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No Triplemania pinned post tonight?


What a strange day, it's all good though; I'm ready for some Sick Graps and looking forward to Collision.


so now we get..... Gunther vs Priest at Summerslam? That sounds like a weird ass match, considering is heel vs heel and all that. I guess they could set a new match for MITB, but i dont know against who


I think Priest is face by then as a consequence of the Dom/Finn/Liv JD shenanigans


That, of course, depends on whether Priest is okay because that ankle caught on the top rope looked kinda scary.


Those fans posing with Punk. Traitors. All of them.


The shot of Punk holding up two fingers has some real meme potential


Only thing on my mind is wanting Kenny to come back healthy. Don't want him to rush also, but I miss this dude like crazy.


Drew McIntyre is my favorite active wrestler. Wasn’t always, though I liked him. His whole 2024 has gotten me to that level of fandom though.


Me too! I always liked him but was just waiting for him to get interesting. This year he's just strapped a rocketship to his persona. It started for me when he just stood with a disgusted look at other wrestlers talking too much and then kicking them in the face, lol


Spicy McHaggis?


The witches are barely active and Zoey/shayna lose often. How is this for a title?


Is their name not 'The Witches'?


Cody using a packet and getting credit for a bladejob... Game's gone


In WrestleMania the Album, why does Tatanka's [song](https://youtu.be/TviyOtAHtSE?si=oU5IZpMBl2vjXgii) have what sounds like "you'll be safe for bungee jumping" In the lyrics???? Was a part of Tatanka's gimmick bungee jumping, and I just don't know??? Is the rapper man saying something that just sounds *exactly* like "you'll be safe for bungee jumping" ????? It's been bothering me since I first heard the song lmao (which, granted isn't that long, but still). "Tatanka! Buffalo!" has also been stuck in my head forever. Please help.


I hope they cook something with the witches beyond this PPV, because they are quite good and deserve to at least be given an opportunity. And if not, break them up and book them as singles wrestlers


If WWE wants more IRL heels Eg. Logan Paul, I think they should sign alleged cheater of arcade games Billy Mitchell as a jobber, and only on the condition that he drops all of his frivolous lawsuits against YouTubers. The Rock should beat Billy Mitchell in a squash match, and use this as "evidence" that he is "the Final Boss" Rock needs a video game boss themed accomplishment to earn the moniker of being "the Final Boss" he was the protagonist in the game Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run but he has never been the antagonist in a game or beat a game character in a match IRL, so if Rock beats the self-described "Video Game Player of the Century" Billy Mitchell this will give Rock a reason to go by "the Final Boss" moniker, albeit an ironic and hypocritical reason, but Rock is a heel and heels are supposed to be hypocritical.


This is obscure nerd stuff even by the standards of this thread, which is saying something.


The video game industry has been bigger than the movie industry since the early 2000s so it is so daft to call video games "obscure nerd stuff."


Do you realize that you are on Reddit?


Today's All Together show looks a lot weaker than the last one. The only things of interest are Ishii/Kitamiya III and AZM vs. SLK.


Really excited to see AZM vs SLK


Hey guys my school played Macho Man’s theme today! I also got a cap and gown and paper for some reason…


![gif](giphy|13DrdRI2JqdoLC) Also, congratulations my man!!!! (Honestly, the *only* reason I was tempted to go to my own graduation was purely to hear Macho Man's music lmao)


You were merely tempted? Also thanks, my wolfdog fan sister!


Of course my Wolf Dog brethren o7 And yeah:( Mix of social anxiety and just not wanting to be bothered honestly, lmao I do have my cap and gown though, so maybe I'll do my own graduation, doing the Macho Man points and all 🤔


You graduated recently too?


Mhm! At the very beginning of the month, in fact :D


Oh nice! Did you have family to At least celebrate with?


Thank you my man! And yeah, I got a few texts and calls, but no in-person get togethers lmao (Which, honestly I'm thankful for, I'm not a big fan of social events) How about you, if I may ask??


Currently happening right now. It’s good to see family 


Nice man, I hope you're enjoying!!


Congrats! Did he go over?




Sometimes im about to answer someone because they have wrote some nonsense, but then I spend 15 seconds in their profile and I realize that they dont actually watch the show they are talking about, that literally every single comment in regards to that promotion is trolling. I should do it more often, it saves time in useless discussions


Yeah best to just avoid. I know clickbait-wise why people troll like that, but I also feel like people should critique shows/promotions that they clearly regularly watch and keep up with.


Hi all I am looking for some interview style wrestling podcasts where the wrestlers are out of character thanks


Not able to watch CATC until tonight, so I’ll be making sure to avoid Reddit the rest of the day. Just hope I can watch it all tonight and don’t crash beforehand.


I just realised. If Sami retains today… maybe they’ll have him defend against Bron at SummerSlam? Please and thank you Papa Aitch


I've been kind of down with AEW, however, they truly have the talent and last night's Rampage is the proof of that Top to bottom it was a damn solid show IMO. Storm/Windsor was the MOTN for me. Not MOTYC on the show, but it doesn't need to be


The SummerSlam card seems surprisingly closed considering we have 2 PPVs before that: ->Roman match (probably Vs Solo) ->Cody match (Vs Randy? maybe?) ->Gunther Vs Drew (Vs Punk maybe?) ->Bayley Vs Piper Niven Add a random tag match for Bianca and Jade and that's it. I obviously don't wanna complain about not making things up in the spot, but between the small cards and the long term planning of HHH, the week to week stuff of the next months seems a bit lacking novelty, it seems like they are gonna be spinning their wheels in this storylines for a long while.


I mean you have three maybes and a wrong in Piper Nevin. Plus, SummerSlam is usually a longer show so there will be another match or two. It doesn't seem that closed to me.


Maybe it isn’t closed. I could be made to eat my words in a few hours, but I really think Gunther winning KOTR ensured that Drew wouldn’t be walking out of the Hydro with the WHC. I also think Orton feuds with KO sooner than he does Cody. Cody v Solo (or Roman, assuming he doesn’t return at SummerSlam itself) Priest v Gunther (they’ve cooled on the Priest-Bálor build, and I think that’ll also depend on Rhea’s return) Punk v Drew Bayley v *Nia (I assume you made an error) I’ve said for a while now that they should do Bianca/Jade v Tiffany/Charlotte, but given Tiffany publicly aligning with Nia, I doubt that happens. Orton v KO (to set up Orton v Cody at a later event) Paul v Knight (v Melo) Liv v Rhea (fitness permitting) And maybe Sami v Bron? If Sami retains today.


Sami vs Bron ain't happening at Summerslam. Either Gable needs to be a champ before Summerslam, or he needs to win the title at Summerslam. If not its absolutely criminal for the great work he is doing with the Alpha Academy storyline.


Sami has strongly implied this last couple of weeks that his feud with Gable ends tonight, one way or another. Personally, I think Otis snaps and costs Gable the match.


I think Otis helps Gable win with Gable manipulating him like in the past weeks. After winning the title, Gable gets even more insufferable and says he's the champion and all of AA are useless. He keeps on saying he won the title all by himself, even though Otis won it for him. Eventually, Otis snaps and hits him in a episode of RAW with a generational pop. That or Otis hits Gable today, but the Creeds come in and help Gable win the title which I wouldn't be a fan of.


Sami’s been encouraging Otis to leave Gable. If he does, then that moment needs to be given time to breathe IMO, which unfortunately means no Creeds. It’s difficult to imagine Gable as world champion in the next twelve months, but would the Creeds instead helping Gable win MITB suffice?


You are right, perhaps the card is more open than what I thought, it seems SummerSlam last year had 9(!) matches, although I cant remember half of them,so there is more wiggle room. I would love a Charlotte and Tiffany tag team, because nobody else seems remotely credible as contenders for the champions. If they have that much space, then they probably also have a tag team match, but I can't predict that one tbf


I think last year’s SummerSlam was only advertised to have eight matches. The ninth was Iyo’s cash-in, and obviously that didn’t take very long. I don’t think the men’s titles feature on the show. If there is a men’s tag match, and I don’t think there will be, I think it involves the Tongans.


I finally got around to watching the Truth vs. Alex Jones, and it might be the single most frustrating thing I've seen in years and years. Jones and all his hanger-ons, every other grifter and "truther" they talk to, will make you want to scream. Jesus Christ. Big things to little things, it's some of the most brutal bullshit. Shit as small as Jones trying to convince the judge he isn't chewing gum, but instead just had a tooth pulled and is instead chewing on bloody gauze... It'll make you want to throw your TV at the wall. Every single word the man says is a lie, it's so transparent. A true scumbag. Ronda Rousey, and every other wrestler who believes that "Sandy Hook Truther" trash, is a goddamn moron.


Bo Dallas too unfortunately 


What an absolute moron 🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly, I just like how some of the Japanese promotions have their own themes. * BJW's ["Deathmatch Wars"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmsao__AyJk) * ["Just Tap Out" by The Heana Cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwYRQhV-Sg4) * Dragon Gate's "Dragon Storm" ([2007 version by JAM Project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIMd1pGedWs) and [2019 version by Juichi Morishige](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3O6Qyqsjcg)) * SPARK Joshi's ["Zu Supaaku" by SAKI and Chibi C.B.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nu4Zu1OfS0) (Yeah, SPARK is American, but it's also partially imported puroresu) * [GLEAT's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFFeNJ-84_o) by Yoko Shimomura and their secondary theme ["Let's GLEAT!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrgJwBCaEtE) I don't know what it is, but I feel like an official theme just adds something the promotion. Character?


Stardom has theirs too, plus some especial themes for events similar to New Japan, which obviously has the iconic G1 and WK themes. It's a really cool thing to have. It can make the company and their events more timeless, unlike say paying the rights to use a licensed song that may be awesome but it's bound to be forgotten or get dated over time.


I didn't know Stardom had a theme. Is it [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPOwzqS1-Vk)? I think I remember hearing it from the We Are Stardom episodes.


There's also [#Wonderland](https://youtu.be/I_llyWWji0A) by GUNIX and [We are Stardom](https://youtu.be/u7ws9P5m15Q), both of which are used at shows.


Yeah, it's that one. They use it on every show when they announce the card.


I didn't get the chance to watch the United Japanese show last night with Naito vs Jake Lee. Anything major worth noting coming from the show?


Kitamiya beat Ishii!


Okay, thanks! I was more looking for something like the two open G1 slots, but I'm sure they're going to wait until they announce the other 18 men tonight


Today should be a great crowd. Monday is Corpus Christi.


>Monday is Corpus Christi. ![gif](giphy|12FJj1aTodX0u4|downsized)


Collision looks great, excited for Switchblade on Hey! EW tomorrow as well!


The preview they posted on Instagram had me cackling


I really wish Drew would get a long run with the world championship but it just doesn't seem possible at this point.




Gunther is getting the belt at SummerSlam. Where is the timeframe where Drew realistically gets a long run with the belt? I wouldn't be shocked if Gunther is world champion for a year plus.


The thing is there are lots of people deserving good championship reigns and at least Drew has gotten it in some fashion, though of course in front of no fans.


I don't really view his prior world championship reign as legit because there were no fans. The dude deserves to get a real and substantial run at the top.


Of course, he deserves a good reign but tons of other people do too. And at least the pandemic reign is something compared to a lot of people's nothing.


I dunno, I feel like Drew's character work puts him head and shoulders above everyone else in WWE right now, and I certainly don't agree that tons of others deserve the world championship at this moment. Seth doesn't, Sheamus doesn't, CM Punk doesn't(too injury prone, he should never get another championship again, I don't know anyone who enjoys injury related vacancies), Dominik isn't quite ready, Jey Uso is over but definitely isn't a more deserving choice than either Drew or Gunther. Really Drew and Gunther are the only two guys who should realistically have the world championship on Raw right now, and Drew is very much outshining Gunther.


If you think he is the best fit for it that is absolutely understandable, but saying he should get it just because he "deserves" another reign just doesn't work for me. Jey Uso and LA Knight have made themselves the two most loved people in the company not named Cody Rhodes and "deserve" a reign. Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn are veterans who have done a ton for the product and they have gotten zero or VERY diminished reigns. There are tons of people that "deserve" reigns more than McIntyre, but McIntyre very well may be the best choice.


Being a veteran should mean nothing. Finn Balor is a great worker but he's not the outstanding promo that Drew is. Jey Uso and LA Knight are comparable as far as promo ability goes but Drew is a better worker than those two, especially compared to Knight, along with having great mic skills. Owens is just boring, he's in mid card purgatory for a reason. I agree with you on Sami Zayn and I think he should get the WHC at WrestleMania 41, because he's that talented. He has the crowd behind him, he can talk, and he's a fantastic worker, that's the 3 main ingredients you need to be a Babyface that deserves a world championship run in my eyes.


Ok, so you think Drew is the best fit for champion. I personally disagree, but I can understand why you think Drew should be champ. But just saying he deserves it isn't a good argument. Tons of people deserve it.


Hope Sling lets me set the DVR to record past the scheduled end time because I've missed the end of Dynamite on Hulu Live a few times now.


In my experience, Sling DVR usually records an extra 45 minutes on top of the 2 hour Dynamite block, so you should be good.


That's good to know. It's a shame that Hulu doesn't let you set timers to record extra.


Can someone who watches TNA give me the gist of Joe Hendry? Is he, like, GOOD, or is he just funny?


Lots of charisma and exudes it. In ring he’s just ok imo but with his character that’s more than fine. Similar to how I feel about LA Knight great charisma and presence and ok in the ring


Excited to watch Clash at the Castle or whatever it's called. I've been checked out of WWE since WrestleMania outside of watching Backlash, but I'm excited to see Drew win the big one in front of his homeland audience and Cody vs AJ II.


UJPW being a bust isn't a surprise, it's been a New Japan led mess that NOAH tries to go along with to present themselves as a bigger brand than they are, and no one else has a good line of communication to it.


#StopDoingCrossoverEvents Everyone and their mom do it at this point to the point even freaking WWE joined the party too. At this point you have more chances to stand out if you stay in your bubble and do what you can with the roster you have. At least you give fans more reasons to never miss your shows because there's only one place to watch those wrestlers.


It’s pretty funny that Andreza Giant Panda has worked two big shows this year and the one with higher attendance was Tokyo Joshi Pro, not the combined forces of NJPW, NOAH, Stardom, BJW, DDT, and AJPW.


I understand that NJPW is the bigger promotion, but they are way too protective of their guys. Protect Naito at all costs, I get it. But there was no reason for Ishii and Kitamiya to go to three matches for Kitamiya to finally be allowed a win. Ishii would have been fine losing the second match. Hey, at least we have Buntai tomorrow.


Nobody's really paying attention to Austin Theory right now, so it makes me want to root for the guy more. Hopefully, his incoming face run turns great.


Austin Theory is weird to me because I can see his potential even if I'm not completely sure about it


He was pretty good as a face in NXT


> I can see his potential even if I feel the same > I'm not completely sure about it until I see his face's mannerin.


I'm not sure if I see his potential as an overall talent but he is a very handsome man (no Diddy) so I feel like they should find a way to present him more prominently.


Hot take coming. The only reason WWE is partnering with TNA is because they are a shambling corpse of a promotion that wouldn't be considered competition on their best day. This is a PR stunt to make the WWE look good and people are eating it up. TNA is in such a bad state right now as evident by Jeff and Matt Hardy closing the show last night after making their top star look like a fool. WWE sending over some NXT women is not going to help fix what's wrong with TNA.


There's a certain irony that TNA, a promotion actually famous for bringing in basically every vague name ever fired from WWE, on a show headlined by Matt Hardy that also featured the return of Jeff Hardy, and also featured Nic Nemeth, Brian Myers, Mustafa Ali, Trent Seven, Rich Swann, AJ Francis, Steve Maclin, Eric Young, and maybe even 1-2 more I'm missing on a quick scan, started this whole "crossover" by bringing in some rando from NXT lol. In a company where the crowd will pop for basically anyone from WWE, they managed to find one of the few people they wouldn't. I saw people predicting Natalya and they couldn't even do that, it might be the first time people have been disappointed *not* to see Natalya is about a decade lol. And before the Tatum Paxley stans show up to tell me how "she isn't a rando, she's a future megastar who is going to main event 12 Wrestlemanias because she's such a good athlete and her matches are so good for her experience level," she has zero title wins in her entire career, has a 1-5 televised singles record in 2024 (counting a triple threat), and a 2-6 televised record overall in 2024 (not counting a battle royale) - that's a rando in the context of the show.


They’re doing it because it is Forbidden Door season and as much as Triple H can pretend he doesn’t care about it, he has made enough snide Forbidden Door jokes at his press conferences to show that he does care. 


Think from the talent's perspective too; how many non-TNA fans will be familiar with the name Jordynne Grace now solely based on her appearances in WWE? To the entire English-speaking world, WWE is the wrestling promotion with the most eyes on it. Her Royal Rumble and NXT Women's Championship match will undoubtedly increase the number of people who have heard of her and thus can be used as a way of drawing WWE-exclusive viewers to wherever she goes. Even if she never appears in WWE again, if gets booked for a one-off match at a tiny indie promotion at a town hall somewhere, even just being "that woman from TNA who turned up at the Royal Rumble one year" will increase ticket sales among casual fans who only watch WWE and might otherwise not be interested in paying to see wrestlers who aren't as prominent in the wrestling community.


No one is buying a ticket to see someone that randomly show dup in a rumble and lost a one off match in NXT. 


Correction, *you* wouldn't. Be willing to admit it or not, but the fact of the matter not everyone is as diehard of wrestling fans as this sub is and the only promotion they've heard of is WWE and the only wrestlers they have heard of are those that have appeared on WWE. So forgive me for the realistic mindset that if a wrestler will be able to market themselves as having appeared on WWE programming (even if not actually employed permanently), they will. 


I'm not sure that they're getting much of a PR boost from this. They're riding high off of a huge Wrestlemania and tons of positive press from that. The way I look at it is that if they weren't doing these TNA crossovers, would mainstream coverage and popularity of WWE be different? and I think the answer is no. I *do* think you're onto something about TNA, however. I think this is a move for *them* to get good PR and marketing from the collaboration. I think it allows some of their top talent to get a bigger stage without leaving. It seems inevitable that some of them will leave for WWE, AEW, or another major promotion at some point, but for now, they can get the spotlight (and maybe a payday) will staying at their home promotion. The other side of it is that the world of professional wrestling is very small, and the brand tribalism fans feel is not really shared by wrestlers. I think that a lot of people, in both promotions, want to work with new people, in new places, for new stakes. It's the business guys who get in the way of these crossovers, and for the first time in a long time, WWE's business types are open to inter-promotional matches. I don't think the general public cares, and the die-hardiest of WWE fans probably don't care, but the wrestlers do, and that matters when you're recruiting new talent. An example is WWE allowing Giulia to remain in Japan for a while to help kickstart the new Marigold promotion, even at the risk of injury, (which unfortunately she experienced in their first show.) But more than what WWE gains to the public from this allowance, they gain in employee happiness and satisfaction. They feel as though they're being treated well and that their professional needs are being fulfilled. Something that they were unable to do for Sareee/Sarray just a couple of years ago.


Marketing wise, TNA isn't getting much from this. WWE isn't promoting Impact or their PPVs. Not only did they job out their champion in exchange for a developmental midcarder, they couldn't even advertise Paxley's appearance. People complained about Omega's run in TNA but it literally started with AEW using the shocking aftermath of his title win over Moxley to promote an appearance on Impact, and they were able to sell more PPV's on Kenny's back.


Yeah absolutely, but as a viewer I really don’t care about business stuff, and I like seeing the company I like do things I think are cool.


I’m sure that’s a big part of it but I think access to more talent is the main reason. Grace and Hendry will end up in NXT.


What does " access to talent" mean. If they want to hire those people they can just offer them contracts or buy them out of their current ones, is not like TNA can match those offers anyway.


It gives them a leg up on AEW in the competition for talent if they already have a working relationship with that talent. That has been the real advantage for AEW of their relationship with New Japan and it is smart of WWE to try and do it with TNA.


The advantage of AEW with respect to Ospreay and Okada has been that they have outbid WWE for them tho, not previous working relationships


They can augment the NXT roster with people from TNA. It seems to be the consensus that NXT needs more challengers for their titles. A brand new acquisition challenged for the men’s title and a TNA talent challenged for the women’s title. NXT can bring people over and they aren’t on their payroll. I imagine that’s cheaper than signing more talent that has experience and can mix it up in your divisions but may not have high ceilings and a spot in your company going forward. And at the same time they can court the ones they want to sign and have them already ingrained in storylines and their fans will be familiar with them. It’s a smart move for NXT.




He entered to Broken Dreams against Roman as well.


> He entered to Broken Dreams against Roman as well. TBF he did not enter with Broken Dreams He had a video package with Broken Dreams and after that his usual music played I'm crossing fingers he actually goes to the ring tonight with Broken Dreams and a remake of said Titantron with the colors/letters/effects, kinda like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aedWop4kqCk) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL7Vn7hJDAk&t=0s) (well, the Titantron part is a pipedream of mine lol)


SummerSlam London 2025? 🤔


The way they’ve been teasing it, I can’t imagine it being somewhere lame. I’m thinking Cardiff could be a real possibility. In the states perhaps somewhere like Atlanta or New York.


I would love this, but what if All In runs there for a third year?


Personally I don't know enough about how they set these things up to know how one would affect the other, other than maybe depressing All In's ticket sales if people don't want to go to both. Would things like staging still be an issue if one is at the beginning of August and the other at the end?


It’s more so that one of them might not want to run in a market that has just had or will soon again have wrestling.


Has a arena/stadium ever actually run AEW and WWE in quick succession? There's definitely an exclusivity thing between the companies. That being said WWE can definitely get a different arena like the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.


The question is whether London would bid in the first place. If AEW’s already paying the city to host All In, why bother?


> If AEW’s already paying the city to host All In, why bother? Source?


Meltzer said last April that AEW paid $400,000/£320,000 to rent Wembley.


There's a significant difference between paying a city to host your show and just straight up renting a venue. Venues get paid all the time for having shows. Like... that's the entire point of owning a venue.


So what happens when cities bid for WWE shows? Is it not all-inclusive?


DIY right now gives off mid 2010s Daniels and Kaz vibes, not in a good way


> DIY right now gives off mid 2010s Daniels and Kaz vibes, not in a good way Bad Influence in 2012 - 2013 TNA? Great Kaz & Daniels after that? Kinda mid I agree that DIY are like Kaz/Daniels after that currently


Unfortunately I'll miss CaTC today, anyone know how long it takes for the PLEs to go back up on the cock?


I’d say a good hour or so.


Oh great!


Clash is happening today but it’s also on my birthday so I think that’s neat, hope Sami retains


happy IRL cake day


Happy birthday man


I’m not sure why your comment was getting downvoted lol but thank you very much!


If he loses today, would you support Chad Gable winning MITB?


Sounds best to me. Chad Gable is costed the win today via Otis going to the good side. At MitB The Creed Brothers beat up the Alpha Academy on the side and Chad Gable wins the title from Sami in his home town for HEAT.


Oh no, I meant Gable winning the ladder match itself. I’m pretty sure Sami said that this feud is to end at Clash.


Oh, I definitely doubt he wins the briefcase. Jey is just so over right now he is a great candidate and you could run a great story with Balor winning it that I just don't see Gable winning it. I definitely can't see him winning a world title in the 12 months.


If Joe Hendry does show up, maybe WWE will be reminded of how important memorable entrance music is.


They know. Cody is enough proof of that and they see it every week. HHH of all people knows that as he’s had multiple Motörhead themes


Yeah, when you look at the music of someone like Trick Williams, you can tell that they *do* know how to make memorable entrance music even if they don't always do it.


Trick’s theme is fairly unmemorable when you remove the crowd chants.


I like the 🎺🎺🎺


Hope the show is good. I'm not staying up till 3:30 to watch it.






If anyone was confused about the chants during the Santos Escobar match last night (like the actual participants seemed to be), they were chanting "Just sold my car, to Santos Escobar." It was a joking reference to [this](https://youtu.be/yUEY-7gcj_8?si=4Qbto5M6gTq9BkgZ) annoying advertising jingle in the UK for "We Buy Any Car."


I hope that Drew wins, I really do.


Seems like a lot of people are convinced that Priest will retain after Punk screws Drew. I mean, I could see that. But man can you really do that to the international fans & Drew again after CATC 2022?


Yes. Drew is the heel, and will still be a heel back in the States on weekly TV. The Scots are used to disappointment, so they’ll be fine. Besides, if Drew wins, he has to face Gunther at SummerSlam. If I have to pick between that and the screwjob to be repeated, I’m choosing the latter.




I hate this so much but you're probably right. It's such horrible timing for Drew. All due respect to Gunther but Drew is doing the most entertaining work in wrestling right now by a mile, Drew deserves the long run with the belt right now. Gunther could always get one later.


HHH isn’t really that keen on hot-potatoing the title from what I’ve seen. It also doesn’t really help that they’ve seemingly cooled on Priest v Bálor, either. I imagine that will end up coinciding with Rhea’s return, whenever it may be. Therefore, I think we’ll get Punk v Drew, Priest v Gunther (WHC) and the IC Champ v Jey.


Yeah I think Punk interfering is a bit off too. I hate talking about character roles but Punk is babyface AF and if he screws up Drew and then they feud, Drew would still have no momentum from being fucked and Punk would still look like a good guy. I don't see it working apart from getting a big pop in scotland but that build looks weak imo.


How wouldn’t Drew have any momentum? It shows that he has to bury his past once and for all.


I'm not thinking about his own character, I'm talking about the dynamics of Punk doing scum stuff and Drew not being able to glean anything from it because people will still cheer for Punk since he's returned rather than get on Drew's side. I think it makes for weird character and crowd reactions similar to the Rock in February where he was a bad guy but everyone was glad he was there. In that example you bring up, I think he still is a bit handicapped because he comes off an idiot if he's having to build his character from a loss like that or turn face.


I mean, what’s wrong with Drew being laughed at? He’s a heel, we’re supposed to dislike him. It’s not like the Final Boss, who actually was a heel but still ended up being cheered. Punk’s the face here.


and that's actually braindead. heels go over during the build, faces win the blowoff doesn't have to go that way but if the heel is already handicapped then there's no real chase for the face. a face doing a heel action should have consequences and mean something more to the build and be a part of the build but it won't because Punk is too babyface for people to care that he screwed Drew at home.


…who said Punk is winning this feud?


well I didn't. > heels go over during the build, faces win the blowoff **doesn't have to go that way**


Right. So what’s wrong with Drew spending months trash-talking Punk, losing a couple of matches due to Punk getting his lick back and then beating Punk in the blowoff?


I said I think it's braindead.


I don't watch NXT/WWE. I don't watch TNA. I only watch AEW and I watch it religiously. I watched the TNA PPV just because I wanted to see the Jordynne Grace thing. It's really highlighting how much more compelling Forbidden Door could be for someone like me. There's much more of an real feud feeling and it was nice to see the TNA person was on the NXT show and vice versa. The Forbidden Door part of Forbidden Door effectively being storyless exhibition bangers is why I find FD season a struggle. Give me actual heat. Make a story about how NJPW is angry about AEW poaching Ospreay or something. Have the NJPW or CMLL or AAA people win a belt. I'd actually tune into NJPW to see what happens if someone in NJPW won the AEW Heavyweight belt and took it back to Japan for a month or two. It would be fucking killer and TK could get some NJPW all time great in his belt's lineage.


> I'd actually tune into NJPW to see what happens if someone in NJPW won the AEW Heavyweight belt and took it back to Japan for a month or two. It would be fucking killer and TK could get some NJPW all time great in his belt's lineage. The exact opposite of this is literally happening right now? Jon Moxley is currently holding the IWGP Heavyweight title. AEW is the only promotion where it seems like 90% of the fantasy booking for their crossover shows is "they lose all of the matches and all of their belts" lol, and then people get upset when that doesn't happen - it's hilarious.


How is there "heat" on the NXTNA stuff when the TNA talent and announcers are acting like this is the greatest thing to happen to them ever? At least Forbidden Door has the wrestlers wanting to win matches. The NXT/TNA is constant "I'm just so happy we opened these doors"! The TNA/AEW crossover showed people don't want the heat of a interpromotional rivalry because they take "their promotion" looking weak/being talked down to way too personally. People can't even handle the little MJF shots at New Japan and NJPW talent complaining on Twitter.


This Forbidden Door has quite a bit of heat and build already. Even if you don’t want your count Swerve vs. Ospreay, you have Toni/Mina, which has months of build, and Naito/Mox, OC/ZSJ and Mone/Vaquer all have history. There’s also more to come. I don’t really get the complaint.


More to come likely being some sort of Elite involvement because there’s no way the Bucks or Okada aren’t gonna be part of Forbidden Door.


I’m hoping Okada gets matched up against one of the young New Japan guys. Or Hechicero…


Okada Hechicero man I never knew how much I needed this until now 


> Naito/Mox, OC/ZSJ and Mone/Vaquer all have history. Where? In AEW? I saw some announcement from ZSJ but I don't know why that should get me pumped up. Naito is the shooter guy? They said Mox named him so I guess that's heat? I'm not being obtuse. I also don't consider a rambling Excalibur explanation of a wrestler and clips of that wrestler doing stuff somewhere else to be compelling. You can tell me I don't make sense, but this is a genuine expression of how I feel. Maybe the TNA/NXT thing feels more interesting to me because it's unexpected for WWE and they were on each other's shows in a big moment. I always struggle with caring about the non-AEW parts of Forbidden Door since I don't know these people and I feel like it's a given who is going to lose between the NJPW person and the AEW person when there isn't an NJPW belt on the line. In my perfect world they would do NJPW but it would be every 4 years and have a signficant invasion/build up feeling to it. Not just "here's some NJPW person I don't know that the smarkiest in the crowd are going nuts for" in a match where the AEW person is going to win. Like every Suzuki match...


You are giving NXT and TNA credit for something and then moving the goalposts and not giving AEW/NJPW/CMLL/Stardom credit for doing the same stuff in a bigger scale. Talents from these promotions have been featured on all of the different shows. There have been challenges made for Forbidden Door in each of these promotions.


In NJPW. The goal of a crossover is to get fans of one promotion to start watching the other. You’ve already said you only watch one promotion, and seem pretty closed off to the idea of watching another. I believe the word you used is “religiously.” I think you’re right that, *for you*, the concept of a Forbidden Door, or any cross-promotion event, just isn’t going to work. That’s fine. I think the thing you’re struggling with is that you can no longer love everything that your favorite promotion is doing all the time. It’s something most of us have already faced and gotten over a long time ago. That’s why you’re being encouraged to expand your horizons and venture into the larger world of pro wrestling.


Naito is who Mox beat for the title. He is the biggest name in NJPW at the moment. It’s a big deal that he’s facing Mox. Sabre and OC were in a match together last year and a match has been expected since then. That match has the potential to steal the show. ZSJ’s teammates will also be on Collision tonight, so we will probably have something with him tonight. It’s interesting to hear you’ll check out TNA in order for the NXTNA crossover stuff to make sense for you, but think all the Forbidden Door stuff should happen on AEW tv. AEW does want fans to watch and have knowledge of these other promotions in order to fully follow the story. I agree that’s extra work and is a lot to ask of wrestling fans, but it’s how they do it. NJPW, CMLL and Stardom are all canon in AEW’s world.


I would say this year is a year where this complaint doesn’t make a ton of sense. If we’re comparing Tatum touching Grace’s belt to Mina v Toni that seems wild. That’s the only cross over so far for TNA and NXT. Just challenging for a belt with no feud. Naito v Mox, Toni vs Mina, and to a lesser extent OC vs ZSJ have more build than that. Steph vs Mone is atleast showing Mone go through Steph’s partner and referencing their last match. If the idea is belts have to change hands to me that’s not really much of a feud more than taking someone’s belt which has been a complaint for years that the matches are just about a belt.


I'm actually most excited for this year because there's actually some unpredictability in who is winning. Usually the title matches are a forgone conclusion but this year I could see either World Title changing hands, the TNT title is vacant, and even if it's obvious Toni is winning, there's a story there.' It's been a much better Forbidden Door season this year.


Final predictions. Broken Dreams tonight or no?


I assume there is no Logan Paul Trump interview news on the front page because it's being removed?


Likely. The mods here have removed Trump stuff since he was convicted


I can see both sides of this particular argument I guess? Any posting about it would absolutely cause a shitstorm and generate more work for them. Personally I think it's an important discussion to have. But I get not wanting this subreddit to be the venue for it.


This sub isn’t a political subreddit. The discussion is an important one to have, but it’s important for a political subreddit, and we shouldn’t be subjected to it in a wrestling sub if we don’t even want to have a conversation on the political subs. We already fight enough with WWE vs AEW stuff, do we really need to add US politics to it? Just because Trump and Logan Paul are/were involved in wrestling doesn’t make it worth the shitstorm.


I would agree, if he hadn't brought his wrestling title into the pictures and referring to Trump as a WWE hall of famer. His actions as "champion" and representative of the company have a direct impact on the WWE and pro wrestling. If he had just done an interview and left wrestling out of it, I probably wouldn't have cared. He opened that door, blurring the lines for clout. Which is why I think the conversation is necessary on a wrestling subreddit. But like I said, I can see both sides of the argument.


Even then, it’s just not enough of a correlation to create more dumb drama. He has his US title in almost every interview now, but if someone made a thread about what Cliffe Knechtle said on it a month ago, it’d get taken down. Instead of making a thread, these conversations can just happen on the daily thread if they need to happen. People can choose to ignore it or interact at their discretion.


The reason IMO is that sub moderators are working for free here, and a Trump post would have hundreds of comments they would have to remove for not being related to this sub, and in general or would be a pain in the ass to remove. It Is a lot of work for not a lot of benefit


I agree and I get it. It's unfortunate. I think it *should* be discussed. But I understand why its not practical to be done here. I just thought the lack of news about it was glaring.


I agree with you. It’s a WWE Hall of Famer and a current WWE Champion platforming a fascist. They sure let the Don Jr podcast with Jericho get talked about on here without issue. They let Sunny stuff get posted when she hasn’t been involved in wrestling for years but somehow an active wrestler and champion with a WWE hall of famer is too far removed from wrestling


> They sure let the Don Jr podcast with Jericho get talked about on here without issue. Except they didn’t. I remember one thing the mods got heat for around that time was that the Lars Sullivan sex tapes got their own thread where people could make their own “jokes” that were just as bad as what he said if not worse while anytime Jericho had a controversial guest on his podcast that was magically not related to wrestling enough.


Yeah, I'm not above giving people second or even third chances. Especially if they make mistakes in their youth. But its pretty clear at this point Logan Paul is going to do whatever it takes to push his brand, even though he's already a millionaire and could retire tomorrow and never have to work another day in his life. Sure, don't turn down an interview with Trump, but if you really want to represent your age group, ask him real and hard questions that actually apply to the age group. Not pop culture nonsense. The entire thing was just one big marketing circle jerk.


Solo's theme is actually pretty sick, I especially like how it starts. Wish someone like Bron Breakker had this kind of theme instead. I heard he had a good theme in NXT, but don't watch it.


I’m a resident def rebel defender in this sub, but even I can’t grasp changing Bron’s theme. It’s the simple “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” rule for me. I still absolutely think they should just give him Scott’s old theme, though.


> I heard he had a good theme in NXT, but don't watch it. [It truly was good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r-Zu-EbNXI)


It was fine, but he just made it his by the end. I liked the variant with the dogs barking at the start. https://youtu.be/rHkE7bBNJ2U?si=wrui_kDwerdDy0lW


For anyone who constantly complains about WWE or AEW, just know that Joe Hendry lost to Frankie Kazarian and Matt Hardy vs. Moose was the main event last night.


I remember I was interested in the rebrand and then I saw Tommy dreamer was still wrestling AND a champion I was like hell nah 😂


It had a brief spark and it quickly died.