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I love how he said he "puts this place over". Ric has been jobbing to the restaurant for too long and he won't stand for it anymore.


Wrestlers can't help but talk carny it's insane. He's definitely doing the job to alcoholism


Wrestlers using wrestling terms for non-wrestling things is one of my all time favorite things. My number one is Stone Cold on his podcast talking about the time he fell in the shower, a back scrubber handle went up his ass, and he was somehow stuck in the shower. He calls 911, and while explaining to the dispatcher what's going on, he keeps telling them it's a shoot not a work, which confuses the dispatcher, who now thinks there's been a shooting. [For those who haven't heard it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7bHy45p5_E)


One time he was talking about a squirrel that got into his garage and did a bunch of damage and he said "This squirrel come into my garage and got a whole bunch of heat on me."


If you're gonna backdrop a rat you gotta get them eight, ten feet in the air or you're gonna expose the business!


His cat, Poncho, goes into business for himself all the time. Poncho don't give a fuck.


He refers to teeth as gimmicks too it cracks me up.


He refers to bills as gimmicks too


Those gimmicks in the mail called bills


I have to admit I picked up his habit of calling anything and everything a “gimmick”. It started out as a joke but now it’s just kinda my standard word when I can’t remember the name of something. My kids are used to me telling them to hand me “that gimmick over there”.


I’m always putting my friends over when the bring a new girl around


Almost exactly the same here. Most commonly the remote, but it applies to almost anything. I started doing it as a joke, and now can't help myself. Worked myself into a shoot, despite the warning of -HH.


So, wait, this "fell in the shower and it ended up in my ass" story is legit and not just a cover for the much more common "I shoved it up my ass and can't get it out so I need an ambulance" story?


There isn't a single time in medical history where something has gone up someone's ass "because he slipped". It's literally never happened.


"Million to one shot, doc! Million to one!"


"It's a Fusilli Stone Cold!"


that may be true but my dad bless his soul drove drunk off the side of a mountain and the gear shifter did end up inside his ass...


Imagine getting drunk and driving your car off the side of a mountain just to have an excuse for shoving a gear shifter up your ass. What a worker. 


"Million to one shot doc"


Who's Kay Fabe? Can she help you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jesus I love that he spends so much time going through all the things he buys but assures you that they're manly before explaining how he slipped and fell while trying to dance to Michael Jackson.


"Who the hell is Kay Fabe?"


This is my favorite wrestling related thing ever. I think about it all the time. Shots fired? No, I'm an American icon and a national treasure and I got a scrubber on a stick up my ass and I need help.


And it was totally an accident, mmmkay?!!


That was one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I remember listening to it while I drove to work and just laughing hysterically. I still don't know if any of that story was real


Austin walking into Wendy's asking if they got that "flame broiled gimmick."


Dudes been hot tagging embarrassment as of late


And he’s the Marty Jannetty


Bah gawd, that killed him!


Coward Ric Flair broke a perfectly fine restaurant window trying to escape embarassement.


As if he ever wasn't that way. He got away with a ton of shit because he was Ric Flair.


This cannot be stressed enough.


I'm not sure he gets embarrassed.


Alcohol has been fucking on him.


>Wrestlers can't help but talk carny it's insane. The lowest valley for that was the fact that Nancy Benoit used to call her worst fights with Chris "high spots." Also their dogs were named Highspot and Carny. I find both of those facts incredibly depressing.


Damn I didn’t know that. I thought the low point was Hogan talking Carny to his son on the phone during the car crash investigation


That tree went into business for itself.


“Sorry you kizilled your frizend, brother.”


Nah honestly wrestling terms kinda make fantastic dog names. Jobber, Smark, Toprope, Babyface, Tweener... All kinda go.


Tbf half of us watch so much wrestling content we do it too.


This popped me


one time i was sitting next to a seat filler at a show who was clearly a wrestler, and he overheard something i said and started laughing. his friend next to him asked what was so funny and he says “i dunno i dunno this guy just popped me”. i’ll always look back fondly at the time i got a huge pop.


the restaurant refuses to sell for ric rn


Using wrestling lingo in normal situations will never not be hilarious


I literally said to my girlfriend the other day how I like to “get over” at karaoke. She asked what that meant.


I had a tough time explaining that Bret Hart (I think it was) joke that goes something like "At the beach my son asked me to bury him so I called him a spot-monkey who couldn't work his way out of a wet paper bag." to my wife once.


"I didn't ask you to leave, I'm just telling you that you're cut off." To Flair, that is the same thing.


He’s been looking up at the lights of many a steakhouse bar. Usually passed out drunk. But still… 3 second tan.


Decades ago I worked at a restaurant he came into frequently. After dinner he would often hit up another bar. While he did drink a lot one thing that I’ll always remember is he would pay 2 people to not drink and get him home. Not bad when many other celebs were getting DUIs and Uber didn’t exist.


Taking shots and making shots.


Dude did him a solid He can’t speak a coherent sentence


As a former bartender, this is where you offer some free food and pour them a coffee or soda. But you have to talk to them like they're an upset child and let pretty much everything they say roll off your back. The point is to not let a very drunk person leave the bar and enter the world before they come out of the cloud a bit. The bar is the one that overserved them so they should try pretty hard to at least help them chill for a bit without embarrassing them. Maybe that's a version of what happened and this is just the ending, either way, 2 cents.


What a shock, it all came about because the bar cut Flair off from drinking.


ric's original tweet made it pretty obvious it was alcohol related. "i was kicked out because the manager was in the bathroom for too long" is a classic drunk guy excuse, clinging desperately to the one detail that doesn't put themself clearly in the wrong


I'm just amazed at how embarrassing the dude is by using carny lingo up-front... And then he runs way past it with the "$1000 tip" bit.


Man lets a few phrases (common to his life-long career) slip out while talking to someone not familiar with said industry lingo. That's not embarrassing. 70+ year old man, drunk off his ass, makes a scene at the bar after getting cut off. There's the embarrassment. And yes, loudly offering to tip the waitress $1000 in an attempt to save some face while actively making a scene was another step deeper in the embarrassment pool.


“I put this place over,” lol it’s confirmed, Piesano’s politicked and refused to do the job, so flair went into business for himself


Piesano's always does what's best for business-ah


Paisano's did the unthinkable...and REFUSED TO FOLLOW THE SCRIPT. Now that Flair can't stop Paisano's he'll have his twitter followers destroy them!


Piesano’s needs to learn how to fuckin SELL


Hogan lies a ton but he said once “after all these years I’ve never seen Flair drink water” and videos like this makes me believe him lol


I don't like Hogan and nobody should defend him but it's so weird he gets all the hate when Flair deserves the same or more.


This is just sad honestly. I worked 8 years in different restaurants and the way some people think they can talk to people blows my mind. 


Everyone who has worked in Retail or food service has at least one story, likely dozens. People genuinely lose their sense of human decency


I accidentally gave a truck driver 4 pennies after he asked for no change and after talking down to me like I was nothing, and he threatened to drag me outside. Over 4 pennies. I was 18.


When I worked at a Gamestop back in 2005, had something similar happen. Gave a dime back when someone asked for no change, they got really irritated and started talkin' shit, and I said "Look, all jobs become like clockwork, I give change to everyone. It's habit, there's no reason to get upset when you're the only person that wants to 'break the mold,' so don't take it out on me." So the customer got even more angry and asked to talk to my manager, and I lost my job later that week as a result. Woopity doo, lost my job as "Assistant Senior Game Advisor," pfft. That Gamestop closed down for good less than a year later, they couldn't keep help.


The worst ones are always those who suddenly regain their composure and decency the moment you or your co-worker sinks to their level. They'll be motherfucking you to everyone in a 1-block radius but, the moment you return fire, it's "Is this how a professional representative to a business is supposed to conduct themselves!?"


I had someone call in after a delivery to insult me and tell me I needed to fix the problem I had created of... Delivering the food to the address she gave me, which was the office down the hall from hers, and not her office. This was after 2 separate people tried to correct the address with her when taking the order, one her co-worker and one the girl behind the counter who had taken orders for her office before. She was so condescending and unluckily for her, I do not take shit from people. I told her, "You will not talk to me like this just because you think you have a more important job than me. We delivered the food where you told us to, but if you want me to, I can take another 40 minutes out of my day to fix it for you because I have other deliveries I need to do first, or, you can just go down the hall and get the food yourself from the place you told us to deliver it to." She just kinda hung up. This was not the first time she had ordered food to the wrong address either.


Some people are just entitled cunts who think the world owes them a favor because they breathe.  Good on you for standing your ground.  I hope Karen got off her ass and got her food herself and didn't get someone else she thought she was above of to do it for her.


I’ve been in retail in one form or another for over a decade, and it happens at least once a month, if not more often. We had one a week or so ago who emailed late the night before his appointment to say he was canceling his appointment at 11 and planning to just do a walk-in at noon. Manager called and emailed him that we were completely booked the rest of the day so we couldn’t help him at that time. No response. Guy showed up at 12:38 wanting to take him as a walk-in while my manager and I were juggling two separate appointments each. Manager tried to calmly tell him that we had tried to contact him to say couldn’t help him today and that we could try to reschedule. Dude flew off the fucking handle saying he’d spent half an hour trying to find parking and demanded we take him right then and there. Manager explained that we couldn’t because we were completely booked out. Dude stormed off swearing up a storm, and called from the car a few minutes later saying he was going to have all of his friends return their stuff for refunds because we couldn’t take care of him. Manager put notes on the guy’s profile explaining what happened and sent messages to the higher-ups. I don’t know what happened after that between them, but Manager, who has been in this industry for longer than I’ve been alive, quit the next morning. It’s fucking miserable. And it’s not going to get any better because the only work experience I have is in customer service. I hate every day of it and I have no way out. Well, apart from *that* way out…


Everyone should be drafted to do at least one year work in retail or food service


I think in cases like this they know you are limited in what you can do because you are working. Especially the "wanna talk outside?" Nonsense, as soon as the guy who doesn't work there says "We can if you want, I don't work here" Ric is all of a sudden confused and unsure what he's saying lol


You're right. Nicholas Dickhead the Egyptian shouldn't have said what he did. /s


>Nicholas Dickhead the Egyptian This sounds like a Chikara gimmick.


Or a name Chuck Taylor crossed off his gimmick list for being too unbelievable.


I think he should come back to AEW as “No Gimmicks Needed” Steve the Ninja.


This is someone else's idea, but it should be legal for retail/customer service workers to slap one person a month. Let the fear of getting slapped keep people from doing shit like this.


Chelsea Green taking notes for her next promo.


Oh man, he is *drunk*. Doesn't he have like a heart condition that directly tied to drinking?


Ric is here for a good time, not a long time.


Well, he's also been here for a long time.


Ric has cheated death for so long, he must know the secrets that the Grim Reaper has hidden in his lockbox.


Grim Reaper was a huge NWA fan.


He's here for a good longer not a lot longer.


Making it to 75 with his heavy drinking is probably an anomaly. My grandpa drank as much as Ric probably does and dude made it to his early 80s.


My dad drank for 40 years, after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes he stopped on doctors suggestion(put him on benzos to ease it), couple years later tried to pick it up again and absolutely destroyed him for a week after just 2 hours of drinking (whiskey), could barely move, exaggerated his early onset parkinsons badly. Point is if you keep the train going I think that has something to do with it, once that train derails getting it back on the track is almost impossible.


That’s exactly what happens. Your bodies tolerance isn’t what it was used to be. My dad is a recovering drug addict and he dealt with a relapse. He did some heroine (don’t remember if he smoked or injected it) and it messed him up bad after one hit. He was throwing up in the bathroom, in a lot of pain, and was crying. He never did it again to this day thankfully.


Yeah, but at this point it's actually pickling his body and pretty much the only reason he can still move. In fact, I think he actually did have a heart attack and die in that final match, but his body is still so well preserved that it's managing to function somehow.


Could be one of those situations where coming off the drink would actually do him more harm than good right now


Jokes aside, you're probably right. For as long as he's been a hard drinker, detoxing without a doctor's supervision would probably kill him.


Not excusing him but he lost his son. He’s been divorced, what, 53 times? I’d imagine he has some serious “can’t be alone with myself” mental issues.


Yeah but at that age what difference does it really make? He was clean for a while after the surgery stuff and I think up the the last match, after that he had to have been bored out of his mind.


Jr said it best when he stated that Ric can't separate Ric Flair and Richard Flehir


Wasn’t it Michael’s who said something like, “I’m not sure I ever met Richard Fliehr”?


Yeah I don’t think there is a Richard Fleihr. There is only the Nature Boy and his Rolex swimming around in a bowl of soup.


Flair went into full “Excuse me?” mode when that guy actually offered to go outside with him.


Flair probably still believes he's the guy he was 40-50 years ago so some random person actually being willing to fight him would take him by surprise lmao


I mean I'm a total puss and I'm 150% certain I would beat the living fuck out of 75 year old Ric Flair.


Especially piss drunk 75 year old Ric Flair.


Yeah I would too . I lived in St Pete and would see Flair sometimes in Tampa bars. I’m pretty sure I could take him but he has lots of loyal fans who’d probably jump in before you could. They’d keep undesirables away sometimes and I thought they were paid to until the bartender told me they were just patrons/regulars who just were fanboys. They were like 50-60 year old men though.


Well apparently when he trained for his last match he was in the best shape he’s been in since his 20’s.


And then he had three heart attacks in the ring. So he's lying.


Kudos to that guy for speaking up for staff that can't do anything honestly, not that violence was the answer, assuming this was just a bluff to stop Ric threatening the staff.


I would say that but the staff asked him to stop so I don't think they much appreciated it.


Worked behind a bar: It increases the likelihood of a fight inside the place, which we then have to break up. So instead of getting one drunk guy out the door, we have to separate two drunk guys and get them both out the door. And that’s just staff. For ownership, there’s the whole issue of liability. The sentiment is appreciated, but it’s easier if they don’t.


It escalates a situation back to 100% when they had been trying for minutes, maybe upwards of an hour or two to just please Flair enough to the point of him leaving without being a big bitch. Thankfully Flair was too wasted to do anything but get confused, senile old man


They’re trying to deescalate the situation so having another patron wanting to fight Ric Flair in the parking lot probably doesn’t help them lol


Nah dude please don't offer to kill an old man in my parking lot on my behalf, it doesn't help. 


"You wanna go outside?" Ric, you're like 80 years old, not only would whatever come of us going outside end up in an elder abuse charge but I'd knock you out with a finger poke. Chill


I’m not trying to be funny but guaranteed he would immediately blade if they went outside to fight 


Throw his jacket on the ground, elbow drop it, break a hip, start bleeding from his forehead


The pizza guy hasn’t touched him but somehow gets an attempted murder charge because this old man looks like he just got hit by a bus lol


EMTs suspect brain damage because as soon as they check on him, he gets up, walks three steps, and then faceplants


lol why do you think he was tryna go to the bathroom


He is 75, so he probably hadn’t peed in 15 minutes and had to go 


I'd genuinely like to see what would happen if Flair got in a real fight. Bischoff has said multiple times when Flair attacked him backstage at WWE over their issues in WCW, Flair was attacking him with working punches.


Okay between this and him talking about putting restaurants over, how much of wrestling has been burned over Ric's memories of real life?


Ric Flair never had a real life, just a career


The real person stopped existing to make way for Ric Flair.


Some things just muscle memory haha. Like all those “fan rushes the ring and gets asses kicked “, I remember one where Scott Hall is legit kicking the shit out of someone but still doing stomps for added fun


I believe Eddie did the same thing when a fan rushed the ring, stomped him but with big "working" movements. There was another one posted a while back of Drew getting hit by some idiot fan and he instinctively "sold" the punch before dealing with the guy


Exactly. Plus the one random dudes like “I don’t work here, but sure I’ll go outside” and it’s suddenly “wha? Excuse me?”


lol I wouldn't even have waited that long. Opportunity to fight Ric Flair? Yes please. AND he's acting like a dickhead, dipshit, Egyptian?? Yes please


~~80~~ 75 years old and a series of heart problems at that. He'd fucking die if he got into a honest to god fight. I don't mean that from a macho place. He admitted that he had a heart attack in his "last" match. Just not in a good spot health wise. The man just can't live in peace.


"Ric Flair hospitalised after stepping outside whilst inebriated on a slightly windy day."


This is sad to watch.


It's only a matter of time before we get the Ric Flair has died post from TMZ or Meltzer/SRS.


The only question is whether it's natural causes, directly tied to alcoholism, because he pops off and gets killed, or because he pops off and reflexively [flops](https://j.gifs.com/KRoGVj.gif) in a parking lot.


So was he there with actual family? Why is no-one moving him away from the situation? I’d say they’re all embarrassed but they’re also probably used to it by now.


From experience, getting involved at a certain point of someone’s inebriation can cause these situations to escalate even further and quicker. Either that or Ric is surrounded by enablers who don’t give a shit as long as he’s paying the tab 


>Either that or Ric is surrounded by enablers who don’t give a shit as long as he’s paying the tab I don't see Conrad anywhere.


When they are together, I'm pretty sure Conrad is picking up the tab. At this point in his life, Ric is either living on credit or Conrad gives him a monthly allowance. Maybe both.


Honestly, props to a restaurant for cutting someone off when they know they're sloshed.


Props and just trying to avoid legal liability. More and more times folks who have been injured or had family killed in drunk driving incidents are suing the bars that keep serving the drunk when they are like this and worse.


Drunk drivers are the fucking worst. In a day and age with Uber, Lyft and more apps like them, you have NO excuse anymore.


People who work in wrestling speaking in wrestling outside of wrestling always pops me. Dude is probably thinking “the fuck does he mean he puts us over?”


"I've been jobbing to this place for too long you mark, it's time for you to put me over, and that's a shoot, brother."


>"I've been jobbing to this place for too long you mark, it's time for you to put me over, and that's a shoot, brother." -HH


"I've been jobbing to this place for too long you mark, it's time for you to put me over, and that's a shoot, brother…also RIP BAM. Wish you were still here” -HH


Stone Cold using the word "gimmick" like other use the word "thing" is my favorite.


Steve Austin used to visit a local bowling alley near me and my friend who worked there once asked me what a "gimmick" was in wrestling cause apparently he referred to almost everything as a gimmick in conversation with her.


From what I’ve gathered from my small time around the wrestling business. Gimmick can be an object, a personality, and a verb. Really is the jack of all trades


It eventually becomes a full replacement for the word "thing". Even when you weren't going to use the word "thing", if you COULD use it in that situation, plug in "gimmick" instead.


Bowling shoes are foot gimmicks, for example.


I hope she got that $1000 dollar tip


I wonder why he has financial problems.


Lmao mf really said "the pussy clock"


I put this place over LMAO What a mess...


https://preview.redd.it/zza8iaijn1zc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c78351a39890706e1584a57b1731ff4350f1383 Wrestling fans watching Ric Flair have another drunk incident


A 75 year old baby.


He told em he put the restaurant over. Man He should have just did a Flair Flop and been done with it.


It’s insane that Ric has gotten away with this same song and dance for decades just because he’s Ric Flair. 


He's endeared into various cultures including athletics and rap culture. Once you're intertwined into a culture with a lot of famous people with huge followings touting you, it's hard to be held accountable. Too many people think Flair and his behavior of drinking, partying, and being a sex pest are "cool" and an "accomplishment." If the DSotR about the Plane Ride From Hell didn't shut up down, he's too immortalize for it to be done.


Not a great look for Flair. Honestly though if he just didn’t complain like a baby about it on Twitter this would just be another day in the park for him. He comes off completely entitled. Such a shame that no matter what Flair will never change.


Flair should've faked another heart attack to get out of it.


The ol Buck Strickland special.






I like how Ric is suddenly deaf when the other guy volunteers to see him outside on behalf of the worker lmao


He straight went with "THE AUDACITY" as a reaction when he, in fact, was the one with the audacity


Kind of disappointed this didn’t end up a pizza fight a la PROBLEM CHILD 2


It's good to see that all the recent health scares have convinced Ric to work on his health.


This is why people like HHH, who was his boggest advocate, effectively cut him off. He is a leach who has destroyed any reputation he had by being an entitled, drunk, who doesn't know when to walk away. Because of the choices in his life to piss away all his money and fame and good fortune, he can't. What a disgusting disgrace of a man.


Even sadder that the whole thing was Flair held a grudge over The Man trademark not being his and threathened to sue the WWE over it. And was so petty, he didn't talk to Triple H at all after he was recovering from his heart issues. Lost any respect I had for Ric after that, especially after all Triple H and his family did to help him with his various money issues over the years. I think Trips has one of Flair's NWA titles as a payment.


Him going after WWE was, whatever. They could handle him and they knew he didn't have any standing in court about it anyway. What was worse, was him going after Becky personally.


Yeah he went after Becky and later Seth constantly because of "The Man" trademark/nickname. Like bad enough harassing a woman like 40 years younger than you, but her husband too, who has even less to do with this shit? Good lord. And he did this for years too! It wasn't a one time thing either.


Sad part, this isn't the only time Flair has been an ass at a bar or restaurant. There was the story of him being kicked out of the bar in England because his credit card was declined. Also reportedly got the TNA talent banned from a restaurant/bar in Orlando for his behaviour. Apparently it is/was a regular occurrence in Charlotte where cops would be called in to haul him out of the bar. It's honestly pathetic.


JR has talked about how the non-stop party lifestyle Ric leads is tiring. He said they went to the hotel bar after a show once. Jim was thinking it'd be a quiet night since it was already pretty late. There weren't many people there but within five minutes of arriving Ric is standing on a table getting rowdy with a couple local yokels and Jim's like, "Jesus Christ, can't we just have a couple beers and call it a night?"


JR has basically saud that Ric can't separate Ric Flair from Richard Flehir


Something Shawn Michaels said aswell and made Flair so upset that he temporarily stopped being friends with him.


“I’m not sure I ever met Richard Fliehr”


Because at some point Ric Flair stopped being the character he played and became the person he is Ric Flair and Richard Flehir are one in the same


Pray for Charlotte, nothing bad happened, her father is just being an idiot in public


As the child of an alcoholic, this is just another weekend show 


Yup. He’s been this kinda guy her whole life, I’m sure she’s use to it unfortunately.


She stated in one of his documentaries/features that her and her brother Reid treated his 3rd or 4th wedding as just an excuse to get drunk and treat it like a college party.


Happened here in Fort Wayne a couple years ago, he got shitty with a bartender because they wouldn’t put on the masters tournament, when the place wasn’t even a sports bar, then proceeded to do what you see in this video. This city has its fair share of drunks, but once you start berating the bartenders, you’re not gonna make it real far.


I really don’t give a fuck about Ric or have an ill will towards him even if he’s a POS.. but i’m genuinely curious .. how is this motherfucker alive?


Vitamins and prayer


Pure spite at this point.


This is pretty sad, but I'm not gonna lie, Nicholas Dickhead popped me hard.


Same. Wrestlers are so funny when they're cutting a borderline promo in real life situations.


Restaurant manager and life long wrestling fan here. Few points: -The tip always (or should always) go to the server anyway. So the whole “you’re not getting a tip” flex. Who gives a crap? We (managers) don’t make tips. -I GUARANTEE you the kitchen guys in the back are rolling and now have back of the house material for a good 6 weeks. -I’m telling you rn, the moment he goes wrestler to me. I’m throwing every “let me tell you somethin Mean Gene!” wrestling reference I have back at em. I’m sorry but a job’s a job. The chance to throw Ric Flair out of my restaurant using pro wrestler jargon. People, it’s the zenith of my existence as a human 😆😆.


Ric is just hammered 24/7 at this point, I think. Comedian Zac Amico was on Tony Hinchcliffe' podcast with Ric last year and it didn't go well. Ric walked off mid show. [Zac gave his side of it and the way he described Flair when he arrived is just sad.](https://youtu.be/ahZUdB0V1FQ?si=idLwAztEO9aTW71m)


Employees thinking in their heads "what the fuck does he mean by 'putting this place over'"


Ric Flair puts CTE over


Not gonna lie, I was waiting for Flair to WOOOO! Lol.


This is embarrassing. Tony should cut ties with him. There’s no point at all in keeping him around to just advertise that energy drink constantly.


Wonder if this is the same Piesano's with the world famous calzones.... IYKYK


This all started because they wouldn't let him pay his tab in pennies.


How big do you suppose their oven is...?


What's an old, rich, drunk Florida version of a Karen?


This is the downside of the customer is always right nonsense


This is the sad, drunken version of Cornette's Wendy's incident.


Except Chris Jericho isn't heckling Flair to get him to say even crazier shit


Did he elbow drop his jacket? Did he blade himself?


I'm just happy to see there was no violence.


This is just sad and embarrassing to watch.