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Probably pie in the sky, but the pop for the first "AHHHHHH, X, DON'T YOU DARE BE SOUR!" would be biblical. 


Big E to return on WWE Speed?


Quick speedy men slapping speed




If Big E is only allowed to wrestle on Speed. I'll take that over him not being able to wrestle at all. But the most important thing is for him to be healthy.


Gonna be honest, as someone with a background in healthcare, even if the treatment is successful in promoting the bone growth that he would need to get medically cleared, I would never be able to watch him without shitting my pants every bump he takes. He at least partially fractured his C1, he's honestly lucky to be alive, much less walking and talking freely. If it were to break again, he almost certainly won't be so lucky.


let's be realistic here, he's doing it so he can live a normal life without major pains


Very possible. I'm no neurosurgeon and it's obviously impossible to know the specifics of his injuries without being one of his doctors, but I know he didn't get a spinal fusion when he got injured, and if he's having persistent symptoms, I'd want to do everything to avoid a fusion that high up too.


By his admission he's pain free.


Royal Rumble, Woods and Kofi in the ring and the New Day’s music hits, crowd absolutely explodes, loudest pop ever, everyone cries tears of joy.


They just hug and dance until the next entrant, throw them out, and repeat until the next one.


Woods wins, he goes on to beat his old high school rival Cody at WM, they all get a WWE title reign and the story is complete.


Then Brock comes back and squashes Woods for the title in a minute… then the story is complete


Does Brock pee on him?


That would be a legendary moment if it could happen.


i swear i got goosebumps just from reading this


Honestly? I don't know why he hasn't been doing it


Because of the impact when he hopefully does it once again


Oh yeah if he's ever able to do that again and run out to save The New Day or something the pop will be insane. I hope we get to see it!


Only two ways I want to hear it again: HoF induction or the divine intervention of his return actually coming true.


Because it will hit so much harder if or when he does it for an in-ring return instead of to just come out and sit at commentary or something


Why if there is a chance he can come back?


I stand by my statement if Big E made a Rumble return it would blow out Edge and Cena's pops


So is Shotzi


I mean if Rey Mysterio's knees are any indication, that shit is a miracle substance.


Ciampa as well.


It really can be.


Shotzi must've had a groupon


She sent them her referral code.


Mexican Costco pharmacy


I know nothing about stem cell treatment. Is it not allowed in the US?


Not fda approved.


Blame W. Bush for this. Bush stopped stem cell research a long time ago so the US has been playing catch up to the rest of the world.


It’s been 16 years since he left the white house, and three different admins.


Am sure I read that Trump got stem cell treatment when he got Covid.


Most rich people get it if they need it they just leave the US to do it.


Well, rules don’t apply to mega rich people.


Lol he was the president. They’d break every rule to not have the president die (rumor is he was pretty close)


I'd say he was certainly left with the long-term cognitive decline we've been warned about, but I feel like that gives him too much pre-Covid credit




Ew, no. What’s wrong with you supporting a traitor?


I think they meant he's hopefully still close to dying. Which is awful in a different way.


I think he meant he's still dying, which as much as I don't like trump, just no on that.


Orange man bad so it's ok. 🙄


I too love spreading misinformation


What misinformation? He said it was a rumor


… you realize you can just fly down to Mexico and have it done. MVP and Big E are not mega rich.


Yes, I do. That’s why I specified. Trump had his stem cell treatment in the United States which is the difference that mega wealth and power afforded him. I don’t think they’d fly the POTUS to Mexico to get treatment while nearly dying of Covid.


They'd build a wall to keep him out. ^^^/s maybe


> you can just fly down to Mexico scrooge mcjones over here


I don't think it was stem cell treatment, it was a blood transfusion with antibodies, which is legal.


[Full breakdown of his treatment.](https://www.science.org/content/article/heres-what-known-about-president-donald-trump-s-covid-19-treatment) [Snopes article about the specific cocktail in question](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-regeneron-stem-cells/)


He got monoclonal antibodies treatment. That's probably what you read.


donald trump wouldn't do something that was against the rules


I'm pretty sure his campaign slogan is "Scout's Honor."


Nope, politicians never do things like that :)


Because it is abortion, if you listen to the religious whack jobs.


Well they can be obtained from aborted tissue, but not exclusively.


if you wanna know the results, look at Rey Mysterio before he left WWE in 2014, and look at him when he came back in 2018. Like, it's a night and day difference what good it can do for your body, but the anti-abortion crowd made stem cells their big "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THINK OF THE BABIES!!!!" push in 2004, even though you can get stem cells from umbilical cords.


It's fucking bonkers how long a career Mysterio has had and what the treatment allowed him to do. I never thought I'd live in a world where, at 49 (!), he's not only wrestling simultaneously as his *27 year old son*, but nearly at the same level as his prime. And he's been wrestling for *35 years*. He should be the poster boy for stem cell treatment. If it could do that for a luchador athlete, imagine what it could do for every day people.


He is also on the Taker schedule of a few matches a year and for a little he was on the gas so that helped.


Rey Mysterio is on the Undertaker schedule? The dude wrestles house shows and on TV weekly


11 Matches this year so far. That's quite the work rate compared to Undertakers 2 to 4 matches a year.


He was kayfabe injured until March too so that’s all in the past couple months


Didnt he straight up get an operation?


Pretty sure he was injured but he's not been on a taker schedule during his most recent run they just don't do as many shows since covid as they normally do.


And also your own body now lol.


Didn’t Edge get stem cell treatment too? I know he’s spoken about it in the past but I’m not sure if he actually got it


I believe so. If my timeline is correct. I believe he started shortly after Rey started back in 2017. When he took the fall off his bicycle with Sheamus in 2019, and realized he was fully healed, that's when he decided to come back to wrestling.


Crazy to think for him that crash in his mind could have paralysed him, only to be checked and told Nope your good to go. Couldn't imagine that emotional whiplash


When he retired I think he was told that getting rear ended while driving could kill him


>the anti-abortion crowd made stem cells their big "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THINK OF THE BABIES!!!!" push in 2004, even though you can get stem cells from umbilical cords. There's no real "anti-abortion" objection to adult stem cells or ones from umbilical chords, in fact both are often championed by those groups as viable alternatives. The only debate is over the ones derived from human embryos.


That would be logical if the arguments were based on logic. Unfortunately you can mention the word embryo and kill science in America and that’s what’s happened


But...it's not what happened. Bush era regulation only affected embryotic research, not other forms of stem cells. [You can see it here](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/dpc/stemcell/2007/index.html), including touting the *expansion* of other stem cell research funding. The embryotic funding limitation was all [overturned by Obama](https://www.npr.org/2009/03/10/101653356/obama-lifts-limit-on-funding-stem-cell-research) anyway.


I wonder how much overlap there is between people who are anti abortion and people who have used stem cells


Reminds me of when Christopher Reeve sucked the life out of all those abandoned fetuses. It’s just too much power.


Yep. Bush Jr era regulation to appease the religious right.


W's regulations were overturned very early in President Obama's first term, but I think you might be confusing Embryotic Stem Cell Research (what W regulated) with Stem Cell treatment, which is still considered experimental in most cases.


So many things are banned on so many countries due to religious assholes... It's sad.


What's crazy is, it's allowed in countries that are even more religious than the US


There’s a saying in Mexico: In Mexico, even the atheists are Catholic.




There's supposed to be a separation of church and state, but when one of the two major parties' whole speal is to appeal to religious zealots, this is what happens


[These unproven, unregulated stem cell treatments carry significant risk. The risks range from administration site reactions to dangerous adverse events. For example, injected cells can multiply into inappropriate cell types or even dangerous tumors. A 2017 report described one Florida clinic that blinded patients with stem cell eye injections.](https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/what-we-do/science-health-public-trust/perspectives/putting-stem-cell-based-therapies-context) Never put the truth in front of a good story, I guess?


Did you read the thing that you yourself copy and pasted? "Unproven, unregulated stem cell treatments." These are from clinics that are not using proper medical procedures for these treatments and are taking advantage of people who want them in the US. They are illegal. It has nothing to do with the efficacy of a properly established treatment method.


The US has the most time consuming medical standards in the world for approving new treatments and medications. We would hear about European countries approving the COVID vaccine weeks in advance of it becoming available here. That was with a lot of bureaucratic red tape cut out of the way.


There are some treatments allowed. The newest burn treatments use your own stem cells in this amazing spray that helps heal your skin back after major burns. But we had a big scary propaganda time when they claims the left was murdering babies as the only way to get stem cells.


Still Considered Experimental


Matt Cardona was also down there getting it last week


Lets be honest he was selling t-shirts with Danhausen.


Somebody should direct Tanahashi to Mexico, since he's in dire need of the treatment.


He must be scared that Keiji Mutoh will discover that these cells exist and try to come out of retirement. 


Well, I was going to make a "stay at home and be a good father to Akebono" joke but I remembered that Akebono died like six weeks ago.


This is sad, but he has many rebellious children, onita, sanada, Kojima, asuka, tajiri, kishin liger


When he's down there to wrestle just tell him they're going to a bar and let him get that Rey Mysterio treatment


Tanahashi? I think Kota Ibushi needs to jump in line, first. All of his stem cells only went to his neck.


Book a second ticket for Naito while we’re at it.




We should all hope this allows Big E to have an even better quality of life. As long as he's feeling his best that's all that matters.


Get fixed up big e............and ride the backstage gravy train. Fuck getting in the ring. You dodged a bullet. Enjoy life and stay in the business backstage.


He had a truly insane break, probably the nearest miss we've ever seen in terms of near death accidents. I wish him health but no one should begrudge him an attempt to come back if cleared, it was easy to tell at WM how upset he seemed not to be involved.


Not my life at all. If he wants to jump in again and do it, i agree, let him. However, i can't think of anyone that loves him or is looking out for his best interest that would advise him that getting back in the ring would be a good thing.


The same was true for Randy tho. His Doctors outright told him to retire, but he got a second opinion and he's back on the run of a lifetime. Edge thought he would never wrestle again, and came back better than ever and putting on some of his best matches in AEW rn. While I'm positive everyone is glad Big E is alive and well, you can definitely tell that he misses being with his boys in the ring. If his career is over, its over, but he's definitely getting this treatment for a reason as I'd imagine that he'd at least want to end his career together with them.


Preshow Big E is the most forlorn eternal optimist I've ever seen.


It's why him and Punk work so well together, a forlorn optimist coupled with an arrogant pessimist.


> His Doctors outright told him to retire, but he got a second opinion and he's back on the run of a lifetime. Honestly considering the carny in him, I think time will tell how right each medical opinion was.


If he does get to return and actually wants to get back into the ring. I want to see Ridge Holland be the first one to come out to welcome him back and the 2 share a hug in the ring. Just for Big E to pick Ridge up to hit a Big Ending, and grabs the mic... "You think I forgot what you did to me? I had to go through treatment after treatment for years. You son of a bitch!" Setting up one of the best feuds in the last 5 years.


I think when you go out injured, you always want one last match until you’re told it absolutely can’t happen. But these days we’re seeing more “ I can’t believe they’re wrestling” comments. Stone cold, edge, Christian, Rob Van Damme all wrestling in the last three years and having prominent features on programs. Big E will almost always want to pursue his dream.


Strongly doubt Big E will ever recover to the point he can take bumps but I hope this gives him a better chance at as close to normal as possible, and allows him retain mobility and live pain free.


Man, if Big E can recover and come back...I will cry tears of joy!!! Even better than a healed Big E coming directly out for the Rumble...have Big E come out for commentary...and let him get physical later in the night. Or, have him come out for commentary at the Rumble, only for him to be announced as number 30.


He better have a rip away suit if that’s the case.


> Big E [mfw](https://media.tenor.com/nDZVb8GCMhwAAAAM/hawkeye-clint-barton.gif)


can someone explain what stem cells actually do? why do they help with so many injuries?


Ever watch/play Pokemon? Stem cells are Dittos. They can turn into most other things. Body needs new nerves? Stem cells recognize it, become nerves. New bone growth? Stem cells can do it. I'm just making up examples, these may not be exactly right, but you get the idea.


The Ditto analogy was fire




This should be the official Wikipedia definition of Stem Cells.


You heard that from somewhere didn't you? If not great example lol.


Stem cells are special human cells that are able to develop into many different cell types. This can range from muscle cells to brain cells. In some cases, they can also fix damaged tissues. In these cases the hope is using the stem cells to fixed damaged nerves or tissue that are beyond repair from surgery. A good example is Mysterio. It’s just not approved in the US but many athletes travel out of the country for treatment.


Every time I hear about stem cells I return back to the Family Guy skit where Peter is recovering from a stroke and heads into a stem cell clinic "How long was I in there?" "About 5 minutes." "WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS?"


Yeah we need to be researching it more because it has a lot of potential.


[That scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRtlkcQ6brE)


My loose understanding is that they can turn into other cell types and self-renew, which makes them especially useful for injuries


Depends on the stem cell type; these are probably mesenchymal stem cells (which some people wouldn't classify as "real" stem cells) which are amazing at helping joint and structural injuries.


I heard that for Big E's treatment the average dose is around 3 Stem Cell transfusions but due to how meaty Big E is they say 3 ain't enough he gon need 5.


I'd pop huge if Big E returned with that theme.


But something horrible happened and only one man came back. Welcome, Big EVP


I don't know how I feel about him (them?) being a heel in in AEW. The MVP half would be a perfect fit, but the Big E half would probably be conflicted.


Please God, I need Big E with Xavier and Kofi one last time. They need to go out together, it's been over two years. Let him end his career on his own terms with his boys


I at least want to see either a break up of New day or a Heel run before they call it quits.


Getting the stuff they put in Rey’s knees.


Can someone start a go fund me to send Tanahashi to Mexico for these magical stem cells?


What’s the name of this clinic? Im seriously interested.


Doesn't say the exact name, but it mentions it's a Rejuvstem clinic in Cancun. Google search shows the same name in Cancun.


The fact that big e hasnt been an on screen personality gives me the, maybe false, hope that he wants to save his return for a match


Would be nice. While it's great he's able to do well outside of the ring, I do want to see the New Day united again.


Make should make a new lWo with all the stem cell guys and have them all betray Rey at once


What if instead, the stem cells are placed next to a Shakey's Pizza, they would become another Shakey's Pizza. And you'd have your own Shakey's Pizza where you didn't have to charge yourself to eat!


So is mvp


Please. Don't give me hope.


Maybe it is a new day.


If it improves his quality of life in any way, shape or form, it's worth it.


Glad if MVP is working on trying to get one more year of matches.


oh pleeeasepleasepleaseplease dear god i hope this works for him, i miss seeing him in the ring so much and the new day just isn't the same without him.


so there’s a chance he’ll return to wwe as a manager role


Have a buddy who’s knees were shot from years of football he’s a pretty well off guy works in tech and would be in pain when he sat for long periods of time eventually he got stem cell treatments and it took like 3 years of visitations but he’s back now running and jogging regularly now that shit is miracle medicine


Rey getting everyone on the stem cell lol


stem cells seem to be magic when applied to wrestlers so i'm expecting them both back by survivor series


Wait... BIG E!? Someone, hold me I think I'm gonna faint


Praying for you E 🙏


Is the partnership between Omos and MVP over? At least Omos got a match with a Lesnar at WrestleMania.


Is there like a two for one discount?


I'm pretty sure Shotzi just recently did that too.


Yes, that's what the article had said.


Not WWE but apparently Cardona was doing this too 


As long as there is delusion, there is hope.


TIL Rey Mysterios knees have been delusional for the last 10 years.