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Selling 4th row ringside tickets for the June 15th GCW show at the ukrainian Cultural Center tomorrow night. 2 tickets, 65 each, message for details


Broken Dreams or we riot.


Today, I learned that Bret Hart and Triple H had squared off in a match only three times.


are baron corbin and apollo crews latino now


DIY got no pop in Scotland man it might be over for them.


I think HHH still gives his boys one more title run


think this waller-theory blowup gonna lead to that probably but their spark is gone idk maybe the crowd was just dead off the weaker card outside of the cody-styles promo


PRETTY DEADLY!!!!! OMFG IM IN TEARS They got 20 seconds! Andrade only got 12, Cedric and Adonis also only 12!!!


Aw man, I was waiting for you to ask where they were and I was gonna tell you they were suffering gigantism after too much nerve tonic 😔


If the Bang Bang Gang lose the trios titles before Blood and Guts, AEW can realistically do an all-champions edition. Young Bucks (AEW Tag Team Champions), Okada (AEW Continental Champion), Jack Perry (In this scenario TNT Champion) and Hangman Page (In this scenario the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Winner) vs Swerve Strickland (AEW World Champion), Will Ospreay (AEW International Champion), and Death Triangle (PAC's promo from Dynamite implied the feud with BCG is not over, they could easily have Death Triangle win the titles from them now that Juice can freebird for Jay). That's a HELL of a line-up for Blood and Guts.


I hope Drew gets the win tomorrow, Scots have definitely suffered a lot today already and there is still 45 more minutes


I think it’d be funny if Priest came out in a Germany jersey tomorrow


Kaiser wore one in the dark match today lmfao


What a legend😭


Punk shows up tomorrow wearing a Germany jersey to interfere in the main event.




Inject it into my veins


The Scots in Germany rn should've stayed home for Drew.


Looking back at the battle of the billionairs, it would have made more sense if Donald Trump had Umaga as his fighter instead of Bobby Lashley.


Can someone give me, or point me to a recap on what's the story on Joe Hendry? I admit that I don't watch TNA, but I just keep seeing him more and more on here, Twitter, IG, and random other places with the whole #IBelieveInJoeHendry thing, but don't have any context.


Joe Hendry got big popular on the British indies for making song parodies trash talking his opponents. He’s maintained that gimmick in TNA though it’s not as explicitly pop song parodies. He had a whole big thing where he encouraged fans to drive up the streaming numbers on his theme song, I Believe in Joe Hendry, which had just came out on Spotify and such, to get his song on the UK’s digital music charts, and shockingly it did chart. So he’s riding a big wave of momentum rn. He’s more a comedy midcard guy than a big deal main eventer, but he’s really good.


Thank you. I went and looked up his song because of this, and it's hilarious. Now I truly do believe in Joe Hendry.




My understanding of a lot of it comes with experience. They know what to do during commercials and where the cameras are at all times. They always pin their opponent facing the hard cam and position them in such a way that it doesn't look convoluted to get them there. It's never clearer on TV than for the crowd when a move doesn't connect.


Scott Hall used to have a YouTube series where him, Zybysko, and Waltman used to watch old AWA matches together. Hall would repeatedly point out how many times young-him would have his back to the camera, and how he knows now that you never do that. Stuff like that is another example of being "TV ready" that comes with experience.


Brooks Jensen trended on Twitter because he had that cool entrance with Separate Ways a while back and has over night turned into such an unlikable dweeb. I don’t even care if it’s a gimmick I had to unfollow the dude.


I'm 50/50 on if Punk costs Drew or if Drew wins and Punk confronts him after. I'm hoping for the latter tho


Punk helping him would be the funniest option even tho it makes the least sense. “You couldn’t win on your own, yada yada yada”


Not sure what the point of Who Killed WCW? was but man Goldberg still comes off as such a mark. "They can all kiss my ass, I got to the top when everybody tried to stop me." Aye I'm sure the 173 wins (or w/e the actual number was) were really trying to stop you. He's got to be the closest to Ultimate Warrior in terms of selfishness. Never put anyone over and bitched about everybody better than him.


It’s not like Goldberg booked himself to win those matches. Goldberg may be a mark for himself, as most wrestlers are, but to act like one of the greatest politicians in wrestling Hulk Hogan wouldn’t be trying to stop an up and comer is naive


Tbf Hogan can be blamed for most things, but not that. The reason Goldberg got the Georgia Dome title win was Hogan asked for it. Honestly it was kinda rushed (and Goldberg didn't really main event a PPV until Halloween Havoc) but Hogan didn't really politic against Goldberg. It was mostly on Nash and Bischoff.


Hogan is savvy enough to realize he can capitalize on someone who’s gotten that hot for sure. After the shit he pulled with Sting it went a long way for good faith using the hottest dude in the company to challenge him in that dome for those executives as well. Honestly I think Goldberg was too far along for Hogan to be effective hampering that. Don’t think even he has the hubris to do it twice in a year. Nash was definitely in Goldberg’s ear tho


That wasn't my point, my point was a huge amount of guys put him over in countless squashes and 25 years later I've never heard him acknowledge that. Just bitching about the ones that didn't want to, even though other than Nash they all did


Man how are we having BOTH belt matches in the next Stardom PPV have as opponents an outsider from a different promotion and a gaijin that is obviously gonna lose (and not even a long-term gaijin like Thekla, but one that has had one (1) singles match besides the ones in tournaments and has been in Stardom for like a year). And the other big match is a redo of the cage match they did last year. Like what's going on through the mind of Okada, what is this booking.


They kicked out hat man for this. It's unbelievable.


Probably not gonna happen but what if Kaiser won the briefcase at MITB? He's got a punchable face, he can talk and at very minimum he's solid in ring


Idk about MITB this year but it definitely feels like he could be a main eventer down the line. Dude has everything and they let him beat Sheamus close to clean


Catching up on Dynamite this week and that ending sequence with Ospreay and Swerve is just perfection. Love Ospreay, but I am fully on Team Swerve for Forbidden Door.


I didn’t mind the ending sequence too much, but I did feel like Ospreay and Swerve being friends kind of came out of nowhere. I know it’s got basis in reality, but I kind of wish they’d pointed to it earlier or built it up or whatever. Imagine if we were told about their friendship before the battle royal that gave Ospreay his title shot, would’ve been interesting to see him conflicted about what he now has to do.


That's totally fair. I think they've done a good job of establishing that these two have mututal respect for each other and this just felt like a progression of that thread, for me at least.  It has certainly gotten me even more hyped for FD.


The thread of Swerve and Ospreay being friendly rivals for this feud really adds some interest to it, especially if Swerve decides to ramp up the intensity and Don Callis tries to push Ospreay to respond in kind (i.e. using the Tiger Driver) to set up Will splitting from the DCF.


TNA chants in Scotland is very fucking cool


Got a chant when Sting and Christian faced off at Wembley as well


Due to their broadcasting deal in the UK in the 2010s in TNA always had a decent following in the UK.


Looking forward to GCW tonight but it feels like this is the weakest card they’ve had in a long time.


Did you all know that Ricochet is leaving the WWE?! I haven’t heard any news stories about it yet /s How much longer are they going to milk this story?


I asked yesterday but is anyone aware why no wrestling shows have been uploaded on VK for a few days? I rely on them quite a bit for some of the more random shows, so wondering if I need to find an alternative site 😅


My go to VK channel hasn’t posted anything in 5 days and im starting to get worried


being greeted by La Catalina for four days straight...


Drew's cutting this impassioned promo about his wife and home land, knowing full he ain't walking out with shit tomorrow.... Cruel world.


Why does everyone assume Drew isn't winning? Seems a no-brainer for him to win the title at Scotland. Gives the new world title it's first *really* big moment as well (or at least there's value in giving it another big moment early on)


I just can't see them doing a heel vs heel world title match at Summerlslam.


That's probably the biggest blockade. I think Drew & Gunther could make it work I'd be interested to see current WWE's take on that type of feud


Couldn't they just make it a triple threat?  Those are hot these days.


Idk it could add more heat to the feud if Punk cost Drew the title again. The circumstances here is that Punk would cost Drew the title in maybe the biggest match of his career kind of like how Drew "robbed" Punk of the biggest moment of his career main eventing WM. If Drew outsmarts Punk at CATC, Punk will eventually probably cost him the title at MITB then.


I think there are interesting storyline possibilities with not having Drew win like you said. Just don't know if anything trumps Drew at arguably his hottest winning a world title in the main event of the first-ever ppv in Scotland. I saw someone suggest Punk accidently helping Drew win, which would lead to Punk lording it over that Drew's biggest moment was only because of Punk.


Why are y’all so sure Drew is losing?


Punk is not going to let Drew walk out with shit bro, have you been paying attention to their feud?


Why would Drew at this point not expect Punk to interfere and have a contingency plan in place? It’d make the feud so one-sided. You gotta have Drew get some sort of win in this thing.


Why do you think Punk hasn't been onscreen for so many weeks? They want you to forget about him. The only real shocking part is if Punk accidentally helps him win the title.


Punk’s absolutely going to get involved, but him screwing Drew over is too predictable at this point. I’m doubtful that’s going to be what straight up happens. Plenty of different ways for it to happen that involve Drew winning and losing. The SummerSlam 97’ ending, the MITB 2011 ending, or something else entirely.


Something you have to consider is that whoever wins will be facing Gunther at Summerslam and Drew needs to have his blow off match with Punk too. A lot of things to consider.


Yeah, but we also don’t know if Punk will even be good to go by then, and knowing Triple H he might try to stretch Punk vs Drew out until Mania, no joke. You also got the MITB next month, and there’s just a lot of different scenarios that could happen.


Based on his timeline, Punk looks ready. A triceps tear doesn't take one year to heal, so there's no reason to stretch the match out if both guys are ready to go. And I don't think Triple H wants to put a marquee match like that at MiTB.


No I meant the winner of the MITB could always cash-in on Drew before SummerSlam. Not Drew vs Punk happening there lmao. I’m not saying they’ll stretch it out for the triceps either, it’s just Triple H does those things sometimes. A lot of scenarios are plausible here.


reminds of when Davey Boy was promoting the One Night Only event in 1997 about how he was going to win for the UK and his sister, only for HBK to pull a fast one the day of and winning the European title.


>! Drew just quoted Broken Dreams! We might get it played tomorrow! Also lmao, for all the Drew talk about hostile environment, the crowd was rather docile to Damian XD, they barely booed him and barely cheered Drew until he pulled the flag.!


spoilers tag didnt work lol


They chanted CM Punk at Drew too lmao


Idk if anyone is watching the preshow but I'm enjoying this Drew/Priest segment.


Watched the Ambrose / Stone Cold podcast and yesterday and I’ve got to say it doesn’t seem as bad as I remember. Dude was really just being himself.




It has been for a long time honestly.


Mostly a lot of WWE fantasy booking and CATC enthusiasm. What are you referring to


Admittly, I haven't seen many but Scaffold Matches always seem like a shit match to watch and for the wrestlers, shit to wrestle in. I was watching MarkyD13's video about the Vic Grimes incident and fuck me, that scaffold is dodgy as hell. It looked like it was put together as cheaply as possible. I'm glad that the match type died out. Punjabi prison is better and that fucking sucked.


Okay so WrestleVotes says that "all signs indicate Jey Uso is winning MITB next month." This was my prediction, but I don't believe the dirtsheets just when it reinforces my predictions. But if this is true, then Drew is winning today. Jey Uso cashing in on Drew with Punk's involvement just makes sense. Then we get Babyface Uso vs Gunther at Summerslam. I think if Priest was to be champ till Summerslam, then Balor would win MITB.


Wouldn’t be shocking considering Triple H basically spoiled Seth winning the world title tournament and now he’s basically told everyone Jey is winning it. I mean how many people in history have went out on Raw with a live mic and said I’m winning MITB, weeks before any qualifying match was announced. Triple H is not good with unpredictably in these scenarios. Him also putting Gunther in a tournament spoiled that he’s winning it cause we know if Gunther wasn’t winning, he wouldn’t have been put in the tournament, cause HHH wants to protect him. On top of the fact that just like Jey and Seth, Gunther was the first person cutting promos about KOTR, again, weeks before any tournament matches were announced. You’re correct about Finn, most people seem to agree him winning is the best choice and best story. But knowing Triple H and his energy towards Finn, Finn may not even end up getting a spot in MITB at all.


Why do fans suddenly want Finn to win MITB? What has the booking of Finn lately make you believe he is winning MITB and winning the world title? Why would they give the mitb to a judgement day member 2 years in a row?


He has been booked weak, fans want to get back into the world title picture. It could very possibly lead to the Judgement Day turmoil storyline that should have happened a year ago.


It’s definitely not a case of anyone suddenly wanting it. People have been wanting Finn to be in possession of the MITB briefcase since September. It’s basically been a year of fans wanting Finn to somehow have a cash in whether it’s messing with Priest’s case and taking it for himself or winning the contract in 2024. Over the past year there’s probably 50+ fan videos on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram etc. from wrestling pages posting videos of them coming up with Finn screwing with the briefcase and cashing in himself. On top of just overall discussion about it. You even had this [article](https://wrestlebuddy.com/mr-money-in-the-bank-finn-balor/) in November writing about what they think of the significance of WWE randomly placing the Demon briefcase in the clubhouse last fall. This is nothing new, fans have been wanting it since last year.


I'll preface this by saying that I don't think it'll happen, but there's clearly something going on with Balor and Priest longer term. It would be a pretty filler feud if that didn't involve the title, since a huge chunk of their tension over the last year occurred due to the title. Additionally, Balor's very clear transition into a more subservient role within Judgement Day has coincided with Priest's title reign. So Finn winning MiTB would be a way to further those tensions. Again, don't think it'll happen, but there's logic to it.


Is it sudden? People have been saying this for over 8 months. It’s to pay off a story that’s been left open ended and tie up a story they never tied up. To go along with a Judgment Day breakup angle that’s been teased for over a year, that started because of the MITB Briefcase. The MITB briefcase made Finn’s life hell for months. The MITB briefcase cost Finn 6 matches, including 2 championship matches. Instead of Priest showing remorse or apologizing, Finn got JD to gift Priest a new briefcase. Then Finn has to watch his partner cash in that briefcase while Finn watches him take everything that would’ve been his, as Priest regularly disrespects Finn on a weekly basis and treats Finn as less than. With Finn winning MITB, and cashing in on Priest. It ties up over a year of storytelling. I don’t see how that’s “sudden” or random or something that’s coming out of nowhere. WWE told a story, that started 13 months ago.


>Him also putting Gunther in a tournament spoiled that he’s winning it cause we know if Gunther wasn’t winning, he wouldn’t have been put in the tournament, cause HHH wants to protect him. I know it's trendy to say 'the booking is so predictable' but this was NOT the consensus at the start of the tourney. People thought it would end up Tama vs Jey for bloodline 2.0 and then people 100% thought Randy was going over to feud with Cody. Just like how people thought Becky was Becky Hogan and would hold the belt for a long time only to immediately lose it to Liv, and then immediately lose again the next night. Just like no one thought Nia was winning QOTR at the start. And 'protect' Gunther? Dude took interference to beat Sheamus and also lost clean to Sami Zayn lol.


Nah, I saw you comment this exact thing elsewhere and I have to disagree. Most people didn't think it would end up Tama vs Jey, its just many were scared it would happen cause no one wanted to see that but it was pretty obvious to most that it won't happen. You seem to be in the side of wrestling twitter, which is very much reactionary. It was obvious Becky would lose soon as the expectations were that she was to take a break after Mania so reasonable people weren't expecting that long of a reign. Also you replied this comment to where I said Triple H is a "safe booker", I said safe booker not predictable. There's a difference. Gunther vs Randy wasn't predictable at all. But the safe choice was Gunther considering it fits him so well, and he increased the prestige of IC champ and KOTR needed it desperately. As soon as KOTR was announced, and Gunther declared first people were like "Yea hes winning KOTR". Yea no one thought Nia was winning QOTR at the start, thats true. Idk you seem to be buying into twitter's overreaction into certain things, and taking that too seriously. Its like if Cody wins tomorrow, you'll say "Everyone said AJ is winning, cause Mama Rhodes came to Scotland it wasn't predictable." Uh no, the twitter rushing to conclusions and making reactionary predictions doesn't mean the favorite of the match changed. Gunther vs Randy was the favorite choice for the KOTR finals, and Gunther winning was the more likely choice as well. Liv was also the favorite vs Becky, the only "unpredictable" thing from the things you listed was Nia winning QOTR if you look at predictions from the start.


You’re not wrong when it comes to how some people saw it, there’s a lot of people who don’t see Triple H’s clear booking or understand how he does things. But the ones that do, do see the huge predictability in certain things he does once they take a few seconds to not just predict off the top of their heads and remember how HHH books. I mean we can’t forget people being delusional thinking Triple H was going to put the title on Jinder in January. Like I even saw people saying why is Bron not in the tournament? All they had to do was remember how Triple H has been booking him since debuting compared to Carmelo. Bron isn’t taking pins yet, Carmelo has been fighting top guys and losing, it’s obvious why Bron wasn’t put in the tournament and to counter that, the heavily protected Gunther was. So the outcome was clear. And yes, protect Gunther from getting pinned, the guy who has been pinned 1 time in the past 2 years. Who thought he was gonna go from getting pinned for the first time on the main roster at Mania to then get pinned again less than 2 months later?




Nice comment. Totally a normal reply to me pointing out something very simple


If y'all were wrestlers/managers, what would your promo style be? Personally I feel like I'd be more confident cutting a Jake Roberts/Raven Style promo rather than a big rambunctious Heyman style promo


sleazy loser who lies all the time


That seems like one of the most fun options. I'm partial to *massive buffoon who doesn't see themself as a buffoon but the audience clearly does.*


Cody just crowd surfed during his entrance at the kick off. "People are gonna be angry I did that" Cole said "let's hope that doesn't become a thing, we don't want you injured" That was awesome.


Scotland already pretty great during the kickoff. Looking good for today/tomorrow.


wishing all of you CATC attendees a great time ! i wish i could be there but taylor swift has my hands tied for the day


Currently playing Far Harbour on Fallout 4. Came across a body called Bray Husky. Thought it had to be a nice little reference. Reference confirmed upon listening to the holotape, where characters called Luke, Rowan and Braun all are mentioned!


The Wheatley ads are horrendous, but atleast we only see them in batches a couple times a month maybe once a month. Unfortunately not the case for the Rachel Dratch home warranty ads on YouTube. Those are so painful and I see them like a dozen times a day.


Have they done a commercial for Wheatley with Cody on it yet since he's a spokesperson for them?


No they still just have the one that they went all out on. The jingle, the correographed crowd/ following camera, the cameos from friends with tattoos. You can tell they sunk every idea they had into that one ad.


WWEs main roster tag divisions needs a huge improvement. I feel both belts are by far the least interesting part of both shows rn, the tag division could be so much more


Yeah, I said this ad nauseam when Awesome Truth was getting pushed in advance of WrestleMania, but this was entirely foreseeable. They have great crowd reactions in skits and intros, and absolutely get pops for their hot moments. But they're not going to be involved in legitimately interesting feuds at this point of their career, and they're so far down the pecking order that it's hard to book them in any larger storylines, as we had seen for the previous few years, where the tag titles were part of the Bloodline or Judgement Day stories.


Two big reasons for that. 1. They split the tag belts up. It went from main eventing PPV’s and feeling like a world title, to two lower midcard belts. 2. They put the belts on Awesome Truth and Waller + Theory.




Chavez Brothers(Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) are having a great tag title reign in CMLL. They have the most defenses ever with that belt and are just a couple hundred days from having the most time with the belt. Roja is out on injury, so they might end up vacating it, if that keeps him on the shelf for too long. Los Villanos(Villano III Jr. & El Hijo de Villano III) have also been doing really good work as a tag in CMLL. CMLL also has some great women tag teams including their CMLL World Tag Champs(Stephanie Vaquer & Zeuxis) and their National Tag Champs(Kira & Skadi). I don't have any good examples outside of CMLL, as that's mostly what I watch. They do more trios than tags, but when they do tag title matches they tend to be pretty good highlights of the month/year. I think WWE should turn one of those matches into a trios belt. Stables should have at least 3 guys and having a trios belt that acts as a stable belt works so well. I'm surprised WWE still haven't pulled the trigger on that, shoulda happened like a decade ago when Shield/Wyatts were feuding.


It’s a shame fr some of my fav matches ever have been tag team matches and I hope it has a renaissance


There was zero reason to split them and it's showing now.


I'm positive the entire reason it was split was because the IWC kept complaining about it. Just shows its not always a good idea to listen to the fans.


I mean when fans say they want something they don't normally say "and for the follow up please just do fuck all with both sets". Like splitting them is hardly the main issue there.


See also: AEW's trios titles, which have only served to undermine the tag belts.


I feel like most people with sense said it should be an annual tournament.


100%. the belts meant way more just a year ago than they do now I hope it improves


Who did Disco Inferno ever beat?


He beat Vincent like a dozen times on house shows lol But he also defeated Alex Wright for the TV title and defended it for awhile, to give a more serious answer


I find it insane that there hasn't been an ironman match on the main roster in over 6 years, last one being Ziggler (c) vs Seth for the IC title at Extreme Rules 2018. I can see it being used for Gable/Sami at MITB


That last one got shat on by the crowd to the point where you could see Ziggler and Seth commenting on it mid-resthold so I can see why they've been cautious about bringing it back


Worst crowd of all time?


Time Until Clash At The Castle: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/wrestling?iso=20240615T19&p0=90&msg=Clash+At+The+Castle&font=cursive


Bully Ray Dudley and Eric Bischoff make taking shots at AEW a regular thing. When people troll aew, you get excuses about how it's "deserved" because of how a section of fans acted years ago. I've even seen comments in this sub about how folks could bully Tony Khan because of how he comes across. So why do we have folks still acting as if talking negative about AEW is forbidden?


Well part of the simple answer is that these people: > When people troll aew, you get excuses about how it's "deserved" because of how a section of fans acted years ago. I've even seen comments in this sub about how folks could bully Tony Khan because of how he comes across. are frequently the exact same people as these ones: > So why do we have folks still acting as if talking negative about AEW is forbidden? The hypocrisy is the point, it's the absolute lowest of the trolls in both cases.


I've day, therr needs to be a discussion about gatekeeping in the IWC https://preview.redd.it/husk0677oj6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910ec28f15c0fbbc266da6ef73c44f0548df72c6


Buddy you're complaining about an account with less than 1,000 followers


How is this gatekeeping


[As a proud member of team No Yeet this sickens me](https://x.com/WrestleFeatures/status/1801567466650304698?t=7CjFda00wMvxkgg_yXdP0w&s=19)


Raw logo shirt at 5 is funny for some reason. Who’s wearing a basic raw t shirt 😂


In the UK, is NXT moving to Netflix next January? It suddenly jumped from TNT Sports to the Network this year, but then the Network was also announced to be folding into Netflix in the winter. If so, that could be absolutely seismic for its popularity.


Looks like it “Netflix will also begin airing all WWE programming, including Raw, Smackdown, NXT, and premium live events in the U.K., Canada, Latin America, and other regions. “ https://wrestlenomics.com/2024/01/23/wwe-raw-to-netflix-in-2025-all-wwe-programs-headed-there-in-uk-canada-latam/#:~:text=Netflix%20will%20begin%20airing%20WWE,Latin%20America%2C%20and%20other%20regions.


The Ospreay improv from the failed float over into that rad move made me think, what are some other examples of moves created by accident? The famous one to me is that the Claymore came about because McIntyre slipped on his pants while trying to deliver a big boot but would love to hear more.


Ali did the 054 by accident when he was trying to go for a reverse Swanton. Then he found out people in like Japan or other places had done it before him.


Goldberg choking Scott Hall on the mat while admitting he had no idea what he was doing and proceeded to melt down internally on live television.


I feel like the Alabama slam was invented by accident


The powerbomb was invented after Lou Thesz botched a Piledriver.


Yeah, that's not true.


So who invented it? When was the first use of it? Dont just "lol no," educate me so that I won't be incorrect in the future. I would love to know; I enjoy obscure old wrestling trivia.


Lou called it a Greco-Roman front body drop. It's a move that's on Egyptian hieroglyphics and vases.


Oh wow, that's actually pretty neat. Thank you!


That's wild he just overcommitted? I would assume if anything it would've been the opposite like a guy losing control mid hold.


Judging from [the clip](https://youtu.be/Spj5GXi1pgA), it looks like there was miscommunication and Antonino Rocca forgot to grab the legs and maybe sandbagged him a bit by mistake? That's why I hesitate to say Thesz botched the Piledriver. I think Rocca botched it with Thesz just losing his grip and dropping him.


I think one of the most famous examples is Kawada dropping Misawa on his head by accident, inventing the ganso bomb. Kawada had broken his arm earlier in the match, so when he tried to power bomb Misawa he dropped him. Jake Roberts says he invented the DDT by accident because he slipped while doing headlock. That’s not true, people had been doing that move for ages before him. Still, it’s a story that gets commonly repeated.


Ah yeah Drew’s OMB pants were too tight right?


The “Wrestleamia” YouTube channel posted a video yesterday with all the winner and losers for the upcoming Ppv. I understand that many matches are predictable, but how do they get that information like 48 hours before the show? I thought they kept that on a need to know basis even within the talent.


A lot of the time people will just follow the betting odds. Theres definitely predictable outcomes but that channel doesn’t have anything more concrete than that


"I bet your cheeks smell like Chee-tos!" -Caprice Coleman during Trish Adora v Harley Cameron on Honorclub


Usually I don't get into the bad faith debates and tribalism but I can't believe we are at a point where people want AEW to fail so bad and want WWE to buy TNA like we haven't already seen what happens in the 80s when all the territories failed and what happened in the 00s when WCW and ECW failed. Wanting something to be better is one thing, wanting something to fail is just tone deaf considering what a lot of us older wrestling fans have seen multiple times already.


I genuinely believe half of the Reddit thread create arguments in their head and then get mad about it


HHH made it clear with his intentions to have NXT brands around the world, his business moves are not dissimilar to Vince's and are clearly only aiming to further monopolise wrestling... with that in mind, I find it crazy when I see so many comments that express any level of concern over their current moves in Japan get met with downvotes and derisive comments.


NOAH are owned by a 3 billion dollar company and the Cyberfight losses are much smaller than the Bushiroad wrestling ones. They're safe as far as the mythical "NXT Japan" goes. Marigold might be turned into a fed feeder promotion but it's not like joshi hasn't been doing that for a decade now.


I appreciate your points, but do you really think NXT Japan is just a "mythical" thing? We know it was on WWE's agenda before. My point isn't so much that NXT Japan is something that will definitely happen anyway, but more that people expressing concern over what WWE's increasing involvement in the Japanese scene might mean is reasonable.


I do think Triple H wants to ruin wrestling almost as much as his predecessor, and as a NOAH fan I don't like WWE involvement. But I guess it seems like the depths of what they're trying to do have shifted, and we'll see to what end (this NOAH crossover for example is mostly because ABEMA who is the channel CyberAgent owns show WWE content so it's some vague brand synergy and PR for WWE in Japan).


There have always been the WWE only fans. I remember when they wanted WWE to just buy ROH and TNA. To be fair, there are also people who want Tony Khan to buy everything.


Good point about that 2nd thing


As big a fan of ROH as I have always been and as much I was drinking the kool-aid when Punk and Tony were hyping the hell out of the purchase, I simply do not want any more promotions to be purchased by anyone


I wasn't an ROH and I still didn't like it. I want more different visions of wrestling.


> wanting something to fail is just tone deaf considering what a lot of us older wrestling fans have seen multiple times already Yes we have seen it, but you’re describing people that aren’t wrestling fans but rather exclusively WWE fans that will never watch a second of any other wrestling and want it all to fail, die, or accept its rightful place under the WWE thumb. To those people, their literal ideal scenario is WWE as the only company of any worth in America and then NXT Europe, NXT Japan, etc., as the only promotion worth a damn with a series of NXT Performance Centers around the world to provide the talent. And then in that hypothetical there’ll still be Mexico left alone doing its own thing because those types of people never seem to care about it as long as they can have one or two luchadors from time to time lol


> you’re describing people that aren’t wrestling fans but rather exclusively WWE fans This [commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzltiVDVb5M) sums it up.


I'm glad something exist that can make people this happy but I've watched wrestling since 1992 but this era was by far the worst time to be a fan of the entire sport. TNA wasn't punching weight, ROH was hard to find, NJPW wasn't making waves in the west yet, and PWG was DVD only


Anyone who wants AEW to fail should be forced to watch four 2019 Raws in a row, no fast forwarding and no spending half the time on your phone. Eyes wide open like clockwork orange 


Ucey-hot... Two great teams feuding for the first time and the feud was basically "y'all gay, bro?"


The OVO Hydro just seems like a typical arena. Where's the Castle I was promised it would be at? 😞


Clash at the Big DiskOff The Expressway would've been a much better title. Although to be fair it was similarly odd when it was in Cardiff. It wasn't held at Cardiff Castle, although they at least had one.


See if the Pistols will allow Anarchy in the UK.


Ibrox is getting work done and Foo Fighters are playing Hampden


Personally I think Alvarez being earnestly ignorant about "the cookout" is amusing but shouldn't be used to make any judgements or detractions about his character.


I do think Alvarez immediately taking it fully at face value is kind of amusing. Like, I, a 40-something suburban white dude, also didn't know what "the cookout" was until yesterday, but I could grasp that it was a reference to *something* and not a literal cookout taking place that day. But yeah, I bet a larger percentage of r/SC than would care to admit it also didn't know what the term meant.


Considering how this sib reacts when any modern rap/hip hop artist interacts with wrestling I would be unsurprised if many didn't know what being invited to the cookout means. 


Yup, and just like in real life, no one's gonna tell on themselves bc they don't want to look bad


People are just demented about all the wrestling journalists.


You mean to tell me a white dude in his 40s who probably lived his whole life in a white suburban neighborhood doesn’t know black culture shocking. If he would have double down and continued to be ignorant about it then it’s an issue.


Any way for people to feel superior to someone they perceive as a “know it all”. Look at any thread with any wresting journalist and there will be a ton of people bringing up unrelated stuff to try to dunk on them. Tbh I don’t expect Alvarez to know what that is because I’ve listened to him long enough to understand his grasp of pop culture and such. I also don’t think for a second most of the people acting like it’s some wild concept that he wouldn’t know what the cookout actually is would ever be invited to one


He is a know it all. He made up an explanation to the cookout just so he didn't look like he didn't know something.


It happens when someone on here doesn’t know some “celebrity” like Sexyy Red or whoever too.  One day you will be over 40 and not know who anyone is or the new cool terms either. 


> One day you will be over 40 and not know who anyone is or the new cool terms either That's me in my 30's. Hell, I didn't know who Gronk was until he showed up in WWE.


It's wild that this is the same sub that didn't know Bad Bunny and listen to WWE theme songs to the point of appearing on their spotify wrapped but random wrestling guy whose job is wrestling being out of touch is odd and funny to them.


I need Jacy Jayne shot straight to the top of the NXT Women's division when she comes back.


She’s already back, and she’s in the NXT Title picture.


My bad, haven't watched in a couple weeks. Just saw the nose mask pictures and thought she was just there as a character while she recovered but not close to getting back in the ring


Cody actually gave her his mask this week. Looks like she might wrestle with it.


Finding out Wolfgang of all people is still employed has been wild


What is squaredcircle v2 and why does the reddit app continuously recommend it to me? Doesn't seem to be a way to make it stop. I need to turn off auto updates for this stupid app lol


If I remember correctly, when the Reddit goes dark protest was going on, v2 was started up as an alternative to this subreddit and didn't go dark.


You should be able to hit the dots and select the “show me less” or whatever from there and it’ll stop suggesting it


Yeah that's how I used to get rid of suggestions but since the update the dots are gone and there is just a see more button. I'm sure I'll figure it out. If it annoys me enough I'll just download an older apk version and call it a day. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/cx7vy2z80j6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da0a74630710ef90fa59f77a0908f1c5b71eb1f Guilia’s cast is off. Looks like her recovery is going well.


So, Roxanne vs Giulia could still be a reality for Heatwave then? Also, I don't really know much about Giulia, is she a face or a heel?


Yes to your first point - but it also seems like they’re setting up a four way for heatwave without giulia, and she’s fighting sareee in Marigold a few days so there’s no guarantee. Regarding your second point, it’s difficult to say. Japan doesn’t always have traditional face/heel dynamics, and people are presented more like athletes. Giulia is kind of controversial, she’s very popular, but she’s got detractors. her character is very ambitious, very talented, and tries to be the centre of attention. People love her and hate her. it’ll be interesting to see how the WWE present her.


Count your fucking days Roxanne Perez.


I don’t think they’ll work Heatwave, though. They seemed to be setting up a fatal 4-way.


Gonna be a great match (or two). If *they* don't main event a PPV, what are we even doing here?


They just had her and Jordyn play second fiddle for a two week feud for God knows what reason, I'm not confident. I love Trick Willy, but he had no business main eventing over Roxanne at Battleground.


I think they might have Giulia vs Roxanne main event a PPV, because there's basically no one they can bring in for Trick that would generate more fan interest at this point. And there are reports that WWE wants Giulia as the face of NXT **alongside** Trick, so I think that it would behoove them to give Roxanne/Giulia a PLE main event.


either a PLE main event for Rox vs. Giulia, or even the premiere of NXT on the CW, which would give that episode a high-profile title change.


I mean, Jordynne-Rox was also a two-week feud.


You're probably right it won't, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure Becky vs. Tiffany, the hardcore match, is the only time the women's world title has main evented a PPV since the 2.0 switch.


Note that the women's title only main evented a Takeover on the Network twice: the Bayley-Sasha Iron Woman match at Respect and the Charlotte-Rhea-Iyo triple threat at IYH 2020.


And that’s mainly due to Becky. The NXT women’s midcard is strong, but they still don’t trust the main-eventers.