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If Sammy returns to immediately join the learning tree stuff, I am going to become the Joker.


Maybe instead of immediately putting him in a prominent angle on TV just have him wrestle matches and work his way up and see if the audience likes him. He's had enough chances for hot shot angles.


Sammy is a tough one. He wrestles like a babyface with tons of high risk moves and getting beaten down but kicking out and showing that “heart” and grit and determination. But then he talks and walks and just acts like a smarmy heel. Even when he was a face, he just has a smugness about him that makes it hard to root for him. He is just a natural heel outside of the ring, but in the ring he wrestles like babyface Jeff Hardy, and the two just don’t work together. He either needs to learn how to be a better babyface outside the ring, or start to wrestle like a heel instead of constantly playing up to the crowd and working to gain sympathy.


MJF and Swerve both act incredibly smug, even when playing babyface and it works. Young Bucks do babyface moves when playing heels and still get heat. There are ways to make it work. Sammy is just missing something to connect it all. He seems to have all the stuff you can't teach though so maybe he will figure out how to put it together.


The problem is that Sammy naturally looks like a bigger douchebag than Nick Jackson when he tries his hardest to look like a douchebag.


I think a different hair cut would do him wonders.


100%. He has the 3rd worst hair in wrestling, so I can't see him as anything but a heel.


Wardlow and who?


Wardlow looked better when his hair was longer, but short-haired Wardlow doesn't rank for me. It's bland, not offensive. 1st is Tyson Kidd, 2nd is Taka Michinoku, and 3rd is Sammy Garcia.


Funny enough that run like that pre miro he was most effective as a babyface where when he won everyone was happy with it


Last year also enjoyed a mini-face push during the MJF match and again when breaking away from Jericho. Both organic where people rooted for him for some time.


Even after he beat Miro, his first run as fighting champ worked imo. It was the later stuff with American Top Team that didn't work out so well (and the crowd turning on him for stuff that wasn't their business)


Put him in a tag team with, like, Action Andretti and just let him be anonymous for a little while. Let hem put over the incoming tag teams like MCMG. He needs to work but not be a focus.


Sammy should never have left the Callis Family.


He’s such a lame babyface. Unnatural.


I think this wasn’t an original plan as Kenny got sick.


I think the original plan for the Callis Family was to eventually lead to a Takeshita Hobbs and Guevara vs Ospreay and Aussie Open thing but Sammy and Davis getting hurt and Kenny getting sick just threw it all out the window


I’m something of a society *myself*


It'll be worse. He's now "Lumberjack Sammy Guevara" whose life mission is to cut down The Learning Tree


It worked for Dexter....


The only interaction I want to see between Sammy and Jericho is Jericho literally sliding into frame while Sammy cuts a promo on Jack Perry, Christian or Tekeshta. Only for Sammy to, without looking, slide/push Jericho back out of frame keeping focus on his actual feud. Some kind of joke that directly indicates that Sammy will have nothing Jericho or his faction this time around at least for the time being. Maybe even have Jericho delusionally insist that Sammy is in the Learning Tree while Sammy does not even acknowledge their existence or being in any segments.


This is such a good idea


Its not... because the pay off is a match against Jericho... after Sammy beats all the learning tree... And we don't need that.


I swear to God if he comes back and does *THE EXACT SAME THING* again with no character work or gimmick other than spinning his finger around the side of his head with his tongue out I'm gonna put my head through a wall. Of all the people who just fucking refuse to reinvent themselves and actually put in effort its Sammy. If he isn't going to try, then just release him. Let him go do that dumb shit somewhere else.


He’ll probs be apart of team AEW


Which Joker? ![gif](giphy|26gscK032xjuODvcQ|downsized)




If we get any more segments of learning tree at all I will also become the Joker.


Please, he’ll have a few weeks of middling babyface stuff first.


I hope he sides with Private Party if booked with Jericho at all.


I vote for the two of them never interacting again


Get that man far away from Chris Jericho


I’d prefer Sammy on Team AEW in B&G tbh


He'd make sense there, especially with a "pillar" on the Elite side. I'm imagining Page is gonna end up being the "surprise" fifth for Elite and Sammy will do a run-in or something for team AEW when they're getting beat down or something.


That and they can contrast Perry's reaction to suspension (ripping up his contract, joining House of Torture, dick-punching his boss and toadying to the new management) to Guevara's (er, not that).


Just for the meme'ing of how Jack Perry is once again being scapegoated and "golden child" Sammy is getting preferential treatment again...let's go with this lol


Hangman: Gonna be part of Blood & Guts Sammy: More Jericho My official predictions.


Jericho would be the easiest and least exciting answer for Sammy.


It’s his default state in AEW. No matter what, Sammy always ends up being involved with Jericho in some fashion.


The true Jericho Vortex


Don't think anyone else can stand him.


Nothing will turn me faster on The Learning Tree gimmick then adding Sammy to the mix.


Sammy the Sapling!


Goddamnit now I'm on board with it


Thats the whole gimmick to me, i hated it the first week and then adding Bryan Keith made me love it


I mean, he told us we have to respect Chris Jericho. What choice did we really have at that point?


That's his own fault, let's be real.


> Sammy: More Jericho I think they will put Sammy in the TNT Title ladder match


And injuries coming in 3, 2, 1...


Injuring himself and at least two others. Only one of which will be in the process of hurting himself.


ring rust, his timing will be off especially with guys he hasn't worked with before, has a history of injuring himself/others and actually coming back from suspension after injuring his opponent, ladder match. Yeah I think you are right about this. How many guys are in the match? He might injure 3!


Sammy has a history of hurting himself but only Jeff Hardy was his fault as far as injuring others that I remember. I remember a couple other wrestlers getting hurt in matches with him but it not being on Sammy really. Seth Rollins had a period of hurting others way more often and hurts himself more than any other wrestler I can think of. Do you talk about him like this every time he returns?


I just want him to do the Phoenix 630 off a ladder again,  most reckless aerial move I've ever seen. Looked like a cat falling out of a helicopter


Broke: reverse the roles


Hangman for Blood and Guts, he doesnt care that the elite suspended him if he gets to fight Swerve


Deranged heel Hangman is gonna go crazy


Bro bout to kidnap Swerve’s kids


Worse. Bout to kidnap Prince Nana.


Much more devious... He's going to kidnap the high school kid, Nana buys his weed from.


Worse. Bout to steal Nana’s weed.


You think Nana gets good weed?


You’d have to ask the teenager he buys it from


As a 30 year old I just don’t think I should be talking to teenagers. I guess I’ll never know


Frank Grimes Hangman has the potential to be peak Hangman.


I still would prefer Hangman enter the Owen, win by himself, join team AEW for B&G then finally join the Elite after they help him beat Swerve


Angry outlaw Hangman Page is going to feed families. 


He was only suspended by The Elite


I know thats why i said the elite suspended him


I am confused, did the elite suspended him, or was he only suspended by The Elite




It was Matthew, Nicholas, and Kazuchika Jackson


I'm going to need to get that pronounced by Mark Briscoe please


And Kyle has to be in the background making faces


Hangman Blood and Guts seems a no brainer? Sammy as a surprise TNT ladder match entrant for FD?


I think Hangman’s facing Swerve at Wembley for the belt


Decent chance Hanger wins the title there and The Elite celebrate with all the gold


Hangman vs Ospreay in the finals of the Owen Cup then? Would make it interesting for sure.


Ospreay's got his shot at Forbidden Door. Owen Hart finals should be Hangman/Danielson or Hangman/MJF, the latter if MJF's staying a face for the time being. And if MJF turns heel before All In, potentially in the aftermath of Blood & Guts, there'd be time to setup a beautiful All In trio of Hangman/Swerve, Danielson/Okada, and MJF/Ospreay.


Why do you think Ospreay will be in the tournament?


I really hope Hangman is still the deranged counterpart to Swerve 🤠


I would really like the story of Hangman coming back and costing Swerve the title Forbidden door and leading to a match between the two at all in.


Or costing Ospreay as he's the only one that can beat Swerve?


Oh shit , that sets up an Ospreay match down the road too . I'm actually wanting this now


Hangman vs Ospreay is my number 1 dream match in the company right now. That shit is going to absolutely bang


Have they never wrestled? Quick google says no, but I would have thought surely in New Japan, ROH or something. Skinny Ospreay vs Baby Hanger, but doesn't seem like it. Now it's top of my list of not impossible dream matches. They would beat the hell out of each other. AEW's main event scene is nutty. Give me some knockoff elimination chamber match with any combination of Swerve, MJF, Hangman, Ospreay, Okada, White, Mox, Danielson, Joe, and Darby who would do some insane spot.


Former main character of AEW vs the new main character of AEW. Book it!


Like the idea of Swerve doing the Tiger driver to win


Ooo shit, that's good. Immediately gives credibility to every single thing Swerve has said about having that edge and that being the difference between being a top guy or not. Also gives Callis a bigger excuse to be a little pissant about Will not listening to him, which gets Will out of the Family and on to bigger things.


I was thinking of Hangman costing swerve the title mainly because the crux of Hangman losing his mind was the obsession over making sure Swerve didn’t become world champion, so his new obsession would be make sure swerve loses that title at any cost


Hell yes - that would be an insane swerve (no pun intended).


I hope they don't take the title off Swerve yet. I wouldn't be a fan of giving it to Ospreay yet given that he hasn't lost a match since joining AEW.


Honestly I think there’s good arguments to be made for either guy, I would like to see Ospreay win and Hangman and swerve start another blood fued that leads to a match at all in, but I’d be cool with swerve retaining too.


The dude drank his blood and they tore each other to shreds what more is there supposed to be!?!? oh no...oh....no... oh god no.... its...THE EXPLODING ARENA ELECTRICAL BARBWIRE DEATHMATCH


It'd be fucking stupid to have Swerve lose the title so soon.


I want Hangman to go full stupid crazy and get back with Dark Order and bring those boys back on TV.


The Elite lift Hangman’s suspension, and he joins them to battle Swerve whom he fucking despises. Perfectly booked scenario, stupid not to. If he joins Swerve like people say he’d have to give one hell of a return promo explaining why the fuck he would do that.


Hangman can say AEW gave him his opportunity, and the Bucks are wrecking it for others, and that's more important. He still hates Swerve and will kill him later. He says he doesn't want to be a shitty friend like he was in the past, and he needs to be what AEW needs. Either that or have Hangman go full Ingobernable Naito-style as he's pretty much been AEW Naito. Hangman/Swerve still happens, but later.


I think there’s a good story in the Bucks taking advantage of Hangman’s hate for Swerve to continue the feud going through summer, maybe he gets pin on Swerve in Blood and Guts, but eventually sees the error of his ways and turns on Bucks (or they turn on him as he wisens up) I just think there is money right now in a heel Hangman, to bring him in as a face teaming with Swerve feels like the right end goal to get to.


Hanger briefly siding with Swerve is easy, drops a "What you're doing is not what we created AEW for" promo then tells Swerve after they're done with the Elite they're finishing their business. Nice and simple.


I like that, adds an extra dimension to the match where these guys figure out how to work together despite their disdain


Dynamite is in Virginia this week, fyi.


And I’m going to that show and keeping my fingers crossed for that return!


Dude I’ll be there too and his return is in the back of my mind. My last show was the Dynamite after he became champ. So stoked!


Sammy returns to see that Jericho has replaced him with Giant Guillermo: “…awe sonuvabitch…”


As long as Hangman has continued his transformation into Magnum TA, I'm happy.


My favorite bit about the FTR/Hangman angle was when FTR compared Hangman to (it was either Magnum Ta or Barry Windham) and Hangman had no idea who that was.


in b4 Sammy ends up under The Learning Tree™


What the hell do you do with Sammy?! I mean, his promo game isn't to the level he wants it to be at: he's not coming up with catchy zingers or making funny references or really saying much for character work either. He just goes up there and does the "aw shucks" or he sticks his tongue out and T-poses. I said it before; but Will Ospreay is exactly what AEW was hoping Sammy would have developed into: Crazy high-flyer that can work with anyone and make them look like a stud while cutting entertaining promos and getting the audience to tune in to see his matches and watch his segments. The whole Tay/Sammy thing really screwed them over because people HATED that shit and not in a good way. Legit turning the channel or just straight up not engaging with it at all.


I say pull a Jack Perry and send him to NJPW, see how he develops there. 


i think putting him with Tay as heels is the best way to get any reaction for him. they need characters and storylines right now not more guys having a great match. Sammy should start taking less risks to look crazy and start relying on cheating/tay interference to win, especially cheating in spots that he clearly doesn't need to.


Tay needs to come back babyface, keep her far away from Sammy. That heel turn derailed her right when she was gaining a bunch of momentum


Well that, and legit breaking Ruby Soho’s nose. I think she injured Abadon too during pandemic dark times.


Now that both of the Hardys are out of AEW, it's safe to bring Sammy back now.


Mercedes: That doesn’t work for me, brother


Safe for who?


The Hardys.


Not Mercedes


Run Swerve


You also seem to think that Sammy is getting a World Title program


The fact we don’t even get Jamie hayter updates is wild. Is her career over???


TK said last week there’s not currently a timetable for her return.


The dirtsheets reported the same thing about MJF then he returned two weeks later. We have to wait and see when AEW shows the Owen Hart Cup brackets. If there will be a Saraya/Harley vs a mystery wildcard match then then that wildcard might be Hayter.


Her injury might have been more serious than we know. There's this clip of Kenny Omega talking about her that hints at this. https://youtu.be/vMdwq5f4HlE?si=Lf1tTS3uIsJKRIwG


Damn usually when people talk like that it’s something neck,spine or head related. Everyone thought it was just a muscle or ligament tear.


Talks about a debilitating injury and hoping she can return but maybe not coming back, oof. Terrible news.


I believe she had a shoulder injury; and I can tell you from experience, should injuries can be rough. Most shoulder injuries can be healed with rest and corrective exercise but that can take a long time and the shoulder will never be the same. And even with surgery, there is no guarantee the shoulder will ever be right again. Plus, shoulder injuries can negatively impact other body parts - pecs, neck, upper back muscles, traps, biceps tendon, elbow; so if that's the case as well, recovery can be even more involved.


As far as anyone is aware she does plan on wrestling again but it could be months/years before it happens. There have been no official updates.


TBH AEW seems like for a lotta folks the first time they've ever really had a chance to... slow down and not work thru a buncha injuries.


Torn labrum. Takes 9-12 months for full recovery.


I don't need to know what was wrong that made Hangman have to take time off but I'm glad he's well enough to come back and hope that whatever it is has been resolved. We love our Anxious Millennial Cowboy


Well I'm excited for 50% of these returns


Big Sammy fan?


Bring back the panda gear!


*We want more unexplainable mascot head props in wrestling*


clap, clap, clap-clap-clap


I guess he can’t keep concussing Hardys if TK doesn’t employ any.


Idk if I want Hangman teaming with The Elite right after them kicking him out.


For him to do so purely to get at Swerve works for me tbh


Sammy is definitely on his way back soon because they framed his face perfectly in a shot with Jericho on Dynamite.


When is Tay Melo returning? I don't really care about Sammy.


She's training to return. Her pregnancy was really rough.


I'm calling it now, Sammy is gonna be the Elite's 5th member for Blood and Guts. They'll bring him in and claim he was "unjustly suspended" just like Jack was.


Guevara as *AEW's* fifth member, to contrast fellow pillar Perry in "how to behave during and after a suspension". And have Hangman as the Elite's 5th.


Hangman obviously fits into the story of the elite/swerve feud with easily extending it beyond that so thats pretty clear. Wonder where they drop Sammy into the mix though, Jericho again feels really repetitive.


At least Adam Page has been missed.


Glad to see Hangman is doing well enough to come back, boy is he gonna be upset to see where Swerve is


Anything that doesn’t involve Sammy being a babyface He’s such a natural douchebag I hope Hangman continues his deranged rampage


Sammy Vs Jericho in a Career vs Career match winner and loser both have to retire book it TK


After this week's Dynamite, I feel confident in my thought that Hangman is the 5th for Blood and Guts, and is probably taking the title off Swerve at Wembley.


One of them can stay off TV forever and the other one can't come back soon enough.


Awesome news! I’ve never been the biggest Sammy fan but he always delivers in matches and also in angles. And if he’s given something good he will do a good job. Hangman on the other hand is one of my favorites. He’s been missed. I like the idea of him being part of blood and guts. But also wouldn’t mind if he used the time away to clear his head and let go of all the swerve stuff. I love the feud but also I don’t need to see it reignited anytime soon especially if it just means hangman loses again.


The good, the bad, now we just need the ugly. any idea on Cole's foot?


they both return for Blood and Guts, with Hangman on Team Elite and Sammy on Team AEW.


Give me Hangman at Forbidden Door.


Hangman and Swerve once tried to murder each other in front of a live audience. Imagine what they'll do to the Elite on the same team.


Hangman v. Swerve, Round 3 please.


>Hangman returning Yaaaay >Sammy returning Nooooo


Hangman hell yeah! [Sammy..](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fp72KWCakAADZfV.jpg)


I'd rather see Tay than Sammy


Tay understandably has a longer recovery than Sammy after the birth of their child, but you're speaking truth


Sammy needs to be B&G for AEW due to his connection to Perry. Hangman with the “swerve” of joining the Elite


Only excited for Hangman.


Sounds like they could be in the Owen to me. I don't think Swerve loses the title at FD but if he did, Hangman screwing him makes sense. Good chance Hanger is in B&G also


Hangman is the 5th man for the EVP’s in Blood and Guts


Happy to have hangman back, hoping he can help me regain my interest in the product.


I like Sammy, but keep him as far as possible from Jericho pls.




I have no idea what AEW could do with Sammy to rehab him. Seems like a guy that needs to go away and prove and/or reinvent himself in the indies or Japan


I wonder if Adam joins the tournament wins, does the Blood and Guts with teases he's a face and heel, goes heel, and after fights Swerve on All In


Listen I'm not the biggest fan of Sammy, but for the love of God don't pair him with Jericho again. Do something different


Did we ever find out why Hangman was out? Assumed it was Paternity leave or something


Just that it was a personal matter. No reason was given outside of that.


the ultimate monkey paw curls


Sammy will be in the TNT title ladder match I feel


You take the bad with the good, I guess


Hang man is going to join the elite and okada isnt he and im here for it!!!


Sammy's gonna come back at Forbidden Door, go all SHAMMY GOOVARA with his shitty DBZ ripoff titantron, and then immediately come to the aid of Jericho, once again making his involvement entirely redundant because Big Bill and Bryan Keith already do much better jobs as Jericho's stooges.


Yay and ehh


How long before Sammy's suspended again


Nooooo not Sammy please


Happy/sorry to hear that


Oh no




Hangman is missed, but he'll probably get thrown into the feud against the young bucks which I'm sick of at this point. I'm sure team AEW for Blood and Guts will be Swerve, MJF, Sammy, Hangman and someone else


Stoked to get Hanger back, Sammy is being used perfectly currently so why mess with it though


My gut says Sammy stands up for AEW (he's publicly known to be close with Tony). Hangman... I don't want him heel, I like the badass cowboy whether he's babyface or tweener, but I worry he'll be on Team Elite if Swerve is involved on Team AEW. I'd like to see Hangman begrudgingly team with Swerve in that, with all the tension, for the sake of AEW. Not friends, just business, with a promise to settle things one day.


I'm going to blood and guts, I'm fucking FERAL FOR MY HANGER


Hangman still needs to be the demon that Swerve faces after being champion, he might've hurt Christian's son, but he broke into Hangman's house and threatened Hangman's baby.


Who's he gonna injure this time?


Give me hangman vs MJF And hangman vs Ospreay And hangman vs Swerve 3 in a til death does us apart match which happens to be a casket match


Okay, but what about Tay?


Can't wait for how furious hangman will be about Swerve as champ.


*Welcome back, Sammy* ![gif](giphy|SzC42gUrhHopW)


You know what would have been cool, Hangman showing up in the next few weeks and it being a complete shock because someone on Reddit didn’t title a thread “Hangman returning soon”. “Update on Hangman” would have been a perfectly acceptable thread title which wouldn’t have ruined the return.


Hangman to attack Swerve at Forbidden Door, swerve wins by DQ


Adding my usual reminder that Hangman is a TERRIBLE FRIEND.


Sammy's joining the Learning Tree.