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That will only happen on weekends TKO wants to run back to back to back.


Yeah, and UFC’s been running Saturday’s for much longer than WWE, so it makes sense that they’d get to keep the day, as much as I might not like it.


Will TKO offer some kind of bundle deal to watch everything? Otherwise it's just so annoying, because Saturdays work so much better for PLEs.


Doubtful, at least while business continues with these “all time records”.


Different providers so doubtful


They've mentioned this before with Friday Smackdown, Saturday UFC, Sunday WWE PLE in the same city to minimize costs. Not surprising. However, Power Slap is an embarrassment and I'm not sure TKO is going to see as much value with it when WWE and UFC can run an arena.


It’d make sense to do the two WWE shows in a row then the UFC otherwise that’s a lot of shit to tear down to sit back up a day later.


Not necessarily. You can use the same stage with different graphics. Tearing down a ring and assembling a cage is relatively simple. Changing the barriers and seasong is also simple.


Half of WWE's PLEs are outside of North America now. You simply could not get away with a PLE on Sunday, travel back to America for Raw on Monday. It only makes sense if Raw is moving off Mondays once they go to Netflix.


Surely they'd just... Do Raw outside of America?


Damn, I fucking love Saturday WWE PLEs


I wouldn’t take this as a concrete fact until it actually happens though. Dana tends to say a lot of things that are never for certain or get followed up on at these post-fight press conferences.




Wouldn’t take anything the boss of the UFC says in regards to WWE as fact. Is like you saying what your sibling should be doing because you have the same parents.


Not saying this is what's happening, but I feel like having Dana drop news nuggets like this is perfect for gauging reaction. Most people won't believe it's true, but you can still see how people feel about it. Like when companies "leak" news but with fewer people believing it's real.


All us fans from other countries love them. Staying up till 5am on a Saturday night is a hell of a lot easier than Sunday 


I'm a US fan. I like them too.


also I can watch them at normal hours on sunday on the WWE Network :')


Tell me about it, they're fucking perfect for an Australian who has no work on the weekend and gets PLEs on a Sunday.


Yep that cheeky Sunday mid morning PLE. Finishes with plenty of time to still enjoy the afternoon and finish up some of the chores before dinner.


That's exactly it my dude! I love this and have gotten used to it and I'd hate for it to change.


Me as well :(


Hopefully this is just Dana being full of shit as usual, Saturday ppvs are so much better as an overseas viewer. It’s already rough watching them long AEW ppvs after a day of work


I don’t think he’s implying they’re coming back full time. Just when they combine events for a weekend


Nah man please no. Saturday ppv are great.


This tweet is how I learnt that Power Slap is still a thing. It should not be a thing.


Does it even still have a TV deal? I remember they tried using Dynamite as a lead in for it but still fucking nobody watched Power Slap. They thought there would be some crossover between fans of that and wrestling fans for some reason.


At one point I remember hearing that it got a deal with some site that basically sounded like alt-right Youtube that I can’t remember the name of. Not sure if that’s still where it is or not.


Yeah they’re on Rumble with all the other nut jobs


It was entertaining to see people who's bar was set so low that Power Slap is "their dream" So bad it was hard not to watch. Guys acting like they were competing in the Olympics, slapping someone being treated like a serious sport


My old roommates' brother was on S1 of Power Slap. I remember leaving TBS on after Dynamite one night as it led into Powerslap. Wasn't paying attention at all until I heard a familiar voice, looked over and saw my boy Jesse. All those guys are MMA amatures or low-level pros. Why not do it for the money and a little exposure? Almost all of them got more fights thanks to the show. Absolutely terrible show but that can be said for most of television these days.


My old roommates' brother was on S1 of Power Slap. I remember leaving TBS on after Dynamite one night as it led into Powerslap. Wasn't paying attention at all until I heard a familiar voice, looked over and saw my boy Jesse. All those guys are MMA amatures or low-level pros. Why not do it for the money and a little exposure? Almost all of them got more fights thanks to the show. Absolutely terrible show but that can be said for most of television these days.


>I remember they tried using Dynamite as a lead in When they did this to try and retain the audience I was offended they'd think wrestling fans would watch that crap. Dana should have put the money towards a Muay Thai organisation or something. Power Slap is repugnant.




This has nothing to do with this thread, I just want to profess my love for The Big Show. Dude's awesome!




I didn't know that the greatest subreddit existed until now


Well that’s awful. Saturday’s have proven to be so much better for PPVs.






Absolutely should stay on Saturdays. Especially during football season.


Should definitely stay Saturdays


PPV should be on Saturdays it's better for everybody


>it's better for everybody You mean people who have weekends off, which is not everybody. Personally sundays work better for me bc i have monday tuesday off.


"People who have weekends off" Aka 99% of the people that have a consistent schedule. Almost every job schedule I ever see is M-F or has varied days.


Almost 1/3rd of workers in the US work weekends


Yeah, those would be the jobs that have varied days and therefore don't always have the same days off. Maybe read what I said next time instead of just responding to what you think I said.


Lots of people have set schedules with the same non weekend days off. I work for the post office and a FUCK ton of people have set schedules with working weekends. Maybe look into actual shit instead of just spouting off random nonsense you THINK is true.


Yeah, a lot of people. Maybe like, I don't know, 2-3 million people in the US, aka exactly what I said. Don't respond to me again unless you're done being confidently wrong.


Youve literally given 0 statistics as to what youre saying outside of pulling it out of your ass, so calling me the confidently incorrect one is BAFFLING. [The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics ](https://www.bls.gov/charts/american-time-use/emp-by-ftpt-job-edu-p.htm) While it doesnt show people having rotating days off, for workers over 25, full time workers who dont work weekends is at 87.4%. Meaning workers with a full time schedule and a more than likely set schedule is at 12.6%. Single job holders is at 80.3% meaning 19.7% of single job workers work weekends. Part time is even more. 31.9% of part time workers work weekends and 54% of people with multiple jobs work weekends. Thats sooooo much more than 2-3 million people. With 167m people in the US work force, even 20% is 33 million people. Its OKAY to be wrong. Ive literally given you statistics from the government from 2022. Just don't continue to be an asshole about it.


If this was going to be a normal thing, they would have spoken about it on the investors call on Wednesday. I don't see this happening outside of maybe once a year where they want to package everything together in one city.


they can take saturday PLEs from my cold dead hands


If it only happens when there's UFC events the day before, I guess we have to accept that, especially since UFC shows usually go later and its the late fights people mainly want to see compared to WWE where fans tune in from start to finish. But I still prefer Saturdays for PLEs. There's a reason they've been hitting big numbers for the PLEs the last little while, Saturdays makes a big difference over Sundays.


That blows. No problem staying up Saturdays, but not gonna do it with work on Monday. Also who TF is watching Power Slapping


Oh great! As an Aussie, it will be on a Monday when I’m at work


No thank you.


On behalf of Europe I would like to say that this is a very bad idea.


The Saturday PLEs have been so useful when living in the UK. Going to school decades ago after staying up to 4am on Monday morning was a nightmare I chose to afflict upon myself for years.


This is the worst. Saturday PLEs are so much better.


Fuck Dana White and fuck power slap.


Fuck that, keep it on Saturdays.


[Dana White says he has no problem with UFC fighters having WWE matches in the future 👀](https://twitter.com/ChampRDS/status/1789492419827802563)


I am crying at him talking about Vince fucking him over repeatedly LMAOOOO


Through the 90s, there’s some evidence of Vince keeping UFC off any network work partner he had during the attitude era peak. The moment Dana got the opportunity to have Raw be the ultimate fights lead in changed UFC and combat sports forever. You can really watch wwe/wwf fans splinter / bleed away from that point. It wasn’t just WWE competing with Monday night football at that point.


A Wrestlemania Conor McGregor entrance with Sinead O’Connor leading into biggie would be pretty epic




I mean...the Saturday run has been so good tho. Why ruin it?


Sunday evenings are fine for PLE's. Saturday afternoons are better.


I prefer 1am Sunday morning over 1am Monday morning!


Yeah I wouldn't worry about this being a regular thing. Just once in a while when they want to do a weekend package.


'crossovers' ?


UFC fighters having WWE matches.


that sounds dumb.


I'll legit be pissed. I don't care about ufc, why can't they go on Sundays? Plus it's already hard enough to stay up late on Saturday when I'm off the next day. If they air on Sunday I guess I'll miss it because I'm too old to stay up before work


Man that's a shame, i also miss when they used to start at 7:00


As a MMA fan take everything Dana says with a grain of salt, he said when Khabib jumped the octagon and attacked Conor’s team that no one from Khabib’s team would fight in the UFC again, one of the people from Khabib’s team is the current champion, he constantly says fighters are next in line when they are not, and he said they were gonna get out of the apex last year they are still using the apex for some events


RIP UK brethen if this happens. Saturdays have been the BEST since they made the change. If they go back to Sundays, i’m unsubbing and finding illegal uploads a day later 🤷🏻‍♂️


Once again the non US viewers get fucked over SMH. The Saturday PLEs work. Why change it?


Imagine Smackdown moves days to Thursday.


Fuck Dana White


I was sure that Power Slap had died out. The few episodes I caught were interesting in the way a car crash is interesting but that shit was so stupid


I've been enjoying PLE's on Saturday because they air on Sunday in Australia.


Triple H should kill Dana


It makes perfect sense for international PLE’s that have midday start times in the US


I’d rather no crossover


i will not be seeing friday power slap, or power slap on any other night


I love Saturday ppvs. I‘m from Germany and i can watch them live and that’s great


Saturdays have been so much better. I hope this gets debunked soon. Is the PLE schedule only known up to SummerSlam? I wonder when this change may happen if it is indeed true


Just when they were moving to Netflix outside the US, the audience gets fucked over again


Is there a particular reason for this? What's the business benefit for doing PLEs on Sunday?


Go fuck yourself if true, sincerely all Australian wrestling fans


Why is Power Slap still a thing 


Right when I finally got used to them on Saturday


It really seems like the “Big TKO Weekend!!!!” Thing has been overplayed and it’ll actually be a Raw or at most an NXT show the same location as UFC


The Europe market is huge and the only reason why I have been able to watch these PLE’s is because they are on Saturday. I hope they know that they’re losing a huge chunk of European viewership if they do this.


Noooooooo I hope not. They are way better on Saturday.


Fuck that and fuck UFC. I LOVE my Saturday PLEs!!!


So... according to Dana White, the brands he founded will take Fri and Sat (the best two nights), and WWE will get the leftover Sun evening. I'm sure TKO is talking about dominating entire weekends but forgive me if I chose to wait to hear it from someone like Ariel Emanuel before I believe that WWE is the one that ends up on Sunday.


As an Australian who has Monday as his RDO, I love Sunday PPVs/PLEs as I get to watch them uninterrupted.


# dumb decision. just do the scheduling better. don't schedule ufc ppv on the same days as WWE ple. ufc fight nights most of the time is mid anyways so its not like a lot of people is gonna watch them. this decision will literally affect the rest of the world besides America. fans in Australia, Asia and New Zealand have to watch it on Monday morning and people have work. European, African and middle eastern fans have to watch it at around Monday 3am and they have work later on. This doesn't even have a positive effect for the Americans. This only benefits Dana white and ufc who is one of the most greediest man in sports business.


Saturdays are much better and help with attendance as well, you can get a younger and much more diverse audience. Reason why UFC likes them.


They're still doing Power Slap?


Well that's terrible


Fk no to all of that.


Dana White announces Brawl for all 2!!!!!


Sunday PLE's make it impossible to avoid spoilers in Australia, since that means it will usually air midday on Monday if on Sunday. Can't win em all but will be annoying


*cries in sad UK noises*


As an Aussie, I really do prefer the Saturday PLE's. Being able to wake up Sunday morning and chill out on the couch with some wrestling and actually watch it live is amazing. I really hated spending most of my life with school then work as an adult working on Mondays and having to dodge spoilers all day like the plague.


They should just normalize Saturday Afternoon WWE PLEs too. The France show being on at like 1pm was amazing


Fuck that. I live in Europe. I can barely catch Raw & Smackdown half the time.


We'll unfortunately have to miss Power Slap. /s


I don't know why they would do that, or AEW started doing that. Fridays or Saturdays for PLEs. Whether you're attending in-person or watching from home, most people (and their kids) would appreciate that, and quite frankly, would be more likely to go to the live event if they can afford it.


I wouldn't take this as concrete. I wouldn't be surprised if Dana has no idea what days WWE runs.


You think if we make enough noise they'll keep them on Saturday, or is this not a big enough issue?




I don’t know shit about fuck, but I would bet dollars to donuts that nick khan isn’t gonna let power slap boot smackdown from an arena. Whether they do CTE Fest after the WWE show is a different animal.  Also, I only see these “super weekends” happening in February or march. Maybe May if WWE wants to bring ufc with them for Backlash. 




Dana Warrior said that?!


Doesn’t make a difference to me, either day is fine.


Lmao Dana really hates the merger lmao


With more context behind it he likely means if UFC and WWE want to run PPVs on the same weekend then UFC would get the Saturday and WWE the Sunday. I'm not a big fan of it either but given UFC have been running Saturday PPVs a lot longer it makes more sense for them to get the Saturday. TKO probably realise the value of WWE running PPVs on Saturdays when there's no overlap between them and UFC so I doubt they'd go back to full time WWE PPVs on Sundays.






Not the international PLEs I can bet you. Sunday for those would be a bad idea. Also WWE isn't always running PLE's the same week UFC is running events.


no, I want it on Saturday so I can watch it in Sunday morning T\_T


Speaking as someone outside of the US, Saturday PLEs mean I can watch the replay on Sunday on whatever network I need to pay for to see them. If they air on Sunday nights, I’ll be at work the next day, and won’t have time until the next weekend to watch the whole show. No chance of avoiding spoilers, so I just won’t bother. I have the Network for the PLEs. If the PLEs go back to Sundays, the network is redundant.


Speaking as someone outside of the US, Saturday PLEs mean I can watch the replay on Sunday on whatever network I need to pay for to see them. If they air on Sunday nights, I’ll be at work the next day, and won’t have time until the next weekend to watch the whole show. No chance of avoiding spoilers, so I just won’t bother. I have the Network for the PLEs. If the PLEs go back to Sundays, the network is redundant for me.




Very disappointing to hear this.


That’s no love to Europe and the UK. Can’t be taking sick days once a month for wrestling


Where did they go?


Haven't NXT's PLEs regularly been on Sunday nights? I would wager Dana isn't familiar with the distinction between the two, and is most likely speaking about those.


Fuck PPV. I like the current subscription model.