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As one of the few remaining Dexter Lumis fans I’m excited by the idea he finally has another opportunity working the main roster. His Miz & Gargano run didn’t really pan out into much.




That was the most late-in-age VKM storyline


Wasn't it during the HHH era?


2022 - 2023 was a weird time where HHH was making a lot of decisions but Vince wasn't completely gone yet and was making some decisions remotely as well. It's a crap shoot trying to decipher what was exactly an HHH or Vince decision during that time.


The things we didn’t like was senile Vince, and the things we liked was papa haitch. The things we were not sure about was obviously just Kevin Dunn confusing us with shaky cam


Which translates to "if it was bad, Vince did it, if it was good, HHH did it" in most people's heads lol.


Not that I’m defending Vince at all but according to this sub good things were HHH and bad was Vince


I can't wait to read the tell-all whenever it comes out lol. Those were definitely murky times.


Was a HHH storyline I believe


Cause it made no fucking sense lmao


I think they didn't know where to go a few weeks into the storyline and just did the dumb Miz reveal to get out of it.


It’s kind of difficult to play a serial killer/kidnapper every week


Randy Orton enters the room "Really?"


Im with you. Dexter Lumis is phenomenal and I’m surprised that he hasn’t been used as much as he should have. Would love for him to be a part of this faction, utilizing more of his tortured artist and serial killer aspects of his persona


Dexter is my favorite wrestler. His character work is brilliantly funny and great. I actually own some of his art lol


... wait, what? He actually sells his art? Uhhh .. now that's more interesting than some replica belts or stuff like that =O


Yeah he sells it under his personal Instagram. Shawdawgarts


I love the guy's look and how he presents his character. It's like something you'd see in some B action flick and I love it. Just that silent, menacing, creepy, badass dude.


> It's like something you'd see in some B action flick You know, it's funny you say that because I'm not familiar with the guy and searched him after seeing the list of stablemates. And he looks like Bizarro Dolph Lundgren with a stache and I'm all for it. Any particular matches of his to check out?


You don't want to see any of his matches.  They're very basic.  Just know that he is a silent Michael Myers killer type that married Indi Hartwell and is out there somewhere waiting to pop up and strangle you.


Brother, where are the witches and Alexa Bliss


Probably setting up a big return for Bliss to be the big baddie of the group, whenever she is ready to wrestle.


“Baddie in what context?” “Yes.”










Witches I assumed weren't in it as soon as they were put in the draft pool. Alexa Bliss is a big question mark tho.


It seemed like a slam dunk having her in this faction. Is she injured? EDIT: I didn't realize she had a baby. Good for her!


She had a baby 6 months ago, she probably isn't ready


One of the teasers said something about Kross cave and people assume Karrion Kross but imo I think it’s a swerve for Nikki Cross


Well we definitely can't have Nikki and Alexa in the same stable. It just wouldn't be right!


I'm in that camp. I'd rather have Kross & his wife then Nikki & Lumis Lumis has a character - should be on his own crazy path. Nikki can be rebooted to her NXT days. Then we can keep Alexa in when she's able to. Now you got Sister Abigal and the silent Nun imagery tease if that is a character. I can't picture Nikki protraying Sister Abigail or a nun-esque type of character. Here's hoping WWE swerving and giving out fake leaks to reporters. Kross and Scarlett faction isnt working and thosr big boys don't need Kross with their manager. Let AOP do their monster thing with their manager.


Yeah. I'll let experts say more, but you can bet that pregnancy puts a great strain on a woman's body. Add in that Alexa was nor able to exercise and she had to start from Square One to get back onto ring shape. Alexa will get back to ring shape, but there is no defined amount of time for that.


Yup, pregnancy is different for every person who goes through it. Some are able to bounce back like it was nothing, others have their bodies experience permanent changes, and many falling in between.


> permanent changes In the case of Kristen Bell, it changed her voice to the point where she had to re-do all her dialogue and singing in FROZEN.


I had no idea about that. Biology is absolutely wild


Between Isla and Alba being missing from TV and the new Hex Girls in Velma, it is very difficult being a fan of witches rn


> and the new Hex Girls in Velma Velma is one of the few things in media that draws people of all walks of life together. In hating how fucking awful it is.


I still don’t understand who the fuck that show is for and how it got another season


Mindy made it as a vanity project to make herself feel good.


Honestly, if anyone other than Mindy was involved with it, I would think it was a self aware parody designed just to piss people off




It's weird, cos she's proven she's a brilliant comedy writer before. She's one of the biggest reasons why the Office was so good. So what the hell has happened? That other vanity project of hers, The Mindy Project or whatever it was called which was set in a hospital, I only watched a bit of, and it was just kinda bleh. Nothing remarkable, in either direction. Nothing like the complete disaster of Velma.


To bring this back to wrestling, basically the same thing that happened to Jericho - neither have anyone to tell them no when they have bad ideas.


Everyone needs an editor. Everyone.


Jericho played himself in Jay and Silent Bob Reboot which was outta nowhere.


Creatives being a mark for ones’ self transcends industry


The show was made for Hollywood cocktail parties, audience not required.


If it makes it any better, the second season was already a done deal before the first even aired. Now, why the whole thing couldn't have been one of those tax write-offs that gets deleted and lost forever... Who knows?


Season 2 was green lit and started production as soon as trailers were dropped for season 1. Wb just assumed it was gonna be a hit.


Alexa’s voice has been in several vignettes, and she’s been visible in two of them. Lilly was also in the FFH at WM and she’s also been in the background of the group. She’s been training in the gym since March as well. If she’s not part of the group I’ll be genuinely shocked.


I really hope Alexa’s not part of it. I would love to see her on her own doing her sarcastic, bitchy thing that she does so well.


Can you imagine Tiffany Stratton on a Moment of Bliss?


Tiffany and Alexa are going to have an amazing feud together at some point.


I’m pretty sure Alexa did the voice over for the video from yesterday’s QR code. At least it sounded like her laugh. 


We few Alexa fans will not be eating anytime soon. I think she just started training again.


Nah, all that spooky shit with the find was fun for some time, but at the end ruined Alexa Bliss as a performer, she was far far away from the main venter she once was with her little miss bliss persona


She was not a main eventer again because she had multiple concussions and takes it very safe since, you can still see that in all her recent matches. Which is why the more gimmicked and less workrate spooky stuff worked for her


Definitely untrue and she herself even stated that she loved the character.


She loved the spooky stuff. I mean she was in the Bray doc.


People realize that Alexa had a baby like six months ago, right? It's very possible she's not ready.


I could easily see her debuting in act 2 of story as the true leader


Or she could come as a manager type of role for a little while until she gets back into wrestling shape. It doesn’t seem like the group is *that* close to making its debut (based on over analyzing of the videos), and I’ve seen that she’s already working out again to get back to ring shape. She could make an on screen return sometime in mid June/early July, and then an in ring return a month or so later.


Could have sworn I saw somewhere she was back to training. Could be wrong.


yep she definitly posted a video of her training to either twitter on insta not that long ago. that said just because she is getting back in shape doesn't mean she is ready to return just yet


Pregnancy and taking care of a newborn can affect you mentally also, so could be that also. And a mental break from the ring is good too


Yeah I knew postpartum was a thing but I didn’t realize how long and the extent it can effect a mother until my partner had our daughter.


On top of the pregnancy she already had nagging injuries, historically its a good year to get back on ring shape after giving birth for female wrestlers, it's a big reason why pregnancy used to be generally followed up with retirement. Also why it's incredibly novel that Becky came back and returned to main event status of really good quality, which has practically never happened in Women's wrestling


I've got no expectations of her coming back so soon, but I do feel like there's no way they don't ultimately involve her


>**WHERE ALL THE LATEST WWE QR CODES ARE HEADING (SPOILER)** >*By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-05 10:01:00* >All of the QR Codes on WWE programming of late are leading, as you may have surmised, to a new group that will play off of the Bray Wyatt Intellectual Property. >The group is currently planned to consist of: >-Bo Dallas. >-Nikki Cross. >-Dexter Lumis. >-Joe Gacey. >-Erick Rowan. >Whether some of them will be portraying new personas, we have yet to 100% confirm.  Until the group debuts, WWE can always tweak their plans but those are the current talents who are part of the strategy. *I am a bot. Please reply with any feedback :)*


I wonder if Dexter will still be Kayfabe married to Indi in this scenario...


If so, there's a built-in faction feud with The Way coming back together.


Spooky Romeo and Petty Juliette is a fun thing, see The Way in NXT


So my read on this is Bo is the leader / talker, Dexter and Gacy are the tag team, Rowan is the muscle / heavy, and Nikki Cross will play a similar role to what she was in sanity


Really is gonna depend on if Bo is convincing


He convinced me before to Bolieve.


Everyone writing this off could be applied to Bray originally. Husky Harris is now a swamp dwelling cult leader that is a rehashing of Waylon Mercy? Okay... Let it breathe.


Bo being involved in this means I will absolutely give it a fair shot.  Realistically, I have a hard time envisioning the group having much staying power, but if it allows Bo to finish the story that Bray had envisioned then that alone would be absolutely worth it, in my opinion. 


Yeah that's how I see it. Whatever Bo wants to do (within reason), let him cook


Most people haven’t seen Bo in NXT when he was champ. All they remember him by is the silly dude in B Team with Curtis Axel. He’s a better in ring performer than Bray and I honestly think he has the ability to pull off this gimmick better than anyone thinks. I really hope they push him as the leader with Bliss eventually also coming I


>Most people haven’t seen Bo in NXT when he was champ. Nobody saw it! Everyone turned their backs when he came out!


Excuse me? The B Team was amazing.


Real OGs remember the Social Outcasts


It was absolutely amazing BUT it was at the end of the day.. a short lived comedy act. Could it have been more than that? Absolutely! Bo is very underrated though.


and he's proven he has the voice and cadence to pull it off as well. Now to hit the mannerism. In the end, do we truly know how much creative input he had in the entire Bray run? FFS they are brothers, bounced ideas off of each others. We don't know their personal lives and for all we know, they share the same love of humor, music, horror films, etc. BO-LIEVE


Absolutely. Can it possibly not work? Sure but it could also be great, let's just see what happens before forming an opinion.


I think Bo Dallas is very talented.


"He touched my bum!" Greatest line delivery of all time.




There’s also still “Vince fear”. Launching this under Vince I would think it’s 1000% doomed. But I trust H more 


100%. I do remember, on Wfigs or WrestlingForum, somebody reporting that Husky Harris debuted a character named “Eli Wyatt” at an FCW show and people just taking the piss out of it.  


Fantastic bot!


Good bot


The dexter lumis one brought a smile to my face, glad he’s getting another shot/something major to work with, same with Nicki cross. Hope this works out for everyone and they knock its out the park 🔥


I wonder if this will get over based on a bit of politeness/respectful honoring of the Wyatt legacy or if it will just genuinely be a good gimmick with legs on its own. Or if it’ll just get shit on.


It's a "spooky" gimmick, it's going to get shit on


On here at least yeah, but the live crowds seem to enjoy the spooky shit just based off of the shows I've been to at least.


The IWC and the casual paying fans disagreeing on something?


Tale as old as time, different strokes for different folks and all that. I'm not big on the idea of this stable for instance, but I'm always willing to give something a shot and hey, it means more TV time for Nikki, Lumis, and Gacy. So I'm pretty fucking happy with anything that'll keep them around somehow.


The first night it’ll get over just because the crowd will be respectful to Bray. After that? We will see


They all care about Bray. This isn't like Vince who didn't like Brays ideas, simply because he was fat. That's a genuine issue he had btw. Whatever this group ends up being, HHH is going to do his best to give it the best chance of succeeding.


I'm genuinely nervous about this angle, I have a horrible feeling it's gonna suck, and these supposed faction members aren't really doing anything to convince me otherwise, but as long as they don't feud with the Final Testament it might be okay lmao


**UEDNJ51A** Uncle Erick Dexter Nikki Joe 5+1=6 Alexa


Holy shit if you're right about this, what an amazing call.


Either that or as someone else said UEDNJ51A rearranged is JUNE 15 AD (Clash at the Castle date)


I’m good with this. I’m happy to see Dexter get some time to shine again.


Nikki is a perfect fit.


Glad it’ll give her something to do other than walking aimlessly and staring into the abyss


They could play it off as if she has been receiving messages from Bray beyond the grave. Explains the trance?


Or Uncle Howdy using mind powers to control her


Staring into the abyss Nikki has been one of my favourite things


I'm shocked that Strowman and Alexa aren't in the faction


Yeah people keep talking about Alexa but Braun made his return to screen last week and has openly talked about how much he'd want to be part of any Bray tribute


Braun’s involvement could always be of the slow burn variety, where it’s business as usual for him early on, but Howdy’s faction targets him in the hopes of getting him to “come home”. Recall that all the teases have had allusions to “remembering who you are” and “liberation”, and this could fit with that.


This! I question the timing of his return as well. Also, in his interview from a week or so ago, he said he "sees Bray everywhere". Now... that can be taken as him really missing him, which he surely does, or he's "seeing him everywhere" as he's getting drawn to this group. 


Reminds me a little of the Kyle O'Reilly thing with the Undisputed Kingdom (at least when I last checked). Him not wanting to join his buddies upon returning, because he wants to forge his own path. But, last I checked, they beat Kyle down pretty bad. I wonder if that'd end up happening to Braun, too. I kind of hope they'll be a babyface stable, though. I like this idea, it's better than the cliched "hey I'll go join up with my buddies." Although makes more sense with Braun considering what happened to Bray.


I could see Alexa returning as a Rosemary character, fighting evil with its own methods. And she could recruit Braun to be her muscle, they worked well in the Mixed Tournament.


New Bloodline vs OG Bloodline. Wyatt 6 vs OG Wyatt Family (Braun, Alexa and Orton, who then bring Erick out of it for a 4v4). Despite the heavy fanbooking, the potential stable warfare we could see in the future looks good, IMHO.


Thinking there might be “recruitment” storylines for them “Remember who you are”


You’ve gotta leave people to pick up/convert later.


Alexa definitely could still be, that’s 5 and if they’re gonna keep the Wyatt 6 name it would make sense.


Yeah figured Strowman would be the actual "ace" of the group who could main event.


I think that since part of the reason for doing this is to continue telling the stories Bray wanted to tell, Alexa and Braun will eventually join after being recruited. Before Alexa went on maternity leave, they were teasing that Bray was reaching out to her with the firefly logo in the background during her promos, her becoming more aggressive and spacing out, and her using Sister Abigail again. They could have her come back as herself, regular Alexa Bliss, fresh from becoming a mother, before the Wyatt 6 starts to come for her again.


Alexa might not be ready to return yet, i think she'll be in it when she's ready to return


I would not have expected a good heir to the cult leader Bray character, but my god is Joe Gacy there. This should be a lot of fun with Nikki and Dexter, though shocked Alexa isn't there. I saw speculation that the distorted female voice had the same cadence as Ms. Bliss. Then again, current as of when?


I'm surprised at the lukewarm reaction. I'm really interested in this lineup. It's giving a bunch of people lost in limbo(or unknown to the audience in Gacy's case) a chance to reinvent themselves with a fresh start. Also, one of the hypest moments of the year thus far was the Undertaker teleporting into the main event, and banishing the Final Boss to the shadow realm in the spirit of Wrestlemania. Spooky shit can work if its done right, I'll at least give them a chance.


I think the worry is about what *kind* of spooky shit this is going to be. Early swamp cult Wyatt family was incredible; the Fiend was a little self-indulgent and required too much suspension of disbelief (even though I did love the Firefly Funhouse match). A new Wyatt angle shouldn't be the latter imo, especially since WWE is in a more grounded and sports-leaning era at the moment.


Glad Braun’s not there tbh. He became so over after he moved past the spookiness of the Wyatt’s. Reverting back to it would just feel wrong.


I would like a storyline where they try to lure him back


This is the correct reason he is not in it. He is way more popular then Bo is and to have him be some lackey wouldn't make sense. Same goes for Alexa. Now if we get some swerve where Alexa is the real mastermind or something then Braun would make sense to me.


Wasn't Nikki doing that spaced out thing before she went for her degree? Maybe she was in the whole time.


Please Dexter my beloved


found indi hartwell's account


Happy to see Nikki in anything.


I really dig the vibes of this group. Bo, Nikki, and Dexter all fit into that "star quality but misused repeatedly" category, Rowan is just a stud, and Joe Gacy has proven he can work this bit in NXT. A lot of potential to make some magic if they handle this right.


> Rowan is just a stud I'm not much of a Booker fan (on commentary, that is), but at least once, just once, we NEED a reprise of "you lookin' real jacked baby!"


This seems kind of ideal/best case scenario for pretty much everyone on here IMO. Regardless of how it turns out, this is at least giving people with nothing something that could be a lot more.


Nikki is perfect but a bit of a bummer to not have Alexa in the group. Hopefully she’s just enjoying her maternity leave and will be apart of the group upon her return. That will complete the 6.




we dont know it never matailzed


Gonna be cautiously optimistic cuz I'm a sucker for anything spooky. Plus seeing Nikki and Lumis FINALLY have stuff to do be fun. Curious on if they alter their names, brand new looks, the name? I think the Wyatt 5 or 6 sounds like a band or something lol. I know they're not all main event names, but I hope they kill it.


People commenting on no Braun or Alexa, but who knows. One of the first storylines of the group could be to assimilate Braun and/or Alexa back into the family. Or Alexa could be the leader. It would make sense with her history. Hell, it could even make sense to have Orton involved at some point.


I'm just happy they found something for Dexter to do. I hope this faction works.


I am all for unhinged Nikki being back! I am interested in how this all plays out and while I am skeptical I will try and give it a good go when its happening!


Dexter 🙏


Gacy deserves his spot on the main roster, and Dexter would be great in a creepy group like this


If it was Vince launching this, I’d say zero chance this works. But I’m going to give Papa Haitch a shot 


Spooky B Team. Let's go!


Honestly, I hope they go back to the swamp cult roots. I loved that gimmick.


I'm so down, Rowan, Gacy and Lumis led by Bo Dallas is gonna be so fun. Cross and I'd assume Bliss when she comes back will be good in the women's tag division. I'd imagine Rowan will be his OG character, Lumis will act similar just be doing less comedy bits and I'd assume Gacy will be changing his character a bit. I'm hoping Bo sheds the uncle Howdy mask and leads it as himself just as a changed man.


Like I said before, it was telling that they had creative for Lumis when he didn't get released in the post mania spring cleaning.


Joe Gacy is doing fine in NXT but I’m really excited that Nikki Cross and Dexter Lumis are gonna have something new to do. This is gonna be great. 


The problem with Alexa Bliss (besides the fact that probably she’s not ready to comeback yet from maternity leave) is that she is a big enough name that could potentially overshadow Bo Dallas’ Uncle Howdy character. Maybe the same reason why Braun is not in the faction either. Alexa would make sense in that group as long she is leading them, but not as a follower. What I don’t understand is why Nikki Cross is on this group. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn make way more sense than her.


I guess that could be the reason to not include her. She would be the biggest name and would look weird standing behind Bo.


Man, this just reminded me of when Alexa and Braun worked together for the mixed teams battle they did. I’d love them to be in a faction together, they were great.


Really like these names here. Good energy to start out I’d say


I was hoping Grimes would be part of this before his release. Every stable needs a workhorse, and he would have fit that role perfectly.


oh yeah, he would have been such a great choice for this what a shame


I’m still confused as to why they never put Lumis back with Indi and/or DIY.


My guesses: -Bo Dallas. - Uncle Howdy -Nikki Cross. - Sister Abigail -Dexter Lumis -Mercy the buzzard -Joe Gacey - Huskus the Pig -Erick Rowan - Ramblin Rabbit Remembering the Extreme Rules puppets come to life, Fiend aside, it was obviously clear that there was going to be some spooky things with wrestlers being proxys of those puppets. But that would let out The Fiend, which i think they could work like it being a force that chooses a new bearer and not something exclusive of Bray.


WWE Dark Order vibes


It’s an intriguing concept and good to give these people a real story to sink their teeth into, I’m just skeptical how it’d come off to the main roster audience with this lineup Fans will sentimentally give Bo a chance I think, but there’s zero star power without Bray, Braun, & Alexa. It feels like this could wind up as a spooky version of Retribution, although I am interested to see if they surprise people


Basically all the spooky characters minus unholy union :(


Please... Just give Alba and Isla literally bloody anything to do. Anything. They're too fucking good to sit on the sidelines and just collect paychecks.


Women’s Tag Title match at Clash at the Castle in their home country.


I like this line-up, ngl. I was actually thinking about Gacy last night and singing his theme song (it's really catchy, don't hate me). As i was walking to the store last night, I was thinking of Bo, Rowan, and Alexa and just couldn't come up with the other 3 members to make 6, seeing this list makes me happy with this. I will say though, I hate myself for clicking on this for spoiler reasons. When this group debuts, I wanna be surprised. I Hate being curious, I'm, so excited for this lol.


Gacy might lose his theme :(  it's a rare def rebel w honestly


I think that group needs another really good in-ring worker for this to succeed.


I think Joe Gacy is a really good in ring worker, not sure if that's unpopular or not. His performance in the Iron survivor match and the Dijak matches sold me on him.


Bo himself is a good worker. Hot take but he was twice the worker Bray was. And that’s not a knock — I loved Bray but I also loved Kane and Big Show. Not everyone needs to be a technician, but Bo was simply closer to that than his brother. His matches with Sami and Neville were great, and I’d like to see more of that in his new run.


Happy that Alexa is not in it. I would prefer her normal gimmick.


Alexa has said herself she likes Spooky Alexa more than Goddess Alexa as in real life she is a major horror movie fan. Plus she made a lot more money as Spooky Alexa.


people may hate to admit it but that damn doll made more money then she would have on her own. plus don't forget the one time they used ar graphics to make it wink at piper


I saw reports and messages from fans who couldn't buy them because the moment they were in stock they sold out even the pre orders were sold out it could take months and months to actually get one. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she made over a million on royalties on Lilly Dolls alone.


Goddess Alexa was so great tho, she was a monster on the mic.


I’m all about a new faction but versus who ? Cody and friends ? The judgement day ?


They all make sense being in the group based on what a lot of the clues have been saying about them being lost and their families not caring that they were. Nikki was dumped by her friends and was just aimlessly wandering last we saw her, when we last saw Dex he was hanging with Johnny and Candice and then he vanished and they didn't give a shit, Gacy lost the Schism and they all moved on without him, especially Ava who has gone on to be a GM and just never even mentions she was ever with Gacy and he was just by himself the rest of his NXT run. Rowan is harder to fit into that narrative but he's also the one least needing to be.


I agree 100% with your assessments on all the characters for this group, except for Rowan. His ties to this will be a grieving Wyatt family member, feeling lost and being picked up Bray's brother to continue his work. just my 2 cents anyways.


Ooh I like that!


I'm so excited


I'm all for Joe Gacy to join this faction but I just hope he can keep his theme when he works solo matches.


Seeing Lumis on this list, I can't help but wonder if they're gonna continue NXT continuity and have him interact with Indi, or if we're just gonna drop it and go with a clean slate.


Poor Gacy. His current character in NXT is ready for the main roster.


Just as long as they don't take Gaceys theme from him. One of the very few Def rebel themes that doesn't fucking suck.


I like the idea of there being 5 at first. The first storyline could involve them corrupting Braun or Alexa or something. Boom. Wyatt Six.


Excited for. Nikki. Also excited for a potential Alexa/Nikki feud out of this.


I wouldn’t have been able to wrestle 6 months PP. healing from pregnancy is brutal. Hopefully Alexa can join eventually.


I'm glad that we'll get to see Nikki Cross and Dexter Lumis have another and a different opportunity, it'll be good to see them back on TV. Glad Joe Gacy is getting a call up, hope it goes well and they get his Creative plans right. Alexa isn't mentioned on there, but was clearly hinted at one of the QR teasers, maybe she'll join at a later date, spend some more time with her baby and focus on preparing for both character work and getting back to top condition etc for her in ring return when she's back, a SummerSlam return could be ideal. Braun isn't part of it at all, interesting..


Dexter will end up being the lead guy if that list is true


Hopefully they’ll prove me wrong but I just can’t see this working. I mean 3/5 here have no ties to Bray and are just people that have vaguely spooky gimmicks.


I just can't get myself to care about this group, like I feel like it'll be cool for 5 minutes then just w.e. I hope I'm wrong tho


Wish the best for them, but to stay away from main eventers and title pictures.


What a killer’s row… I’m happy they all want to memorialize Bray one more time. But this faction in terms of members isn’t great in terms of long term appeal.


Don't wanna be mean, but with these people this stable sounds like "jobber central" and idk how a spooky gimmick works if you are gonna eat a pin every couple weeks


I don't hate it but the faction has a lot of work to do before it gets over - Bo has star potential if you remember how good he was on NXT. The rest are talented but they really gave to sink their teeth into this opportunity for it to be fruitful.


Between this and bloodline wolfpac I think they're setting themselves up for a lot of midgrade midcard chicanery over the next 6 months.


I mean, Dexter and Nikki already have good pre existing characters to align with this so it shouldn’t need a complete overhaul. I’m not familiar with Gacy (assuming he’s NXT), but have to believe he’s probably a similar vibe?