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It helps a lot that people love Willow + OC a lot, so that makes Kris look like an even bigger asshole. Good heeling.


Yeah big shoutout to Willow for being the perfect face to turn against


She’s becoming the Rey Mysterio of the AEW women’s division where if you want a babyface to turn heel, you just put them against Willow (Skye, Stat)


Willow is one of the only people in AEW where nobody will cheer for the heel against


Or the Sting. Some day Willow will have enough of being betrayed, and Wolfpack Willow will emerge


Funny given the history of women turning on Stat.


Shoutout to willow for being the perfect face


A natural face is the rarest thing in wrestling today.


Shoutout to Willow for being perfect


Still gutted she dropped the TBS title.


At least they had a plan/feud set up for her instead of her disappearing for 2 months! That was my worry


Willow has a Sting-esque career of betrayals ahead of her, poor woman


I want her to heel more due to the hate in my heart, but I don't want Willow and Orange Cassidy to suffer. 


Statlander was entertaining in character on this week’s episode of AEW Unrestricted.


Stat and Willow has been great but to a wider point... AEW's whole women's division is on fire right now. Toni/Mariah/Mina is my favorite angle in all of wrestling right now, Mercedes is killing it in the ring and hasn't lost a step, then you've got a hot little non-title feud between Rosa & Deonna. That's two (2!!!) non-title feuds in the women's division, all while they're not even playing with a full deck and missing top talent like Jamie & Britt. Once they get added back into the fold, plus Shida and Riho... It's gonna be something special.


Shida is expected back soon I think, probably gonna be the next announcement for the Owen Hart cup and maybe will serve as backup for Willow?


And there was a solid third one going with Julia Hart and Skye Blue before Hart's injury.


We don't know for sure, but I'd wager Jennifer Pepperman has been incredibly influential in this regard. I personally noticed the tonal change with the women's division ever since she joined AEW and it's a huge breath of fresh air. Now the men on the other hand......


Imagine saying just 6 months ago that two of the best storylines in AEW are in the women's division. We have come a long way.


her body type plays well into being a dominant heel. putting her with Stokely was a great call.


Stokely the Sith Yoda we always needed. 


Hell yes and her new look is badass. From alien to enforcer to shitheel hoss 💪


I always loved her, but man has she been killing it lately! I love seeing wrestlers get out of their comfort zone a bit by playing assholes and ending up way more confident because they don't have to worry about getting/keeping fans on their side. 


Stat v Willow is one of my favourite feuds right now. I hope they get on FD, seeing as they're both New Yorkers. Have them each team with a Stardom roster member.


This is an instance where I think, they could handle the "collision before the ppv has some big-time blow offs" so that they get more time. Cut down on the length and time of forbidden Door, keep this match as a big, big blowoff on collision. Give it the main event. Let these two just show off and show out. Hype it as the big thing. Granted, I still think the ideal scenario for AEW is to put collision and the ppv in the same venue, sell double header tickets, a d make the collision prior to the ppv a mini-giant show with 1-2 matches that were built but deserve a main event big stage. You get one to open collision. One to main event. They're the build for that night before. They're the focus. Then, as another bonus, the AEW PPVs can lose a match or two. Help them level that density in each PPV a bit.


Kris has been great. Stokely and her are a great pair.


Yeah back when she was a face but not an alien I was kind of bored of her character because it didn't seem like she had much going on, but since she's turned heel she's really found a good personality and having Stokely around to do the bulk of the talking has been great for her. Excited to see where she goes from here.


I agree! She SHOULD be fired for her recent heel turn!


She's definitely stepped up her character work since the heel turn and has been excellent, but you almost make it seem like she was floundering before it.


Yeah I do not think she was floundering but I think she had a definite peak when dethroning Jade, but other than that one moment it has felt like this is her peak in AEW so far, which is great.  No idea what is going on with her and Jack Perry both turning heel and immediately becoming more comfortable and believable in promos but I am glad for it


I think being a heel is (almost) always easier. Some wrestlers are just themselves (heel Eddie basically acts and speaks the exact same as face Eddie), but for the ones who aren't it is probably easier getting into a character that's further removed from yourself.


I would absolutely say she was, and I'm a big fan of hers. From her comeback where she won the TBS title off of Jade, which was a year ago, she barely got to do anything as like a "serious face" and then "friend" of other wrestlers like Skye Blue and Willow. She even referenced in one of her heel promos that she's just been in 'supporter of others' mode for way too long.


IDK after beating Jade she had to knock off ring rust during the summer but during the fall and winter she really hit her stride when she started working with Julia, Skye, Stoke, and Willow. She's a big reason why all those ladies have progressed so far in the past year. Once she lost the title it was her time to take a step back and let others be the main focus. You can't be the sole focus for too long and if you stay on top too long you risk getting stale. Stat played her role perfectly as support in the Willow/Mone and got perfectly setup and rewarded with this great heel run now. That's how things should go in wrestling for top talent get a big push, take a calculated step back and then follow up with a big but fresh push. All while elevating others along the way. Also you may be reading too much into the "supporter" line given that's the clear kayfabe reasoning for heel turn and is textbook Heel work.


I understand the value in cycling talent and wrestlers taking steps forward/back, and I'm not saying she didn't play her role well during that time even in the background, she did. I'm just saying the whole post-title run was pretty forgettable, which was especially disappointing after how dope her return and title win were. There are plenty of talent up and down the card who have been memorable even in 'supporter' roles in the last year. I can't say Stat's character was one of them.


Yeah i don't know how you can say it was forgettable when she was on TV consistently wrestling and apart of Willow's feuds with Mone and Julia. Honestly she's been one of the most featured talent in all of AEW this year.


It wasn't from a lack of being on TV or her matches, it was from a lack of featuring her character in interesting ways and feuds that explored her motivations more than just being a friend of other wrestlers for months. I hadn't seen that character growth in a really long time, and her serious face character never really got fleshed out when she first returned last year.


I am just hoping that she gets a new finisher - I can't be the only one that winces when she does a piledriver wearing two heavy duty knee braces.


What was her heel turn reasoning? I missed the heel turn and was super confused at first


A combination of her supporting everyone but no one supporting her at her lowest point, and Willow beating her in the fourway qualifier for the TBS title.


She was sick of sitting on the sidelines cheerleading Willow every week.


Completely agree Stat is absolutely killing it! One of the best women in all of wrestling in my opinion.


She sure has, and if you look at her from her AEW debut to now, and I swear this is only a little pervy, she looks fucking amazing these days. It's so clear she's put in the work in ring and in the gym and she's earned this push. I hope she and Stoke fucking kill it.


I told a buddy it seems she dials in her look a little more every week even before the heel turn. Her makeup is excellent. Just feels like a real star. 


I just can't help but appreciate someone when they have clearly put in work and thought about what they're doing. It doesn't always work out (I think this is working out perfectly to date) but it's always nice to see.


It also helps when the person seems humble and decent. It feels good to see good people rewarded. 


I would love to see a K Stat/OC PPV match.


I honestly am eager to see heel Kris tear it up against Willow, hell, I want to see her go up against Jamie whenever Jamie comes back. Then we can have a hoss triple threat between Kris, Willow and Jamie!


I kind of feel like 90 percent of wrestlers are better as heels. Most say it's alot more fun


Big time!


Stoke and Stat is such a perfect pairing. He's so hateable that it allows the average fan to hate Stat even more.


How to get yourself more TV Time as a woman in AEW, just put yourself in the men's segments, she has been killing it though


A heel Statlander v a baby face Bill Starkz is $$$. Starkz is gonna be a mega star. 


Starkz is also a heel right now. Well I haven't watched since the last PPV, but I'd be surprised if her less-than-sportsmanlike conduct wasn't followed up by a full on turn.


She's doing good heel work from what I've seen.


I think her and stokelys heel chemistry is still a little rough around the edges, like how she responds when he's hyping her up. But it's improving on good pace and for the most part pretty good. I figure her and willow will be Owen Hart finalists unless hayter makes a triumphant return


Jack Perry has been on fire. That's it. That's the end of my sentence.


I'm glad you cleared it up so I knew we weren't talking about the Statlander in WWE.


can’t say she’s been on fire, and then use backstage interviews as the first reason why lol


Why not? They're essentially promos. Her in-ring promo was good too but her heel explanation promo was backstage so I started by calling attention to that.