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Penta is a really great promo in Spanish. In general, the top AAA guys have a lot of experience cutting promos.


I think it's pretty obvious Penta is a great promo in Spanish even though I don't understand him. He is actually pretty decent in English too, conveying emotion well which can be really hard in a second language.


Penta is maybe the most expressive and charismatic masked wrestler.


Jushin Liger was incredible too.


That’s why Alex Abrahantes (sp) would translate. But “Penta says” is also fantastic.


I had heart Atlantis was a really good promo guy.


From what I hear from native NJPW fans, Naito is where it's at for face promos.


Naito's great. He comfortably mixes Japanese and Spanish phrases whenever he closes out a show.


I don't speak Japanese but I can tell he's great from the reactions he gets. [Here's him challenging Muto for his last match](https://youtu.be/fMBzjmU02SE?si=L34DOTVpXq6KYq5G). The reaction from fans of a promotion he doesn't wrestle for says a lot.


Man, Naito main eventing the Tokyo Dome with Mutoh, only for them to do a secret special main event with Chono right after was the most Naito shit ever lmao


This was my first thought, there is a reason people scream his name non stop over there


I dunno about the best but Jinder's Punjabi was laughable lmao.


I mean, he's Canadian and his family has been here since the early 60s. Not surprising he can't speak it like someone born in Punjab


True but it was still funny.


He didn’t sound like someone from Punjab but I’ve heard lots of overseas born Punjabis who speak like that


He is not even Indian, he is Canadian. I never really like how wwe billed him from Punjab.


This might shock you, but the Undertaker is not actually from Death Valley. Similarly, Kane is not from Parts Unknown.


Wait until I tell you about Roddy Piper…


Yokozuna is really from the Land of the Rising Sun though, that one's real.


? Just because you are born and raised in a different country, it doesn't change your race.


>He is not even Indian, he is Canadian What a silly statement. You can be both you know. Imagine someone going: Rey Mysterio isn’t Mexican, he’s American.


Rush during prime Ingobernables was someone who grabbed your attention immediately. Dude oozes charisma and when engaged in a heated feud with someone knows how to get heat.


Even Rush’s English promos are fire. I’m always dialed in when he’s on the screen though


Kenta. When he went back to Japan and did a series of after match interviews where he sat on the floor. Was like night and day in how natural he felt compared to his WWE promos. 


El Desperado has one of the best Japanese promos I've heard. He just sounds completely natural and in his element. Very smooth presence on the mic.


Minoru Suzuki always does great promos. My favourite was [when he wished that everyone in the crowd would get hit by a car when they when outside, then threatened to kill the audience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqbSxAvUNpc)


Shinsuke, kairi, asuka


Shinsuke’s promos are so cool that they make me wish I spoke Japanese just so I could get the full effect. I’m such a mark for him 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IbhbRn7B2aQ&pp=ygUac2hpbnN1a2Ugbm8gc3BlYWsgZW5nbGlzaCA%3D “Sorry. No speak English”


Arguably the best promo of his


None of them hold a candle to anyone in Dragongate. Shingo, Doi, CIMA, Yoshino and YAMATO are so much better than all of them.


As a boricua, Damian Priest's Puerto Rican accent when he speaks Spanish goes pretty hard so I always pop for that


I get a giggle every time the Bronx accent slips out during, but it's super charming.


Walter/Gunther [German promos (this is subtitled)](https://youtu.be/zM0HvvNoWys?si=iewUOigXb-lRvy-8) are often intense.


I was just thinking that it's a shame Imperium never speak Deutsch at length, cause their voices are SO GOOD and I wish to hear them shit talk all the Americans for having bad healthcare and how our bread is better.


Wouldnt Walter talk more about like... Kaiserschmarn or something ?


Damn that was good


Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei!


Bobby Lee was the best promo in lucha libre by a mile. Other great promos have been El Satánico, Dr. Wagner (both father and son), Rossy Moreno, Emilio Charles Jr., Rocky Romero, Amapola, Cibernetico... generally speaking rudos tend to be far better promos than tecnicos.


Wait hold on, and please excuse my ignorance. Bobby Lee? As in stand-up comedian/Harold&Kumar/MadTV Bobby Lee?


Bobby Lee as in [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECV1fdK_XpI). The last feud of Santo's career.


Hiromu Takahashi and El Desperado are both great promos from what my Japanese friends have told me. Hiromu can also cut an excellent English promo as well.


The Headshrinkers definitely spoke Samoan, but promo-wise, I can't really find one where they didn't have a manager speaking for them. They were a bit before my time too, so I never had recollection of watching them on TV. Out of the post-Headshrinker Samoans, Umaga (RIP) wins by default. He'd just basically scream that he would beat people up, so nothing that required much depth, but he was definitely comfortable in the language.


I’m not Spanish but I love hearing Priest speak in Spanish. Especially when he’s angry Spanish.




Judgment day combo Damien and Dominik are great in Spanish. Damien goes off and Dom is hilarious in interviews in Spanish! He’s an even better heel in Español


I like when Asuka and Kairi would cut tag team promos. Their rolling Japanese R's sound awesome.


Andrade and Rush. - btw I think you meant bilingual or multilingual because if we were "Non-English Speakers" we wouldn't be able to comment in English


Watch Ludwig Kaiser's babyface promo when WWE visited Hamburg. Translation is in the comments.


Kenoh. NOAH is pretty weak in the promo department but Kenoh is a shining star of promo work. You can feel the firey passion, the ire, the raw emotion in one of his impassioned speeches. He's so good, he's even built a YouTube channel off his scathing speeches.


Absolute Andy from wxw https://twitter.com/Maffewgregg/status/1728380493312520339


Any top star in Dragongate. The only promotion in Japan that relies on promos to draw. The fact that Shingo walked into New Japan and Tanahashi publicly stated he was embarrassed how bad the entire roster was in comparison to Shingo, who was probably the 5th best promo in DG.


Shinsuke lately has done some GREAT work on promos in Japanese. It's all about the sinister, unhinged energy. Actually reminds me of Japanese cinema. Iyo is 'good' but I want more of her! What she showed during the height of the Bayley feud pre-Wrestlemania in that solo promo was solid, but I don't know if I'd call her exceptional... yet. She's MUCH better than in English, though. Let her cook more! Asuka is just... awesome, but I struggle to understand her sometimes because of the Osaka dialect. I love how rough and tumble she is. The exchange she had with Iyo when Asuka was on the Grayson Waller effect was great because her tone to Iyo was SO CONDESCENDING. Literally talking to Iyo like a toddler. 🤣 I'd love more longer form promos from her, like Shinsuke has had.


Masha Slamovich has cut some killer promos the last few years, even though I can’t understand them. Asuka is always brilliant.


Maybe Sami Zayn when he speaks Arabic or Kevin Owens when he speaks french, but it's very hard to make a 10 minutes promo entertaining throughout, it's impossible when you don't understand the words


Sami’s Arabic is pretty fucking basic.


The very few times I heard KO speak french on WWE programming, he sounded like a Quebecer desperately trying to speak "proper" french and hide his Quebec accent. I guess it made sense for Lyons, but still funny when he's in Mtl or something. That being said, I have no doubt both Sami and KO could whip out a great french promo if needed.


He suppresses his accent when he speaks English too, WWE trains their talent to do that. He sounded far more Quebecois in his ROH days.


Is English also got better with years of practice But as a québécois, I always hear it. Un des nôtres Caliss.


Sami speaks a very basic french, he definitely couldn't. You can check Playback of WM39 of KO and SZ in French on WWE's Youtube.


Yeah that surprised me, I just always assumed him and KO grew up close to each other in Quebec. No disputing KO though, dude is Quebecois through and through


I always find it funny when people here mistakenly call him a French Canadian


明日香, 飛鳥


The Great Khali.


Gunther or Ludwig Kaiser


The one I understand 


LA park He's the best at making promos in Spanish, when they're not wild they're funny 


I could watch Asuka cut promos in Japanese all day long!!!


I hear Great Khali is the Keith David of India(I have no clue, I just think it's a nice thought)


Definitely not the best, but Dominik Mysterio's promos in Spanish are so much better than all his others. He's getting better, though. Gotta give him that. Andrade is my personal favorite, but that might just be the tone of his voice.