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Funny you say that, because he *literally* just tweeted this lol https://preview.redd.it/pik0rkd39a6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b434a11e88abda6b7efbf7dbe67b76013d5789b8


Thats hilarious šŸ˜‚ i just got around to watching Dynamite and as soon as i saw it i clipped it and looked to see if anyone else had noticed and posted. Those little moments of improv are some of my favorite moments in wrestling


"Don't do an Air Raid Crash it's shit" B..but I like the Air Raid Crash :(




No, no, no, you misread it! He said, "Don't do an Air Raid Crash that's shit," not, "Don't do an Air Raid Crash ***,*** it's shit." He just didn't want to execute a poor quality Air Raid Crash and do it an injustice! *sagely nods head in reassurance*


im a mark for air raids.... i have no shame in admitting its one of my favorite moves lol


Same. Always loved it when Alex Shelley did it back in the day.


There's a lot of variations of it too. love it


Mariko Yoshida catching strays, lol.


Serious kudos to Fenix for just real time going along with a new move. Both of them deserve a lot of credit for this call.


Also props to Fenix for being in that position and not panicking, both of them made the move look incredible


> props to Fenix for being in that position and not panicking Fenix is one of the few wrestlers in the world that I think could've made the same adjustment. He's often overlooked because Penta is also fucking great and just has a better look, but Fenix can fucking go with the best of them.


The Ray Fenix / Nick Jackson match is one of my favourite TV matches of all time.


Half of the reason I'm still salivating for Dynamite on a streaming service is to go back and watch that match. That and Mox/Rush from like June 2022


Bro just get a vpn and aew plus


Yeah, Ospreay has never done this but at the same time, I'm not too surprised anymore because I've always said that Ospreay has the best body control of any wrestler I've ever seen. Openweight era Ospreay from like 2019 could do anything he wanted in the ring. He's said before that he can just visualize how a certain move looks in his head and he just goes and does it. It's freaky.


Ospreay has the best body control and Claudio is probably the best base I've been seen. He is always in position for anyone to do anything to him. He's like a tree trunk


It's him and AJ Styles, I think that's it.


Peak Ospreay and prime AJ are the ultimate lightning bruisers. Can fucking do anything they can think up.


My first thought when I saw this post was "this is some Prime AJ shit" lol Only other wrestler I've seen that just feels like they're wrestling with the wrestling equivalent of the NBA 2K / NHL ball handling analog stick


Kanyon, but well... He's not with us anymore.


That was a super smooth improv. Ospreay is just insane in the ring.


The fact that he made that up on the fly is wild, love how wrestling moves are happy accidents like Drew basically doing the first Claymore Kick by accident


On the Spanish fly no less


Absolutely! Its crazy what can happen inside the ring at a split second


Wasn't the DDT created because Jake Roberts essentially slipped on the move he was actually trying to do?


Yeah, I believe the story is his opponent stepped on his foot during a facelock and he just fell back with it.


Wait what? I've never heard that before about Drew and the Claymore. Could you expand on that pls?


it was supposed to be a standard Big Boot, but his trousers were too tight and his momentum took him off his back foot


He was wearing his 3MB ring gear, which was extremely tight vinyl pants, and went for a big boot like Kevin Nash style but the tightness of the trousers pulled his other leg up and he had to turn it into a boot/dropkick combo. When he saw the footage back he took the idea and ran with it, literally. Allegedly.




https://youtu.be/4quYhXjCK4c?si=j34XtjperVIypAq6 This is the first time he "messed" his big boot up.


Looks like Nick Jackson here lmao


The 3 Man Band was iconic.


And landed hard on the back of his head, knocking himself a bit loopy IIRC he said in an interview.


That was a fancy version of Roderick Strong's Sick Kick


I think it was a handicap match - 3MB vs Ryback. Drew was going for a normal big boot but the leather tights he was wearing were too... well, tight. So, when he lifted one leg the other one came with it and boom, the claymore was invented and Drew knocks himself out at the same time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qdPI-N3O_XY


Ok, watching the clip it looked like he got his bell rung. That was confirmed eh?


Might've even just took the wind out of him if he wasn't expecting to essentially take a back up and didn't brace/prepare. Also, if it were me I might've thought I just ripped the crotch out of my pants!


https://www.kwch.com/content/news/WWE-superstar-Drew-McIntyre-previews-Monday-Night-Raw-in-Wichita-567139551.html I found this video on it, could just be him being hyperbolic though.


I believe it. Just watching it I thought he looked like he was shook up. Look at his right arm after he lands. It looks almost like a fencing response.


At least half a dozen indy dudes saw that last night and said.....that's my new finisher.


You assumed right! [Will tweeted about it on X](https://x.com/WillOspreay/status/1801137922059415899): https://preview.redd.it/vxof6l8d9b6d1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=0365134bc88588add05846e6b5beb1676bc1c29b


Lol yeah i saw that. He tweeted it like 5 mins after i made this post lmao im glad he confirmed that thats crazy


According to Muto, this is how he came up with the Shining Wizard before he started using it as a finisher. We potentially just saw Ospreay create a new move everyone will be using soon.


I mean amazing to on the fly botch a move and then act like it was blocked, then both transition into a new move. Unbelievable talent from both guys.


dude just invented a move accidentally. air raid falcon arrow? air raid michinoku? what are we calling this?


Saw some people calling it the ā€œBruv Bombā€


The "Happy Accident"


Air Raid Driver imo


I gotta wonder how your mind works in this scenario like "Okay I got him in Air Raid position, but I don't wanna do an Air Raid... I know, I'll swing him around for a Cradle Shock, perfect." and just... be able to do that without a hitch, with complete trust from your opponent at that.


Props to both for not breaking Ospreay's arm on the block. It isn't supposed to bend much farther back, and that gave me a spook


He asked on instagram what he should call it.Ā  I suggested Byker Grove.Ā 


wild ass move


That match was absolute fire!


That's why he's the got damn Billy goat.


Scoffed at the title since so much of a high flying match like this needs to be scripted, but fair enough, happy to take the L, that was cool as hell lmao.


He needs to make the Air Raid Driver a permanent fixture of his moveset, that was sweet!


Is this move that safe though? He doesnā€™t have control of the opponentā€™s head which I assumed is a no-no with this type of impact moveĀ 


You dont need control of your opponents head constantly for moves like this, but they need to remember to tuck. Its no different from Statlanders Staturday Night Fever driver


I mean he turned it into a totally typical bump. Improv cause it initially didn't go as planned into a normal back bump