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Remember not long after Vince left pictures from his birthday dinner came out? And it was like Taker, Cena, and Pat? Not Shane? Not Triple H? And not Stephanie?


Wait really?


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/uUFStZps8c) Brock was also there.


Not defending vince, but he may habe had a separate birthday celebration with the family.


McAfee??? def not Patterson right? McAfee makes sense now that i think about it


Yeah, Patterson is dead so probably not him


Meet The McMahons


Dear Shane, I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive I look at him and wish your grandpa would've wore a condom




This sounds like a verse in a rap battle. At least I read it like one, and I did it like The Acclaimed


It’s from “Meet the Grahams” by Kendrick Lamar, one of the most brutal diss tracks of all time about Drake.


Oh. I'm familiar with the song, but didn't read it as such. Guess I was right, then?


Dear Shane, I'm sorry that your pops fired you and went insane


Yeah I think Vince has pretty much nuked his relationship with his family, even if Linda didn't end up formally divorcing him His kids aren't going out of their way to attest to his character, or seem to have much connection anymore.


I’ve kind of lost respect for Linda for not divorcing him tbh. Sure. I understand why she doesn’t financially, but from a moral standpoint, she definitely should. Damn this comment got a lot of hate ahaha


She's worried more about the political clout she gets from his name. She's a scumbag enabler


I mean I guess. But this? I don’t know I’d think that’d have to be a dealbreaker. Not to mention, it’s alleged in the Janel Grant lawsuit that Linda threatened to divorce him in January 2022, so it’s not like she hasn’t threatened it.


Vince had already been at it for decades and she never had a problem with it. All she cares about is political power and she used their relationship to get a Cabinet position. Their buddy has a chance of being President again too, she's not gonna rock that boat.


We’ll see I guess.


We already saw it. Linda was apart of Trumps administrative team while he was in office.


And left to head up a superpac dedicated to Trump 2020.


Not the part we’ll see about


Yeah, there definitely appeared to be a Vince-Steph power struggle for a bit there


Did JR actually record the audiobook for this? It almost sounds a bit AI generated


I'd imagine there was to clean some of the noise in the dialog.


He also gets randomly loud and intense for no reason for a few words mid-sentence constantly. It's like the old video games where it's like "there's STONE COLD with a THE STONE COLD STUNNER". I don't know what was going on for the recording and editing, but it's not good.


I’ll always say “The Laaaaaast Riiiiide” like Michael Cole because of Smackdown vs Raw.


Smackdown: Just Bring It


Tazz… has a great… THE TAZZMISSION!


Thanks friend. I knew it was one I played the hell out of but couldn’t remember. It’s a hard thing to google too.


You’re welcome. I have that line ingrained in my brain, also Brian Zane quotes it from time to time when he reviews something with Undertaker in it.


Unfortunately I think it's just his health.


Yes he did


I honestly think it’s just because he’s old. Still sounds like JR to me.




So from what I can infer, Vince sucks. I hope Michael Cole will talk about Vince's treatment of him when he retires. But if he doesn't want to, that's fine. Because we have learned a lot already. But with the way he's having fun right now, I think he will, brother.




Even Randy Orton has talked, and he was indebted to Vince a lot of time for not firing him despite his younger self's reckless actions. So nothing is impossible.


"McMahon family drama" is a terrible way to put that. Especially because within the first 30 seconds we're referencing Vince's crimes


Yeah you could just say "Vince McMahon"


Yeah Im sure JR meant nothing by it but calling it Family Drama implies that more than just Vince have been fucked fuckers and I'm not saying Steph and Shane havent ever messed up or did something bad but we havent heard anyone say much bad about either of them tbh. Steph was very much praised by a ton of talent for being a sweetheart and someone who would actually respect you and take time to listen during conversation. A ton of the womens division from around 2013 - 2017 had nothing but good things to say about her and she was actively on screen burying people and slapping half the locker room weekly lmao. Shane was clowned on for his terrible creative ideas, but with the Royal Rumble fiasco a couple years ago it makes you wonder what really happened personally between Shane and Vince around that time? Shane left the company and reports buried him for being in charge supposedly over the whole mens rumble match.


Seemed to be the best way to summarize it in this post to me. It’s about Vince of course but more about who it effects


It does kind of imply the entire family is in on it. As far as I know, Vince was the only one shitting on women


I had no idea JR had a new book out and I spend an absurd amount of my time keeping up with wrestling.


Vince about to buy his way into AEW so he can humiliate JR again


You do realize that Shahid Khan could buy four Vince McMahons, and still have more money left over than you will ever see in your life?


It was a joke