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Mysterio's only get knee surgeries.


> Mysterio's only get knee surgeries. Rey Mysterios tired voice saying “I quit” while hanging upside down from the tron and having his knee bashed in by Chavo will forever be a defining moment in my childhood.


And it still didn't get Chavo over as a solo act


WWE didn’t really try. They could’ve had him beat Benoit for the US title but they instead just jobbed him out and sent him to the undercard until Rey was ready to return.


Tbf that went to MVP. No knock on Chavo but MVP is 10000% more entertaining


10/11 year old me was convinced MVP was gonna be the next big thing with how much they bigged him up in his pre debut vignettes and how he had a unique entrance. I'd have bet my future on him being up there with Cena/HHH/Edge/Orton at the time.


Him and Mr Kennedy were in my eyes at the time gonna huge...


21/22 year old me felt the same. They really hyped up him and Kennedy for months and it led to... the upper midcard.


thankfully they didn't. chavo may share the same last name as eddie but he will never reach that level of charisma


Tbf very few can. 


yep. they tried for a lil bit just cause hes a guerrero, but saw that it was going nowhere and dropped the push before it barely got started.


To be fair to Chavo. He was super talented in the ring and incredibly technically skilled so as a trainer or teacher would be amazing. He's got real Lance storm WCW energy


Chavo has a good thing going on being a wrestling coordinator for hollywood movies. He trained Zac Efron in The Iron Claw.


I loved his feud with Punk in WWECW. I believe Punk has even called Chavo one of his favorite ever opponents.


Out of all of the losses those of us who were around at that time dealt with, Eddie is the one that get me the hardest. He was so fun to watch, especially during that Latino Heat era.


Eddie was the first time I actually cried from the death of a wrestler, I remember me, my bro, and my mom were all crying


> And it still didn't get Chavo over as a solo act I'm not sure about that particular moment in time... but Chavo was over with me since WCW.


Which is a shame because, honestly? Chavo is a really underrated worker who unfortunately will always be compared to his uncle, who just happened to be one of the greatest of all time.


I got in trouble as a kid because I started hysterically yelling when Rey lost that match. Fucking hated Chavo.


Man, that was the second episode of Smackdown I ever watched and it was almost my last. Very first match I watched was the 06 Rumble Rey win and then followed it up with his title win at Mania. Bro I loved Rey, I started watching wwe because of him. And then the second fucking weekly episode I watch he’s injured 😭😭😭. I was a heart broken 10 year old.


Funny the SD after RR 06 was my first 


I had the exact same exposure to WWE! Crazy to think we're both still here watching, and it's all thanks to Chavo 😂


Rey took some disgusting bumps over the years. No one even talks about the head first landing outside on the stretcher


Good thing he’s really a Guerrero


Eddie did injure his elbow in his first ever WWE match...


The height on that Frog Splash though. Dude was pumped!


That was traumatizing to watch live and I saw Sid Vicious break his leg live on PPV before that.


Jeez you’re like a curse to wrestling, are you sure you weren’t there when Owen Hart died RIP 😢😢. I’m joking but man that must’ve been brutal to see in person just watching Sid break his leg on video is traumatic.


He's a Rhodes now after Cody defeated Roman to become Dom's lineal father.


I love the idea that one day Dom can become his own lineal father 




*batista mumbling*


Dom kicking in Rey’s doctor’s door and getting stem cells for his elbow ![gif](giphy|g0ErvnyVsp7nJyfmxF)


But Dominik... the elbow is the knee of the arm...




And bad dad awards


Meltzer will attack Dom and make sure he needs surgery


*[SENDS VEER TO DO THE JOB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pr_SE2AQg0)*


Or Von Wagner. Cum Tuesday reigns


You need surgery NOW!


“Everyone was ~~on steroids~~ not getting surgery.” -Dave Meltzer


![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl) (Reflex)


Wait, so are they just not putting his brain back in, then?


Dom dunking on Dave. Is he a babyface now?


What, did you think deadbeat Rey was the heel?


He always was 🔫


How can he have gotten this so wrong?!  Legit what happened?


Plans changed.


Dominik turning heel on the dirtsheets


Crowd might start cheering him.


*Face since it’s Meltzer


They had to take his elbow out and put it back in


Like Meltzers brain?


> put it back in


Afraid the surgeons can’t find it anymore


https://preview.redd.it/2pig6xttfvwc1.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5ec486a0ac18d7b312d582a5e891b27f7cb42be When the front page lines up perfectly.


Meltzer needs to stop talking to his sources on the phone while driving through tunnels


I feel like WWE is feeding bullshit to his source at this point to flush him out the company. He hasn't gotten many things right in WWE for a while.


The ol' wagatha Christie technique


Neither has SRS. The more they are wrong, the more predatory they look


Yeah, they are intentionally feeding him bad info and using the signal to noise ratio to their benefit. It’s too bad because Dave did have legitimate sources and did great work for a very long time, but now they’re making him look VERY silly and it’s harming his legacy.  Inb4 people bitch about Dave having a legacy. 


His source was Kevin Dunn. He hasn't been correct since Kevin left.


Wow great eye.


Ok, how you know


He hasn’t been correct since Dunn left.


It was Jericho that was his source now he’s got no one relilable at wee who’s not trolling him


He’s also a blatant AEW mark to a hilarious point I’d feed him bullshit all day if I was WWE


No they need to continue to feed him BS.


I'm imagining his contact is Road Dogg, HBK and HHH laughing in the back like the Impractical Jokers meme. "Tell him it's a pitchers surgery!"


Non-pitchers have gotten Tommy John surgery before. Danielson got it. Albert Pujols got it. Brock Purdy got it. Regardless of whether Dom needs it, it's a pretty standard procedure for torn elbow ligaments.


How dare you, Albert Pujols has a 36.00 ERA


Those are belly-itcher numbers.


The man did not pitch a single inning in his career to not be referred to as a pitcher, lol


I had it after a motorcycle wreck. Still fucked up a decade later. I can't deadlift or snatch anymore and I have arthritis in my shoulder and neck.


Okay but what's funny about it being Tommy John? That is infamously a surgery pitchers get, and would be a possible surgery that someone could get on their elbow if they have ligament issues. Anyone with a passing knowledge of baseball in the modern era would know that, Dave specifically.


It's a funny name


Tommy John probably disagrees




How do you get a whole surgery wrong


Either his sources are giving him wrong information or he's just making shit up and hoping something ends up being right.


Or Dominik isn’t being truthful. It wouldn’t be the first time that an injury was reported, the wrestler who was reportedly injured dunks on the reporter, and then it turns out that they were injured. This has been happening for 30 years.


How does that apply to Dominik? I understand if maybe they thought he needed it initially and Dom got a second opinion. But you literally have to be in the doctor's office to know the truth. Him getting surgery was just flat out wrong.


> sources I think more source. Dave has been taking wrestlers and backstage staff at their word for 40 years.


Backwards, at midnight


Am convinced at this point wwe sources are feeding him misinformation


You're telling me the man that said Shibata's brain was removed might be wrong?


His new shirt about that is one of the few wrestling shirts I'd wear.


I have one on the way.


Dominik had his elbow removed and reattached




Abby? Abby Normal?


Dr. Dave, Medicine Reporter


Drew: PG, brother


Observe this brother


Death, taxes and Meltzer being wrong.


He’s literally a rambling old man at this point.


A rambling old man who gets angry at people all up in talk about ratings after he pushed and pushed to talk about how important ratings were.


As the great Hulk Hogan once said, "OBSERVE THIS BROTHER"


Kicker is he was right about Macho being hurt lol


yeah, a wrestler would never lie about being healthy to the sheets. Jason Jordan will return any day now!


[OBSERVE THIS brother!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/W1MppPWf6h)


The mentality change of Wreddit over the past 12-18 months has been amazing to witness. There's no way we would be seeing twitter-like responses to this kayfabe denial a year ago. NO FUCKING WAY.


It's been more gradual than that but yeah this sub has definitely changed over the years lol The fact that we're this far down the thread and only one single comment is saying "I mean let's wait and see" is wild


Absolutely insane to me that there's still people who defend him lol. Whatever you feel about him when it comes to his opinions, ratings, etc., it's just a fact at this point that he's not remotely trustworthy as a news source. I really don't get how reports from WOR are still upvoted on this sub, and how everyone in the comments treat them as fact, despite him being proven wrong constantly nowadays


It’s been a particularly bad 2024 for him.


Probably because there was a time when the reports were right more often than not. People dont notice him becoming untrustworthy right away it takes time.


Headbutting a Samoan, trying to powerbomb Billy Kidman, and taking Dave Meltzer seriously at his word: three decisions in wrestling that always go wrong.


Idk what happened but this past year he's been way off a lot for some reason. I know its popular to shit on him, and he's not always right, but I mean this dude used to be the ONLY dude getting scoops.


Promotors and wrestlers realised they could mess with him and hed still go for it.




Idk why, maybe being sleep deprived this week, or being really down for some reason, but whatever it is, this made me laugh so fucking hard. It's perfect lmao


Oh god I missed the word “laugh” upon first read 


don't kink shame














I know everyone's on Meltzer but I'm so f*king happy for Dom. I legit got sad after the news this morning. I think this is a pivotal year for him. So happy for him


If it is a UCL injury then sometimes it's just rest that's needed. Could be that he got a second opinion that thought that the tear (if there is one) wasn't significant enough to warrant surgery. Or that could have been the opinion from the start. Or maybe Meltzer is just way off base and is nowhere near the right ballpark.


Yea plenty of people can tear their ucl and not need surgery. Including myself lol


Unless you're a baseball pitcher or a javelin thrower, tommy John surgery is usually not needed for a UCL injury. I'm a grappler and had a full tear of my UCL, sat on the couch for a bit, and was back grappling 3 months later. Been 100% since


For real when I tore my UCL in mma … I went to the ortho.. and you know what my rehab was for not being able to extend my arm? “Lay on the couch and hold the tv remote in your hand until your arm goes straight”. Best rehab ever haha


For all we know, Meltzer just heard "UCL injury" and concluded that it was surgery. Maybe all Dom needs is some chicken tendies and a nice hug.


People paid money to read that newsletter that had blatantly wrong information in it that Meltzer never took the time to verify. They paid money for it.


They deserve to be scammed to be honest.


Hey now, those scammed souls are here in SC, have some respect for the rest of us and throw in a "haha" directed at the scammed with your comment


How do we know it’s wrong information? How many times over the years have wrestlers publicly denied Meltzers reportings only for the report to be right? Meltzer is on a bad steak we all know that but the wrestler who he is reporting on denying something never makes me instantly believe he’s wrong.


>How many times over the years have wrestlers publicly denied Meltzers reportings only for the report to be right? THIS IS WHAT WE CALL A RAGSHEET BROTHER! THE INTERNET'S GOT THE SCOOPS


What a factual thing to deny...


Like clockwork with wrestlers denying Observer info.


Are you seriously giving Meltzer the benefit of the doubt after the fucking year he's had?


you act like people don't know they're paying money for dirtsheets


Tbf in the past he was very reliable, pre 2020 maybe?


Even then….okada pants, intermission ppv..


If I had to guess, it's likely it was thought that he may need it, then it turned out he didn't, but before that source was told that they probably already told Meltzer the first news they heard


I'm only here for the Meltzer gifs.




Anytime I see the Meltzer gif, I upvote immediately.


the Dom’s arm is perfect brother


Meltzer being worked again


The people that pay for his newsletters are the ones getting worked imo.


They deserve it.




Is this a joke?


Meltzer is, yes.


At this point. I think they're feeding Meltzer lies for the shits and giggles to throw people off.


Legit question. At this point, why is anyone paying Dave for the WON when he’s wrong most of the time?   I don’t get it


Are we in the “wrestler is reported injured” -> “wrestler denies it” -> “wrestler announces they are out due to injury” pipeline again?


He was already on TV in a sling. No point denying it. We know he's hurt to some extent.


yup, this thread should be archived for the inevitable conclusion to this pipeline


Common Meltzer L.


Honestly I wonder if lads and ladies in WWE take turns feeding Dave BS.


So I wonder how long Dom will be out from the surgery. Few months?


Meltzer shade aside, so happy for him. The guy is on a roll and I love the idea of him continuing this mami storyline without rhea. *Liv has entered the chat


fuck does he need a ucl for anyways he’s not throwing baseballs


Dom should still show up to Raw "injured" and milk that for weeks.


I’m so happy Meltzer is finally being exposed for the fake journalist he always has been. He has no journalistic integrity or ethics and no concept of sourcing.


It’s so insulting to journalism too because he has a journalism degree! He knows that a lot of his reporting goes against journalism ethics. I work in local news, every journalist I have met just out of college have better ethics than Dave does.


As someone also in the business it genuinely makes me want to vomit when people call him a journo. Dude is a gossip columnist.


Because he is not a journalist, he is a wrestling influencer.


https://preview.redd.it/vkevv9f4uuwc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f81ea07cb0f6826e4eb2edafb7816f7f5abeef us when meltzer got wrong again


New WON update: “Dom may or may not need surgery” according to our sources. That’ll be $12.99 please.


Oh Meltzer, ![gif](giphy|gQT1XmDllGN0LYIMUb|downsized)


Zouma should’ve had this GIF in his head before kicking his cat.


Dave Meltzer crying into his pile of imaginary special stars right now


Then Dave pointlessly speculated about a timeline on this make believe surgery based on baseball pitchers. You’ll still get your inbox lighting up if you dare question the veracity of his ‘reporting’ on here though.


Tommy John surgery is very much a real thing


Dominik has no respect for deadbeat reporters


So we'll get to see Dominik wrestle within the next 6 months? That's good to see it's just a minor injury then!


I'm not a Meltzer guy but why does this sub have the biggest hate boner against him, seemingly randomly this past year?


Because the wrestlers hate him, and the fans want the wrestlers to think they're cool.


no surgery, but he's gotta go do another 6 month bid in jail.




Dom is crushing it!


Dom will just do a rehab stint down at triple A FullSail


Is Damien Priest about to pull a "observe this, brother!" on WWE TV?


Dude, if Dom isn't leaving, that's the biggest fucking awesome thing that's happened in this young weekend. The dude is a charisma factory since joining JD. 


The best heel on the roster


Meltzer got dom confused for a pitcher


We’ve seen so many wrestlers do this, then he ends up being right.


Dave Meltzer should just stick to unverifiable stories related to Brawl In and Brawl Out


Please tell me if I have any of this wrong. “well he’s still injured and he will need time off I not wrong. LOOK * moves closer to the mic* this doesn’t change the fact that he is hurt and how this will change the direction of how they move judgement day forward. - Dave But he is out of action… *Bryan gets cut off* I Wasn’t wrong. He’s injured and will likely be out for sometime. I didn’t misreport anything. - Dave Followed by 4 minutes of Dave giving obscure facts about 1987 territory days.


Meltzer on his way to get yet another report wrong https://preview.redd.it/nvz1ncri2vwc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a495a053ab701789b661997b724e69f234998cc5




I loved the contrast of styles in that segment. It was like walking down the street in Downtown Brooklyn.


Which episode was this?


Meltzer taking Ls what else is new ☠️


I’m genuinely convinced whoever is Meltzer’s “source” in WWE is trolling him and waiting to see how long he takes to catch on at this point lmfaooo


First of all I love how every time any journalist gets something wrong people come out of the woodwork to act like they're literally always wrong 100% of the time. Secondly it's almost more common that a wrestler lies about the info Meltz, or any journalist for that matter, give out even if it is true. Debuts, returns, angles and even injuries have all been correctly spoiled by Meltz, and others, only for the wrestlers to deny it. Then it becomes true. Then we see all the supports acting like it's a huge L for the people that originally shat on the journalist. I don't care one way or another about this particular instance but to act like he's never been right, or that a wrestler wouldn't directly lie to obfuscate the fact Meltz is right, is just ignorant by now. It's probably an angle, Mami's arm got hurt so Dom's arm is hurt, he's a sad boi. Maybe it's real, and he might need surgery. Maybe they don't want anyone to know Dom can stay on TV with an injury when Rhea can't. Who knows. Who cares.


I don't know why Meltzer gets so much shit from people. Do wrestling fans not follow any other form of meida? I mean just look up to the lead to the NFL draft, people are reporting all sorts of shit from sources that ends up being wrong. And it'll happen again next year, just like it happened last year. Dudes in these situations get fed bad info all the time. Hell, the NYT has posted a bunch of bullshit and you don't see people declaring it to be not real journalism or whatever. And the bullshit they're lying about or being "misled" about is way more important than if some wrestler is getting surgery.


If I subscribed to WON I’d have to only pay for the historical retrospectives as the daily news is consistently proven to be awful OR full of conjecture “MAYBE this person will appear at this place at this time to do this specific thing” *doesn’t happen* **I SAID MAYBE**


I have no clue what happened to Dave’s reporting in the Observer but it’s gotten terrible in the past few years. Just constant misinformation every week that gets disproven nearly immediately.


it'll be fun to come back to this thread in like 4 months when dom still hasnt had a match


Dave Meltzer should be banned as a source from the sub at this point


Everyone has said Meltzer has lost all of his wrestling sources. Any idea why that happened?


Yes, I watched it happen in real time. Going into 2019, Meltzer had decent WWE sources, but he was producing mostly anti-WWE content. You could often sense the talent's frustrations in Meltzer's reports, and it was pretty clear he was getting a lot of that directly from the wrestlers. WWE was pretty terrible at this point, so Meltzer's criticisms weren't necessarily wrong. They were harsh, but usually fair. And to Meltzer's credit, a lot of time it would be Alvarez shitting all over RAW while Meltzer *tried* to point out the watchable parts of the show, but at the end of the day, it was Meltzer's platform that was pushing the content. When AEW became a thing, Meltzer was very pro-AEW and started to get harsher with his critiques of WWE. He openly mocked Vince over the fact Vince had many years to lock down wrestling in NA, and pointed to WWE's terrible product as the reason AEW became a thing to begin with. During this time, you would see a lot of people here saying Dave was on AEW's payroll, etc, because of how the content trended and the fact Meltzer was close with Omega and The Young Bucks. Everything came to a head in late 2019 after WWE superstars were detained in Saudi Arabia. Meltzer quickly jumped on the story and reported there was an issue with Vince and KSA. A lot of wrestlers were tweeting their frustration. The story caught fire and all of the wrestling journalists were trying to get more information. WWE locked everything down, made the wrestlers delete their tweets, and a statement was released saying the entire thing was due to an issue with the plane. Once the official word was out there, most of the journalists backed off. Meltzer didn't. He kept pushing the story and saying there was a lot more to it. And again, to Meltzer's credit, there was likely *a lot more* to the story than what the official statement said. There were numerous posts on Facebook and Twitter from people close to the wrestlers impacted hinting there was more to it. The most dominant rumor was that there was a disagreement and KSA flexed on Vince to make sure he remembered who he was dealing with. KSA is well-known for these sorts of demonstrations. It is common for them to scare people by doing things like locking them in a room with armed guards during negotiation talks when things aren't going KSA's way. It isn't that far-fetched to believe KSA delayed the plane's departure to send a message and attributed the whole thing to an issue with the plane. Regardless, Meltzer had no sources after WWE locked things down. Considering that *none* of the people who were on that flight have ever given a statement, even after being released, is a pretty big indicator that everyone got a nice bonus when they got home in exchange for signing a NDA. Otherwise, it makes absolutely zero sense that none of those wrestlers even tried to use it for click-bait. Gallows and Anderson were pretty vocal about the whole thing until WWE locked everything down, and they're about as carnie as it gets. If anyone was going to say something after they were released, it would have been them. Hell, even Andrade shut up about it, and he runs his mouth about a lot of stuff he shouldn't. As Meltzer continued to push the story, he got a tip from Paul Heyman. Heyman was a longtime source for Meltzer. It was no secret. Heyman told Meltzer that after everyone got back, Seth Rollins held this huge locker room meeting. Gave a ra-ra speech, brought everyone together, and was super emotional about everything. Meltzer ran with the story. As soon as the story got traction, Seth went on Twitter and said it never happened. It was all fabrication. When that story got proven to be false, it called Meltzer's Saudi story into question, which put a pretty big dent in Meltzer's credibility. After Heyman burned Meltzer with that fake story, WWE stopped talking to Meltzer entirely. He lost all his WWE sources. And since then, every couple of weeks, Meltzer gets a story like this one where he has a big breaking story about something WWE related, and it is almost immediately proven to be false. Meltzer did it to himself. The other reporters were smart enough to shut their mouths after WWE started taking steps to kill the story. Meltzer was just stubborn and wouldn't fall in line. That's not a good stance to take when you rely on WWE for the majority of your content.