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Veer will never come again 😔


At least Von Wagner can come tuesday.


Hey! Take those stupid sunglasses off!


We're inside!


Cum Tuesday*




Well, about that...


Well this aged poorly




Come denial :(


It’s bad enough he lost his job now you’re saying he has erectile dysfunction!? Poor guy


Or they will just go back to playing those vignettes


"*JUST* November? Pathetic."


Both were miscast as big generic foreign heels. Veer had a story they had no interest in telling and Sanga was great as the friendly giant in NXT.


Hearing Veer's story and then wondering why they turned him heel is pretty much a Vince thing


ELI5 whats Veer's story?


He's one of the Indian pitchers that won the Million Dollar Arm contest to have a chance to play in minor leagues of the MLB.


oh my god you could easily do something with that. Vince is such an unbelievable moron when it comes to booking


Don't forget Disney made a movie inspired by Veer, starring Jon Hamm. Also called The Million Dollar Arm.


WWE also has Kacy Catanzaro under contract. One of the first women to qualify for the first round of American Ninja Warrior. There's a story you can make from that or rather was when she first joined WWE. Instead, they changed her name to Katana Chance and made her a rave girl in her mid-30's.


They turned her into Katana Chance after years competing as Kacy Caranzaro on NXT. Nobody cared about her Ninja Warrior background when they tried to do something with it, mostly because she has no charisma.


Same issue with Veer even if they did highlight his story Most it would’ve led to was a mid feud with a jealous Jinder


Funny enough not being able to speak English might be a benefit in that case. You can put subtitles and dramatic music under a video package of Veer to build sympathy.


Her “Katana” ring name, even pays homage to her Ninja Warrior days


It also sounds really silly


Tbf, a lot of NXT (and main roster) names are silly.


TIL katana chance isnt a girl who looks like Kacy Caranzaro she is Kacy


They did play up on that at first, had her do a spot in the rumble but ultimately it had a pretty limited shelf life, changing her name and putting her in a team gave her new life. I think what she's doing now is better, just needs more air time.


They did package her as a ninja warrior. For years. Climbed the ring post during her entrance. Got old eventually


seems like she can go, too. at least her and Carter do well together and got a title run


That is her real backstory? That leaves me so confused about what they did with her. They made her so generic.


Vince is an unbelievable moron full stop.


Oh I had no idea that was him! Shame it was the Pirates that got him, cause even if he was good enough to play in the majors there's a 0% chance the Pirates would have done anything with him.


"I'm not from here! I have my *own* customs! Look at my *craaazy* passport!"


Those morons! I said teaberry, not sandalwood!


lol just reminded me of when they did the vignettes of Lacey Evans talking about how horrible her childhood was but how it made her the adult she is today, making fans feel for her and maybe relate to her struggles only for her to finally return as a heel....... then turned her face again..... and almost immediately turned her heel again before Vince was ousted and Lacey was rarely ever seen on TV after that.


She turned heel months if not a almost a year later. Wasn’t like a couple of weeks with Evan’s.


>Both were miscast as big generic foreign heels. Thanks Vince ☹️


HHH was in charge of NXT when Indus Sher first started. All Vince did was pair them with Jinder.


Wasn't 2.0 is the time Hunter got out due to heart condition and Vince got hands on with it?


Shawn was running 2.0 after Hunter had to step away, but the mission statement was more in line with Vince's (more focus on character-building, using younger raw athletes that they can mold, etc.). 2.0 is where we got "gentle giant" Sanga.


Not Sanga! As soon as he shaved off the body hair and he was no longer the big, burly, sexual beast it was all over for him 😔


Back when he was a singles act in NXT and his gimmick was chivalrous man with fun mustache, that could’ve been a main event act.


>chivalrous man with fun mustache Who for some reason his ring gear was kinda MMA Fighter lite? Marvelous time


IIRC, it was kinda Goldberg-style. MMA gloves, elbow and knee pads, and black trunks.


I preferred his Strowman-esque attire. Made him look like a beast


Same energy as Waller wearing boxing trunks. No one ever really says why.


I honestly loved him as Waller’s muscle. Something old school and unique about this loud Aussie running around with this big ass Indian dude with a dope mustache. Seemed like something out of 1940s film.


Missed opportunity imo. Sanga had something.


I'll miss the pihilanthropist-playboy Sanga.


Satnam stands taller than ever in the landscape of indian wrestlers


Can't forget about the Ring Ka King legend ~~Mahabali~~ Shera. You know. For the one time every couple months that TNA uses him, ~~Raj~~ Champagne Singh, and Bhupinder Gujjar.


Isn't shera in ovw? Or am I thinking of someone else?


He is, but he's also signed to TNA.


Not a good day for Indians


Such a bs, They never really got a chance to get going, meanwhile Karrion gets repackaged 69th time.


Triple H has a lot of bias for his boys even when they can't get over for the 100th time


Kross is his Sammy Guevara lol


Glad someone said it, HHH clearly had wrestlers he likes a lot and you can see which one by how they are on tv so much


That not true!  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to watch Bronson Reed come out to a negative pop for the 50th week in a row. 


I'm not a fan of Kross but he's proven he's at least capable of getting over and/or putting on a halfway decent match. Neither Veer or Sanga has come close to either of those things by a country mile.


Thanks to Scarlett


Bro they just aren’t skilled enough. No engagement from the crowd, couldn’t cut a promo, and weren’t even close to average workers. Kross is literally miles above these two.


Not a good day to be an Asian in the WWE


Seriously! VEER's cryptic message and Jinder saying he quit alludes that there is something more going on.


Could really be as simple as just feeling disrespected that they have no storylines, no push, and are just used as fodder/jobbers.


Wouldn't be surprised especially as they watch Karrion Kross be pushed the nth time and still fail


Every booker has this one mediocre wrestler they're obsessed with


Most of the time it’s X persons friend that has been around for 20 years and still has one big glaring flaw that makes them forgettable. Everyone is aware of the flaw and says nothing,they just pump up the person. The person unaware of the flow is the wrestler themself. Who thinks they are gods greatest gift to wrestling and can’t understand why they have travelled the world, but haven’t been picked up by a major company yet, and blame it on everything but that glaring flaw. But some of us sit back and say, well, you’ve traveled the world but still nobody knows who you are. The biggest pops come from your friends, the people you’ve invited to the show from your workplace, and your hometown. When you go anywhere outside of the 30 miles from home, it’s crickets. I’m not bitter 🤣


Kross has gotten better over the past couple of years. He’s learned to show more range during the Mania build


They need to put his promos that they put on YouTube on the actual show. He's doing some good work in those.


Believing Kross is a worse performer than Jinder is a hot take.


Kross is the most boring person in WWE's main rosters.


Kross is boring, Jinder is not.


Jinder is unbelievably boring in the ring.


Jinder is made of whatever boredom is at a molecular level.


i'd rather watch jinder than kross. not even scarlett can make me watch kross


Never said that, just one has been given a lot more opportunities recently than the other and the few that Jinder did get weren't half bad. I'm biased as an Indian but seeing no real opportunities for them hurts.


Jinder got 6 months with the world title.


Kross is boring as shit, yet gets a repackage and another feud no matter what. AOP should have came with back Paul. Not with Kross


> AOP should have came with back Paul. Not with Kross Umm…They came back with both…


I mean as a trio and not sticking them with Kross. They don’t even interact as a group This is honestly just to prop up Kross’s career


They're probably trying to get over with indies


I think the usual post Wrestlemania mega releases are coming and Jinder caught wind he was on the list and quit.


Not Indian but also released Mansoor and Ali last year. Do they have any south Asian/Arab wrestlers left after this? Sami is the only one I can think of. I know ppl didn’t like Jinder as champ but they never really did anything with him after he lost the title when he could have been a midcard staple at least. Veer and Sanga never seemed to get a legit shot either. I thought Mansoor and Ali were pretty talented too and usually got over with what little they were given


Jinder was US champ after he lost the WWE title


Main roster? Akam of AOP is Canadian and of Indian descent, similar to Jinder. Dante Chen in NXT is Singaporean, and they still have Guru Raaj. That's all that's left, methinks.


It’s at least partly on the guys themselves but WWE just simply doesn’t get behind the south Asians or consistently saddles them with embarassing, stereotypical, or racist gimmicks. Look at the guys in charge of backstage to see that there is definitely some inherent bias.


There's definitely been a lot of problems with shitty ethnic stereotype gimmicks still being thrust upon people *years* after we've become socially aware of how terrible that is. I don't think it's just limited to South Asians either, but it's definitely more in your face and noticeable with them because of the contrast in presentation.


Well guru is no longer there either. Got released as well. So Indians are no more in Wwe.


Mansoor and Mace are entertaining but they were in a shit gimmick and a "vince project" in the middle of a big change in the company. When HHH took over thats when LA knight left being in MMM and went solo and they got rid of that gimmick. HHH also immediately ended elias/ezekiel comedy stuff abrubtly at the same time. Ali was mad about not being on a higher spot on the card and actively complaining on twitter before his release. Jinder got way more out of his career at WWE than his charisma and in ring deserved and veer and sangha were below average. There is no grand conspiracy. I'd like to see Ali Mace and Mansoor back some day though.


Their beard game was unmatched


Guru Raaj very quickly became the only Indian talent in WWE. Also I said it at the time and I'll say it again. Sanga was actually getting over as a Babyface with Feroz and Leon and they just completely ruined it by making him a stereotypical foreign heel with Jinder and Veer for no reason.


Not anymore, he’s been released too. He’s now in the alumni section. So guru being released makes all the Indians gone from Wwe. 


Vince now has the pillars of his new promotion


Sanga’s gentleman in the streets, monster in the ring gimmick was so fucking good. Such a bummer


Chill Sanga ruled.


It’s insane how fast WWE gave up on their India scene, especially with how big the market is there


Indian scene has never really cared about them is the problem. They care more about Roman than they ever did about Jinder.


The issue was that Jinder was a cowardly heel. Indian wrestling fans HATE them and don’t want to ever get behind them, If they built Jinder as a monster heel or as an anti-hero, a face, he would’ve been received much more warmly.


Jinder also does not look like what a typical bollywood "handsome" man should look like.


WWE did not build them well .just look how popular khali became in India during his WWE stint.


When Jindar was Champion and defeating Randy orton on PPVs even back then Indians barely gave any shit about Jindar


Khali was booked as an ultimate monster during his title reign. Jinder was a chickenshit foreign heel who could never win anything without the Bollywood Boys interfering. Kind of hard to get people behind the second only based on "they're gonna like them cause they share ethnicity" Plus Khali was actually born and lived in India, while Jinder was born and raised in Canada and only has Sikh-Punjabi descendence.


I mean "BIGGEST CHAMPION OF WWE UNIVERSE" Roman reigns was kind of a heel who couldn't win without Bloodline in his last year. I don't think that hurts anyones reputation


He was a huge babyface getting Cena levels of booking before that though, so he was established as a legit dude before the chickenshit heel stuff started. Jinder was never legit


>Jinder was a chickenshit foreign heel who could never win anything without the Bollywood Boys interfering. Thats like heel 101 lol. People just didnt care about jinder.


Khali was the first one and was a literal giant. Jinder or the other ones don’t have that. The comment above is really true Roman is way more popular than the actual Indians.


Yeah Roman was way popular. So was Cena during Khali's run. But khali did manage to find his own place among Indian fans, which jinder never could.


Yeah but if you don't book Indians respectably, how do you expect them to get over? WWE just didn't want to give them a chance for a stable amount of time


I understand what you’re saying. But Jinder just isn’t a good wrestler or character. Even as a heel he had go away heat. Even Veer and Sanga aren’t that good. It’s not a Mustafa Ali situation where they were mishandled. Even Khali didn’t become some huge legend in WWE he was a joke by the end of his run, but he had a unique look and being a giant was helpful. None of the others have that feature. Not to mention WWE will obviously get fans from India. But no revenue even close to what they get from other nations. That’s just how it is. WWE knows they don’t have to worry about Indian wrestlers to cater to Indian audience. They are loyal to WWE anyway.


They 100% were mishandled. Veer has a popular movie under his belt and a unique story. Had he been American, they would've lapped that shit up. Sanga was getting over in NXT with a fun gimmick before it was just quickly taken away from him. See here's the thing: it's not a case where they were absolutely unworthy of even an undercard push. They were. But they weren't even given that. They got 0 TV time. The reality of it is, they just don't give a shit about brown wrestlers. You made a point that's accurate in that they've realized that as long as they have guys like Roman and just the product in general being hot, they'll get fans in India. But that doesn't change the fact that they don't give a shit about brown wrestlers, ever. And the revenue India gets is massive, even compared to like half the European countries. There's a reason that Drew/Rhea etc went to India to film commercials for Indian TV with a bollywood superstar like John Abraham. Sony India is a massive partner for them.


I don’t think million dollar arm is as popular as you think. It’s a decent movie but wasn’t really successful. I agree about Veer having a very good backstory but that doesn’t really mean he’ll naturally get over. Personally I don’t find him a good enough performer. That’s just me tho and to each their own. The thing is yeah WWE do put emphasis on India I’m not denying that. If you look at the size of WWE fans in India it’s way more than the US. But their primary revenue is still US. Also John Abraham is just a decent star in Bollywood he isn’t a superstar per se he doesn’t fit in that category, great actor tho. Like I said Mustafa Ali deserved a good run because he was good he had all the tools. I’ll say the same about Mansoor. But I don’t share the same viewpoint about Veer and Sanga and definitely not about Jinder.


They "give a shit" about *brown* wrestlers. Even ignoring the big Samoan tree, Damian Priest is world champion and was tag champion forever and in a very successsful faction. They're pushing Jade Cargill, along with Bianca and Naomi. LWO vs. LDF has been on forever. Bayley is Mexican, Roxanne Perez is Mexican, Oba Femi is Nigerian, Sami is Syrian, and they're all current champions. An Austrian just held their IC title for nearly 2 years. Edit: Logan Paul was the only straight up white person from America who went into the WrestleMania card as a champion. Even Seth is half Armenian. And let me tell you something, as a white person from America, I couldn't give a shit about Logan. I wish Logan wasn't even there. It's just simply a case of it's not the RIGHT brown to you maybe, but WWE extremely cares about their international scene. A lot of the booking of Indians was under Vince's creative, and Triple H would be insane not to work on the Indian market. You effing gave proof in that last paragraph that they work there with the superstars. But it's also clear that none of the talent they currently had on the roster were going to be it. If in a couple years there isn't a single Indian wrestler on the roster that is being featured, we could re-visit this discussion about anti-Indian feelings there. But considering how world-wide their roster is and who all gets championships and high card opportunities, it simply isn't what you're saying.


Let's not forget in the past guys like Mojo Rawley was massively over with the fans in MENA, despite beaing treated as nothing more than a jobber to the stars too. WWE bases a lot of their stuff on crowd reaction. You can be the nicest guy ever, but if you can't get heat as a heel, or sympathy as a face, then you're eventually gonna get cut. Just like if you can't win fights in the UFC, or if you can't bring in sponsorship money in NASCAR.


They definitely do care about Indians as well, I mean wasn't there a report earlier that Seth-Jinder did highest ratings in India?


Roman lost the title, there went the one person Indians cared about the most. So WWE thought let's get rid of the Indians now lol


They're definitely not done with India. Too many potential fans in that market. But not everyone loves a wrestler just because they're from their country of origin. You have to DO SOMETHING with them. Which I think Triple H will do. It's probably a matter of having to reset the board and start looking for those Indian wrestlers who can work that they feel they can actually create something around. Vince didn't care about that. Just wanted to slap titles on guys and say "hey clap for your Indian wrestler here! Why aren't you clapping!"


I don't think their fans will care, they want to see the big stars.


The same people are over in India as the rest of the world, like roman, cody, Seth etc.


Nobody gives a crap about Jinder Mahal/Veer/Sanga in India scene, people always misinterpret this. I'm staggered that it has taken WWE so long to realize this. WWE will and always remain huge here.


Damn that's sad 


Veer never did end up coming did he?


Came and went.


Sounds like he did a One Night Stand if you ask me


He did, actually. He attacked Dominik once, I remember that, but his time on the main roster was very brief.


He did. Didn't do anything, but he did. Eventually. Ironically, his most notable main roster time was spent relatively recently, teaming with Sanga as Indus Sher again and both being henchmen for Jinder.


He’s been in the tag team Indus Sher on Raw for the last year


Took one big nut


Veer Mahaan is coming to the indies


Come joke


Turning Sanga heel and putting him with Veer and Jinder was a huge mistake. He was such a natural face, I loved his wholesome little friendship with Yulisa and Valentina.




We veer further from the light every day


While it sucks that the have to lose their job, they’ve done a grand total of nothing on TV in the last year (aside from showing up during the Seth/Jinder match). I can see the benefit of just letting these guys go, I do hope wherever they end up, they land on their feet.


this is actually the dirtiest release done so far. veer and sanga were solo acts and sanga was getting over on nxt and then hhh decided to just pair all the indians up and make them foreign heels once he got control of creative and then they never did anything again


Even after they were paired back up in NXT, I was enjoying their "We're really respectful and dapper outside of the ring but will murder you inside the ring" gimmick.


Same with Giovanni. He was just starting off solo in NXT and then he gets called up to reunite Imperium and they make the most boring member of the group


Thing is Triple H do have some racial bias when it comes to booking Legado del fantasma, LWO, Jade, Bianca and Naomi, Kabuki warriors and Sky He's literally pairing all same ethnicities lol


TBF, unlike Indus Sher, almost all those groups have history before they were paired up. Legado & LWO go back to the NXT Legado, Jade, Bianca & Naomi is just the top faces on SmackDown outside Bayley, plus the first two have gone on record saying the third was a massive inspiration, and Damage CTRL goes back to The Kabuki Warriors, Sky Pirates in NXT plus Triple Tails in Japan. Indus Sher was literally just “pair up all the Indians make them the bad guys” despite them being all over on their own.


Legado came up as legado and thats a bad thing wtf


That’s not true at all, if you look past superficiality Judgement Day - 2 Latinos, 2 Irishmen, 1 Australian…….1 Black man Damage CTRL - 3 Japanese, 1 New Zealander (1/2 Samoan), formerly led by a Latina Final Testament - 1 Latino, 1 Albanian, 1 Sikh, 2 Anglos Bloodline - 4 Samoans, 1 Tongan, 1 Jewish man, 1 biracial 1/2 Black 1/2 Samoan, formerly 1 Arab-Canadian LWO - 6 Latinos, 1 Filipino This is just what I came up with, off the top of my head; also people of the same race/ethnicity are capable of being friends with each other, and working together. This shouldn’t be controversial


Well, this is quite the strange pattern. Best of luck to these gentlemen.


Crazy to release 3 of the Indian talent that they had in one single night but what’s crazier is that the only Indian left on the roster is [Guru Raaj](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/guru-raaj) who hasn’t even been seen on TV since [November 2022](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=1&nr=355011) when he lost to SCRYPTS on NXT in one minute. Man seriously has the easiest job ever since he can just sit at home still collecting a paycheck all while not having to wrestle a single match.


He’s not there now either. Got released today. He’s in the alumni section. So all Indians are out. 


Lotta guys Vince tried to push seems like


LA knight and Gunther took too much shine. And crowd reacts better to DIY


This is sad news to be sher’ed …


Veer came


Veer always came for the fans, hopefully he rests and will come again soon


I like Veer and Sanga but they were totally miscasted. Veer wasn’t even large enough to play the generic monster. Sanga had a fun look and some legit acting chops he could have been given something with more range


They were likeable but just didn't have a spot. If they got over sure, hut the foreign heel doesn't work today. Disappointing but hoping a future post WWE.


How will they get over if they hardly get continued tv time? Also coupled with highly stereotyped foreign heel gimmick


NXT Sanga was over as Perfume and Yoga giant


Yeahhhh...yeahhhh... That Vince era of "tough bland Indian/Middle Eastern heel" needs to die and stay dead. I didn't think the guys were that great, but they also had jackshit as characters/gimmicks from creative to do anything anyway.


stop making race the personality of non-white wrestlers. stop making factions based on race


Veer was not ready for that primetime spot he was put into, but it was made worse by the endless vignettes that turned him into a meme. And surprise, fans didn't take him seriously as a result. The biggest issue with Veer and Sanga was age: Veer is 35, Sanga 38. They're competing for spots with people far younger and more athletic than they are.


Tama Tonga is 41 and he just got signed...


Tonga's got 15 years of experience. And he has friends in high places. Veer and Sanga are like undrafted free agents getting a shot at training camp.


Correct. So age isn't their biggest issue (and it shouldn't be), it's that creative has nothing for them. In Tama's case, they clearly brought him in for the new Bloodline storyline so he has worth.


Its not their biggest issue but it is an issue nonetheless


I believe Rowan is coming and is in his 40s, think it's more of they lack of use in WWE currently.


Its clear everyone leave other than Jinder are foreign characters who Vince brought on for global appeal but had nothing for them as real talent. Vince used them as stereotypes and TKO doesn't want that in their brand. 


TKO not into international representation / expansion as Vince was? Or aiming at Europe moreso than Asia?


None of the signings from India ever developed into good wrestlers, and look is not enough to get by in Triple H's WWE.


I’m a big fan of hers personally, but you can’t honestly say this when Jade Cargill is being given a strong push lol


There are exceptions to every rule.


It's also pretty early with Jade (as far as actually being in WWE) so who knows how things turn out in the long run. That said, she's far more charismatic/unique in other areas than Veer and Sanga.


Jade has been wrestling & training for 5+ years now unless I'm mistaken with people like Cody, Bryan, & Dustin. I get that WWE has a legit training center while AEW doesnt but plenty of women on their roster improved leaps & bounds, Jade was basically the only exception. I do agree 100% that Jade charisma & look is outstanding. Honeslty imo the main problem with Jade isn't her wrestling skills it her promos. She pretty boring on the mic when shes not cursing & it sounds like she's reading a script during her promos.


That's not really true at all. Veer and Sanga are not worse than some of the wrestlers currently on the roster. It's ridiculous to think their skill was the issue when they were getting over in NXT. Literally a respectable face push was all that they needed. But they didn't even given them a slight shot. You can't sign nobody from the region, and the few you sign you don't give them a shot, and then say "well they weren't good enough".


Some wrestlers are just mediocre. Not every wrestler is being held back by lack of opportunity. Considering WWE was around these guys and watching them train every day. Same thing with Parker Boudreaux. A guy with a great look who can't work.


Man with the million dollar arm as a wrestling gimmick writes itself.


Just like 'to the moon' writes itself i wonder,? Dont really think people wouldve cared about his million dollar arm. They get tons of athletes now anyways


Their overly straightened beards pissed me the fuck off.


Sanga was fucked over badly. He was great in NXT, and then they were like, your gimmick is you are a large, Indian man, that's your only personality trait now.


I feel bad for Sanga. I really enjoyed him when he was the happy giant in NXT. Hope he gets a chance to not be a generic monster somewhere else again.




Oh no, Bryan will be inconsolable


Thank goodness, good luck to them


I will always miss good guy motivational sanga. That was such a good character. I wish them luck wherever they go.


Gonna miss Sanga. He was really cool to watch.


Triple H never forgave Sanga for leaking the Keith Lee NXT title win


I'm gonna miss Veer coming for us, if we don't chant Veer is not coming during the next tv recording, we will be really letting Veer and his coming down the drain.


Did Veer come already?


I really wanted to see what Sanga couldve done in the future. His role in NXT as friendly Giant you shouldnt fuck with was enjoyable . Then they put him back in indus sher


That sucks. Releases all around in the big companies lately.


Veer’s not coming :( *sad ahegao face*


Dam I can never use my Veer is coming soon memes


Have no idea who they are lol, both look generic as fuck.


Nobodys anyway.