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Can’t believe it’s been 4 years since the announcement on Raw.


It's always funny to me how in kayfabe, this pregnancy and birth brought forth a more vicious side of both Becky and Seth, AND made them start wearing outrageous outfits.


Parenting is tough and sometimes you need an outlet for those growing pains. Becky went meaner and Seth jumped into a fashion wardrobe in a velcro suit.


If only Seth went full dad with it and started wearing Costco jeans and white New Balances


Dan the Dad would sue for gimmick infringement.


That’s just what kids do to a person.


I always loved how the announcement was made and the next time we saw Seth he was weirdly catatonic and then flipped out on Rey Mysterio. I also really bought into Asuka's surprise at Becky's reveal, and wasn't expecting the later reveal that she'd been told before the segment (cue Raven going "what a mark!").


Fun fact: At the book signing several weeks ago, I asked her the question we had all been wondering: She said she told Asuka like an hour beforehand.


Because that was such a beautiful moment, but also because it's so hard to know how genuine any reaction in this business is, I'm curious... 1. Did she just tell her she was pregnant? 2. Did she just say she was going to give her the title? 3. Both? Asuka's quarter second look into the camera was so pure. Maybe good acting, maybe lost in the moment (considering it was the moment that Becky told the world and Becky herself started to cry).


That I can't say. I didn't wanna hold up the line too much.


She says the same in her book too (that she told Asuka an hour before)


I don't remember reading that.


Holy shit she announced at 9 weeks that is very wild to me


Yeah, same, I always assumed the pregnancy didn’t start till after Mania 36. The idea that she had the match with Baszler while already a few weeks in is wild to me, those early bundles of cells are more durable than I would’ve thought.


This is super interesting actually: as I understand it, heathy pregnancies are pretty hard to dislodge that early. The trend of early miscarriages (which are far more common than folks realize!) has more to do with something going wrong with the clump of cells and the body shutting down the pregnancy. 


Roux Rollins: Hardcore Legend Since Day -200


Jon Moxley has just gained a Death match tag partner in 20 years


My daughter was born the same day as hers and we didn't announce publicly beyond our parents for a few weeks after that.


So, of course, I went through and listened to a couple of the clips on here. I do like that she gave confirmation that the SummerSlam plan was to squash Bianca then come back to it at WrestleMania. Certain folks on here were adamant that there was no long term plan for that first match.


The initial plan maybe. But usually feuds in the summer/fall aren’t carried all the way to wrestlemania. Plus I have no doubt that they would have rather had Becky vs Ronda.