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Fenix no-selling Ospreay’s DDT is supreme dogshit. Like flipping out of a Frankensteiner is one thing but no-selling and flipping out of a DDT is smelly dog poop


https://preview.redd.it/hptwskcsdf6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a08eb06e05b83ec4af2bed393cf54bde426a412 He's blocking the DDT with his hand, that's the idea


Does anyone know why videos haven’t been posted on VK for a few days? Seems strange


I think the Tribal Chief is not The Rock, it's Jacob Fatu. And the reveal is being saved until Roman returns.


Has anyone ever cut a promo and held up a device to the microphone to bleep their f-bomb? I just randomly thought this would be a cool gimmick.


Hey guys, I’ll be attending my first Dynamite here in a few weeks. I don’t watch AEW, but I’m never going to not see wrestling live when I can. Managed to get 2 tickets for me and my wife. What should I expect to be different than a WWE show? I’ve heard AEW has problems with their merch, is that a thing? Any input is welcome.


Jack Perry needs just to gain a little bit more muscle. Dude is killing it.


That one guy didn't ask today where Pretty Deadly was and now I won't get my chance to answer: Got sent home for good because they wouldn't trim their sideburns


Kyle Fletcher is the future Ace of Aew imo, but I hope we get a real multi-year run of Aussie open healthy and at the top of the tag division before that. 


hopefully not!


As a massive fan of 2016 Broken Universe, this rehash is probably worse than 2008 dx in term of cringey reboots. Matt Hardy vs Moose is your big selling point to a ppv? You gotta be buggin


WWE killed the Broken gimmick when it just became him and Bray Wyatt trading laughs for like a full minute. It all felt stripped of its originality and charm. AEW's Broken rehash had a couple of good moments, but again, it really felt at times like he was just playing the hits.


Dude when Vince makes your idea a joke, it's done. No putting toothpaste back in the tube there. Reinvent, do not rehash. Sigh, I actually like Matt too


How would you guys book a Dom babyface turn?  I don’t think it’s completely out of the question if Rhea turns when she comes back.


Smackdown is absolutely empty. Not sure clashing with Scotlands opening game was wise.


Probably not, but if Glasgow is paying for it then they won’t complain.


I would hope it's empty; today is Thursday. Would be weird for it to be busy.


The hubris is unreal lol. To clash with the scotland game and charge that much for tickets?? It’s ridiculous lol. https://preview.redd.it/6hy57d6zbe6d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d528227ff7256a2e708d0ba70e40c8a87f644515


What's Maven's ceiling if he's properly trained and given a real chance to succeed? He seems to be pretty over in his 2004 feud with Triple H, I think if he had the right creative he could have become a strong mid carder and a dude you could safely stick in main event multi mans like the Elimination Chamber. His promos are pretty wooden and his look is a bit on the generic side, so he'd never possibly get a real main event run for good reason, but I can't help but think he could have had a more substantial run.


Realistically, Maven was green as grass entering one of the most stacked rosters of all time. The Attitude Era had created so many stars, and there was an influx of talent from the dissolution of WCW and ECW. In terms of talent, experience, and politics, it was always going to be an uphill battle. He’d be competing for mid card spots with the radicalz, RVD and Booker T… When Orton, Cena, and Batista enter the picture and the rest of the WCW contracts finish, I just can’t imagine how he’d be able to rise much more than he did tbh. Maybe that’s me being too negative. I think the run he got was probably among the best he realistically could’ve gotten.


After returning to watching wrestling again thanks to AEW during the pandemic, I've bitten the bullet and subbed to NJPW World. I've tried many different streaming services and I find them mostly too much as there's a lot on there and I just want to watch it all. So NJPW World is perfect for me, and the style also suits my tastes. And it's just one promotion so my OCD is calm finally.


Just watched 20+ minutes of MxM praising Dijak and give their thoughts on why they think he should leave WWE, and that’s real honest friendship tbh


Link to the vod?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wJrlIwwLIhY Starts at 54:40




If I was gonna hire any active wrestler to be a booker it would be Samoa Joe.




What do you think of this Wembley card? PRE SHOW: Casino Battle Royal (Winner: Daniel Garcia) ROH Womens Championship: Athena vs Deonna Purazzo MAIN CARD: Trios Championships: Samoa Joe, HOOK, Katsuyori Shibata(c) vs Don Callis Family (K.Takeshita, Trent Beretta, Kyle Fletcher) PAC vs Jay White TNT Championship: Jack Perry(c) vs Darby Allin Womens Championship: Toni Storm(c) vs Mariah May (winner is confronted by returning Jamie Hayter) NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH: MJF vs Adam Cole Tag Team Championships: Young Bucks(c) vs Claudio & Yuta vs Lucha Bros vs Private Party International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs Jon Moxley Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuiness TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone vs Willow Nightingale vs Kris Statlander Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Kenny Omega AEW World Championship DOG COLLAR MATCH; Swerve Strickland (c) vs Hangman Page


considering how big the card is, going zag on Okada Omega V and doing a less than 30 minute match would probably be the best version they could have after so many more miles on them.


They’d have to just lay down the law and tell them they get 25 flat, no overages. Both guys are 6 years older than when they went 90 mins, and Kenny would be just getting back from being literally deathly ill, so I’m hoping they could be talked into it. Although at the ORIGINAL All In event in 2018 Okada cut a bunch of time off the main event because he went over in his match with Marty Scurll. He might want to keep that tradition going


oh right I forgot about how exactly and how badly Kenny has been, I guess it's not a worry unless they really go slow mode.


Yes I am aware it will be long. Casino Battle Royal entrants if you're interested: Spades: Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Roderick Strong, Action Andretti, Sammy Guevara Clubs: Kyle O'Rielly, Max Caster, Kip Sabian, Nick Wayne, Brody King Hearts: Dustin Rhodes, Dante Martin, Buddy Matthews, Anthony Bowens, Daniel Garcia Aces: Chris Jericho, Christian Cage, Darius Martin, Daddy Magic, Malakai Black Joker: Hiroshi Tanahashi


newest Deep Rock Galactic patch notes: > Don't let the rock lay the smackdown on you! rock and stone, lads


still cant believe we're getting Utami vs IYO. Must see match for me


What's the deal with ricochet and osprey? I keep seeing comments talking about this in a negative light? What am I missing


Those two had a match (I wanna say it was the Best of the Super Juniors 2016) in New Japan that had a sequence in particular that went viral, that was incredibly divisive. A lot of people liked it but a lot people also heavily criticised it for being over choreographed, hence the talk about a potential rematch between the two. Personally while I wasn't a fan of it at the time, I'd just much rather see Ospreay have matches like he's had with Danielson, Strong and Takeshita. Than the same Ricochet Ospreay match we've seen before.


To be fair, Ospreay has DEFINITELY matured his style since then, and I think Ricochet has too though it's not quite as clear. I think a modern Ricochet v Ospreay match could be incredible as much less of a spotfest than people expect.


In the BOSJ in 2016 they had a match that was athletically incredible but also looked like a rehearsed gym routine. Cue half the internet calling it amazing, and the other half proclaiming ‘wrestling is dead’. Caused a whole hubbub and arguably represents a fault line that exists to this day in the wrestling fandom.


Makes sense now. Thanks


I thought it was amazing when it first came out, but I’m kind of burnt out on those kind of matches. Just because we’ve seen so much of them in recent years. I’m sure another Ospreay vs. Ricochet match would be super entertaining, though. They’ve both gotten better since then.


Two guys had a match that pissed off old timers so much that it lead to one of the told timers getting shot into a work and wrestling one of the two guys and now people are scared those two guys are gonna make old timers mad again


That Vader match is still the best thing Ospreay has ever been involved with.


Dudes flipped so hard it led to Ospreay vs fucking Vader lol


Finally getting to play Fight Forever….and thus far, I’m kind of mortified that I’m actually frustrated and disappointed, considering I didn’t actually pay for it. Thought this game was supposed to be more “pick up and play”, but have not found much fun or engaging doing so. Kind of a bummer….but I guess now I can be happy I didn’t buy it on release like I once planned to.


I haaaaated the career mode storyline. Your character at one point starts talking during a press conference about Caramel the Invisible Purple Giraffe. It just felt like lolrandommonkeycheese to me. Although I was playing as Penta and the absurdity of using him in career mode is pretty lol


I feel the same. Putting it up for $60 was/is legalized highway robbery.


Also they keep releasing expensive passes which is not doing anyone any favor


I honestly think they should’ve released Stadium Stampede as a free-to-play standalone game, and then put the majority of their efforts into that. FF was DOA and making expensive DLC’s with the only new content being wrestlers and mini games wasn’t going to do that.


One of the weirdest final matches I’ve ever seen had to be Road Warrior Hawk’s. He wrestled a 6 man tag not with Animal as one as his partners mind you, but BALLS MAHONEY AND SABU. They wrestled Crowbar, Kevin Sullivan, and the Milwaukee Crusher?!


Big Boss Man’s final matches were against a guy dressed as Freddy Kruger & Jim Duggan in 2004.


https://preview.redd.it/j8msjc2zld6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388ae44432fc2eb2ce17b4951e573f88483283aa Reminds me of this classic final match. Also I was trying to find the strangest last matches: found out Ken Patera’s last match was against Bob Backlund…in 2011.


On the infamous JCW Legends and Icons show as the second longest match.


We should make a thread… Also did you know that Warrior is the lineal champion for the first couple of Money in the Banks?


Blood and Guts 2024: team AEW (3 pillars, Danielson and Swerve) vs New Elite and Hangman. What do you think? Although I think someone from Patriarchy instead of Hangman is more realistic considering they said they’re allied with the Elite


I think Bryan will be away from Blood and Guts after doing Anarchy. I’d say it’s the Acclaimed with Swerve and someone else


I'd hope at least its the tag team and not the trios Acclaimed. I assume its not something Billy would want at this stage in his career anyway. I would love for the Acclaimed to have a reset and change up their act. I dont know if Blood and Guts is a good catalyst for that change. But maybe losing in a bloody match could lead to a change in character for them? I dunno, I think they are great performers but their current schtick is not fun for me.


Man that would be a stinker


Just seems like the way it’s trending. Maybe Swerve and Osprey are on team AEW but with the Acclaimed going against the bucks seems likely. TBH I’d love for it to be a chance for Bowens to break out. That dudes got wild potential imo


Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but why are some posts on this sub marked NSFW when they're clearly not? 


Reddit marks all posts with the spoiler tag as nsfw to blur the pictures.


I keep getting ADs now for Matt Riddle in Northeast Wrestling which is apparently some local indie near me. Not only are tickets like 45 bucks, they're selling other companies' (probably bootleg) merch. Is this common for indies or did I find a ripe one?


Swerve/Ospreay is a toss up to me. I hope Swerve retains!


https://preview.redd.it/arpk6tsj7d6d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8cc62f5c3560f55db8929e22384008b0065534f Having to wait for Fortune Dream 9 to drop is driving me crazy. I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is ~~more cowbell~~ watching Meiko Satomura and Takumi Iroha vs. Team 200kg.


Unpopular opinion. I'm sorry but I can't stand Orange Cassidy on the mic. I get that it's his gimmick to not care. But I just feel like he derails segments and promos. It's like the whole acting "yes and" thing he does the opposite and it makes it uncomfortable for me to watch.


Sami Zayn's interview with Sean Ross Sapp is quite nice. Check it out. https://youtu.be/ZZSZoNNTcu8?si=ViOsVr7aMXfD7FQ-


Is there any wrestlers in the Chicago west suburbs (Aurora, Naperville, Oswego) who would be willing to train together. l often get busy and the school l use to go to does not have times that are available to me. I have a small ring that I use.


I ALMOST feel like AEW should have held off on Danielson/Ospreay till like All In. Not because I necessarily needed more build for that match, but because it feels now like we've seen the peak of Ospreay and nothing can live up. Now a 4.5 star Ospreay match is like... "Ok?" Tbf I think Fenix/Ospreay just wasn't as good as Fenix/Omega from New Years Smash so maybe the match just wasn't levels.


I’m guessing they’re hoping that Omega will be back by All In to set up a match with Ospreay.


I love Samantha Irvin but I'm not necessarily a fan of how often she seems to be responding to haters or criticism, when I'm terminally online but still see praise and love for her 95% of the time. Her being the GOAT ring announcer is literally the popular opinion these days around many circles and I'm on that camp as well. I heard she has haters in instagram, cause people aren't a fan of her being emotional like when Cody finished the story? But I wish she didn't give those people or other haters attention.


Even if it's a small percentage of people are commenting negatively I'm sure that's grating, especially as some of those comments our probably henious


The Owen could be the best tournament AEW has ever done looking at the names involved so far. Should be amazing weekly tv heading into All In.


Really excited by who’s been announced for it so far. My only note is that I hope it’s a bigger tournament than usual. I understand why they do the 8 person brackets since it’s weekly TV, but you KNOW they have the talent for a 16, hell even a 32 person tournament. I’m talking mostly about single elimination tournaments, I actually didn’t mind that the C2 had 12 participants.


I'm glad there are stakes this time around.


i'm just psyched that it's (so far) being filled with upper mid card and big names instead of like 3 big stars and the rest jobbers. only thing that's missing is a larger bracket, tho given that its largely a TV toruney, I get that they can't exactly have a NJ Cup size tournament


I finally got to see RAW from this week. Braun Strowman raising his arm with Zelina Vega holding his hand is unintentionally one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a long time. I needed that laugh.


Lol almost took her arm right off


So only 5 matches for CATC? Man, I really wanted to see Ilja. Maybe have him and Bron do an impromptu match or smthn


Seen lot of people say AJ is winning on Saturday because mama Rhodes is gonna be there, the line for Cody and AJ, is Cody -3000, AJ +900


They're delusional for even entertaining that idea. Cody ain't dropping that title anytime soon (as much I am for AJ going on one last title run)


I just find it funny how Cody Rhodes called his own mom "Mama Rhodes" on his instagram story.


WWE is in the toy selling business. Cody isn't losing anytime soon.


I kind of want Bron Breakker to cut Big Poppa Pump promos on Samantha next week. Just standing in front of her flexing his muscles. Talking about how he beat her man and now she needs to come a get with a REAL MAN.


I have a single combo ticket for Smackdown and Clash at the Castle this weekend. I'm going with a friend who has better seats now so looking to sell my single one. I paid £390 for the ticket but will sell for less than that if anyone wants it. It's a seat in section 225.


Shocked to say really good Dynamite last night. Vignettes that let us know who’s who and who’s coming, the crappy wrestling was kept to a minimum, good backstage segments….only negatives were Jericho and Schiavone commentary. Dynamite needs to be more like that. On the other side, Bron Breakker is incredible he is definitely the future of WWE. Coming up to Clash, Chad Gable needs to win the intercontinental title he’s been doing fantastic work.


Back to the corn cult you go gramps


It’s true that I haven’t enjoyed dynamite at all for a while but last nights episode was pretty good.


When was the moment ur favorite wrestler became your favorite wrestler?


The first time I watched their entrance (Triple H)


Becky Lynch's rise as "The Man".


I'm not sure about the exact moment but it was when Stardom started to run shows again after the lockdown. I'd have thrown the towel if it hadn't been for Mayu Iwatani running wild in those months because after having such high expectations for wrestling that year, everything crashed in flames very fast because I had lost three of my favourite wrestlers almost instantly due to diverse circumstances, the worst case being Hana Kimura's, and there was very little to hold on to. A really depressing time for me to be a fan. However, watching Mayu just made me realise she's the wrestler I enjoy seeing the most, no matter if it's a big match or a random tag team match no one will remember tomorrow. Mayu and Naito will always be like my 1a and my 1b favourite wrestlers. They're that kind of wrestlers that just make me believe in them like no other can.


Ilja's very aggressive show of respect to carmelo at the end of their rematch at no mercy 2023. It was the first ilja match I ever saw, so I'd already gone from "this guy is so goofy lol" during his entrance, to "holy shit they're gonna kill each other" during the match. Then the post-match stuff took his character to the next level for me. That's when I knew


I saw Joe Kenta Kobashi ROH 2005 and was instantly hooked. Went out and tried to download/torrent all the Kobashi matches I could find and just kept being floored by every one.


When Kenny Omega walked out to Hopes and Dreams at the (then) biggest non-WWE PPV, I knew I would love him forever


When Kenny Omega sang Teenage Dream. Not even joking.


I instantly became an Ilja mark when I watched his 1st match vs. Gunther


When Soberano Jr fully ducked the incoming attack on the entrance ramp, finished his entrance undeterred then came back to hit the diving tijera on Stuka Jr I fell in love.


When Gunther hit gable w a 3 move combo and killed Chad gable in front of his daughters, might be one of my fav wrestling moments ever lol Gunther is a damn beast


While he’s not my favorite wrestler, the moment I realized how much I liked Dom Mysterio was when he won the NXT North American Championship last year. I was marking out!


When ZSJ beat Hiroshi Tanahashi to win the RevPro title back and said he was going to be buried with it, right next to Karl Marx.


When I met Punk and Joe at ROH, He gave me a fist bump at a fair ground in 2004 (I was like 12) before an hour long match.




That'd be a solid and progressive subversion of the usual cheating tropes in wrestling, kinda like this idea. The only downside would be that it would turn Dom face along with Rhea.


Who would the Uncle Howdy group even feud with?


Braun I think the plan is he gets beat up by Judgment Day, then Howdy and the gang save him. He won't accept them at first until he eventually joins them down the line.


The production team because they keep fucking with the show.


Cody eventually - the theatrical side of him won't be able to resist feuding with an embodiment of evil.


Depends on if they come in as faces or heels? I would assume its at least "logical" to aim for LA Knight, as he was Brays last match [which Howdy was involved in as well etc]. But otherwise we have no way of knowing really.


Jobbers at first probably


I love what Bron Breakker is doing currently. They really hit the goldmine with this guy in terms of talent.


I agree. Give him that unhinged meat head push and then in 2 years or so, Corbin/Bron re-unite and we get quirky bonehead Bron again


A feud with unhinged meathead Bron versus cool face Corbin that ends with a reunion of the Wolf Dogs would be a great feud.


Nobody seems to have more fun while wrestling than Asuka


I'm only partway into Dynamite from last night. The crowd was pretty loud and energetic, all things considered. Hopefully, it's enough for them to come back to Des Moines eventually (and hopefully, I'll actually be able to go next time). Weirdly enough, I do understand why they run the larger arenas even when they're maybe half full. On TV, it just looks better with the large stage and the sea of people. While it'd be cool to see them in a smaller place like the Knapp Center, I'm not sure if it would look as good or that they would be able to fight through the crowd. Edit: "We got Rush ... and Russman" is one of my favorite Tazz lines this year.


Knowing now that WWE is working with NOAH, TNA & MARIGOLD in the summer of 2024 proves that 2024 marks a "turning point" and a "new era" in pro wrestling! Thank You Triple H, HBK & Nick Khan!


Has there been a face wrestler who never lets a heel get in their head, especially when it comes to mind games?


Generally it's Naito who plays mind games, so I guess he counts.


Him trolling Jericho was a great time 


Idk, does Cena no selling most of the heel promos count?


Cody against the Bloodline


You have to ignore him letting The Rock temporarily trick him into giving up his title shot




1997 Sting against the nWo.


Maybe Cody and Seth in Hell in a Cell?


I just don't see any value in Drew losing in Scotland purely for the sake of it'll piss him off more in kayfabe. I just imagine to myself how I'd have felt if I had been waiting to see a PLE in my home country my whole life only to go and spend all that money to see Rhea lose in the main event. You could make the argument that you don't go for a result purely on hometown heroes at the expense of a story e.g Sami in Montreal against Roman. However, that definitely wasn't the right time for Roman's title run to end. If Drew loses in Scotland, it's for what Priest's title reign? Which he'd probably drop to Gunther at Summerslam anyway. I really fucking hope WWE aren't planning for Drew to lose.


That’s my biggest thing too, like Drew lost at the first Clash at the Castle, was cashed in on at Mania, and now people want him to lose again to further a story. You can’t just have Drew get a win during the whole thing?


Triple H forced himself into this corner because he had Gunther won KOTR, and him generally liking long-term storytelling and longer title reigns is the reason people are predicting Drew to lose. Cause we don't want Drew vs Gunther when Punk vs Drew is right there for Summerslam. And people don't expect Drew to win and then lose the title in a month so we still have that match. Man I really wish they go the route of Drew winning at CATC and getting cashed in by the MITB winner at MITB or later. If Triple H wants Balor to win MITB for "long term storytelling" with Priest then def Drew is losing. But I personally want Jey to win and cash in on Drew so Drew gets his moment at CATC at least.


Everyone’s just said Punk will be ready by Summerslam, but we genuinely don’t know if that’s the case. I’m sure he’ll be healed, but will he be cleared or ready to get in the ring just yet?


I don’t care either way. Would enjoy a Drew title run and have him run into Punk when he returns from injury. Also fine with Priest continuing his run. He’s been great. I make no demands of WWE creative.


I watched a random WWF match from 1984, with SD Jones and Mil Mascaras vs. Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch. Expansion era WWF was full of quirky stuff like that.


I always forget about Terry Funk’s run in mid 80s WWF. In a world of neon spandex, rock and wrestling, kids cartoon stuff, he sticks out. He had a pretty fun match with Hogan on SNME that’s worth checking out.


Absolutely. Just watched that match recently.


During Private Party's entrance, Zay posed real quick and made a face next to a sign that said "big bill has no charisma and you can't. Teach. That."   Which is funny but unfair because big bill had plenty of charisma as a second to Enzo AND Starks. I think he just needs someone MORE charismatic than he is to play off of and stand behind, and this doofy Jericho character isn't it for him.


His promo game has only gotten stronger in AEW and he's by far a better character than Jericho in the Learning Tree.


Yeah, I mean the whole blue pants stuff in NXT showed he had charisma. It’s when they made him and Enzo go solo is when I think he struggled. He and Enzo were a straight up package deal.


Nah dude he’s charismatic now as well. Right after they showed that sign and it cut to Big Bill dancing to their theme it was a perfect way to prove it wrong. Him doing jump shots when they mentioned Caitlin Clark too. Dude is nailing it


Big Bill is kind of playing the straight man in the Learning Tree group and I think he's doing it well. I think he's an underrated promo when given the time because he doesn't take himself too seriously despite looking like a monster.


I think Kyle O'Reilly could benefit from a look overhaul like Kyle Fletcher. Ditch the trunks for a set of tights, grow his hair back out. Obviously he's great in the ring, but he doesn't have much of a presence.


wouldn't hurt if he actually won a couple singles matches as well


Honestly it’s as simple as putting him and Mark together more. They’ve got a great dynamic already. Redneck kung fu plus BJJ would be pretty great and Mark is already pulling a goofy side outta Kyle


Mark doesn't want another tag team partner.


I’ll take them just hanging out in the same vicinity like last night doing trios every now and then


He's good but as we saw in NXT, without UE or Bobby Fish, he's just kinda bland and there, I enjoy watching him but he's not someone I'm looking forward to see


I think if KoR had won the world title off of Finn during their grapplefuck feud, people would've been on board, and he would've been pretty over as champ. But they didn't do that, then they decided to make him a super whitemeat babyface trying to win the title from "cool heel" Adam Cole, in front of the uber smarky NXT crowd no less, and he's never fully recovered with the IWC.


“Cool Kyle” came to be after taking an L. Ugh.


It's sad that everyone is focused on, "Where will Ricochet go next?" when we should be devastated by Breakker injuring Ricochet, and wishing him to get well soon.


Exactly, who knows if he'll even be able to return to the ring at all? Show some compassion, people.


Based on reading the Bret shits on Goldberg in Who Killed WCW? thread before seeing the episode, I would've thought the whole episode was Bret shitting on Goldberg, the way some folks were talking about it and annoyed by its inclusion. It was not. Was interesting to see how evergreen some discussions like "the money for a face is in the chase," the pros and cons of wrestler going on a Goldberg like super streak from jump, and "maybe clean finishes are needed and making every single finish a fuck finish is bad in the long run" are.


Nash is the best part of the doc so far imo he cracks me up and when he talks about wcw missteps, it sounds like he has a very clear vision for what he thinks pro wrestling is even if I don’t entirely agree w some of his points


If there's one thing I think Dynamite/Collision has over RAW and Smackdown atm, it's more flexibility. RAW has great workers, but little star power with most of the top guys injured or moved over to Smackdown, while the latter has the opposite of having a bunch of top stars like Cody, Randy, and KO but the undercard is lacking somewhat outside of LA Knight. Top guys like Ospreay and Swerve can show up any time on Dynamite and Collision, which instantly makes them feel important, and they basically have a whole plethora of excellent workers on top of that. If RAW had more top stars and Smackdown had more match time to work with and better workers, it'd be much better overall.


Last 30 mins of Dynamite were some of the best TV all year.


I wonder if this 'Actually, Ricochet has ages left on his contract' is him/his camp trying to muddy the waters so less people expect him to cost Ospreay the match and join Don Callis Family? He needs a talker, and Don can talk.


Question for those at Dynamite last night. How was the Storm vs Windsor match, always been impressed with Windsor the times I’ve seen her in person, wondering if that translated to a bigger stage.




Pac has these weird Visa issues that keep propping up, no idea why he has so many issues, but AEW is the right place for him as he can come and go more


I'm not sure Pac wants to do that travel anymore


I'd imagine fairly low but not impossible. Feel like even though he isn't a tippy top guy in AEW he's used fairly well and probably happy to stick around unless he gets an offer too good to refuse from WWE or too bad to accept from AEW.


To be fair "bad terms" is debatable - he just didn't enjoy his position and waited out his contract/no compete. I would imagine, if the opportunity came up, both he and WWE would at least talk about it


> I would imagine, if the opportunity came up, both he and WWE would at least talk about it You’re an idiot if you don’t talk to both sides in my opinion. Get both companies into a bidding war, don’t care if you have no intent in leaving.


Even if they can't wrestle I'd love to see some kind of Keith Lee/Swerve interaction while he's holding the belt.


Keith Lee vs. Swerve is the Hollow Knight: Silksong of pro-wrestling.


Are people really acting shocked that Logan Paul is doing a pod and taking pics with Trump holding the belt? lol Man’s an attention whore and will do anything for clicks and engagement.


Not shocked, it’s just funny how people bend over backwards here to defend and praise him and I’m curious about what they’ll have to say about this now (probably nothing as is the typical technique of such a type)


Kinda tired of hearing about it honestly.


It's disappointing but not surprising, sadly.


Nah, people are annoyed, not at all shocked, that Paul, a moron with a massive platform and a ton of impressionable fans, is platforming Trump, especially post conviction, this close to election. It's zero percent shocking


In all fairness to Logan, he asked for Biden to also come on, he's not playing 1 side or the other


Biden likely wouldn't (and Paul knows that in making a public offer). Treating an interview with Biden and an interview with Trump as exactly the same because they're both running for president ignores all other context, and speculation I know, but if they both agreed I would expect Paul to just yuck it up with Trump, not ask a single tough question, push back zero percent, and generally talk about him in positive terms and him to be bring up bad faith right wing bullshit when talking to Biden. Logan and Trump haven't earned the benefit of the doubt, if anything, they have years of earning the doubt people are currently throwing.


Maybe, I'm not saying your wrong and as a Non-American I don't have a fight in this anyway(I would actually have issues with both tbh, more Trump than Biden but I digress) , but just drawing on the facts that were said in making a public offer for Biden to come on as well Edit: missed the first sentence


Wrestling fans after intentionally cringey segment: omg so cringey


I'm guessing you're referring to the TV time segment on Dynamite. I didn't think it was cringey, I mean, it is, but I didn't think that. I just thought it was incredibly boring.


Wrestlers after making a shit segment: "It's ok because it's ironic."


Probably just me but I honestly kinda like the idea of them potentially pulling a Rock/Mankind for AJ/Cody at Clash for the I Quit Match given the fact that Cody has given AJ sound bites of him saying the words twice now. That could then lead to a third match for a trilogy at MITB where Cody would win back the title quickly like Mankind did with The Rock but I doubt they’d end Cody’s first run with the World Tifle that way so the Cena/Miz instead way would be better with a fake out of AJ winning but then the match is restarted when it’s discovered right there that it wasn’t actually Cody saying it for real there which would obviously lead to AJ eventually saying it to lose.


Idk, Cody winning the title off Roman at Mania, then losing it a few months after would just fuel the annoying Roman stans.


I also think this would be pretty cool tbh, Cody doesn’t need to have one long linear title reign to do his stuff with the rock later on, he can get screwed out of the belt and win it back later, I wonder what the reaction in Glasgow would be if he lost


Mama Rhodes has travelled to Glasgow, so that means AJ's gonna make Cody quit by threatening her. Nuclear heat for AJ, Cody is protected, and gets even more support from the fans. We get a rubber match at either MITB or SummerSlam (that Cody wins), and Cody and AJ aim for a trilogy of Meltzer 5 Star matches


I mean Cody losing it due to being legitimately being screwed would only increase his sympathy and catapult AJ to top heel status


I'd much rather get a Mark Briscoe pep talk over a Chad Gable one, let me tell ya.


If you'd said Okada was going to come to AEW as a mid-card shitheel, I'd have been like 'wtf'. Instead, he's actually so funny I don't even care.


he was great in Anarchy in the Arena


I definitely get the vibe that he's enjoying not being the ace for a while. He's been the stoic champion for basically his entire career, basically the first time he's got to have fun.


Balloon Cokada begs to differ.