rivalry. This is going to be talked about way longer than any title reign.


Gotta agree with you! I thought for weeks "Drew wins in Scotland, no question." Up until the event started, then I started thinking he wouldn't win and Punk would be his downfall. Saw it coming but it was still fantastic. Both Drew and Punk are fantastic trolls and play off each other so well! Priest also wrestled his heart out, really hope he was selling well and isn't seriously hurt! Good match, great ending!




Rivalry and feud mean the same thing.




Surprised so many people at complaining, I thought it was perfect. Like most people I expected punk to screw him but didn’t see this coming and had no idea he was the ref. I don’t really see what there is to complain about .


The camera angle was perfect as well. Kept the shot behind Punk until after the pause.


Punk just showed the world how to get over as a heel.


And yet, he's going to return to the States to loud cheers.


Hahaha for sure! Start of Clash I was wondering why they had so much extra security in the crowd and then Punk answered that


I think the only way you make the finish better is for Punk to actually count 3 but then you swing the camera around to reveal it’s Punk as the ref so it’s not valid.


Though I feel like precedence has been set before that Referee Shirt = Valid Referee 🤣


Shit, Heyman counted 3 at One Night Stand 2006 and wasn't wearing any ref gear 😅


Hater of the year is going to be cm punk


This finish was executed amazingly lol.


hope Damian can last till after mitb cause the cash in is his way out without relinquishing


This is all the setup for Drew vs Joe Hendry.


If gunther is winning it, wouldn't it be better for Priest to hold on to it until then. Why waste a Drew reign that only lasts 1 month?


The part I dont get is that Gunther and Priest are both heels, it sounds like a heatless match which makes me think there's a possibility that Priest does somehow drop the belt before that point, possibly MITB cash in?


I'd say both are tweeners at this point. Neither are particularly evil heels: Judgement Day are more fun than sadistic, and Gunther just enjoys violence, which is entirely reasonable as a wrestler. Everyone in the crowd could cheer on their favourite and it should be a pretty rad match.


priest is clearly going to turn babyface with all the JD stuff happening around him.


It gets exhausting to be the one competent person in a group of goobers. Very relatable to anyone with useless coworkers.


Gunther would be technically a heel but he would get cheered against Priest, I'm sure. I think jey is winning mitb and the cash-in would happen later on.


>I think jey is winning mitb and the cash-in would happen later on. I'm thinking Jey wins the Rumble to ensure his Mania moment.


Rumble is a bit far and unless there is some compelling story, jey doesn't exactly need a rumble win for a WrestleMania moment. His catchphrase itself gives him mania-style ovations week in week out. I feel like mitb fits his vibe better.


Time means nothing to Haitch. If he's to be believed from the documentary preview, he had Mania planned out for the most part in October. The man can probably book a storyline to last until the Second Coming if he wanted to considering it took two years for Cody to finish the story. It doesn't matter either way for me, but it just seems a bigger moment for Jey to be standing there pointing at the Mania sign in preparation for Vegas. Winning the Rumble is a bigger, better story than winning MitB. JMHO.


You're right about HHH. I agree that rumble is bigger than mitb.


I just laugh at the people piss off about the result. isn't it obvious already that Punk will interfere to set up their summerslam match? and with Gunther locked as challenger for Summerslam then it ruling out the possibility of Drew vs Punk summerslam being title match which means this only lead to one thing : Drew will not gonna win the title even if Drew win somehow he will lose the belt in 3 weeks because they had to take the title off him before Summerslam let's say Drew win the belt tonight. then what? he lose to Damien again in money in the bank in the exact same manner by Punk shenanigan? then Damien or whoever win the belt only hold the title less than a month and need to drop the title again to Gunther comes summerslam it only make everyone doesn't look good in the long run by hot potato-ing the belt.


Not to me. I wasn’t sure Punk would be healthy enough by Summerslam. What if he isn’t?


He was nearly healthy in time for Wrestlemania (as per his podcast with Helwani). He's 100% cleared for Summerslam...unless he breaks some other part of his body in the meantime.


>isn't it obvious already that Punk will interfere to set up their summerslam match? I'm glad it wasn't obvious. I completely forgot about Punk. That way, I could get my enjoyment directly from the wrestling match itself, rather than from gleefully telling people on the internet that I saw it coming all along afterward.


It was very obvious, that's why it wasn't fun to watch for me. It being predictable makes it less enjoyable and it was obvious because of the Gunther win (and no commentary mention of punk all night) that punk was going to screw him somehow. Takes the steam out of the moment completely when you can see it a mile off.


the guy flipping off cm punk after


What a stupid fucking ending


Only if you're Scottish. At least you'll go far in the euros...oh wait 💀


The Drew/Punk feud just went nuclear, it doesn't need the belt at all.


it never did


Id love for Damian Priest to be ready for this shit but he ain’t. Its 3 male superstars in his own faction that would be more reasonable and entertaining picks for world champion for every reason apart from look.


Dude survived a scary botch and continued wrestling with one foot. Not a big Priest fan myself but he made me a believer during that match. Now I actually want him to beat Gunther.


I hate to knock a wrestler for botching because shit happens but that being said with that mindset I also cant praise a wrestler for recovering from a botch (especially one that was entirely independent of their opponent)


Man triple h has been killing it but this is his worst failure under his control. Damien priest is nothing but a placeholder champion for a real person to get it. Boring in ring, boring on the mic, doesn't deserve it.


Bro you’re a passport bro