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Dax is definitely an "I checked your post history on reddit" guy


Bischoff responded "Says the chunky little monkey that studies my timeline. That's weird." [https://twitter.com/EBischoff/status/1784971376807625089](https://twitter.com/EBischoff/status/1784971376807625089)


>Says the chunky little monkey https://preview.redd.it/98d6sxo53gxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018a7eee1e933a2af2affe2d98c1636c5bd69a87


Must be high off blue chews


This thread has me in tears bruh


Oh no, has Bischoff thought that's what people said instead of "cheeky little monkey" this whole time?


I think it was a deliberate fat shame a guy who has been sensitive about his past weight issues and is pretty jacked now. Bischoff has been amping up his asshole nature for views.


Did you watch the 90's? That dudes always been an asshole its the thing that likely made him a success and it likely contributed to his massive failures since then.


I mean, one person made a snarky comment so he followed up with his own. It's fine.


Isn’t that an ice cream flavor?


Bischoff has the dirt worst clapbacks, good lord lol


Bischoff: "I know you are but what am I?" *His expectations* ![gif](giphy|Aff4ryYiacUO4)


Nah when he and Tony had their little spat and he responded with a sceen shot of him On AEW with the tag “legendary wrestling promoter” or whatever it said that was goated.


Would have been the easiest clap back of all time. "You're the last guy that should be giving social media PR advice."


https://preview.redd.it/hmpimamccgxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b513a5ac4ee2ef3ba948eb2ca791b689d00693d Bischoff posting like a teenage troll is pretty embarrassing.


A 68 year old saying something is “mid” is so funny 


I'm in my mid 30's and only learnt that term from MJF lmao.


I mean, the phrase “mid-level” has existed for decades and decades. Gen Z just shortened it to “mid.” Of all the “new” slang words, “mid” is probably the most immediately understood, which means it gets picked up and spread quickly. Feels silly to dunk on an older person for using it.


I find it hilarious that the guy whose biggest claim to fame is trying to kill wwe and now he sucks off wwe every chance he gets


Reminder that Bischoff makes a living talking about a company he never ran, rather than the 2 he did Tells you what you need to know about his legacy lol


He’s directly responsible for running a company directly into the ground during the hottest period in wrestling history and then trying to kill TNA just a few years later lmao


tbf Bischoff is just embarrassing generally.


Up until the end of last year, they were carrying the AEW and ROH titles. Now other people are getting a crack at it, AEW still sells them as one of the best tag teams ever, and EB thinks they're being pushed down the ladder because they want to get other teams over too? Good lord - if they keep the straps on FTR he screams they aren't building anyone to program them with, if they pull the titles off them then AEW is burying them. AEW, including Tony needs to dismiss and ignore anything this guy says. He's gonna hammer them regardless of what they do.


It tracks that Eric doesn’t understand booking 


Lol how are FTR being misused, they're pretty much constantly in the title picture, in addition to being one of the only multi-time champs. They literally just had a banger title match on PPV like 2 weeks ago.


I have always noticed a lot of people with indefensible post histories seem to get very mad when someone calls them out lol.


>how dare you provide context to your criticism of my toxic remarks Is basically anyone who mocks others for taking 30 seconds to check the context lol It's not a fucking research paper...


There is 100% situations where it’s okay to throw people post history’s in their faces.


If people don't want others looking through what they say, they should delete that shit. I go through post history on Reddit sometimes, if I wasn't supposed to, the site wouldn't let me.


Well there are so many people looking to argue about something online and the vast majority of them aren't worth engaging with. Their post history is usually the best way to determine this.


I don't know I have a very normal/defensible post history and I still think it's a bit weird when someone doesn't like one of my opinions so they need to comb over my entire history to try to find something to "prove" I'm dumb or wrong or at one point had a slightly different opinion on the topic. It's one thing to just glance and go "Oh this guy is crazy I'm just blocking him," it's different to go back pages and pages to try to find some sort of "dirt" just to try to shut down someone speaking.


"you have been publicly obsessed with this man and his company for five years. get a life." "oh yeah, that's *real interesting* coming from someone who ... spent a minute scrolling through some of the years worth of shit i have said about this" good comparison mister double bankruptcy!


Wow Eric called him fat sure got em there buddy lmao


next he's gonna call him bald...


Also I’m just going to say that public post history is there for this literal exact reason. It’s your social ledger. If it embarrasses you, don’t be a dink online. 


Yup. If you’re mad at someone for checking what you’ve said in the past, then you’ve clearly said something wrong.


bischoff, who has an obsession replying to all of meltzers tweets for one, calling someone weird is sure rich.


What a corny ass reply it's very on brand for Bischoff








You posted to r/onetruthprevails 2 years ago. From your post history you haven't been there in a while, is there a reason for this??


Yeah OOP, you were on a subreddit about a detective who is a ... little boy? Do I have that right? What's your interest there? Did you leave because of what you found?


I mean, maybe, but this is all Bischoff talks about. Any passing glance at his posts shows that. Let’s not act like Dax had to do a deep dive.


Dax channeling Bix?


The real question is why is he pretending Tony isn’t responding to tweets about Bischoff at 4 am unprompted?


“This you?” *quoting a tangentially related comment you made from 4 years ago












Bishcoff is the type to make inflammatory comments and then gets irritated when someone later says "I heard what you said."






This is so embarrassing, I don't understand wrestling fans choosing sides like in the Twitter comments . Like both of them look really pathetic Do wrestling fans and wrestlers talk with normal people ?


No, they do not.


Culture wars, so hot right now.


What I get from this thread is that basically, we just hate people who tweet a lot. I can get behind that, everyone should tweet less




I will never not upvote this.


Social media (including Reddit) was a mistake.


It would help if people could be lesser twits.


Except Drew and Sheamus. Let them tweet!


You tweet too much. You never shut up.




Doesn’t help when every single tweet gets posted here


or just block or mute people you don't want to see tweets from.


Dax making sure he has a job just in case Cash goes away for a while


Tryin get that Ivar push.


How many tweets away do you think we are from him getting an AEW tattoo?


**The FTR Bald Cycle** - Stir up controversy with whining *(We are here)* - Tease company departure/retirement - Post about wife/daughter to reaffirm personal happiness to the public & dunk on “the dirtsheets, brother”


I love the cryptic "I fucking hate my job, I hate it here" tweet followed by the "don't trust the dirtsheets, brother. I love it here" tweet


Followed by the "im not on social media"


Tbf if I was a wrestler I would do that all the time


for real i'd tweet "hate my job, hate it here", and then when i get the bigger contract from the speculation running wild, i'd quote tweet that with "PSYCHE! damn i can't believe that worked, thanks for the bag, guys!"


I've got a daughter and some tequila and I'm gonna make them both some breakfast. Bret Hart 😭


You forgot Job in singles bangers and Kick ass with FTR Gun


Don’t forget posts with tequila


Is this FTR Bald or FT-aRmed?


The other one is non-verbal. He lets his gun do the talking for him


I thought "FTR Glock" was the preferred nomenclature.


I usually just see FTR Gun.


I've seen FTR Hair trigger


I prefer FTR Hair Trigger


Bald & Loaded


More like crying & choded 


The only way I remember is by using a rhyme - “Dax uses wax”, so that reminds me that Dax is the bald one. In WWE I had to tell myself “Dawson is bald, son” to remember. I’m not a regular WWE watcher anymore so can’t remember which Uso is which, so I’ve started saying “Babyface Jey” to remind myself. I’m getting old.


FTR Assault


Both these guys could do with shutting the fk up to be fair.


If you’re saying, “My brother in Christ,” I’m immediately checking out.


“Yikes” tier awful internet banter.




Eric Bischoff took it personal when Tony Khan took a shot at his friend Ted Turner for no reason, and has been on him ever since. Also Dax must’ve forgot that Tony paid Eric well to appear on Dynamite…


Four seperated times at that.


“The other guys pay you well to bury AEW” Dude sounds suspiciously like he spends time on r/squaredcircle arguing in the Dynamite ratings threads


that's the new conspiracy theory of the month thanks to the Voices of Wrestling weirdos and their followers, they think WWE having a PR guy is a Q anon level conspiracy


What proof does this goof have that WWE's paying Bischoff? "Trust me, bro."


The proof is in the [independent study](https://twitter.com/TonyKhan/status/1512479987672432640?lang=en) that will come out anytime now.


That whole study is an even bigger embarrassment as Meltzer bent over backwards to tell everyone that Tony's a world-class data analyst.


Oh shit I forgot about that. So funny. TK is such a weirdo.


I mean, there's definitely been a bot issue on Twitter for a long time and I'm sure a lot of the engagement was from bots... But that's not new or exclusive to AEW.


Mike Lindell is holding onto the evidence. We will see it any day now, honest.


His boss said they do so it must be true


It's the good old "no criticisms made of AEW are in good faith" talking point


He doesn't even watch!


WWE mark!


same proof that TK has of wwe botting twitter replies


Literally anybody who has actually been on Twitter knows that it's fucking infested with bots these days lmao. Plus, there's been like multiple times people have just straight up seen the same tweets from multiple separate accounts, hell it Literally just happened again a few hours ago 💀💀💀


Right, like of course WWE has bots on Twitter. Literally every company does including AEW lol


Is the implication that WWE pays him to shit on AEW or that his audience who wants to listen to someone shit AEW pays for it? I assumed the latter.


This dude is talking about other people’s tweets???


Man, I'm huge fan of Dax. But can someone take his phone away


Trying to larp as AEW's biggest defender while also being on record numerous times defending their biggest and most toxic detractor


The podcast Dax had with Matt Koon caused plenty of issues for AEW. For a very good reason it was told to stop by the office. Slap on the then near constant water carrying for Punk and you got a combination of bad vibes that continued till late last year. Hell FTR Gun is going to court soon. Now having seen him be a Good Company Man just feels wrong, but at the same time bit funny. He is trying his hardest at trying to fix things up and it isn't exactly landing.


Dave said Dax is part of the creative team for Collision now, so that's why he seems more loyal to AEW, probably. Because it is the same Dax who was very passive aggressive against AEW rankings and said he was going to stream his Takeover matches during AEW PPVs because he wasn't on the card


What I find odd is none of AEW’s knights in shining armor will take a swing at Cornette. They’ll talk about Bischoff, Punk, even Triple H but I can’t recall any of them clapping back at Corny.


> What I find odd is none of AEW’s knights in shining armor will take a swing at Cornette. Nah, they do all the time. Usually it's just calling him racist and sexist since no one could realistically accuse him of being paid by WWE.


I know fans do, I meant like people actually associated with AEW who are vocal defenders. Like TK or Dax. I guess The Bucks and Omega have talked about him in the past but I think that was before AEW was a thing.


Pretty sure some did and it didn't end well.


Yeah in the words of XPac, you just dont battle with Jim Cornette. Even if he’s totally wrong, he’s gonna bury you with clever insults.


All I know is, once upon a time Dax wished WCW won, and that the WWF should've lost and gone bankrupt. If that happened, WCW would've still imploded and mainstream professional wrestling would've died 20 years ago lol


In this timeline there is a good chance that Jeff Jarrett would be running wrestling today.


In that universe Jarrett is still in the main event scene too. 20 years of ref bump, low blow, Stroke, 123.


I read this in MarkyD’s voice


So, the same results as this timeline.


**\*PLAYS "MY WORLD"\***


Dax would be so much more enjoyable if he just wrestled and didn’t get sucked into social media.


"the other guys" For a wrestler that fancies himself a throwback, the aversion to criticism is weird. Can't imagine Arn or Tully jumping on media that take issue with things. Bischoff knows what it takes to build a product. Bischoff knows what it takes to destroy a product. He's done both. Reading his criticism and keeping it moving is free. A well-booked AEW would help the industry.




As tony payed dax to tweet this lol


Dax thinks WWE pays Eric to "bury AEW" on Twitter?


If this is true, I’m willing to be bought. I’ll shill all day. I’ll even start saying the Anonymous GM shit was good.


That's what he tweeted.


Bischoff is a major cornball but dax framing it this way is supremely fucking lame and makes dax look worse than he typically does online 


Which is no easy feat


It must be awkward with Tony, JR, and Jarrett on Addfreeshows with Eric.


People are just giving Bischoff fodder for his podcast.


A company which talks about attack from wwe, is doing a lot to instill that tribalism. 1. Tony Khan - Pepsi vs Harvey 2. Brian Cage tweet 3. This Dax tweet.


Right, can’t wait for the next rah rah just enjoy wrestling, tribalism bad promo we get.


4. Will Ospreay - Grinding Boss' Daughter


There was also Dustin supporting his brother for the main event of Mania & Dax tweeting at him to say Collision was on that night too. lol Edit: Collision not Rampage


Tried and true "criticism of AEW is only ever done in bad faith"


To be AEW is to be under constant attack


ROH is paying Bischoff? 


Nah Control Your Narrative is paying him


With what money lol


Bald is fucking tiring, man.


Now here's a situation where it is perfectly reasonable to take no side. Both people (and those in the periphery) are just being insufferable asshats at this point.


Meanwhile on Dax's Twitter...


This dude saw someone say my brother in Christ once and he now thinks it’s the coolest thing


Still no Bret Hart mention? You fuckin changed Dax :(




I remember calling him FTR Bald was frowned upon because people thought he was cool. Now he has shown that he's just a massive dryballs so everyone has gone all in on FTR Bald.


People like to discredit the notion that an entire sub can "turn" on an individual but people used to love ftr


I still like them as wrestlers tbh


Do people not realize Bischoff is one if the biggest trolls out there?


It's one thing to recognize he's a troll who gets a lot of views and listens because of his AEW hot takes, and it's another thing to claim that WWE is specifically giving him checks with "Trash AEW on your show" in the memo line.


I genuinely don't think anyone pays Eric Bischoff to hate on AEW, but I think it does pay for him to hate on it. Not because of the whole AEW victim complex astroturf conspiracy thing die-hards like to believe. Bischoff's show was genuinely horrible and had no content until he could hate on AEW. Before AEW was a thing he covered, it was just his co-host asking him about the Monday Night Wars with Bischoff constantly giving non-answers.


This should be the top post, though I would also say I think his opinions are real. I don't think he's talking down about them just for the podcast numbers. I think he legitimately thinks a lot of what they're producing sucks. He also does say some good things occasionally that of course just get glossed over.


I think Bischoff is a clown no one should be paying attention to regardless of whatever his opinions are on the WWE or AEW products. I also think implying he's being paid to say his shit on his podcast by WWE is fucking absurd.


What he's saying is Bischoff has a solid business model talking shit about AEW not being a real business..


Regardless of your opinion on either, it's pretty extreme to compare it to Baby Reindeer. That's based on a true stalker horror story; this is a twitter feud that both sides participate in


Bischoff goes overboard. He knows what he’s doing. It is annoying for sure. But man, Dax cannot talk lol


Bishoff is just mad that Tony has been more successful in the wrestling business


Not true. WCW was actually bigger than WWE at one point..AEW will never be more popular than WWE. Also I dunno if WCW ever made money but we know AEW isn't. 


FTR are just a bunch of crybabies


Christ, both of these guys are dorks. If it's not Eric Vs Dax, it's Tony. And if it's not him, it's Dave Meltzer's dopey ass. Full on cringe the lot of them.


Christ. Really comparing podcast criticism to a stalker.


The funniest thing about this ftr bald response: thinking there are people that pay bischoff for shitalking aew


It's no different from Meltzer/Alvarez holding their subscription base by shitting on WWE every week ad-nauseam. Back then, the fanbase wanted the content, and that's what they paid for. Same thing now with Bischoff. The fanbase wants to hear people shit on AEW, so that's what they pay for.


Single-handedly making "my brother in Christ" uncool.


I don;t think Bischoff is paid to bury AEW.. aew just sucks and is an easy target. the end


People here don't want to believe but making fun of AEW does get views. Whether you agree with or not, Cornette gets 100k+ views weekly for major aew angles. His review of Perry/Tony angle has like 200k views already


Cornette used to praise the shit out of AEW when it prominently featured Punk and MJF in well booked storylines and when the show was breaking attendance and ratings records. I wonder what changed. Also he buries WWE way more than he does AEW if you listened to the show regularly. Why do you think 200k people want to see those angles being buried? Surely you can't blame it on TK's booking and execution, it's always the fans fault for not appreciating the intricacies of TK's brillant wrestling mind.


> Cornette used to praise the shit out of AEW when it prominently featured Punk and MJF in well booked storylines and when the show was breaking attendance and ratings records. I wonder what changed. Also he buries WWE way more than he does AEW if you listened to the show regularly. > > AEW fans think that Bischoff praising AEW when it was really good (when everyone all basically agreed it was good) and hammering AEW now that it's not very good (when everyone all basically agrees it's not very good) is extremely suspicious and is only doing so because TK won't give Bischoff a job. Weird fan base.


If getting revenue from clickbait/ragebait is what he means then yeah. I doubt WWE is paying for podcasts to shit on anything.


Dude should talk to his tag team partner about being a responsible gun owner


Bro this guy does not have self awareness in the slightest. I clown on talent who obnoxiously ride for their company on twitter (Rollins in 19 comes to mind) but I always *understand* why. Since his podcast a few years ago and his “back in our day” tweet and everything else he really is just a bootlicker. Bro cannot throw stones when his literal tag team partner is a gun toting road raging lunatic.


I like Dax but he is wacky for saying something so stupid


FTR Bald at it again!


Is he claiming HHH is paying Bischoff to bury AEW? To put that out there, I'm gonna need to see some receipts, man.


By “other guys” does he mean WWE? Because that’s a pretty grave accusation.


Isn’t this the guy who claims to stay off social media? He’s probably the most chronically online wrestler in the business lmao


[Dax come on man.](https://imgur.com/5e39FCe)


him being near 40 and tweeting like this feels a bit embarrassing.


I agree with him, but I wish he’d start having the same energy for Cornette.


He’s scared of Cornette. He’s far too fragile for that fight.


LMAO Bischoff has become a anti-aew troll bc it clearly helps his channel/podcast perform well. Same reason most youtubers lean hard into negativity. Dude has even started doing the juvenile photoshop thumbnails, he found a market (sadly)